The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 05, 1909, Image 5

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mww wihwiim -
T 1
During these hot days
a nice Cool Hommock
is a comfort. We have
a nice line of them
ranging in price from
$1.25 to $B.80.
l rryf in nnr cap
WiJAV. 111 U11U yv
:1 see tl
Chas. L. Cotting,
The Druggist.
t a M-f-s-sorcr ;
Subscribe for the Clilof .
Mri. T. J. dJuntfard is tu Omaha this
Miss h'u Crablll returned from Alum
Hoy Palmer was down from Initviilu
Fred Spciteo was down from Cowlcs
MUsFeurl lllnes came homo from
Alma Friday.
Jesso IS rooks was down from dither
Ion Tuesday.
Dr. Thomas nnd family spent Sun
day hi Cowlcs.
.lohn Wilson was down from Cather
ton Saturday.
The Clirlsllan churoh Is being shin
gled this week.
Aaron Coiiover returned to Salt Lake
Tuesday evening.
Mls lllah Olmstoad was down from
Innvale Saturday.
Mhs Hlanehe Darker wos down from
Itmvule Saturday.
Mi";. Gladys Jouca arrived homd
from Aluia Sunday.
Mrs. O. C. Tccl arrived homo from
Lincoln Wednesday.
i laieuee Lewis la ronortcd very sloU
with the typhoid fevor.
Or. Thornus and family loft Monday
for an outing in Colorado.
The W. it. C. meetsnlilo'elook hhnrp
nest .iturday afternoon.
Foil A good yjuollno tnnge
price $?. Mrs. J. C. Sloss.
Miss Anna (Milium -returned Satur
day from the Alma Normal.
Miss IMna Williams returned Mon
day from the Peru Normal.
The Kirk Carnival Co. is holding
forth at Itiverton this week.
The city council appoiuted Al.Sluby
night watch Wednesday ovening.
Miss Hazel ltobinson entertained
several friends Tuesday evening.
A sheet of music given f re with
every purchase at Argabright's Studios.
JO per ei lit ili-c.tii.t nil Paste! Point
In " ( Ai,'il'n!if v -t u.! i-.
Mi s I'iKjulta Ktudel.HKer went to
II istii-gs Fil,l!i to visit friend.
Win Siiivner lihs moved into Mrf.
.McFurluiid's lioiiso on Uh incline.
Clia-. (irout and wife uro the happy
p.'iieiils of a liaby girl born Tuesday.
Miss lUhel lioynoltls of Minden is
Hif guest of MIhs (iraoo Klnsel this
Foil Sam;-An almost new Smith
Pi tinier Typewrltor l!x. .VJS lied
.Mis. Christie Pnttiioro ami Miss
Mai el Pay arrived home from Kearney
licit Gaih-rof Kensington, Kaa,, is
pitching fur the Red Cloud ball team
this week.
.Mr. Kdifm, df Peru Nebraska, N
vidting nu tits Mr. atid Mrs. X.
It. Simpson.
The Dfgico or tloi.or lodge mot
Tuesday evening nnd had a vecy Inter
esting incetiug.
Miss Cidl Taylor returned homo
Tuesday from on extended visit in
Mnrysvillc. Mo.
Mrs. Itlchiirds rolurnotl to Udgur
Saturday after visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Prof. Morllz.
TIio city council ordered tho foun
tain turned on at tholr meeting
Wednesday night.
Misses Hium l.indloy. Lena MUckle
and Francis Carl were down from
l'iverton Thursday.
Miss Ktlith McKcighuu returned
Wednesday from a two week's visit in
Colorado and Utah.
Maiirine Caldwell entertained sever
al little friends at a birthday party
Saturday afternoon.
Lock Xanders has been hired by tho
lied C loud ball team and is now play
ing ball with them.
Uov. C. 15. Smith and wife left
Wednesday morning for an extended
trip on tho western coast.
Airs. (5co. Llrfflsey gavo n luncheon
Friday in honor of Mlsa Marthcun La
Mare of Uuilinqtou, Iowa.
