AS STRAIGHT MEN SEE HIM. The Dcad-Ocat le Probably the Most Despised Creature That Walks the Earth. 'o limn in wholly free fioni mIii, hut no many lessor evils arc tolerated that a man should hesitate long bofoio hu coming a dead-bent. Criminals arc do splsed ami abhorred, Imt to the dead heal all that Ih coming, an well an the contempt (if IiIh follow men. There Ih Bomothlng at once ho moan anil so lit tlo In taklriK advantage of the eonll donee which comes with friendship thnt the hand of every man Ih turned against a dond-hcnl an soon an IiIh ropututlnn Ih well established. Tlio dead-beat may fondly Imagine I"' Ih living easy and making monoy with out work, and, of course, lio takes no account of tlio confidence ho violates nnd tlio hardships ho Inllhts on oth ers. Hut, that aside, ho roally has a hardor I lino than tlio man who Is honest and fair. Ho Is compelled to move a good deal, and peace of mind ho knows not Uke other types of crooks, ho doesn't prosper, and Ills finish Ih more unpleasant than the bo Binning. Atchison (Hobo CHILD HAD SIXTY BOILS. And Suffered Annually with a Red Scnld-Llko Humor on Her Head. Troubles Cured by Cutlcura. "When my llttlo Vlvinii was about filx montliH old her head hroko out In bolls. Sho had about sixty la nil and I used Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment which cuieil her entirely. Somo tlmo Inter a humor hroko out be hind her earn and Hpread up on to her bend until It wns neatly half cov ered. Tlio humor looked Ilko a scald, very red with a sticky, clear fluid com ing from It. This ocouried every Bprlng. I always used Cutlcura Soap and Ointment which never failed to heal It up. Tho last tlmo It hroko out It heeamo so bad that I was dis couraged. Hut I continued tho uso of Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and Resol vent until sho was well and hna nover been troubled In tho last two years. Mm. M. A. Schwerln, C71 Spring Wells Avo Detroit, Mich., Feb. 21. IfiOS." Potior Ini & Chom. Corp., Solo I'rops., Boston. Strictly After Nature. A public building was In course of erection In one of tho western towns or Scotland, In front of which a bust of Tho Hruco was being carved. A well-known balllo halted opposite the Bculptor one dny and called out: , "I say, sculptor, d'yo no think yo hau thnt heard Inclining a woo thing to tho loft?" ".Man, balllo," said tho sculptor, "d'yo no see the win's hlawin' up the street tho nooV" Tld-Hlts Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTOItlA a anfo and miro remedy for inianis ana children, and nco that It flonra Din Signature C&XMAJ Id Uso For Ovor 110 Yearn. Tho Kind You Have Always nought. What Did He Mean? Tlio Major 1 saved that rose you gave mo last week, Miss Antlipie; for though It Is withered It still reminds mo of you! Miss Antique Slrl When you henr a gill speak of a young mnn as being a bear well, you can draw your own conclusions. Lewi' SiiiRlc Hinder made of cttr.i qual ity tolrro, oosts more than ntlici So ciguiH. Tell the dealer you want tliem. Too often when tho heart Is willing the purse Is weak, Nebraska Directory MARSEILLES GRAIN ELEVATORS mi- Mm Ih-hI i liixlHt on ImvInK Mipiii Auk iur Iih-uI ilnilrr, or JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. OMAHA M. Spiesberger & Son Co. Wholesale Millinery ThtOeitlnthaWeit OMAHA, NEB. J?JL,s Fine mrwmrmrwwwwiftT. . uanoies Bold l.y the lWH)tlcr. Wewlllaen.1 to ininlli and torlifrxmiK-flpt of Ucl.ln atami. n iMniti liunl ?A'l!,5R.,ic,,,eari,,e JN a. WOODWARD &CO."ThoConciyMen"CouncllBluffa,ln. KODAKS Wo bavo a complcta line of fresh Amn- tnurn Phnln nr. DllOB. Our Amateur I'inUliim 11... -,.-.