I I , I" When You go for an Outing Away from Mental and Physical Cares Your'Eyes Work On Tho New Health-Ray olnuci nro cipcclally recommended for outdoor inert nnd recreation. No Irylue tlfilit ntttioyniicc for the wearers of Hip ttrAI.TIt IUV. because they rjlic tho eye Quality .(.cM-Hk'H In h:hl l,ro tiortlotisnsNattirc intended. Hut ten per cent, of natural health IIrIiI reaches the eye throuiih the present eye-gliisi lenses you wear All the health-Rlvlni; iai 1 1 nhsorhcil hy tin- Kln ami few of any hut the heat rays reach the delicate rcthin of the e Hi aitii ItAV i.i.Nsitnml protect. KUclirnlthnud vigor tntiMi.it the l'lusni health rnys, mid through this avenue cieale rlih till bluud for tin illtire s stein. Health-Rays Give Easy, Comfortable Vioion . No straining or !rh inK l see us others see-no dread of the bright Miti-no eje 'Intak downs". If you want the genuine, look for the above trade marlc on each Lent. NEWHOUSE Jewelers and A Nice New 55 Oi Groceries just received al the Home f (f) Grocery. We now have a complete j j line of fancy and staple groceries. i Come avcf See ? JAlso a large assortment of i queensware at the lowest prices possible. j m i A. Wullbrandt SUCCESSOR TO Fulton Grocer Company. . v f-y' IS IT AflEW STOVE, OR, A New Butfty Or Farm Machinery Wc have them all. Remember, our stock of Har ness, Hardware, Buggies and Farm Machinery is Complete at all times. ::::::::::: Wi: pity Spkciai. HttoiiUon to Supplying HhJUKt's HiuiUvaie ut the Lowest Priuch, Ukst Roods. Wk ate itlso in position to do IMiilnhiiif,' work, nml nil Kinds of Pipa Cutting mul Fitting'. ::::::: CALL AND SEE US We will Imv la a Line ef AUTOMOBILBS Soon. Red Sload Hardware I WM WOLFE. 5ate!rtAaa!&i M ARBLE & GRANITE ONUMENTS ADE BY OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Are durable, attractive and mechanically correct. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. nSrAWW TOW Xf: WJf W W.'W WffiWSWWSSVp.s.yf. TPfflSSa BROTHERS Optometrists. StOGk cnoice b am ) Hi Mr & Implement Go. Secretary. I IK I m III I U Uneeda Biscuit M l Ink ifZffSPd. wuL i yv iii!!aaB9 as bv zzwszi; mhm 1 n r h "mammm, & l &&0&8& fm ' IP MA $ I Sold only in T 1 vr rlmsttir! lJrnnt I'nnbnafi ID I ifi i S MATiAkiAi r I c f t i it- --unA uy li -X rf I D IN-I IINAL D13V.UM rlrINT (I J. i 9 --?JB II i m 1 " " 'MWMnn - IHT1"n IMjmmiJIJW.lJW- H. CWIfcuiWIIIallll I I PHI lllinL . ,-J-W "' '"' II mmf ! . fca-aawaJ. h. ft W I SOyt, ''J I "' ?COC ' i imni jwr - ! "wil?w'' .! ' Crs 1 (""Tj' 1 Ntilccvf !Jrfiri,s Salt, cf Kcal Jistitlu.1 N.i . , nl n tl i ii i'l in i.i i s 1 1 -it I'v hint nf ii IMstrUt l unrt nl the Tenth .linlli'lMl UMrti t. hi nml lot' I iniiklltt) 1 1 1 1 1 . NelirtiHl.u. iiiudr nml otiti red In Midi court on thcJith day nl .Intie, A. li. r.in:l, In u eei'lnln tu'tlon tlicrrln pctidllii; uluTeln Clunk K. Martin, t'huilis A. Mnrtiu, llelleA. I.niuliert, Arthur)'. Martin. l.llo ('. Cpliimcr, nml Myrtlr C. .Martin :irc plnlntllls. mid William Mnrttii. .Inhii II. .Martin, Stilla M. .Martin, Claniiii' K. Martin, Martha .1. Martin, Wlii lih' M. Martin. I'ranrcs .Martin, I.uwIk I.juii-Ir.-rt and.liiM-ph M. I'illni;cr, arudi(fndautN, lor llu parllthm of the lollowliit; di'scrlhi'd real I'htattihltnati'd In I'rnnklln county, Ni--hrnhka, to wit: Thu West Hall ("' l-Ji and the North Kast (jimrtiT, din l-) of hui'ttoii Twi'tity-ilvi'. (i") In TowtiHhlp Two, (J) North, of Itnnsu Thlrtefii, ii: West of thu nth l'rlni'ljml Miirldlan, hiuI the lollowliit; lU'scrllnd real I'stati-, Nltnatid In Wchstcr t'onnty. Ni liraskn, to ult: Th ii North W'l-ht (jiiarliT of .section Thirty, i.'ltii In Township Two, CJi North, if ItaiiKi- Twelve, il'Ji Weht of the lltli Principal Mirldlan. contalnlnt; in all liiu iicrcs, inoreor lens, ai'i'ordlni; to llnvern iiicnt Kttrsey. And which hitld dkcreiMllrri'ted the under. Hluncd farces In said canss to kcII wild real estate at puhllc hale, ax upon execution, with out appralktmcnt. Now riiKiiKt-ouK. we, the said referees. will, on Monday, tlialllh day of Atiuuiit, lliU'.l, at thu hour of twoo'eloek P. M, of hulil day, at thert'shletieeof Martha .1. Martin situated upon thuSottth Kast Quarter ol section 'St, liitiiwiuhlp'J, rniiKein, l-'ranklln county, Ne- hrnska, sell said real estutu to the highest lildderor hldders, upon thu lollowliit' teriua and conditions, to wit; One-half cash In hand, and one-half In threayears, with tuttr est at alx per cent per antiuiu, payahla an utially, kecurcd hy a utortKiiKu upon the pre- uiKes so sold. The sale will lie held open one hour. Kuch Miiurter-Ki'ctlon ol land will he ollrred separalely and hldi will also he re ceUed upon the whole tract as alsivo de kcrlhad. Dated this litli day of July. piU'.l. iiniitioipi i j . viKiiriue i talercei,. v limine ii nuii'i i Clatence II, Waldo, w . t', Doioci . Attorney. tlH! Nitlcc to Bidders, Malrd bids will be rccclNcd up to S o'clock p. m., Monday, AttitUbt'Jnd liw.i for the pur chase of School liulldlni; known as tho ilrst Primary IiuIIiIIiik located In south ward and the heboid Site IhIiiiikIiii; to the district located la tliesotitli ward. Illds to be tiled with the sceietai'i Hoard risers es the ilnht to aci ppt or reject any or all bids. school District of licit Cloud City. in !:, .1. o t'.iiiMi lit., Puns. v. ii, I'ri.rnv, m:i iii'T.Mtv. Why not havo a linslnehs college in lied Cloud SsooO think of it! This is what fiO studujils would leave in the town, limiting thoir expoiiM to SI pur week for 10 months. Wouldn't this help? Kvery yotnijt man and woman who would be luloresli'd in a buslnowj college in Red ('loud pUxnw muni your naaie and a Idrn-- to llr.c .Vs Hod Clou 1 Nebr It wasn't the name that made the fame of Uneeda Biscuit It was the goodness of the crackers that made the fame of the name Notice of Suit. IN I III I ill M S ( -.1 I, I nl v i I -I I It I'll VI . Nl III, W . llicrt v( UMier. defendant Wnl l.lki not lie that on .luni'JIth. HKiti the ( ounty .Indue of ehsterCoiiuty. NiliracUa l-ind tin older of attachtiiint for the sum of i:il.:!K and Inter it from lelinnuy I, PJo'.i. In an action peud lui; liefore hlui wherein lloyd Munsel Is lilalutltl and said Alhert .scrlvner Is defend. ant. and that property of the defendant ' t'oiisistliiitotiuinii-v on deposit and due to ' me iicicnilant fiotu the Hank of luavale In said t'onnty, has been attached and taken hy KaruMiiueut process under said order la a stitlli'leut sum to pay said claim and the prohahlu costs of the action, not eceedlm,' . Said cause was continued to Aut;ust i"th, IWtf at due o'clock P. .M. Dated .Inly II, 1 !otl. Ilin ii.Ml'.v.si:i, Plalutlll I., li. illackledi;e, Attorney. Notice of Suit. I.N T1IK t'Ut'NTY I'tH'IIT ()." W K 1 1ST K 1 1 COINTV. NIIIIHASKA. Alhcrtscilvnur.defendaiit.wlll takunotlco thaton.luneJIth, IIW'.I thu County .Indue of Webster County, Nehraska Issued au order of attachment (or the Mini of t-MM and In tcrckt from I'ehruary I, l!W.i, In au action peudliiK before him wherein Kl liter K. Kobi? is plalntlllHiid said Albert seilMiLrlsdefend- ant, and that property of the defendant eon sIstltiKof money on deposit and due to tho defendant from the Hank of lunvale In said County, has been attached and taken hy Karnlshment process under said ordar In a suillclent sum to pay said claim and tho probable costs of the action, not cxcecdliiK m Said cause was continued to August i"thi lUOy at One o'clock I'. M. Dated July il, I'M), Cl.MKlt K. I'ooo, Plalutlll. I,. II. Illackledite, Attorney. Order to Show Cause Slate of Nebraska Welwter County '. Ill the Ciiiltiti Court. f Ai a County Court held at thu County Court room In ami for said county I'rlday July lith A. D won. In the iuattcr(nf the estate of John V. Thompson. Deceased. ONreadlnmind llllnu the petition of I lees II. Thompson nied on the Mh day ol July A. D., Itioi. pra)lm: for the entnlnatlon and allowance of Ills ilual ai count ol the saint) date, a decree ol assignment of the lauds lie loimltn; to said estate In tin persons entitled to the same, au order illstribuilUK the residue of pciMiual estate and there upon an order dUclmruliiu him from further burden and sei'Nleeln his said olllceas administrator. OuiiKituii, Tlmt Wedtnsday the Ith day ol .uitust A. D. P.cj'.i, at one o'clock p. in.. Is as slutted for hcarluv said petition when till per sons Interested In said matter nitty appear at a County Court to be held la and (or kiM count) ami show aase why prttyei of peti tioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of wild petition and thehtxtrliui thereof Ih itlviu to ail pi rsons Interested In Ktld matter, by paUiuliliii.