I I' M I p . mi t h 14 u i I i P 13he CHIEF Rod Cloud - - NobrRHkiv PUBLISHED KVBKV TIIUHHUAY. gulored In the Postotllir t HtM ('loiiiLXuti., second (IveMMlor 0 It. 1IALK Ptlii.isiir.K TUP. ONLY HHMOCIIATH' VVV. IN Wl'.UHTKlt.COl'NTY City Officers. Msjor iJlpik - Ticnnrer - . Cdlll'Clllllt'l!, lit wnlil t'ounclliuvii Stitl until... i:icetrle Unlit A wnlirCoiii Mnrrluil.iliir MnrMml, nlKhl .suti.scrllic for the I'lile ...c. II. roller o. c. Tci'l .. .i.o jimier liny (milium Kll PlllkllilllT ...I, A. McArihur .1. II. linlley ,ii. . Humes .. .K. M. tt t tl Joint KIiim'I Political Advertising The columns if the Clin i ftio open for legitimate advertisements of nil kinds. Candidates. rpjfiirlli--sor party tlililllll loll, air V tin mi" t Use tlil'M' column. Pi ice of announcement IfUW. I.it ivc forget llin days- mio gretliujr horlei' Occiimi njilly nc notice telilll tied In tl c In citing mulm for lioius nt u time without fooil or dilnk and wo wiuielnr tvlm' hind nf owner tlu-y lutvo. Did you ever think, kind sir, of I ho work ynur Imifeijois for you for lilt krupV Dnii't you kn6w thai Micro dn.s aie liol mid jemr liorwt (lul tlilrsly tho same, another nnimalu molitd ik your ni'lf? How would von like to lie tied up to the racks In (lie dolling hot sun for mx or cljflii hours at ti stretch witliout ti drop of wiilcr? Wo ought to Imvo u mioioty lor the ptoti'i'.tion of dumb niiinuils iilid ovary owner who neglects his horno should receive u jail sentence. Kolt siniuiir. I herebt announce myNclf n eiindl diitc for the nomination of sheiill" of Webster county subject to tho will oi llio Democrat ami Peoples Independent electors ut the 1'rimary election Aug. 17th., li0l, and most rcHpeclfully solicit your support. 'K W. Con.ux l'OU SIIKKH'T. We nr Authorized to nuouuee that Win. Klrkputrlck will he a. cundidtite for tho nominee of Sheriff by the Democrat nnd Peoples Independent parties at Primary election August 17th 11)0(1. Now that the law governing tho press icgai ding non-partisan candi dates bus been declined nncunstltii MoiiiiI. Wo are pleaded to say u few wonts in behalf of Miss Mabel Day who aspire h to the ollloo of County Jsuperiiitciident. Miss Day Ins been successfully run iii ctcd with our public school system etery since sho cotnplelcd the full course of slmly in our high school In I MHJ Mio has had experience in the couiitiy schools, and in Cowics. llluo Hill mid lied Cloud. She has made good in every position and wo unhesi tatingly recommend her to (he Demo cratic, voters of Webster county. She is worthy of your full support and would make an excellent superintendent. FOR TKEASUUKK. v0 bnvo been Authorized to an nouncojthe Candidacy or W. 11. Cramer, for tho oflleo of County Treasurer, htibjcet to'..the will of the Democrat nud Peoples Independent parties a( the prinmry election August 17th. l!K)!). l'OU TUr.ASl'UHl!. Wo have been. Autlioii.ed to An nounce the I'BHilidacy of U. W. Kooiitz for tho otllco of County Ticasuror, subject to tlie will or Kcpublican voters to.be expressed at tho primary election Auglst (7(li. 1SKW. Foil TKKASCHHU. 1 will be a.Candidate for Treasurer of Webster County Nebraska, subject to the will of the P.cpiiblieiui Hleetors nt tho Primary election August I7tli 11)011. Uespcctfiilly. .1. F. CliiMi.s. "Hill TU H A Si U Kll . Wo are authoritd to announce the name uf Dr. It. F. Uaincs as a candi date, for the nomination for the olllco of Treasurer ofjWebster County, sub ject to the will of the Republican electors at the prinmry election to be held August 17, lDo'.l. FlUlTKBASrUKK. We have been Authorized to an nounce the name of O. A. Arnold, of llluo IIill,'tfor nomination of County Treasurer, subject to the will of the Democrat and Peoples Independent voters at the Primary election August 17th, WW. We eatinot understand why the public drinking fountain on the corner is not cpnuected up with tho city water. This fountain was purchased and paid for and presented to tho city with the distinct understanding that It would be kept full of water. It is certainly a very useful article and a tiod send to many a horse and dog. Tho amount of water tho fountain takes is very small and (he cost of keeping it running is comparatively nothing. Negligence 'eeins to bo (ho cause of its