The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 15, 1909, Image 5

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During these hoi clays
a nice Cool Hommock
is a comfort. We have
a nice line of them
ranging in price from
$1.26 to 5.08,
Come in and see them.
Chas. L. Cotting,
The Druggist.
n IBl'.AMlBKi '"
1'luve Clilce wont to liunhlcr Sunday
bee (Jr.tves was in Denver the bi'-t
of the week
A. M. Walter;, of lilne Hill was In
town Monday.
Miss Iva Crabill ciuno down from
Alnm Saturday.
J. F. Grimes was down from Blue
Hill this week.
Miss I rin a Vance of Hastings is hero
visiting relatives.
Miss Nello Mauror went to Denver
tlio last of the week. ' '
The Red Cloud Chautauqua dates
are August 7th to'luth.
Miss Nolle Hmorton wont to Denver
Friday for a vacation.
See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
T. C. Ilackor and wlfo wero in Lin
coln the Hist of the week.
The I5ed f loud Chtuttauiuiti programs
will bo out in a fow days.
Mr. ami JIin. Ihvight Jones weio up
from Guide IJuok Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. Ivan Diekcrson wpio
down from Inauilc Sunday.
Missis Clara and Martini Abel went
J to f'olo., Sunday moriiing.
Xft' Vanm:i A load of eobs on sub
'" scriptiuu. lniuire of the Chief.
Honest Mill's 'Joe show will show in
Red Cloud Thursday, July 22nd.
Misses Cora and Lorn Weesnor re
turned from Kansas City Saturday.
Miss Itarbaia Sehubol of Omnlm is
visiting her mint, Mis. l'uul l'harcs.
Miss Dedie (laluslm and brother Jim
of Lincoln are visiting friends in this
Charley Garbor of Ksbou, Kas., was
the guest of his brother, John Satur
Gasoline 14 cents per gallon at the
Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp. Co.'s hardware
.1. S White aad wife of University
l'lacc arc visiting in this city this
Fou Sam: An almost new Smith
Premier Typewriter Hx. r.2S lied
Mrs. Mattio lliindorup of Franklin
visited f i lends here the last of the
Miss May Sanborn of Mayoworth,
Wyoming is visiting her uncle, C. L.
Mrs. J tunes Harden and son Parrel
returned from Kansas City Tuesday
Tony Clark and wife took in the
railroad men's picnic at Cambridge
Rings Little Liver Pills-small,
pltasant and easy to take. Sold by
Henry Cook.
Miss Eflle Cro.icr of Burchnrd nnd
little neico, Gladys Ronfro are visiting
at tin home of Mr. and Mrs. N, R
mtJp '
ncwiivi !
Successor to llr J s I.UIOII
At the old stand over Hte
SiatcRonk. Phone 13!.
Mi-, Kt .in l Kii-lmiiison iindiliil iron
i tmiiod ! (lull liiino in PenvorriUH
i !.i,
' See ( lipid the educated Sllutliind
lmy witli lloncnt Bill's Show, Thurn.
lay, Jiil. 'Jslnd
Mr. Mfl' and dtuighlor, Mr.
llulpti I'oo have gone to Denver for an
est ended slay.
I Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cr.ibill leturned
Sunday injuring from n trip to Donvor
and Cripple Creole.
Miss lloiunuiii returned to Chicago
the last of the week after visiting at
the home of Dr. Cook.
Miss llossle slmp-oli rotuinud libuio
Monday evening from Peru whoro she
lias bjon visiting relatives.
Joe Hondor-oii Wont to McCuok
Tuesday Ho lui- been transferred to
HeCook dhisinn as llromiiii.
Mis. Van Camp, son (ienrge and Mr.
auol Mis. (isoar Hughes arrived home
Friday troin their western til p.
Tublor wells, wind mills, pipe tilting
and ropairings. Call on T. Cumi.tnu,
Campbell, Xcbr. Write or phono.
The Chicago specialist will bo at the
Royal hotel in Red Cloud, agalu
Tuesday, Aug., Hid. Consultation froo.
Mrs. June Mngglnnoss Is in the coun
try with Mrs. Frod Wlttwer and also
her daughter Mrs. Mllllo Klndler near
Ksbon, Kans.
