(I I J1.,0;iiv-arj.a'i7g:I1Ja-'' 15he CHIEF .Rotl Cloud - - Nobrnska. rUBIilHHKU I.VKHV TIIU1WDAY. Knieri) In Hi'1 rcuK'IVe "t'liwl rlnml.Nab.. d ei urn! i'ii Mnitcr r i. it a hi: l't'UMMim Till: ONLY lM-M(H'.Tlr 1'At'Mt IN WI.IWTK.lt C OtWIY Political Advertising The eoluiiniHof the Cm? i hip "r' for legitimate advertbemeitl of "H l.imK CaiiflHlHk. ri'riinlUMof party nildititi.ni, nrJ ivMoMtu to lb1" culumni. Price of aiiiioiineenu lit fo.W. Vim NllKKIH'. I hereby announce myself n cnndl (Into for Uio iinmliititiun of Nherlir or Webster county subject to Ibo will of the Doitfooint and People Independent elector at Ibc Primary election Ati. 1 7th., 1000, utiil nmt respoetfully Milleltyornpi'ort. K 's Foil SHKK1PF. We ar Authorized to auouticts 1hat Win. KlrkpatrlCk will be a candidate r..r LUh nominee of Hhcrlff by th Peinocmt and Peoples Independent ln riles at Pilmary election Aujr'ist 17th WOK tfOU TKBASrilHK. Vo lmvo bcLMi Authorized to an noiiiieo.the Ciuulltliicylor W. H Cramer, fur tbt olllco of County Treimurer, hiibjcct to Uio will of tin- Democrat mid Peoples Independent parties at the primary election August 17 tb. 11)011. FOR TliHASl'KHK. We have been Authorized to An iiouilee tbo t'undldiicy of H. V. Koontz for tbu olllco of County TioiiMirr, subject to Hie will or Republican voters lo.be expressed at tbo primary election Aulst 17th. 1!0!. KOlt TKKASrUKIS. 1 will be aTandldate for Treasurer (d Webster County Ncbtnskii, subject to the will or the Kepubliean Electors ut tbo Primary oleetlon 'August l"th liio'.l. lluspectfully. .1. P. (Iim.mi:.s. POU TltHAUKi:il. We are authorized to announce the name or Or. It. !'. Haines as a candi date Tor tbe nomination for Hie olllco of Treasurer ofjWebster County, sub ject to tbe will of the Kepubliean electors at th primary tleetion to bo held August 17, l'.Hif). l-ol? TUKASCKKIl. We bae been Autlior'u.eil to an nounce tho iiiimo of O. A. Arnold, of llluo 11111,01' noiniiiiilloii of County Treasurer, subject to tbo will of the Democrat; and Peoples Independent voters at the Primary election August 17th, UKW. -. COl'XTY CIjHKK. 1 hereby aiiiiounce uiysolf asaeandi date for ro-election as county clerk, m tho republicau.tleUet, i-ubject to tho decision of.tho voters at the primary election to'be held August 17th. IDO'.i. K. W. Hoss. FOR COl'NTY .HJIKiK. 1 will bo u 3 Candidate for County .Indue of Wobsterj County, subject to tbo will of the Republican Klectors at the Primary election August iTtli. 11)01). Respectfully, (i. W. lie msii.i.. for cor.NTY .-i:pi:rintknm)i:nt. We are Authorized toaniioiiueo that Miss Mable Day will be a ('aiulidalo for the olllce of Coiiutj Miperintend ent, subject to the will of tho Homo erat and People i Independent parlies at the Primary election AuifiiHt lTtb. ll)0i. ;..."".....liilwWHM II ' Mi8s Mai el ,jt vflinilibitc for the uoiulliatloii of Ctouly Mi(.i!ntendt)iit is wutl qimtifb ."Hi I ,v t .N'lerlei ee anil"' '" tl !' i ni'ortmu otllee. Ma , -;uy trninln?, tx- pet 'i You will make no , fin. ' i. i it yoc Ms A ." the Cat 'i , ' I vi - asj . i i .,, 'Tn . . :.,, 8el i i,i l ei i . f iif. fai .'1 ,! U , , i . r I Pr th. lib 'i .; In no . . . hb 4 lui qil ''i . till ' . , K tti iui . . . of I ...', uequaiuw ' -my man In i.. . can b ui'fc'ed ugJti.i lie lias beJd tho oilico for a .v.. in the older states this U retrardeu - a shllsfactbry reason for eontinuliif; u man n ho has been found .apable ni'd olll-ii "t ill !'