The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 05, 1909, Image 6

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    The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
; OF A i
Latest News of Interest
2 Boiled Down for the
Busy Man.
Tho French court has ordered tlio
llssolutlon of tho trades union wlilch
tho postal, telegraph and tolcpliono
employes formed during tho strike In
Paris Inst May holding with tho law
of 18SI ns Its authority, that work
men's unions do not apply to stnto
Tho University of Lolpslc conferred
tlio dogrco of doctor of lawn on Thco.
doro Hoosovelt. Among thoso to re
ceive degrees wero King Frederick
or Saxony, Count Ferdinand Zeppelin,
aeronaut; Oerald Hauptmann, author,
and Porf. Fritz von Undo, tho Gorman
Tho rovolt In Spain Is being taken
under control.
A sevoro oarihquako was felt In
different parts of Mexico Friday and
scleral pertons nro reported killed.
Madame Lillian Nordlca, and George
V. Young, a Now York banker, wero
married In London.
A heavy storm Is rnglng In tho
North soa. Tho Hnmhurg schooner
Hans nntl an unknown Dutch sailing
vessel havo hoen wrecked near Ncu
work. Many fishing and other Btnnll
craft aro reported to havo been lost.
Gcnoral Kafaol Reyes has an
nounced thnt ho has received official
notification of tlio accoptanco by tho
Columbian congress of his resignation
as president.
Samuel Oompers, president of tho
American Federation of Labor, ar
rived In Berlin to study labor con
ditions. Hmporor Nicholas and Empress Al
fxundrla, of Russia nro making a visit
In Prussia and will visit England bo
rons their return to Russia.
Tho big navy campaign has won the
day and four additional super-Dread-noughts
aro to bo added to tho cur
rent year's ship-building program.
Reginald McKonna, first lord of the
admiralty, otllclally confirmed this In
the houso of commons.
Tho new Persian government Is pre
pared to offer Mohammed All Mlrza,
I ho ox-shah of Persia, an annual pen
sion of $25,000 on condition that ho
loaves Persia without delay.
Prlnco Miguel of Braganza, eldest
sen of Duko MIchnel, tho pretender to
tho Portugueso throne, renounced for
ever his rights to tho throno of Por
tugual in order to marry Miss Anita
Stewart, daughter of Mrs. James
Henry Smith of New York. Tho
Pilnco's engagement to Miss Stewart
was nnnounccd on July 9.
Ono hundred and forty-seven thou
sand seven hundred and slxty-nlno ap
plications for lands in tho Coour
d'Aleno, Flnthead and Spokane reser
vations, where 700,000 acres will bo
opened to settlement by tho govern
ment, wero reported by notaries at
the closo of tho ninth day or registra
tion. Tho Georgia sennto has voted to
lomovo from ofllco Chairman of tho
State Railroad Commission S. O. Mc
London. McLendon was rocontly sus
pended by Formor Governor Smith
on chnrges of being too lenient with
the railroads.
J. Garnet Wood, general agent of
tho Dos Moines LIfo Insuranco com
pany at Llttlo Rock, Ark., foil from
the eighth-story window of tho South
ern Trust company building at an
early hour Friday and was Instnntly
killed. Ho had spent tho night In his
olllro nnd nil indications point to nn
Onoxzlmo Thomas and Emllo An
tolno, negroes who wero being
brought to Jail at Opelousas, La., by
two deputy sheriffs, woro taken from
the officers lata Fridny night and shot
to death near Grand Prairie, In this
Andrew E. Leo, former governor of
South Dakota, obtained a wnrrant In
Chlcngo for tho arrest of E. Nllos,
said to bo a broker. Tho former gov
ernor charges that ho was swindled
by means of n confidence game. The
amount involved Is said to bo $10,000.
So great is tho rush of applications
for Indian reservation lands, to bo
drawn August I), that tho land depart
meat olllclals placed nn order for 50,
000,000 moro registration blanks. With
Ittlo moro than half tho tlmo for reg
Istratlon passed. Superintendent Wit
ten has received 118,955 applications.
Harry C. Piilllam, president of tho
National Longuo of professional base
ball clubs, commlttod BUleldo In New
I'hllo, Illinois, (i village In Cham
palgn county. waB almost wiped out
hy flro. Half tho -busings section
ft3 destroyed. .Loss, ? 10,000.
