i I T JL N PIJjIBpOBBsreS s l .r xcv J a "A Detective, In Point of Fnct," Said He. J j ifwM H gBCi V M mm SlSSS PICTURES DY IVfe COPrRIOMT I90T THE SYNOPSIS. "Mail" Dan Maltlaml, on reaching Ills Now York haehelor club, mot an attrac tive young woman at tho loor. Janitor Oilnuan assured lilm no ono had boon within that day. Dan discovered a wom an h muter prints in uust on tun iohk, nlnm; with a letter from IiIh attorney. Maltlaml dined with llanuonnaii. his nt- Maltlaml dined with 1 torney. Dim cot out jet his family Jewels, rn tho count rv seat. for ureenucltls, to Is. During hln want ho met the young woman In gray, wiinm ho had' seen leav ing his bachelors' club. Ib-r anlo had broken down. Me llxed.lt. Hy a ruse she. "lost" him. Maltlaml. on reaching homo, BiirprlFed lady In gray, cracking tin- safe containing his gems. She, apparently, took him for a well-known rrook, Daniel Anlsly. Half-hypnotized, Maltlaml opened his safe, took therefrom the Jewels, anil Kave them to her, llrst forming a part nership In crime. Tho real Dan Anlsty. sought by police of tho world, appeared on tho samo mission. Mnltlaml overcame lilm. Ho met tho girl outside tho house and they sped on to New York In her au to lie had the Jewels and she promised to meet lilm that day. Maltlaml received a "Mr. Kuallh," Introducing himself ns a detective. To shield the girl In Bray, Maltlaml, about to show lilm the Jew els, supposedly lost, was felled hy a blow from "Snalth's" cano. The latter proved to bo Anlsty himself anil he secured the coins. Anlstv, who was Maltland's dou ble, masqueraded as tho latter. The criminal kept Maltland's engagement with tho Kirl In gray. CHAPTER VII. Continued. It was very plain to n deductive rensoner from tho girl's nttltndo to ward him that sho had fallen Into ro tations of uncommon friendliness with this Maltlaml, young as Anlsty be lloved their acquaintance to ho. Thero had plainly hoen a flirtation where in, lay tho explanation of Maltland's lOrbenranco; ho had hoen fascinated hy tho woman, had not hesitated to tnko Anlsty's name (oven as Anlsty was then taking, his) in order to pro long their Intimacy. So much tho hottor. Turn ahout was still fair play. Maltland had sown ni Anlsty; tho real Anlsty would reap tho hnrvost. Pretty women Interested him deeply, though ho saw Httlo enough of them, partly through motives of prudence, pnrtly because of a refine ment of tasto; women of tho class of this conquost-by-proxy wero out of reach of tho onemy of society. Thnt is, undor ordinary circumstances. This one, on tho contrary, was not; what ovor sho was or had been, howovor successful a crackswoman sho might bo, her cultivation and breeding woro as apparent as her beauty; and quite ns attractive. A criminal Is necessarily first a gam bler, a votary of Chatico; and tho blind goddess had always been very kind to Mr. Anlsty. Ho felt that hero ignln sho was favoring him. Maltland be had eliminated from this girl's life; Maltland had failed to keep his en gagement, and so would never ngaln be called upon' to play tho part of ourglar with her Intorest for Incentive and guerdon. Anlsty hlmsolf noultl :nko up whero Maltland had loft off. Eoslly enough. Tho difficulties wero insignificant; ho had only to ploy up ;o Maltland's stnndard for a whllo, to io Mnltland with nil that gontlomnn's ulvnntngos, educational and soclnl, luou gradually drop back to his owuj -" s a&rz c i a jl,uujlj uufj.fa rsuwjz ROBBS - MinmLt. CO. level and be himself. Dan Anl-'y, "Handsome Dan," the professional, Un fit mate for the girl. What was she saying? "Hut youhave lunched already!" with an appealing pout. "Indeed, no!" ho protested, earnest ly. "I was early conceive my eager ness! and by ill chance a friend of mine Insisted upon lunching with me. I had only a cup of coffee and a roll." He motioned to tho waiter, calling him "Wallet!" rather than "flarcon!" Intuitively undci standing that Malt land would never have aired his French In n public place, and that ho could not afford the least slip be fore n woman as keen as this. "Lay a clean cloth and bring tho bill of fare,'" he demanded, tempering hi.u lordly instincts and adding the "please" that men of Maltland's stamp ute to inferiors. "A friend!" tardily echoed tho girl when tho servant was gone. He laughed lightly, determined