uon uso and wo would sug gest that it bo connected up witliout further delay. Jf it was a good tiling for the city when it was installed it is a good thing yet. Myall means let us uso the fountain. COl'NTY CLI'.KK. 1 heieby announce myself asa candi date for re-election as county clerk, on tho republican ticket, subject to tho decision of the voters at the primary election to bo held August 17th. WOu. . W. Ross. Witli lings selling at SS.O:. in Chicago every grunt is a sign of enjoyment. Kdward P Weston is unquestionably tho greatest living athlete, lie is 72 years of age and has walked from N V. to Sun Francisco in 100 days, a dist ance of -10,000 miles. This is an avor ago of (0 miles per day. Ho finished in splendid condition and referred to tho trip as a Jaunt. Work on the Lincoln school is pio grossing rapidly of late it being now story high. Nearly all the material is now mi tho grounds and an increase of workman, has been added so that there will be no further delays. Tho niaiiv days of mill have seriously re tarded the building but the optomisU arc hopeful that tlie period of excess ive rain in past and will luterfer no longer. At the Washington school the addi tion is progressing rapidly under tho olllcient supervision of 1 W. Stude baker. Tho stone from tlie foundation of the old south ward building is be ing used, likewiso tho brick and lum ber so that practically no material will have to he purchased for the addi tion. This building will unquestion ably be ready for school uso Sept. 0th If every farmer would take tho siinie pains with the roads along his farm as C. .1. I'lutt does ho would greatly ad vuuee the price of his land besides lmvliig the U6e of a gJ6ll road. An at tractive farm is always in domain! and mauy a buyer estimates tho value of a farm by its physical appearance. Under the protecting care of Uro. Hale of tho Red Cloud Chief, and tlie courtesies extended us by him in en abling us to get into tho grounds we were a spectator Monday of tlie Red Cloud Hebron ball game. Wftile Red Cloud was ten to one too much for the visitois, still wo enjoyed see ing old friend Muck Mcltzer play his usual star game at thud, ami seeing Clogg. who used to sell prunes in our town up west pitch tho game with his old time ginger. Fugato and Masters have been before the writers eye so long up west, that they too are the re cipients of our admiration, and itiuude iu live over some of tho old games of the past to seo this quartette of short grass ball player.s spread themselvos over the lied Cloud diamond. Red Cloud without doubt has the best ball team outside of Omaha and Lincoln in tlie state. Riverton Review. Till! Witter Cut Stioil 'Clio water supply question is nen'ii aggitiiting discussion. This water pic Idem is as regular in its iippeiirniic us the Reasons. Various attempt hare Ix-eu innde to provide- water sup ply sulllcleii! for our needs but it Renins that they bavo all resultod in failure. Wo fully agreu with tho Com Ad. and tho Argils when theyadvocnto prudence In spending the money of tho city. We have had-tno many experiment which appealed to be a sure solution of Iho problem but ufter exhausting the treasury tluho oxperlinoiits have vanished like mist before u morning sun. After spending thousands of dollars wo uro but little better oil' Ihiin we were years ago and were it not for the tiiiny season tho city would now sillier for water Wo believe (hat (heio is a strong sentiment against Iho expenditure of more funds for water unless there is ut least a probibifily of securing water. Wo all may have our theories but theories have been tried before and the end disasleroiis. One thing i- uvy strange and that is practically every eltizHii can tell yon whero tlie water is or ought to be but you do not hear the well men say anything and they are tho fellows that are in tlie business. If another ditch is to be dug by all means llnd the water (list. This could bo easily done by inexpensive tests and when a body of water is found thou it is timo enough to putinunoth or ditch. I lower the time to test is not now becauso all thb bottom is at present full of water. The timo to test is during a dry spell when thesur face water has been expended. A comparatively inexpensive and at the sumo liino sure