The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1909, Image 1

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State Utslorlcnl Sociay
-fc-K-,, 'M'ggi-rSv-igV'
2s j3-yi5jj VjgTs'sri. ft.-i
ilM .jl. -vM.r"r. ?". ir- ,. - -
-" -"' .- -, v" v " " . . r.- - - . r - ' s - -i - - "CBlw. -. .--- ''i-A-s-r-- -52- rfV,
fc-fc ,fci "
-J?JT J-- 1
4 Nchjipapcr Hint (ihr.s This Nm l:irtj-tno Kciks Kuril Yi:ar for Onr. Dollar.
One dollar will open an
account with us, and we
pay 3 per cenl interest
on time deposits of six
months or longer.
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R
13. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Win. M. Crnb.ll.
S. R. Floranu.
to lii inn- iix (ln- I tli daj if .loin- c".
I ii .il 1'.. V . K s ( ninny I It iU
N'dw riiiiit A. 1. linker, and aks
tbo -i,ssiniiit on block l'J. M. It in
iio.., I'Niiiiiittion ti mm- inn i..-m
duecd -loo from Mioiimsis-oiI valuation
i to (irii'spiiiiit with adjoining iroH't'ty
anil 77 neros ill oU set, 1-1-11 fium Ml!7
to SOou to eomspiiiul Willi adjoining
lllllll (111 llllltillll Hllllll' WItS H'JL'l toil
Now i'oidds I. v, IMsou mill ask-.
that I nolo of lllllll ill IIWl l.VI'.l I li
st I ll'Uell I'l Olll list llllll till' Vlltlll- lie-
ilticti-il horn total valuation, (in
Floi'anco, Cashier.
Wm. H. Thomas,
3EBffi3S335EEiB53 & &mMM& SSfimZSSSam
At Their
tenteous Assortine?
, m U K V - --
to Select .
hinds lromWhicto
lii i run ii. Si mi , .lituo i.lth W.
I..iiiiliitititi lloat-tl iih-L hi Ki's'tlon,
Mi iiili.-fs pri'MMit W. It. AiuU'fsoii, T.
i liliii. Cj., J n. drpr-
". W. ltwiiuifll, II t . St'itl. niil
I. W. It'oi-. I
"a motion duly M'coinl mid cuifli'il
I! AimIimmiii wus L'lioson to net :is
linn until oi t Ik lloaxl
nvi'oini'- llainost Wi'lscli and com
i mis tlmt lu is asit'ssi'il to IiIl'Ii on
l-liult !. Kaley A Jiii'Usoii'h tulilltlnti to iiiotlmi was ninntcil
lc I Cliiiiil, anil lots 1 to 10 iiml 11 to Now i-oiiu-s I). in (larlicr anil i-om-
I ttliifk 111, Uailnmil addition to lt'od i plains that tlu valuation of liiml sol
t Ion 1 On iiiotion tissL'ssiiiont win it'- -Ii--H is too lii;li, in propoi lion to
(Iticcil ir(. aoltial valiiiitioti on lilock jollier lands in .smut- si-otlon anil asli.s
!', Kalcy - .Jackson's Hild. ' thai saint' lie reduced 'Jo per cent. On
Now ooines .1. ). Nicliol mid claims motion duly seconded mill eani"d re
lie wus assessed to hljjli on 12 lioiul of jipiesl was i ejected.
Iiors'.-s in I'.tiMI, liiue precinct and asks I Now comes A. U. Tieive and com
tliat same tin lcduced. On motion I plains that lie is assessed to liijli on
' i '21 acres comprising llm sw part of his
fariii and w liieh was assessed III MM)S
at S'.'i'l per acre tuul asks tliat miiiu In-
J Will buy your hay in Slack or on Car.
1 Holiest market prices Paid. Will be
jLjhul to look at your hay any time.
Address Alma Alfalfa Mill Co
Alma, Nebraska.
same was t ejected.
Now comes V. I'. Keulin and com
plains that ho is nssessed to Itlh as
comptrcd willi iiiljoinin-r 1-uuN hitttnt-i-d
in Line prtcinct, nel sol. 101-11,
mid a-lts tlrtt -mile ho eipiaViuil. Oil
invesi(i-ntnii lliiiii d Minis there is in'
grounds f..r eoiniila'.iit and on inotiim
-attn- is i eject oil. Iiiiix . ! for I ! jour l!HW In- n uncled
Now eouu-t llenij Ivot-i tni'i-of Uiitin ' in Hint ill um eeiit Iip added to all Im
icdtici-il tolOo per acre to cniupatc
w itli other lauds of like Millie adjoin
iliK on motion t quest was .1.
