The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1909, Image 5

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    "JI fPLUP
Sm t&M $ Sm 0
We have an unusially
beautiful line of
rrsunvjzaaximtxszv ff
This year-Also Slates
Pencils - Crayons and
all School Supplies
don't fail to come in
before you buy.
-l. Mtammmpamssm
Chas. L. Cottmg,
The Druggist.
vm- smz f-i $$l C-fr C-f :
xwr-uojiu. l. -w fll
(CO. Ilollistor is homo from Denver.
Jim MuiMiivillo was ii; SuporiorSun
tlay. Dan Pago wjw up from llnrdv Satur
MlssUtadys Jones r.oni to Alma
I. J. Weaver whs up from Superior
Lntix Nnudi-is went to Broken How
Mrs. Hurry P md . hero visiting
Mrs. Fred HorUelt returned to Alma
Dr. Thomas ami family aro home
from Colorado.
Miss Iva Patten in visiting in Camp
bell this v. ci'lc.
Fred Temple of Kansas City is in
town this week.
Mrs. Hunter was down from Kiver
ton Wednesday
Mr. ami Sirs. (Jeo. lilair of liiucolu
aro in Ib'd I'loud.
Attorney Saylor went to Areadis.
Nob W'etlr.e.-day.
Mi- iiiv !arber went to 1'ttlrbury
Mo:nl:i uioinlng.
Mi- lhvight Joiie came up from
.. I. . tt'io't Tile-din .
.. .' iilUfl t iUliVl'l5 ll'lltlt fjMlll
F.onti 'i'
Satuui.- ".
Mi- U . .
v. out ;j Ow:
Mi and M
are i. : n
Su Kiy night.
Tin mire and
'. M C.I f.U'
I In lied i loud m bonis will opi'tl Oil
t- ml ii 'Mi ti.i- o ir.
Mi L.i if I i -Nit" i-itc 1 h ssi-tei,
M' . itO P lit! ll.l- M i.
Iiyd tti'U'lliimilf was l w ii from
W i"liiilf. Kn, tnii wttU
Mi Ikn'un mid iii Wdlhitu are
vis'tmg In Cowle- this week.
ItiM'iutrd MoNcin n turned tin- lust
hi the week from Colorado.
Ml Vivx ll.od f 1 Untitles i- vl-it
turf h latin- h'MO this week.
W. . UfcltanliMU) nnil family haw
turned into tin" I Jr. Joties' residence.
Mis Y nf mother of C implied
isit d in Uod Cloud tin' lirst of the.
Wool;. . X ,
';. '' M ' - 1 ,j i.i
Fun mm: -Ah utmost new Smith
Premier Tjpeurlter-IK. '2i Hod
liny a whip of Fugol, the harness
man. and got n free cliatK-i' on the jlS
Mr. and Mrs Sim UobortMiu went to
Lincoln Vidned morning l visit
,M'-. and Mis Al'- Smelser uiv tin?
in oiiil jt'irenH of m liahy boy lrn
ile l.oturton and family enter
tiiituit u niete from Heat rice the Hist
if the Week.
With ewr ?1 whip bouiit of Jop
fo'id you k't u ft'-e chance on an SIS
citiKle liarncx.
Mr. and Mr- Will Robertson lull
Wedncsduj evening for Colorado to
on jy nu outintf
Mr. and Mrs. Al MeCarter are the
proud parents of a 10 pound baby boy
born WVdnesday.
Mrs. (Jeo. Lcininy and ihui(hloi' of
Lincoln aro the guests of Win. l'arkes
and wife this week.
eorp; Davis and family left tills
week for Georgetown, lint., where they
will visit relatives.
SU'M, UUlc pleavatit, geutle, easy
safe and muiv pill, are Ulnff Little
Liver J'.!! "'old by Henry Cook.
.J.i. I ujL i- back from Pueblo,
(''... ui! ha- dfiined a lied Cloud
ball -u ' !or the test of the sea-oii.
Keeular meoliiiK of the l'ruternnl
Aid As-oeiatioii this Thuisdny even
ing. A good attendance is ileal red.
The.Chieago specialist will be tit the
Koytil hotel in lied Cloud, iigain
Sitturdnj. Aug.. ;Stli. Consultation
There will bo a bi ball game iicrc
bi'Uveeu tho Guide l!ock auil lied
Cloud M. W. A., lodge teams lieloio
l-'ratik Cow den and Harold Lctson
tiro honu tiom Cliicago where they
had been luiyini? fall goods for their
Mi- Jtidgo Deggutt and two rtuugh
t'i left th.i iimrnltig for a visit with
lie" d. r Miti i . Mrs Heft C-irr of Mill
(H II. Xt'1'
I .
Mi's. Vl:i.P.iik leturiieil Iioiikiciu. :-..- Tor .Idf.k. '
Wyiuo fSnn l.iy niiitif wlure she las Tho Hn-o Hull -s ..-uitiiiii has ile ,
been l-iling In i duugliter for (lie oi.le.1 t pl.i n h n-i.t c mi. r'i' dm U
past iiiontli Musters ties! l'iio-,l.u .In'; hn- led
Till! ladies of the Christian church us in lctnry more thuii oneo let ti all j
! will serve ice crenin tinrt ctilic In the ' go out and attend the giiiue. Tuesd y
j Court House yard Friday night, iic.vt. Pont f,njet
I Uvorybndy wtKome
(ton i.i. ,.f w.,. ...... t .... fnn.nin.': Ollitr. 01 hlillft I rcUMlfr.f'.
' .'"v.. ..-'.. - .....v. .
' mills south west of I'ed Cloud nti the
i Lim .ii n N't ii . Aimust lt in.
. ISl'I'I'lwil 111 W ( I'l'lllllll (,Olllll
Dm Nuiris fnrin. Plekul apple- HV, ,o.miu.-r. tweiilv eight tlmu-nliii.
w iiidfnlls H'.e or ." tii. for Si seven liiiii.ln .1 mid iiluel v lle dollius
Ivan Means ti... li-.tln vear and a half 'V"1 l'"7,l,'y '' "r ,0,,,,,
old son of Mr and Mrs.' Waller Means , ;Xoi r.i"d '.' .'" '""I'r, i
died 'i'lies lay at. d whs burled Weduis- .,.,.S(( j l-mnj t t 'i.'.'T r"
day in the I led Clo'id eeinetory. I lledempt ion Fund '."Jl5 l ,
.,... . i ir i .i. ,.i. ' Principal on -elionl laud .. tTJ7 7 .
Pim-sahe. earl,oli,ed. soothes pain. ,,,.,.,, si.(ol 1()(, o-,, s
In tiny einergiMicy-bruises, cuts, sores, i.ns,,,,,, school hind fi.OS
iuiriis. -cratches olc, Pinesalve, car- Prlnciptil on I niver-ity Inml ".HMI
bollzcd. is be-t. Hold bv lleiitv Cook Jntcicst on " " p.'rtlsri
i.easo on vi.i hi
IIoi-i:vM l.oi- ion Sm.i;. A nice
0 room honsu and I1) lots located
clo-e in. Ids Is it nice place. In
quire i iu Chief olllcc for further
partieiil.ii s.
Iloiner Morgno vmi home over Siui
ihiy from his lirst trip over III- terri
tory for the indy Co.. of St.
Joe Mo Iloiner 8ns it N tlic tie-t
cindy hou-e in I lie V. S
Mrs. Miiytno Weaver and i-tr, Min
W ilia Heuder-oii who have been hure Kil Ifowlii in- jfone to '
Total anion nt S'.'fvTU.Ysl
ii, t! llm s. State I'iciimiii r
This is nu nelos pay to tho Httitej
from .Inuuaty I. 'i.i to ilttlv 1-1 (!)
Cll'lhK ROCK.
Hrnesf llii.- is in Neittle.
Cha. HiL nd liii- gone 'o Lniu-. '
Jl. M. Al i ti i .l I'.. li ue soon toi l
HeHttlc. '
H t 1.1. e I
! il du
a Moiiilav.
hit r
Ll ofM.irysMlle. M.
I'.. h .'ii" cf Pled Tin
li.'i '
in in i
-till "M I
t' . i-
i: d
i '
m'h. biin.-
nt -liiiui '.r. iiday
- iin'a t.t iiu'-h
it -
OU men
r l
if M
in us in
clothes are entitled
truth about what you buy here; and we're
glad to have you know it; there's nothing
here that weVe afraid to tell the truth about.
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes arc all
wool; and all-wool is the only real, full value
in clothes. We have some clothes that are
not all-wool; we'll tell you so if you
select any of them. Wc clont advise you to
buy cotton-mixed goods; they're mostly
disappointing, and that's bad for us as well
as you. We have them here to sell to men
who are not yet wise enough to insist on
We'll try to persuade you to buy Hart
Schaffner & Marx all-wool clothes; they'll cost
more because they're worth more.
Suits $18 to $40.
vi iliug .1. II. Uohiiisou and family
anil other rcUtUoi departed for their
home in Stella. N'obr.. Saturday morn
ing. The W. C. T. f will meet with Miss
K. A Cutting Wednesday it t 'J:"0
There will be election ofollleeis. Tho
1st division will serve refreshments.
All members me requested to be pres
ent. The Ied Cloud ball team played
Hastings here this week, lied Cloud
won Monday's game by a score of ;M.
Hastings won Tuesday and Wednes
day's games by tho following scoies
I. P. Drain'-hoiisonortli west of tho
city, ami contents, were burned to tho
ground Tuesday afternoon. The Iosh
was complete. Xo one was nt homo
when the lire Martcd and eonsccpient
!y nothing was saved., the groat Pile remedy, pre
vents Piles bv pi event lug I'oiistipntion.
It is conveniently applied directly to
the trouble by means of a small 110.I0
attached to the tube in which Man'an
is put up. Sold by Ileniy Cook.
Take Kodol at the times w lien you
feel what you have eaten is not digest
ing. JCodol digests what you cat so
you can eat sullieiently of any good,
wholesome food, if you will just let
Kodol digest il. -Sold bv All Dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. A. I!. Scllaisiind family
oi l!ed Cluiid, Neb., who hao been vis
iting lit the home of .Mr. (Hid Alls. (ieo.
New house. Hounio Hrao avenue, left
last night for Seattle to attend the c."
position.- Tho l'veiilng Hulletiu.
Walla Walla,
I desire to t hard. iuy many fi lends
u I o voted lor mo at the primary elu
Hi n, mid ui-li lo'it-'tiic 4nii that I
iijipreciate urv much vu.n suiJiMirt.
111l i-veii tin siirl, d ft ill tl. 1 w ill cxei t
eiy eltoi t to fticii.- the ri.ttion of
1 ' ' ' ' .r,ittional J ihe smossful candidatiH on the iKnm
li hoM tin iri.n.n'ii'j uiuket ,-i-at!c mid Peoples Independent ticket
'!"" :" ''' r' "'i'tftilny i (. A A un ti.n.
tiny 'c Sclitnidt aged In 3 ears, ii
mouth and U days tlit.fl Weduosilny
iiiuriiiug at tho homo of his parents.
Mi. and Mis Louis II .Schmidt, who
live 011 Wade ICoonUV faun west r
this city. Tho funeral took place
Thuisdity afternoon at the home. Ilev.
stiillcr olllciating. Interment took
li'nee in the lied Cloud cemetery.
The superior Hxpress is greatly
woikcd up over the bail games between
the Supci ior and itcd t loud teams. 1 11
as much as we have scooped seven
game- out of twelve and have 11 scoies
to their Ii.1 during the series wc can
not see how tho Lxprcss can got much
comfort out of tho contest. One of
the worst drubbings of the season was
given tho Superior team when they
went down to defeat to the tune of 11
to (I last Thursday That ought to be
humiliation enough. Superior will bo
compelled to wait another year before,
sho can experience tho joy of healing
lied Cloud on thedainond. l!K)ii, l!o?,
li)09, looO nice reading records.
This ofllco acknowledges the isit of
Carson llildreth. the great exponent
of the strcnoiis life in the Republican
valley, last Fi Liny. Mr. llildreth as
president of the board of trustees of
Franklin Academy is using tho same
methods in building up the academy
as lie used in !iis own business and it
will bo a cold world indeed if tho
people do Pot Hock to tiie institution
by the hundieds. dust thinic of it lie
and Ills party have traveled over l.'iK)
miles and visited l2,o)o homes in which
thov left literature pertaining to tho
academy. Mr C. L. Cotting of this
city is a trustee of tho iicadoiny and
assisted the party in I ho wotk here.
Mr. Cotting informs us that this year
will 1)0 tho best in (Ins history of the
academy. Advertising pays. The
who put your
this matter of
to know the
ludi'iiia to w-if relatives.
Litl . He ie Ivrry alitiit lit 11- 1
Frank IVrn has been julte ill I
J .1 Ca-scll and wife aie epeeled
homo -0011 from a month's tiip through
the west.
Henry Munsou and family of uford
aro expected heie this week to visit
old friends
Little Llsie Dotigliinan of Diesden.
Km., is here isitiug her sdster. Mis.
Leo prachcr.
Miss Conlryiii 111 ot Weeping Water
arrived .Monthly evening to visit her
sister, Mrs. Ii. W. McCallum.
Mr-, f ic 01 go Iloevo Is suiTeriug with j
rheumatism in her foot and ankle.'
She can sc.i'eely get about. !
Miss Heiil, ,h PoudiiH is home Mi 1
Doitlder, tier aunt Mrs. I. W. Ci uj
will 1 cumin ,t awhile at llntildei. j
The W. C. 'I . U. ladles w ill give a 1 . ;
nit? for the Loyal Temperance Legion j
childieii on Wednesday. September 1.
Mis- M ill y Lambert anied liome
.iloinlay fioiii ralrbury where she at
tended ti aelier's institute all last week.
Mr.-. Vina McCallum and daughter,
Mlss.iessic McCallum expect to leave
for Lincoln next woek whole they will
.Satuiday evening Warren Vance
and wito of Texas wore gcust- at W.S.
Laiiibeits. They aro visiting ichithes
in this Mieinity.
Win. Hodges expects to move t
Host ie k haviug -tout there
John Yung bought Wiu 1 1 mines' tosi
! nee pioperty here.
Mi-- Delia Wat) Imm
Dti den, Kan-as. He' m plitsi little
ll.11 ! y Smith e.ini" wi'h In r and will
vL'.t licie a short time
Ls. A. J. Ilajes nnil l r s. .1. V,
Hodgt s enttrtniiud the M I. K. club
0:1 the l.iwii at the home i.i Mis Dices
on WVdiiOHtln of la-t wfelV
V . S. Lumbeit, Archie Liitultrt and
Albeit Nchubourg luive bi en doing a
lot of cement work for A. Fcigiisou
who reside north ea-t of (iuidc Uock.
Mr, (iregg foriiuily Mis Auna
Turner has been i.-itiug her sister
Mrs L C. Cone. She icturiicd Mon
day to her homo in To.Mis. islif used
to teach school lit Webster county.
Mrs. May Kolluni and twolittlesons
departed Thursday lor tholr homo in
St. Francis. Mrs. Kolluni lias been
the guest of her mother, Mrs. (1. W.
