The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 18, 1909, Image 2

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' i
A Word of Hope for Despairing Ones.
Kidney trouble nmkes wonk, weary,
worn women. Unchaclic, lilp pains,
dizziness, bcndnclicfl, nervoiiBiienn, lan
guor, urinary troubles mitko women
utter untold misery. Ailing kidneys
arc trie enuso. Cure
them. Mrs. S. D. 121
IIboii, N. llrondwuy, La
mar, Mo., says: "Kid
ney trouble wore ino
down tilt I bad to tako
to bed. I bad terrible
pains In my body nnd
limbs and tlie urlno was
annoying and full of sod
imout. I got worso and
doctors failed to help. I was discour
aged. Doan's Kidney Pills brought
quick relief and n final euro nnd now I
nm In (be best of health."
Hemcmber tlio name Doan's. Sold
by all dealors. HO cents a box. Fob-tcr-Mllburn
Co.. lluffalo. N. Y.
Aid Flfjht Against Tuberculosis.
At the recent meeting of the Na
tional Association of Hill Posters, held
In Atlanta. (In., It was decided to do
nalo to the campaign against tubercu
losis $1,200,000 worth of publicity
The bill posters In nil parts of the
United States and Canada will 1111
the vacant spaces on their S.fiOO hill
boards with largo posters Illustrating
the ways to prevent nnd cure con
sumption. The Poster Printers' asso
ciation has also granted $200,000
worth of printing nnd paper for this
work. This entire campaign of bill
board publicity will be conducted un
der the direction of the National As
Boclation for the Study and Preven
tion of Tuberculosis In cooperation
with the Nntiounl 1)111 Posters' asso
ciation. The Newer Way.
Many Ideas In regard to women
have entirely changed, nnd among
the better nnd wiser changes is that
old thought that the women who
were given to good works must needs
be dowdy. It is undeniable that
"good" women used to wear dowdl
iiess ns a sort of ball mnrk of vir
tue As a matter of fact, dowdlncss
Is merely n mark of had taste and a
sign of sonio lack In the mind. Wom
en are no longer lacking In the wis
dom that chooses pretty rather than
ugly clothing, nnd those who do not
make the best of their appearance are
losing a golden opportunity of giving
Samuel Gompers was talking In tbo
nmokeroom of the I Jul tic about a re
cent newspaper attack on a rich cor
poration. "It was n cruel attack," Mr. Gom
pers chuckled. "It was as cruel ns
tho Jonesvillo Clarion's paragraph
about old Deacon Hiram Ludlow.
"TlUa paragraph bender the Clar
ion's obituary column. It said:
"'Deneon lllram Ludlow of Friable
township, aged 82, passed peacefully
away on Thursday last from single
blessedness to matrimonial bliss after
a short but severe attack by Maria
lllgglus, a blooming widow of Z sum
mers.' " Detroit Journal.
Look at the Names.
In 4 A. D. FearaldhachFIonfasbtna
tvas an Irish king, n "most just and
good prince," who was slain by his
successor, Flachadh-Flon, who was
treated to n similar fate by Fiuchadh
Fionohudh, "tho prince with the white
cows," who died at tho hands of "tho
Irish plebeians of Couuaught." Koch-nlrh-Moidmeodhaln
was one of the
half dozen who died of natural causes,
and Flulthhcartngh was one of the
two to resign tho monarch's sceptor
for the monk's cowl. New York
Well, What?
"Johnny, lenvo me alone and don't
ask me another question!"
"Aw, Jest ono more an' then I'll
keep still."
"Well, whnt Is It?"
"What relation Is a cousin gentian
to a Dutch uncle?" Cleveland Leader.
Caused by Coffee. .
"I have been n coffeo drinker, moro
of less, ever since I can rcmembor, un
til a few months ngo I became moro
nnd more nervous and Irritable, and
finally I could not sleep at night for
I was horribly disturbed by dreams
of nil sorta nnd a Bpccles of distress
ing nightmare.
"Finally, after bearing tbo experi
ence of numbers of friends who bad
quit coffee and were drinking Postuin,
and learning of tho great benefits they
had derived, I concluded coffee must
bo tho causo of my trouble, so l got
Borne Postum and had it made strictly
according to directions.
