The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 08, 1909, Image 3

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"" ttfyfpi
1 j
A. 1 "
Aiaiiviw v
Tho Phunnlbcak Ulrd Hello, who
ore you?
Tho Other Uirtl Don't you know
mo? Why, I'm "Tho hnrp that onco
through Tara's Halls."
Tho Phunnlboak Hlrd (shortly) Oh,
tut; tut! You're a lyre! That's what
you are.
The Marital Grasshopper.
Whnt Is a grasshopper? The latest
definition comes from western Aus
tralia. Domestic servants aro almost
unprocurable there, and wives hnvo to
do nearly all their own household
work. Tho consequence Is that they
are compelled to recuperate at tho sea
side In summer. In their absence tho
husbandB hnvo to prepare their own
meals and do domestic duty generally.
Husbands so engaged have como to bo
locally known ns "grasshoppers." No
doubt the word Is tho husband of tho
more familiar "grass widow." Lon
don Chronicle.
Laundry work at homo would bo
much more satisfactory If tho right
Starch were used. Iu order to get tho
desired stiffness, it 1b usually neces
sary to uso so much starch that tho
beauty and fineness of tho fabric la
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys tho
appearance, but also affects tho wear
ing quality of tho goods. This trou
bio can be entirely overcomo by using
Defiance Starch, as It can bo applied
much more thinly because of Its great
er strength than other makes.
The Earth and the Moon.
That the earth must shlno on tho
moon even ns tho moon Bhlncs on tho
earth is obvious. To detect this light
from tho earth on tho lunar surface
and scientifically prove Its oxlstenco
Is another matter. It Is Interesting to
find that a recent number of a French
astronomical paper contains two pho
tographs of parts of tho moon Illum
inated by earth light. They wero
taken by M. Quenlsset at tho Juvisy
No Romance About rt.
Tho stricken man constantly moaned
the nnrmo of tho young womnn who
had jilted him.
"Tell her," he said to tho medical
man, "that her cruelty killed me. Tell
her I am dying from a broken heart."
Tho medical man shook his head.
"Aw, go on," ho said. "That would
be shamelessly unprofessional. Your
heart's all right. It's your liver that's
tho trouble."
Starch, like everything else, Is bo
Ing constantly Improved, tho patent
Stnrches put on tho market 25 years
ago aro very dlffcrent,and Inferior to
those of tho present day. In tho lat
est discovery Deflanco Starch all
Injurious chemicals aro omitted, whllo
tho addition of nnother Ingredient, In
vented by us, gives to tho Starch a
strength nnd smoothness never ap
proached by other brands.
Nobleman, Probably.
Howell I see that tho heiress has
put her money Into tho lumber busl
ness. Powell That so? i
Howell Yes, she has married a
wooden man.
Criticism should never exasperate
us; on tho contrary, It should bene
fit us, and even occasionally amuse
us. Max O'Rcll.
Nebraska Directory
Dain HayTools are tde Best
Iiislstonhavliiffthcm. Askyourlocnlilcaler.or
M. Splesbcrger & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
The Beit In the WeiL OMAHA, NEB.
Qraln, Provltlom, 8tockt, Cotton
Miln Office, 204-205 Fraternity Olds.
Lincoln, Nebraika,
nell rhonp 512 Auto riiono MM
I.urKCbt Ilouftc in butu.
Beatrice Creamery Co.
Faj'H tho blithest price for
Wo havo a complete
line of fresh Ama-
toiirn Phntn Run.
nllnn. Our Amntnnr Kiniqliim. nnar.
merit is in the hands of experts and equipped
for prompt service. Kodak catalogue mailed
on request. Lincoln Photo Supply Co.
1217 0 St., Lincoln, Neb.
, Jfmlo i'KH'olully for
tliH WvHturu cllmntt!
out or tlio wry iwm
long-mire wool-felt,
ilotiHfly conti'il wltli
nvitiiiiiui i fit., a ...
phnlt, specially rolliifil mul tri-iitiM for
tliu purpose, will not furl ami rot lilm
inn cu ciip grimed. Anyone can lay It
Wo Guarantee tho Life of this Roofing.
If your dealer iloen not luinillo
The Philippian
Sanity School Lenon for July 11, 1909
Specially Arranged for Thl Paper
I.KHHON TEXT.-Acts 18 16-10. Memory
MTJM, 23-31
CIOI.OKN Ti:.Vr-"Hr-llPvn on tlio Ixinl
Jesus Clirlnt, ruui thou ulinlt Imi saved,
ttiu! thy limmo "-Acts 10 31
TIM K. About A. . r.0, CI. Tlio snmo
period n our InHt lesson.
