The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 22, 1909, Image 1

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. .
Do nol neglccl your banking; it is the most
4limporlant branch of your business and if
transacted with the right bank will bring
you desired results. This bank ispiepar-
ed to help you obtain these results, and do
it in a courteous and accommodating
Interest paid on time deposits.
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
Mizer, President, S. R. Florancc, Cashier.
B. I
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Win. M. Ciabill. Wm. H. Thomas,
fhln&s From Which to Select
W A 1
li L
at our showing of Summery Fabrics, Fur
nishings and Apparel and you will take
- great pleasure in making whatever selec
tions that are necessary to make your list
of summer things complete.
We are endeavoring to provide sensibly
for hot weather requirements, and a con
sideration of the selections advanced will
readily show the marked attention given
to the wants of our people as we inter
pret them.
GJjThen, too, there are specials that demands
attention. A visit to our Store will be of
mutual benefit.
CJOur Grocery Stock is also New, Complete
- and Up-to-Date.
General Merchants
H. A. LETSON, Mgr.
The suiesl ami easiest wtiy to cute a ' llmu'wiiii ( i i.i n t v fi.w.
cough or cold is by gently and freely Dr. Dctoohon llollcf for Ilheutuatim
moving the bowels. Hoes I,aMitho ll" Neuralgia radically fitted in 1 to
Cough Syrup is p.eusin, st.ips the
coughing and quickly relieves tho cold moves at i.neo the cause and the dis
hy allaying congestion and by pleas- ease Immediately disappean. Tho ills
nntly and promptly moving the bowels "". (,'icatly beiieliU 7.V and SI. first
Mi..iini.,.Pnni. '50ul ".V ' '"' JI K Uriee Drug Co.,
hold by Henry Cook. Ucl Cloud Nobr
The best pills made are DoWitt's
Mtllo Early Risers, the famous little
llvor pills. They are .stn.ill, gontle,
pleasant, easy to take and act prompt
ly They aro sold by till druggists.
Snlwicilbi' tor the Chief
I'inoulos foi all kidney, liver, bind-
dor, i heuinatio and urinary complaint, know what thy will do tor you, and
They assist In separating 'salt and . It you will send your name to' 13, C. Do
water with tholr poisons from the Wt & Go , Chicago, you will receive a
blood. Thoy net promptly. Sold by
Henry Cook.
Stall, llhlorlftftl Scully
$ mmmsmsamssam
Their Best
ros. o.
If you have pains in the back weak
back, or any other indication of a
worikonod or disotdercd condition of
tho kldnujs or bladder you should got
HeWltt's Kidney and lilad lor i'llls
right away when you o.purionco the
loan sign of kidney or bladder com
plaints, but bo sine that jou get Dc-
WIll'R )v"!illliv uml niiwl.l..,. inn., w..
fteo trial box ot these kidney and bind
dec nllls. 'l'linv are snlil luri liv nil
!ml KVli
A NMsjMicr Hint filus Thr. Fft) -
' . ....
- , p
l ftl
IT ( )("' K I )lT(S
,,. ""
lti.i Cmi i). Nt n..JiTV'lU 1(110.
t '" "Hl I IIU 11" HI V IIIUUIl' llllll lllll'
Hoard met pursui t to adjournment ,,.,-,. s well us th.. .pcoliM of liilhim
inoinbots present V It Aiiileisoti, T. tiocs in tin two Potests. mo
.1 CimpUti. ("5. Olitnst.'dis .1. (i. Over su llU-ii-nt ly ditliMi-iit to determine ;
man ami C W. Hummel! w bother the instrument, is suited to
Petition of V. U. WolidtMly s,)lm. localities uml not tootliois.
Commencing ut southwest corner sec.
--1-1- thence east TO toils
north east about 7i roils to point whore
it ;i,i....t..i., 1 1... i.!..i .,,,t..,.
v ....-.. i-, i. ii MiHMnj ........ ,, ...,
and west, thioiih said see 'J, present
for consideration of limn d. Mntter
was referred ta County Attorney.
Xow conies A. U"uts iiKunt for Harry
A. I'oats and aslis that he he lu-uiu-liut
sed for ainotint ot asseHscd
iiriiiusthit)roveiiierits on the pfntucl,
s I, !!(5-:Ml. same liulnj: an oiror, us
said iinptoM'inetus do not c.sist.
It w is decided to receive bids for
coal sujip ics at n t iiieeliiifr.
On motion adjournment was taken
to August 2nd, men.
J) W. Uoxm,
County Clerk,
V S. Juiich and family were hi lied
Cloud ti oouplo of days thih week.
Mrs. Thtijot' staid with Mrs. tlnrrison
while Mr (innlsoii was in Omaha, llo
went .Sunday.
