m ssssssH B 'ibsssssI iflH isssssl issssV ssssssl sssssKL Good Evidence. "When Bho hit him with tho golf ball, did it knock him senseless?" "I guess bo, I understand they nro soon to mnrry." Centrnl MethodlBt Advocate. Kto$ FROM THE WMM r ?r-v - - W ' Hissia. ' f i l '. f -ryy 5MGuar SIGK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. CARTERS SSBJBJBS i -xuvy nisu relieve uin lHTTIP ItrcRHfroiuUjHiicpHla.Iii' Tf 1 irw I'llK'HtlotiniiclTooIIcftrty 4 I VtR I Hating. A perfect rem- Kb Jjll e leJy for DlizlncsM, Nun- J1BB I Taste In the Mouth, Cont- IH led Tongue, Pnln In ttio .M Inn., TOItPID LIVKR. They regulato tho Ilowels. 1'urely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. TOILET ANTISEPTIC NOTHING LIKE IT FOR THE TEETH Pull'ns ex"' nny dentifrici ' "" ' "" In cleansing, whitening and rtmoving tartar from tho testh, beside destroying nil germs of decty and diieue which ordinary tooth preparations cannot do. TUP Mm ITU Paxtine used as a mouth j t mU.U " " wash disinfects the mouth and throat, purifies the breath, and kills the perms which collect in tho mouth, causing fore throat, bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickness. THE FYF when inflamed, tired, ache I lib KilsLw and burn, may be instantly relieved and strengthened by Paxtine. flATARRU P""1" will destroy the germs F I Hnnn U,at cause catarrh, heal the in. fUmmation and stop the discharge. It u a sure remedy for uterine catarrh. Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful fiermiddc.disinf extant and deodorizer. Used in bathing it destroys odors and leave the body antiseptically clean. FOR BALE ATDRUaBTORCS.BOc. On POSTPAID BY MAIL. LARGE SAMPLE FREE! THE PAXTON TOILET OO.. BOSTON. MA88. Nothing Like them in the world. CASCARETS the biggest seller why? Because it's the best medicine for the liver and bowels. It's what ihcy will do (or you not what we say they will do that makes CASCARETS famous. Millions use CASCARETS and it is all the medicine tliat they ever need to take. 90-1 CASCARBT8 ice a box for n week's) treatment, ntt druggists. Biggest seller tn the world. Million boxes a mouth. DAISY FLY KILLERfv, placed anywhere iirnciB aim kiiis Ilea. .font. clwin.ornatiienUL convenient.clicap, l.auitUroi..t'aif nut apt 1 1 or tin orrr. will not null orlnjurr&nrtlilnit. Uuaranterd vtreo tl. UfalldMlrn, nr tent trtii,iul for 2'f. HtrvMHanvr. ItOlfeKllbatraM, llrukl)i,,eTorli. Itanllctcilwllli euro eyes, uu i Thompson's Eye Water W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 32-1909. Nebraska Directory M. Splesberger & Son Co. Wholesale Millinery The Dest In the West OMAHA, NEB. MARSEILLES GRAIN ELEVATORS are the bent ; liwlHt on hnvlng them. AhIj your lm'al dealer, or JOHN DEEHE PLOW CO. OMAHA HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. BROKERS AND DEALERS drain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton Main Office, 204-205 Fraternity Dldg. Lincoln, Nebraska. Dell Phono 612 Auto IMiojip 26J0 Largest House in Btute. Beatrice Creamery Co. Pays the highest price for CREAM STUDY MUSIC University School of Music Affiliated with University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Send for catalogue NOW. Fall term begins September Otli. SOUTHDAKOTA linproed mid unimproved farms la eastern South Dnkotu for salu ou CROP PAYMENTS or 10 YEARS TIME WW crri't ImlhllritfHon any farm on mime eiKty tcrniH. l'rloo tiO to W0 per ncre. Kor llstw, tnupx, etc.nddrCHs ALEX. II. RAIT, Farmers St Merchant' BIdg., 1 Cth ac J O SU,, Lincoln, Neb. CARTERS iTTLE ilVER piUs. KvU?ie ml Society Agog Over NEW YORK. The report from Lon don thnt Eleanor Robson, tho act ress, Is to mnrry August Belmont has caused no surprlso among tho friends of tho two In this city. A Btrong friendship has been known to exist between MIsb RobBon nnd Mr. Bol mont for somo time. No mnn in New York is better known than August Belmont. Ho is first of nil nn aristocrat. It Is claimed thnt the blood of tho