If I y j y r S"" Socle,, 'f tfp U' m pmtmM-m 4 Ni:nsiainr That filvcs The flr.ws Plfty-lKO Hecks Each Year I:cr One Dollar. VOLUME XXXVI J. iMDD CLOUD, MUHKASlvA, ,11'LY 15. 1 50SI. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CAPITAL $25,000 DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer C. J. Pope . Wm. M. Crabill Wm. H. Thomas S. R. Florance. 3EESS2$SSE223S35 6 tu BUMMER STOQ At Their Best Plenteous Assorfme From Which f o thin is e at our showing of Summery Fabrics, Fur nishings and Apparel and you will take great pleasure in making whatever selec tions that are necessary to make your list of summer things complete. We are endeavoring to provide sensibly for hot weather requirements, and a con sideration of the selections advanced will readily show the marked attention given to the wants of our people as we inter pret them. CflThen, too, there are specials that demands attention. A visit to our Store will be of mutual benefit. JOur Grocery Stock is also New, Complete ancT Up-to-Date. The Miner Bros. Co. (Inc) General Merchants H. A. LETSON. Mgr. Report of Base Ball Association Red Cloud, July 10, lOoO, ItKf'iniTS Prom Lome games Prom games ubroad.... From subscriptions.... .. From mis'ol sources.... ..8 1 1127.25 . . . 37(1.30 ... Ttlj.l'O 10.05 SitfS.VJO KlIUl'MATlHM Critl.l) IN A DAY. Dr. Dotcodiou's Relief for Rhoumutlsm mid Neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3 days. 1 1 action .ipon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at oneo the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The dis close greatly beuollts 7or, and 81. llrst Hold ny The II K. tlrice Drug Co.. Red Cloud. Nobr. Total receipts iisih'iim:me.vi jf you j,UVo l)lvj11B lu tfl0 buoU( woak For supplies S 157. U3 i back, or any otlior indication of a For grounds (!9.l0 j woakoned or disordered condition of For board and transportation :i02.10 i H,0.?,,,lm'i7i.,).1' ,,,uulc' J'"" should get For iirh.Llmr and advertising. OS 70 ! iV.11.8... ? .' nh"u l'.1!1 For visiting teams r.0(i. 10 For salaries WS.OO For postage, etc ISalnnuo on hand. 10.01 82:i8fi.,.'G Total Sal.ules due on l5lh 8382.30. O. C. Teel. Secretary. rluht away when you e.vperlouco the least sign oi Kidney or liladuur com plaint!, but be sure that you get Du Witfs Kidney and Uladder Pills. We know what tlity will do lor you. and if you will send your name to H. U. Do Witt A Co . Chicago, vou vU. receive fu' trial box of thei-o kidney and bind-, f, der pills. Thoyiiro sold here by all ' Lho fom druggists. GUIDE ROCK. Krucst Junes went down to St. .loo early this week. Miss llertrudo Lambert was on the sick list this week Miss Cunie Mason has been staying with Mrs. M. Lovitt. Mrs. F.d. Parker had sweet corn from her garden Tuesday. The Misses Ilella and Hda Vung aro spending their vacation in Colorado. Mrs. K. E. Murphy of Wauueta is hero with her two fcons visiting relati ves. Mrs. U. II. Crow was laid up several days as the result of stepping on a nail. Mrs. Win. Sawyer has been quite ill for a couple of weeks but is now bet ter. Little Pearl .Smith visited her grand parent". I X. Smith and wife last week. Tlie M. 13 Aid society will not serve their usual "oolVoo" during .Inly and August. Mr. an! Mm. Lco'Simpaoii have min ed in with .). W liobinson, father of Mr-. .Simpson. .Mrs A. .1. Tolder formerly .Miss Clin a Snjder is repotted very ill at this writing .Mr. and Mrs. I). dunes andson Frnest spent Sunday in Red Cloud wlthUeorge Morharl and family The drill team of the Degree of Honor initiated Mr. and Mis. llob't Jewell Tuesday evening. The Baptist ladies are taking a va cation from .society work and markets during the warm weather. Mrs Idella Watt will spend the first two weeks in August with her sister-In- law Mrs. Grant Miller at Dresden, Kansas. S. Richardson's new brick store building is completed and 13. T. Merrl nian has opened up a stock of grocer ies etc. therein. Some members of the Fastern Star lodge surprised the others Monday evening by serving cake and sherbet at the close of the session. Mrs. Hales, the wife of the dentist.' is home from the Methodist Hospital at Omaha where she went several weeks ago for