to bo frank. "A detective, in point of fact," said he. And he enjoyed hor r.nr prlse. "You have many such?" "For convenience ono tries to have ono In each city." "And this'.'" "Oh, I have lilm fixed, all right. He cenlldcd to me till the latest develop meats and olllcial Intentions with re gard to tho Maltlaml arrest." Her eyes danced. "Toll me!" she demanded, Imperious; the emphasis of intimacy irresistiblo as she bent for ward, forearms on the cloth, slim white hands clasped with tense im patience, eyes seeking his. "Why ... of course Maltland escaped." "No!" "Fact. Scared the butjer Into tin gagging him; then, In a lit of pardon nble rage, knocked that fool down and dashed out of tho window presum ably In pursuit of us. Up to a lato hour he hadn't returned, and police opinion Is divided as to whether Malt land nrrested Anlsty, and Anlsty got nway, or vice versa." "Excellent!" She clnsped her hands noiselessly, n gay little gesture. "So, whatever the outcome, ono thing Is certain: Hlggins will presently be seeking another berth." Sho lifted her brows prettily. "Hlg gins?" with the rising inflection. "Tho butler. Didn't you hear?" Eyes wondering, sho moved her bend slowly from sldo to side. "Hear what?" "I fancied that you had waited a moment on tho vernnda," ho finessed. "Oh, I was qulto too frightened." Ho look this for a comploto denial. Hctter and better! Ho hnd actually feared sho hod eavesdropped, ltow ovor warrontably; nnd Maltland's authoritative way with tho servants had been too convincingly; natural to liavo deceived u woman of hor keon wits. Thero followed a lull wlrllo Anlsty was ordering tho luncheon; something elaborately aii'l wltli success, himself humorously: "Hnng the expense! which fart tin Mntilaiid jm s." Of weight In his pocket was nssaraneo. Maltland Vnlsty's thoughts I verged off upon an Interesting tan gent. What was Maltland s motive In 1 tu ranging this meeting? It was self j evident that the twain were of one , world the girl and the man of fash i tt. Hut, whatever her light of her itage, sho had renounced It, deelasslng h-Mself by yielding to thievish In stincts, voluntarily plating herself on tie level of Anlsly. Where she must remain, for over. Tl'eu- was comfort In tlntt rellectlon. He pliuced up to find her eyes bent In gravity upon him. She. too, It ap peared had liillcn a prey to reverie, t'pon what subject? All absorbing one, doubtless, since It held her ab stracted despite her companion's di rt el. unequivocally admiring siare. The odd light was dickering again In the cracksman's glace. She was then more beautiful than aught that ever he had dreamed of. Such hair as was In rs. woven seemingly of dull Homes, lambt nt. witching! And eyes heoutl fql always, but never more so than at tl-.ls moment, when HUed with sweetly p nslve contemplation. . . . Was she reviewing the last l!l hours, dream ing of what bad passed between bel aud that silly fool, Maltland? If only .!ilsi eoitld surmise what they had said to each oilier, how long they hod la i'n acquainted; if only she would give him a bint, a leading word! If he lotild have read her mind, have seen behind the 111 m of thought that cliiiided hor eyes, one fears Mr. Anlsty might have lost appetite for an excel I nt luncheon. I'or she was studying his hands, her n.rmoiy harking bock to the moment whin she had stood beside the wife. In Idlng the bull's-eye. In the blackness of that hour a disk o' light shone out luridly against the tipesiry of memory. Within Its radius appeared two hands, long, supple, strong, immaculately white, graceful ami dexterous, as delicate of contour as a woman's, yet lacking nothing of masculine vigor and modeling; hands that wavered against the blackness, fumbling with the shining nickeled disk of a combination lock. . . . The Impression had been and re mained one extraordinarily vivid. Could her eyes have deceived hor so? "Thoughtful?" She nodded alertly, Instantaneously mistress of self; and let her gaze, serious yet half smiling, linger upon his the exact fractional shade of an In stant longer than had been, perhaps, discreet. Then lashes drooped long upon her cheeks, and her color deep ened all but imperceptibly. Tho man's breath halted, then came a trace more rapidly than before. He bent forward Impulsively. . . . The girl sighed, ever