The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 05, 1909, Image 1

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    tf Historical Society
volume xxkvrr,
An invitation from a bank to do business
with it means nothing unless that institu
tion is able to provide better facilities or
give you more favorable terms than you
are receiving elsewhere, and that is what
this bank is prepared to do. Interest
paid on time deposits.
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florancc, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,N
S. R. Florancc.
At Their
Plenteous Assortment f Goo!
Things From Which to Select.
at our showing of Summery Fabrics, Fur
nishings and Apparel and you will take
great pleasure in making whatever selec
tions that are necessary to make your list
of summer things complete.
We are endeavoring to provide sensibly
for hot weather requirements, and a con
sideration of the selections advanced will
readily show the marked attention given
to the wants of our people as we inter
pret them.
jThen, too, there are
attention. A visit to our Store will' be of
mutual benefit.
tflOur Grocery Stock is also New, Complete
and Up-to-Date.
The Miner Bros. Co. (Inc)
General Merchants
H. A. LETSON. Mgr.
Help Wanted Male.
The U. S. Navy offers exceptional
opportunities to young men IT to 35
yoars old; man with trades up to !ls
years old. Good opportunity for
education and promotion. Must be
American citizens. Minora must have
parent's certlllcato of ago. Pay from
$17.00 to over $77 pur month, wUh
practically no expense. Visit or ad-
dress U. S. Navy Recruiting Station,
Tost O IHce llulldlng, Hastings. Nebr.
Ilin:iriATi8M Ciiiih. IN .v IUv.
)r. uetcaiiioi a u ui ir uuui u iuwr. .,
TV' .1111.(1 rf 111 1 llllf'll 1 1 V- 1111 Ifll 111 L 111
3 ilnyi. It fiction .ipon the system is
remarkable and mysterious, It ro
moves at onco the cause and the dl
i.i.,e immediately disappears. The ills
dofce greatly beuetits 75o and SI. Urnt
.Sold ty The. 11 H. Grice Drug Co.,
Red Jloud. Nobr.
specials' that demands
, Sao Dr. Stockman for uye glasses
, Satisfaction guaranteed.
I l'inesalvc, earbolled, soothes pain.
I In any emergency bruises, cuts, sores,
burns, seraUhes etc., I'inesalT, car
bolizoil, is licht. Sold by Henry Cook,
j The best remedy wo know of in nil
eases of Kidney and lilndder trouble
and the one wo always can recommend
is DoWltt's Kidnoy and Dladder l'ills.
, Thoy are antiseptic and at once assist
, the kidneys to perform their impor-
t,u,t work. Hut when you ask for
, thosn .,, ho poslUv t , , D
- .-..---
Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills.
There nro imitations placed upon sale
to deceive you. Got DoWltt's. lasint
upon them, and if your dealer cannot
supply yon refuso anything else in
place of them. Sold by all dealers.
Jr 'rfWw,m
A NchspapT Tlwi lvc The h'ws PlflHwa Wi:ks tlncli Var Par One Hollar,
Ira Siileh Is i-fj iitu-il very III, threat:
curt with iVvor.
Mrs. Ilmwinl Will has rcoovorert
from lu'i- lllnuss.
Archie l.uinlieit sold dili' ol' Ills lot
to Mr. (ili-iiM)ii.
Mrs. ?uu Wood wliu lias licun very
sic If is now improving.
A sister from Ohio has licon t he
truest of Amos Iillliii recently.
Abu Seholiourg and wife were over
ill Uurr Oak a day or two lust week.
. I.oo Simpson ami wife lire very proud
of tht. t eleven pound f-on born .Inly iW.
Mrs. J. A. Sheeley und eliildren are
la-re from Hustings visiting relatives.
Mrs. Ma-oil enjoyed a visit one duy
lust week with lier old neighbor, Mrs.
Sick people appreciate the fruit and
tlowers sent by the Flovvcir Mission of
the W. C. T U.
It is said "Guide Itoel; still lius one
or two persons who resort to sending
tiiiiuinomiis letters."
Mr. and iM r Npiu-s are hoiiiu from
Seuttlu and intend- movliiK to Cam
bridge, Nebnislca, soon.
Miss Winnifreil Cooper is home from
the Kearney Norma! wheie hhe at
teiiiled summer school
Mis5 Delia I-'erusoii spent a few
days with her sister, Mrs. V (i.
