The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 12, 1909, Image 1

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    'fn .al
' '
t ,1
There are things a bank
can' I do; but anything any
bank can properly do for its
r.nslnmfirs. I his bank can
do lor you.
l-laecl -oi-1 rn limo rla
ihiv.iol paivj V7H iniiv, vj
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Floran.ce, Casliier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Win. M. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
At Their Best
Plenteous Assortment of Cool
Things rom Which to Select.
at our showing of Summery Fabrics, Fur
nishings and Apparel arid you will take
great pleasure in making whatever selec-.
tions that are necessary to make your. list
of summer things complete
We are endeavoring to provide sensibly
for hot weather requirements, and a con
sideration of the selections advanced will
readily show the marked attention given
to the wants of our people as we inter
pret them.
CJThen, too, there are specials that demands
attention. A visit to our Store will be of
mutual benefit.
CJOur Grocery Stock is also New, Complete
and Up-to-Date.
The Miner Bros, Co, (Inc
General Merchants
H. A. LETSON. Mgr.
See 1)V Stocktiiiin fur eye glasses
SntibfiiPtioii Kitarnutceil
licit) Wanted- Male.
The U. S. Navy offers e.xeeptlonal
opportunities to young men 17 to 25
years old; men with tiades up to lift
years old. Good opportunity for I
diir!it.i(n and nroniotioii. Must ho
Aniorioan citizens. MiuorS must have
. v .; : .. .
,'pareut's ecrtiflc4iVe ofnge. (ly frpm
17.00 lo over 177 per month, with
n.!lo1lu nnl aiunu VIkI-. nr ltd.
1111 i
itr.J-T. . T5KIL.
Ill !
Wttzk Jv&
Subset ibe fni tin- I'lnwf
1 he best leniedy wo kiimv ut in till
eases of Kidney utnl llladder tiouble
and thu one wo alwayb can recommend
is DoWitt's Kidney tind Bladder Pills.
They are antiseptic and at once assist
the kidneys to perform their iinpor-
taut work. But when you ask for
theso nllls bo positive that von iret Do-
..,.,,. .... ... ;, " " .
inns jviuuey aim niauner rills.
There, are imitatipns placed upon- sale
bo deceive you.- Get DeWitt. Insist
upon them, unjl if your dealer cannot
.Vtaw -. - r
., . 'V'trSE. '
tsayt .
Kf.wh!Miir "Shut hcs Hit: Hews Flfij-two Wctks Entli Year Tor Cm:
Kubltirsi hanic i
Having itiri'liiiHorl tin- liMVrtlvplintO Ktillify fp im Hi v. ttillr T Rtn
now tropiroil to nulla tlrnt t'lnnS
photographs of nil kinds ihor for
trait-In ti r-tixti in ifs In (hi
ioiintr. I will In :it tlio Sludlouvei
I'rlday ami Stttinlit' ami will nnnr
ill .i 'fit cnnnir.v on utlur iIiijb.
I unman tee iHtiifiKiir it in ovvry
oitlcr. iul lliiwli nil inlrs ulthiuj
. . ,
iiiic v ! mini inn. i" mime
mil booiii r on -jii i'ii.1 i c j ii'r.t . Yours
tniU s i). ti tmrv
Order to .Show llmis::,
Sliil.-iit NihlilKkll I , H. CoillltJ fomt.
i ii I'mint) I'oitit In ill al tin- Cnuiilj
( oiirt iniiiii in ami for alil iiuiuty I'llilay.
July ainl. . P.. iwi'.i.
I.n Hie main rot tin 1'itatc n( Wlllliuu '.
IC :i uitiisk PmiiKtil.
in rcaillimaiul lllliii; tli pi'llllou of Mui.
P.. Kniiihik. illid on t lit JMnl ilay nt July
A. P.. 1'iit'l. iiii. Ini; fur Mil' cMiiiilnatloti mill
iillouMiico n( In r lliml aicniint (if tlio saiiii
illlll. u ilri'Ki'llf us-lnilllli lit lit I III' lanils hi
Innuliii; tosalil nstato to Hi prrMius i ntltUil
to tin same, an order ilNtrlliiillni; (lie rc-UI lie
of in iKniiai ( stati iiiul tin i o iiiuii an nulii
ill-i'hMi kIii In r frmn fuillui luinlun ami
m-i in In Ik i Mihl mill i tiMiiltnlnKliatlU.
oimi i'i.i tlun iiliu sil.i tlu IMh dn id
iuii-i . P I'nj'i at urn o rim k p. in.. I
a- u.'. t 1 l'ii iii.tiln s'lli! u ti! I ni. ulutinll
pithiltls lull It t, 1 III hi I III llll r lll'U ll
pi ar at a i uuiit) ui t to Ik Iii M In ami fur
mi ill l oiint, ami kIuiw i :xum li Hie prnj i r
ol iifttllnm-r hlioitUI not tr- u'lnnli'il. niul tin. t
nntli i il tin pinili'iii'y of KiM pi'titloti nmt
tlii' liiarlni; tlipuof lie ulin to all prrsoin
lntiii'sliil In said niiitti r. Iiy ptilillsliltn
inpx of tlilsonlrr In tliu Kcil ciiiml clilcr. a
m i kly in whjiapcr pilntnl in halil (oinity, for
tliri-i ciiiiHf'CiitH'.o w(.Upilirto s.Uil day of
In arlni..