I'I,ACU-At l'lilllppl In Macedonia.
Sungetlon and Practlcnl Thought.
I. Tho Story of the Frenzied Olrl.
Her Mental and Physical Trouhle.
Paul's Faith. Her Dellveronce. Vs.
1G-18. Tho missionaries frequently
went from Lyd Ill's house within tho
city to tho place of prayer heyond the
walls hy the river side. On several
occasions they met In tho Btreets
"n damsel posssesed with a
spirit of divination." This girl Kavo
forth strange utterances and Hysteri
cal cr33 In her frenzied condition,
which her masters Interpreted as they
"Cried, saying, These men aro tho
servants of the most high God," etc.
Sho seems to have been Impelled to
tell the truth, ns some demoniacs were
In Christ's time.
"Hut Paul, hohiK Rrlovod said to tho
spirit" as distinct from its victim. "To
como out of hor," and go nwny from
her, not to return. "And he camo out
tho samo hour."
II. Tho Missionaries Thrust Into
Prison; Their Faith; Their Deliver
ance. Ys. 19-2C. Tho masters, hav
ing lost their source of gain, liko tho
manors of silver shrines iu Ephosus,
Btlrred up a mob In tho city and
dragged Paul and Silas before tho
magistrates. Tho charge presented
was thut of throwing tho city Into con
fusion nnd anarchy by trying to con
vert the Romans to a new religion.
Tho clothes of Paul and Silas were
torn oft and tho men were "tied up to
the triangles, and beaten with tho flog
ging sticks" upon tho nnked body
(see 2 Cor. 11: 25; 1 Thcs, 2: 2), till
tholr backs were torn by tho merciless
blows. Why did they not escape by
moaiiB of their Roman citizenship, ns
thoy did tho next morning? Probably
tho clamor of tho mob gave them no
opportunity to be heurd, and If they
protested, their protests would bo dis
regarded by tho excited people. Then,
all mangled and bleeding as they were,
thoy wore thrust into tho inner prison
and their feet placed in tho stocks.
Songs In tho Night. 25. "Paul and
Silas prayed and sang praises."
"And tho prisoners heard them."
This was the beginning of tho further
ance of the goBpel through tho suffer
ing of tho missionaries.
20. "And suddenly there was a great
earthquake." This was tho Lord's
answer to prayer, whether it camo by
miracle, or was timed by special provi
dence. "All tho doors wero opened,
and every one's bands wero loosed."
Either by tho action of tho earth
quake, or by tho samo supernatural
power which produced tho earth
quake. III. Tho Conversion of tho Jnller, Do
llvernnco from Sin and Death. Through
tho Faith of tho Jailor. Vs. 27-34.
"Tho keeper . . . would havo
killed himself" bocauso hy Roman law
ho was responsible for tho safety of
the prisoners, and ho would avoid by
sulcldo tho disgrace of an execution.
28. "Paul cried . . .wo aro nil
hero." Thus saving tho Jnller's life,
for thero was no longer a reason for
his committing suicide.
29. "Called for a light." Tho Grcok
Is plural, lights, torches or lamps.
"Fell down boforo Paul and Silas."
30. "Brought them out." of tho in-
nor prison, Into the open court, or Into
IiIb own house. What was tho jailer's
motivo In asking, "What must I do to
bo saved?" Tho motivo was a con
scIouBiiess of sin, of danger, of need,
and of the goodness produced In Paul
and Silas by their religion.
31. "Bcliovo on tho Lord Jesus
Christ, nnd thou shalt bo saved."
Saved from Bin, from its punishment,
and to holinoB and heaven. "And th
house." Hy leading his family to tho
samo faith.
IV. The Missionaries Roleased and
Sent on Their Way. Vs. 35-40. Tho
next morning tho mngistrato, learning
what had taken plnco, sent olllcors to
quietly relenso Paul and Silas, as tho
easiest way to savo trouble. But Paul
knew a hotter wny, and stood upon his
rights, qulto ns much for tho good of
tho young church as for himself.
