The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 15, 1909, Image 2

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    Tf "H
Python Compelled to Swallow
Gallon of Milk Punch.
Cincinnati Zoo Keepers Hold Twenty
Three-Foot Reptile While Liquid
Is Poured Down Its
Cincinnati, O. The 23-fnot python
In the zoological garden lought with
nil Ub might against swallowing n
gallon of milk punch. It took six men
to forco n dozen eggs, beaten In u
gallon of milk, down tho python's
The python, which onco lurked In n
South American Jungle, weighs 225
pounds when It Ih In good health. Rut
la has been "ort Its feed" for three
mcititliH, had lost strength nnd flesh,
nnd weighs about 170 pounds now
Superintendent Hoi Stephnn of the zoo
lias been templing tho hlg snake's tip
pot lie with delicate nits, Inviting
guinea pigs and tender live chickens.
Hut tho Hiinko would have none of
them. So Stephan determined to lead
tho python to dinner and make It
eat, too
The superintendent called In five
keepers to holp hlm give his guest
Homo nourishing liquid food.
"What you want to do," Stephan
Instructed tho keepers Impressively,
"Is to keep the snake stretched at full
length. Oral) It and keep It taut from
liead to tall. If It colls mound ono of
you well, you will know how a girl
fcols whon her corsets mo too light."
Whon tho keepers tiptoed Into Its
cage the python lay uncoiled and half
dormant. Tho keepers distributed
thcmsolves along and nt the word
selred It simultaneously at tho neck,
nt the middle, at tho (all. and Instant
ly Btrnlghtenod It. Tho snako nwoko
with a start nnd began to light, con
tracting Its length, trying to kink
Itself In a loop, twisting, turning,
struggling. It released Its tall and
dealt Keeper Meyer a hard blow on
the chest. Hut ho gabbed tho tnll's
tip again, nnd with all his strnegth
held it to tho floor.
Tho keepers nearest the python's
head started from the cage with It,
and, under the circumstances, the
i est of tho snake had to go along.
They cnrrled It 100 feet and held It
down on cloths on the i ward While
It continued to light Stephan pried
open Its Jaws with n bar of wood.
Tho snake mado earnest efforts to
drag In the bar with throat muscles
nnd teeth, which curve Inward. Hut
Stephan held on to the bar and slid
In the python's month most of a three
foot section of Iron gnu pipe, which
it vainly tried to swallow, too.
The nouilshing milk punch wns In
a wntcHng pot Stephan slowly
poured It down tho ga3 pipe. Tho first
half pint gave (he python a sensation
so surpiislng that it fought more furi
ously than ever, and, sick ns it was,
showed tremendous power Hut after
thai it seemed to take kindly to the
milk punch and Iny quiet during the
half hour It took to udmtnlster the
long drink. ,
After the gallon of punch had per
m$m$& RZ Sfa?? 8kS JpiXlfl. m
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BBh'"f! sbiiHHbSjB 77u?iib 8KfiKHl4B S HBT i 1 fHHHHkffiHIni - iv Bn
Biww.i HHHHeSB ft-wL., BBfcaSH Sflt i tBHHryt fC?" IH
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ilg" jHOEiiH -11 'T i li . -Pl ,.,!. BBQS w
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flCwcF-lr :. M$S 8ggglgE2as I
I'liut'i j Wal.lon iawtett.
Residence of Georg; W. Wickers
ui&kb, at Washington. ,
colated into its midst the python
seemed sleepy, nnd was replaced In
Its cage without difficulty Tho python
will be fed artificially agnln In n few
days; the superintendent expects Its
appetite will retain gradually.
Physician Exposes Arm to Infection In
Order to Determine Naturo
of Disease.
Philadelphia. l"or tho sake of medi
cal science and to determine the na
ture of the "straw" disease, which was
dlHcoveied several weeks ago among
sailors of P. A. H. Wldener's yacht Jo
sephine oiid othor hnrbor craft, Dr.
