The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 12, 1909, Image 8

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    llllll.lMMIIl ' lllllllialUIMIIIWII I IIHIMIIIH Mil IMW III! I Ill IMIIIMIIIMIIUI !! Illlll Bull CTlMMlBlMitM.JJrOTCTmBMaw
AiuuxiwmrTiw:tmM.ttrJiii.raMSnmu3iMtTmiBniammn').jj vtih
iJVrj'.n ' '","" '"" .. - . ,. . 'I . "(- "' 1, "' "r "7!'.! ,' 'r ,, . . ' '. ..("'. '- !'' ;,,,
fflKSSfc T7 .rffl&s Sis. 7 P'' 5SBSA KST&f mtffifc. SB&v ?? Cv ? ;rsf nzmz v
m? tig3 $ M SL ff IO$ $r If JO B?
3 m:
fonfeU5Bahfl3KKfdlH Esawsassxizias2S2E0
bmmencing ihursaav Aug.
M&8 "tl
se n
vL'Jl Ja.
. ?
if Owing to Certain Conditions arising m the Past ! 0 days, we have
decided to Continue our store Business in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
And have already bought our New Goods which We place on sale . c this special August SaJe on
In buying our New goods We were able to seccure some very extraordinary Bargain values in New
Desirable goods. And we propose to place them on sale at this Special Bargain Sale the same way,
as we fully realize the boost these extraordinary .Bargains will give to our business. Also since buy
ing our new Calicoes, Percales, Muslins etc we have received Notice that the prices have advanced
per cent and over but we aro going to give the Purchasing Public of Bed Cloud and Vicinity the
benefit, as we know it will do us good in the end.
i i .. r i ' "" iifyiMiwMfwwMMiMtflu'riiiwnfjjTttiywiMrn' ir- ir.iniwi " 1?n yjmmtw.tmFjw,mmMWmMumum lmmmiavmimmm iiFyrnfrmFftwn
OnllnuM'.c He. 74.
li "i llntiliii iiiMI"tt '' a'"' v lliu
tUXf llp-'li nil l-ixull- '."l i' 'I' I'"' ,,"
nfKrti l.i nl. Ni Imlli I' "I i""1 I"1-"
miiiiiI (' il! miiiinl nml .iwliil iurii.xiHiM
fordliu in i! iiMtinMilMil'iHil"""' nl''"
tor tin- iiwnl ar iiiniiiinHii ilir Hint
Tuwitny In Mn WW.
Iii'ttoriluliitiHi) thiMtivin aiuliotiiu'llof
tliel'in of ltol iltmtl Niliiuskn.
hiHitmi 1. That then lie- ami hi-nliy In
luvlixl up'iii nil ilu inxtiitlf iniuiiy within
tliut'll) "I llitl t'liiml Nebraska Imlli fill
ami iiiTMiiml lui II"1 purpose nl ili-dnyhm
tin' lAjiiiin'imlMUliI city lor tlu riirri'iit ' ur
the rolliiwltmUii"iiMiM t'lt'li ilulliT of II"'
HMti-hM-il Milimlliin llu-riot fur tin-spiTllliil
ftiiulH t wit:
lluncritl 1'uiiil ID iiiIIIh.
Water lloiul I'ninl :t 111III1.
Kluctrli' l.ltthl Honil Knuiia iiiIIIh.
MiilnmluliiU Watt'r worKH i inum.
Miilntnlnlnt! Kltftrlr I.IkIiI W'trkn
Strict l.llitH4 uillln.
Jiiiltsnunt Kami IOihIIIh.
Sfi'tlon'i TliUonllnancu Khali Ukeultect
nml lm In f'r from ami aflt-r Hh paxHSBf.
approval anil piililli'atlnn.
Appruvi'il AilKimt Mil. I '.KM.
o.f.TKKi.. ' " I'i-ikii.
ISi'iUl fllyl'lerk. Mayor.
OrdlnaHCf. No. 7(i.
An in illiirtiu't'li-riiiwl Tlif Mimiul ppro
prlatliiii Hill approprlulliii! x'K'li mwt of
iiionii) ai arc initial J " l'y U rpitiM'S
aiulllalillllliHofthi' ll "' H'l I'loml Ni
liriinkium n't forth ! pri'Mnus I'silnialu
maili' lot tin-1'iirri nt iar.
Unit iiirlaliiiit h) thi' Major ami foiiiirll
Of Itl'il fllllul NllUIINkll.
