The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 12, 1909, Image 5

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    rfilf i tfi..l jfr I,
wwtwwowwnwwwiinwiiw n iiiJutwwnyiiiMj miwrnrwtttwim
43 5-33aaa-tff f ef-r?f ;?-
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of t h .
, .u if i ii i . 1 1 ; is . iii
tuii .'I. I., i 1
' MH Of li,i Iin' i I s ( n Ironi
ll'ad n Nun :r
Mill (b'tllgl I (I loif Wits dovWI fm il
Con It Stitidin
i i i i i iii i ,i
i ti il h . hi,
I A it' i ! . Ii I '
" - ii ii i ii 'H i i i) r 1 1 1 ' ' i
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In I 'I Ij lnt 1 llil lltllgMfl (if
I! I i i il i '!'!' M t ill.' hcf lllflll I
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l I'll i I -. it. i !.. i IMS.
Mi I M Mi i ,i I it i1 i tin ti il Nun
ill' f'lll'l II IllO'lt'l s ISIt III I illlll mln I
V ilt" t nl' uiu-dc K'''tt fitc with
v.t i ; 1 1 i- 1 ';'nluiclit'" studios.
Miss I , II I l Ni'sblt n'ld !.IK I! l'pll
Hu iter w 'ii'i'iivii fiom ItniMili' Mull-
.Mlsst! -oigli "ttntl wiW doWtl Iii in!l.V-
Cowtes Tuursday.
Mr. Ill sij tires w.ii down ft iin
Oowles WVilnowluy.
Itti. . Iii' t I e him down fniil
Aiu; .i!i I iv h lay.
Mr- II mIm of Hivci'mi iitt-d in
lied Iti l 1 if - In v.
Mr. ,i i I Mi", Di- l.mWk 1. ft
Ttnsd.i ' f'-i it tli .
MNi linn' Ih k'-f-'iui w.t8 up Irtitn
(iiiti'i- Rock Mm il iy
liiiiiv Xnudcrs was n't the hick lit
tin tir-t of the week.
Mi-s AfJetine D.iylor was itt Lincoln
the first or tho week.
Mw, X G. Knight of California ii
hero visiting relatives.
Itev. Vinders oaino down from
llrokcn I Sow Tuesday.
Miss Mubol of Guide Hock wus
in Uol Cloud this week.
JINi Xoriuii Itiehttrdsin returned
from Sopot ior Mondiiy.
Hairy Dickoy I'liim home from
Orand Island Tuesday.
Miss 1 1 oloii Johnson visited in .super
ior the last of I ho vvcok.
Will Tabor mid family wont lo Lin
oolu Nti inlay via his auto.
Mr. and Mrs. Prod 1'oitfolt camo
down fiom Alum Sunday.
Miss Inna rullou of lUveiton was
on our streets Wednesday.
Loyd ISradhrook was down from
Woo.lrnn. Kas., tiiis week.
thus. Undsey of rranulin wns visH
ing 1 1 lends here this week.
l"i ed (iitnd and family wore down
fiom llliie II1U th's week.
Mr and Mis. ,Iuck Hayes woro up
fiom i.uide Koek Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dennett were
down from Cowles Sunday.
Mr and Mis. Dwight Jo'nes canto up
fiom tiulde Uoek Satin day.
Clms. Itohliisou of Hastings wns tho
guest ot his family Monday.
Miss Steele of AleMindor is heio
visiting Miss Clara Huigess.
Mis. IVrry of M.irvaid is heie isit
ing her son Prank this week.
'JO per cent discount on Pastel Paint
ings at Atgnbrlght's Studios.
Miss IMith of ISlile Hill is
isitiiif,' in Red Cloud this week.
liert Kaley and tainily arrived lioine
fiom their eastern visit Tuesday evening.
Toll Mn it ,iltni-t lie Hmilh
I'liiiiii-i Typewiitei i "i.'s l; d
Mis .tallies, mother if Tied and
I) 1 '1 mmue wi'iir to MiMftuIle Mi'..
i in i .
1 uil di.liU' .. i I htt'e K1'-"11! tlan'li
teraieliett fi mi Oklahoma Nitinr
I l.iiciii t stein mid family of Nnu'i
lor ni ltd l'' Citwdcti and f.imily
this week.
Mrx. Jatiiet llieliiird of Blade n is
viilliiiK t the home of L. 51. Crahill
Leo peTonr and wife of Guide Uoek
are tho Quests of I)r. Asliot' and wlf.