Mrs. Karner over south of tho tivur
is h.iviiiK lii'i' liou-o tnovod. Wm Saw
er Is dolin; tho work.
Mi-. MooVirls uliioylny ti visit of
liei L'land ilanvrhtei, Miss iJellB ICol
luiu of St. rmuoi, Ins . very irfucl
Mrs Vimi MeC.illutn andMK Jessie
McCalluni wero fjiuMs Sunday at tho
hniuo of Mrs. Van Woertand daughter
W S. I.atnberl and Ofccar Hvaus did
oinp ornauiontal cement work at tho
cemetety about sonic of the graws
Charles Jtoland and tatnily .Sunday
ontortaint'd Charles Ktishieund family
of Lester. Mt.s. llolunil and Mrs.
Ltisbiu are sistets
A daughter was born .Satuid.iy,.luly
17th. to Mr. and Mis. Tim Hendiick
son. On the same day a son was lcirn
to Mr. and Mis. hino Woudwaid
Miss Irene Kent and Miss Wilnia
A mack of Ued (.'loud weto in Guldo
li-iok Sunday iis quests of their great
grand mother. Mrs. llautnih Ciow and
other i datives.
The .Memorial service of the Degree
of liono' lodge will lie hold at.'.i o'clock
Tuesday evening, duly 1ST (li. at tho
lodge loom All moinbers leijuestcd
to attend. I'aeh member tuny ask two
ftieuds to attend.
MNs Mabel .Simpson and sister, Mrs.
1, H Murphy went to inavale Satur
day and visited with Mrs. Chatles
Kddy and family until Monday. Mrs.
tidily and children came back with
them for a fow days visit.
The Methodists had another ico
cretin) and o.iku social Saturday even
ing. The cook books which the Aid
society hnvo for sale are going rapidly.
Ifeverjbudy works liko the women
do, the chinch will soon bo built.
Mrs. II. ti. Rich decided not to pi to
Oklahoma during the hot weather so
s!io started Sunday for ltridger, Mon
tana, where Her daughter Mis. shop
pard is loo tie 1. Mrs. Julia Wells went
alfio as sho has lelutives thete whom'
she w ished to visit. '
Miss Lulu l'.ibco of Auburn, Miss
Uortude I.nmb of Idller, Miss Kuthcr-
iue Uocbo of Wood lllvur. roliiriiod
Monday to tlieli homes after a most
delightful visit with thoir ttc-nd, Miss
Malissti l.ambeit. Tho fun young
ladles taught in tho Dlllor schools for
two yours
Mdlo$rdi!is to be used on
Pintle tin I
. Kxnerlments will bo made dutinir
tho siimmor with the standard hello
graphs which aio now used In tho War i
llftmirt nil. til ioi vJmitiltiur nn tli. Vn. I
.-WJ.... ...... , .... .n h ...
tlonal Porunts, Ono of those expcrl
moiits will bo on the Kuuiksu National
Forest, In Idaho, anil tho other ou tho
Stanislaus Forest in California.
It is Intondod to discover whether
these instruments will bo of use on
National Forests to repot t fires or
ln) 1Vcrk Each Year For Our. Dollar.
13 151? ask a.
.11' LY
t-..n,n,.t other meswigos tu
w',t"1' thero 1 no muck tncl.iod of
coin uniiiicnt'mn
mi ,iui.,t ..e ..i 1..H-
a p.lltsi,f Ko,est must he lind if,
. t n - i (tllti llt l t Mil 111 II II l 41 I llf II f
r.ii i , ,.,,......,..;.... I,.. ,i
. ii,,, is t.. i... i,Illl( ,1,.,. ,,
Anyone who,
' . ........ . .'
Knows oi mo icurrui niiiniiL'e wroiiKiil
liy lot est tires on private ami unpro
tected lands each year, will easily see
that tlirouh lire patiol. use of tele-
nlmiH linos uml itlur moans of I'oin-
inunication such as is maintained on
the l'.n million tieics contaiucil in the
National l'oiests, the looses can lie le
iluced to ti miuimuiu.
I'.u thetidniitiislratioti and ptotict-'
i m of the 118 National Foiestsin nitii -tei
n states and tenitorles and Alii .lui, '
lie (loverninetit snout -.'2'i,' ! I'V. or
ti'iout olio and one-half cents an in
for the eiilcnduf yeif lints of tl
amount 8."tf:,l(!. II was Npeitt for per
inam ut imptoveiiientH im Imltng the
const motion of :t,4'i miles of ti tills, '
10ii miles of wagon toads, ; '.'(to tnll '
of ieli'phone liticund foitv
flic lines
nitlei of.
A lot or Thlnis for KtbrasKans to Oct
(Susy llo.tstlni About.
Of course NebrjisUu Is si great ugl I
cultural state one of tho vety great-
si no pin
st, and Deputy L.iboi t oininisslouor
pin the oilier day -aid:
' Other states nun tals a gie.iter
number of bushels of com and wliont
uml oats, but Nebraska raises mote
coin, wheal and oats per capita than
any other state. In all t'ireo of these
gitiiiis our yield per aero is away yon
dor ahead of the general average of
all the states. We've yot 'em till beat
in output of liny, will, timothy and
alfalfa. We have every leason to
boast of our agricultural tcsouiccs,
but ngrlo tltuie is no longer our sole
dependence. It is th basis of all
wealth to lie sine, not only in Nebias
. . ...... i
kn.liut eveiywlieiciise. hut tlie time
has come In the history of NVbraskti
when we tuny reel HitiHllcd that our
agricultural supremacy Is no longer
quest ioited or menaced and theiel'ore
devote some time unn. attention to let
ting the wm Id know what we ato do
ing along other lines.
"We are doing some inunufaotuiiiig
in Nebraska and when wo get wise
to our opportunities we will do inoie.j
In 100s Nebtaskti manufacturing
plants ami induHtiies turned out Slot,
000,000 wot th of manufactured goods
from raw material raised mostly in
Nebraska. That w as iO.OOD.OOO more
than the Milne of our 11 vo atock in
l0l)8. Men engaged In mechanical
pursuits, including transportation, re
ceived upward or 80,000,000 in wages
in Nebraska in 1,,nu tiver stop to
think what u great variety of articles
we manufacture in Nebraska'.' I'll
o,lvo you a partial list, and it will help
you form some Idea of our gtowing
importance as a ummif.ictiiriug state",
uepuiy lauioi louiiiiissiiiinir iHaupiii
then IKcd up the following list:
Autom )bilos, alfalfa inenl, apions,
artillclal btoiti, uwliitigH.
Ucct sugai, lieor, buttons, brooiiif,
baking powdei, boots, boxes, hi lek,
' breiiktasl foods, butter, barrols.
Cart lugos, creamery suppllo-, candy,
caps, craekorjiok, e rnh:o, crackers,
'canned goods, cigars
Doulai sutioilOH, utiitierH.
IJnglnes marine, loootnotivo
stationery! eleotrical suppllos,
l-'liv escapos! fonces, flour, foundiv
Cloves, lrimnants. iraulon tooln. iras
" " -
Harness, hats, hard warn nouiUlos.
Incubators, Isinglass, ico
.Jollies, Jewelry, job printing, uns,
Jumpers. "
Iviilsoiillne, knit goods.
Leather goods, looso loaf ledgers,
lightning rods, liquors.
Machinery, marble goods, inatre&ios,
mineral waters
H'J. ni)
rvV 'ArV orJWV rJf 'VJVV ','VVvV"a'a 'vV,r ' 'VAi 'Vs'Vsf ?
f A EU ES VH a Tis .. i
Furniture, Carpets Sewing Ma
chines Lace Curt
Organs Pictures
5 We are always thankful for any share of
your palronase and
,is'f " ""
(Licensers fcrnDarniers
Neckwot r.
Over Us. opt loil goods.
I'icUos, puinlco stone, paints, paper,
patent medicine, mill products, pjivc
tneiitfi, planing.
OittneepruscreH(oiit of real quinces),
JtugH, roolimr. rubbiir staiupn.
StovitH, shoes, shot, 'Sitttfogti chips,
saddles, shades, signs, soap, suspend
ers. Triinkt,"titiwaie, lag-, tool-j
Underwent1, utnlitcllas.
Valises. vlncKtir
Whisky, washing machines, wagons,
whips, wJro goo is
Xcelleut Ice oroaiu In car luu.l lotf.
Yatch engines, yeast
"Try a new game some evening,"
suggests Mr. Maiipiu. ".lust take this
list and see how in.iuv things you
know arc made in Nebraska that you
can add to it.
'We stand at the head of tho edu
cational column, jet wo foolishly ship
our raw hides to Massachusetts and
j i,uy ntun buok in the shape or shoos,
1 imilcl iit ourselves for the freight
charges both ways and leaving all (lie
wages on -llic Atlantic co.isi. haute
Milug with the millions of pounds of
wool annually elippod from the backs
ot Ncbiusku sheep. Why not Ne
braska hides in Nebraska, and make
this Nebraska leather into hhoe by
Nebraska 1-ibor in Nobrtiska fretoriesV
Wlty noliio tnoHtuie tiling in rogtini
to wool? Don't whine about not hav
ing cheap ruol for power purposes.