!'' mi t'i" ! .if ! peo . eli loiih' v I iv. t mill ' in 1 i h , -. n n , rcgai u.'.'J'i1 LI m '" urauunMwiunotaxaaa (now Ilinlfll the ('audi bite mi the PemoeinMc mid People Independent pi'liiniiy ticket, for County Clerk K a (inn imiii tlitil Is iiiite Midi knotvn throughout the county, h he cntno to tb'-. rutin ty 8.1 year ago, And bai Ik en ui'Iladclls mid Co'., store a good pat t of thai 'time. Wo heartily riiduiM! him an a candidate, for this otllre. and full mire tbat Ii will cure the full vote of the two par ties whleb he ban always ardently support prt. Voter, of the Democratic and Peoples Independent ticket aliutild not over look Mr. JV B, Cramer candidate for ouitty .TreaMirer. vrhcn.thoy outer the votitiK places on flic llb. It bas been reported tbat Mr. Clamor dnon iioUUMiit the oftbsu of comity treasurer but tld.s W a mlstuhe. Head the tin iioiinccIiientH. Mr Cramer ban for years been identllled with tbe Inter ests of Webster county nml U a man of Mhlliitf Integrity, abwriutily hoiieat, and reliable. I ilesite to itiiimiMiea to the voteitt of the Pemoerntle and People ludepend cut pnrtles that I will appreciate their mpport nt tbo romiiiK primary tlet Ion. I have resided in this county for fifteen yearn and hove had dealing in a InuJiieNi way w Itb a nn at luimbet of person and 1 believe tbat they will all testify that I have always been Mpiare and honest in my dcHlhijiw with thein.j If nominated,!!))!! olee.led it will be my aim to servo tile eorfnty Mir tbo capacity of sbeilll' to tbo very brst of my powers and ability. W.M. KlIlKI'ATKICK. Wo have a suggestion to oll'er tho ba'-e ball association, lji as iniieh us our popular pitcher. .Jack .Musters has been quite sick with typhoid fever why not k'ivo him a benefit xanie? Tbo association nonh ulOso a day when tho team is liumo and no uame arranged for. let pittihers Clojjj; anil Puyati! choio up sides from our own pl.iyers and 1111 in with players of former days. This would insuio a Kood ,'ame and a big altondauco and tbo association would suffer no Ilium t'ial loss. I'.y all melius let Us have a benellt triunt' for dear old .lack-. To my Democratic and Populist friends on account of urgent work on the farm it is impossible for mo to see you nil, so ask you through tho Chief for your a'.sistunee in my tight for the nomination for Sherill'. I have been a resident of the county for the past 20 years have spent my entire liTo on the farm. I have never asked for an olllce before, urgo your neighbors itild friends to attend the piimary as that is the only place you have any choice.'. So get out and do what you can to nominate a good ticket, then elect it in November. I shall bo very thankful for any assistance you can give me. 10. W. Coi'i.KN. The Chautauqua is now on in full blast and has caused us to '"look up' tho origin of the idea. In 1S7U John II. Vincent conceived the idea of holding a meeting for Sun day school workers and giving them a witter knowledge of the Ribloaud the principles which they were teaching and consequently secured the grounds on the shores of I.uko Chautauqua in western New York. Iloro he con ducted a kind of .