The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 18, 1909, Image 3

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rlB YCKOfe
life .. ' . M! j& T53
MMSSMBailllliailM 1 1
MV-? YAU.EY .iv-'.
The old Baying, "Familiarity broods
contempt," does not hold good with
Alaska; on tho contrary, it begets a
fondness which swells Into enthusi
asm ns one fact after another is dis
covered and demonstrated. In some
way or other tho country has a draw
ing and winning effect upon most per
sons who have lived there, if only for
i tnhort period. Some aro attracted
by tho beauty and magnificence of tho
scenery, nnd others llnd rest and re-turning-vigor
In tho mildness and even
ness of tho climate; some, again, at
tracted by tho wonders of tho veget
able and animal kingdoms, nnd others,
tho majority perhaps, delvo into tho
richness of tho mineral treasuries,
writes John G. Drndy, ex-governor of
Alaska in Independent. Tho adven
turers into Ilrltlsh Columbia, tho Yu
kon territory and Alaska aro a hardy
and buoyant stock.
Those who have gotten up our phys
ical geographies were pumping from
dry wells when they came to treat of
the northwest coast of America. Much
that was given was erroneous. For in
stance, Mount St. Ellas In ono edition
of tho Encyclopedia Drltannlca is
spoken of as a burning volcnno. Many
well educated people well along In
middle life become Impatient when
tho deficiency is revealed to them. It
Is well that this is so, for by a reas
onable amount of dlligenco they can
make good tho loss and have much
pleasuro In acquiring Information so
inuch at variance with preconceived
size, color and firmness. Denlcrs and
mlnerB bocomo wonderfully accurate)
in these mntters. Gold production In
tho north called for now methods nnd
these wore Introduced nnd Improved
year by year.
The possibilities for stock raising
and dairy farming nre almost beyond
calculation. Sunlight nnd moisture
sufficient for plant life aro unfailing.
Tho limits of this nrtlclo will not al
low even a brief discussion of other
rich resources furs, copper, lead, sil
ver, tin, gypsum, marble. Iron, coal,
llsh nnd timber.
Surely Alaska Is a goodly heritage,
and we now hold In grateful memory
William II. Seward. Charles Sumner,
N. P. Banks, yea, Andrew Johnson, be
cause what was called "folly" 1ms
proved to bo wisdom. Tho present pop
ulation is small, possibly 35,000 na
tives and about tho same number of
whites. The aborigines are a good
stock, ami with fair treatment and
uiicoiirnRoment will do their full share
in labor and development. They aro
doing It today In tho fisheries, tho log
ging enmps nnd in tho mines. Wo
can hardly contemplate tho history of
our ownership of tho vast possession
for tho past 41 years with prldo.
Tho next need Is railway transports
tlon. Tho whole southeast and south
era coast has good harbors, which are
accessible at any season, and for the
most part rates aro reasonable. But
S L "n,lt '? " Io"Gcr the ton.
m ip?i,f0,,nd;, th0 rond houso M
miles in from Va Mp n, -i .
ound. A aska needs railroads, and
It cannot develop without thorn. TraSs
and wagon roads servo their purpose
but how can such mighty resoSrces To'
developed nnd distributed by BUch
fra i means? Tho world needs butter
and beef, coal and copper, and Ira
roads aro a necessity in dealing wit"
these things in Alaska.
"Wandering Willie" Stops for a Few
Minutes to Correct Lady's Wrong
"You ought to be ashamed of your
self!" said the womnn who had been
sweeping off tho front porch.
Wandering Willlo took off his lint
and made a low bow.
"The Idea of your coming to re
spectable people's houses in this
"I.ady," was (ho answer,"! wouldn't
neior have called If I had thought
that ilc people hero was anything but
And again he bowed.
"I don't want to have any words
wllh you," she proceeded. "You get
out! Move on!"
"Where to. lady?"
"Wherever you are going."
"I ain't going nowheros."