Six Uvea wore lost by n Wabash
passenger train plunging Into tho Mis
souri river thirty miles east of Kansas
Tho strlko ot tho Standard Stool Car
coinpnny's plant at, Butler, Pa., has
ended nnd 2,000 men invo returned
to work.
Tho Gllddcn nutomobllo tour onded
at Kansns City Friday. ,
An oxamlnntlon or tho nffnfrs of tho
First National bank of Tipton, Ind.,
was begun by Miller Weir, examlnur-nt-largo
for tho treasury department,
to dctcrmlno tho exact amount of tl'o
losses Incurred in tho Institution of
which Noah R. Marker was the assis
tant cnBhler. Marker disappeared lust
Satlirdny. SlxtV thoilRnnil dollar In
cash was missing after Marker's de
parture An nppoal to tho United States su
premo court from tho decision or Judgo
Smith McPhcrson in tho Missouri rail
road rnto cases was filed by Sanford P..
Ladd, roproBentlng tlio Btnto in tho
United States district-court. In his
decision Judgo McPhcrson declared
thnt tho Missouri railroad passenger
and freight rato law was confiscatory
and unconstitutional.
Tho cotton report made on tho cost
dltlon up to July 25 by tho nation
glnners' association gives tho gencis!
averago as 71.7.
Colorado Springs passed from nn
eloctivo city government under stnti
Jaw to one under charter rule.
Tho western federation or miners
by a largo vote decided not to take $1
out of each initiation fee for tho Min
ors' Mngazlno, but they did instruct
the executive board to print Bociallst
llteraturo in a number of languages
for distribution purposes.
Whilo rounding n curvo near Glen
wood, Ala., a Central of Georgia
passenger train was wrecked, twenty
four persons being Injured, six very
Five thousand persons witnessed
tho hanging or William Mack, a negro,
nt Brandon, Miss.
N. Y. Ellis shot nnd killed N. P
Willis In tho court room nt Little
Rock, Ark.
Rev. Will In in Huntington, rector ol
Graco Episcopal church, New York,
men .Monday.
Georgo Allen Ilenty, tho conrcssed
bank robber, who looted the First Na
tional bank at Monrovia, California, ot
$29,700 last December, nnd was cap
tured in Dayton, O., wns sentenced to
servo eight years in Folsnm nonitnn.
At Chicago tho jury cleared Ella
Gingles from tho charge of stealing
lace, but tho story sho told on tin
witness Btand of being a "white Slav"
victim was denounced ns untrue.
A gnlo at Galveston, Tex., docs con
siderablo damage to shipping nnd tin
city nnd ten porsons loso their lives.
A Michigan court has permanently
enjoined the city of Kalamazoo, Mich.,
from enforcing tho ordlnanco which
requires tho union lubel on all city
A grand Jury has been called to in
vestigate the murder or J. D. Saylcr,
at Crescent City, Illinois.
On Salem, Mass., common tho
ancient municipality presented to the
scout cruiser Salem n beautiful silver
service, a bronzo replica ot tho seal of
tho city, to bo mounted on somo part
or tho hlg ship and n big phonograph.
A cloudburst In northern Wisconsin
dnmnges property to tho extent of
over hair a million dollars. No loss of
life Is reported.
General Carlos Garcia Velez, Cuban
minister to tho United Stntes, received
a cablegram from President Gomez ot
Cuba authorizing him to say thatthoro
was no truth In tho rumors ot a dis
ruption or tho Cuban cabinet and that
ho nnd his brother, Justo Carlos Velez,
who Is Cuban secretary or state, would
no retained nt their presont posts.
Ono thousand men aro Idlo as tho
result of a Btrlko or puddlors at tho
Montour rolling mill department of
tho Reading Iron company, tho pud
dlers alleging that ono ot their num
ber had been discharged because ho
hud been overcome by tho heat.
James G. Purvis, the non-union
marine engineer who killed two
strikers. Injured ono other and was
menaced by strlko sympathizers last
Saturday night, was discharged by
both tho police and county coroner.
Cornelius P. Shen, tho rormer Chi
cago labor leader, waB sentenced to
not loss than five, nor moro, than
twenty-tlvo yours In prison for tho
nttempted murder of Alice Wnlsh.
with whom ho had been living.