"I was astonished at the llavour and
taste. It entirely took tbo place of cof
feo, and to my very great satisfaction,
I began to Bleep peacefully and sweet
ly. My nerves Improved, and 1 wish
I could wean overy man, woman and
child from tbo uuwbolesomo drug or
dinary coffeo.
"Peoplo really do not nppreclato or
reallzo what a powerful drug It Is and
what torrlblo effect It has on the hu
man system. If they did, hardly a
pound of It would bo sold. I would
never think of going back to coffeo
again. I would almost as soon think
of putting my band In a lire after 1
had onco been burned.
"A young lady friend of ours had
Btomnch trouble for a long time, and
could not get well as long as she used
coffee. Sho finally quit coffeo and be
gan tho uso of Postum and Is now per
fectly vroll. Yours for health."
Head "Tbo Itoad to Wellvlllo," In
pkgs. "There's a Reason."
Kvt rniil (he nlmvu IHii-rf A iii-m
uu iippi-urN from (line to (line. '1'lu-j
lire K.-milue, trur, and full of liuiiiiiu
fcWiHiWiitW -ttu.-rt Mi-V-
- r
' V"Tk t
trv a .
&" 0''W
x ';
l.V ,-v
$. 3
Practical Suggestions for Beautifying
Country Residences In Any
Farming differs from every other sort
of business in this, that the farm is
not merely n factory and a place of
business, but It Is the home of the
family, writes Prof. F. A. Waugh, of
tbo Massachusetts Agricultural Col
lege, In Orange Judd Farmer. The
Importance of the farm as tho home
establishment Is much greater than
its Importnnco as n place of business;
nnd this makes it Imperative that the
place should be supplied with every
available comfort and made attractive
with every sort of beauty which sub
stantial good taste can suggest.
The ordinary schemes of landscape
gardening are not very suitable to tin'
common farm. This Is largely be
cause the ambitious landscape garden
ers do not sutllelently consider the
use of the farm ns a factory and .1
place of business. The best that can
be done In most cases Is for tbo farm
er, bis wire and other advisers, to de
velop the grounds to the best of their
own judgment nnd In the light of ic
tual requirements. A few suggestions
from the standpoint of a landscape
Suggestions for a Farmyard.
gardener, who Is at the samo time
himself a farmer, may bo of some us
slstance In this direction.
Simplicity Is tbo keynote of good
taste In everything. Therefore, let
the design of tho farm grounds he
very simple. Do not try anything
elaborate. Do not make the place
look eltllled.
Have a good lawn. Nothing Is more
tasteful and satisfactory than good,
clean, green grass. Kven If the lawn
Is not very large and not eleborntely
graded, It will still be the most attsae
the part of the place. Have a few
good trees. Nothing Is moro attrac
tive about a farmhouse, with the pos
sible exception of lawn grass, than
large, dignified, noble trees.
For shrubs nnd other ornamental
plants, uso native species. The com
moil natlvo shrubs and plants are
among the best of all oranmentl ma
terials. If tlower beds aro desired, put them
at the sldo or rear of the house, pre
ferably In connection with the vege
table garden. Mower beds are usu
ally a nuisance on the front lawn, and
nearly always Inappropriate about a
Keep tho front yard separate from
the back yard. Everyone will readily
remember a great many furms where
this simple Injunction is highly disre
garded. It Is not unusual to And a
milk wagon or a chicken coop or hay
rack left In tho front yard of a farm
house. Such things do not belong
Ilavo some space about tho house
so arranged that It can be used for
llvliiK and playing. We do not livo
out of doors ns much in this country
as wo ought to. This statement ap
plies even to farm families. A suit
ably built open porch, paved court, or
clean grass plat, makes a delightful
placo for serving meals. Very ofton
It Is pleaBanter to eat out of doors
than In the house; and If definite
plans aro made, this Is much easier
than might !) supposed. There
should also be room in tho garden for
playing croquet, a secluded and shady
spot fiere ono enn sit down to read
or sew; and If tho women of tho houso
wish to give a party on tho lnwn,
there should be every opportunity lor
Keep the placo clean nnd tidy. This
Is ilnnl evidence of good tasto and an
absolutely necessary condition In ov
ery circumstance.
Value of Manure.
Keep hauling manure out on tho
land as fast as It Is made. It Is of as
much value to put It on the plowed
ground as It Is to plow It under. Har
rowed well Into tho surface, It not only
furnishes ready plant food, but serves
as a mulch for holding molsturo In
dry weather. It may bo scattered on
corn ground to advantage all through
the coin growing season as long as
the wagon can bo hauled down the
corn rows. Cultivation will spread It
and mix it with the soil and rains will
dissolve out the richness and carry
Into the roots of the corn.
