The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 18, 1909, Image 1

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4 ftaHsflapiT ThaS Hhra Hie Flfl)-txs WcK Uf.h Year Far no Ullar.
v oil u Alia xxxri i.
UT5D CLOUD, JS I3i;l ASK A. ATCM'ST lis. 1!I0.
2 UM 111371
There are things a bank
can't do; but anything any
bank can properly do for its
customers, this bank can
do for you.
Interest paid on time deposits.
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $23,101)
B. F. Mizcr, President, S. K. Moiauce, Cashier.
B. P. Micr, C. J. Pope, Win. M. CiP.bill, Win. 1 I. Thomas,
S. R. Flora nee.
4 f U O e
At I heir oest
m$ Assortment i Goel
dch to Select.
Thinds romWI
ii-1ih- Ij.ttnliiu t K tiilUiiiif nf v,ot
I liwU to Tonus lliis full.
I Mis C. S Jones visltod ovof.Siiiulay
'in (toil ,lmiil witli Mis. McCimo.-'
voi,mo win) can pnsUiy iittuiid
iivins iu lie at tln Koil Clntid (".lati
t iiiiiia this week
.1. I) I'lirsoiismul wifo loft Tuesday
'M'liiiiK Tin Ciatul .liinoticn, Colonido,
t i isit relatives.
Mi. (ileasi)ii lias Ih'kiiii oi! on his!
new Imiiso which he is building on tlio '
'it ho Lniiitht of Aioliio l.amliuit. I
j li'dd thiii t lines iis inncli withnnt Ins
lilt,' nn I Ills v III tie suilleleiil tn ie-
I taill all the water lNiet fiimi tin
111((1 Inn lit Still Ills. Ilottlllllll till"
I watoi iii the soil ii'tains the fellilit.
tHi. Siiuthor toason fur lot.miii'K' all
tlio water possible in the soil is lonnd
in the laet that ptants tiilie 'ill their
1 i
food in solution. The plant food must
litst lie dissolved in uatci and this'
watoi sucked up liy the feedoi rootletN
of the plant lifoio it can lie Iniilt Into
plant tissues. If tlioio is not water,
otioiicli in tlio soil todissohc the plant
food, the plant will slowly staixc to'
(leatli Tins is what h ipprns in nian, J
oases wliotc fii tilers sn tlicil coin is'
Mrs wi.i .Montgomery is isiiiiiK m ..,,,, fu.u is not sulllolciit water
the wi stern par. of the state this woalt I j Hiesuil todissoho Hie plant fund
and tin ol nit is lieiriiiiiini' tu stai
Furniture, Carpets Sewing Ma
chines Lace Curtains,,.;'. Pianos,
Organs Pictures and Sheet Music.
Her little sons are
with iv I ttlvos
w th hoi.
lic schiihuiiri; I'rlday last oponod
a nev liaibi't shop Juath uf t lin (Initio
IiufU House Tli ro are now Unco
simps in town.
V. . Set ley is oxpccliu hlsbrothor
lohii eeley and wife of liunilla. South
Dilcntn to arrive RatunUiy fioin a flip
thioiitfh tlio west.
Mrs. M. l,oltl and tlio diuiKlitorH ot
Win. KiilcpatricU are lioine from a
visit at M.uiUnto. Kas . with tho oliil
'lien s p-utiil parenls. .
Miss Mulissa hatnliert went to Dillor
Wedniiilay. She will islt tlioio u fw
ir I no I. ol fond 'I Ills t rouble nuij ill ' ?
:;;:Z!:;ZLlr::'l IWe are always thankful for any share of (
your patronage and good will. ::::::)
wiiioi inii nnir
tllllleleiii deptll tu hold I ho in cess n
Willi'! Ileep full pltmiliff II (Tunis the, .
best mi nils of iliiluo- thlH. for b tins f
means I he moisture from tin- lull, win-'
tor and spi'niK riins ami snows m:
be atuicd m in the noil, lemly (or use
when tin prnpor Utile and need cuti'i s.
Auothi i reason fur fall plowing Is
foiindin tlio Tact th'it it dlsli ibiites
I the woiU tnoie eonly over the dlllor
Cill seasons. loilillK Illole lime III each
! for itiill pioductive woiU. If np.iit
Licensed Etntoolnrcrs and Undertakers.
t v 'Vrfx aAa vywwAAiAsi
at our showing of Summery Fabrics, Fur
nishings and Apparel and you will take
great pleasme in making whatever selec
tions that are necessary to make your list
of summer things complete.