Commissioner of Indian AfTnlrs Val
entino has taken steps to rollovo moro
than twelvo hundred Indlnns In Wis
cousin who wero loft without Bholtci
and food ns the rosult of tho rccont
series or cloudbursts In that state
near Odanah.
Prcsldont Tart welcomed L. A
CoromlliiB In his now capacity as
envoy oxtrnordlnnry and minister plen
Ipotontlnry or Greeco nt Washington.
Mr. Coromllns hns been hero for a
year and a hair as minister resident.
General Henry C. Worthlngton, delo
gato In congress from Nevada, diplo
mat and Jurist, died at tho Garfield
hospital hero from corobrnl hem
orrhago. Ho was 81 years old.
Ropalrs to cost $500,000 will bo
mndo on tho battleship Kentucky,
now In reserve nt Philadelphia
According to Senator Warren, the
story that beef packers nro cngnglug
extensively In tho tanning business
nnd will be tho principal bonollclarlos
of a duty on hides, has been used
by tho "freo hldo lobby" In tmmufao
tilling sentiment against tho protec
tion ajued by tho cattlo Industry.
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Pollt.
leal and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Judgo Thomns II. Saunders, ono of
tho pioneers of Ncbrnskn, died nt Co
lumbus nrter nn Illness or nenrly throo
monins rouowing n rail down tho steps
of tho Masonic templo.
Frnnk Burgess, manager or tho Bos
ton Ideal Opern compnny, playing an
ongngoment in Beatrice, is suffering
from n spider blto on tho lower lip
which may prove sorlous. Ho Is re
ceiving trentment nt n locnl hospital,
having been forced to give up his work
on tho Htnge for the present.
Corn is king nnd cooks nro queens
Is tho nnnouncement mndo by York
County Boys' Agricultural nnd Girls'
Domestic Science associations, who
will hold nn exhibition at York, com
mencing Tuesday, November 23 and
ending November 27. Tho best of tho
exhibits will bo taken to tho Omaha
Corn show.
A largo amount of now wheat Is be
ing hnndled In tho locnllty of Beatrico
nt present. In two dnys 10,000 bushels
of this year'B crop havo boon deliv
ered at tho elovators at Pickrcll, tho
grain bringing the top price, $1.02 per
bushel. No loss than eight threshing
outfits have been Buppllylng tho eleva
tors nt Pickrcll.
Building operations In Beatrice aro
being pushed. Locnl carpenters, plas
terers nnd masons nro oil busy.
Among tho buildings now In progress
of construction nve the new Kllpatrlck
office building, tlio Beatrice Automo
bllo company's garage, and John L.
Schick livery barn, llrcmcn's head
quarters nnd Dole Flornl company's
Tho plans nnd Bpoclflcatlons for n
now brick court houso to bo built nt
Bridgeport nro now bolnir ndvorHsoil
for. The court houso. will cost & .
000. A bond Issue of $15,000 hns Just
been voted for this purpose nnd this
with the $10,000 cash donntlon of tho
Lincoln Land compnny, will secure
ono of tho finest court houses in the
west for Nebraska's youngest county.
Tho 7-yenr-old son of Otto Stark,
who lives flvo miles west of Martins
burg, wns gored by a bull. Tho boy
was badly bruised with a rent flvo
inches long on tho right side which
ponetrated tho intestines nnd nnother
in tho bnck, besides being trampled
nil over. No placo aa largo as a hand
on his en tiro body escaped. It Is
thought ho will recover.
Certain members of tho Nebraska
fltnto Historical society havo protest
ed to Stato Auditor Barton to prevent
tho payment by him to C. S. Pnlno
salary as secretary of tho society at
tho rato or $1,500 a year. As n result
Mr. Barton will pay no moro salary
vouchors for Mr. Palno until tho mat
ter has been passed on by tho legal
department of state.
After ton days of activity, tho 1,200
Nebraska national guardsmen, con
stituting tho First brigade, loft Ash
land for their homes, leaving In camp
only a little guard in charge or Major
E. II. Phelps, who remained over to
conduct the target practice of tho
team that goes to compete In tho na
tional rifle tournnment nt Camp Perry,
O., tho middle of August. Tho camp
was Bald by overyono to bo tho best
over hold In tho state.