canny Scottish Warrior, William Wnllace, flows iu his veins. But tho man who can claim Oliver Hazard I'orry, hero of tho bat tle of Lake "Erie, as an ancestor, Is not required to go back to Wnllaco for fighting blood. The young August Belmont was born In this city In 1S53, nnd Is there loro nlmost twlco tho nge of tho young woman he Is reported engaged to marry. Ho decided to follow In his father's footsteps and In 1S75, n year after his graduation from Harvard, ho had taken n desk In Ills father's bank ing bouse. For 15 yenrs young August developed along the lines of tho Hottest Places in THAT is renlly hot. Yes, It's tho hottest plnco In New York whero men go nnd llvo afterward to tell the tale. But few nro hardy enough to hear it. This hottest placo In New York Is in Desbrosses street in a vulcanizing fnctory, whero telephone wires nro in sulated by being coated with a prep aration of rubber. In the room whero this process takes placo the temperature rises to 212 degrees 100 degrees hotter than the hottest it may bo outside In tho sun. Man can endure no" more. Actually, thero nro some who can stand this, however. Only a few, mind you, but still some. They are only the strongest and hardiest of the workmen, and they enn be in the room but a few brief minutes nt a time. Soveral times dally it is tholr duty to enter tho room to see thnt all goes well. To keep from losing their skin and to protect themselves from tho terri ble heat, these men wear heavy wool- Handle Billions but PERHAPS no other two men on earth-ver packed as much money for shipment ns John R. nnd Charles J. McMunus, coopers. Theso men, who have n shop In n dark nnd dingy bnsement In Beaver street, New York city, pack In kegs all tho gold coin exported from that city. They also pack up coin shipped to Interior points In America. - Theso men have been in tho busi ness of making' cases and packing gold In them for moro than twonty years, during which tlmo they have handled more than $2,000,000,000 with out even having lost or mislaid a pal try million, or, to bo exact without having lost n penny. As McMnnus Brothers aro tho only men In tho city who mako a specialty fftMsC Hotel to Have Luxurious Ocean Yacht i l CA GBL075! THAT Fred Stcrry, managing direc tor of n Now York hotel, Ib to equip a luxurious yacht to carry tho guests at tho hotel to Europe, If they so desire, Is the story that has been circulated thero. Tho difficulty of-obtaining accommodations on tho crowd ed liners suggested tho Idon, which was first mndo public In London by William C. Skinner, representing Mr. Storry. With this nrrangoment thoro will ho no hustlo and hustlo for Btatorooms. It will bo a private yachting party In tho full senso of tho word. Every poa slblo luxury nnd accommodation that a yachting party can hnvo will bo af forded on theso. trips. This privato yacht of tho hotel is something thnt has never been known beforo, As every American knows who Engagement Report young hnnkcr, Joining clubs, cultivate lng athletics, golting ncqtinlntcd with Boclety, to which ho had free cntroo becoming nioro nnd nioro Interested In stnblo nnd kennels. Ho becamo n Judge of n good horse, of a fleet or ganio hound, nnd nn accomplished ynchtsnmn nnd polo plnyer. Thon tho elder llehnont died nnd August Bel mont, Jr., took up the business of his father boenmo head of tho banking hrjtiso of August llclmont & Company, tho American representatives of tho great house of Rothschild. When a young mnn Mr. IJelmont mnrrlud Miss llesslo Hamilton Mor gan, who died moro than ten yenrs ngo. Ho tins thrco sons August IJel mont, Jr., Raymond and Morgnn. His city house Is In Knst Thirty-fourth street, and he has a country placo At Hempstead, L. I. Miss Eleanor Ilobson, tho reportod fiancee of Mr. Belmont, has n caroor which, though brlof, Is brimful of In terest. Slio was born In England 30 years ngo, her parents and her grand mother being plnyorB of distinction. Miss Robson's most