- ment is in tho hands of exports and equipped 'for prompt service. Kodak catalogue mailed ion request. Lincoln Pholo Supply Co. 1217 0 St, Lincoln, Neb. SOUTH DAKOTA Improved nnd unimproved farm In rustrrn Buiilli D.tkutu for Mile ou CROP PAYMENTS or 10 YEARS TIME Will erect lnillillnpt on nny farm on h.iiih -hnv termx. Price iiO to HO per nere. l'ur IImh, niii, ete .nrtiln-s ALEX. II. RAIT, I'ermrr. & Merchant' Bldg,, 1 Silt and O St., Lincoln, Neb. Kubbvr H lamps, Htencllt, Heals, 'I'roilu Checks, . iiauuea, rac f.rneml Ma iiiinum, McmIi'I Makrra, llrasa wmiiihu. J.liu-oln, Noli. Beatrice Greamery Go. PuyH tlio lilRliest prise for CREAEVS . - CVA -OdT nilTmilll Ml II IWIiIMIIIiIIM HWWI'lHIIHil' I I II III IIIH P IWIIIIIBlW 1 1 illl IWHditfcaiiHIJP fi. copyright wo? J" 1 fy A5nnr TnTTTniTl v iZN'fvSF:' 8 5JV I I lil I f ""j ,fl 11 JJU r S TM. vfLff.llt J ft SYNOPSIS. M II U I I "Mini" Dan .Miilllatiil, on rrMcliliii: IiIh New Vmk lini-liclor oluli, met nn iiliriu tlvo yomiK wniiiiiu at Hi" door .limlter O'IIiikiiii uxHiii il lilm on mil' Inn ln'i'ii 1 1 111 ii Unit tiny Dun iltMiovereil a wiun oii's lliiKi'r pi-lnlH In iliisl nn IiIh di-Hk, j-Iiiiil' with ii iiihr fimii lili iiitnrm-v .MiiIIIiiiiiI illniil Willi IliiMiii'riiiaii, Ills nt Inincy. Dun i't nut fin It i--titl-ll'. to eel IiIh fiiiiilly Ji'WcW HiiiIiik hW walk to Hu- miinlt.v Hi'iil, In ini't llif (iiiiik w'liinini In uinv. wlmiii lie liiul yiin lni liiK Ills Ii ii Iii'Ihim' i lull I lir niit'i liml liriilirn ilnwn llr lUi'il it. Il ii riiii. ni, "lost' lilm. Miilllainl, on it'iii IiImk IniMio, fliirpilyi'il ImI In in. rin Itlnu tin siif cniitiilnliiK IiIh ki iiih Hlii'. iiiiiirintl, look lilm fill' n wi'll kimwii i look, Diinlel AlilMly lliilf-lix iiioll.iil. .MiiIIIiiiiiI opi'iiiil Ills safe, look iliiTi'fioni tin- Ji-wi-Ih, find Kitvo tliem to Imt. Ilihl foiinliit.- a purl nrrstilti In cilnn- Tin- inil Dim Autsty. soilKlit liy polli-i- of tin- woi Id, uppeuri'd nn tlio muni' iiiImhIiim. Atnltliiml ovcroiiinc llllll. Mi- met III" ulvl oiiIhIiIi- 111" Iiiiiimi itml Miry Hpoil on in N"w York In Iht tin to. II" liml tin- Ji-wi'Ih mill hIh- proiiilxi'il In niiet lilm Hint iluy MiiIIIiiiiiI ni'iKcil (I "Mr Hnnllli." Inllnilin Iiik lilnisolf iih u ili'tirllvi-. To shlnlil 111" K'lrl III f,'lfl, Atiillliiuil, nlioiil lo hIiiiw lilm the Ji-w- I'lH, HllppnviMlll hint, WIIH filled ll.V II IlloW fioni ''Jtnidth h" nine Tin- lutli-r proseil to he AmImI.v liiinsilf unit he Heeiitoil the Kenis. Anlsty, who wns TMnl t In iiiI'm ilon 1)1", iniiHiilieiiiileil iih the hitler. The criminal kept .MiiIIImikI'h eiiviiKeinent Willi tho Klrl In uriij. lie kiivi- her the i,"tnM, uiirr iiuiiiii,' in loe nl xlKlit. They wero to meet uinl ilMil" the loot. .MiiII IiiiiiI ievleil mill leKii'lleil mlHHltii; IiIh etiKiiK' nienl AuIhi, nmniU"nulliitf iih MiiIIIiiiiiI. nmrowix imililcil enpluie tlllnliuh invstollollH tip The 14I1I In kiiiv vlnlleil Mn 1 1 liimrH upmtmcnlH iIiiiIiik IiIh tlhsenee nnil teturiltil KeniH, heliiK ills eovernl on ti'initi. Mnlthiliil, without eiiHh. onlleil up Ills home nnil WiiIiiiiii'h olee epi)MtlllillliiK. illHKiilKeil iih MiiIIIiiiiiI. tolil her hli'litltv nnil linllzliiu- hlnwelf lileil lo 'wiIuk from her the locution of tho fjenis CHAPTERX. Continued. "My the powers, 1 fori,'(it for u mo ment! So you thought me Alaltlnud, eh? Well, I'm sorry I didn't under stand that from the first. You'ro ao quick, its a rule, you know 1 confess ou duped me neatly thin afternoon that I hupposcd you were wIho and only afraid that I'd kIvo you what you deHcrve. If they had sent nny one hut that stupid a8, Mickey, to nah me, I'd he in the cooler now. Ah It was, you kindly selected the very hest kind of n house for my purpose; 1 went straight up to the roofs and out through a hiilldlm; round tho corner." Hut the shock of discovery, with Its attendant levulslon of fecllni;, had heen too much for her. She