The early npplo crop, says a Ne
braska City dispatch, Is exceptionally
good and sovernl enrs havo been ship
pod out. Tho crop will bo n heavy
ono nnd ft is found that those orch
ards which have boon sprayed nnd
properly looked nfter havolborno fruit
that will bear shipping, whilo those
thnt havo not been cared for nre not
fit to ship, being very defective. Tho
lato crop will bo very light and only
In sprayed orchards will It amount to
Harvesting In this section, Bays an
Arlington dispatch, Is about finished
nnd somo threshing Is being done. It
Is claimed that wheat will make be
tweon twonty nnd thlrty-llvo bushels
por aero and tho test will bo from
sixty to sixty-two. Oats aro ratljor n
light crop aa n whole, owing to tho
lato freozo, but Borne fields will make
a good yield. Tho elovators nro
offering to contract wheat at $l per
bushel, and many of tho farmers will
sell direct from the freshing machine
The last roport of tho weather bur
eau for NebraBjca, for June, Indicates
that that month hail rather moro than
tho usual amount of rain. Tho precipi
tation was 4.20 inches, which Is moro
than n quarter of nn Inch greater than
tho nvorago for tho month during tho
past thirty-four yearn. West Point
was favored with 9.94 inches. Tho
temperature was rather greater than
normal for tho month, standing ns
an averago at C9 ('egrces. Tho high
eat temperature at any tlmo during
tho month wns 108 degrees at Boaver
Tho attorney for Mrs. Mnud Moron
it Nebraska, City, wlfo of Attorney W.
F. Moran, who nfter n hearing cover
ing flvo weeks before tho commis
sioners of Insnnlty wns declared In
snno, has gono beforo Judgo H. D.
Travis and secured a writ of habeas
corpus. Tho hearing it sot for Aug. 2.
Two boys ran away rrom tlio Indus
trial school ot Kenrnoy last wcok.'
They woro helpers In tho kitchen and
wero sent in the kitchen nhoad of ono
or tho officers to do somo work. When
tho officer arrived tho boj'H hnd disap
peared nnd, although tho country was
scoured, tlioy aro still mlsslnp
Republicans, Democrats, Populists and Prohibi
tionists Hold Conventions.
Proclamation of Principles as Set Forth by the
Leading Political Organizations.
Tho republicans, democrats, popu
lists and prohibitionists held conven
tions In Lincoln on the 27th, with good
representations at all of them. There
wero upward of 800 delcgatea in tho
republican convention. C. O. Whcndon
of Lincoln was chosen chairman and
J. M. O'Neill, secretary. Resolutions
herewith set forth tho principles of
tho party.
The democrats met In Representa
tive hall and adopted n platform to
which only ono delegate objected.
Chris Guenther wrts nominated tor
Chairman or tho. State Central com
mittee, but declined. The mnttor or
filling the placo was loft to tho state
committee. George L. Loomls of .Fre
mont was chairman of the convention
nnd W. If. Smith of Sownrd, secretary.
Tho prohibition stnto convention
consisted of flvo delegates, which at
tended to tho nccesBnry business. D.,
B. Gilbert of Fremont wob elected
chnlrmnn of tho stnto committee, J. P.
Heald, secretary, and J. L. Clnfiin, vice
Resolutions denouncing tho liquor
traffic nnd favoring n law and placing
the referendum In full force and ef
fect woro ndopted.
In tho populist convention at the
senate chamber It was unanimously
agreed that tho party organlnztlon be
mnlntalncd. Chnlrman Manuel called
for an expression on this question ob
soon ns the convention wob called to
order. E. A. Walrnth of Polk, was
mndo secretary. Webster, Boone, Dix
on, Stnnton, Polk, Saunders, Burt,
Adams, Washington, Kenrnoy, Saline,
Hamilton, Buffalo, Valley nnd Hownrd
counties wero woll represented.
Republican Platform.
Speaking for tho republicans of Ne
brasko, ns their delegates In stnto con
vention assembled, uml rcalnrmltig the
(let-In rat Ions of our national nnd state
platform of 1908, wo congrntulato the
rountry on tho magnificent republican vic
tory which hns given us for our chlof
executive thnt llrm and courageous states
man, pin-eminently fitted for his exalted
olllce, William Hownrd Taft. When wo
assembled ono yonr ngo wc wero facing
a presidential campaign In which our op
ponents, with customary braggadocio,
p. i railed n fnlso confidence In their onuso
nnd proclaimed loudly that republican
nsconuency in uio nntion wns nt nn end;
but ngnln nt tho ballot box came tho in
dubitable proof that so strongllv en
trenched In tho hearts of tho people nre
the ptlnclplcs nnd achievements of the
republican party, nnd so discredited nro
tho fallacious doctrines nnd bo distrusted
tho lenders of tho democratic pnrty, thnt
the third defent of tho democratic stnnd-nid-benrer
was more signal nnd decisive
than beforo.