Ihis upuk.
51 r. and Mr. lloacoe Wcocntr of
Lsboti, Kas , wore lioro vhitlng tola
lives thi week.
1'hil (Jrout of Almona. Kas, Is the
Kiiofti of 1iU tirutlier, Clin. Orout and
wlfo this weok
Mr and Mrs Cleo. Matkins and boh
loave this week foi Seattle and other
imlnts of Interest.
Mis. James MeUuire was called to
lieatrii'o Monday by tho sciloun illness
of her sou at that plneo.
5lrs Watt and daufjhtor Mlhi Louln
of (iuide Unck wero attendlnjf the
Cliatitauiiia Wednesday
II. . I. 5Iaurer arrived homo tho last
of tho week utter a fow month's mj
journ in the eastern states.
Mis. I)uid Moriison and daughter
depiuted this niorniiifr lor Counoil
LSI ii 11-. Iowa to visit H'latives.
Jaek Walsh of Montana arilved in
tin city Wednesday morning for a
lslt with f i lends and roluthes.
Tho Superior base hall fans run a
special ttain up to tho lied Cloud s
SupiM ior ball name Wednesday.
Nice, little, pleasant, gentle, easy
.safe and hiue pills, aio Kings Little
Liver Pills. Sold by Homy Cook.
The Chicago specialist will bo at tho
Koval hotel in J'ed Cloud, again
Sat in day, Aug.. .'Stli. Consultation
f I oo.
1Ji-i A Navy bluo Coat between
the show gionnds and the (leo. Coon
place Pindor Ioavo at t hief oilico.
L. A MvL.
Tomorrow is Red Cloud
Day at the Chautauqua.
YOU men who put your
confidence in us in this matter of
clothes are entitled to know the
truth about what you buy here; and we're
glad to have rou know it; there's nothing
here that we're afraid to tell the truth about.
I Iart Schafihcr & Marx clothes arc all
v v.i.l; and all-wool is the only real, full value
lothes We have some clothes that are
-V m1; we'll tell you so if you
v) We dont advise you to
d goods', they're mobtly
'I that's bad for us as well
them hei c T.t sell to nu n
eiiouuh 'to insist on
ol t
ii'itisjir lit l)r J s I illill
At the ihl stand ecr the
Stateer.h. Phone t'SU
'i ' II of S,HIM d Ii - f i s lie 7
I i s i'Uli t of Ki I ' b lid tl l!l
' ii V u i is f.u ii i'ukuS .iU- 'Hi,
.' ii riii -J-.,
Ml ,i. I Mi ( Inn i s i i i1 I1 i, i e
nnl ij fit I ltn ulii fi iit w I i Ii i e
tii", ui'l tfn in s, uttle ,i i oil ii
I II' lll'ill,. I In" ( I st
)i uiuU iii" - 1 1 in .! v.;ll nu ei
ex '. i nr. nu ! i mil iliimit pith nts aim
t!i ( nreilli ir i I isi s t'ltei hi Pi.
I)t tneivll's oltne Weiliu sil'H, Ane IK.
Pint Milie. riul'olii l. Mid hi's pnin.
In any fitii'ijfi nej - i nisi s.cnt", son
burn-, 'eratflies pte., 1 itii's.ihe, eai
bnltf.ed ii tu -t Hold by Hi in y t'di k
Kon ' mi 'I II till- loll Sill h ulll
In i Uiihi'I i Uilllit . one .tj .' 4 I ii si
i ,,1'uitnr with 11 in lulph I Ii wer, I - t
of mu liio'ks, nil Itl j. "Oil iiitniuiri
s,i lpi l.t UIII ill P M U.'nw i
si S
Mi-. V it Simpsi ii i .mlil' i ni V j
1; shnpHim bus iituiiii1 t' Aittt'ii,
Ne'i . where site will ntfn.l ni"l it ule i
and teach -lionl the e'imini; miii.,
she was nccoinpaiiied b Misn llhtiu Ii
Herriek of North Hraneh Kits I
MatiZutt. the grsat Pile retnedj, pie
vents PIIpbIiv preventing eonstip'ilion.
