X PWMHI refer iT"3i5 f 1 1 V 1 1 lm 1 K "i v-Jr 5gj ?.-, . 'Vyaw M t4- I i k iV . v: --. ' A Because they're the Nation's Choice h 5 V H i' When You go for an Outing Away from Mental and Physical Cares Your'Eyes Work On The New HenllliKny bIiiici ore opoclnlly recommended for outdoor nport one! rrcrc-iliun. K MiMttj. Iii,li nin oyinn f i the w an rn of tli II Mm I.AV,lcan-i thry gi c tin yi C''"''''' I"1'1 I'k'iI In " l I,ro j urtioti isKiiliirrliltrni'Tl Put ten jcr cent, of natural health lixlit rent'iis thr i yf t'lrmji tli'' prrwtit eye-glnm Icnwn you wwr All Hie lunIlti-KlUntftrt IsnliMrlKilby theRlamnml tew of I ii Hi h.ntrasrriclitlicililiciileretlmir,ftlieec Hi uui Rn I.i , ,isn si wl protect. rUt health mid mir t n , ii il f Pin-mi lit iltli nj, nml tlirmish lhl aveiim in.ilc i i i 11 ' it fur tl i entiri i mem Hcaltlx-Ravs Give Easy, Comfortable Vision o (mm j. or i if to s ns o! inn liot 1 ri ak il ti If you want tlic cenuinr. look for the nlinvn trnilr mntk on etch Lent tlliTsser no dread of tin bright NEWHOUSE BROTHERS Jewelers and Optometrists. . -3ft -s -s '-St a -s '-St --S -a us a a -s - s -i '-a i I A NiGe New Stock 1 Of Groceries just received at the Home M Grocery. We now have a complete ii i line of fancy and staple groceries. : : $ i Come and See (f CJAlso a large assortment of choice- (f ,i . ., , it () queensware at the lowest prices possible, $ m vi A. Wullbrandt I SUCCESSOR TO Fulton Grocer Company. il il M ti to IS IT A J1EW STOVE, OR X New BuMy Or' Farm Machinery Wc have them all. Remember, our stock of Har ness, Hardware, Buggies and Farm Machinery is Complete at all times. :::::::: Wi iuj.siM.cni attention to Supplying lluilder's Hardware at the howeM priin's. Hi .st goods. Wk .ire also in posittoit to do Plumbing tttiik iin.l till Kinds of lip Cutting and Kitting :::::: CALL AND SEE US Wcnllllmveinn Line of AUTOMOBILES Soon. ( Hed Sload Hardware & Implement Go. I WM WOLFE. Secretary. vA Because Baking Perfection approved by the whole Nation made ISCUlt The National Soda Cracker Sold only in Moisture Troof Tacliaqes NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY -. , ." "r-o- trf" JteSff .V.-A7, Ay,s!(vAta!fi ftssaiasftUbfls teiviaaiM'akaKafe ARBLE & GRANITE ONUMENTS M N:in: o? I'tifnccsSaltiof Iit:.l Estate. Noi i- iii i i in i.i I th.it li litut if I ill i i . ill Hit I i-ti Ii t I inn I of tin I ui til liiilli i.i i i Mst ill t. In iiinl (in I i :111k 1 1 n ci Hint, l'ia-kn in, uli nml enti ml In said tourt on tin Jith il i n I ii n i . . 1 1. I'D i in a (i itnln in linn tin ii in iKtiiliiiu' uliti'alu I 'riilik l Martin i liailis . Martlu. Iit'lli' . I.aiiilurt, rtliurc. Martin. I.IU' (. I pliniii r. ami M rile 1:. Martin arc pl.ilntltls. anil W llllam Martin Itiliu II. Martin. Stilla M. Martin, ( tannic I.. Martin, Martha I. Martin. Win tile M. Martin, I'nuicis Martin, I.cuIh I.iiiii lert ami loscpli M. l'illiii;ir, arc ilcfiiiilmitH. (or the partition ol the follow Int; ilcscrlbcil real chtatcnltiiatcil In rrniiklln eoiint), Nc hraska, to wit: The West Mall iw l.yi ami th North CitNt (imrter, me Mini Section Twcntj-IHe. li") In rounililp Tun, ii North, ol Itanije Ihlrtrin, il.li Went ol the lith I'rlnclpal Miilillan. anil the (olloulnt; ilcscrllidl ical estate, hitnatiit In S ihsti 1 Count. Ne braska, to wit I In Ninth Wihl iiiartu o( "section I hlrli . i.hii In lownshlp 'I wo, 1J1 .North. ol It'iiiui Iwihe, 1IJ1 Wist ol the lith I'tliulpal Merlilliin. loiitaliilnu In all HID in it s, mini nr I iss. in mi ill iik to iocin- 1111 nt Miri. . 