Mrs. Mabel Thompson and mju of
Grund Island aro visiting her mother,
Mrs. Ooo. Lindsey, this wek.
Misses Clara aud Martha Abel re
turned Wednesday from a thrco weeks
outing hi Denver and Salt Lako.
A large crowd of the local fans went
to Superior this morning: to see the
lied Cloud vs Superior bull game.
Nice, littlo, pleasant, gontle, easy
safe nnd sure pills, aro Kings Little
Liver Pills. Sold by Henry Cook.v
The Chicago specialist will bo at tho
P.oyal hotel in Red Cloud, again
Saturday. Aug.. 2Sth. Consultation
Tm: lei: Mils' S-ttirs during Chautau
qua whoro only when ho sees the Ice
Card '"So Sayoth" Turner the Ico
Wright Thornburg, an oltl timo( resi
dent of lied Cloud was lieio the last of
tho wook on his way from Oklahoma
to Denver.
The itoyul Neighbors will meet at
seven o'clock sharp next Tuesdayeven
day. Every member is requested to
be presont
put your
this matter of
Know tne
and we re
confidence in us in
clothes are entitled to
truth about what you -buy here;
glad to have you know it; there's nothing
here that we're afraid to tell the truth about.
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are all
wool; and all-wool is the only real, full value
in clothes. We have some clothes that are
not all-wool; we'll tell you so if you
select any of them. We dont advise you to
buy cotton-mixed goods; they're mostly
disappointing, and that's bad for us as well
as you. We have them here to sell to men
who are not yet wise enough to insist on
We'll try to persuade you to buy Hart
Schaffner & Marx all-wool clothes; they'll cost
more because they're worth more.
Suits $18 to $40.
Li-r A wtilcli fob with thi initios
P II. P 'iiciavcd on tlii' iM.irin. I'lin
ei plfiisf Uue at NVuhou-c lln '.
Jewelry store.
Tho Indies of the Christian church
will hold their monthly market Satur
day, August 7th. at A mack .vClmncy's
furniture store.
Dr. and Mrs. Knb'f. Mitchell are the
pi oud patents of a baby boy. He ui
rived Montlav evening and Immediate
ly began practicing.
There will be six big ball games
heie next week. Superiors III bo here
the !Hli, luih, 'lth and Kensington,
Kits., the PJth, I nth, and I lth.
ilohn rugate. Ited Cloud's star pitch
er resigned his position t Hustings
Wednesday nnd has accepted a posi
tion with l'ueblo in the Western
Mrs. Klrchncr of Aiitmur Nebraska,
who was vlsltit'g her parents Mr. nnd
Mrs. N. I!. Simpson, was called hon.e
nii.libn l.y tho seilou illiu-s of lur
in li'-i-it.-liiw.
.Mr. and Mis. ilphO Wilson of Him
Hill who huvo been tlMting In Peiner
stopped off In this city over" Sunday
and visited at tho home of .' P. ltobin
son and family.
Arrango your work so that you will
be ableio attend tho Wed Cloud Cliau
taugua Augu-t 7th to Kith. The pro
gram promises to bo the l;c-t 1'cd
Cloud has ever had,
Pitcher lieiitiett who iitchcd for
Franklin autl McCook last summer
has been secured from (iallsburg, 111 ,
and will pilch the rest of the season
for the Ited Cloud ball team.
Dr. Wlnleison physician n-d sur
geon. Olllce in front toons over Dr.
Cook's drug stoic, llemovcd from Dr.
Halite's otlice, Potter Itlock. Doth
phones ISell Ited 18. Indopend. 151.
i'ou S.m.i. rfTi:.viii. rots Stoik one
10 )i. p ltus&el engine, one '.Yl-o Case
seperator with Randolph blower, 1 set
of new trucks, all In good running
shape. Euqulro of F. SI. D.un n and
Owing to an uuexppcted large
amount of advertising coining in at
I lln lust mnmt'lil, this week Wo wero un
able to issue a snnnlemcnt and wo
therefore ak that our ronders bear
with us for the paucity of news.