Nuw imiiu'h Win Ivi-nliel ami asks
that i-iior in nssi sinoiil of Villajri' of
pit-i it -t and m-ikiB compluitit that
imptoveiiu-ntN on his land Is o.coWivo
mid asks that sntno be roditccd from
tjnooto S2soo. On motion sntno wn
reduced lioui 8.1500 lo W.'utl acluul
n ry A. ll iippi-arcd mid nadc
diinpliiint that iMst&tiiucnt ou her lots
ii u.-itml in li'ilc7 Ints 111. r20 fimj.! its
.'! I Idot-k ,'2. oiiginal town of Kid
('loud is to hih as to com pa re with
foimer year-, mil asks that .saino lie re-
lin-e I On motion duly Kecoiidud mid
t-.iriieii the eoniplaiut was rejected.
p'ovcini'iits locuifiinn with Uie uiolioti
which is a matter of record in proceed
ingi of I'.ipiitliif.ntioii Hoard nnn'e in
new-ion of lOJs, v.lilcli reiil 'Ueivolvcil
Mint -10 per cont lie doilncted fiom lots
alone ill Vitiligo of lllIHIlle " (In
motion duly second tl and enrried the
del l I- liiHlr ctfil to collect tlieeiroi
in Mie assehsmont of the illiuri' of
Inavalo for the year 1t)nj and the
trca.tnei- insti acted to ollcM the
sa me
Now comes W. . slii-iwood and
claims that his resldtnco "llnated on
Now comes Uoselta Arnold l.v has. I h'ts to, 11. P2, lilock '20 ile.l (.loud isiis-
at our showing of Summery Fabrics, Fur
nishings and Apparel and you will take
great pleasure in making whatever selec
tions that are necessary to make your list
of summer things complete.
We are endeavoring lo provide sensibly
for hot weather requirements, and a con
sideration of the selections advanced will
readily show the marked attention given
to the wants of our people as we inter
pret mem.
en, too, there are specials that demands
attention. A visit to our Store will be of
mutual benefit.
CJOur Grocery Stock is also New, Complele
and Up-to-Date.
jner ores
Genera! Merchants
H. A. LETSON. Mgr,
OTSIgIi S3ggSfiES33
Vruold and complains that assessment
otiiel. n :t 10 for the year I'.ioS is to
high anil also wants it corrected, ask
that valuation lie reduced lioin SlSuO
to S'l.'Oo. On motion valuation was
reduced trom flSOO to 8P.80O. Com
meneiiiK with the year 11)0 ', taes.paid
tortlie year MIoS paid tindut protost
but not icdticed in this action.
ilosie goti appears and malic com
plaint that she is assessed to high on
lots 11, 1'2, hloclc 10. lied Cloud as coin
paied with former years and ii-ksthnt
tlie same he rtduced. Ou motion the
complaint was rejected
Now comes 15. t-'ehnicher mid claims
the ncl,!(l 1 1'2 is assessed to lihrh as
compared with adjoining lands and
ask that s'uiic ho corrected, upon in
vestigation Hoard finds thcie is no
grounds for complaint mid ou motion
request is rejected. Taxes for the
year 100 paid under protest. No act
ion. Now conuK I'mmii Poyer owner of
scl sw I, bwl sel, '"$ .1-1(1, mid nw I nel,
nel nwl, :iU-!l-l0 and claims her assess-
mont is to large as compared with ad
joining lands mid ask that same he
reduced. AIIMaUt.
Se4 sw I. sw I sol, of US MO no 1 in
prtncineiils assints calls for S.lOu and
y,ii(i on land nwl nei, nel nwl.;!.. ,i lo
.-istiu ou land total S.llOJ. claim for
100U hy her than land surrounding
siiiiie and wo hireliy ask for it cut of
same, aaschhinciit on Improvements. nc
nil this half of farm and are assessed
latfiOO. Kmmii I'oyor liy tleo. Hoyt
iuont. Siitiseribed and sworn to liu
I fore me th 1- 17th day of June liini).
J (Soul) i: V. Uos-, Comity Clerk.
On inotl, m Mrs. I'oyor wis granted
! reduction tilOd actual vulutit n on
A.New,.BuSSy Or Farm Machinery
W'c luivc them
nebs, 1 lard ware
Complete at all
I p.i) Shim attention to s pplynig Halliler'n H.iiihune at ihu
lowest Prices Hi sr g.miN. Wk me also in position to do lMuinldng
wink, ind all Km N of Pipe eu'ting unil Kitting : : .
ill. Remember, our stock of 1 Iar-
Hiitfuies .uul I;;tnn Machinery s
times. :::::: : : : : ;
c will huvc in u I inc.- of AUIOMOIULkS Soon.
Red Gloud HaPdiaai'e & Implement Go. t
i VVM WOLFE. Secretary.
sessud to liigli as coinpaieil lo other
buildings of similar const ruction and
asks that .same lu lcduced fiom 8l0l,"i
to Ss.'.o assessed valuation. Ou motion
icquost was rejected
Now comes 11. I'. Coopoi and claims
tliat he was assessed lo high in lOOSon
pt swl. :i 1-0. Taes paid uiiiler pro-te-it
no action.
Now comes C. Kon. ick mid claims
double assessment on impioveineiits
on pt e'2 nwl, 10-1 ! for year l!Kl8
l.i.Nes paid under protest no action.
Now conies I-. l'eteis ami claims
double assessmeiiL on improvements
for the year l!)U8 on part nel nwl, 10-1-ti.
Taxes paid under protest. No act
ion. Nancy Woodwind claims il ublc as
sessuienl for year 1U0S ot iinpiove
incuts ou pt sw 1 :t t !l Taxes paid
under piotcst. No action.
C I-', Gather appealed before the
Hoard of r.ipializatiou and icqiicsts
that lots 1,2, .1. I, of block 10 of ori
ginal town of Ked Cloud be lcduced
from assessed valuation of SoO'i to .M0
which latter sum was the total assessed
value as found I the assuror. Also
that the a.ssesed value of the s'2 of
section .11 town 'I. range II ho reduced
fiom 2'2iil toS'ji HO. Said land being
now assesse I hidicr than oilier laud
tioii toSll.'O.
Now conies .loliu I'oltileky and cmu
pluius that tile assessed wiluo of sel,
2i::i II is out of propoi lion, and asks
thai the same be i educed $'200 o-i tin
assessed valuation On iiiollou same
was granted.
On motion C. W. Iliimmell elected
(diaii in oi pro I. im. in absence of V K.
NoV. lines W. A
plains that
A. Mas naiil and com
lie was assessed twice on
HlllO lnislieM of corn saiiunieing asses-'i'd
both in Line and (iailield picciiicls,
and auks that Im be n-fumled amoniit
ol t.ix ou same foi Hills'. Ou
motion, county treasurer was in
structed to stiike one assessment ou
above corn from tax list.
Chaiinian appointed Overman, Iliim-
On iiio'iou iliilvsecoudeil and carried mell and Olimsteile a committee to
boolis of i iiunty Assessor wete o.v check up county Measurer, Chatilin anil
There being no further business be
lot etlie Hoard an adjournment was
taken to Tuesday, duly '20. IDOH.
(Si:X) i:. W. llo-s. Clerk.
Aiiileimm to check balance of county
Ou motion bo.ud annronriiited $7.1
j for county superintendent to ho used
for Institute purposes.
I On motion a i cress was taken, to
enable the committees to check up
county oftlcciH.
On motion, bill of F. II. Clatto for
i!IO was reduced to $7:2 and the bill of
I A. U. Wiggins from .!)D to $V1.
Hoard proceeded to make levies for
Red Cloud Nehr. July liO, 190!). Hoard
of Equalization met perfiuunt to ad
journment. Members present Ander
son, Chnplin, Overman, Ohmstode,
Iliimmell nnd Ross.
Now comes David Wedman nnd com
plains that he is assessed too high in ililfei cut school districts
proportion to land adjoining on n e 4, On motion claim.s of II. U. Miner for
l-:i-ll nnd asks that actual valuation be s(j nnd Haintis .leu sen for ill. bounty
reduced $900.00. on wolf c,iln, was rejected.
On motion duly seconded nnd carried j The county cleik was oidered lo
request was grnnted. place the special levy of ." mills for
On motion adjournment was taken to load work as per petition on file in
of like value Respectfully submitted nw.iit further developoments
Aug. 3rd 1909. (luido Rock pieciuct, including the
County ho r.i of Kquallznlion as per , villa,?!) of Guide Rock, on tax books',
adjournment met, members all present, the siinio to bo credited to the mud (lis
State Hoard of Equalization not hav- tiict No. 1, also the petition ol lnavalu
ing yet reported, a recess was taken to township, special road tax of ."i mills was
C. F. Cut her. On motion duly seconded
and carried eqiiust was rejected.
It was moved and seconded that
granted and dork ordered o place tax
Rid Cloud, Nehr., Aug. lh 1909. books and credited to to id Dint Met 1 1.
State board having reported the Hoard Committee appointed to examine
of Equalization proceeded to make the houks of the county Meiisuier,
county judge, hltuiill.