Wo seo only encourngement for future
republican success In the conditions con
fronting us In Nebraska today. In splto
of tho tremendous handicap by which we
were required to combat n distinguished
Ncbraskan appealing to home pride to
support him for president, nnd notwlth
stnndlng the flagrant deception by which
tho democratic presidential electors mas
queraded on tho ballot n second tlmo ns
populists, tho democratic lender, for -whom
wns confidently predicted n 25,000 majority
In his home stnto, wns grievously disap
pointed to find Hint ho had saved himself
In Nobrnska by a bare -1,000 plurality.
Tho election at tho snmo tlmo by sub
sttintlnl majorities of tho entire republll
con state ticket, with only two places
excepted, gives us tho tight to regard tho
result ns a republican victory.
We npprove, commend and unqualifiedly
Indorse the stand taken by President Tnft
In tho mnttcr of tariff revision. Wc nre
counting on him to seo to It that the
party's platform promise of revision is
redeemed bv the enactment of n tariff
bill acceptable to tho people, nnd wo
would npnrovo tho excrclso of his veto on
nny bill that does not conform to his con
struction of tho platform pledge whloh
he has said means "revision downward
within tho limitations of tho protective
principle." Wo look to our senators nnd
representatives In congress to sustain tho
president In this position, nnd wo com
mend them for their efforts In support of
the patty's pledges nnd tho president's
Wo approve nnd Indorso the Ilrown
resolution ndontod by congress submitting
to tho sovernl stntes for their notion a
proposed constitutional nmen.lment em
powering the fedcnil government to levy
iiimi culled uui-i un incomes.
Tho republlcnn party In this state
stnnds upon its record. Whilo providing
iimla i.F.nn 11a vAnnpl YTT1. Ifn n ! .11.. !
wr a HL-in-riiiiH inumicnnnco minor eco
nomical administration for tho various
stnto Institutions wo extinguished n. stnto
rtebt of more than $2,000,000. Wo nbo
llshed tho evils of enrpornto dictation In
politics nnd nbrognte.l the free pass sys
tem under a republican administration.
Passenger, freight nnd express rates havo
been reduced nnd an elective railway
commission provided for speedy adjust
ment of differences between shippers nml
carriers nnd tho regulation of tho snmo.
Wo provided for a more Just nnd eqult
nblo nsfOHsment of nil kinds of property
for taxation nnd the nssessmont of rail
way tormlnnls for locnl purposes nnd ro
moved tho bar ngnlnst recovery of nde
quote damages for personal Injuries.
Wc commend the consistent courso pur
sued bv the republlcnn minority In the
last legislature In resisting with energy
nnd ability the unwise nnd unconstitu
tional measures of tho democratic ma
jority. Wo point with pride to tho records of
tho Judges who for ninny venrs have been
elevated to tho bench In this stnto ns re
publicans, but who ns Judges hnvo known
neither personal favoritism nor political
partisanship but havo fearlesslly and Im
partially declared tho law nud held tho
scales of Justice even between rich and
poor, high nnd law. republlcnn. democrat,
populist, prohibitionist nnd soclnllst nllke.
Wo denounce tho eleventh hour pretense
of devotion to tho Iden of nnnpartlsnnshln
by tho lato democratic legislature, nfter
running n riot of partisanship for three
months nnd ruthlessly legislating repub
licans out of ofllce by tho wholesale order
to make room for democratic ollW-seek-ers.
If the passage of their so-called non
partisan Judiclnry net wns Intended to
Old Corn on Hand.
Nebrnskn farjuors nnd others havo
on hand 10,981,034 bushels of corn,
inoro than tlioy did at tho snmo tlmo
last year. Ab shown by tho reports
of tho various county assessors, tho
corn on hand last year nmountcd to
30,56C,8-I0 bushels, nnd this yonr tho
nmount on hand is 41,535,874 bushels.