Just harness the millions of horse
power going to waste in the Missouri,
Platte, Loup and-Niobrara rivors. All
tho wheat thrit is itilsed in Nebraska
and not exported ought to bo ground
in Nebraska mills, and tho Nobraskan
who neglects or -"ii.a io insist upon
having Nebraska ground Hour in tho
kitchen lucks some of the needful ele
ments of state prldo and patriotism.
i Kvery thing made In Ncbiusku and put
,, oxhlbltiou anywhere, ought to be
inlielcd ' iituln In Jsourasiia.
When j ou aie not '.standing upJor
Ncbiaska'you tiro luisslngan oppor
tunity to boost ,ntirselt its well as your
state." others say of (icarhnrt.
Mr. Ccuiliuit is a ni'ister of rhetotlc.
Call, San l-'runclsoo, Callfotula.
Willi Uearhait words arooloctritied
lU'gister. Torriugtoii, Connecticut.
A most forcaful iircseiittueiit of
Until, adorned with beautiful diction
find eloquence Rev. W A. TItley,
A speaker of exceptional ability and
. iiarelous control of language News
i . ....
and Sentinel, Wuslilitirn, Wisconsin.
Notable In its rytluu and beauty of
Daily Star, Pipestone, Minnc
Entranced for two hour. Woman's
Study t lub, Whltollelil, New Hamp
shire. Coarhart was a surprise. Much was
expected; he gave more. lowegitiu,
Contervillo, Iowa.
and Sheet Music.
ioocl will. ::::::
ana undertakers.
Much oraL u- ha f a good crowd, but
ll"nrhart waft tin- sMmigc'-t (r the lot.
llorald, In lntimlt. low'n.
At Red t'loud Chautauqua Satutday.
......... 'T.'
.1 iiimklt .in r ' .
County Convrntlcn.
The lib nooruts and Peoples Inde
pendent pat tics meet in a joint con
vention at the Court houio, Sututduy,
July lTjlij tit 1.-.50 oc'cooU. An lxtlio
following deli'catos wercalccted to tho
Situlo oonv Miliii i to bn hold in Tiiiioolnj
.July JTtli.
Ii:i.i:un.i t mi- Dbm ii-UAr Covvnv
tl'iv t Livo:.N .It-i.v 'J7th. 'Oft.-,
C. It. Male, J. M. Stewart, Al Smith,
Win. Wcesner and Lyman llsslg.
I'UOI'l I S iNIIIU'KSnt'.M I'llllV.
I'M. l'ai... W. IJ. Crurft-r," Cliis.
Shullz, O. It. Pitney and F. llonchht.
And the following County Commit
teeinen wore appointed as follows;
Dr.MOriiMir Cor.vr Ciamiim Cojimit
ti:i:. Lee DcTour, (itiidc Rock,
I. M. lliuiilltoti," "
.John ICnlggo, "
Robt. Allen, Rosemoiit
L. Plsiger, Dine Hill.
L. .J. Holton, "
Will Iloirm.tti, Itltie Hill.
M. II D.tvis, Cowlcs.
'. .1. liutlcr. Itol Cloud
C. U Stewart, "
Wm. W'ee.sner, ' '
Win. lltiekey, '
Al. Smith, "
C. II. Wilson, Inavale,
C. T. Dickenson, "
Frank Stokes, '
Pkoi' I.viu:ci:N-m:xr I'autv Centii
C. K. Vaughn, Guldo Rock.
I). W. (libeau, M
H. F. Hudson, ' "
II. C. Wright, Itosomont.
Mlko Dunlin, Uluu Hill.
.Too Watson, Cowles.
Fred (tool.
Frank Alios, Rod Cloud.
L. P. Johnson, " "
JJetiry Oilhaiu, ' "
Frank VavricUa, Red Cloud
J. S. Moore, llliulan.
Oco. Worloy, Campboll.
IM. Pain, I tin vile.
O R. Pitney, ' ' ' ' .
Jtftnes Klncald, Iutiviile.'1
I. W. fcMson, Red Cloud.
J. II. llitilev, "
IJ.ise lull funs onjoyoil tho thieo
ball games with Seward tho tlrst of tho
week. We lost tho first two biit.nailed.
tho last ono. This makes us one to
the good in the surios of gnincs plajod
wlt1' Seward.
u are always please l to seo tlio
Soward team coino to Red Cloud be
cause thoy aro ull gcntloinen and piny
tho giuno honestly and fairly.
Good crowds attended tho ganios.
Tho score Monday 2 to 1, Tuesiluy
1 tjo 2 and Weilnosilay 3 to 1.