"Thoy havo bonton us openly, uncon
deinned," without trial, nnd legal de
cision that thoy wore guilty according
to Roman law. "Being Romans," and
exempt from stripes and torture. "Let
them como themselves and fetch us
38. "Thoy feared, when thoy heard,"
etc. Tho crime was regarded as trea
son, nnd those who committed It wero
Hnblo to degradation from ofTlco, con
fiscation of property, and perhaps
death. As tho result, tho magistrates
apologized, nnd requested thorn to
loavo tho city, which thoy did with
dignity, and for tho nenco and uood
of tho Infant Philippian church.
Und thoy romnlned, there might nrlso
usoloss opposition; whllo by leaving
Luko with tho church (as wo loarn
from tho chnngo of pronouns "wo" to
"thoy"). thero was a peaceful but
largo growth of tho Christian com
munity. From a comparison with
what follows It appears tlmt Timothy
went with Paul and Silas.
"Two words of Jesus in this lesson
can monn ovorythlng to every ono of
us," Follow Mo. What will your an
Bwor bo to-day? Ho calls you now.
Will you follow him trustfully Into
dnnger, Into safety, into glorious taerv
Design of One to De Erected nt Lex.
Ington by Kentucky Daughters of
the Confederacy.
Lexington, Ky An equestrian
Rtntue of den John Hunt Morgan will
he erected in front of the Fnyetto
county court house In this city, per
mission for which was granted hy the
fiscal court of the county soveral days
ngti. The statue was accepted hy the
committee from the Kentucky division
of tlio United Daughters of the Con
federacy here recently after a half
day meeting in which sovornl mem
bers of the committee, notably Mrs.
'-;"" 'w
Equestrian Statue of Gen. John H.
James L. Arnold of Covington, Mrs.
James H. Mulligan of Lexington nnd
Mrs. John I. Woodbury or Louis
ville fought hnrd to prevent Its ac
ceptance. Tho objections of these members
were based on a statement made to
the committee by Gen. Basil Duko of
Louisville, who contended that tho Hg
use of tho man was wholly unllko
Gen. Morgan In life, ns It mnde
him nppcar too weak chested nnd
more like n consumptive, while as n
matter of fact, Gen. Morgan stood six
feet In his stockings, was a mnn of
lnrge build, with broad shoulders and
n mnssive chest.
Local and visiting horsemen who
spent much time nt the studio during
tho past few weeks, pronounced tho
model of the horse the most perfect
they had ever seen. The Daughters
of the Confederacy are now engaged
In raising $15,000 to pay for the work,
which is expected to be cast In bronge
nnd placed in position. some time In
the coming fall.
George W. Woodruff Named for Dis
trict Judgeship by President, But
May Be Transferred.
Washington. George W. Woodruft
has been named by President Tnft to
ho United States district judge for
Hawaii, but some objection having
arisen tlio appointment Is being re
considered and may bo withdrawn.
Mr. Woodruff was n noted football
player at tho University of Pennsyl
vania, nnd his strenuousnesB in athlet
ics recommended him to President
Roosevelt so grently that he was ap
pointed to a position in the bureau of
forestry, and later hecamo assistant
attorney general for tho interior de
partment. When the department or justice wns
reorganized President Tnft appointed
soma ono to tnko Mr. Woodruff's
plnco. But Mr. Woodruff's friends
brought pressure to bear, and tho'
president named him to tho Judicial
position In Hawaii. The appointment
George W. Woodruff.
met with strong opposition on tho
ground that Mr. Woodruff had not had
sufllolent Judicial experience to lit him
for the plnco. Tlio fact that many of
Mr. Woodruffs rulings in tho interior
department had boon overruled by tho
courts was quoted, and the president
suspended action for tho time, nnd, It
Ib thought, mny transfer Mr. Woodruff
to some other position or withdraw
his name entirely.
Packing with Ferns.
It hns recently been discovered that
tho leaves of tho fern plant, which
grows nlmost anywhere, Is nn excel
lent preservative for packing nrtlcles
of food, fruit and even meat. It Is
said that on tho Islo of Man fresh
horrlngs aro packed in ferns nnd tir
rlvo on tho murket in as fresh a con
dition as when thoy wero shipped. A
number of experiments have domon
strnted that potatoes packed In forns
keop mnny months longer than thoso
packed in straw In fact, potatoes
packed In fern leaves aro as fresh In
tho springtime ns when they wero
first dug In tho fall.
"SSS' "S".. -,
Save the Babies.
INFANT MORTALITY is something frightful. Wo can hardly realize that of
all tho children born in civilized countrios, twontytwo por cont., or nearly
ono-quartor, dio boforo thoy roach ono yoarj thirtysoven rfor cent,, or mora
than ono-third, boforo they aro five, and ono-holf boforo thoy aro fifteonl
We do not hositato to say that a timely uso of Oastoria would savo a ma
jority of theso procious lives. Noithor do wo hesitate to say that many of theso
infantilo deaths aro occasioned by tho uso of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures
and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain mora or loss opium, or
morphine. Thoy aro, in considorablo quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity
thoy stupofy, rotard circulation and load to congestions, sicknoss, death. Castoria
operates oxactly tho rovorso, but you must soo that it boars tho signature of
Chas. E Flotchor. Castoria causes, tho blood Jo circulate proporly, opens tho
poros of tho skin and allays fevor.
ALL'niffif. i nt-i. .U !.'...
slm ItaitagitaRxtfanditouh
ling Uic Sioroariis oMBonds of
Promotes DigpstionJCtVerTui
IICSS and RestCnntalrK nriihrr
Opium.Morphirte norMfooalJ
fftmfcti .Cms .
Anortortnffnipihj IVtrfYmn'n.
1 Ion . Sour Stonucrt.Dlarrtoa
Worms .Cnnvustnns.revr.rish
ncss and Loss or Sleep.
lacSimilc Sigaamreof
Guaranteed under thetuod
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Leave It to Him.
A Wichita man was fussing because
of his acliliiR teeth. "Why don't you
Ko to n dentlbt?" asked ono of his
"Oh, I haven't got the nerve," wns
tho reply.
"Never mind that." replied tho
friend, "tho dentist will find the nervo
nil right." Kansas City Jorunnl.
Like an Hour Glass.
Nolle Is that fellow of yours over
going to get up tho couraga to pro
pose? Belle I guess not he's llko nn
hour glass.
Nelle An hour glass?
Uelle Yes; the more time ho gets
tho less sand ho has. Clovelaud
Shako Into Your Shoe
Allen's Foot-Uase, a ponder for your foot.
It cures painful, swollen, aninrtlnt;, sweat
liiB feet. Makes new shoes easy. Sold by
nil Druggists and Shoo Stores. 05c. Don't
accept any substitute. Saniplo FIti:E. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeHoy, N. Y.
Skill to do comes of doing, knowl
edge comes by eyes nlways open nnd
working hands, and thero is no knowl
edge that Is not power. Emerson.
A IiousclioM once wippiied with TTnm
Jinn Wizard Oil is widow nllnued to bo
without it. In msp of Midden miidiop or
nppnlnnf vvi,-.! Hit 1... ,i. ..l--:. ..
the family doctor. Are you impphed?
Men owo their resolution, and most
of their success, to tlio opposition they
meet with. Henan.
.Mm. Vtlnsloir'n Soiithlnir 8yrnn.
For rlilMren toethlmr, oftrn tlio Kiitim, reduce In
nrauiuilun, bIIbj ialn , cures wlna loIIu. 2lc u Uittlo.
It is always tlio open season for
killing timo with eiiiiio people
rKimv n.wis' iwiMtii,i.i:ic
amwMIio uhi uml Intl.imiiutli.n tn.ui Iji'.'.ttlni
inn! hiM.ctljlti'8. Hi)llii'h und iillayntliiHiH fill Itcfi
liiK (it iiiomuu til lo s. , :tto mul i0o bottles.
Tho umbrella dealer has a lot put
by for a rainy day.
I-ew i Finnic- Hinder eipar. Onitmnl in Tin
roil biiioU-r l'ntliiiKc Take no substitute.
Thero Is more or less moonshine In
tho astrology business.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to
Dr. A. F. Tcolcr, of St. Loulrj, Mo., Bays: "I havo proscribed your Castoria
tn many caeca nnd havo nlwnyn found It nn efficient and speedy remedy."
Dr. D. Down, of Philadelphia, Ta., Bays: "I havo proscribed your Caa
torla In my practico for many ycaro with, great eatlsfactlon to myself and
benefit to my pntlcnls."
Dr. Edward rnrrish, of Brooklyn, N. T., tmyn: "I havo used your Cas
toria in iy own household with nood results, and hnvo ndvlsod soveral
pnticnta to uso It for Kg mild lnxativo effect and freedom from harm."
Dr. J. B. Elliott, of Now York City, says: "Hnvlns during tho past ulr
ycara prescribed your Castoria for Infantilo Btomnch disorder, I most
heartily commend Ha uso. Tho formula contains notUng dolotcrloua
to tho most dollcato of children."