Take Kodol nt the times when, you
feel what you hare eaten is not digest
ing. Kodol digests what you eat so
you can oat sufllcieutly of nuy good,
wholesome food, If jon will just lot
Kodol digost it. Sold by All Dealers.
DoWitt's Littlo Early Ilusors, tli
pleasant, safe, sure, oaty little liver
pills. A salve you may always depond
upon in any case whoro von need salvo,
is DeWitFs Carbollzed Witch Hazel
Salve especially good for Piles. Sold
by all dealers. -
Last Thursday tho Hastings ball
team came down to play three games
with the local team. Thursday's game
was n c!o-c game. Ited Cloud won the
game ny a score oi t; to l. Clegg was
in the box for the locals ami was at
his best. Hastings won Friday and
Satarnay'.s games,
lames Ji. Hills, the special agent for
Swift it Co., was in Lincoln the othor
day and closed a contract for tho ex
hibition, during tho State Fair, Sept.
iHh to 10th, of their six horse team,
wagon and harness. Without doubt
tills is one of tho flnot equipments of
its kind to bosceu in tho United States.
Tho Kidneys eliminate poisons by
acting as lllters for the blood. When
thoy fail in this respect serious ail
inents must result. Pi no tiles for (he
kidneys are what you should take at
tho first warning sign of kidney trouble
They assist the kidneys in expelling
uric acid poison. Sold by Henry Cook.
Foil Sam. A span of high lircd
ISlaek Porchoron Mures seven years
old, weight .1300 lbs,, well broke and
well matched in every respect, sound
and right. Hied to a -full Ulood Iteg.
Pereheron stallion, servico fee paid.
These marcs aro insured for SOut),
policy will be transfered free of charge
to purchaser. For further particular
inquire at the Chief olllco.
Tho next time any of tho little ones
in your homo have a cough or cold and
show little signs of fever, do not got
exulted or alarmed It Is not necessary
to call a doctor. Just got Hecs Laxa
tlvo Cough Syrup. A doso or two will
gently move tho bowels, thus relieve
congestion, reduco,tlio fovor, and tho
children like to tako it. Thoy will ask
for more. Sold by Honry Cook.
Thcro are a great many peaplu who
would be thankful if they could pro
cure.'or if someone suggested some
thingjhat would stop the annoyance
and Irritation that accompanies itch
ing Piles. MunZun is a preparation
that will do this. It is healing and
soothing, and is put up in tubes, so'
that tho remedy can bo directly and
conveniently applied to the alTeotsd
parts, Sold by Henry Cook.
Weather Summary Tr July.
Tejnporn tut e. Highest Do on !, low-'
est 00 on ".livd. Gmitost dally range,
3.1 on 23rd.
Precipitation. Total '::; Inches. '
Greatest in 21 hours 1.87 inches on tJlh. I
Number of days with .01 inch or moro '
Jl. clear 21, partly cloudy 0, cloudy A,
7 thunderstorms, 10 foggy mornings,
no high wlnds.-Chas. S. Ludlow.
; :y IMP! II d'iT
ffl PH "' '' 's
"Jill lm.0 4
,.vffi? '6 'vm vm' sek? ' A:iJWf n jaey &
mi; mm wrwi j,en
L' wi n'A'-jr - Ws' . -ri iki , -ir r ij t
IB I V i azk-- rtMh1 1.L. -. -. '..
fMslr" T.&fe---VT'-' l-'-HV Si
w- -w. ....
'wwjmwfimt, r m
mStttfk., , irm &
rw' tim-'M asms
Wi W
Copyiiglit 1 90S
c oi
the Chautauqua
At lied Gloud
August 7 th to 1 5 th inclusive
High AttruCtions Every Day
BuS Ball GLsnes every tacftrnoon zi 4s!5 sharp
1 0 da3's of solid enjoyment for everybody
Make our Store your heatlquarlcrs while in ihc cily. 1$Lvay courtesy extended to customers and visilintj
friends. CJWc arc showing some new Fall Wats and Shoes and have lots of mid-rummer baruninx in our
Always Reliable
Katey Cbthisig
Fii"t Dtior North of Postoflicc
riee tho Chief for lip-to ilalc.lob woilc.