Iliunilton at lted Cloud. '
l'red Watfh son, Walter, who resides
in Idaho has sent word that his wife
is very low with typhoid fever.
As Miss Malissa Lambert teaches at
Diller njain this year she will attund
institute at Kalrbury which convenes
August tilth.
Mrs. Minnie (Jarber and ehlldren
are out in the western putt of the
stale caring for her brother's place
while he and his wife take a trip still
farther west.
J.d.Cussell and wife .started Friday
evening on their vacation trip through
the west. They will bo abseut a
month. Mrs. Vina MeCalluni stays
with the children while the parents
are away.
,Miss Jessie MoCnllutn is visiting
with hor friend Miss Worth in St .Too.
The young lady is well known to tho
young people here having visited (Juldo
Kock several times'.
Circus Races in Red Cloud
Campbell Bros'. Nanmath Shews Come
t Red Cloud on Monday, Auft, 9th.
This Mammoth Concern Is Niw
the Largest Circus
The different races wlfich will lie
soon in tho Campbell Broth is Great
Consolidated Shows, on their qiiartrr
milo track, are so varied that they al
most dofy description.
Tho brilliant and highly applauded
program includes the Royal Hippo
drome races which cause those of
Ancient. Rome and Olyinpiu to fade
into insignificance, and tho author of
Ben Ilur would find tho reality of his
romantic dreitms; the hotly contested
races between lady contestants mount
ed on fiery thoroughbreds; double
Roman standing bareback races; three
horse tandem races; ladlos' andgontle
men's steople-chase races; liberty
laces; jockey races; man against
horse races; mule races; pony races
without riders; clown rases; Cossack
riders against American, and all (lying
like the wind
No othor sh.w has tho space, or car
ries the talent or race stock, to remoto
ly compare with this classic exposition
of the great arenas of aucient and
modern times Theso and many other
novel features of extraordinary excel
lence aro to b saeu dally with Camp
bell Brothers Consolidated .Shows
which exhibit at Red Cloud on Mon
day, Aug. S. Don't miss their iniignl,
flcout street parade to bo soeu dally at
10 a. in. It is over a mile In length
and eontalps 11 nJophunts, jj'iT horses
and nearly fiOu people
UJ..J ... --r-ir.v- ir-i'.i
Red CSouel Clnuitmiqun
August HU to 15th.
' if o ;;- i ;iM1 :hmlla4 in thit S-md Hills
of NbrnKR.
Ailili'miinl expirltnciilal plan' lug
hat been iiudertakcii by the Gmcru
nielU in the sand hills of Nobraska.
wheie f'r several years pnst planting
of fori st trees has been earrled on.
Many trees have already been made to
grow, but theeause for the failure of
others is a complex problem which has
not been satisfactorily solved.
The factors which tniiv cause tho
death of the young pine trees which
are planted in this lillt. slllcioiiN soil,
are. continuous northwest winds at
the time of planting, which cause ex
cessive drying out of the leaves, and
frequently bury tho tiny trees In the
dry, easily moved sand: luck of mois
ture in the soil resulting from low
raiufiill. and the presence of native
grasses and weeds which already have
a foothold in the soil: inherent quali
ties in the species of trees used, mak
ing them poorly adapted to the rigor-1
ous climate und poor soil, mid lack of. In the stock used, due to various'
causes in tiio early iiio oi tno ireo.
The etuitlon of a forest In tho nuid
hills, because, of thotul verso conditions
mentioned, U an extremely difficult '
undertaking, it N. therefore, evident
that t'i" tiees must be given very cut
fill tteatiii'iit. us they cannot be
handled hy the methods which would
be practicable in n region of more
favorable climate and soil. The de
gree of care necessary to insure suc
cess, and profitable from the economic
standpoint. Is one of the points to bo
Tho success and vigorous growth of
many individual trees that, have been
planted, indicate that, once fairly
started, tho t.ees need not suffer for
lack of moisture. The moisture sup
ply of the sand hills is to be investi
gated by means of a series of deep and
shallow borings to demonstrate, if
possible, that oven in the driest season
tho sand Is plentifully supplied with
moisture, at a reasonable depth.