Tho notlcoablo Incrcnsoa are shown
in tho following counties: Adams, 397,
291 bushels; Antelope, 3G0.1CG bush
els; Boone, 201,032 bunhols; Buffalo,
290,859 bushels; Dixon, 352,491 bush
charge ly Innuendo thnt republican Judges
nm.?,W. b0 t.n.,B,ct' to perform the"?
Jrtinl,Hu,icVvUhout l'olH'cnl bins ac
cording to tlielr oaths of olllce, wo resent
ho Imputation. It will become tho demo
tints to pralo about it nonpartisan Judlcl-
ihvwihe? "" re.cord S,,'H tl a, when
V hnd -letted two of tho s iprcmu
o01ACnOUJrut.hVer"'t Wh0"y ?"''
Democratic Platform.
We, tho democrnts of Nebraska, in state
convention assembled, renlllrm our faith
n. nnd pledge our loyalty to tho prlncl.
Pics of our party as sot forth In the Dint.
Uorn,onf"lJo8.l Uy th Ue"'Uc connl
n-n.il1.0.l!2i,'l1ce U, "'Puhllcnn tariff bill
ns n shameless consummation of the fraud
deliberate y planned by tho republican
!!E2cir"wlie.n !,uy Promised revVsoi in
ioCthfnJSM,.,!ct!0I.l.! nmJ wu cn" attention
,.Vi i ?.fafil tl,Ht U confesses the truth of
'"'that tho democrats lwve charged as
l0wiei!!SUlt,e".0.f " ,,lKh tariff system!
,Wo ca" "Pccnl attention to tho fact
that ono plnnk contained In both tlio
f"inn!,,Uo B,n.t0 nnd ""tlonal platfon S
&!0MilJR?mPl? th. p,,,Mk lwiionilliiB n
constitutional amendment speeltlcnlly in
dorsing tho Income tax. has since been
Sin0".?? ,y a rt'''lcnn president, sen
n! ),ollso ,of representatives ,i
that such ninendment'has been submit
ted to the stntes for ratification.
fi IllfMlirn flirt llnmAntll.. ... u .
nfTim. tn?si,"t '!' "e-i"-lng'ratincntlon
V.V.irt,1'.t.tVnc"llnV,nt..nll(1 to that end wo
......v.""-1""' nimneuucrgcr to call n
special session of the legislature at n
early day, that Nebraska, a pioneer I
tho ndvocacv of nn Income tnx. may havo
tho honor of being tho first statu to ratify
the amendment. my
thnVUM!!;'ri,Tl.,,,.,I'l,r,X.ln(,orso tl10 1'iGposttlon
by popular vote " Bcnulo,'s bo cl"ted
J'rJ"e'.'i' 'ny conditions In the sennto
emphnslzo tho importanco of this re
form. Believing that the pcoplo bnvo a right
o have what they want In government.
Wnnf,kW"? S!"'1"1"8'"" "t the next ses
"0, th(? legislature of n constitutional
?nii ",1'""t , Providing for tho Initiative
nnd referendum.
Reasserting our purpose to glvo the peo
pl0w,.,thP Hl".,.c ?f Neliraqlc.1 n guaranty
fln b"'VA V,":f,l.V ,,,w- wo 'call attention to
tho fact that tho suspension of that law
by tho federal couit emphasizes the posl
tlnn taken by the democratic party of
Nebraska In Its 190S platform, when it
faond tho enactment of such laws as
'Aay. ip. 1n,0CP.ssn1rv to compel corporations
to submit their legal disputes to tho
couits of tho states In wlilch they do
business befurn Inklm. .,,. .,,.,.., i . ..:
United States courts.
wo indorse tho successful business nd
innilstnitlon of a demoerntli- f-nv.imn.. .,...1
commend tho governor nnd u Jemocrntlo
legislature for tho enactment of specific
leniocrnllc platform pledges Into law.
The democrats of Nebrnskn. however.
'Irect the nttentlon of nil good citizens
1 ,11.1 ,"lil"ii ino stnto election to be
Ileld tills fall In flir til,. nnrnn. .. !...
ng three Judges of the supreme court and
inrco regents or the university. No other
offices nro involved.
The democratic party, through Its legis
lature and governor, sought to lift these
pns tions of great trust and dignity out
or the embroilment of pnrtlslan politics,
to take them out of tho hnnds of pro
fessional politicians, ta raise them nbovo
the reach of the interests such politicians
serve, and place them permanently and
securely on a non-partisan basis. But tho
republican pnrtv held otherwise.