means of supply is to replace- tho dam which was washed away this spring. This should be of a more permanent character than the other one and should present a more cleanly appearance I he effect of this dam is to keep the bottom full of water which filters thru the sand and gravel and enters tho wells at the pumping station. That method bus proven itsi-lf successful and when the dam was in wm had plenty of good pure water. Tliis would be the cheapest method and as practical p'uhupa us any. Another method of solving this question is to ad voi Use for bids for a deep well. The purest water is down (loop in (ho earth and if we had a well 800 or a 1000 feet deep tho water ques tion would be set I led for all time to come. This might cost i'.'.'uu but that ought not to scare a people that has spout double that and more experi menting. This latter method would transfer tho question to the well men and wo believe that they arc the ones that know much about it anyway. The city should advertise for bids for pure deep well water, tested sulllolently, no water no paj. .Men in tho business can bo found who will bo willing to undertake to furnish water and at no expense to tho city unless a satisfact ory (low of water is found. Ity all means let us stop this leak in tho lliiaucial affairs of our city. No more money for experiments but plonty for improvements. The people williuirly pay for what they receive but draw the line ,pn maybes and nilghtbes laSzW COMFOftMS TO MAT An Improvement over tunny Com 'I- I 'ini ami ' system of n cold by cft'citf as a satisfaction or money refunded. 'iZJ " w :nal pure roan ado r nliJ r.f;- .-. bs"ue vjy w r' miw w p; w i m a i TUGS tAW. lr fids the FOR SALE AT u .'.( on ' ; (? 0 I v COOK'S D w c!-. No r v..'. "i. ,l,r Mn)lU:l-0. Gtiarnrrr-d to give CUlC-c;t). U.S.A. i SI'OIIH. I so- ga3aigTnf3gsrere i A Point Spoiled. "Why," shouted tho orator, pointing to tho national ensign, "why, I ask you, (loos that (lag hang there? I repeat, what Is tho reason that that Hag Is displayed upon tlieso walls?" As an answer seemed to bo ex pected, tho jnnitor rose uneasily and explained: "Tho fact is, they wouldn't let mo drlvo nails anywhero else for fear of cracking tho plaster." Three cheers for Superior. They have organized n first class ball club and they are confident that this timo they have a team that will wallop the Hod Cloud boys. Superior people are to be congratulated on their enterprise but we warn them that they must luivo tbolr host with them nil the time if they show our boys the mysteries of tho diamond. Now for a lot of good natured fun. Greek meets Greek. Earl Ymiijliu. editor of the 'Ksbon Times" will hereafter make no rash promises. Week before htht he pro mised a bettor edition but Monday was tho 1(1), his compositor quit Tues day, the rain leaked in on his paper Wednesday, the ink molted Thursday and he nearly died gottintf the paper out Friday. What really hurts Uro. "Vaughn Is being caught rod handed when editors iu a clks enjoy an unvi able reputation of tiuth and vcuibit.u Ho won't do It any nn,rc. Make war on tho house lly. The popular idea that the (ly is a useful scavmiger is entirely erroneous as has been conclusively shown by many ex periments. Feeding ns they do upon oxerementitious matter thoy carry disease with them wherever they go. The next time a (ly 'bites" you just think of the possibility of his leaving u germ or two in your blood to develop later, .lust as mosquitoes transmit malaria so does tho houso fly transmit typhoid fever and plaguo. Flies usually lay their eggs iu horse manure aud these eggs hatch in from six to eight hours and iu about lOdays are full Hedged tiles. A dozen gener ations may bo born in a single season As each lly deposits about 1-0 eggs tho possibility of their multiplication is apparent. Tho best wav to be rid of iho lly Is to kill tho eggs Those are to be found iu (lie fall iu manure heaps or decayed vegetable etc. We always did dislike tho lly and are de lighted In know (hat they lender tho human ruco no seivlee whatever. As a manor oi nu i mi y tuc mu; or our grcnU t enemies. She Was Next. Him I was reading In tho paper to day whero ono of theBo food' cranks says that a couple can live comforta bly on threo dollars a week. Do you think that possible? Her No, Archibald, I do not. But I'll be a sister to you. CATARRH J&m . . ftrnitm SWEfW W-EEVER mm -& w$ & Uni hi th ess you nave seen tne finished composition, you can have no idea of the beauty oi nenness and i Suesine Silk 45c. yd flWhen made into a wed ding gown, dance dress or party frock. CJAlways with the name SUESINE SILK marked plainly on the edge of every yard of the genuine. F. NEWHOUSE RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. g&gTOKK3Ua2Z5E2 iwrwyyacT.y; ir-R-n ai.'ZL,r:ir..!