Joseph (loldberger, an attache of tho
local marine hospital service, has gone
to Washington with his arm a mnss of
blisters and small pimples that tho sci
entists there may study tho strange
Dr. Coldherger was assisted In his
experiment by Dr. .lay F. Shnmberg of
tho Hospital for Contagious Diseases,
who' wns Inoculated with virus of Dr.
(Joldberger's arm.
From the time tho disease waB first
repotted tho go eminent, Btato nnd
city authorities have been Interested
In It. In view of the fact that many
cases of It have been treated as hives,
the physicians believe thero are many
enses that have not been reported.
Whether tho disease Is duo to n
fungoid or other vegetable germ Is un
Although 112 Years Old, She Lives
Alone, Nine Miles from Her
Dclmnr, Del. The eldest woman on
the peninsula embracing Delaware
and the eastern shore of Maryland
nnd Virginia is a icsidcnt of Delmar.
Sho lives In n house by herself. She
Is Mrs. Hester Cordroy, aged 112
years, having been born on a farm
nine miles enstof Dolmar on February
12, 17U7. The most remarkablo part
of it all Is that this woman actually
cultivates two largo gardens adjoin
ing her homo nnd sells the products.
Sho uses a hoe in helping along the
growth of potatoes, corn, onions, etc.,
and, wheu'she becomes tired, she gets
a large spoon from her kitchen and
utilizes it while crawling down the
rows of plants.
Mis. Coidroy, who Is n familiar fig
ure to all of the residents of Delmar
and vicinity, has ten great-grandchildren.
Upon tho death of her second
husband, 43 years ago, sho built n
homo In Delmar on n lot which she
bought for $75. This site Is now
worth $1,000. This hns slnco been
her homo, despite the attempts of her
grandchild' cu and great-grandchildren
to dlbsuado her from living alone.
"Aunt Hester," as Mfs. Cordroy Is
known, was the youngest child of
Hamilton Neal, n wealthy farmer
When 11 yems old her mother died,
leaving her and her father to run tho
ham, Attorney General of tho United
" "1
known. All that Is definitely known of
the strnngo malady Is that a number
of sailors were nlfllcted with It aftor
having slept on new straw mattresses.
Dr Ooldberger bnred his arm for sev
oral hours and placed it between two
mattresses which were suspected of
being Infected. In the course of a few ,
days his case developed nnd he estab
lished Its existence In tho mattresses. I
Dr. Shnmberg determined to go m
step further to ascertain whether tho
disease was contagious, Dr. Goldberg
er willingly bared his arm again while
Dr. Shnmberg opened ono of tho '
vesicles, thus Inoculating himself. I
Whllo Dr. Ooldberger Is having the I
government authorities study his arm ,
Dr. Shamberg Js studying himself.
Hundred Thousand Persons, Resi
dents of Cities, Suffer from
Nervous Disease.
Now York. Moro than 100,000
persons surfer from hay lover
In tho United States, nnd tho
number Ih rapidly Increasing, ac
cording to Dr. W. W. Carter, who
nddressed tho alumni of llollevuo hos
pital. Tho fact that nearly all of the
sufferers from this trouble, which re
curs annually, are residents of cities,
nnd few live on farms, Dr. Carter ex
plained by saying that hay fever sub
jects are of a certain nervous disposi
tion, and that their nervous condition
makes them subject to tho dtsenso.
Tho doctor has found no medlcnl re
lief for the disease, and ho advises
those who cannot change cllmnto dur
ing tho hay fever season to avoid ex
citement and hurry.
farm. Sho had 12 sisters, nil of whom
married enrly In life, nnd two brothors
who weio In the war of 1812.
The oldest woman on tho peninsula
tells gi uplift-ally how sho plowed all
day, when a girl, and then milked
seven cows nftor dnrk. "If the girls
of today would do moro work and
think less of tho parlor," she said,
"they would bo healthier and llvo
Norwood Park Man Who Married
Young, Has Hope of a Still Fur
ther Honor.
Chlcngo. A father at 19, a grand
father at US, nnd a great-grandfather
at 53.
This is tho present record or Georgo
Alfred Fair of Norwood Park, who
helloves that he has few rivals for
tho tltlo of tho youngest great-grandfather
In tho country. Within a few
moro yenrs ho believes ho may claim
still greater distinction. Mr. Fair for
merly wns associated with Will J.
Davis, at tho iiayninrket and Colum
bus theaters. Ho now Is engnged in
tho advertising business. Ho was
born In Ipswich, Kngland, in 1854. Ho
worked his way upward in tho the
atrical business and beenmo advance
agent for tho Sawtello Dramatic Com
pany, of- which Miss Melissa Dreslau
was tho star. Tho advanco agent and
the star became close friends, and in
187a they were married, Mr. Fair bo
ing 19 years old and his brido one
year younger.
Kthel, tho youngest of their four
children, wns mnrrled when sho was
IS yeats old, her husband being Harry
Nelson, who lost his llfo In 1S98 In
the Sweet-Wnllach lire, In which 13
other persons uere killed. Tho elder i
daughter of the Nelsons, Miss Melissa,
named after her grandmother, wns
mnrrled in 1908 to J. H. Mlers,
State of Kansas Will Employ No More
Eastern Invalids in Public
Topoka, Kan. County Superintend
ents of western Kansas havo formed a
combine to Insuro tho employment of
all their loral teachers.
Notices are being printed In tho
local papers that, until all local teach
ers aro employed, tho county superin
tendent will not O. K. a certificate
of outsldo tenchors.
Tho action Is taken to shut off tho
Influx ot weak lunged teachers- from
tho east Tho educational authorities
aro working with the stato bonrd of
health to t educe tho numbor of weak
lunged tenchors who como west for
their health and tench Bchool to pay
tholr way.
Turtle Came Back.
York, Pa. Evidence to support tho
belief that a York county land turtlo
will not leave tho spot whoro It Is
captured, If its captor engrnvos his
or her Initials upon Its shell, is pro
duced through n find mado by Mrs. E,
D. Smith of Hrillhnrt's station.
Walking in a field of grnss, she
picked up a healthy looking turtlo,
upon which was Inscribed "J. Z , Juno
12, 1880."
Mrs. Smith recalls distinctly whon
John 'legler did this hit of cnrvlng,
29 years ago, and set tho turtlo freo
at a spot only about 50 foot from
whoro sho found it. Whon sho picked
It up, sho says, tho tuitlo was head
ing for this spot, ns If ashamed to bo
found so tar from homo.
Protect Alaskan Shipping.
Seattle, Wash. Gas light buoys bo
twoen Soattlo and Lynn canal aro sug
gested by Dr Henry S. Prltchott,
chairman of the United States light
houso board, as the best means of
protecting navigators of tho Innor
channels of tho Alaskan coast. Twen
ty buoys, ranging In cost from f 1,500
to fG.000, will be placed.
!; fQfArSTEiP .'; v
HRH 4 1 FLAKES I !;i
f I P , TCA5TTO CORM PfcAKS CO. ." ?.
4 1 U curat CMiK, mich. U ' ,
' "v V J' yt
Jlie Biggest Thing for Breakfast
Kellog-g's Toasted Com Flakes is the "Big Thing" in two-thirds of American Homes. Wc
will have the other third in a very short time. It only requires one taste to make perma
nent Corn Flake caters. Its delicious flavor can't be described. You must try the genuine
Kellogg's to fully know its goodness. Ask your grocer.
$1,000 Solid Gold and Silver Award for the Best Ear of Corn
To be known aa the W. K. Kellogg National Corn Trophy
To be Awarded at the
Look for Mm S S .9
This MjVJ J S S jfjf ff
Do Quiz What's your Idea of tho
difference between optimism and pes
simism? Do Whiz O! the optimist says It Is
prlng when it Isn't and tho pessimist
saya it isn't when It is.
The Same Old John L.
Old John L. Sullivan always had a
flno Irish wit, and It remains with him
in his advanced age. Not long ngo he
was appearing in n Baltimore theater
and tho manager, for business rea
sons, Introduced him to n wealthy
youth of tho town. Tho youth was a
typical chollyboy, tho sort of a speci
men that old John abhors. Sulllvnn
was washing his face in tho theater
dressing room when the two arrived,
and they waited patiently until he had
ilnlBhcd his ablutions. Whon John
hnd dried his countenance ho gave the
dudo ono look, nnd then said to the
manager: "Well, I congratulate you,
Jack, Is it a boy or a girl?"
Royal Great-Great-Grandmother.
Tho birth of a son to tho youthful
duko and duchess of Suderniaula gives
to loyal ICui ope what It has not had
for moro thnn ten years, namely, a
great-great-grandmothor. Tho lady to
whom this honor has come is the
Grand Duchess Constantino Nlcolaie
vltch, who was, before her marriage.
Princess Alexandra of Saxo Altcnburg.
Of a Famous Human Food.
Tho storv of tho creat discoveries
or inventions is always of interest i
An active brain worker who found
himself hampered by lack of bodily '
strength and vlor and could not carry
out tho plans and enterprises ho know
how to conduct, was led to study va
rious foods and tholr offecta upon tho
human system. In" other words, be
fore ho could enrry out his plans ho
had to find a. food that would carry
him along and ronow his physical and
mental strength.
Ho know that a food which was a
brain and nervo bulldei (rather than
a moro fat maker) was universally
needed. Ho knew that meat with tho
average man docs not accomplish tho
desired results. Ho know that tho
soft gray substanco In brain and
norvo centers is mado from Albumen
and Phosphato of Potash obtained
from food. Then ho started to boIvo
tho problom.
Careful and oxtonslvo experiments
ovolvcd Grapo-Nuts, tho now famous
food. It contains tho brain and nerve
building food elements in condition
for ensy digestion.
Tho result of eating Grape-Nuts
daily Is easily seen in a marked sturdl
ness and marked activity of the brain
and nervous system, making it a
ploasuro for ono to carry on tho daily
duties without fatigue or exhaustion.
Grape-Nuts food is in no sense n
stimulant but is simply food which
ronowB nnd replaces tho dally wasto
of brain and nerves.
ItB flavour is charming nnd being
fully nnd thoroughly cooked at tho
factory It Is Borved inBtantly with
Tho slgnaturo of tho brain worker
spoken of, C. W. Post, Is to Do seen on
each genuine packago of Grape-Nuto.
IiOok in pkgs. for tho famous llttlo
book, "Tho Road to WfUvlllo."
"There's a renson."
afimk3mwamsxaMmamMamkoaaamm. v v
..."! ' ,
Watch this paper for further particulars.
Come to Think of It, He Would Have
Felt Funny Sitting In the
Position Indicated.
The family horse, who rejoiced In
the eminently proper equine namo of
Dobbin, had earned a rest by long
service, nnd was accordingly sent
away to the country to spend his de
clining yenrs In the broad pastures of
a farmer friend of his owner. Tho
distance belnu somewhnt excessive
for his rheumatic legs, he was shipped
to his new home by rail.
Little Kdna, the family four-year-old,
viewed tho passing of Dobbin with un
feigned sorrow. Sho sat for a long
time gazing disconsolately out of tho
window. At last, after a deep sigh,
sho turned with a moro cheerful ex
pression, nnd said:
"Did old Dobbin go on tho choo
choo cars, mamma?"
"Yes, dear," answered her mother.
A broad grin spread over tho little
girl's face. "I wns Just thinking." she
said, "how funny ho must feel sitting
up on the plush cushions. Woman's
Homo Companion.