Several of the farmers have purchas
ed gasolino engines and put them on
their binders on account of the ground
being so moist.
The Red Cloud ball team played ball
at Kearney Monday and Tuesday. Red
Cloud easily won both games by the
scores ot S 0. 01.
Arrange your work so that you will
bo able to attend the Red Cloud Chan
t.uiguu August 7th to Kith. The pro
giam promises to bo the best I Jed
Cloud has over had.
Jj. II. I'.lackledgo and family loft
Wednesday for .lorusiilam, Ohio, his
biithplaco. They will leave tlio bojs
with his wifo'.s folks in Illinois.
Wednesday, Red Cloud played ball
tit Grand Island with the Red Cross
team at that place With Fng.ttoin the
box Red Cloud shut them out by a
coio of il to (I.
Pinesalvc, carbolizeri, is good for
burns It penetrates the pores, draws
out iullammatiou, and is healing. It
is also good for cuts, sores nnd bruises.
Sold by Henry Cool;.
Prof. Ed. Taylor is homo for the
summer months. He just closed a
very successful term of school as prin
cipal of tlio Enid, Oklu., schools. He
came north to cool on".
Davo Ktiley and wife left Tuesday
morning for an extended outing.
They will take in the Seattle exposi
tion and points in California and Can
nda before returning home.
Dr. Wlntorson pliyslcla'n and sur
geon. Ofllco in front rooms over Dr.
Cook's drug store. Removed from Dr.
Raino's oillce, Potter Block. Both
phones Bell Rod 13. Independ. Ml.
Friends of Miss Alice Pope were
vory mucn pleased when she appeared
on our streets last Saturday. She
underwent a dangerous operation in
the St. Joseph hospital in Chioago re
cently and lias fully rcoovoiod.
Xorris Waldo, the soven months old
twin son or Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Waldo
died at their home in Inavtile, on Satur
day and interment took place In the
Rod Cloud cemetery on Sunday. They
have tho sympathy of their many
friends in their nllllction.
(iet DcWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel
Salve when you ask for it. There aro
a great many Imitations, but there is
just one original. This salve is good
for nnythlug whero a salvo is needed
to be used, but it is especially good
for Piles Sold by all druggists.
REDFERN Whalebone
Dlrectolre Mldle 39 is moderately short and full
abova the waist, but has tho vory long skirt, fully
encasing the hips, suppressing their fullness and
producing tho straight hip line. Designed for
rather short, full forms. An addition to this
model that adds to its comfort and llting beauty
Is found in the
SECURITY Rubber Button Hose
rust proof, of which aro accurately placed
uytne designer ol llieso models at ft out nnd side
Model 30-Whltc Batiste. White Coutlllc
PRICE 51.00 to $5,00 '
Same Pattern In delicate White FKturul Rrechc.
PRIIE 51 00 to $5 00
Red Cloud Chautauqua
Au4ust t0 j5,,.
MH.uii. f... the i lnef
Jviu-xiN a lli.dus ooiiti actors for
p'iistoiing, brick and OTinenl block
work, flotie In workman like milliner, i
All work gii'irHitteeri. I.eue ordeis
at .si Mint Bison. '
Dnmeirat County Ccnuiitlen
A delegate enmity mm tuition
Doinociut voids oi Webster Counlv is
hereby called to assemble nt the Court
llotist- on July 17th. I Win at !::!() p. m.
The business to enino before said
convent ion will be I ho election of dole
gates to the Slate Coinentlon, the
election of County Committee and for
the transaction of such other business
us may propel ly come before the con
vention Bach voting precinct i entitled to
the niim'iu of delegates as follows:
liui o Hook f. Beaver Creek I, Still
water ., Oak Clock H. (iurflelri 1. Plea
ant lllll 7, Llm livek It. Potsdam I'.i.
Lino .'. Red loud !, IS.itin .., (ilenwood
12, Walnut Crock '.. Inaalo7, Cnther
ton 0, Haimoiiy s, Re I Cloud city 1st
ward !'. '.Mid ward 12. By order of
County Contuil Committee
There will be a Democratic Caucus
held at the Dcidtich building in 1st
Ward, on Thursday evening, July lDth
at 8 p. in., to nominate delegates to
the County Convention and transact
such other business as may bo neces
sary. Lot nil Democrats in First Ward
como. W. M. MACKIE,
Tho First Ward Caucus of the Poo
pies1 Independent Party will moot at
tho building of H. Dledrich on Thurs
day evening, July Kith at 8 p. in., to
nominate delegates to the County Con
vention and transact tiny other neces
sary business. A good turn out is do
sired. By order of Committee.
Ilea! Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by Iho Fort Ab
struct Co. for the wool; eliding
nesday, July II. limn.
Mute of Nebraska to Sarah R.
Zoigler, e , no l..-2 H, deed . . .
Christian Fussier to John F.
Sti color, lot 1 !, Illk. Ill, Blue
Hill, iied
Hdward P. Kellogg to A. X.
Delph, so ll-a-11, wd
Mattio M. Wioderaenders to
Hugh W. Gulllford. lots 2.1, 21,
Blk. :t. lots l.'l. II, Illk Vi, lots
III, 11, 17, 18. Blk. l.l, Rail
Road Add to Red Cloud, lots
.'I, I, Blk. 1, Kaley : Jackson's
add to Red Cloud, lots3, J, 5,0,
Oto 17, Blk. .'!, Garber's 2nd
Add to Red Cloud, wd
William II Thomas Jr. to Joseph
Kudrna, wl, so 21-a-ll, wd....
Joseph Kudrna to George Kudi ua
xvl4, se 21-3-1 1 , wd
William F. McFarland to Jason
C. Shuck, so 2IM 1), wd
Mortgages tiled, 130:,0.()0.
Mortgages released 823RO.O0.
Thanks the Farmer
That Omaha recognises whero Its
prosperity comes from is shown by an
Otnuliu writer who has a long ntticlo
in The Van Norden Magazine for July,
discussing tho growth of western
cities and holding Omaha upnsa typo
Tho writer is known to bo in close
personal touch with tho business men
of Omaha ami has this to say as to
why tho city is doing such a tteinend
ous business and erecting so many
buildings costing from $200,000 to ,
000,000. "Successful years In the Industry of
farming has incrcasod the purchasing
power of a vast number whose homos
are scattered over Iowa, Nebraska,
tho Dakotas, Kansas, Colorado nnd
Wyoming. Through this increase in
the ability to buy goods, the prosperi
ty of the rural districts made itself
felt and presented to omployers a
commercial motive to employ labor
vnd capital in producing goods which
the farmers domiiud.
"Omuha is a great city because of
the men who are making tho farms of
the West pay dividends; tho Intelli
gent young men who are rushing iuto
the corn fields Instead of into tho pro
fessions, who arc essential to the elas
ticity of commercial domand and
whoso prosperity means a rleo in tho
standard of living.
Trade Marks
Anronnnnmllnc n iltptcli ami description mny
qui ily narcrliilu o:ir oi'liinn freo whether m
i veiitlmi Hr)linlil'iiil('iiiHhln. Pftnimuiiirn
not i t rlctly f jiitldciitliil. HANDBOOK cnl'numU
t it frcit, Old'it (p'ii r forauur i Uoi'U.
I' -mis tiiken ti.nuitli Muiiii a C r "( ve
tpt mill (i ', n l limit clinrco, tilth
Scientific Jiiiiericaj
t ntiil "! 'It tPiUMtcd wrcklr I.r-'ei r-
ii hi i t iiuv ci"i ill nifiiul. 'I'irins. (ft a
r tmrtin t'lititl. fculd byiill m wsilHHlnri'
Drench i 'It" n. tM V KU Wiulilumuti. U. C.
carrier nil imitc it.
) Weeli s tlt'llt loll.
uii".Vin a 1
letter list.
List of le'ten unnainliiK uncalled
f.u tit postulll.- nf Red Cloud, !'d).
for tli wick ciidititf July. : IIM'
Mrs. Frank rililey. Rev. I-1 M. lln
cui, R. W. Ir-ntu''), Peter Jtliw n and
Charlie Wood.