- a copy of thin order In tin Jtisl cloud chit f, a weekly newspiter printed in said co,.ut , foi'itlirtHi oonsieeuiH e week a prior to s.ild ,'.u$ if henrliiK '-I I , I. A . i i -i i ' mil) ImUu. Taxis iratilnii an idetil tut i t- lonii -TnNis supntMi, n perfect sliiiiiipoo niiil Taxi- IS.iy Iiiun a coniliinittinii, wliirlt if f nit li I'nl i i ii'-eil, will pi'oilttce a clean. I en tliv condition of the hair and scalp. Thin, dry, brittlo or fiillinjr Ituir uii'itns tliero is sonic i'iiumj for miuIi au unhealthy condition and that it should bo'nttonded to at once. Tito reason for scanty hair is because all tho root . .i... r, ...... ....t .i,,:.... . i,..!.. .1.,,.. .....l ,i... I niiuii, mi; iiuii tiill.f, bll.JII unit nil. I I III reason for falling hair is because the scalt) is in an unhealthy condition To correct these evils is a very sim ple matter. To make all the root shafts do their duty uo Cranine. To get thu scalp ill a healthy condition, shampoo tho head with Sapogcn, a per fumed green oil soap. Day Hum is tin ideal hair diossine; after the shamp o. For further particulars, call or phono Mri-. Nancy A. Hale Order To Show ausc. State of Neliruska. . ,. T1 , ,..,,.... frt Webster i otmty. I n. inc uouiu i-ouri Ant County Court held ill thu County Court room In and lor said county Monday July l-Jlli A. I HWll. l.s the matter of the estate of Klia.l. Illdy, Deceased. ON readini? anil lllluiMhe petition of O. ('. Teel tiled on the rJth day of July A. P., ItXKi, prayln for the examination and allowance of.hls final account of the samedate, a decree of asslKIMuent of thu lauds heloilKiUK to said estate to the persons eutlth d to the same, au order distributing the icshlite of personal estate and there upon an order dlse.'iarnlnn til in from further burden and service In bis said olllce in. admlulktrator. oainaiiai, That Tuesday UiuMrd day of u- ust A. P., ItlOll, at one o'clock p Is as- signed for hearlut; said petition when all per sons Interested la said matter may appear at a County Court to be held la and for said county ami show cause why prayer of peti tioner should not hoKianttd; and that notice of the pendeuc) ofnald petition and the hear Iiik thereof bo ul en to all persons Interested In said matter, b) pahllshlui; a copy of this order In the Ited Cloud Chief, a weekly news paper printed In said county, for three rouse- eutlve w el.s prior to said day of hearing- 1-41: l I I. W I'.nsos Coutitv Indue. SHIGHESTEit SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND i.A:)ini i ik j..nr Dnn-al't f' r CIC'tr'nTRR" DIAMUNI) !.!. t) I'H.1. 1 in Hi u nad BnLii iijitauu Is ..i. 8i ..ml villi FibUwi Tas.i jo ornrn. Itir r i).u....i!.fc an. n.v r... rin.ciii..Ti.ii s KI.VMONO 1UIAMI Pli.I.H, l i U rmy.flTV; ye-ir3 rcirar Jrd ns Jlc t. Si Ait, Aty Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS - rl vniir ' TIMK TUlliU EVERYWHERE WORTH . ."'ii'lM IT IS NOT A SAVINt POLICY to g without insurance. The risk assumed is too greet for thu mnU premium you keep in your pocket. I-'iguro out how many years you would havo to be free from uny fire in ordar to save the value of your house and eanteuts. Then consider that you may luiva a lira this very night. Tho cost f a veil i little blaxe will be more than thu pre mium of KIKK INSURANCE FOR YEARS Rot tor have tne issue yon a policy to-day. It's a whole lot better to be sure than sorry, as many an un insured man has been. r r Red Cloud, Nebr. S wirt's fromlum Ham or Bacons. tfmrM&M Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds. E22d Cloud, Nebr. avH" a ,m ziitr, "yr.- " -