-chool and the idea took at once. People seemed to bo hungry for information. A little later he included Creek and Roman history and I he people wero rhaimcd. Prom that it w!is but iv step to organized classes, .studying thruout the year. Outlines of which were furnished by Mr. Vincent. This win a success from the start ami all over the 1'nlttd States circles woio foiinrd and people of all clatkcx graduated from ttdtege at homo and n reived diplomas Mgucd b tho oi i.tiimlor of tbe lib a. I.iitt-r Rev Vine. ht lee, me Dr. Vincent h.v ing received hi-nitry dpgree ronfetred I'p.inbimby Vale and II.mivmi! and other rimer itiis ninl lite) be was made a Mlnv of the Methodist i-buuh. ThU seems to lur. e ceupietl most of ids time imd tJio Cbontauqiui i 11 w i'Ii flit a l.e.i.i . i ner t !i tut:iiiipi.i dil . i int i ' ly tom ili. oiihn.l mie ' ) J yt'.all m:tU lvti,iy I'iKle i i i !'t !tci Malt ,Hb.)iit 'a) ot ' I .'U'al'.ipLt is UI 0 to stttV liUd . i ' ' t i nr i'i I I I i i 8aw Joues ciut-m,.v... t liiuu- tllllipi l us a en. b-tueeu a tv Hip i . ( n nid ' i . I i i ,i. ' I i ' . I ,. I 'I ' f ' ' !' ' ,l' I in all ulidei takings anil It is mir means of jfrowtli. Peopb williul.t cast asldu Hie daily 1iitles to n it. foi a eimn othpr IninN, or to think .itlo-i thonirbts and return home niie!ieii and better rotilctifed withtlu-'ridiosi n voentlotis. Th third atiual t hsittaitqua opt tied berc last Saturday with a prelude b Kureltn r.lee C'ltib and a iVturp l.y Cd. O. A. tloarhart, The attendnf lioth afternoon and evening wai vei Ifood for the opening day. Cof. (leaihnrl wa af bis best and delighted the audience with his easy manner of delivery and hl choice of diction. He nlwpys takes high theme and raises tho Manflnrd of, Uvln where ever he tfoim. .fine cannot Hv ten to his elevating tbotiifhts without becoming' better and ho does liolmako it tfoody-Koudy inllt either. Tho pen pic of Roil Cloud and surrounding country wlil always welcome, Col. Gear-hart. The F.ureka Oltio Club f nrnlsbed the music lovern n splendid recital and showed I brniselves past master In tbe art of cut ci tabling. On Stimlay afternoon, platf m manager (ilenu Frank, deliver' ' a very masterly discourse Tho ,ng in years he i gifted with free and logic and bis lecture or sermon is very favorablo coinmonled upon. He bus tho ability to hold I ho attention aud gives plenty of material for thought. A large nudienco greeted Mr. Soars In the ovoniiip vjhti spoko on more taffy nndlesH opltaidiy. This gentle man Is n polished man of tho world and was at perfect ease on the pint form. Much of what be said wim good but we regret tbat ho did not de velop a deeper line of thought. How ever ho was llstuned to with marked attention ami peoplo gouerally wore well pleased with his efforts. Thatchers Royal Hungarian or chestra proved to be Heritable music al feast and the people who know what good music is wore loud in their praise of this organization Despite the fact that Campbell IJro-. circus were giving a performance in tbo city upwards of looo people gath ered at the Chautauqua tent to hear the famous weather prophet Irl Hicks or St. Louis Tins was plainly a great disappointment. Mr. Ili-lis could have told the atidienco some of the means by which Io bases his predict ions and they would have listened eagerly for a little Information in re gard to the went her. But unfortunate ly he neglected his opportunity and gave only u simple outline of the s-ilar system, srch as can be found in the common school geography. In thccvGiiiug tbo Moi'phet-. mysti lleil the people with their slight of hand and their happy manner of mak ing oueforgetoue'sself. The children especially wero charmed with this number. Tuesday at ternoon Denton C. Crow I reproduced ono of Sam .lonos' lectures entitled "Oct there ami stay there." We doubt If Mr. Jones himself were ever accorded a better attention. Mr. Crowd has a marvelous voice and u pleasing personality. The lecture was greatly enjoyed especially by the people who confessed to have read tho book He.ikiah. Tho evening entertainment wasgiven over to J. Lorenzo Zwlekey, tho fam ous Swiss Canadian artist. His draw ings were suborb and the lecture which went with it wa no less beau tiful, lie not only pleased the eye but ho gave real thoughts of value Mr. Zwickey seems to know that peo ple think and he is not satisfied with an easy cod. Mrs. Pliu-i-uiv Rkdiaiiis gave nn ex cellent temperance leeti.re yesterday afternoon. h. is u Inly who has triiveltd extensively and has used her eyes at till times The large mi Hence give In r markid attention au hj their continual itpplausv demoi,-' rated Hint tins veie w IHi ln-i on lli- teni pcrill i qui sio. Sbo -tl'iM in fht hecltll lli tlu.l lh t.) . .die! l-:i...f aiitv vue which was sweiping- oer tb lap 1 was not a spustnidlr effort tint u, the n ult of li Her 1.. Idi'liiM" idea-, of tlie people. In t1 t vmlog Mr. T. E. . . Iilsa'-dieiieexpidloouud as lie I h f. !. and i f'li.litii n hi ', tlieui hi .l.q mi He lot v 1 ,. n . c 'lint i ! u f , ili t ; . - ii V but !n'h'id t' iy w.is U ,i r.t i ground ''.ior. Mi liieeii w(-, the liert ii etim t tli:.t has ;q ;.i ir iti. . be! I eeitril iii! i Hu ll an I i y f.i led (ill I ie the j, ilfwtm 11. pi. i'i J t'l.ii ,;li' Jeur llild fll He .1 i li v II I " ' d !'', i ' ..mi j.i'nt; " ." ..ntatul her body ..a. i were swollen ulmost beyond ri'biKukU)ii;had beeuinbedforsix v eeUs and haw jijfht pliysiclaus, but reeeiyed no ben. fit until hhe tried Pr. Detehoii's II 1 i I lur Itbi-lMii.'t j-iii It ; ive In I' I i il'Ilte I i ' . I )i iie ' I - l ', ' .1' ' 1 Hi i l lV 1 III i it ' i J e M ' 1, ilo '! I, Urlee Ibitj,' ,o , Jt hI Cloud. Nebr. iniimii ii .i.iiimhihhi J An Improvement over many Ctr i uinf n-v' J ysleri of a cold by ectlnj b- a i .. - t . satlsfnction or money r.funikd i-v .:-r' .. l ., i'llt rtI.E T CH'iivX idil J .sJl'OlVW. n i ii ii in i ii iii rTir i i rtin TrirfTust n mmnu rmamivrt nrraiir it -irrnn urn mwnn im m tun nmn i -triMri-M m Uirrn am u iimrmm wmi ,r ninswr i f Where to go. and Where to Btty your White goods, Laces, Embroidery, Muslin, Underwear, al the right prices is at F. NEWHOUSE'S. flJFor this sale only will sell Suesine Silk at 42c a yd., all shades. ' Sale ef Embreldertes CEvcry woman should buy Iter Laces and Embroideries at litis sale to meet her needs for monlhs to conv CjThis sale lasts for " 2 weeks only commencing Saturday, July 31lh. QJNcvcr before have you been offered such bargains as these Embroidery for Corset Covers, elegant patterns finely embroidered goods, 30c values at 22c. Embroidery for Corset Covers, cross bar, finely embroidered. 