(undent and clerk of
found the bouks to
amount bo added proiatti to nil lauds ' 1-10 millj. ; correspond wltli the souil annual re
in procinoL in ordor to proorvo valim I On motion levied mloptod, carried. ports.
tluu as (ixcil liv ISoiirtl of KMinliutlon Now comes I'nul Aluor asking lor re- ine louowitig emiuw wero auowun
amount of iuiprovmneuts bo deducted levies for the dim-rent funds as follows: county clerk, c
from all lauds in (iuide Rook precinct General fund I mills. Hridges .11, county suporinl
(an same was assessed twice) and Roads '.i. R. R. IIoihI 1... Soldiers district court,
Motion curried.
'ductlon on Inn lands, I ne J and ni'mul wiirrenU ordered drawn on gett-
See Di. Si -it f '
' Usfin tioii gnaiMli'ii 1
(' ie
land and WOO. Improvemonts onlerod! Now cuhiok Wins K. H'cks and com-; se J, lViW; of from $1385 to $1285' e nil fund in payment of the ut,e
' st.lck.-n from INt which v ere assessed philns tl.ut the vain ulou ui. lots S, '., assessed valuation as assessment was
.against s0 swl, swl sol of .i-pi. 1", In block c, H'a.len Is out of pro- excessive. O.i motion request was
The following warrants . ordered
drawn on general fund in payment of
Hclu Wnnltitl- Main,
The best itiiic wo know tif in till ' RH)8 taxes naiil onder nrotfst but
. eosos of Kldm? and Ulitdder troiiblo ' redacod in this notion. to compare with balance of b.uelt.
and thi one wo always oniirccomiiieiid No comes Harry Ron's and c i m- i motion reiiuest whs rejected
Now comes ( lias. Aluminum una
The U. S. Vnn- nfi'eiu CMentloituI la PoWit fb Kidiiov aud Uludil-r Pills, plains Mint on port nol Sel, :iU2-lt 101
opportunities r, youff , : to 3fi They are antiseptic and at onoo assist iktcs nssessod value Sltij. assessment ' complains Mint the nuscHsinent on nel
years old: men Mn, trades up tolls the kidneys to perform their impor-1 Improvements S.1R), improvements I :m ''- l, s-'"8 l,u'1 ,lsl'' llmt u l,v
not not Muii and asks Mint niuc be reduced granted. tho game:
on On motion board aajotirneu sine ate, Wi j ndoj-ao,, ,io.80
(Sonl) E. W Kom, cj.'oiimgteJo.... '.'.'. 47.G0
County Clerk. . ,151,50
Red Cloud, Nohr , Aug 3.1. WW). .T.J.Chaplin (11.00
oats old. iiooit opportunity lor ttint worn, isut wnen ,ou usu tor
education and pioiution. Must he thoho pills bo positive that oii get Oo
Aiiierieati citizens. .Mlf)rri must have Witt's Ividney and Hluddcr I'llls.
parent's eertltlcnto of ago. pay from There are imitations placed upon sale
117.00 to over 677 per mom,, with I to deceive yon. Get DoWltlV. Insist
nractically no expense. MMt or ad-! upon them, and if your dealer cannot
dross U. S. Navy Recruiting .Simon,
l'ost Otllco Rutldlng, Hastings. Nihr.
supply you refuso anything oIfo In
place of them. Sold by all dealers.
do noLosist 011 sithl laud. lOtiS and ask
that il lio sttlckeu from the list A til
I. A. Routs hereby ceitify that tlteio
were no improvemotits ou the pt nel
sel, .'10.2-11 in tho year 1908, mid still
there Is no improvements ou said hind.
A. Roats agent. Subscribed and sworn
t educed toS'2oi. On motion saino was
reduced SlS assessed valuaUoii.
Now comes , I. F. Watt and claims
that ho was assessed to high on lots
II, 1,1, 10, block (I, original town ot
Guide Rock, In pioportion to property
on adjoining lots. Ou motion Mime
was reduced from 811150 actual valita-
Hoard mot pm-mint to adjournment. (. W, Iliimmell
Meiubeis piccont, Ovetmati. C'liapliu,
Olimstedo, Huniiuell and Anderson.
Now comes E House and complains
that bridge actoss ditch at luavale Is
not high enough to carry oft' tho How of
water in time of Hood, and asks tliat it
be raised at least 2 feet. Matter was
referred to bridge committee.
J. G. Overman 07.95
' 5.00
G. W. Hutchison :W.65
" 208.30
' 73.95
" 21.00
L. II. Blackledge 42.00
(Continued outlast page)
' 4
rw -.