treatment. Mrs. Vina McCalliim is here visiting old friends. While J. J. Cassoll and wife take a trip through Colorado. Mrs. McCalliim will stay with their children. Tho Christian Aid society has chang ed its plan and uow have two sections A uud 13 which will servo supper alter nately each month mid the price will bo fifteen cents. Rev. X. A. Martin, superintendent of the Hastings district prcachod at the M. E. church Sunday morning and hold communion service. Ho went to Bostwick for tho evoning service. Dr. II. S. Reod recently returned from Iowa whore ho was called by tho illness of his father. Monday tho doc tor and wife wore suminond back by the death of the older Mr. Reed. S. li. Newmeyor has been here visit ing his wife, his sou Frank and daugh ter Mr9. 13. B. Crary. He returned to his work nt Wallace Monday evoning. He publishes a news paper thero and nt Well Hoot. Miss Minnie Ohmstedo is learning the work at the central olllce of tho Guido Rock Telephone Co. She will take tho plncc of Miss Austlo Stafford who goes to her homo in Indiana about the llrst of August. Mrs. II. 13. Rich Intends going to llnmpton, Oklahoma no.st week to visit her daughter Mrs. I. II. Hampton. Later sho will go to Bridgor. Montana where her othr daughtor Mrs. 13. S Sheppaid and her son J. F. Rich aio located Miss Ivatherluo Roche of Wood Rlvor an ived Monday to visit Miss MnlUsii Lambert. MUs Lulu Pasco of Auburn and Miss Gertrude Lamb of Oilier will bo hero before tho eloio of the week. girl taught in the Dllkr schools last year. Miss Olive Ballard of Miller has been asked t c.miiu up also. While driving a team attached to a hay sweep lu his alfalta Held Tuesday morning 13. C. Christie was very ser iously hurt. lie was unconscious when other mon at work In the Held reached him. lie was carried to tho house and Dr. Pace and Dr. Moranvllle summoned. At this writing it is not possible to toll just how much lie Is injured Mr. 13. 13. Burr is enjoying a visit from his sister Miss Susan Burr of Xew Haven, Cotinetlcut and from his daughter Miss Lulu Burr of Pueblo, Colo., who Is on her way to visit other relatives at La llarpe, 111. She has been in Pueblo for two yeais She is a stenographer. Another daughter Miss Bessie Burr lias been tlsltiug her father here for some lime NUMUER 2! V'vr 'WW? Albright Bros. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF UP-TO-DATE Furniture, Carpets Sewing Ma chines Lace Curtains Pianos, Organs Pictures and Sheet Music. .School Board Prccccrilnfts. duly i',t!i, mi.!) li'iai'il met pursuant foadjouMiiueut .Member present 13. J. Oveiing. 1'. P. Xcwhouse, F. W. Sludebalier, L. L. Boron. S Beckv.ith and V. B. I iillmi. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved. Secretary Hied annual report as fol lows: Ri.( i:ii'TH. B:il. on hand '2nd Monday duly l!i:iH irtriM.r.:! Ree. from County Treasurer... U'.oo.OO " " Sale Bunds '-'M 1)0.00 " Tuition from uon res. pupils..'. 81 1.7 r, Bee. from local fines I.VJ0.00 " " Xormiil training fund JJ.'iH.Ou " ' Rebate S.3'.i JWe are always thankful for any share of your patronage and good will. :::::: Licensed Embalmars and Undertakers. l.'ald teachers " Building, house and site " for repairs " " Fuel " " Janitor and rout " " Books and supplies. . , " " Furniture " " Olllcers salnry Amount In District Treasury s:ws2:M57 S7 17.1.00 '7285.00 . :i:i.7fi . r.i.-. to . 17t8.8r. . 20(51.50 . nn.sri 7n.oo i7:i:n 10 Hied annual 3CS'j:i.G7 report as t'WAv'V'WV " HftFBP&f Treasurer follows: Run Ci.oi-ii, Nkii., July 0, 'OS). To tho School Board of District Xo. 2. I hurewitli submit the following ro port of money received and disburse ments from July 0, "1)8 to July is, '0'.). J. O Butler Treasurer. July (5, 'OH to balaiico 8 15:13.03 Itec'd fiom L. II. Fort state money 3:.O.oO Rco'd from W. C. Frahm MJOO.UH Transferred from School Bond fund 1200.00 Roc'd from L. H. Fort tuition. fi23.25 " ' L. II. Fort rebate.. 