notablo succoss was as tho sluvcy in Zangwlll'a play of "Merely Mary Ann." In this ploco Miss Robson played for an ontiro Ben son in Now York nnd subsequently won a triumph in Loudon. Last son son Miss Robson toured tho country In the Fitch comedy, "Tho Girl Who Hub Everything." City of New York en shirts, buttoned high about their necks, and woolen masks and gloves. Four or five minutes at tho most In the vulcanizing room Is nil they can stand without collapsing, and some can't even stay thnt long. Outside these men, nobody Ib over nllowed to endure such a frightful heat. In fact, It is hnrd to convey tho Idea of 212 degrees. You can got the same degrco of tempcraturo by thrusting your linger Into boiling wa ter. Wntor bolls nt 212 degrees Fah renheit. No native born American can stand such heftt, nnd foreigners Italians nnd Sicilians mako tho best hands nt such work nnd mako up tho staff of employes In the vulcanizing room. Even these hnrdy sons of southern climes often collapso from the terri fic temperature. Thoro nro plenty of other hot places In New York, but nono to compart with this. In soino of tho big hotels it gets to -145 degrees In tho gront kitchens. Cooks and helpors hnvo to work in that""tomperaturo for hours unprotected. There is a grent differ ence between 145 nnd 212 degrees above zero, Just tho same. Somo racos can endure a temperature of 150 de grees without protection, but after tho mercury has passed tho .170 or 180 mark it means death for anyono to remain in it for any length of time. Never Lose a Cent of packing gold for shipment, they aro employed by all tho banks that export tho precious yellow metal and by ifce sub-treasury when it wishes to send somo of Its wealth nway. They use three-gallon kegs, which hold $50,000 each, for gold coin, nnd seven-gallon kegs for sliver. When coin Is to be shipped to .Germany, which Is seldom, boxes with rope handles nro employed Instead of casks. Charles J. McMnnuB said tho other day that tho most gold they had ovor shipped In nny ono year was In 189G, when they pneked moro than $200, 000,000, much of It going to Panama. That year they shipped for J. P. Mor gan & Co. nlono moro than forty-flvo million dollars. Tho brothers, who have been hand ling vast sums of money dally for many years, have become so accus tomed to tho sight of gold coin that It has no moro significance to them than so many potatoes, but they havo found that a now man on tho Job ofton becomos so nervous when hand ling such great quantities of wealth that he Is unrthlo to work. wishes to pass tho summer In Europo, tho main difficulty is to obtain nronor accommodations on a steamship In tho rush season. To got these accom modations takes many weoks and pos sibly months nnd often then they nro not satisfactory and would likely bo disappointing. Tho hotol yacht, which Is a misnomer, of course, will obvintu all that trouble for the guests, To get down to cold and hard facta, which aro necessarily uninteresting but Important, tho boat's length ovor all will bo 540 foot; tonnage, 8,000; horsepower, about 5,000; speed, from 18 to 20 knots. Theso flguroa sound liko nn ocean racer, and so tho boat Is. Mr. Sklnnor declares tho rntcs they will charge for crossing on tho yacht will bo only about 15 per cont."mora than thoso charged by first-class steamships. Tho enterprising Americans who aro in this deal with Mr. Sterry will endeavor to mako tho yacht In appear anco as near liko tho hotel In question ns possible It will resemblo tho ho tol, especially, In regard to tUe cuisine. For To be Known as rVT4-:v.l fm lfULIUllUl VU1 11 Ornr nnn liiindrnd tliminnnd mllllnh ! billion dollars wnro paid for thorn. Morn than rt million nnd rv uuartor oxtrn dollnrM woiit Into tho pockotsof tho farmora for corn this your than thoy roaulrcd for tho provloud year's oi-op. Tho ronton for thin tuny bo found In tho fnut thnt tho pooplo of tho United States nro beginning to learn how dollolous