Uov. A. A, Gre.sinaii and wife wore
granted a month's vacation ly the
peuplo of the Congregational church
and they loft .Monday morning for
Albion. They will visit at Grand Is
land and spend tin; iciu.iining portion
of tho time with their sou, l'ulph. who
is a practicing physician In Iowa.
Grand Island College wins more
prizes than other Western school; has
legislative authority to grant State
teachers' cortillcatcs; maintains tho
most nourishing Conservatory of
Music, probably, in Xehtnslca; lias a
school of commerce employing busi
ness methods such as are in use in
largo business houses; has2u excellent
teachors, well-furnished dormitories,
with moderate expenses. Webster
County young people should, before
deciding to go olsewheio, by all means
send for full information to President
George Sutherland, Grand Island, Nebraska.
Amack Ctaney I
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postolllco at Ited Cloud, Nob.
for tho week ending August. 5; 1000
Mrs .Millie Miller. F. M. Ncal, .1. W
Piittcrsou nnd Prank Simmon
Thoso will be sonttotho dead lotter
olllco Aug. 20, 1000, if uncalled for
beforo. When calling for above ploato
say "advertised."
T. C. IlACKurt, Postmaster
Ren) Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by tho Port Ab
stract Ct). for thu week ending Wed
nesday, August I, l'JO'J.
Gertrude Walz to Henry Slitting
n sw no 2,1-1-0, wd DOOO
Henry II. Pnugh to Pcrdinand-
Wedmnn, HW20-1-10, wd 1100O
John lSohm to Jacob Qulrlii ct
al, wj. 10 .'Ml, wd 11000
Henry Sllnlng I) Henry Stoflins,
tiH sw no -'.- 1-0, wd 3000
Mortgages tiled, 4112.-.00.
Mortgages released eoOoO.OO.
:i Days,
Morton L Hill, of Lobauon, lud.,
says; "My wife had Inllaminatory
IlhoumatlfeMU in every tnuvcle and joint;
her suffering wasterrlbUaudlier.body
and face wore swollen almost beyond
wuogultloii'.iiad beouinbedfori. weeks
and had tight physicians, but received
no benoflt until she trlod Dr. Detchoti's
Relief (or liheumatism. It gave her
Immediate relief and bho was able to
walk about In three days. 1 am suroit
saved hor life." Soltl by Tho ff. 13.
Gtico Drug Co , lied Cloud, Ncbr.
Furniture. Carnete S
mmmn Whalebone
Dlrcctolrc IHaille 39 lu moderately short and full
ubovo the waist, but has tho very long skirt, fully
encasing the hips, suppressing tholr fullness and
producing tho straight hip line. Designed for
rut hor short, full forms. An addition to this
model that adds to its comfort and liting beauty
Is found in tho
SECURITY Rubber Button Hose
rust-proof, of courso which aio accurately placed
by the designer of theso models at front and sides.
Model 39-Whltc Batiste, White Coutlllc
PRICE 51.00 to $5.00
.Snmcl'attcrn In delicate White Floured Brock
Cl'.ICt SI 00 to 55.00
The proit-i' ' u, tho i..: 'dat
ing ii i iiiif ' "i t. -J I . t d' it. of all
gently iiuho the bowols This you
can must conveniently do by taking a
dose or two of lloos Laxative Cough
Syrup. It is pleasant to take, acts
promptly. Children like it. Sold by
enry Cook.
PI: oiilf. 1. 1 ! lor tui)-uui .1' U.tJay
tiotibL. 1 I.e., promptly U)sUt in OX
pel ling poison frtn the sy.toin, and'
aro very elfoctiva in catos of lame
back, backache, iullammatiou of tho
bladdor and urinary troubles. Sold,1'
by Henry Cook. v
.Jiran-;"f t, r,tar-n