We arc endeavoring to provide sensibly
for hot weather requirements, and a con
sideration of the selections advanced will
readily show the marked attention given
to the wants of our people as we inter
pret them.
tJThen, too, there are specials that demands
attention. A visit to our Store will be of
mutual benefit.
GflOur Grocery Stock is also New, ' Complete
and Up-to-Dale.
M inlstito. Kansas Marlul Tuosday fur
S'lit o 'li ie they meet another 1iroth:
i i They will ccitalnly have a pi ohm
ant time toyethel
Monday evening it ft i loile tin
hiisteni .star whs invited to tho home
ofc. V Corwin whore tlio lawn was
lighted with Japanese lanterns V. W.
(orwin. MIh Kiln 1'etor.s, Vth. A. J.
1 1. 1, is and Mrs. J. H. Clary furnished
and served oilte nud ioe-eroHin.
..I' th.. vv.iil. mi the fm in Clin lie ilnnii
ili.ys.Hi.lnUumltl.ob ( i0 h HCHnll lIl0 ,.,, ttmk
and the. Ko over tu I ah bury toaltoud nU, nit b, sn w,v lusllli, ,,,,.,.,
the teacl.o.-s institute. wl) hiit( u Hjmu. or ,ls Hpi,,r
i;ninntiel IVtois and Noah l'oturs of j woth ilunntf Iho preceding fall will
tiuide UocK. at. 1 .loseph IVtots of . i.,.-,, iilllrt i,,,. and nroner
wolk iu the npri.14 Till Is espeolallj
Nff' if the opening bouton (.lioiild
prm'e to b o(ill and baeliviuvl.
I'lo .veil ground warms morn ninthly
than (ho undisturbed soil, nud come
sulnol into 0 'million favorable fi
glow th.
Two object ions to fall plowing i
iiiuiu lube considered The II. st om
is that in in it 11 ciines l is impusNible
on noeortnt of the condition of the -u
After Urn M1111II gruln crop is removed
the iri'oui.d in most sections of Me
(it'itu bnki'M so linn) that plowing li
hiu AttUss "U
MVt "''' 1 mm Vrt' V W - i'wMiMaij(M Si
4 UU IJIKM1MV)IM MMIM f f JWI.. tlMa . - vj
Will buv your hay in Slack or on Car.
I Iihcst snarktM prices Paul. rill be
"lad to look at vour liav-tiuv time.
Address Alma Alfalfa 11 9.
Alma, Nebraska-
Genera! Merchants
Tli if " as
ivimer n
H. A. LKTSON. Mfr.
eo Dr. Btoukman for -yc glasses
S itisfiictlon guaranteed
StibMMibe foi the ( Idol
Tlio best remedy wo know of in all
easch of lCi.liiey and llladder troublo
and the ono wo alw.iss caniccoiiiinond
is DoWitfs Kidnov and Bladder Pills.
Help Wanted- Male.
The U. .s. Navy olfcrs exceptional
oppoitunitics to young men 17 to !)." They are ant iseptii! and at once assist
vonrsold; men with tiados up to .1".
011S OKI liOO.l uppui lining mi
o.luo.itioii and pioinotion. .Must bo
Amorieau citlons. Minors must, have
parent's certlllcato of ago. l'ay from
$l7.f.0to over 177 per month, with
practically no expense. Vlblt or nd
dress U. S. Navy Recruiting Ration,
Post onice Itullding," ittfetlnfeg, Jnebr.
the kidneys to pot form their impor
tant woik. Hut wlion jou Hsk for
those pills bo positive that you get Do
Witt's Kidney a.ul Madder Pills.
There avo imitations placed upon Rule
to deceivo you. Get DoWltt'rf. Insist
upon them, and if your dealer cannot
supply you rcfuso unything olto in
plaoc of them. Sold by all dealer, .
Mr. IM. IIigan'H two younger diuitfh
tis we to the biidos in a double wed
ding at lied Cloud Tucsduy Miss
KlUe Hiignn uriirieii I'ei.y Miur and
Miss I hue ii co ilngiiu bectine Mr-.
Klmor Mucky. ungialiilatioii'! aro
eNteiiilcd by their iiiany friends
Monday, Mrs. , s,. Sohobouig de-
patted for Omaha to buy her fall stock
of millinery, hhu bus moved her gouds
to tlio Moloney building and is better
piopaieil than over losupply the needs
ot her ciistoincis. Dining tho absence
of Mis .Sehohourg Miss Mason has
chaige of the shop.