collapsed suddenly In the chair, , half closed, face pallid as a mask of death. Anlstj lewtnled her In silence for a meditative Instant, then, taking up the lamp, stiode down the hall to the puutiy, returntiiK piehentl.v with a Klass hrimmliiK with an amher-tlnted, effervescent liquid. "ChampaKue," he announced. llcklitK his lips. "Wish I had Maltland's means lo gratify my palate. Me knows Kood wine. Here, my dear, gulp this down," placing the glass to the girl's lips and raising her head that sho might hwallow without sliangllng. As It was, sho choked and gasped, hut after a moment began to show some higns of hnvlng heiiellted by tho draught, a faint color dawning In her clucks. "That's some better," commended the burglar, not unkindly. "Now, If you please, wo'll stop talking pretty and get down to brass tacks. Muck up, now, and answer my questions. And don't be afraid; I'm holding no great grudge for what you did this after noon. 1 appreciate pluck and grit as much as anybody, I guess, though 1 do think you ran It pretty close, peach ing ou a pal after you'd lifted the Jewels. Ily tho way, wh did you do If.'" "Ilecause Hut you wouldn't under stand If I told you." "I suppose not. I'm not much good splitting sentimental hairs. Hut Malt land must have been prutty decent to you to make you go so far. Speaking of which, where me thev?" "They?" "Don't sldestop. We understand one another. I know you've brought back tho Jewels. Whero have von stowed thorn?" The wine had fulfilled its inlsslon, endowed her with fresh strength and renewed spirit. Sho was thinking quickly, every wit alert. "I won't tell you." "Won't eh? That's an admission thnt they're here, you know. And you mny as well know I propose to have 'em. Kalr nieaiiB or foul, take your pick. Where are they?" "1 have told you 1 wouldn't tell." "I'vo known pluckier women than you to change their minds, under pres ume." Ho emtio nearer, bending over, face close to her, eyes savage, and gripped her wrists none too gently. "Tell mo!" "Let me go." Ho proceeded calmly to Imprison iiotn small wrists in ono strong, bony hand. "Hotter tell." "Lot mo go!" sho panted, struggling to rise. Ills voice took on nn ugly tone. "Toll!" She wub n child In his hands, but managed nevertheless to rise. As ho applied the pressure moio cruelly to her arms she oiled aloud with imin ami, struggling desperately, knocked 'he chair over. It wont down with a crash appalling l. loud In that silent house and at that hour; and taking advantage of his Iiiotant of consternation sho Juiked froo and spinng toward the door. Ho PL l I II v Ha ll ll 1 v licntil a J 1 I t Anlsty. VVi -VO Ml trleke.1 OK Vt I I JP WhMi Mlt V l I J VIK J MfM HI I LL.V f( His Voice Took was upon her In an Instant, however, hard fingers digging Into her shoul ders. "You little fool!" "No!" she cried. "No, no, no! )t mo go, you you brute! Abruptly he thought better of his methods and releasod her, morely put lug himself between her and tho door way. "Don't be a little fool," ho coun seled. "You kick up that row and you'll have us both pinched Insldo of tho next five minutes." Dellance was on her tongue's tip, but tho truth In his words gave her pause. Palpitating with tho shock, every outraged Instinct n-qulver, sho subdued Jierself and fell back, eying lilm fixedly, i The're here," ho nodded thought fully. "You wouldn't linvo uinm! that If they weren't. And since they ' are. I can find them without your as sistance. Sit down. I shan't touch you again." She liml scant choice other than to obey. Desperate as sho was, her strength had been severely overtaxed, and she might not presume upon It too greatly. Fascinated with terror, sho let liorseir down into nn easy chair. Anlsty thought for u moment, then wont ovor to the desk nnd sat himself