The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 08, 1909, Image 5

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Now Is The Time
To Paint.
Successor to Dr. .. I:IIUH
At the old stand over the
State Bank. Phone 131.
tJYour House or Barn
There is no better. : :
Paint in this Market than "Sewclls
Chemically Putc Paints." It will
Spread farther last longer and you I M,'v Kuhort Sehult few days
Can sec on each can just what
the paint is made of.
Let us figure with you.
Sue tin- Chli'f fur upto-dute -loli work
Mi-s I'Moieneo MeDoll is visl lug
Red Cloud Chautauqua
August 'I. to 15th.
l'r. Wuitci-on pliy-b iiin iiinl sur
geon. (Mice in front roonii ihit lr.
Cook's drug store. Uemoved from Hr.
Kniiu-'s ollico, Potter Mock. Hotli
phones Hell Ked IS. Iti(kLiul. 1.1.
The best pills miule are DoWtttV.,
Little Karly Ui-er. the famous little I
liver plllh. They are sm.ill. gentle.
streams. These in o tiees w liicli heie
tofoie hae heeii thought of little or
no u-o for pnts. lieeuu-e of the rapid
it with wliieh they are attacked li,
decay. In their natural condition,
they will rot in two or three jeuis
too soon to pay for the lahor of set
ting them. The l'orcst Service in its
study of prolonging tlie life of fence
posts has found eheap and simple
luethodsof preserving them In a sound
Chas. L. Cotting,
The Druggist.
Subscribe for the Chief.
1!. C. lioruui was In Campbell Satur
day. Allen Morit went to Hastings .Mon
day. Dr. Moranvllle went to MeCook Sun
day. Mrs". Dr. Jones wont to Alma Satur
day. Chas. Wiles is down from Orleans
this week.
Miss A If u Longton was iu Hastings
5eo. Volland was down from Hast
ings Monday.
Hoy Oatman and wife were in Hast
ings Saturday.
Miss Anna Gilliam eame down from
Alma Saturday.
F. V. Taylor of Witcbita, Kas., is in
town tills week.
Mrs. Halph Hunter was .down from
Inavale Monday .
Miss Pearl Mines returned to Alma
Sunday evening.
J. I', (irlmos eumo down from Hlue
Hill Wednesday.
We hail two good rains here Sunday
mo up from (undo
Hock Monday ovenlng.
Vuynor MeCiuuis arrived in this
city Saurday evening.
Thf Ked Cloud Chuutauqun dntos
ate August 7th to tilth
Sove ral farmers lost horses by tho
intense heat Saturday.
Seo Dr. Stockman for eyeglasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Last week the Hod Cloud ball team
won six straight games.
Miss Marguerite Uiuhnrdson returned
from lloldrege Tuesday.
Mrs. Hepner of Hastings is visiting
Miss Edith McKeighan.
Miss Norma Hicliardson came in
, a i'd Monday nightt
,' .lobll Sehult. eai
.Miss I'l'iuiels Nc-bit of luavale was
In Cloud the llrst of the week.
Misses C'oi a and Lorn Weosiier went
to Kansas ( ity the hist of the week.
Lloyd liradbrook was down from
WoodrnlV. Kas.. the llrst of the week.
All members of the M. W. A. lodge
are requested to attend lodge tonight.
Mrs. A. II. Carpenter and children
spent Saturday and Sunday in Frank
lin. Mis. Ward and daughter l'rnnkie
went to Omaha Sunday to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mis. Chas. I'lntt left Sunday
morning for a sojourn in Yellow Stone
(lasoline II Cents per gallon at the
Hed Cloud lldw. A: Imp. Co.'s hardware
Mrs. Earl Teach worth and baby
wete west bound passengers Friday
Mrs. s. .J. Cunningham left Sunday
for u mouth's visit with relatives in
Hings Little Liver Pills- -small,
pleasant and easy to take. Sold by
Henry Cook.
Miss Iva Crablll camo down from
Alma Saturday where she lias been
attending Normal.