11tl whli h hulil iliciieilliii tut the iimlil- hlmiad lalrrtes In x.llit uiilsc to hi II sulil real 1 state at public saw , as upon 1 eciitlcn. w Itli- out appi.ilM'iueiit. NOW I II I HI I 111(1 . Wl. till hUlll llllllCH, will, on Moiiil.ij. the'iih ila ol 11u11si. Il!i, at the hour ol two o'clock I'. M.oImiIiI ilay, at tlii'ii'klilrmcof Mm tint I. Martin hltiintul upon tlie.south I ast tti.irtcr ol kuctlon S, In township J, rHiiuel.l, franklin county, No braska, kcII hiiIiI rial state to the highest I1I1I1I1 r or hlililerN, upon the follow dm Utiih ami (ouilltlous. to wit, one-hall cash In Imml.amloiie-lmlf In tlirt cam, with Inttr cstatsU pi r cent per aiiiiuiii payiUl mi iiually. iiiciirul b a niortuaue upon the pre mist h so Mihl, I he sale will be helil open one hour. I hcIi iiiarti r-st ctloii ol land will be oili reil m p,iratil unit hlils will also be ro ulM'il upon the whole tiact ns ahoe ill' kirlbul. IMtnl this l.lli (l;i of liil. I'M'i. liiimioipii 1 . ivirKiiriiu 1 Itefirtis. 1 lilll 111 I- I 1. 11 1IIMW I w OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Are durable, attractive and mftr.narnr.allv mrrprfr j . a Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. , i Clan m i- II. alilo IHiroej. ttniiu.. II HO tot OTtWf Hatolonv. Two 1io.ii1h. hnwnvnr. n a than ono when you aro up agaldit lHe necessity of buying hor a now hat. Puck. Nollt.t. in 1 in. ni-,1 cm r 1 hi ui f ui us 1 1:1; cm ni . m.iii:.ka. :i t :i !i I aiiuliu. I'l.ilutlll. Vs. flora . Hi r.'lli lil, it til. Pi femlauts. lo Insiiu lilcharil Vaimhu.N'eil N'aiiKliii. (nsiri;e I. mmhu. NallleC. Viiuubn, Or III 'aui;liii, Noel l. Vniichu anil oiKe lohii Miu nou-rcslileut ilefemlautH: You anil each ol you will takr notlc that 011 the tilth. ilnyof Mint l'wr.i.sarah I. Vauuhn. plalutllt herein, lllcil her petition In the lllstrlct Court of Velster County, Neliraska, liKtiliiHt Mthl ilcft'iulatitH the object ami pray er or w lilcli are to iiiltc the title In plalutltl, as tualiiNt these ilefemluulH et j, to the houth east i Hurler of the mint It wist quarter ami the Mouth west quarter of the smith last qunrter ml the houth west iiiarter of the Koutli east iiiatter of th south cast quarti r all In MftioufS. town I, raii'.'e )i. Webstar Cmiut..Nebriiski. nlkii it pail ol the south east iii,ii tei of the south west quai ler ol si c tlun I. tow n I. itiuue'J, lit cbsti r ( oiint Ni braska. ami loi a eousiructloii of th will of liisnu M. niiylni. ill 1 earn il. anil that plain till In iltcneil to be tin ab-nliite owiu r of thnalHivi iliscilbol pri nilsis, lint In 1 ast the emu t II mis Hint iimli r tin will of salil lusoii I'. mulin tin ih leiiiliiiiisluiM'iiiilnti 11st in w.i Id iIiom ill sci II11 d pri niNcs then that salil premises iua be partllloui d aicnrdluu to to the risptctlM- rluhtsof the parllis licielo ami If the same can not beiiiiltably ilMdid then that said pieiulscs nuy be sold, subject to the homistiail ilttlit of plalntlll, ami the proi rrds troui salil sttla ills hied bctw eeul.the parties lirrt to and for 1 iiiltitble relief, 011 nre reiilinl tontiswcr said pttltlon on or before the .'lith. day of Inly I'.ni'iauil Hi on full to answer said petition the alienations thrrclniniitalneil will betaken us true ami JiiiIkciiii nt rendered h therein prajul. Hated this Kith, dny ol .lime Ukh. Sarah I. Vatn;liii. Plalntlll. Hy lliruard MeNinj. Hi r Attorney. Dally Thought. Tho appreciation of one act well performed. Is tho best Incentive- for another offort. Woman's Natural Sense, Ono woman's natural senso Is worth CO men's trained reason In a predica ment. Now York Press. Selfish Philosophy. Pliny: It Is best to profit by tho madness of others. When Love Grows Cold. When lovo grows cold there aro 1I ly to be hot times around .the houso. Subscribe for tho Chief. No I Ire to Bidders. "soiled bids will he ricilxul up to h o'clock p in.. Mnmlaj, Xtii.MiKt'.'iiil IInxi for the pur chasi ofMhooi Hiillilliu know 11 as tin ilrst Prlnui'j hiiildlimlocatiil In south waul ami tin sfimnl -sti hilmiulim to the dlstllct locatid in the smith wind. Illds to In Hint with thesicri tarj. Hoard 11 si iis tin rluht toaeiept or ujiet an) 01 all Mils. school District of liul Cloud I'll . Ilx f.,1. ovi.iiimi it:.. I'm s. V. 11. fri ion, si 1 m:i tin 7dn iinilllllfi mi nleal ha 1 1 (emu - I'm is sipoi'ti, a perfect shampoo mi'l 'Iais l',n Hum it combination, whi.