The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 29, 1909, Image 1

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Stnta Hifltoiicul
Do nol neglect your banking; it is the most
important branch of your business and if
transacted with the right bank will bring
you desired results. This bank ispiepar
ed to help you obtain these results, and do
it in a courteous and accommodating
manner. Interest paid on time deposits.
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florancc, Cashier.
B.F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabi
S. R. Florance.
At Their Best
Plenteous Assortment ? Gool
Things From Which to Select.
at our showing of Summery Fabrics, Fur
nishings and Apparel and you will take
great pleasure in making whatever selec
tions that are necessary to make your list N
of summer things complete.
We are endeavoring to provide sensibly
for hot weather requirements, and a con
sideration of the selections advanced will
readily show the marked attention given
to the wants of our people as we inter
pret them.
CIThen, too, there are specials that demands
attention. A visit to
mutual benefit.
CflOur Grocery Stock is
and Up
The Miner Bros. Co, (Inc
Genera! Merchants
H. A. LETSON. Mgr,
Tin.- surest and easiest way to ciito
cough or cold is by gently and freely
moving tlic bowels. Hees Laxative
Cough Syrup is pleasant stoph tho
coughing and quickly relieves tho cold
by allaying congestion and by pleas
antly and promptly moving tho bowels
Sold by Henry Cook.
Why is It that the watermelon aud
flea season begin and end about the
nmo time.
Why not have u business college
Itod Cloud 8M00 think of it! This
what HO students would leavo in the
town. Siting their expense to 81 per
1. !.. M ...... ill. Vn.,l,!nl Mill.
WCCIV MM IU illinium, , ,11, Hill V Hito
help'.' livery young man and woman
.ho would be interested In a business
college in lied Cloud please send your
name and address to llox fi'8 Ited
Cloud, Nebr.
Wm. H. Thpmas,
our Store will be of
also New, Complete
- to - Date.
Hill l MMISM Cl Itl.l) is I)v.
Dr. Detcqlion's Itelief for Rhouinatlsm
and Neuralgia radically cured in 1 to
:i days, it action upon the system is
remarkable aud mysterious. It re
moves at opee the cause aud the dis
ease immediately disappears. The dis
dose greatly Benolits I'm and SI. Hrst
Sold ny The II 13. Orice Drug Co..
Red Cloud, Nobr.
If you have pains In the back, weak
back, or aiiy other indication of a
weakened or disordered condition of
tho kidneys or bladder you should got
DoWitfs Kidney and Hladdor Fills
"trill away vvliou yo
,t M "ft
'...!.... .-,,.. ....., ..
right away when you experience tho
or bladder coin-
that you L'Ot De-
Witt's Kidney and Madder l'llls. We
know what they will do lor you, aud
it you will send your name to I). C. Do-
linn i r.. (M.i in i
, t?IttT tKkll,,t. yand blad!
,ior ,,nis. -phoy aro sold here by all
, druggists.
4 NuNMKiiiRr tl;nt (ihcb I hi: Nr.3 Kfl-lo
"Vote For The Pan And flot
Party Itabel'Democpatie Slogan
Party Held Its State Convention in
Lincoln Tuesday and Adopted j
Strong Resolutions. j
Sounds Clear Note in Favor of Non-Partisan
JudiciaryGreatest of Enthusi
asm Prevailed.
Stronfc Set of Resolutions Is Adopted j
by the Convention-
Lincoln, Neb.. .Inly ','". Following
is the driu icratie platform in full:
Wo. the democrat-of Nat rasku. in
state convention assembled, vcalllrin
our faith in. and pledge our loyalty
to, the principles of our party as set
forth in the platform adopted by the
democratic convention of 100S.
We denounce lbu lepublicun taritV
bill a shameless consummation of the
fraud deliberately planned by the re
publican leaders when they promised
revision instead of reduction; and we
call attention to the fact , that it con
fesses the truth of all that tho demo
crats have charged as to the iniquities
of the high tnrlir system.
We call special attention to the fact
that one plank contained in both the
democratic state and national plat
forms for J 003, namely, the plank de
manding a constitutional amendment
specilically indorsing the income tax,
has since been accepted by a repub
lican piesident, senate anil house of
representatives, and that such amend
ment has been subiuitted'to the states
for ratification.