Esty Smelser departed for Missula,
Montana, Tuesday evening whero lie
will take up a claim.
n., .... Vl,li..i. ..-..., tn l.....i.iiTi
i ,. v i. tiiiitinui ..tin. ivj ai.iii.f)(i)i
the last of the week whero he will
work in the harvest fields.
Miss Pollard returned to her homo
at Fort Worth. Texas, after visiting
her sister. Mrs. Clarence Stewart.
Tubler wells, wind mills, pipe tilting
and repairings. Call on T.,
Campbell, Nebr. Write or phone.
Mrs. C. IS. Hale and sister Miss Eli.a
Wright spout Wednesdny with their
mother, Mrs Fred Wittwcr in Kitnsu".
The Chicago specialist will bo tit tho
Hoyal hotel in Ked Cloud, ngniu
Tuesday. Aug.. 3rd. ( oiisultation free.
Mrs. Lida Pii-elial of Crestoii, lova,
is visiting at the home of her brother,
Chas. Hale and wife and mother this
Mrs. Ilert til ice and childron re
turned to Poiilder, Colo , Tuesday
morning. Mrs. I!. M. (liiee accom
panied them.
The ladies of the Christian church
will hold their monthly market at
A mack & dumpy's furniture store,
Saturday, July lOth.
Pert (iarber has resigned his posi
tion as pitcher with tho Galveston
eomlitloll for an indefinite time. eeli
pleasant, easy to take and act prompt- .,.,, lIliy ,. llu. VMWmt ,,
I.V t'hey are sold by all druggists. mlm.lUly K.uM tUmMv WUl)lN.
I'ineiiles fot all kidney, liver, bind- Decay is not a simple proec- like
der. t heuiuatic and urinary complaint, tho crumbling of stone or the rusting
Ihey assist iu separating suit and of iron
it is caused by low forms of
poisons from the plant life which thoroughly permeate
water with their
blood. They net promptly. Sold by
Henry Cook-.
(let HeWltt's Carbolied Witch Hazel
Salve when vim ask for it. There ate
a preat many Imitation, but there is
just one original. This salve is good
for anything where a nlve s needed
tnbcisi-il. but it is especially good
for Piles Sold by all druggists.
The surest and easiest way to cure a
cough or cold is by gently and freely
moving the bowels. Pees Laxative
Cough Syrup is pleasant stops tho
coughing and quickly relieves the cold
by allaying congestion and by pleas
antly and promptly moving the bowels.
Sold by Henry Cook.
Last Thuisdiiy a special train was
run from this place to Hastings where
Ked Cloud and Hastings played ball.
Hod Cloud won the game by a score of
lto'J. About 100 round trip tickets
were sold from this place and by the
time the train got to Hastings there
was about 22. people on tho train.
Hed Cloud won t'riday and Saturday's
games also. .score y to u, n to 3.
Special patriotic services were ob
served at the Congregational church
Sunday. Tho church was decorated
with Hags of uvcry description and
pictures of Washington and Lincoln
were hanging on the wall. Mr. Cress
man is progressive and spares no pains
nor exponso in makinir these special
days interesting and instructive iu
every detail. His two sermons were
as probably as good as any oration de
livered in the state.
from Lincoln Saturday.
, , i i " .i i. i ., team and is buck pitching for Reusing
A largo crowd took in the celebra- ... '
Attention is called to tho llrst report
of our new light and water cotntnis
sinner found elsewhere in this issue.
Mr P.urgess is proving himself to be
the right man in the right place. The
city owes him the most hearty good
will for elmngiug the city water back
to a liquid. Jut a little wrl. Hnd the
not essitry "Know how" Rave n- clear
water a gain. We are plea' ed with
his work and ability displayed thus far
and believe him tti be a capable, ellici
cut man.
Summary for .Inn:.
Temperature, highest 07 on IWtli,
lowest 01 on 2nd, greatest range .'57 on
1th. Precipitation total il.UI inches.
Oreatest in 21 hours 2.7 inches on 7th.