so gently. "I wns thoughtful. . . . it's all so strange, you know." Ills attitude war. an eager question. "I mean our meeting Unit way, last I night." She held his gnzo again, mo t mnitiirlly, anil "Damn the waiter!" quoth savagely Mr. Anlsty to his Inner man, sitting back to facilitate the service of their trail. The girl placated him with an Insig nificant remark which led both Into a maze of meaningless but Infinitely ill-v-'itlng Inconsequences; inverting, at least, to Anlsty, who held up his head, giving her back look for look. Jest for Jept. platitude for platitude (when the waiter was within hearing distance); ! altogether, he fill, acquitting himself very creditably. As for the girl, in tho course of the next half or three-quarters of an hour sho ilemoiijtr.ited herself conclusively a person of amazing resource, de veloping wttii admirable ingenuity a campaign planned on the spur of a chance observation. The gentle man ncreii and seii-sulllclent crook was taken captive before ho realized It, however willing he may have been. Knmcshcd in a hundred iincompre bended subtleties, he basked, purring, the whllo she insinuated herself be neath his guard and stripped him of his entire armament of cunning, vigi lance, Invention, suspicion, und dis trust. Ho relinquished them without a sigh, barely conscious of tho spolia tion. Aftor all, she wns of his trade, herself mired with guilt; sho would never dare betray him, tho conse quences to herself would be so dire. Hesldos, patently nlmost too much so she admired lilm. Ho wns her hero. Had she not moro than hinted that such was tho case, that his ox ample, his exploits, hod fired her to eniulntlon howover weakly feminine? . . . Ho saw her before lilm, dainty, alluring, yielding, yet leading lilm on altogether desirable. And so long had he, Anlsty, starved for affection! "I nm sure you must bo dying for n smoke." "Hog pardon!" Ho nvvoko abruptly, to find himself twirling tho sharp r'hbod stem of his empty glass. All s' ractedly ho stared Into this, ns though seeking thero a duo to what they had been talking about. Hazily he understood thnt they had been drifting close upon tho perilous shoals of intlmato personalities. What had ho told her? What had ho not? No matter. It was clearly to ho seen thet her regnrd for him had waxed ruber than wnned ns a result of their conversation. Ono had hut to look Into her eyes to bo reassured as to that. One did look, breathing heavily. . , . What on Ingonuous child It was, to show lilm hor heart so freely! He wondered that this should bo so, fooling It none tho less a just and gincoful tribute to his fasclmitlous.. She repeated her arch query. Sho wns sure he wanted to smoke. Indeed ho did If sho would noruilt? he did tilling And forthwith Mankind's clgarefto case was produced, with a lloutish. "What a beautiful case!" In an Instant It was In her hands. ' Heautlful!" she It. rated. Inspecting the delicate tracery or the monogram engraver's art- head bended forward, face shaded by the broad brimmed hat. "You like It? You would care to own It?" Anlsty deiuanded, unsteadily. "I?" The Inllectlon of doubtful sur pi'se was a delight to the ear. "Oh! . . . I couldn't think of accepting. . . . Hesldos, 1 have no use for It." "Of course you ain't ate not that sort." An hour back he could have kicked himself for tho grammatical b'ttnder; now he was wholly llludcd; besides, she didn't seem to notice. "Hut as it little token -between us " She drew hack, pushing the case across the cloth: "I couldn't dream " "Hut If 1 Insist ?" "If you Insist? . . . Why. I sup pose . . . It's awfully good of you." She Hashed him a maddening glance. "You do me pro honor," he amend ed, hastily. Then, daringly: "I don't ask much In exchange, only" "A cigarette?" she suggested, hastily. He laughed, pleased and diverted. "That'll be enoimh now If you'll light it for inc." She glanced dubiously round the now nlmost deserted room; and a waiter started forward ns if unlimited by a siting. Anlsty motioned lilm Imperi ously back. "Uo on," he coaxed; "no one can see." And watched, mulcted, the slim white fingers (hat extracted a match from the stand and drew It swiftly down the prepared surface of the box, holding Hie nickeling llanie to the end of a white tube whose tip lay between lips curved, scarlet, and