Plans aic p.ogiessing nicely for the
orootion of a new brick u'luich by the
Methodists. Tho old stnictuio has
boon suhl and will bo torn down as
soon as possible to make loom for the
now one. The olllolal honid had avciy
haiinonioiis meeting at the chinch
Monday evening to discuss plans and
col. Ill in the sale of the old building.
Tuesday evening a committee of
tiuide IJoclv lodge No. lrih. I'egioe of
Honoi so. veil ice cm cam nud cake at
close ol ludgo in honor of the two
(Miididntts initiated that evening, Miss
Hertlia Uhtustede and Miss l.ouiho
Mnsiitfer. lso in honor of one of
thooilloeis s is Kannie spires who
''"parted the following day fur her
new lioine at tnmiiridgc. Neb., wheio
Ie l husbuud will open a shoo store
(Continued t run. last weeio
Iu tho secotid pUicu deep fall plow
ing croak's u water holding reservoir
in the Mill, and proveuts wash Whoii
evor v.-ator runs on the soil It is at
tlio i'.peuso of feitlllty Tho plant
food in tho soil is wry soluble, and is
icadlly taken up and oil by
i mining water, li the soil is handled
iu such a way as to pi event water
fiom running, this soluble plant food
is retained iu the boil, and its feitility
is increased instead of depleted. If
the soil is loosened to a depth ot two
inches, those- two inches will hold a
certain amount of water without los
ing aliy. If, howevor, the soil U loos
ened to a depth of sip inches. It will
Cotlli's itnponsible. Till- ditlli'UU.V llii
be entirely obviate I by tbu.on.l. v
d scing the ground a vv (k or ti n d .
befuiu attempting to plow Itnnwnu'
tlie surface with a lisc. stops thei ipul
f. I Inn t In. fittpriw!. kii IIiii. 1
the moisture from below comes miltf
and softens tho ciust. prevents the
loi .nation of large clods, ami furnishes
moisttiio enough so that the plow
woi ks bettor than at almost any other
season of the yeai
nothor objection urged by many is
that fall plowed land di.ifls badly with
the winter and spimg winds. On some
Holds the laud has been stiippcd baic
of all the soil that had been loosened.
This has happoned in niostcasos wheio
very shallow plowing has been done.
i his danger may be pi evented in most
cases by leaving the plowed gioiilid as
lough us possible. Any bar. owing or
smoothing should bo avoided. This
rough ground has the a ldcd advantage
of being able to receive and hold the
tuoistiue ti'iui mo'ting snow and rain
etui white il is ftoen. The water
will elite, tho openings and bo re
tamed there instead of running olV
the surface In sumo sections of tho
state vvhare the soil In mndy and
especially liable to drift, tho drifting
I amy bo prevented and most of the ad
' vantages of full plowing be seen ml by
listing diph, hi u direct lull at right
tingles to the direction uf the prevail
ing wind, and then splitting the rldg
just as deeply. This la what is culled
double listing" lit oomo paits of tho
J" i .a uiU! ill ilt '
' HWg O
I If &
n:liA ..&1i .-V.V.v', 'u-i-i'
,'rA- X
Are durable, attractive and i
mechanically correct. I
reci ioua, - - lNeorasKa.
tj-sr rrsf -'vr'vr''
A New BuMy Or Fafiii racliinery
' have them nil. Kcm nihft , our stock ot 1 lar
nt'ss, Hard u art-, 15 nf ri --. uu Farm Machinery is
Complftc at .ill tinif-s. ::::: : : : :
iM'I.WIM WiUI. IlllKl MTHil L'l'l.l l IS
'I liWH
Moilon I. Hill. o Lebanon, lml.,
says. ".My wife had Inllammatoiy
Uhouiniitlsui in oi cry muscle and joint;
her sulTering w.isteirililoand lier)body
and face weie swollen almost beyond
rccoguitloniliad beoninbedforsix weeks
and eight plivsieinns, but received
no benefit until she tried Dr. Detchou's
Relief tor Itheuiniitlsin. It gave her
immediate relief and hho was able to
walk about iu days. I utu Mire it
saved her life." Sold by Tho It K.
Orloe Drug Co , lied Cloud, Nobr.
i uv si.i in ati ii' urn tu Supplying Hiiilder'rt Hardware at tho
L ni t Pi h i s U, st goods. Wk are also In position to do Plumbing
nl. mi I uP Kii.. Is of Pipe Cutting ainl'littlng ::
VIV wllllmwlna Line of AWlQWQtilUlS Soon.
Red Sloud tfewdowe & Implement Go.
WM WOLFE. Secretary.
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