Hiduy days 11, clear 17. cloudy I, part
ly cloudy !, prevailing wind S. E. 11
thunderstorms. Chas. S. Ludlow.
the wood, diseiilur it and cause it to
become disconnected and rotten."
To preserve the timber iu a thorough
ly sound condition, it is only neces
sary to riudei the wood unlit for the
growth of these organisms. This is
done by Injecting into it substances
poisonous to plant life.
One of the widely Used preser
vatives is creosnte, one of the by-products
of coal tar. When it is injected
into the wood decay will be retarded
itidetiiiitely an I an old Held pine or a
Cottonwood fence post, when properly
treated will easily give a life of twenty
years or longer. .Such a prceivallc
treatment cost about ten cents per
post 1 he ereoote can be applied liy
painting the wood with u brush or
dipping it into the liquid, but much
bettor results will be obtained if it is
actually injected into the wood in
stead of merely coating the outside.
If tho "brush ' method, or painting, is
used, the ci coyote should be applied
at a t.inpetnture of about ISO degrees
F. Two coats should bo given at least
twenty-four apait. If the posts are
dipped directly into the preservative,
the creosote should be heated to about,
tho same temperature. The best re
sults of all can be obtained by Hist
heating the posts in a bath of hot
creosote and then either transferring
them quickly to a bath of creosote at
ti lower temperature, or else shutting
olf tho heat and allowing the posts to
remain in the oil as it cools. Ity such
a method, the sapwood will become
thoroughly permeated with the creo
sote. Full details and speeillc direct
ions for the treatment of dill'erent
kinds of post may be obtained by ap
plication to the Forester. Washington.
tion at Superior Saturday.
Mrs. Ilerniee Dodge is visiting at
the homo of L. P. Albright.
Miss llciuiunit of Chicago is visiting
at tho homo of Henry Cook.
Miss Adeline Baylor is homo from
an extondod visit iu Illinois.
('has. Sehult. and family are visiting
relatives In ltladcn this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wright camo
down from Hebron Saturday.
Morris Uroat lias been appointed
janitor of the Lincoln school.
A I McCurter is visiting his parents
iu Kensington, Kas,, this week.
Wanii:ii A load of cobs on sub
scription. Inquire of the Chief.
Mrs. James lturdoti and son Darrel
went to Kansas City Wednesday.
Ilervy Couorcr of McCoolc has been
hero this week visiting relatives.
Mrs. Chas. Milligan of McCook has
been visiting here the past week.
ton, Kas.. onco more
J. E. Butler not "Butch" was taken
to tho penetentiary Wednesday by
Sheriff Hedge where he will serve a
l."i months sentenct.
Miss Estella Ducker who has just
closed a very successful school year of
ten months as principal of the Load.
S. I)., school, returned home Satur
day J. Fred Peterson returned to his
home in Missoula, Montana today.
Ho disiutered the remains of his wife
and will bury her in tho Missoula
Arrango your work so that you will
be able to attend the Ked Cloud Chan
taugua Augiit 7th to IMh. The pro
gram promises to be the best Hed
Cloud has ever had,
Pinosalve, carbolb.ed, is good for
burns. It penetrates the pores, draws
out inflammation, and is healing. It
is also good for cuts, sores and bruises.
Sold by Henry Cook.
REDFERN Whalebone
Dlrectolrc Modlc 39 is moderately short and full
above the waist, but has the ery long klrt, fully
encasing the hips, suppressing their fullness and
producing the straight hip line. Designed for
rather short, full forms. An addition to this
model that adds to its comfort and llting beauty
is found in the
SECURITY Rubber Button Hose
rust proof, of course which are accurately plaeed
by the desiguor of these models at front and sides,
Model 39-Whlle Batiste, White Coutlllc
PRICE $1.00 to S5,0t
Same Pattern In delicate White Figured Bridie,
PRICE $100 to $500
SxT' 1
7 "1
Progress In Cuba.
With the beginning of tho present
llscal year the Republic of Cuba es
tablished a Bureau of Information,
President Oomez appointing Leon J.