pouting. "There!" A pale wraith of smoke lloated away on the fancliiirneil air, ami Anlsty was vaguely conscious of receiving the glowing cigarette from a hand whoso sheer perfection was but enhanced by the ripe curves of a rounded forearm. . . . He inhaled deeply, with satisfaction. Undetected by him, the girl swiftly passed n furtive handkerchief across her lips. When he looked again she was smiling and the golden case had disappeared. She shook her head at him In mock reproval. "Hold man!" sho called him; but the crudity of it was lost upon him, us she had believed it would be. The moment had come for vigorous mens ures, she felt, guile having paved the way. "Why do you call me that?" "To appear so openly running tho gauntlet of the detectives." "Eh?" startled. "Of course yon saw," she Insisted. "Saw? No. Saw what?" "Why. . . . perhaps I am mis taken, but I thought you knew and t -listed to your likeness to Mr. Malt land." Anlsty frowned, collecting himself, bewildeied. "What ate you driving at, anyhow?" he demanded, roughly. "Didn't you see the detectives? I should have thought your man would have warned you. I noticed four lott ing round the entrance, as I came In, und feared " "Why didn't you tell me, then?" "I have Just told you the reason. I supposed you were in your disguise." "That's so." The alarmed expres sion gradually faded, although he re mained troubled. "I sine am Maltlaml t'j tho life," be continued with satis faction. "Even the head-waiter " "And of course," she insinuated, doll c itely, "you have disposed of tho loot?" He shook his head gloomily. "No time, as yet." Her dismay was evident. "You don't mean to say ?" "In my pocket." "Oh!" Sho glanced stealthily n'oimd. "In your pocket!" she whis pered. "And and If they stopped jou " "I am Maltland." "Hut If they Insisted on searching you. ... She was round-eyed with apprehension. "That's so!" Her porturbotlon was Infectious. His jow dropped. "They would find tho jewels known to bo stolen " "Hy Uod!" lie cried, Btivagely. "Dan!" "I I beg your pardon. Hut . . whnt nm I to do? You nro sure ?" "MeClusky himself Is on tho nearest cornor!" "Phew!" ho whistled; nnd stared at her, searchlngly, through a lengthen lng pause. "Dan . . ." said sho at length. "Yes?" "There is n wny." "Go on." "Last night, Dan" sho raised her glorious eyes to his "last night, I . . . I trusted you." His fnco hardened ever so slightly; yet when ho took thought tho tense lines about Ills eyes and mouth soft ened. And sho drew a deop breath, knowing that sho had all hut won. "I trusted you," she continued soft ly "Do you know what that means? I trusted yon." (TO UIO CONT1NUKD.) New Illuminating System. A new system of Illumination Is of fered by tho discovery of Prof, Hlau of Oorinany, which Is a liquid ilium hinting gas to ho delivered at tho houses of custoniors at regular periods In much tho samo manner as coal oil and other commodities nro delivered nt tho presont time. A 22-pound cylin der of gas Is sulflclent to supply a fJiR'undlo power light for four months If used four hours u day. Tho means of connection between tho burner and tho resorvolr Is through a lino tubo no thicker thou an electric light wiro und Just as lloxtble. j kn-iv "x m Mtmr j r wa - arTpp JS "What you Mlors got In Unit box"" "It's all right, olllcer. We're taUin' home Mnuile Casey's hat wot -'ic woro at de lawn party last night'" , HANDS RAW AND SCALY, j Itched and Durncd Terribly Could Not Move Thumbs Without Flcih ' Cracking Sleep Impossible. Cutlcura Soon Cured His Eczema. "An Itching humor covered both my linnds and got up ovor my wrists nnd oven up to tho elbows. Tho itching nnd burning wero terrible. My hands got all scaly and when 1 scratched, tho surface would he covered with blis ters nnd then get raw. Tho eczema got so bad that I could not move my thumbs without deep cracks appearing; I went to my doctor, but his medicine could only stop tho Itching. At night I Buffered so fearfully that I could not sleep. I could not bear to touch my haudn with vvnter. This went on for throo months and I was fairly worn out. At last I got the Cutlcurti lteine dies nnd In a month I was cured. Wal ter II. Cox, 10 Somerset St., Hoston, Mans., Sept. 25, 1908." Totter DruK .V C'licui. Corp., Holo l'rcps., hofton. THE WRONGOBJECTIVE POINT Mule's Lack of Consideration Respon sible for Ike's Being Lntc at His Duty. An Atlantu merchant has frequent occasion to rebuke Ike, his darky por ter, for his tardiness in reporting for duty in tho morning. Ike Is always ready with u more or less Ingenious excuse. "You're two hoursilnto, ike!" ex claimed the employer one inoriiltiK. "This sort of thing must stop! Other wise, I'm going to lire you; under stand." " 'Deed, Mlstoh Edward," replied Ike, "It wn'n't mail fault, ills time! Hon est! I was kicked by u mule!" "Kicked by a mule? Well, even If that were so, It wouldn't delay you for moro thnn an hour. You'll have to think of a better excuse than that." Iko looked aggrieved. "Mlstah Ed ward," he continued solemnly, "It might have been all tight ef dot mule kicked me In ills direction; but he didn't ho kicked mo do odder wny!" Llpplucott's. Cheering Him Up. "Hill," said tho Invalid's friend. "I've come to cheer you up n bit like. I've brought ycr u few llnhrs, Hill. I fought If I wns too Into they'd como in 'antly for a wrenf, yer know. Don't get down-'earted, Hill. Lummy, don't you look gashly! Hut there, keep up yer spirts, olo sport; 1'vo como to see yer an' cheer yer up n hit. Nice Httlo room you.'avo 'ere, but as I sez to nioself when I was a-comln' up: 'Wot orkard staircase to get a coiilii dalin!' " London CHubo. Should Take His Medicine. "A feller shouldn't stand In the mid dle of the street to talk pessimism," declared the Plunkvillo philosopher. "Why not?" "Fust ho says life ain't worth living, nnd then Jumps when he hears an au tomobile honk." Less Precarious Also. Scott So Itawson has become a preacher. Last time I saw him he was in doubt whether to bo that or a law yer. 1 wonder what decided lilm. Mott Ho probably recalled the say ing that It is easier to preach than to practice. Hoston Transcript. Charms Children Delights Old Folks Post Toasties A I i ii '7Jir' Vt'ix Vt iL'r.. m n M.J wr A KVirkri Food Products Lifohys Viemisa Sssusago ' l distil ctly different from any other auage you ever tasted. Jint try one ran and it is sure to become a meal-time necessity, to be nerved at frequent intervals. Llbby's Vionna Sou- SttgO just suits for breakfast, is fine (or luncheon and satisfies at dinner or supper. Like all of Libby's Food Products it is care fully cooked nnd prepared, ready to-scrve, in Llbby's Grant Willi o Kite lion- the cleanest, most scientific kitchen in the world. Oilier popular, ready-to-serve Libby Pure Foods arc: GookorJ Oonnod Hoof Paorless Or lad Doof Voal loaf Evaporated Milk Bakod Beans Cliow Ghovf Mlxod Pfohloo Write for free booklet, "How to make Good Things to Eat". Insist on Llbby's at your grocers. Libby, MoNolll & Uhhy Oblcago The real martyr never has time to enjoy the honor. Lewis' Sinplo Hinder xti-night 0c cigar is made to valinfy (he smoker. In the matters of conscience, first thoughts are best; in matters of pru dence last thoughts nro best. Versole. Painful Insomnia. "What sort of u hat Is a wide awake?" "Why, n hat without a imp, of course." A Simple Problem. Teacher Don't know the sixth com mandment? Now listen: If a man came up to me with a revolver nnd shot nnd killed me, what would it bo? Johnnie (bright) A holiday, ma'am." Why Actors Wear Long Hair. Why do actors so often wear long hair? Perhaps this is the reason: Thero once was a statute In England tinder which nctors found wandering were liable to be branded through tho right ear. Tho long hair conceuled the decoration und thus tho custom was started. Objection to Women Golfers. "Farmers don't mind renting their Holds to golfers, but they nro strongly opposed to women." "Why?" "Hecauso woman golfers nro always losing hairpins und hatpins nnd stick pins in tho grass. Follow the trail of a woman's foursome- with a pincushion and I'll guarantee you a cushlonful of pins nt the end of tho ninth hole." "Hut why does the farmer mind thnt?" "Hecauso afterward when ills snoop nnd cattle graze In those Holds they swallow pins. Pins, I needn't tell you, nro Injurious to tho health." The crisp delicious, poltlon-brovvn food, made of Indian Corn. A tempting-, teasing" tasto distinctly differ ent all its own. "The Taste Lingers" Sold by Grocers. Popular pkjj., ioc. Largo Family size 15c. Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Ilaitln Creek, Midi. w. .11 k .