It h (onvonliMitly ujiplied directly lo
thi trouble by menus of a small tmilo
attached to the tube in which Mailman
put up. Sold by lfonry Cook
Take Kodol at the t,imc when you
feel what yon have oaten Ii not digest,
lug. Kodol digests what you eat so
you can eat sutllciently of any good,
wholesoino fond. If you will lust let
Kodol digost it. Hold by All Dealers
VSTii)-A fnrni of h'O aeios In
central southern Nebraska, gentl.
tolling, good ltnprmeiiient not nimo
than flvo tulles from town on Uepub-
llcnli river --Nash X Company, l'.iok-
PIH. 711 llt'st, .MIllOlllll liilllK lilitg.
Chicago. 111.
.Judge IMsim bad a double wedding
In his olljee on Tuesday, Mr. Poiry U.
Miner and Miss IClllo llngati and Mr.
Pdtner P. Makle and Mls Ploience
llagan all of duido Uoek.
Yesteiday bo joined in tnairiiigo Mr.
.John V lllng and Miss Nellie P.. Pogg.
both of Sitnith County, Kansas.
Ollicnr laby is to he commended for
bis work he has been doing of late.
Without bluster or noise ho appie
hends the lnwlessand does his duty in
ii mill tor of fact manner. It always
gives us pleasure to piaNu men who do
their duty without looking to the gal
lfly or the grand stand for applause.
Dai) Reynolds, aged 111 years died
August 7th. Mil)!), at his home eight
miles ikii th and 1 mile east of ltcd
Cloud of hi aiu fe or. Funeral services
weie conducted Sunday afternoon by
Ilev. Hummel and tho interment took
place in tho Klin Creek cemetery. t His
patents have tho sympathy of all in
their sad hour of beieaement
Wc aro reliably iufoimed that theio
will bo a now bank started in Inavalo
in tho cry near fiituie Mr. P. M.
Kutsoii of Alma litis been looking the
ground over and is convinced that
Inavalo is amply ublo to support an
other bank I.argo Intel osts ae be
hind the eiitoipii"o and tho new bank
will undoubtedly iccolvo libcial pa
tronage. Campbell liros. Ciicus hold foith in
this elty last Monday and as umiiiI
gave a clean, wholesome and Intel est
nig peifoimaucc. People thovo In
from miles around and wcro well re
pui 1 for mi doing.
Five little tigers wcro born that day
on the gionnds and the editor was for
tunate enough thru tho courtesy of
Mr. Campbi II to be present.
Th u arc ,i rTifiit tuniiy pe ip'- w'i
m ii id I c thai 'vful If thty could pto
cine or if M nKfine iufl;olcd uiiie
thing th it would htop the untiouuioi'
and iriitdtiou thut nf'ompnnlos Itch
ing I'ilex Kiijmii i- ,i piopariiti'iit
tbitvilldi tins It I. lu'iillng and
smithing, i pul up In tubtt, m
thut the ii'Uu dy cj.ii bo directly ami
lonvwuti-ully applied to the atfceVd
put!y. Sold by Hoary Cook
A ' it th ' I I h Kill f i Mipmi,
1 b ll' t J I ' 111 I'l. . jlpl.111'1 (
I 'I - - f.u tl v. i 'th- of He! Cloud vi
i i . " i n ' lu'hi iiui
afc. Miii n v Tte
ixap- i m' i. ' u' iin if. ...'... . i. ; , uu;i - vhb - v
mi & mt i. i it mm &'.n' mi i -- .' y v
Attend the C
V Copynglit 1900
V Tho 1 louio ot
V v KupnenlieinWf
At Red . Gload
August 7 ih lo 1 5 th inclusive
igh C!.ss Attr.ctions Every Day
ase Ball Games every 'afternoon at 4sl5 sharp
1 0 days of solid enjoyment for everybody
Make our Store your headquarters while in the city. $J Every courtesy extended to customcis and visiting
friends. G!Ve ate showing some new Full Mais and Shoes and hac lots of mid-summer bargains in our
Always Reliable
first Door North of Postofficc Wcdtli'sd,! i- t'liini.' nt i! o elm l
n 'cut ted tin1 uiiitiingi' ot Mr. M. .
Ci out ami Mtis Vera WicUuiioat the
homo ot tho bible'-, iiiutlici. Mi''.
Wiclcwiic. Miss lniio llollister
played tlii ucilding match and .Ml. It.
K.Mcvoiis was best man and Miss
Mlldied Stevens .iltended tho biide
Hov. .1. K .laiboe id tho lliotlucu
church pcrformod the wediling cere
mony After tho ceiemony a tluee
couisc supper was soi cd. This young
eoaplo is well and favmably kuoni in
this city and wo wish them success
tin ti life's journey.