"You ought to be ashamed of your
self." "Lady, that's tlliRir-ntiil llmnvnu'vn
glvo mo that dose, an' It ain't took
yet What makes you keep sayln I
orter bo ashamed? Are you plcturln'
me as a party wit a past? I never
done nothlii' oxeep' roam do green
earth under do blue sky, henrln' de
birds sing an' takln' an occasional
"You are a great, good-for-nothing
loafer! You ought to bo at work, In
stead of Idling around, letting tho
grass grow under your feet."
"I.udy, I bog to say, without de
slightest forgetfulncss of do consider
ation which you have a rlcht to ox.
pect from a gentlemnn, tint you aro
wrongln' me. You nre forinln' conclu
sions tint ain't Justified bo do facts.
About mo belli' Inzy, you has do right
to your suspicions. 1 wouldn't inter
fere, lady. Go ahead and suspish. But
when you says I lets de grass grow
under me feet, mntthewmatlcs Is all
ag'lu you."
"I don't know what you're talking
"I'll teach you. You've heard of ge
ometry, lady?"
"Well, ills Is do real thing. Mos' of
me time, except when travelln' de
highway, Is spent In a recllnln posi
tion, which Is not only restful, but
more Delsarte. Mo legs Is horizontal
Wit' de earth, an" mo foot Is nnrnnn.
dlculnr to mo logs, polntin' parallel to
do direction In which de grass Is
growln', which, as I have often henrd
remnrked by ono of tho queerest pnls
I ever had, Is quod erat demonstrandum."
For fhtf Rpct ftai nff fnrn
To be Known as the r.OiM National Corn Trophy
To bo Awardod at tho
National Corn Expos it ion. Omaha. PTW
(,!mV.,u,l,7l,n,,rl,, H'oueniid million (100,000.000.000) onrs of corn worn crown In tho United Rtntos laHt ynar. Ovrr
fr . I'-'f! ?'.'," WL0 lmUl ;"" llJYln Mo,1" H"l,n 'lllll' ' " uuarter uxtra .IoIIium went Into tho loVl"otflof tbo
fiirnierH for corn thin your tliau they rcoolvuil for tho previous year's own. mu
S'ruTnnd 'if n-alV" H '' f IiU f0oV"ulu'o.'ll0t thnt U' t)00"1 f lh U,"U',l SttUoS aro bcelnnlu lo lonrn how dollolous
Iflllllifit'u l.iAai.t '.ih.. t'li.l..... !... ..l....l ....... ...i . . ..
.... r. .....cut,, uu i iiinv.i mil iimni'ii uurn nmonir wio itmnpons&uio items oi naiiy rare.
Ti'?J".!l,l-r7l tl"'r,'for"' Interpitcil In tho ilo.;lotm.;nt of thu Klne of I'orunln. nnil havo ilcoldpil lo nwntil a boautlful
trophy forthoinuil.Uuimmoru hlltl w hiu:hi iinxlui-n I hn 1. ,..., i-MC-im in ti,....lm.,t,i ..,.....L w '" UUU.IUHIUI
PrnfAttn tlnlJ.n ,t !. I,t...n !.. 1..U...... 1... - i.. ll .1 . 1 t .
viiiuti vi t till lllil LILit L11 tllll'LIIT. LI III IT I'l'Ill I'MI, I11IIlfiriIV I 111 nflfll 111 1 II 11 H'nuiil ti III i mnHl ..!-.. A A I.
Itloiialt'orit Kxim-illon. tntioluilil ut Oinnlin. N'nli - lli-n..mi..l-Rtli ( iki). limn T..-,.oi,...i'.. ..;i..V. ..ii..." ' ll..". J'.v.'"