TIip'o will b nnt to Hip dead lotti r
, oillce July -.2 I'JO'.i, If nmmllid for
.before. When culling fm tbnoionM
my "(invert im (i
T C. II tsni, tWmnler '
I. 0 0. l: nstull.ltioil
The now oiliocis of the Tildoppiidoul
Ouler ol Odd Follows are:
Joseph C. Su,lor, Noble ('rami.
I'd u nl Ittuisou Vice CiiiHid.
Oscar C. Tool. Seerotnry.
Ulmer W l:n. Treasurer.
Tod 1 Ian W. i;t sup. K. (?.
Irving ( iiiiuning, I Sup. N. G,
A. D. Won I. rlv, Warden.
John WooMioi.Kt. Hup. V. (.
(loo. P. Johuioii. L. Slip. v. n.
Charles B. II T.o. Inside (i.
Fiutik ll isnii, (intnldo G. t !. llMiichoy. Chnpllti
Kiohiti'd Ibiw. n U. Roeno Sup.
C.Glltliej I, ScctlP Slip.
J. C. sailor (ioo. W. lluU'hisou and
Paul Stoioy. Trustees.
Bl-oiiniiil lopoit shows the Lodge in
ii most prosperous condition, In every
Peoples' Independent State Convention-
A delegate state convention and con
ference of the People's Independent
party voters of the state of Nebraska,
Is hereby called to assemblo in the city
of Lincoln, on Tuesday, July 27th,
l'.)01, at 2 o'clock p. m., in acourdance
with tho election laws of tho stato as
enacted by the legislaturo of 1000.
The business to come before' stud con
vention will bo tho adoption of such
platfoi in of principles and resolutions
as may be decided upon by a majority
of the oomontinii uud the election of
a now state ami omigHossioiuil commit
tee, also thi' transaction of sueh othoi
business as m.iy pioperly oonio boloio
the convention.
Much county in the stato is entitled
to one delegate in tho convention and
It b recommended that in sueh coun
ties as have not culled county conven
tions, oi where there is no legulur or
ganintion, that Hie Peoples' Inde
pendent paity voters meet In their
county scat on Satuiday. July Mth,
elect n delegate to (he state comen-
tion and perfect a peiinnnont organ
ization In case a county Is not represented
by a regularly elected delegate, any
Peoples' Independent party voter
from said county Is extended an invi
tation to attend the stato convention
and participate in the deliberations of
thnt body.
Lincoln, Nebr., July 12th, 1!)0D.
K. A. Wamiaiii, C. II. M sri:i.,
Secretary Chairman,
The Deadly Mosquito-
Well may the thin-skinned raco of
man shudder and ko wan as that shrill
and triumphant war-cry, strikes the
enlightened ear. It means war, pesti
lence and famine: it heralds tho on
slaught of an inconceivable, host,
armed with poisoned arrows; It is tho
rallying cry of u merciless and malig
nant horde, which slays and spares
not neither the nursing mother, nor
the babe in her arms. Insomnia,
blood-poison, malaria, elephantiasis,
yellow fover tuo its nllips: swarming
in their billons, its warriors have
stopped tlio progress of agriculture,
depopulated whole great regions,
ruined nations, overthrown the Bonian
Bmpire. In the diked States alone,
the death-roll of this Insect army is
greater than that of the Civil War.
Kirst and for centuries the mosquito
was merely a nuisance. Fat-witted
man, sitting on the front-stoop of cliff-and-cave-dwelling,
watled-liut and
marble palace, of a summer evening,
has cried "Ouch!" smote himsolf sore
ly and jibbered that immemorial bro
uiidian: "Well, he won't bltoauybody
else, anyhow."
Then the thin detcctivos of science,
spying through thick glasses, risking
and losing their own lives In the dan
gerous work, verified, at last, long
harbored suspicions and brought homo
to the mosquito the certain proof of
his crimes. Through the winged snake
of HorodotiiK, and in no other way,
whatsoever, are malaria, yellow fovor
and a number of other diseases com
municated to man. Tho pest becomes
n pestilence; the nuisauce a flying
scourge of the world From "Tiny
Scourge of tho World," in tlio August
Technical World Magazine.