Through Its lenders and Its press It ns
salled the non-partisan Judiciary law.
Through its stato organization It ar
ranged surreptitiously a palpably Insincere
but successful attack upon It.
Wo submit that this presents nn Issue
or gieat nnd far-reaching Importance.
Wo are coming to bo more nnd more n
people governed by our courts. The courts
nro tho bulwarks of our liberties as well
ns tho harbor to which special privilege
tiles In everv storm, and the lnstrumentul
Itles through which It nsserts, with grow
ing arrogance. Its power to defy the peo
ple's legislatures nnd tho people's execu
tives. There never was a time when tlio
necessity for keeping courts, Invested
with or asserting extrnordlnnry powers,
on a piano nbovo suspicion of reproach,
picsented itself moro forcibly than It
doeB now.
Wo urge tho peoplo of this common
wealth tn take this question homo with
them. Wo urgo upon them that tho
Issue in this state election Is one, not of
pnrty or platform, but of men.
Wo urge alt Nebraskans In voting for
supremo Judircs and for im-oniu tn ii.
nsldn party preiudlco nnd tics. AVo hope
no (lemocrnt will vote ror a candidate for
either of theso ofllces merely because the
candidate is a democrat, and that no re
publican will vote for such a candidate
because ho Is n republlcon.
Wo urgo each and every votor of nil
parties to vote for the man wlmn im
goes to the ballot box this full nnd not
ior mo pnriv lanei.
RCSOlVCd. That WO lirco tlin rlnmnnrnlln
members of congress nnd those from Ne
braska especially, to uso their best ef
forts to secure ns speedy a completion ns
possible of tho government ditch project.
now but nartlallv oomnleto.l In wonrUrn
ixi'iiriiniui, iiMMiriiiK inose seiners who
havo homestended lands under said pro
lect thnt tho government will keep good
faith with them, nnd thnt right soon.
Whnt Is hero mid with reference to the
administration of the courts upplles like
wise to the administration of tho state
university. This noblo Institution hns
grown and prospered under the efllclent
management of regents elected ns re
publicans, freo from tho Intrusion of no
Hwnl Partisanship or tho application of
political tests. In shnrp contract with tho
tlmo when under a fusion hoard Its man
agement wns notoriously, partisan.
The reasons, therefoie, nro not heard to
find why. for moro than a third of a
century, but for one brief trial peilod,
tho peoplo of Nebrnskn havo continuously
preferred to entrust their highest court
of Justico and their highest Institution of
learning to ofllcers presented as candi
dates by th republican party, nnd these
reasons hold good todnv. Tho nominees
of tho republican party for these respons
ible positions this year will bo compe
tent and trustworthy, nnd should com
mnnd tho support nnd votes of nil good
citizens who bellcvo In honesty. Justice
and fidelity nnd hate hypocracy, deceit
nnd faithlessness,
ti. ,... .. . , .. ...
Runaway Accident Fatal.
Sutton. Dennis Lyhenuo died nt
his homo, southwest or Sutton, from
tho effects of injuries Buffored In a
runaway which occiircd n llttlo over
a week ago.- Mr. Lyhonno wns 07
y.ears old.
Prosecution Under Food Law.
Tho deputy food commissioner has
nsked tho county attorney of Sallno
county to prosecute Albort Fritz for
tlio salo or flvo or six dozen rotten
eggs. This practice Is ono that Com
missioner Mains Intends to atamp out.
State Board of Equalization.
Attorney (Jeneral W. T. Thompson
hnB given an opinion holding tho Stnto
Board of Equalization htiB nuthority
to ralso or lower tho valuation of real
ostato belonging to railroad companies
WAV TMla Weei --
- V hb.t
Aldrlch Not to Talk Much Hlrru
6elf, and Oratory Will Bb j
Left Mainly to the Op- g;a
position 8lde. .V)4
Washington, D. C Unless Borne
thing happons to provoke heated dis
cussion of political character, tho
now tariff bill should bo enacted Into
law and tho extraordinary session of
congress ndjourncd before tho end of
thfs week. Inquiry anions senators
opposed to tho adoption of tho confer-
enco report on tho Paync-Aldrich bill
Indicates that tho dobato will not be
as extended as it threatened to be
beforo the conferees reported. The
scnato will meet at 10 n. m. Monday.