?7n'an eL"irii": '':tV''on.lyonrl.Mtearori-orn O II... National Corn, Kxwmtiim. Omalm. Nob, iwforo Novemher
Vm .: n,lll.tvnV. "i!,Vr n myitbor of tho NntiimnU'jrii Ansoolatlon. Full turtlonl.irrt iciriinllnu- w iloh ouii ho had l.y,Jll,."l,,t".,U J-rWl'llU. Omaha. Nob. Iioa tacKeouroly to Hinoimuii and wor.1 It. "For t "o
."v f J J njriVlL,1,?ht' nn,i' wr ,u y,,,.,r ",uno '!ni1 wldresHiilnlnly. f yours is jmliiftt tlmbuit. you will trot thu
tronliy fur 1010. If von miiihiitiI nt-n n ii t 1 1, v.-iir iii- Hut .ill. i.,, ii... i i... ...iii i... ...!.f "'."."' 'iy." i""
V, ,1,.: t Jii niVL" l. ,l,1i wr ,u y,,l.,r ",uno ' na nihlresH nlnlnly. f yours is Jiului'il tin bust, you will uot tho
,,i ini f. . pJ?'l,-,l,f yu,m,ceiMlni:niii iioxtyrar or tho folluvvliiic. tho lionhy will tiucumo your lrouurty for
nil tlnio. hi othur wuuN. jou iiiumI urotluuo tho bent ear of corn two dllTvicnt years. ur
Thrril Wtll till tin fnutvlntlnMU A ti if ninti iii.niinii ,i..i1.H.I t.. il... k. .1.11 .. . ....
Of UiOfO corn lcr aero 1h onu oUlecl of tho award, hut tin in.iln ntirDnnn nf . fmi.,t,ir. Ut t.J ..i..? i.. V' 5
- . .-.-. - w- ,vw vbuum v uw tw'ujr 4a iur
Incrcasinp; the Quality of Corn Used in Malum? Kclaan
Mirny ix'tiiiin uniiK wo iuivo rraoiina tno point tr pprrcutltm In Tonfltoa Corn K nkeH uh It
tliliv l. I'jtfliritiu tv ik lint it If lf.m lnifnt.'t I-I...I it 1. ,.!.. . ..... ...I .... 1 1.. i.. a i.. . .
(Yirn W1ce
-w ""' ?Mw.w.m r w & w w m .w jnsswr -
' peoiilo think wo htivo reaohrd tho txilnt of tierfrntlon In TniiRlnit C!nm I'Im1..m .u ii
now l. IVrhaim v hao. If you haruu't trlutl It. lii'irin vnur ihIihuiiimm in -v,.,!,! iiiii,.iu i..
eat" today. All trroecra haio It.
has this
jflX X . S S7 Jk
rm ir .. w w yj?,7Ri
MXW J MM .rffltfSJ.
Mmy7 c fJ f imtfmrf
sammmw&'- is
Resorted to Duplicity.
Ono night I eat nt tho right of I or
Randolph Churchill, who S oSS!
chair removed from tho host, and hu
conversation between them turned on
tho difficulties of pubIIc non
"Havo you over hnon ...i. .. . .B
fln,llnP H,f ;. . .'. .""""nsseu by
Ideas. The Yukon la one of tho mighty enco thero wero threo nnfnZ I".'1!'
rivers of tho clnbn. Cnntnlns u-hn voti nnrMi.,.i.,i ., J.u,ul8 lo Which
have had tholr training on steamboats ( attention, nnd after olnhnlii thv
unon tho Mlsslsslnnl nnil who now first lu-n v.. ..... uorang tho
hnvn lionn n nmnlinr nf vnfirn nn tlin . u-nnl nt n.), . Unernuor a
Yukon belle vo that during tho months third?" to Bny on o
of navigation ns great a volume of wa
ter Is discharged Into Bering sea as
Into the Gulf of Mexico. Its head
waters begin In tho mountains east of
Skngwny, In British soli, somowhat
south of tho sixtieth parallel, and How
in a generally northwest direction.