I. . I.ll-ns,
isi m County .luikf.
Uc.M Estate Iransfcrs.
'I'riiiihfors repoi U'd by the Foil AL-
btriift Co. for the week ending WVd-
iifhdtiy, August It, 19011.
Snsuim lleiglo otnl to Cluirk-s i:.
Ueiglo, lots 1, a, I!lk. 0, Ufcd
Cloud, wd rf.'iO
William J. Scrivtior to Carl I
Kuhn, lots 1, 2. Blk. 7, Ited
Cloud, wd ' moo
Chub. J. 1'latt to Frank L Hineh,
lots 21 to 24, Blk. D, Plutt'b 1st
ndd to Ued Cloud, wd 82ft
H. Gttnd & Co. to Christian
Koehler, lots 4, S, Blk. 4', lots ft.
B, Hlk. G, lots 1, 2, ltlk. 10, Blue
Hill, wd l
Honry Cuiitl to Christian Koeh
ler, lotsfi, n, Hlk. 11, Itoso
mont, wd ioO
State Bunk Itosetnoiit to IVter
Nelson, sw 10-4-Si, qoo 1
.Tallies Muirord to John W. Miller
jit ,sw a.Vl 10, wil .'0
A. It Davis to K. I). Davis, lot 12
ltlk. s, Inuvalo, wd 7fi
Theodore Sehutte to Steve
Sehuttp, he It' M, wd
MorttfiiKes filed, $ll3.-,r,.o0.
Mortgages released gl.'J'D.OO.
$l,09t for an Ear of Grn.
To tho fanner exhibiting the best
ear of corn. XV. K. Kellogg, the I reak
fast food inaniiftiotiiiei'. oilers a 61,(XK)
g)ld and silver trophy eup. uliieh is
one of Till'iiny's iniisterpieces to w in
it means an honor to tho gimvor. his
state and eminty. Men who win Mieh
pnes beeoino kiuiwu in every grain
market; every luctoiy where ecieals
are used as raw innteihil; in the sUito
mid Unit"il States Uepnrf mint nfAgri
ettltive. as well as in furulgti lands.
Thissotitids like a broad tutoiiiont
but L. 11 Clnro who won the Indiana
eorn tropliy lust year was oi.'eied a
position for three years by tliellnssliin
government, before lie lind be-on hmue
with his ttopliy tin en moutliN.
Mr. Kellogg Is milking food of com
and his factories consume thousands
of bushels daily, (if course he wants
the best corn he can buv and one way
he has of learning where to buy corn,
is by olVering a tropliy. The farmer
who wins attracts attention to his
community as one in which good com
is produced. The corn to compete for
the. trophy inw'be entry d- jln- a.iiy of
the' classes ai'th'c Nntinrtnl l-.Am v.v.
fbos'lUo).. ThVjudfftf&Aurf riLr in
4 uow wuliHMtf.u)i.t1tt. iraMiv ',6i
WRS. .. - -:
'- A" -aVA. ..r -v
Fnlt Plohllifc
Tlii i. ii malt'!' tHHt i ivcinviiin ul-togi-tloi
loo littici BlU'iillon fi tin
furiii.'i , iif th htato. 'I lie pi ili.ililf
rt'tiMin 'ni' tills nojfh-i't i4 to lie found
1 in tlo I n't tliut fiirnis fin- iii nmii.i, 'd
mm mm i it ni 'nrK 'i .lining' n ini
time i !ii( lui;' for tltiv niosf vu r"sni.V
Jtiml itt.i.tii. lii.i vbiii ! tin nifi.L fnroih
iH ill 111 1l tPVl'ht Is oi'i hliorlc
' .: .i '" c ... -
,, . ,. .
illli'-l.ltlU' le
gitiN. The fiiin-
or H-ts Ins labor fin thiesblng In
"I'llllllKlllg VV ni !,' Willi Ills lll'lglllll i .
The i iUi)iit"nl for hoek tlneslnug is
iiitieli laiger. rt'qiilres mine men and
more leiiins than foi stack ihiesbing
The labor that tho fanner leeciws
r..,M,. i.:. ....i. .1.1.... i ...... i...,.i, i
I I will I . "i III Ift 11 Hill - III llliini 1'il.t im. i
in kind and at the time his neighbors
demand it. This takes time when it is
most impel at ively demanded at home.