55c value 30c. Flouncings 18 inch wide, beautiful em broidered patterns, 50c value at 25c. Flouncings 27 inches wide, beautiful embroidered patterns, 75c values al 50c. 36 inch Embroidery, deep work, beau tiful embroidered patterns, $ 1 .50 at $ 1 .00. All the rest of our Embroideries are marked away down. Agerl for Joxitterick IT IS NOT A .SAVING POLICY to go without ins ranee. The risk assumed is toi K'o.t for Ilia Miiull premium you keep in your poeket Figuro out how iiiiiny jeur- oti would have to be free from tiny tiro in ordur to s-uve the value of your house and eonteuts. Then consider that you may liavt a fiio this very niht. Thuoot n! v.u l little blaze will be nioro than th pre in i n m of l-'IRIJ 1XSUIUXCK KOIl YKAItB Uottor have tne Issue joti -i pulley to-day. H'tja wli'l lot better to be sure than sorry, a many an un innnred uuin bus been. mom rm gn- ra k . ) -j mmm Red Clcud, Nebr. Qwlfl's Prortilutri Ham or Bacon$. WV:M , (s !-:c" .O'U '. i f rr- .' ' ri 2 :.U iiit i.t,aU u . -U ivlijvl. Wm. BGn fieri Cloud, jhlator. io'Viii'si '; w.-. : t, for nAi:,;i r:-. S .VHiri'l M X jiiiiiim 1 UATIVC: cc'ivo,v:s to f: . outst. runs pood and rjucs law. Ladies Dress Skirts SJHavc added to our slock Ladies Ready Made Dress Skirls and in selecting sizes J have thought of tnc smau ones. like to have you are always glad your chance to gel a White Dress cheap. loves All long wristcd Gloves nt 1-4 per cent off. JJ v -1 -fc T n . - -- CJ - -m -V mK rt " - -t ? -, .''''-"' " - if --. it' ,' -'SJ. ff.r v ' A 1&. T Q Tow t 4 j a w ft nlbG ilGW cHWblfc & ?- ... ty 5S Of Groceries just received at the Home i (0 Grocery. We now have a complete iti ii) line of fancy and staple groceries. : : (j i Gome and See (i W flAlso a large assortment of choice $ i queensware at the lowest prices possible. $ P. A. Wullhrandt SUCCESSOR TO Fulton Grocer Company. (f) it. fJtp&S-.C?--r-' - That Lame Kidney Disease And to Relieve the Lame and Aching Back, You Must First Remove the K I ' i - There l.i i o reostlon fibout tbn' Bt iu:-f'.- il 1 iruo a rd hchhu; tir. It Ii ta"i-d l.y n dlO'i'd con di:lvn of tie M.lrej- and bladder. It i'5 o::!y i-oi'iii'on . tl rt y u li II: t i by let i.i. !t' t1if t ' (' .. . ! 1 n- . any way 'nditIou .10 re.'- Ir.eV thj ordr :t of lli ( kblr evj i ir"'li''ii('o n:i 1. 1 -i'j' Joe j tl:"'q;. the "! ..io U k 3 mi;' , f r I- !. t' 'iV t ,-! O' r.Ui i . u . i ' nc - '.-.i ' ' rc!;ui.u..j', ' -Jce'.K3 rird liability rest, ecabMiijc f;."-it.. je.ciit in ilio t-i'"-. '.- ' the b!:iddcr rnd ii. - . DtY.'itfs :"" i r- t ccdi :'.'" i .oa of j, tlu. 1 T'-'Mev Piua are an cxiv; ::.udy i.u.ilioil oua remedy for cny and all affte. tlon cr dJsoft.-ea conditions ct these organs. These Tills operate directly nnd promptly and thoir beneficial results are at onco felt, They regulate, purify, and effec tually heal mil restoio the Md neys, bPiibb r ri.d lirr, to perfc ' and 1 1. dil j c "' ti i n n i E" ' '" i 1 nt' I ra ,- .ch'.il P.err.siilci, because it rlu9 the ,-els. No routes. Gusrpntccd to iflve .'LDICI.NK CO.. CHICACU. U. 5. A, ioa w the large folks as well as Ujjdeiorc buying would look our line over as we to show goods. Children's Ready tale Presses fJHave a few odd sizes left in Children's white ready made Dresses which we will close out at cost. This is Patterns S.feGt - - 5 - s: - M -I , ''. Back Mean o C Kd, r Y v. V. UeWitt L Co., Cblcafr , l l wunt every man and woman . !io liovo the loast cupplclon that t'v v nro affllft'-d wlln Kldn-y nnd bhul i'i r i' . s to ( t i i.ee vrt'o tln' l, ' ItuiLliiM, -l.Ms will bo ' t ft e I v i . M riffpaid. iKA.f N I m;