Base Ball!
Red Cloud,
jSJLY id, 20 and 2fsf.
ESedCtoiu. vs. FficiuJ.
' 3VW 22, 23 and 24(1?.
Don't frri away
your energy in Cloth
cs, thai keep you
tacky with iprcspir
ation. YV art; showing
Suits of Suinmor fa
brics that are very
refreshing to look at,
and more so to wear.
Serges In Blue Grays
Browns -Olhos. In plain
and funev fabrics. Flan
nels and Homespuns in a
vailoly (d pat terns.
Two or Throe Piece Slyloi,
w III, hcci ou prefer
57.50, $80.00,
$12.00 to 25.00
Cool Hats, Cool Shirts, Cool Underwear,
Cool I losiery and Cool Toggery of all sorts
in styles that are different.
Everything that's new and smart, and all
at cooling prices.
Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
d Always Reliable
rurniture, Carpets
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion
If you Suffer from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas on
the Stomach, Belching, Sour Stomach, Heart-burn,
etc., a little Kodol will Relieve you almost Instantly
Kodol supplies tho same digest I vo
Juices that arc found In a. healthy
fctomach. Being a liquid, 11 blurts
digestion at once.
Kodol not only digests your food,
but helps jou enjoy every mouthful
you eat.
You need a sufficient amount of
good, wholesome food to maintain
btrength and health.
But, this food must bo digested
thoroughly, otherwise the pains of
indigestion and dyspepsia are the
When your stomach cannotdo Its
work properly, take something to
help your stomach. Kodol Is tho
only thing that will give tho stom
ach complete rest.
Why? Because Kodol docs tho
same w ork as a strong stomach, and
does It in a natural uuy.
T tin Crtam Pricrs.
I hnvo inndo Arriingonients with my
Coiupimy to pay Casli for Cream to any
one that wants ensli. I will receive
ereiun nnd pay for it as 1 have hero
lo fore. ii:o Think. Local Agout.
Mun.iin is iron' t r niiv U.-.l ..f
I'lles M Viiii 11 ,li niuM i n euutes
, a iioiinul eireiilntloii, tluis loduuliijf
tlio Pllos. nnd heal Mio parts all'oeted.
MunZan muy ho couvonieiitly uud
eiislly applied, lis the lube in which it
is put up luu a hinall, patent iiozkIo at
tached Sold by Henry Cook.
COM t .h i
- -r..
First Door North of Postofficc
So. don't neglect your stomach.
Don't become a chronic dyspeptic.
Keep your stomach healthy and.
strong by taking a little Kodol.
You don't have -to take Kodol all
the time. You only tako It when
you need it.
Kodol is perfectly harmless.
Our Guarantee
do to your (IruRglut today and get a dol
lar bottle. Then after you buveuscd tha
entire contents of tlio bottle. If you can
honestly nay that It haa notdonoyouanr
pood, return tho bottle to tho drugglstana
he will refund vour roonov wlthoutaue.
tton or dolay. Wo will then pay tho drug-
Don't hesitate, all dniealst knot
il,... -.. ! " . ' T" mYT" i" ."
umtuur Kuurunutois goou. JUiBuneru
Filleu to the largo bottloonly and to but ot
n a family. Tlio largo bottlo contains C
times as much as tho fifty cent bottle
Kodol is propnrcd nt tho laborator
ies of E, C. Do Witt & Co., Chicago.
a Da vs.
Morton I. Hill, of Lebanon, Iml,,
says: "My wife had Inflammatory
lllttuiuiitUiu in every inuselfiif' ' i(,t;
her sulUrlng wif " I i mly
unit fne ' i liiiul in .i i-fi tvooUs
an l liiuUiglit phv-ieiiit.. uit i. t-iyitd
no beiulit Mnilaliv ti'iutljDr. Di'tuhou's
Relief lor ISheutuuthui. it gave her
iiumediato relief and she wa.s able to
walk about in three diiyn. r mu sure it
saved her life." Sold by Tho II. K,
(Jrice l)i ug ?u , Itod Cloud, Nebr.
M,l m i
f M-- I
- WWfl
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mMll'.M iW'UWWHjr5jWP"