Hoover, ami sister Mrs Lli Fowler
Ilicliard Hchuittkcr died Sunday at
the home of his patents. Tito funeral
was hold at tho family home Tuesday
alternoon at L':.'lo o'clock. He was a
member of tho Modern Woodman lodge
of (luido Hock.
.John Hulty is expected up from
Leavenworth tho first of September to
visit his sou Alouo Unity and Ills
daughters, Mrs. A. Vollors and Mis.
W. F. Crowell.. Ho will also attend
the state fair at Lincoln.
Miss Crail'ord gave a tine recital
Wednesday evening with the assistance
of her classes of both vocal and in
strumental music, Her sister Miss
Colin Craifortl gave a couple of man
dolin selections. Tlieto was a good
Miss Ulauclie Unbind youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. MHoland
was married at tho homo of hqr par
outs Sunday morning, Aug. 112. '01, to
Mr. . I. U. Trust, Itev. ii. W. Pool of
ficiated. They departed t lie same
morning for a visit in Iowa They
will mtike their homo hero. Mr Trost
is harness maker for tho White Hard
ware company. All extend congratu
lations. The W. C. T. I". had 11 very pleasant
mooting Wednesday of last week at
the home of Dr. C. F. Moranvillo and
wife. Tho annual election of otllcein
was held. The ollleiu's ate Presi
dent, Mrs. John Yung; Vice l'tesidont,
i new styles for fall I
i wear, ?
Always glad to
show you.
. te.iv- Ki. .111.
I'irsl Door North o( Pctofiicc
- V'A. -vy-rVvv"V'V'
AmaGk & Chaney
I Furniture, Carpets
,u 7r-'r3
rMilr Wl
f SF V7.
. - I II 1. 1 1 . I - . . . ..... . . .a
I'rauiciiii aciKiemy is an excellent .Mrs. Frank liailcy; tor. sec. .nis.iico,
soliool and should aeooi tied a large at-I Watt. Kcc. sec, Mrs. ( lareuce Luy.
Big Auction Sale-
Second hand goods of alik'nd
good wheat drill. Don't forgi t tho chinches
d.ito Saturlaj -. HI. l'toi en tl
Til-usurer. Mrs. ti M. Albin; Flower
Mission Supt., Mrs. C. T. F.lyt'Kvnuo
Heal Supt,, Mrs. c. K. Vauglian;
Mother'i Meeting Sunt., Mrs. T A.
Haldwin. I T. L. Supt., Mrs. l;
U1IO , in,. ,,..i I... Vie.. Pi n-liieiit 1'ion. tho
i ' . . -- .........- .....
.Methodist, Mr-. Iliibhnid.
SSEDFERN Whalebone
nircr.tolrc HlOfllC .19 s inoderaicly short and full
above the waist but has tho very long -kut, fully
encasing the hips s ippie-sing tlielr fullness and
producing tho straight hip line Designed for
1 at her short, full forms. An addition to tkis,
model that adds to its eotnfort and filing beauty
is found in the
SECURITY Rubber Button Hose
rust ptoof. of course which aro accurately placed
by the designer of theso models at front and sides.
Model 3!) While Batiste. White Coulllle
PRICE $1.00 to $5.00
SamcPaltern In delicate White Fliured Brcchty.
PRItE $1 00 to $500
wii lbUMbUfilbJMbilfUUlLT1HbUf ! U
Do you know that It will pay YOU, as
well as US, to buy your liiillding Ma
torial and Coal at our yards? Not only
that our prices average lowor, or at
loast as low, as thobo of our competit
ors, but uecai'he wo take especial care
of and protect all can bo olassod it'
ll K (JUL A It CUSTOM I" . -
( S
c fi
Coal. Lumber.
The Chief $ 1 a year
(In', 1 ' a rt Mi-. Maj Sab 11.
Mrs Hti h. (let'iiian 1 v mgel .a' Mrs
( , V Sili 1 In