before It. "Keys," ho commented, rapidly In ventorying whnt ho saw. "How'd you get hold of them?" "Thoy are Mr. Maltland's. Ho must havo forgotten them." Tho burglar chuckled grimly. "Co Incidences multiply. It Is odd. That harp, () Hagan, was coming in with a can of beer whllo I wns picking the lock, and caught mo. I In wanted to know If I'd missed njy train for Oreen fields, and I gave him my word or hon or I had. Moreovor, I'd mislaid my keys and had been iluglng for htm Tor tho past ten minutes. He swallowed every word of It. Hy the way, here's a glove of yours. You certainly man nged to leave enough clews about to Insuro your being nabbed oven by a Now York detective." Ho faced about, tossing her tho glove, and with It so. keen nnd pene trating a glance that her hoait sank for fear that ho had guessed her se cret. Hut as ho continued Mm re gained confidence. "I could teach you a thing or two," ho suggested, pleasantly. "You mnko about as many mistakes as the aver age beginner. And, on tho other hnnd, you've got tho majority beaten to a Unlsh Tor 'fineness. You'ro as quick as thoy make them." She straightened up, uneasy, op pressed by a vague surmise as to whither this tended. "Thank you," sho said, breathlessly, "but hadn't you hotter" "Plenty of time, my dear. Maltland has gone to Greonflolds and vo've sev eral hours befoio us. Look bore, llttlo woman, why don't you take a tiunhlo to yourself, cut out all this nonsense, and look to your own Interests?" "I don't understand you," she fal toied, "but If" "I'm talking about this Maltland affair. Cut It out and forget It. You'io too good-looking and valuable to your On an Ugly Tone. self to lose your head Just all on ac count of u llttlo moonlight flirtation with a good-looking millionaire. You don't suppose for an instant that there's anything In It Tor yours, do you? You're nothing to Maltland Just an Incident; next time he meets, the hnby-stare for yours. You can thank your lucky stars he happened to have a reputation to sustain as a vil lage cut-up, ti gay, sad dog. always out for a good tlmo and hang the expense! Otherwise he'd have handed you yours without a moment's hesitation. I'm not doing this up In tin-roll and tying a violet ribbon with tassels on It, but I'm hnndlng It straight to you; some thing you don't want to forget. You Just sink your hooks In the fact that you're nothing to Maltland and that ho's nothing to you, and never will be. and you won't lose anything except Illusions." She remained quiescent for a little, hands twitching in her lap. torn by conlilctlng emotions rear or and aver sion for the man. nmusement, chill horror bred of the knowledge thai he was voicing the truth nbout her, the truth, at least, as he saw ll, and and as Maltland would see It. "Illusions?" she echoed, faintly, and raised her eyes to his with a pitiful attempt at a smile. "Oh, hut I must bavo lost them, long ago; else I shouldn't be " "Here and what you are. That's what I'm telling you." She shuddered impeiceptlhly; looked down and up again, swirtly, her expres sion Inscrutable, her voice a-tremblo between laughter nnd tears: "Well?" "Eh?" The directness of her query figuratively brought him up nil stand ing, canvas Happing and wind out of his sails. "What aie you offering me In ox change for my silly drenm?" she In quired, n trace of spirit quickening her tone. "A fair exchange, I think some thing that I wouldn't offer you If you hndn't been able to dream." He paused, doubtful, clumsy. "(lo on," she told him, Taint ly. Since It must come, as well be over with It. "See here." He took heart or desperation. "You took to .Maltland when you thought ho was me. Why not tako to mo for myself? I'm as good a mnn, better us a man, than he, If I do blow my own horn. You side with