We pledge the rjeinocl at le paity lu
.Nebraska to assist in seeming uillll
cation of that amendment and to Hint,
onil wo ask (Jovcrnor ShulU nbi rgor to
call a special session of the lcgi-datuto
ut an early day, that Nebraska, a pio
neer in the advocacy of an income i
may have the honor of being the (list
state to ratify the amendment.
We particularly indole the proposl
tion that tlic United States seiiutoi
be elected by popular vote.
Present dav conditions in tho senate
oinnhasio the iiunorlanco of tills in
Helleving that the people have a
right to have what they want in gov
ernment, we favor the submission at
tho next session of the legislature of a
constitutional amendment providing
for the initiative and referendum.
Reasserting our purpose to give the
peoplo of the state of Nebraska guar
anty of bank deposits law we call at
tention to the fact that the suspension
of that law by tho federal court em
phasizes the position taken by the
ilomoerutiu party of Nebraska in its
l!)ijs platform, when it favored the
enactment of such laws as may bo
necessary to cninpol corporations to
submit their legal disputes to the
courts of the states in which they do
business before taking tin appeal to
the United States courts.
Wo endorse the successful business
administration of n democratic gover
nor and commend the governor and a
democratic legislature foc the enact
ment of speclllo democrat lo platform
pledges into law.
Tho democrats of Nebraska, how
ever, deserve tho attention of all good
citizens to tho fact that the statu
election to bo hold this fall Is for the
purpose of choosing three judges o
tho supreme court and throo rogcuts
of tho unlvorsity. No other olllcesuro
Tho democratic paity. through its
legislature and governor, sought to
lift these positions of great triut and
dignity out of the embroilment of par
tisan politics, to tube them out of the
hands of professional politicians, to
a.-. MMI.V
Wu.k. EaUl Yenr Tor One Dollar.
rube tiiem above tho reach of the in
torests such politicians serve, and '
place them periuanontly ami securely
on a noii-parllsun basis, ltut Hie re
publican party held otherwise.
Through its leaders mid its pi ess itj
usNiiili-,1 the non-part isun jiidiaciaiy
law I
Through its state organization it ar
ranged surreptitiously insincere but
successful attack upon it.
We submit that this presents mi is
sue of great and far reaching impor
tance. We aie coming to be more and
more a people governed by our courts
The courts are tho bulwarks of our lib
erties as well as tho harbor to which
special privilege iloes in every storm,
and the instrumentalities through
which it asserts, with growing arrog
ance, its power to defy tho people's legi
slatures and the people's executives.
Tlierc never was a time when the
necessity for keeping com ts. invested
with or asserting extraoidlnary pow
ers, on a plan abouvo suspicion of re
proach, presented itsell more forcclbly
than it does now.
W e urge the people ol this ciiinino.u
wealtb to take this question home
with them. We urge upon then
the issue in this statu election
Is Olll- j
not ol pait. or platform, but o t turn.
Wo urge all Nebiaskans in voting
fot Mipi cine judges and foi legents 1.,
lay aside party prejudice and ties
Wc In'pe no democrat will voti for a
candidate for either of thcic ufllecs
merely because the candidate is a
democrat, and that no lopiiblicin will,
vote for such a candidate because lie is
a republican.
Wo urge each aud every voter of all
panics to vote for the man when ho
goes to a box this full, aud not for tho
party luble
Resolved, that wo urge the democra
tic members of congress, and those
fioin Nebraska especially, to uso their.
best efforts to secure as speedy a com
pletion as possible of the government
ditch project now but partly complet
ed in western Nebraska, abating those
settlers who luivo homesteaded lands
under said project that tho govern
ment will keep good faith with them,
and that right soon.
Making Government Good
Why is it that a man working for a
private employer can accomplish more
than eleven times as much in a day as
a man doing precisely similai work
for the city.' And why should work
done for the city cost fifteen times as
much as the same quantity of tho
same kind of work done for a private
Why should the city pay a clock re
pairer SI l.ii!! per hour for tinkering at
its clocks'. Why not save money by
throwing away a clook as soon as it
got out of order and buying a Iiewolle.,
Why Is it that tho city is obliged to
pay sixty cents each for common ward
robe hooks and llvo cents each for two
screws to put up each hook making
tho total cost of oacli hook seventy
cents, whoa tho plain citizen can go
into any hardware storo In the land
ami buy the sumo kind of hook with
the screws thrown in foi six cents.'