(land Island Collegi' wins mote
ptics than other Western school; has
leglhlativc aiithoiity to giant state
tcuchi'is' cei tilicatis. mtiintains tao
most nourishing L'onsorvatory of
Music, probably, in Nebraska; has a
sohool ot cointneice employ lug busi
ness methods such as are in uso In
largo business bouses; hns'JO ecellcnt
teuchots, woll-l'uinished dnitnltoilos,
with model ato expenses. Webster
County ioung people should, bofoie
deciding to go olse where, bj all mean,
send for full infoi ination lo President
'(icorgo Sutlieihind, driind Ihuid. Nc-
bras ha.
KllKI'MlflKM IS 'A l)A.
lr. T)itoboni! IlBllef for Plioumntlsm
mid Netiralghi i mliin.ll cmed i.i 1 to
I duya. It uf'tb n jpon the t.jsti in is
iinnarkablu unrt ni) vtcrlotiH It ia
r love nt once the ouum and tho di
riseltniuCdlKtely dUappfats. Tho din
f'oKo grrratly UeueMCt 75fl and 1. tint
'j.hl iy Tiie H K. (iuce l)ru Co.,
I'cd loud Nobi
. Notice of Cuucuo. '
The iVojilu IidirpendoAt party
. iimh otGHifldd prrclnct are railed
t nu ct, at the Pop" Mhud I hum on
1 ' u,uL litb. ') ut .1 p in fur tho
'i laiitititlijirMiJC imii s',i.-'i.i O'.cUotd
' . ii'r urid It t i in I . i 1 1 t If
, i ' i . , . t 1 1 ' ,, . .
Amack & Chaney
Furniture, Carpets
J -I'J
REDFERN Whalebone
DlrtCtOlrc Wrt1! 3ft la moderately shoit And full
abovu the w u-t. but hn tho very long hirt, fully
uic tsinj the hip- ' ippiei-slug their fn1h . i I
ji oducir ' t!i htrulght hip lino. D lj.-,i. I ,
iathr slioit. full f rnin. A udd.lniti I i a
Model Unit ii h's to IU m' i II ' tit'l) I it
.s futtrid in tl.o
SECURITY Rubber n. it m Ho-o
to pereunde you to uuv
y larx all-wool clotlcs; llieyll co
because thty'iC worth more.
Suits $18 to $40.
Pi JL mr JC '- " i i A
Ni't in.
L " .11 li ft! "I I
; Ti lo 1( !. i' i' i
i'i In .U 'l he u i i
lt i' !n ' ' tj i iii p
' f i
' U -,
i'lpei it It
1 r ..Uot t
Dr. .1.' KvuM ..
Kll. p I i do. on Mn.ihsiiii I .h
coln' ,i t' t li tp in j 1 1 s ,,, iHS , , ,
lOtf. AUgUbt luJ'
llatttluga orohbti i 'i '
and cveuing.
lluu. P. Freeze tlio oonvcrtad ulor
mon on ''Tho Intdrte of Mormontsm''
Sun 1 1 ,ift i ti i n
ii t
i', "
i .
i, i
1 1
i - r ;
(c i
v 1 1 1 y i . t
j. iiwu fo illi' ioiieri ri(.e,S(ithemattOr
tu b) ottl 1 by ti ti . i. f uc .
i ' inf-iieU. 'i..l pH' t1 t Uu wufc
' v.iblnew, by telling tuom what kind
.of a ravUiou should bomadu. Now, tf
Tatt had doilu thU at the Urt, what
! wiving lo the country. The ravlaldn
Is a oiio niati make-up and the pint J
is iu 1 nd all th--no ipli c incurred
The t ror'i t
gontly iuuv
Mi I ) i
, ! i ,i , I i i n. i '" ti' a i i
, , , tioii 1 i ' i i t)4
Lbt-. im pi-Hmg,! -011110111 the ' t m ad
uun moat ootiveb. u.l Uw l Uaiug a
docuortwo of Ihxa Usatlve Coafe'U
Syrup. It U pleasanL to Uko, eta
jiromptlv. fhildran lttce It. Sold by
Hi my (o !v
aro vary tttuctlvo In oaaas of Hnta
hROk, baobnoho. luliainwintlon of tho
blfwldar nd urinary troublo. Sold
by Henry Ooolc.
If 3
.. i V!"- f T1 i' ffi
.. ii ""wsswsaiaeat-is. '