Rural Telephone a Success.
Tho rural telephone has como to bo
a practical farm utility, ofton paying
for Itsolf ten times over in ono yenr.
Man has long been trying to over
romo time and spnee, and he hns prac
tically accomplished the result by tho
use of the lKphnuc. Life In tho
country la not so slow with n tole
phono In your house and In tho houso
r every neighbor.
f ,?;?
jrs, porch lacam-aaaaa
Illustration and Directions for Con
structing One That Will Be Use
ful to Any Farmer.
The base for this wagon Jack Is 12
feet long, being made of n piece ofj
plank. The stan
dards nro 22
Inches long, fast
ened to a 2x1,
which Is mor
tised Into the
"S I' lank
CJ the i
Hie hnndle la
about four feet long. A piece of V4
Inch lod Is bent so bb to loop over
the notches cut In the lever. When
the handle Is holding a load this loop
drops Into one of the notches nnd
holds It firm. Tho handle will he
found satisfactory If made of a strong
six-inch board.
Two Baskct3, Each Containing Four
Quart Boxes, Can Be Mads from
Five-Gallon Oil Can.
Two picking baskets, each holding
four quart boxes and having space in
the center for culls, can be made
fiom one of the spinre tlve-gallon oil
cans in which
coal oil Is sold.
Cut tho can In
two through tbo
center, length
wise, punch a
hole at each side
nnd put In n wire for n handle. After
tho four quart boxes are placed in
tho corners considerable space is left
In the center Into which all small,
Inferior berries enn be put, thus grad
ing the fruit as picked. After tho
boxes are lifted out the small fruit
Is quickly poured Into some recep
tacle provided for It, for use In mak
ing Jam or to he sold as seconds.
One Can Be Made of a Few Pieces of
Lumber That Will Carry a Large
Load to Stack.
I'so one piece 4x1 lumber 12 feet
long nnd six pieces of 2x1, 7 feet long
In making the
sweep shown In
the accompanying
illustration. Five
of th esc 2x4
pieces should he sharpened at ono
end so ns to slide through the hay.
They are fitted into places sawed Into
the piece of 4x1 about three-fourths
inch deep and 18 inches apart, and
there securely bolted. Tho pieces of
2x1 should be fastened to the 4x1
about ft feet from the pointed ends.
Tho other 2x1 should bo nailed on be
hind as Indicated. The ends of the
piece of 4x1 may be rounded off so as
to hold a rope without slipping off.
A large load may be brought to the
stack In this way, saving much time
and labor.
Should Be Planted on New Ground to
Avoid Maggot Pest; How to
Set Out.
Although It does not follow that'
planting on new ground will secure
exemption from cabbage maggot at
tack, yet such Is the tendency, and
henco It will be well to plant or sow
this crop as far as possible from any
field Infested the previous season. The
adult Illes do not travel far under nor
mal conditions, and if they find shel
ter near their placo of hatching aro
likely to hnng around that place, and
they will accept any substitute wild
plant rather than fly to distant points
hunting for cultivated plants.
Tho farther tho plants are grown
from previously Infested areas the
moro apt they will bo to remain free
from attnek, as a rule, and yet even
in new ground, especially near a
woods or In a sheltered situation, fliey
sometimes become jnore or less infest
ed. It is probnblo that in such cases
there aro wild cruciferous plants In
tho neighborhood In which the Insects
have been breeding or sheltered in
which tho flies have hibernated, and It
further emphasizes that no matter
w hero the crop is grown a closo watch
should bo kept for tho insect, and
when onco noted active measures
should bo begun at once. Likewise,
avoid planting such crops on ground
Infested tho previous season and fol
low such Infested plots with some
other cruciferous plants.
When cabbago and cauliflower
plants nro sut out tho soil should be
tightly pressed around tho stem ol
tho plant nt the surface, and tbo soil
Itself should bo pressed down smooth,
Hat and firmly. Tho newly hatched
maggot Is feeblo, and If It falls to got
under cover promptly It Is killed by
tho sun or falls victim to some of the
prowling predatory Insects continually
on tho lookout for food. On heavy
soils this in Itself affords a largo
measure of protection, and plants on
such soils nro not so much nttacked.