Tho session probably will begin at
that hour and will continue to C or
7 o'clock p. m. dally until tho report
is adopted. If It is found that moro
senators desiro to speak than has al
ready given notice it is possible that
night sessions may bo held.
Senator Aldrlch la determined that
tho conference report shall not be
carried oVor Into next week. Ho does
not expect to occupy very much time
himself. Ho said Saturday that ho
would not speak longer than an hour
or two, and that other members of
tho committee would occupy compar
atively llttlo time. It Is probable that
senators who wero opposed to tho
placing of hides on tho freo list will
havo something to nny on that sub
ject and that all of tho ropubllcanu
who voted against tho bill when it
was on Its passage in tho Benate will
take occasion to explain their action.
Somo of theso senators will speak
lor tho adoption of tho conference
report, nnd somo of them aro ex
pected to vote in tho negative.
Senator Culberson, leader of the
minority, is authority for tho state
ment thnt tho democrats will debate
tho conference roport thoroughly, but
will not fllbuster against its adoption.
Senators Daniel and Bailey, members
of tho commltteo on finance, will
Bpeak at length ngalnst tho adoption
of tho conference roport, and tnko tho
lead In voicing democratic opposition
to mo now tarnr um. somo or tno
senato leaders predict that a voto
will bo had on tho conference roport
as early as Thursday, and that tho
special session of congress can bo
brought to a close on Friday.
A Good Season for Sheep.
Bello Fourcho, S. D. Sheepmen ot
this soctlon are about tho most satis
fied set of men to bo round in the
stato or South Dakota. The sheen
season has Just closed hero and it
has been the largest and most profit
able ono In tho history of tho mnrkol
at Belle Fourche. A total of ovoi
two million pounds of wool has boon
marketed hero at an averago or 22&
cents per pound, or a total or approxi
mately $150,000 and not a single man
who dealt in sheep this season can
tell a hard luck story.
Tho gain over last yiear Is n sub
stantlal ono as during 1908 there wai
marketed 1,910,000 pounds. In 1907 I
was 1.750,000; In 190G 1,500,000, and
In 1905 it was 1,250.000, thus showing
a steady Increaso each year. Most
of tho wool waB sold outright here
this year, only a few clips boinp
consigned. Buyers from all over the
country made UiIb their headquarters"
Tho largest amount of wool shorn
at any ono plnco In tills section wnt
done by tho Mormon crow on Willow
creek at tho Smiley rnnch where the
men rrom Utah handled over 40.00C
head of sheep bcioro returning to
their homes.
Tragedy In Chicago Home.
Chicago. Marltlal troublo caused
Mrs. Emma Michel to kill her two
children, Meta, fifteen years old, and
Gustav, twelvo years old, and commit
suicide by means of Illuminating gas
here Sunday. Tho two children wore
found dead In bed with every gas jet
In tho houso open, nnd Mrs. Michel,
dead, seated In tho kitchen. In her
mouth wns a rubber tube, ono end of
which hnd been attached to a Jot.
Mrs. Michel left a letter for Henry
Fisher, a friend, in which Bho gave
the reasons for her act Mrs. Michel,
and hor husband, Louis, havo boon
separated for threo months, and sho
had started suit for a dlvorco. Pend
ing n decision her husband was to
pay her alimony, but failed to do so.
Extensive Smuggling Plot.
Manila. Tho government is press
ing tho Investigation or what appears
to to an extensive opium smuggling
plot which was brought to light by
tho discovery, and seizure of 4G0
pounds of opium nnd soventy-two
ounces of cocalno ingeniously con
cealed in a Bhlpment or mining ma
chinery brought from Hong Kong.
Louis Grnnt, an American business
man of considerable prominence, has
been arrested, charged with bplng
Implicated in tho smuggling plot,
nnd It Is believed that sovoral others
aro being closely watched by the
special agents.
Twelve Dead in the Wreck.
Spoknng, Wash. Tho number of
dend no tho result of a headon col
lision of two electric trains on tho
Couer d'Aleno & Spoknno railroad
Saturday ovening totnlg twolvo, nnd
tho numbor of Injured nbout sovonty
flvo. Tho wreck occurred at Cold
water Idaho, a small station twenty
five miles oast of Spokane. Many .por
sons from eastern states woro on tho
trains, having coma to Spoknno to
register tor tho Indian land oponlng.
Tho official list or dead aad Injured
ois if I von out SuniUy,