Dr. C. O. Sprncue, of Omaha, Neb., says: "Your Castoria la nn Ideal
mcdlcino for children, nnd I frequently prescrlbo It Whllo I do not advo
cato tho indlscrimlnato uso of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria is an.
exception for conditions which nriso In tho caro of chlldron."
Dr. J. A. Tarkcr, of Kansao City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria holds tho
esteem of tho medical profession In a manner he'l by no other proprie
tary preparation. It Is a auro nnd rcllablo modlclno for infanta nnd chIN
drcn. In fact, it Is tho unlvcrsnl household remedy for infantilo ailments."
Dr. II. F. Morrill, of Aucusta, Mo., aays: "Castoria Is ono of tho very,
finest nnd most rcmarkablo remedies for Infnnta nnd chlldron. In my;
opinion your Castoria has eaved thousands from an early cravo. I caa
furnish hundroda of testimonials from thla locality as to ita efficiency
nnd merits."
Dr. Norman M. Gecr, of Cleveland, Ohio, Bays: "During tho last twolvo
ycara I havo frequently recommended your Cnstorla as ono of tho beat
preparation of tho kind, being cafo In tho hands of parents nnd very et
fcctlvo In relieving children's disorders, whllo tho enco with which oucbJ
a pleasant preparation can bo administered la a Kroat advantaeo .
jbuuto mo
The Kind You Have Always Bott
In Use For Over 30 Years.
..... w.r..WM wuwrn.1T. TT
Positively cured by
I these Little Pills.
mh I Tliey nlso relieve Dl-
HBI ITTLE ItrcHHfrciinDyRpvpHlu.In-
I H lillKt-atlmiiiuilTooIlenrty
ID I V C.K E'"1"'''- A perfect rem-
nil! o M'y f"r nizzlncKN, Nnn-
mm rlLLid Ihph, Irownlnenn, Had
B iTnKtnlntlieMoiitli.Cont-
IHH '! To nc lie, I'a I ii In tlio
i ISllll'. TOltPtl) T.IVPIt
They regulato tlio Dowels. Turely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fao-Similo Signature
73 W, Adams St., Chicago
For Any Face or Any Beard
Dfl mliA tttftlltliVfl th haf
'nrnnlaa a lnB...i.i.t tfkkU
NHVati Valla s llaan. nUM
JIlr to u youthful OolorT
Cum Klp diKuu to htlrfulliig.
DEFIANCE Cold Water Starch
makes laundry wrk a pleasure. 10 oz. pkg. 100.
" aniiclisl with Thnmnenn'c Cua UflH
i) iivuiwwii bjw naici
thas. If. Fletcher.
signature ox
W. N. U, LINCOLN, NO. 28-1909.
THE TEETH Pax,'ne "celianydenlifrico
I I n Jn cleaning, whitening and
removing Urtar from the teeth, beiidej dcitroyintf
11 nerrni of decay and dueaie which ordinary
tooth picparatiom cannot do.
TIIE Mill ITU Paxtine uted at a mouth.
and throat, punfiei the breath, and kilts the gerrm
which collect in the mouth, cauiing lore throaV
Lad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much lickneu.
THE EYFQ when inflamed, tired, echo
P , " ' nd burn, mny bo injtautly
relieved and strengthened by Paxtine.
PATARRU Pax,mo w'" Jtroy the germ
I Hnnn that cauie catarrh, heal tho iu
Bamm&tion and lop the discharge. It u a luro
remedy (or uterine, catarrh.
Paxtine n a harmleu vrt nmvirfnl
;ermicide,disinicftant and deodorizer. I
Jsed in bathini? It clfltrnvt rvlnr.nn.l
i .!. i..j -. ' ii ;-"
Kin mo uuuy amuepucaiiy clean.
in the dumps
from over-eating, drinking
'bad Ijver and constipation get
many a one, but there's n way out
Cascarcts relieve and cure
quickly. Take one to-night and
feel ever so much better in the
Cnscareti lOo box week' treat
ment. All ilrtieeUts. Ulecoat seller
lu tho world million boxu u month.
pUcol anjrwbera
mirvi'tk auil kllU
L.U 11 m . Oiua
not mill I or tip
over, lll not mil
(limnntvcd etrn
tlvn. Of.lld,,l.rH
Wo WtnXihommt,
- LTrrBmy
1 ,
1 r ,