On lighter sandy soils It will he less
useful, but will add to tho dllllcultles
of tho maggot in establishing himself.
Make Permanent Improvements.
Kvery farmer should nlm nt per
manent Improvements. There is no
structural or building material equal
to concrete for plasticity, beauty and
durability. Furthermore, It Is exceed
ingly cheap, considering Its lasting
qualities. There Is no end to the use
ful things for which It may bo used.
Haul sand and gravel every spare day
you can, and during sparo time of late
summer and fall buy good cement and
build something that, like tho pyra
mids, will stand fur all time.
AST0KIA. is a harmless substitute for Castor
Booming Byrups.
'other Narcotic BUDstanco. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays
revorishness. It cures Diarrhooa and Wind Colic. Jt rolioves Teething Troubles,
cures Constipation and Platulenoy. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach
and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children's PanaceaTho
Mother's Friend. ,-.
.The Kind You Have .Always Boughtand which ha"s been in use for over
' 30 years, ha3 homo tho signature of Ohas. H. Fletcher, and has hoen made under
his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this,
ill Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-a3-good" are hut Experiments that trifle with
iuiu uuuautfur wu uuium ui
-Ai.rnrmr. i tfi ,,m'
Ar '
lingUic Stomachs aiulBowelsor
IBTlVSL 'li i
ncss and ResLContalns neither J
upium.Morpmac norwracralJ
Jhvpiui SmJ"
Ancrfect Remedv for Consfllia
3 1 .y !
Hon , Sour StoniacJi.Dlarrhoca
Worms ,iommsioiis.rcvcri5u
ncss mwlLoss ofSleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Guaranteed undent
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Gertrude Tho man I marry must
bo a genius.
Bertie Thank heaven wo havo met!
Whole Body a Mass of Raw, Bleeding,
Torturing Humor Hoped Death
Would End Fearful Suffering.
In Despair; Cured by Cutlcura.
"Words cannot dcscrlbo tho terrlblo
eczema I suffered with. It broko out
on my head and kept spreading until
it covered my wholo body. I
was almost a solid mass of sores from
head to foot. I looked moro llko a
pleco of raw beef than a human be
ing. Tho pain and ngony endured
scorned more than I could bear. Blood
and pus oozed from tho great soro on
my scalp, from under my finger nails,
and nenrly all over my body. My
cars woro so crusted and swollen I
was afraid they would break off.
Every hair in my bend fell out. I
could not sit down, for my clothcB
would stick to tho raw and bleeding
flesh, making mo cry out from tho
pain. My family doctor did all ho
could, but I got worso and worse. My
condition was awful. I did not think
I could llvo, and wanted death to
como and end my frightful sufferings.
"In this condition my mother-in-law
begged mo to try tho Cutlcura Rom.
cdles. I said I would, but had no hopo
of recovery. But oh, what blessed ro
lief I experienced after npplylng Cutl
cura Ointment. It cooled tho bleeding
and Itching flesh nnd brought mo tho
first real Bleop I had had in wcoks. It
was as grateful a3 ico to a burning
tongue. I would balho with warm
wator and Cutlcura Soap, then apply
tho Ointment freely. I nlso took Cutl
cura Resolvent for tho blood. In a
short tlmo tho sores stopped running,
tho llesh began to heal, and I know I
was to got well again. Then tho hair
on my head began to grow, and In a
short tlmo I was completely cured.
I wish I could tell everybody who has
cczoma to uso Cutlcura. Mrs. Win.
Hunt, 135 Thomas St., Newark, N. J
Sept. 28, 1008."
I'otw Pruu k Ghem. Corn., olo I'rupi., Huston.
Our mistakes of yesterday aro re
sponsible for our worries of today.
.n.i lti
uw i MM i
l mat '
PI Jiff
What is Castoria.
It is pleasant. It contains neither ODium. Morohirm nor
imams ana unildron tlxporience against Experiment.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.'
Dr. F. Gerald Blattnor, of Buffalo, N. T., oays: "Your Castoria Is gooJ
lor children and I frequently prcscrlbo It, alwaya obtaining tho desired
Dr. Gustavo A. Elsongraobor, of Sfj. Paul, Minn., says:' "I Kavo use J
your Castoria repeatedly In my practlco with good results, and can rcconv
mead It ns an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children."