Mrtlini I. Ih.n tin- liilliiului; Miiii' "I
moiifV hr nml Hit- iiiiin an- luuhy iippin
pilatnl from tin- iiiih'imii l iumi author,
lt-il Hi lm li-vU-il for Ilu- luiii at iar 'If
tray tin- iii'CPwarj inih'IimmiiuI llaiillltliiuf
tin-wilil ntv il lU'il flnuil l"i tl"' i'iiiihiiI
llM'al iar ami for Ilu-put i"ii''"'i1'1'1""'
j 'yvM
lii'iii'ial I'uml
Wati'i- liiunl I-'1""1
i:ii'ftrlfl.llil II"'"' l',mi1
Miilniiilnliii! Wattr Work
Maluialnlni:i"lH',''ll't W"KS
MUfl I .Winn
Jmlmiifiil I'uml
Total sx5uo'oa
MiHltoii J. "fill ortllimiHT IiiiH ', M
tti.d In-111 f'.i lro '" ,ur "" l,,,"l
unpiowwtillil puh'lcillloii.
,,piov,a XiwuMltH.IIKW.
" ..I'KKI.. f. H.IMMKU.
wn.. .-Hyrtrrk. M""r-
TO introduce fine materials, clean
methods, scientific equipment
into the making of soda crackers
was one triumph-
To actually bake into them a subtle
goodness, a real individuality, never
before known, was another triumph
But to effectually protect them so
that the fullest benefit of these fine
materials, this careful, cleanly baking,
this unique goodness comes to you
unaltered, was the crowning triumph
that gave the world
Uneeda Biscuit
To $'i'oill!i'"
In tin-t'omity t'ourt.
man nf v.'tiruwka.
i isii ii .Htm
to tlM IMUM "' "" 0"U, ' Wl"l,ln,
i "utuwniu-. Dooatefl.
.. .,.,,. , .rivnnto Ull IH-mUUd httVlllk'
wait., ute of welmler fouiity. dooeaaml. ,
thttl IUb lliiii' IImi'U fur Mia oluinm uiialu't
eala e.taie i""1" woihU frmu thu irmUay
Of M''" I'llll'I"' I1.,0I,
All sui'h I'lTh'"". r0 ! -" m pri'iont
tliulr ululmi. will" tl' oul?r. t. tltu Uounij
.IiuWp of Mii'i I'l'utnv. at iiWonioi' tiumln. ou
iir huforo ihi'MTiiml ilu of Mitu-li Wlo; ami
nil ululitis mi IIU'il will Ho hi'iiul tii'for.) tho Milil
jmtu'u on llii'lii1''1 'ly "' Milr1,11' lul M "e
o'uloulc p. in '. antllliat tliu ailtnliiMliilur is al.
In wi-rtomiyi'arti mil llifloiirllulny of hkiihI
ItMKi. In which to pay th iletus ulloni'il
airainst siilil cxtatu ami suttle the Hume
I. W. Kiimin
IMKAI.i fotlllty .lllllBl'
SALVE For P1!a, lurmOfMi
Tlio KUliu'.vh ullmliiuto iioiMiiih by
uutltih' " liUeih for the lilooil. Wlion
they fail hi this restii'ut serious nil
mt'iits must result. Piueulos for die
Ulilneys ure what you should take at
the tlrst tvurniiih'slgn of Iddney troublu
Tliry aSfiUt the UiilneyaMh e.xooUlnB
ttrle hchI ptiisnu," ol)l liyinffenrv CxiU.
Full Saw. -A span of liljjh llreil.
llluck l'eieheron Mutes .seven years
old, weight aiUH) lbs., well broho til id
well iimtehodiu evory respect, sound
nml rlfht. Uredto a full Blood Ueg. ;
Perclierou stallion, wervlco fee paid.
Tbese uiureff uru insured for WOO,
policy will be.. transferee! f reejjf charge
to'puroliascr. PoriuVtlier"1 purticuUi',
ltj(ulret the ChlcofHce.
The next time any of the little ones
in your home have a eouyh or oold ami
show little sIkus of fever, do not got.
excited or alarmed It U not necessary
to call a doctor. Just get llees Luxu
tlv Couh Syrup, ,.A dosq or two will
geutly move the, bjiwoli.,' thus rolievo
congestion, reduce the fever, and the
children lite to (ake l Tlioy .will ask
foe DDore. Sold by Henry Cook,
See the Chief for up-to-date .lob work
HeWltt's Little Early Nisei's, tho
pleasant, safa, sure, easy little liver
pills. A salve you may always depend
upon in any case where you need salve,
is DeWitt Cafbollzed Witch Hazel
Salrc especially good' for Piles. Sold
by all dialers.
Lost A watch fob with the initials
E. H. 1 engraved ou the charm. Find
er please leave at Xewhouso Jiros
Jewelry store.
Hr. Winterson physician and sur
gaon. Office in front tooiub over Dr.
Cook's drug store. Removed from Dr. '
Ralne's office, Potter ilpok.-.f Both
phones Bell Red 18. Inaepend; 151