corn la nnd to ronllzo Hh full food vrtluo. Kolloct's Toasted Corn Flakes litis placed corn nmoiic tho Indlspcnsnblo Items of daily faro. Tho makers, thoreforo, nro Intorontcd In tho development of tho Klueof Cereal, and havo deoldod to award abo.iutlful trophy for tho niau, woman or child who can produce tho boat oar of corn In two dtlToront (seasons. Professor lloldan, of tho Iowa Stntn National Corn l.xnoAltlon. to bo held nnd thoy nrcithiit you Homi your n. iw;nnu matron nro tmn'inucroi I vriiinir io r,auonai uorn r.iiKMiuou, umaua, mu. no n. manoauruiy vo your lollocir Tronhv Conti'rit." nnd wrlto your nnmo nnd luldresn nlnlnlv. if vnum la trophy for 1010. If you auocoed niraln noxtyenr or tho year followluir. tho trophy will beoomo your property for nil tlmo. In other wordB, you mutst produco tho bent car of corn two dllTereut yearn. Thoro will bo no rostrlotlonn. Any mnn. wom-xn or ohlld belonctui; to tho Association can enter. It will ho open to every state in tho Union. Profosior lloldenvrlll Judiro tho corn particularly on tho baslNot quality. Tho urowlntr oi moro corn per aero is ono Increasing the Quality of Corn Used in Making Kellogg's TOASTED CORN FLAKES The cat ' louiiy. ah Genuine Corn Flakes has this' Signature V A LONG WAY BACK. George Thcro'B Miss Pnssny. Sho clnlms she's novcr been kissed. Harry Why, I've kissed her myself, years ngo. She means not slnco sho can remember. ITCHED FOR TWELVE YEARS. Eczema Made Hands and Feet Swell, Peel and Get Raw Arms Affected, Too Gave Up All Hope of Cure. Quickly Cured by Cutlcura. "I suffered from eczema on my hands, armB and feet for about twelvo years, my handB nnd feet would swell, swent nnd itch, thon would becomo callous nnd get very dry, then pool oft and got raw. I tried most every kind of salvo and ointment without success. I tried several doctors, but at last gavo up thinking thoro wns n euro for eczema. A friend of mino Insisted on my trying tho Cutlcura Remedies, but I did not glvo them a trial until I got so bad that I lind to do something. I secured a set and by tho tlmo thoy wore used I could seo a vaBt Improvement nnd my hands and feet woro healed up in no tlmo. I havo had no troublo since. Charles T. Bauer, Volant, Pa., Mar. 11, 1908." rotter Drag & Chom. Corp, 8olo I'rops., Boston. Sweet Eighteen. A professor of tho class In English history was telling his young men of tho improsslonnblo ago about the Eliz abethan orn,w,hen suddenly turning to ono of tho young men who scorned to bo In a dream, with a fnr-away gaze, he said: "And how old was Elizabeth, Mr. Case?" "Eighteen last birthday," enmo tho Instant reply. Uio Allen's Foot-Ease. It i tho only relief for Bwollon Smart ing, Tired, Acldnt', Hot, Sweating Keel, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen'a l'oot Easo, n powder to be shaken Into tlia shoes. Cures while you walk. At nil Drug gists and Shoo Stores, 25c. Don't accept nny substitute. Sainplo sent PUKE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y. He Deserves No Sympathy. It Is merely n wnsto of tlmo to pity a man who is boing made a fool of by a pretty woman. A feeling of security and freedom from anxiety pervades the homo In which Hamlina Wizard Oil is kept constantly on hand. Mothers know it can always bo depended upon in time of need. Somo folks think thoy nro resting In their faith because they always fall aslcop In church. A CKKTAINMKTIIOD . Torcunnffcra laps, illnrrriuan nd dybAnti-rrlsbr using I'nlnkllUtrd'i'rrr Davis'). This uiodlclno hits nih lalnod tho ropuiullun for over ill yeo r.i!Sc,S5c unit Hjo. Tho good wo do'ls an excellent nntl doto for tho 111 wo think. Mr. AVInstow's Knothlng Pyruii. For children tetjtlilnir. soften, the nutni, reduces In flai:nUun, sllajs pala, cures wind cullu. 21c a bottle. Undertake deliberately, but having begun, porsovoro. Wren. Lewis' Singlo Hinder given Ilia smoker what ho wantn, a rich, mellow-tasting cigar. Pcoplo who ndmlro us aro" always pleasant company. SOLID GOLD SILVER the Best Ear of Corn the KJt.'u&emg. National CornTrophy To bo Awarded at tho 3,.r.rt-.24Ssva f sUAfJUSIl-IUll, UII1UI1U, 6 to IH, 1909. flOO 000 000.0001 nam nf rnrn worn (mnn In Lhn llnll.pil fUntnn Inat. vnai-. dwr College, tlio im,ateit authority on corn In tho nt Omaha, Noli.. Deaemboroth to 18th. 1IXIU. bent ear of ooi-n to tho National Corn Mxinmltlon, mo national uoru AHsooiauou. i- it it pariiouiarH reeannnir wnioii can do nod liy odjcoi or too airuru. out mo main purposo or Many pcopln think wo havo roaohod tho point of porfooilon In Tonstcd Corn Klnkca as it now ix. l'crhnpri wo havo. If you haven't tried it, buirln your education In "(rood thlnea to erooora nave it. HELLOGG TOASTED CORN FLAKE CO., Battle Creek, Mick. IsPEJEhH Crop Growing on Small 8cale. A Kinall holder In East Lexhnm Is making an Interesting experiment in barley growing upon his luud to test tho possibility of raising corn on n small scale. In 1007 ho sowed 78 spe cially selected grains of barloy, which yielded 400 enrs. Tho resulting ker nels he sowed In 1008 and harvested In 14 weekd, with tho result that ho got n bushel of threshed barley, which lio has sown this year, his object be ing to show what can ho done in co real cultivation from very small be ginnings. Loudon Standard. Tho extraordinary nopularlty of flno whlto goods this summer mnkes tho cliolco of Starch a matter of great Im portance. Dcflnnco Starch, being frco from all Injurious chemicals, Ib tho only ono which Ib safo to uso on flno fabrics. It great strength ns a stiffen er makes hnlf tho tiBtial quantity of Stnrch necessary, with tho result of perfect finish, equal to that when tho goods woro now. Half Done. ( "Your husbnnd has merely fainted." "Dear, dear, those men always do things by halves." Meggondorfur niaetter. fesit 23k2 GESKJMS ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVeeefalile Preparation for As similating IheFoodondneguta ling llic Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcslion,Cltccrful nessandRcst.Conlains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic Kmpt erOMDrSANVllmffER fiinjfiin Sttd 4txStn A'ktlUSrU Jtin StiJ Artrmint ft CnrinaliSfH . hirt Sttd Cfatjitti Sid fa WinkiyitiH Mmor A perfect Remedy forConsllpo (ion , Sour Stornach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions. Feverish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of Tin; Centaur Company, v NEW YORK. juarnntced under tho Foodani 9 Exact Copy of Wrapper, J ffrlrrTft JsPW- AWARD' . t. December world, will award thn pritn at tho Two Bltialo ruins will eovarn tho plan. Omaha. Nob., boforo November npcoimon aim worn it, ror ino Incited thn host, vnn will irnfc thn uio louuuor oi mo ironuy is lor The Clothesline Teat. "Let mo Feo her clothes on the line," said nn old-fashioned woman re cently, "and I can tell you If sho la a good housekeeper." The test lies In the way tho garments -nro hung. If the skirts nro scuttcrcd around pro miscuously tho woman lets garbngo stand on her kitchen tublo ovor ulght. Tho skirts, like wo men, should always hang together, shoulder to ohoulder, and everything of its kind should hang In a row. Atchison Qlobo. Got His Answer. Uncle You nro a very nlco Ilttlo girl to nsk mo to havo more soup. Now why do you want mo to hnvo It7 Nleco So you won't eat so much of tho chicken us you did Inst tlmo. Fllegendo Ulatter. Rare Combinations. "The tlmo, tho plnco and the glrT. How seldom wo see them together!"' "And nnothor rare combination In the man, tho scheme nnd the coin." There nro imitntionx, don't ho fooled. There ix no substitute! Tell the dealer you want Lewis' Single Hinder cigar. , Silence Is indeed golden to those who are paid to keep quiet. GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years GASTORIA tus onTAun OOMMNT. NcwvoNsjorm Bears the v Signature AA sf fft? Ayr m y For IU i ""V? "'( ' 9 !' j,,wT," ; a wyusviuuii KUTSWJlUVt " ' 'fl . .sV t3K'y&y