Dr. E. J. Donnl3, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I havo used and proscribed
your Castoria In my sanitarium and outsldo practlco for a number of ycara
nnd find It to bo an excellent remedy for children."
Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of rhlladclphla, Fa., says: "I havo used your Cas
toria In tho caso of my own baby nnd find It pleasant to tako, and havo
obtained oxcellont results from Its uso."
Dr. J. E. Simpson, cf Chicago, III., says: "I havo used your Castoria Int
cases of collo in children and havo found it the best modlclno of its kind
on tho market."
Dr. R. E. E3l;Ild3on, of Omaha, Nob'., Bays: "I find your Castoria to bo a
Etandard family remedy. It Is tho best thing for infanta and children I
havo over known nnd I recommend it"
Dr. L. It. Robinson, of ICansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria certainly;
has merit Is not It3 ago, its continued uso by mothers through all theso
years, nnd tho many attempts to Imltato it, sufficient recommendation!
What can a physician add? Leavo it to tho mothers."
Dr. Edwin F. Tardco, of Now York City, says: "For several years I havo
recommended your Castoria and ehall alwaya contlnuo to do bo, as it haa
invariably produced beneficial results."
Dr. N. B. Sizer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I object to what aro called
patent medicines, where maker alono knows what Ingredients nro put la
them, but I know tho formula of your Castoria and advlso its uso.'
J flsara tha Bignatnra of
The KM You Have Always Bougbt
Bn Use For Over 30 Years.
Ought to Be.
"Is tho man you recommend to us
capable of good bead work?"
"Well, he's n barber."
The moro fact that a mnn doesn't
call you a liar Is no reason that he
doesn't think you nro one.
Ak Your DruggUt for Allen't Foot.Eaie. i
"I tried AI.t.K.VS FOOT-EASE recent- .
ly, anil liuvo JQst bouslit another mipply. '
It hns otircil my corns, nnd tho hot, burn
In and Itching sensation In my feet which
wiih nlmost unbearable, nnd I would not
bo without It now. Mrs. XV. J. Wnlkor,
Camden, N. J." Sold by all Dnmslsts, ioc. ,
Life's Unequal Combat.
You, a river, aro contending with
tho ocean. l.ntln.
In coiusn compared Willi Urn llnltit; nr the Iiijwi'Ir. i
Wlu'ii Irrltnteil wo li.ivn ii,iln, ill.irrhci. crumps,
WlutoTurtliucauM), Uko rulnklllur tl'vrrr luvin i. I
When a spinster marries a man who
Is nlready bald she doemi't got all
that she Is entitled to.
Lewis' Single Binder, the famous
btraight 5c annual wile 0,000,000.
Tlmo will tell unless tbo gossips
bent It under tbo wire.
CIICC CAMPIFC f I'lMiiipionWrniinrmTiiiilou.
rnCu OftmrLLO WiikliHiiliinit nilililiiB Wuiks
woinlnrK. wiiulnliiy, Atls jour uroier or rlln
wXwliSI Thompson's yc Water
Oil, Paregoric, Drops and
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 34-1909.
Poslll vcly cured by
these Little Tills.
They nlso relievo DIs
trcHHfrom DjHiioiiBlii.In-
KuUiij;. A perfect rem
eily fur nizzlnchH, Nau
sen, Dron-Mtiesx, Had
Tiihtc hi UieMoiith, Coat
ed TotiKiie, r.iln In tho
They regulato tho Uowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similc Signature
nil Ulna. Mini,
I n.i..U..i.oR,C'un
not vplll or tip
civrr, will nut noil
nunrantpfil riteo.
thf. nralldMlrri,
.'(. llirnldHiiuitra,
I Kill.,
Shave Yourself
would ovnit
jViltMi'cl ami Irun.
Two Mi ii ill rtn It.
'I'lm ii ii.ns in iii.ii hour.
z ii,T.&:j iiinn inDHin oi.ii noi
SJw-ww'lL J; Hhl"" '1'intriui.
ir.ui a i:st imii .vriirn'
rn4 fur rul , U KANSAS CITY, MO.
. T'i
' ' 7lt l.l l
Ctntufj nd tcmtllitj tin luir.
N'jv.'r Fallu to llottorp Ony
..fc..- iu i$- lumaiui t;ojor.
iU!i pr;p uiteHHI u l,!r lal
wt.ujumi j iru Wlr4
i .