8.31) " " V. B. Fultou tuition 2ai,50 "" " John Poluicky GoO.OO " Doylo & Bu8heo.... S00 00 " Win. Upright CoO.OO " C. Reod 20.00 America's Greatest 25c Shews WILL BE AT RED CLOUD Thirsdy, Jkily 22, '09 The Show Consists of Higl Class Vaudeville, Acrobats, Wire Walkers, Black Faces, Irish Sonj and Dance Artists, First Class Trapeze Performers, Fine Collection of Trained Animals, Mrst Class Musical Specialties. The best Jugglers in America, and a troupe of the best trained drill Shetland Fonies in the World, including riding dog and ponies, etc.. that do tricks of all kinds and descriptions to please every body. Also LITTLE CUPID THE.EDUCATED SHET LAND PONY OR THE PONY WITH THE HUMAN BRAIN. The only spotted Shetland pony Cupid on earth. Little Cupid is the Eighth wonder of the World He does more work in less time, with more ease and grace than any other living pony. He will Add, Subtiact, Multiply, Spell Words, Pick out Colors, Count Your Money, and tell the time of day to the minute by any watch and docs do this work at each and every performance with the Honest Bill Show. FREE EXHIBITION outside of tent before each performance. HONEST BILLS, Managers. ii it Total On motion tho following bills wero allowed uud warrants ordored drawn on General fund. J. O. Butlor. frolght, postage, &o (In 1903 report) 10.i!0 R. D. Morltz postage 75 Argus, printing 9 If' V. IS. Fulton, taking concus, postage, phono -tJ.3.'i F. Js'cwhouso, supplies 3.00 (I. V. Argabrlght, printing diplo- inns ' 3.00 3.75 Amount available at Co. $130.'3.G7 Troas., 813023.(57 Disbursements Sk'SOl.Gl JulylS, to balance 81!,'1,l.(Jhi..f. minting legal notices.. I ' ' - j Com. Ad., .00 !c. L. Cutting, supplies 8.tll 8riH2.ri Amaek & Chaney, " BO School Bond fund 2.'i000 L. I'. Albright, carpet 3.10 Disbursements HIS." () I110ti,m Vincent Johnson misem ployed for janitor of Kindergarten. On motion salary of Janitor was llxed females ut sl0 pur month for school year. On motion T. J. Harwood was nmdo July (S, to balance Census report. Mules 20t, 3'.'(S. Committee on Finatieo report S'G5ir. the following estimate of nchool expenses for ensuing year as follows: Itulldlngs and grounds Hooks and supplies Coal Janitor ami clerk Tcachcm , , Incidental expensoU' head janitor, All other janitors to act .. ...In. l.Iu ui,iikit,1u1r,i I Winn;, iiir, nujivi , .i.w... g SlSOo' It was moved and seconded that M. 1000 s Groat bo made janitor of Lincoln 000 school. Carried. 1'iOO Moved and seconded that ;we otVer !)JOO for sale the frame gchool building 2000 known as the 1st primary building Wilted in Hoitth ward and tho South Total SIMiOO ward school belonging to tho district ft win moved uud seoonded that tho t located lu South ward. Mm ,.v 1, I1.,.1 in fiOPllfV 111) '"' moU-.U IH1IUM JHIJOIirilUil ...,. .....j ..,.,.,.....,..... ,. , to the county olerk the following aiiount requited for the ensuing srlunil ynir, to wit: noUITTiC V ,r all niiriiiise S18L(0 UBnll 14 ' interest on schrol Dist. bonds 1H00 V. D. Fulton, Secretary. CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZEL SALVE For Pllos, Burns, Soroo. The best pills made are DoWltt's Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills. They are smdll, gontle, pleasant, easy to take and act prompt ly They aro sold by all druggists. Subscribe for the Chief. 1'ineulos for all kidney, liver, blad der, rheumatic and urinary complaint. They assist in separating salt and wator with thoir poisons from tho blood. Thoy act promptly. Sold by Uenry Cook. The surest and easiest way to euro n cough or cold is by gontly and freely moving tho bowels. ISees Laxative Cough Syrup is pleasant stops tho coughing and quickly relieves tho cold by allaying congestion and by pleas antly and promptly moving the bowels Sold by Henry Cook. See tho Chief for up-to-date Job work Wanti.h A number of ladles or gentlemen to assist lu launching one of tho biggost money making proposi tions In the state. Tho preliminary work is completed, Tho contract for construction is signod. The product of the business already sold A 15 to 20 pur cent dividend Is (hi sight. The directory consists of fifteen strong men, soven of whom are First Nut lonul Uiinlc Mon. A golden opportunity for any lady or gentleman who can Invest from $100 to S300. The llrst few who apply for this will receive $1000 of stoekfor each $100;iuvostod. For fall particulars address J. C, Duker, Hust ings, Nobr. mi 1