Ily the time that th'ieshitig is over,
a', fill fa must generally beeut. and wild
hay made. Then comes potato hut vest ,
and then coin hat vest. Xiee-saiy
vvoik keeps pii'-liiiig all the time, so j
that fall ulovviug seems to be out of
the iiiestnu The remedy for state of
.ill'air- Ues in a elitiugelu fill 111 iiiu n u sr'-
lllelll shock till esbllig hhnllnl sji -1 i
Ily I km nine u tiling of tl.o m. Is i-.
too w.i-ti fill and to eeiisie to 1 '
lull).'' i ' li-iatid. It ili'in.tiiils i iniiM J
muni ni lutjor at a time 'vneti U Is most
needed on the homo farm. Oiain 111:13
be stiieUed and threshed with far less
labor and mote oT it saved for tho
grain bin than by the method now in
vogue. A light covering with .slough
liny, or tlniothv'or wild hay will pro
tect the stuck fiom the vvcatlior If
they aio piopeily Iniill. The tlrcsh
iug may then be postponed till 11 Her
the lull plowing is done and labor
may easily be had.
As an inducement to funnels to
maku the change in management
above suggested andiihencniirageuietit
to them to uudertako a woikjtlmt Is
too much neglected on nearly evory
farm, we shall here aet forth some of
the benefits to be derived by plowing
in the fall, and by plowing Mb deeply
us possible with the ordinary farm
In the first place It will add to the
fertility of the soil. All soil coutaln
mineral salts that are or may become
the bases from which plant food may
be made. These mineral salts in the
form in which they originally exist in
tile soil are not immediately available
for plant food. They must first be
oridied. To illustrate, potassium is
not a plant food, but potash an oxi
dized product of potassium is a plant
food IXposuiototho action of the
oxygen of Hie air and to the effect of
the various atmospheric1 inllucnces
oxidizes these mineral stilts and eon
vet ts tliem into plant food, thus add
ing to the fertility of t lie soil. On old
worn soils the effect of deep plowing
is readily to bu seen In tho first crop.
On these the mineral suits contained
in the ordinary furrow slice obtained
in shallow plowing have nearly all
been oxidized ami made available and
used up, so that tho soil seems to be
....1...-. ....1 1.... .1 41... ..,.. 1 . ....
u.Miuusifii. mil mop iiiu piciwcieeper, 1
turn out to the action of the elements
soil that fins never been before dis
turbed, and new plant fond is iniide
available, equivalent tothoapplicnfion 1
of so much ehemicisl feUiMor- "If 'is'
better and cheaper to ok up tho fcrh
liner with 11 plow than to buy it at en
haticed prices fn the guneral itunkel.
(i utitlliut il in t w Pek 1
do vr-Ai.r
Trade Marko
Anrnno tonillni.' n Uetfh and lcf rlptlnn mar
qutrklr nrertlu our nplnlon frco wlietnor an
iiiventkin la prohblr Ptentiijl 'Jiiimuiili-jt.
tioni alrlcdT connd.iit
em free. 1
lai. nHnUDUUI uu n.uiw
omen air.ii
hleit atf.llCT
cr for pcurnilf
a Datanta.
l'Meiita taken llirouah Jtunii ft 1
uptclal natUt, without chance, la t
be rrcvira
i. - . 1 .
CJiarKC. iu iu
Scientific Jlmcricam
'a handtoi
lllfin .!
uf atiTI
ilrttM w.aklr,
u, Buiawaj
t. '.
MVilMra I
mum k mLMWt
, MaaA Motltt
lWlPDtC a
M a m
I L IflOi).
,, , fi
Furniture, Carpels Sewing Ma
chines Lace Curtains Pianos,
Organs Pictures and Sheet Music.
QWatelys thankful for any share of
your patronage and good will. :::::.:
Licensed Etnbalmors and Undertakers.
1 Will buy your hay
jhest mar
A If Air A
VH w -1-htw u m w inpHi
glad to look-at your hay any" time.
Address Alma Alfalfa Mill Ce-
Alma, Nebraska-
tt&ft Ktttt&ft
Are durable, attractive and
mechanically correct.
Red Cloud, - - Nebraska.
n sese ww!fBim5S
m 1 rrr -ti r 1111 urn- nil 11 r 1 1 111 in 1 1
A 'New Buggy Or Farm Machinery
- -1 1 1 --T in iwiiHii. 1 iWHim i iw i - -- 1
W'r have i hem all. Rrmumber, our
ness, 1 latclu-are, Biijmies and I;;inn
Complete tt .ill times. : : ; : :
Ui imv siim.i 1 vi iitteniinii to Supplying liuihler'n Jl.uclwaie at Ihu
hnwe-t I'rieew, Best l'ooiIv.. Wi: are also in position to do I'liiinhiiii;
wink mill all Kinds of Wipe Cutting atid'Pittlni;. :::::::.
iiiii iiatiWaiiiiniiiiiiamaa
Wc will have in a Line of AUTOMOBILES Soon.
Red Gloud Hardoiare & Implement Go.
WM WOLFE. Secretary.
r a 4J 0 V JS0 J A
CHIEF $1,001 A YEAK.
l , - , . ,
-AW'WA'WA Aa &
.-. m
in Slack or on Car.
w A Ri S irll 1
ket prices Paid. Will be
stock of I lar
Machinery is
' ' t. . " . , l
Z,0j?,i,iiX3i,'V' rjz-tiysjj o-M-r' " K,
i-JJ )-
Ssuj'n '
- rt.