&znr7r?vwiv 1 ZEJZ3x3X3sEa l 10 A.M. 11 A.M. 12 M. Church Services. limits, in' hi:uvui: at m. i:. ciuiti u s viiii.v ru sinivu Ks. Sunday Selioul I'ri-aclilnu Class inectlin; KVI'.SINO i:pvort!i league Pri'iu'lilni; Prayer meetliiK Wedncsdny cvciiIiikHI'.M. Ladles Aid I'rldny -1'. M. I Your presence Is requested and a cordial ' Invitation is extended to all. I M. T. SriKt'i.Kii Pastor. 7 1', 8 1V M. ' M. , uouits of sKitvin: at conoukoa- TIONALCIIUIICIL SAllllATlI SEItVICKI. l'reaeliliiK 10:15 a. in. Itlble school 12 in. Preaching hervlies 8 ji. m. Prnycr and Contcrenco nieetim; Wednes day at 8 p. in. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. Itr.v. A. A. Ciikssman Pastor. liH.UT. (KPIS.roPAL) CltUHCIl Itev. J. M! Ilntts, Piihtor; Sen lee the llrsl two Sundays In each mouth. Holy Ciiuiiiiunlou at inorulim i-ervlns on the IH-ht Siindii. stuuliU Mhirtilai 12 o'clock. (Virj suuilti. Mr 1 II. siimii suirlutuidint. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM C1fir.fi md lutlfiei tlie httr. I'roniuttf a luiurianl ftrowth. Never Fu to Reitoro Ory llntr to its Youthful Co)pr. Cure, .calp dii-i h.lr fUUnf. nd IUC.I llruqrfiU) 8 to see of his Stf Game Ttepeatim Wfles big flnMlllfn I Kiln EARLY RISERS elTb! ELY'S CKA!V3 BALftM Suro to Clvo Sutlsfnctlon. OIVCS RELICF AT OKCC. It rlenr, roc ' i I; t. m tl o (ll-c.isi il i . i . i 1 1 i u rh ami ib 1..- . . ' ' ''i' '!-b. Itestoti - i1 . S. '1 nl Si. ell, J'.iisv to lit". C'.uitji.i nu inliiri. us ib ''' Api'licd into the ie .niU uul til i rind. Tiii Huj, 50 etiit at DruUts or l.y imil. I. i;, Oriiuu Dului for u- iu atoiu..i '-. V'l ru.ii. BROTHERS. EG Wirron St.. Now Yoik. Tho great thing In ' game rllleolnsureness woik under all conditlonc Zlartut rifles are built with this idea foremost. The mechanUm li simple. tronc, per fectly adjuitcd, quick and easy In operation, Tc 777aiT&t eolldtopond clde elector keep b protecinir wall of metal between your head ana the cartridge, prevent powder nnd caees blowing back, throw the elielle aw from you nnd ullow Inetant, accurate, etfectlve repeat shots. The Special Smoketeat Steal barrels ore hard and stroiic, specially in nil e for high power carlridues and tu resist the wear of Jacketed bullets, They are rilled deep on the DnlUrd eysttm lor crectcst accuracy ana Kiuinn pswer. LT.frww Wfndln T.Tnilla '01 find VI, calibres .25 to AS. and fully drscrlhed and Uluolrnted (vith oil other JSCcnfcj re ptnterb) In cur 1j5 l.dt,c catftloK. Frra far 3 btam.-ns icctace. ?)e??2Gefinfir&aj:'Zs Cb.t m : Viiigw btreci. iitw unvt.n, uunn. wssvcMisa-ssc OME years ago a famous specialist and expert in nervous diseases made some experiments what effect clothes had on the minds subject. He found that badly fitting or shabby clothes were more or less depressing; that if he put a man into good clothes, well-fitting, good style, of good quality, the whole man was "toned up;" felt better, worth more to himself, to his work, to the community. It was clearly proved that clothes are an intellectual and moral force. In that case, just think how much the general level of any community is affected and improv ed by such clothes as these Hart Schaffner & Marx suits we're selling. You may not have realized it before, but this store is doing this town a lot of good by bringing such clothes here. Suits $ 1 8 to $40 PAUL STOREY THE CLOTHIER 4falfWiiiuVltuVuVUiUibtlrUcTTUiUib SAY, niSTERl Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your UuildliiK Ma terlal and Coal at ouryards? Not only that our iuicos. aveiuoe lower, or at least as low, as thoso of our oomnetit ors, but because wo tnko ospoclal care of and protoot all can bo classed as tt R (iULAK C U S T O M H R S . PL ATT & FRBBS CO. Coat. Lumber. - A V "'