Languor, llstlcssncss, dullness of
spirits aro often duo to kidney disor
ders. Pain and weakness in tho back,
sides and hips, headaches, dizziness,
urinary disorders aro suro signs that
the kidneys need immediate attention.
Delay is dnngerous.
Alonzo Adams, Os
ceola, Iowa, says:
"My kidneys failed
me. I suffered aw
ful pain and was so
weak I could not
work, and often hnd
to tako to bed. I
wns dull and exhausted nearly all tho
time. I consulted doctors and used
medicines, but ouly Doan's Kidney
Pills helped me. Soon I was perma
nently cured."
Remember the namo Doan's. For
sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo., N. Y.
Burning String In the Sick-Room.
Months spent In a sick loom have
taught mo many things for the com
fort of an invalid, ono of the simplest
nnd most ofTectlve of which Is burn
ing n string to purify tho atmosphere.
Tako a soft string and stick It with
a pin to tho back of a chair; after
lighting, blow it out gently, leaving
tho tiny spark, which will creato
Hiuoko enough to mako a decided dif
ference in tho atmosphere. Harper's
Starch, like everything olso, is bo
Ing constantly improved, tho patent
Starches put on the market 25 yorrs
ago aro very different and inforlor to
thoso of tho present day. In tho lat
est discovery Deflnnco Stnrch all
Injurious chemicals aro omitted, while
tho addition of another Ingredient, In
vented by us, gives to tho Starch a
strength nnd smoothness never ap
proached by other brands.
Her Dilemma.
llcsslo Oh, Mabel! I am In nn
awful dilemma. I'vo quarreled with
Harry, and ho wants me to send his
ring back.
Mabel That's too bad.
Resale Hut that Itn't tho point. I'vo
forgotten which Is his ring.
Tho man who accompanies his wlfo
on n shopping tour Is almost as un
comfortable as tho woman who ac
companies her husband to a ball
I The Facts.
i "Do poets ever roally starve?"
j "Well, maybo not. Rut wo soldom
j ever get a chance to overeat."
V . V
W m
t. r) ?a arm
Old Maid Is it really truo that mar
riages'aro mado in heaven?
Doctor Yes, I believe so.
Old Maid trcsignedly) O, then,
doctor, you needn't call again.
Let's Be Fair.
Tho wires have flashed tho news
that n "peach basket" hat worn by a
woman In n canoe, nnd rendered lop
sided by tho careless zephyr, caused a
list nnd overturned tho craft. At this
point the correspondent, evidently
mnle and prejudiced, stopped short. If
ho wished to bo fair ho should havo
gone on to tell that tho occupants of
the boat grasped tho hat, climbed
aboard of It, and until their rescue
fared sumptuously on tho fruit and
gnrden truck which constituted a part
of its artistic decoration. Tho truo
news expert never Is biased. Phila
delphia Ledger.
QuicK Relief
is necessary in cases of
Cramps, Colic, Dysentery,
Cholera Morbus, Cholera
Infantum and Diarrhea.
Dr. D. Jayne's
is the quickest acting and
most reliable remedy
known for these affect
ions. It stops riain im
mediately, and in almost
every case brings about
a speedy recovery. Keep
it handy for the children's
J7ofrf by alt druggists
par bottle, 25c.
Dr. D. Jayne's Tonic Ver
mifuge is an excellent tonic
to overcome the exhaustion
consequent upon a severe
attack of Dysentery.
Tho DttV LllMilinr fYimnnnir ,.
snres your tfottinj,' tho best 1
Wrtlilll.Minm KKD CEDAH
SUING LES that are on tho mar
ket. Wo nover over dry our
hhlngles to Eavo a fow pounds or
tllO bhllllllnir Vllrht.. Ih f nl.-ouMw.
llf rn rt !... 1 ...l I
...v ....u u. inu itutiti linn JIJilKl'M
them crnck.warpand rot. Look for j
J (9 J
St? S V- r-tl, V f