mo, llttlo woman, nnd nnd all that and I'll trent you square. I never went hack on a pal jot. Why," brightening with enthusiasm as his gaze appraised her, "with your looks and yur cleverness and my knowl edge of tho business, we can sweep the country, you and I." "Oh!" sho cried, breathlessly "Wo'll start right now." ho plunged on, misreading her; "right now, with last night's haul. You'll chuck this addled sentimental paugs-of-consclence lay, hand over the Jewels, and and I'll hand '0111 back to you tho day wo'ro married, all not and as handsoinu a wedding present as any woman ovor BOt," Sho twisted in her chair to hide her face from lilm, falily cornet cd at last, bralu a-wlilrl dovlMuc a hundred maneuvers, each more helpless than the last, to cheat and divert him for tlio time, until until The consciousness of his presence near her, of the sheer strength nnd might of will-power of the man, bore upon her heavily; she was like a child In his hands, helpless. She turned with a hushed gasp to Hud that he had risen and come close to her chair; his face was not a foot from hers, bis eyes dangerous; In another moment he would have his strong arms about her. She shiank away, terrified. "No, no!" she begged. "Well, and whj not? Well?" -tensely. "How do 1 knovV This afternoon I outwitted you, tobbed nnd hold you for--for what ou call a scruple. How can 1 know that you me not paying me hack In my own coin?" "Ob, but little woman!" he laughed, tenderly, eomliig nenrer. "ll Is be cause you did that, because you could hold those scruples and make a fool of me for their sake, that I want you. Don't think I'm capable of playing Willi ,ou it takes a woman to do that. Don't jou know," he bent nearer and his brent It was warm upon her cheek "don't ,oii know that you're too rare and fine and precious for a man to risk losing? Come now!" "Not yet." She started to her feet .mil away. "Wall. Tbeie's a cab!" The stieet without was echoing with the clattering drum of galloping hoofs. "At this hour!" she oiled aghast. "Could it be" "No fear. Heslde.s there, It's stopped." "In ft out or this house!" "No, three doors up the street, at east. That s something ion must learn, and I can teach jou to judge distance by sound In the darkness " "Hut I tell you," she insisted, re treating bel'oie lilm, "It's a risk. There, dlil you hear that?" "That" wns the dulled crash of the front door. Anlsty stepped to the table on the In stant and plunged the room In dark-nej-K. "Steady!" he told her evenly. "Steadx. It can't be but take no chances. (Jo to the Hunk closet and get that window open. IT It's Malt land," grimly "well, I'll follow." "What do you mean? What are you going to do?" "l.eao that to me. I've never been caught yet." Cold fear gripped her heart as, In a Hash of Intuition, she divined his in tention. "Quick!" he bade her, savagely. "Don't ou want " "I can't see," she Invented. "Where's the door? 1 can't see." "Here." Through the darkness his fingers found hers. "Come." he said. "Ah!" Her hand closed over his wrist, and In a thought sho had flung herself be fore him nnd caught the other." In the movement her hand brushed against something that ho was hold ing; and it was cold and smooth and hard. "Ah! no. no!" she implored. "Not that, not that!" With an oath he attempted to throw her off, but. flail strength magnified by a fury of fear, she joined Issue with him, clinging to his wrists with the tenacity of a wildcat, though she was lilted from her root and dashed this way and thut, brutally, mercilessly, though her heurt roll sick within her for.llio hopelessness or It, though CHAPTER XI. "Dan" Quixote. Leaving the hotel, Maltland strode quietly but rapidly across the car I racks to the sidewalk bordering tho park. A dozen nlghlhawk cabbies bore