And why does it cost tho clt, an addi
tional Sl.M to put up each hook, niak-
I ,1... ...... ...I ... I ...c ) O I .. linil'Oi
Why does a given quantity of rubber
iai7Bi rfc !
jFurniture, Carpets Sewing Ma
chines Lace Curtains Pianos,
Organs Pictures and Sheet Music.
CJWe are always thankful for any share of
your patronage and good will. ::::::
Licensed Embalmers and Undertakers.
liosc that costs other purchasers Sl'Jii
cost, tho city S.-.OOV
Why do gas mantles letailed ovoiy
where at twanty cents each cost tho
city forty cents when purchased in
Why do brackets retailed at forty
live cents cost tho city three dollars'.'
Why did ground with un assossed
valuation of $l,:s0) cost the city ?2I7,
0.V1 when bought for park purposes'.'
Why does it cost the, city SS.rM a load
to haul dirt when a private citizen can
gut it hauled the name distance under
identical onditions for f 1.17 n load?
MM - . . I.. ..1.......U f...,,..!
L lll'.si; in c niiiiiin; uu iniiiui inn-, iiwtn
rdlhcr a long list propounded at the
first budget oxhiblt of tho Iturc.ui of
Municipal Research, which was held
rtJcciitH In reality they wero aimed
at a specilio city, the metropolis of u
well known linglisli-speaklng nation
of Noi th America but us fate would
have it the conditions outlined in tho
conundrums depicted with startling
ildelity the situation in about every
community in tho laud big enough to
bo .illiicted with a municipal govern
ment. Finding tho bhoc tltted citlas
evorywhero proceeded to wear it.
Fiom '.Making (lovcrnment Oood," in
the August Technical World Magazine.
I respectfully request all proporty
owners to luivo the weeds cut on their
proporty as sodu as possible. In many
places they have been complalnod of
and for the benefit of all concerned, 1
ask that you co-operate with mo In
getting the weeds cleaned out.
(l II. Fori i ii, Mayor.
Red Cloud Chautauqua
AU8USI 4 U 10 IiHlli
Jackson ,v Itimw s contractors for
plastering, biick mid cement block
work, done In workman like manner.
All work guaranteed. Leave orders
lit S.H'MM.IIs Uuos.
Business Change.
Having purchased the I mi vale photo
graph gallery from Uuv. Hill, I nm
now proparod to make Hrst class
photographs of all kinds either Por
traits in tho studio or Views lu tho
country. I will be at the Studio ovory
Friday and Siturdny and will answer
calls in the country on other days.
I guarantee satisfaction in every
order. And finish all orders within
one week from time sitting is madu
and sooner on special iccpiest. Yours
truly. S O. STi'Hiu.vA.vr..
Dedication of the Mount Hope
church August 1st. at 10 o'clock. Hev.
V. N. Martin, district superintendent
of Hastings, Neb., will pi each. Wo
extend a cordial invitation to all
ajolnlng Pastors to bo present with
us, Services in tho ovouing at 8
o'clock. A cordial welcome nwultsyou
all. Uuv. G. W. Hummel, Pastor.
lXn.AMMATOUV Hlli:i'.MATISM (Jl'llUl) IN
:i Days.
Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind.,
says: "My wife had Inflammatory
RhttUinutism in arery muscle ami joint;
her buffering was terrible and hor.body
and face wero awollon almost beyond
recogiiitioujliadbceninbcdforslx weeks
and had eight physicians, but rccclycd
no benefit until she tried Dr. Dctchoti's
Heliuf tor Uhoumatism. It gavo her
Immediate relief and slio was able to
walk about in three days. 1 am sure it
saved hor life." Sold by Tho II. B.
Urice Drug Co,, Ited Cloud, Nebr.
rvrf Tira!jmrwy',T-''-ie-... ,--
Iffcft IT 1T.W1 ,