Othor physical factors Influencing tree
growth will be measured by instru
mental means. The chief interest of
the experiment, howevor, lies in th.
tests of different methods of treating
the soil to incroase the supply of mois
ture to the trees; iu the use of arti
ficial windbreaks, natural nurse trees
such as aspen and willow, and n mulch
made by mowing the native grasses; in
the tests of stock of different ages and
quality, and particularly in the intro
duction of now species Western yel
low plno has been considered tho most
desirable troo for this region, because
it is adapted to the climate and soil.
It seems likely that Austrian pine,
Successfully used In Europe under
similar conditions, will prove valliablo
here, It Is especially useful in its
ability to improve tho quality of the
soil by the addition of large quantities
of humus. Scotch an I Norway pines
are also being tested, .lack pine has
already proven siiccis'-fiil. In ach
test the results will be judged not on
a inoro theoretical basis, but by the
actual percentage of trees surviving
in each case, it being believed that in
caeli experimental plot the trees have
been given nn equal eliancoforsuccoss
Order to Show Cause,
Stain of Xchrnxkn I i ,1.,, (n,,iv court
Webster county i ln Ult M,,n,1 -'.
At a County Court held at Uin County
Court room In ami for wild county Krlilny,
lulytSlrit. A. I)., IDOil.
in tlie mutter of tho citato ol William C
IvHiiilaaky lirrenkcil.
On rcmllnit and MIIuk th petition ut.Mnry
:. Kanilniky Hint on the 'ilrd day of .Inly
A. I)., 100!), prttyluu for the examination nnd
nllownni' of her Until account of th Name
(lute, n (lt'ru of ahtlKiimcni of tlio liiutU be.
loiiKlug tohxlil htnto to tb )moii cnlltlcd
to tlie mint, nn order itlHtrlbutliiK t)u rrwlduii
of pprxoiiNl Htntonud llicrc iijuim hi order
dlsclinruliiK her from furtber burdtu nud
htrvlceln bT Mild olllte iisiidiiilnlKtriitrlx.
OltliHIinn, Unit Weiluekdiiy tlio IHUi tnj ot
AiiKiidt A. II., 1'JOl) at one o'clock p. mi., In
iikkIkiicmI forlit'iirliiK uild petition, when all
persons Intt rc.tcl In hiild matter may np
pear ut a County Court to belu'ld tu nud fr
nald County und Miow vausowuy thw prnycr
mI ptttltloner tlinuld not bo iimnlcd; und tbat
notice ol tlm pendency of Mild petition and
tlio brarliiK thereof bo ulvun to all puriioiis
InteroKlml la wild niatur. by pulIMili)) u
copy of thU order Iu th Kwl Cloud Chief, a
weekly mtwipupet' printed In nld county, lor
Hin.e t'oHKocutlvc wwjkx nrlor tosnld Uny of
l. W. i;jmii.v,
County .IuiIki',
(si. vi.j
6. toon.
A Hf?i . tl - w a ante.
Furniture, Carpels Sewing Ma
chines Lace Curtains Pianos,
Organs Pictures and Sheet Music.
Wc are always thankful for any share of
your patronage and good will. ::::::
Licensed Embalmers and Undertakers.
Circus, Museum, Menagerie, Hippodrome
The Only Big Circus
' ro6' l:inest Horses dn E'dVtli
42 Double Length Railway Cars 42
2O World's Famous Hare Hack Riders 20
40 European and American Aerialists 40
t,o Lady and Gentlemen Acrobats 3O
20 Happy Jolly Funny Clowns 20
17 Performing Elephants 17
Double Menagerie Hippodrome Races
700 People All Together 700
.Special Feature
Will positively appear at oaoli performance, turning a complete somersault on
Ono prico or admission takes you all tlio way 'through, Two performances
iluily rain or shine. Afternoon show, 3 p. m.; night shovv, 8 p. m: Doors
open one hour earlier.
Big Street Parade 10:30 A. M.
1 Will buy your hay in Stack or on Car.
Highest market prices Paid. Will be
glad to look at your hay any time.
Address Aito ASfalfd Mil! .
Alma? Nebraska-
jSfsJ 'VW-'W 'V.y-'W 'W-'V. A i
Coming This Season
. 4
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Sa.' PIH'I
t tiwu'iWfJ V-
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