down upon lilm, yelping In chorus. He motioned to the foremost, jumped Into the hansom ami gave tho fellow his address. "Five dollars," ho added, "If you make It lu five minutes." An astonished horse, roused from a droop eared lethargy, was yanked al most hy main strength out or tho cab rank and Into the middle or the ave nue. Heroin he could recover, tho long whlp-lash had leaped out over the roof of the vehicle, and ho found himself Btretchlng away up the avonuo ou a dead run. Yet to Maltlnnd the puce seemed deadly Mow. He fidgeted on tho seat lu an agony or Impatience, a dozen times feeling lu waistcoat pocket for his latch keys. They were there, nnd his fingers Itched to use them. Hy the lights streaking past ho know that their pace was furious, and was haunted by a fear lest It should bring the police about his ears, At Twenty-ninth street. Indeed, a dream ing policeman, startled by the uproar, onioiged hastily from the sheltering gloom of a store entrance, shouted nfter the cabby nil Inarticulate ques tion, and, gottiug no lespoiiRe, nn Micnthcd his night stick and loped up l he avenue In pursuit, making the locust slug upon tho pavement at eery jump, , (TO UK CONTI.NlJKP.i A wise man should not icfuso u klndiush Herodotus, THE LAW'S DELAY. fV ' 3 -'jJn 3w ' Hlx What's tho best wuy to never nettle a question? Dlx fio to law about It. Tea Possibilities. "I have Just hud an Invitation to an electtlcal tea to be given by a woman doctor," said the bachelor girl. "I'm looking forward to It and wondering what Is going to hnppen to us whether sho will give us a little bat tery and let us entertain ourselves, make the tea on tin electric stove, or just electrocute the bunch of us." A bachelor says matrimony Is a sort of training school In which some women learn the art of drawing ali mony OWES HER UFETO Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vienna. V. Va. "1 feel th.itTnwn ho last ten yeara of my llfo to Lydia ji. 1'inKWinvs vege table Compound. Eleven years ygu I was a walkiiR shadow. Iliad been under tho doctor's carebulgotuorelief. My husband per suaded mo to try Lydia E.Pinkliam's Vegetable Com pound and itworked like a charm. It re lieved all mv rains anu misery, i attviso an suuenng women to tako Lydia 33. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mnn. Ejijia Whkatov, Vienna, Y. Va. Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from nalivo roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds tho record for tho largest number of actual cures of femalo diseases of any similar medi cine in tho country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials aro on file in tho rinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who havo been cured from almost every form of femalo complaints, inflammation, ul ceration.displacemonts, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would likospecial ndvlro nbout your enso write u confiden tial letter to Mrs. IMnklmm, at Lynn, Mass. Her advico is free, and always helnful. Food Products Llbby's Cooked Corned Beef There's a marked distinc 1 1 o n between Ubby's Oookod Oornod Boot and even 'the best that's sold in bulk. Evenly and mildly cured and scientifically cooked in Ubby's Groat Whlto Kltohon, all the natural flavor of the fresh, prime beef is retained. It is pure wholesome, delicious and ready to serve at meal time, Saves work and worry in summer. Other Libby "Healthful" Meal-Timc-Hints, all ready to serve, are: Poorioss Drlod Boof Vionna Sausage Voai Loaf Evaporated MHk Baked Boane Ohow Ohow MlxodPiokiea "Purity goes hand in hand with Products of the Libby brand". Write for free Booklet, "How to make Good Things to Eat". Insist o n Ubby's a t your grocers. Libby, McNeill & Libby Ohio mgo gSfittM J Iit'IymJ' & MlryTood tI S A Ik