Canova. an American newspaper man,
who has resided in Culm eleven years
and lias a wide acquaintance with the
Island, as it! director
Parties wishing iniuiniiition of any
nature concerning Cuba can obtain
same, lice of charge by writing to
Leon J. Canova. I'. and 1. Bureau,
ll'tilityand Information Bureau.) De
partment of Agriculture. Commerce
and Labor, Havana. Cuba.
Real Estate TransTcrs.
Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab
stract Co. for the weelc ending Wed
nesday, July 7, PJO'.l.
A. T. Walker to Ida L. Gilmore,
u)i sw, nJS se 2'J-MO, wd 8.100
William II. Thomas to William
II. Thomas jr., sjj sw, no sw
27-!M0, wd 8200
George O. Yoiser and Pamelia D.
Yolser to Charles F. Cither,
lots 1 to 12, 11 to 20, Blk. 1,
lots 1, 1(5, 17, 18, 10, 21, 22, Blk.
2. lots 5, il, 7, Blk. 4, all iu
Yeisers add to Hed Cloud, qcd
8 l
12 IU.
cl 20.7.1
To on: MiNi.i:.ui.K M won si m
Coi Ntii. itv nr 'itv ok llni Uloi i
July 1, Bin''.
(ii mli:mi v
I herewith submit my report, fui th
month if May. P.HVi:
Total leveniio from lights ...
Amount collected
Amount delinquent
Watch Di.i'aiitmi.nt:
Tidal revenue from water....
Amount collected
Total revenue from supplies.
Amount collected . . .
As you know, 1 did not tnkt
of the water and light plants until
May lsth. and the balance of theinonth
was spent by me in familia'riing my
self with the system and straigheuiug
out many defects I discovered. This
report therefore does not show what
tils plants cut or will do, mid Is merely
a statement of the amounts collected
by me. My nqmrt for tho mouth of
June will show fully what I have been
ublo to do with the plants, and I will
also iu that ri-port incorporate a daily
statement of tho daily expense of the
plants for the mouth of June.
I recommend thai I be furnished
with a now water book; it is very es
sential that I be piovlded with samo
without delay.
Respectfully yours,
(ii.o. W.
Light and Water Commissioner.
Bon.itfl SurJlinu raoq
paircD 8m mq :pqo 'pjp oav 'boa..
Xotn PIP 'Htino.f ojo.w no uoqA'
60SS0J3UOO flood oauh l.upm Xoqx,.
-auicN jsujouv Jspup)
Mortgages Med, 837.1.)0.
Mortgages released 81700.00.
Preserving Fence Posts From Decay.
Every farmer is familiar with the
rotting of his fence posts at the sur
faco of the ground. Tho labor of re
placing them and how to secure new
and durable posts are sources of con
stant annoyance and expense. Even
the more durable woods, such as chest
nut, white oak and codar, decay in
eight or ten years. It is true that
there are a few kinds of wood in the
United States, such as locust and osago
orange, which give much longer ser
vice, but their supply, ncvor very largo,
is rapidly becoming exhausted, and
the farmer must now look to some
other source for his posts. Perhaps
directly on ids farm tliore may be a
patch of woods which Includes such
trees as black oak, beech, maple or
pine, and
may grow
JN -
HXrnn'r OLD
&L'Aiis'rx r.7 im
Elvs Cream Balm
Suro to Give Satisfaction.
It cloansctt, nnotliOH, In-aU and protects tho
dliousod membrane iciiltiug from ('utnrrli
nnd drives u way n( M iu the Head quickly,
llestorcH tho Senses of Tiisto and Knicll.
Disy to tun. Coiitnini no injurious drugs
Applied into the nostrils mid absorbed.
Largo Kl.e, fiO touts at Druggists or by
1 1 wi i
li Mi
Don't fret away
your energy in Cloth
es', that keep yon
tacky with prespir
ation. Wo are showing
Suits of Summer fa
brics that are very
refreshing to look at,
and more so to wear.
Screes in Blue limys
Browns -Olives, in plain
anil latiey fabrics. Flan
nels an I Homespuns in a
vatiety of patterns.
Two or Three Piece Stylos,
whlehcwr oil prefer.
$7.50, $10.00,
$12.00 to $25.00
Cool Hats, Cool Shirts, Cool Underwear,
Cool 1 losiery and Cool Toggery of all sorts
in styles that are different.
Everything that's new and smart, and all
at cooling prices.
Gowden-Kaley Clothing Go.
Always Reliable First Door North of Poslofficc
COfRirtMf H
A, It niMiti nnuM 4
AmaGk 8 Ctoney
Loaders ;? Furniture and Undertaking
flJYou will find us in the BIG room
Moon Block
Furniture, Carpets and Under
taking of the quality kind
e And Our Prices Speak for Themselves. We extend a
Cordial Invitation to all to visit our store. : : : : :
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion
If you Suffer from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas on
the Stomach, Belching, Sour Stomach, Heart-burn,
etc., a little Kodol will Relieve you almost Instantly
Kortol supplies tho Kinio dlKcst tvo
Juices that are foimil in a lieultliy
frtomach. Heine; a liquid, It starts
digestion at onco.
Kodol not only digests your food,
but helps you enjoy every mouthful
you eat.
You need a sulllclent amount of
tfood, wholesome food to malntalii
strength and health.
Hut, this food must l)o digested
thoroughly, otheilo the pains of
indigestion and dyspepsia are tho
When your stomach cannot do its
work properly, take something to
help vour stomach. Kodol is tho
only thing that will give the stom
ach complete rest.
Why? Becauso Kodol docs the
samo ork as a st rong stomach, and
docs It in a natural way.
So. don't neglect your stomach.
Don't become a chronic dyspeptic.
Keep your stomach healthy and
strong by taking a little Kodol.
You don't have to take Kodol all
tho time. You only take it whea
jou need it,
Kodol Is perfectly harmless.
Our Guarantee
On to your druggist todiiy and get a dol
lar Ixjttli.'. Then after you Imvo used the
I'titlro contents of tho nottlo If you can
honestly bay that Itlms not donoyouuny
uood, ruturn tho bottlu to tho druKKlatand
ho will rotund vour money wltlioutuuus
Hon or delay. Wo will then pay tho (IruK
Klbt. Don't bPsttato, all dniKKlsti know
that our Kuarantouls cood. This offer up
lilies to tbu lunto bottloonly and to but ono
In a family. Tho largo lx)ttlo contains:
tltney as much as tho fifty ccut bottle.
Kodol is prepared at tho laborator
ies of E. C. DoWitt & Co., Chicago.
To the Cream Producers.
I have uiadu Arrangements with my
Company to pay Ciish for Cream to any
one that wants ensli. I will receive,
cream and pay for it ns I havo hero
to foro. (SEO Thine, Local Agent. Is i" ' l-r iiuy Uiml of
Piles It n ops itjlluiniiiiition, creates
a normal circulation, thus reducing
thu Piles, and heals the parts all'eeted.
Mun'.nn may bo conveniently and
easily implied, n.t the tube in which It
I mall. Liquid Cream JJalm for two in K put up lias a small, patent no..lo at
tached, Sold by Henry Cook.
cottonwoods and willow.-, , atomizers. 75 conls.
along the banks of hist ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren St.. New York.
.1 IUVH.
Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind.,
says: "My wife bad Inllnmniatory
Kliuinatism in vf-.-musfT-Mind joint;
her hiill'ai'i,i .. . , i ' li.-r liody
mid fucfl weiv -.ii.i i iti.t beyond
roi'otfiiillnnihiH bi'tMiiiilifuf.r-'s weeks
and luil wtylit pliv-iciaiib, but received
no beiiiilt until she triodJUr. Detebou'5
Relief for Uboumatlsiu. It gavo her
immediate relief and she was able t
walk about In three days, I am suro It
saved btr life." Sold by Tho IT. E.
(J rice Drug Co , Kod Cloud, Nebr,