Two branches, tho Lewes nnd tho
Pelly, unito at Selkirk, at which point
it takes tho naino Yukon. On its
northern trend It receives tho volumes
of other large tributaries beforo Daw
son Is reached, near tho mouth of tho
Klondike. Keeping a still northerly
courso It crosses tho boundary lino
In latitude 141 degrees, 90 miles from
Dawson. Holding still its main direc
tion at Circle City, It widens Into
numerous channels nnd great Hats till
a fow minutes north of tho nrctlc cir
cle, whoro It Ib joined by tho Porcu
plno, coming In from tho rortheast.
Hero Is bend and tnkes n generally
southwest courso, gathering as It
goes tho Tannnn, coming up from the
southeast, nnd farther on tho Koyu
kok, n mighty mennderer from tho
north, and at last discharging through
numerous channels over an immenso
delta Into Herlng sea. It Is nav
Ignblo for Inrgo steamboats as fnr as
Dawson, a dlstanco of 1,000 miles.
From that point smaller steamers ply
to Whlto Horse, 112 miles by railroad
to Shakway. Tho summit Is but 20
mllo from this town nnd Is at nn ele
vation of 2,700 feet. This river drains
a mighty basin.
Many good things nro stored there
in, and It does seem ns though tho
Creator Intended it for tho uso of his
creatures. Gold has boon found on
most every stream throughout tho
length of tho vnlley where men have
mado an effort to reach bedrock, oven
fnr beyond tho nrctlc circle on tho
headwaters of tho Koyukok. Tho pro
duction of this metal, which Influences
mankind so powerfully, Nnturo's mills
havo been grinding nnd reducing and
sluicing In pnst ages; wlint has been
soparated from tho lodes has been
gathered and frozen securely in her
safo deposit vaults. Nearly every camp
has its own peculiar gold. There Js
a wide difference In regard to shape,
hJho question was asked by the
"Yes," Churchill replied- -Mint i,
It never gave me any trouble. Tfound
S U.t; '?tlemen,' , "v
were three things which I ties red S
;SSM,M- l ,mV tlon5 two
Much more, very much more, could
fcencc. Is it necessary for mo to en
if"rn:cr' waste any moo of
your time or my own on n question
avenTlln0 Wl,,C? '8 H0 b"S
ilmen t I said enough to convlnco you
"H fully ns I am convinced myseu"
They have been quite satisfied wl,i,
I Is, and while they wero applauding
I havo swung Into another part of S5
subject. Gross duplicity, but It Si
w, o. ff.H. Hidelngin McCIuro's,
Using a Vacant Lot.
Tho Second church of SprlnKflol.i
O., has a vacant lot in m.1""0''1:
imrt of the city which It is reserving
to build on a llttlo ini n.:: ,.h
. .., Uin irii.
KufiiH Can I get a blto 'ero?
Jones Certainly. Which breed do
you prefer?
One of Man's Delusions.
Mnn, poor man! Ho Imagines ho Is
flirting nround ns ho pleases, and
when ho finds himself nt the altar ho
wonders how It occurred. Hut tho
blushing bride knows. She had de
cided about tho brldcsmnids nnd ush
ers, hnd been planning her dross nnd
tho color scheme of tho decorations
beforo tho man over thought ho was
going to bo married. And yet sho
looks like nn innocent captlvo of tho
bold, daring mnn who stands besldo
her, nnd who imagines that It was
only by tho most Bturdy determine
tlon nnd great good luck that ho ever
induced her to sny "yes." Unltlmoro
Cycle Dealer Hero is n cyclometer
I can recommend. It is positively ac
curate; not nt all like soma cyclome
ters, which register two miles, per
haps, where you hnvo only ridden one.
Miss do Byke You hnven't nnv of
that kind, havo you?
And Ma Fainted.
"Why did sho refuse you?" Bho
asked her son, with flno scorn.
"Well," the boy replied between his
sobs, "sho objects to our family. She
says pa's n loafer, that you're too fat
and thnt everybody laughs nt Dnyso
Maymo becauso she's n fool nnil talks
nbout nothing but the grcntness of
her family." (Chauncey threw water
In his mother's fnce, but ut threo
o'clock this afternoon sho was still
in a swoon, with four doctors working
on her.) Atchison (Kan.) Globe.
The in tin who dot's Ills best
trust the uorld to do lis pntt.
Many who mi-il to pinnkc Klo i ik.uh nri now
BiuoltitiK I.i'ih' Single Ilinili'r atiiiiKlit 5c.
Too many men try to build a sky
scraper on n otii'story foundation.
Mrn. AVInnlotv'H Suotlilutr Ryruit.
fnr rlillilrrn tri'tlilnn, notlpnn thn Kiimi, rethico In
auinmnlluu, alUyu imln, curu wind cullu. lieu botllo.
Seeks the Man.
Tommy Pop, what Is tho office
that seeks tho man?
Tommy's Pop Tho tax office, my
son. Philadelphia Record.
Practical Device.
"Why don't you mend that largo
hole In your umbrella?"
"1 keep It to put my hand through
to see If It Is still raining." Meggen
tlorfer Ulnetter.
"I might say to you, young men,
that I nm a self-made man."
i "in wiiat rcspect7 " uskcu an Im
pertinent youth.
"In this respect, If you must know,"
replied tho orntor. "I mndo myself
popular with men who had n pull and
(litis obtained my present lofty position."
trustees determined thnt tV ...' :
right to let tho lot He until it could
bo used for building, and so they pro
vided that It should ho fitted up (, "
Playground for children of tho nolcl"
borhood through the present summer,
lower beds wero laid out and some
lawn sown, but tho most of the lot
wns given to swings, slides, and oth
er sultnblo temptations to childish
Play. Moreover, observing thnt thero
was no public drinking place in tho
neighborhood, tho trustees provided u
coll of water plpo running through n
box to bo filled with Ice, nnd thus ini
provlsod n public lce-wtiter fountn'n
The public hns shown great apprec'la
tlon of both provisions on tho part if
tho trustees. Tho example may cor
tainly bo commended to other church
e3 which n.j holding vacant property.
Grin and Barrett.
11 That lecturer Is n tiresome
12 Well, to "er" Is human, you
know Harvard Lampoon.
His Last Words.
Hound hand and foot, he was about
to step from the end of the plnnk Into
tho cavernous depths of tho ocean.
Tho pirate chief, swarthy and of de
meanor ferocious, Htood with his arms
folded. "Have you nnythlng to say?"
ho asked gruffly.
"Just ono thilng," said tho undaunt
ed victim.
"Go abend, then, nnd sny It."
"Well, I simply wanted to remnrk
that I love my Hfo, but oh, you Kldd!"
Following which tho assembled cut
throats took grent gleo In pushing him
off. St. Louis Star.
They Were Good Mothero.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Is quoted ns
saying thnt a woman's first duty Is to
develop all her powers nnd possibili
ties, that sho may better guldo and
servo tho next generation. Mrs. Stan
ton rnlsed seven uncommonly healthy
nnd hnndBomo children, sayB an ad
mirer of hers, and tho children of Mrs.
Julia Ward Howo testify to tho vir
tues of tho noted woman ns a moth
er. Tho eagle may bo as good n
mother as tho hen or tho goose.
Prepared for the Worst.
"How long had your wife's first Iiub
bnnd been dend when you married
"About eight months."
"Only eight months? Don't you
think sho wns In n good deal of n
"Oh, I don't know. Wo hnd been
engaged for nearly two years."
Could She?
"When women get to voting," said
tho man, "they will havo u great
ninny moro callB than thoy now havo
to put their hands In their pockctB
and glvo money to further important
Tho woman looked thoughtful.
"I'm always willing, of courso," sho
snld, "to glvo money for n good causo,
but as for putting my hand In my
Nebraska Directory
nnt tin- bent . liinlHt on liavlUK llirm.
Auk jour ) i t'n 1 iIimIit, or
M. Splcsbergor & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
Tho Beit In the Wet OMAHA. NEB.
University School of Music
Affiliated with Univuraity of Nebraska.
Lincoln, Neb.
Fall term begins September fith.
Send for catalogue, to WILLAKD KIM
BALL Director.
Improved nnil unimproved farmH In rafitom
South Dakota fur halt- on
Will rri'vt littlliliiiKHon wiy farm on wimacaiiy
trim. I'rlcu tM to WU per ni-ro. For lUtn,
iimpx, ete.,iililrt-HH ALEX. II. RAIT. I'.rmeri A
Merchant' OMg., lSlli nnd O St., Lincoln, Nab.
Beatrice Creamery Co.
Pavh the lilghcHt prlco for
Qrnln, Provlilom, 8tocki, Cotton
Main Office. 204-205 Fraternity UM.
Lincoln, Nebrmka.
HcliriioneUia Antn Phono 26C0
I.nrt'Nt Houhc In Htnte
& '
A Mean Revenge.
The fatal word had Just been spok
en. The rejected suitor stood before
her listening to her elnbornto explan
ations of her decision.
"I trust that I havo mado myself
sufficiently plnln," sho snld.
"Well, I would scarcely go so far,"
ho answored ns his courage gradually
returned. "It's but fair to give nnture
tho credit for that," ho ndded ns he
retired In good order.
Shop Talk.
It was a meeting of nn engine driv
ers' union and tho spenkor wis urg
ing tho adoption of certain now rules.
In tho corner sat n disgruntled mom
bnr who kept up a continuous growl
of objection In a half voice. At length
tho speaker addressed him:
"Say," he snld. "Sny, you In tho
corner. Supposo you don't ring ngnln
till you're pulled."
The crisp, brown flakes of
Come to the breakfast table right, and exactly right from
the package no bother; no delay.
They have body too; these Post Toasties are firm enough
to give you a delicious substantial mouthful before thoy melt
away. "The Taste Lingers."
Sold Iby Grocers.
THE TEETH PflX,Ine e.x' any demifne.
I la in cleansing, whttrning nd
removing tartar Irom the teeth. Leader detUoytna
all Rermi of decay and ducajo which ordinary
tooth pteparntioni cannot do.
TUP Mfll ITU Paxtine uied nt n mouth.
i nt muu i h watn dllinfecl, llie moulh
and throat, puriliei the breath, and killt tho germi
which collect in the mouth, cauiing lore throat,
bad teeth, bad btealh. grippe, nnd much u'ekneu.
THE EYES w',en 'n"amrd' ,ire' c'ia
relieved and tiengthened Ly Paxtine.
ft ATA CUES Iii P"tine will detlroy the germi
yi i Hnnn tha, cau,e cataiin, fieai ,jie
Bammation and top tho discharge. It u a iurs
temedy for uterine catarrh.
Paitine is a harmless yet powerful
ftermicide.duinfeclant and deodorizer.
Used in bathing it destroys odors and
leaves tho body antiseptically clean.
ran s ale at onuo sToncs.ooc.
Is Your Health
Worth 10c?
That's what It costs to pet n wek'J
treatment-of CASCARETS. They
do more for you than nny medicine
on Iiarth. Sickncs3 generally shows
and stnrt9 first in the Bowels nnd
Liver; CASCARETS cure these ills.
It's so easy to try why not start to
night anil have help in Uie morning?
treatment, an
ia the world.
treatment, nil drturo
.. , -, .. . nn ' no" -.
Million boxes a monuv,
boT for Va CUM
Ists. Jllecett Mller
ounces ut
lh. nulr.
ottif r starclm only 1J ouncon mo prlco and
j"" 'v-t "n
wflMiMJMWWtfcaM1s1 Wf"