-li it faitliftilly tiseil, will pioilui'i' .1 I'lt'.ci. iiea'tliv t'otiilition ut Hie liiiit mid scalp Thin, dry, lirittl" or fa I liny linir tiiruns tlioru isvniic cause fm mu'Ii 1111 unhealthy condition ninltliut it should be jittetuli'il to at oncti. The teiisoii for hciinty linir is tieeauso nil the root shntt 1110 not iloinjr their duty and the reason for fulling liuit' is liecatise the .seal)) is in an iitilieuUliv eouiiitloii To correct thesi' ovils ix a very sun plo mattor. To milk" till t In toot hlmfts do their fluty use Owninc. To Ket the scalp in a licnltln condition, shampoo the head with .SHpoycn. a per ftitmid yi ot'it oil soap. Bn Hum is tin ideal hair diossiiifj after tin shainpi o. Tor turllier paitii'iilais, call or phono Mrs. Nancy A Utile Swift's Premium Ham or Bacons. Fresh and Salt Meals of All Kinds. Wmm Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. Lcftal Nollr.c. In Matth M W ildi r.imli 1 Wild 1 "audi r. In-l lillsli.mil nml 1 1 m.li I . tilllf, ,r.l -- - - 1 1 mi w III lukt due iinllci that on tin Itli f hit of Nom miu r I!i7. s. I iiu In 1 iuri has 'yr id (roin . C. fraliiu. count.t tuasiirir "fX 1 bsli r Ciiuntj. Ni braska. aeiordluu to law at a lav sale tin lollowlui; ilescrlliul prop rtj.to-ult: l.olslClnhtci 11. Nlnetecii.l'wentj seen ami 'I wcnt.-i lulit In llloi k I'mu Itall toad addition to th town, now ill ol ed I loud, Nebraska. 'I hat said propcrt was purchased lorthe ilolluiiicnt tcs thereon for th years I8'l2 to I'.HXi, IncliisU c. I hat thu leijal tltlu tosald property rests In the name, of .MattlM ,M. Wildir.indiriuid that said prop crt) Isasucssiil In the name of Matlle M. Walilerauder. 'I hat tin said s, a. fiiicher w III on or nfter Nov ember .'ith. PKi') apply to the (oiiuty 'I'rcaHurcr of Webstir County, Nnbraska, for a Treason rs Dfcd in said aboxe described property. s. A. fivi lint. Why not huvo a business college in Red Cloud SsOdO think of it' This is what o0 students would lenw in the town, limiting tlieir I'vpensi' to SI per week for 10 months. Would n't Ibis help? Every voting niiui and woinnn who would be intetested in a business college in lied Cloud please send your name and addiess to Ho 52s Red Cloud, Xebr i ".T--f tU rms anMI Tq s ojaiji oaai.w 'suo3aj ojjojn ntj) ti oju )tiRd ocjiioouo 01 pOA33q B .()DJ)JJ.l 0J0l(dS0lU)V i)Buns Jo) onnnqns ..sanpn ojiih ot( ;o joiuj StiplooH tiSnotto Xsnq otu sdos 71 aj jo Ea)tii!J3D tin on.) O)upltuojuoo oi 'Ao jo jotpl OSOntfil Oil, S.iCS 'tIA0p 1S 40A0U I oj ;o J9t)dosoimd ooj. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND Ml S iwlS WJl BRAND LAniKS I AU jmip lrul.t for CZI-ClinSTUK'S UIAMUNU llKAN'I) l'H.l. in Dm hiii1a lior.l) juirtnlllo b icn scaled with llliic(0 Itibtion Tki: ho orn. u. Iiuy oFsllr V l)rui-,ilt nn.l oU f..r ( III.t'ltl'i-.Tf II H V III MO.M UK tMI lf,I,N I ir twiutv-flvo )CirsVcKnuhd is Ilt-kt.b t t. Atwayi IU liable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TiMi rwcnviMUcrjrr woktii U,UMI t iii-uu tiiru TK11U) IT IS NOT A SAVIN6 POLICY to u without insurance. The risk nisiunod is too great for Mi small premium you kp in your pocket. Klguro out how many years you would Imvo t be free from any lite in onUr to 8ave tht value of your houstand (ntents. Then consider thutyott may luiva a Hi this very night. Tho cost f von n little blaye will be more than tliu pre mium of nun lNsi'KAXci: koi: years Hbtter have me issue you 11 policy today, It'su hol lot bwtter to be sine than sorry, as many an un insured man has been O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr.