The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 08, 1909, Image 2

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W MtT luP Hilt. I m f J& "in 'S I Jr MT -ttSjJirl1"' '
MHniMmHHHH I wIumi tlio nine nroso and yawned audi ouiorwiao inoy woum not uo cc-ipBHHHHIl
.jl JI
By Lient.-Gcn. 11. S. S. Baden
Powell, F. R. G. S.
Thromjh all lite world lite name
of linden Powell, soldier anil scien
tist, is celebrated and but faw people
luow that he lias the ability to shine
by right of his pen and brush as
well. The hero of Mafcking and a
dozen other campaigns filed in the
gaps betireen military engagements
with hunting and this "Sport in
War" contains some dramatic ad
ventures sprinkled with bits of rare
humor and caustic comment. A most
unusual feature is the reckless way
in which he hunted with military
arms instead of the customary weap
ons for big game.
YVrUAT kind of sport did you
VV lmvo out t,iu-i?" in ti
must Ion with which men
linve, as :i rule, grouted ono on
return from tho campaign In nhodo
Bin; mid ono could truthfully Buy,
"Wo had excellent sport." I ntn nhout
to tell of facing lions with a small
caliber military rlllo, an adventure- to
thrill army sportsman.
In the llrst place, scouting played a
very prominent part In tho prelimin
aries to major operations.
This scouting, to bo successful, ne
cessitated one's going with tho very
slenderest escort fremmutly with
one man only, to look nfter tho horses,
and lor long distances nway from our
t main body, Into tho districts occupied
by the enemy nnd by big game. Thus,
ono was thrown entirely on one's own
resources, with the stimulating knowl
edge that if he did not maintain a suf
ficient alertness of observation and
action, he stood a very good clinnco,
indeed, not only of falling to gain In
formation which you wero desired to
seek, but also of getting himself wlpod
out, and loft tu stress on the veldt.
"Spooring," or tracking, was our
main source of guidance nnd Informa
tion and night tho cover under which
wo wero ublo to make our way nbout
tho enemy's country with Impunity,
The pleasures of tho pursuit of
game wero all tho moro onhnuced by
the knowledge thnt tho meat was
really necessary to us, and especially
by tho fnct that wo often carried out
our bport at tho risk of being our-
Bolves tho ipiarry of somo sneaking
band of rebel warriors.
Dangers of Camping in the Lion
Moieover, to all our fun a seasoning
was added In tho shape of lions, whoso
presence gr propinquity was vory fro
fluently Impressed upon us at nights
by deep-toned grunts or ghostly np
, paritlous within tho halo of our watch
fires. In doflanco of tho rules of war
which forbid tho uso of fires by
night, ns guiding nn euomy's night nt
tack wo had a ring of bright fires
burning round our bivouac to scaro
away tho lions.
Uy day wo saw thorn, too. Ono pa
trol, Indeed, camo upon a group of
nine lying dozing iv tho bush; and
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when tlio titno nroso mid yawned nnd
stretched their nmuHlvu Juwb nnd
limbs, tho patrol, remembering tho
old innxlin concerning tho rotations
between discretion mid valor,
changed tho courso of their ndvmico
mid took another lino.
One time, when I wnB patrolling
tho bank of tho Shniignni river with
threo men, tho iiiiisbIvo form of n
lion wns seen slowly moving over tho
boulders of tho river-bed. Tho cor
poral and I Jumped off our horses In
n moment, and llred a volley a deux,
ut about ISO yards. Ono Bhot thudded
Into him, tho other striking tho
ground just under his belly. Ho
sprang with n light bound over a
rock and disappeared from our vlow.
Posting one man on a high point on
the bank to watch tho river-bed
nnd leaving the other In chnrgo of
our horses, tho corporal and I mndo
our way down to whero wo had last
seen tho lion. We wero armed with
Leo-Motford carbines mid wo turned
on our magazines In order to lmvo a
good running lire available should our
ipiarry demand it.
.Meantime our main body, coming
along tho opposite bank of tho river,
hud seen our maneuver, and an o Ul
cer mid one man had come down Into
the riverbed from their sldo to help us.
Grndually and cautiously wo sur
rounded tho spot where wo guessed
tho lion to be cautiously, at least,
as far as threo of us wero concerned;
tho fourth, tho man who had como
from the main body, was moving In a
far freer and more confident manner
than any of us could boast; ho clnm
bored over the rocks and sprang with
agility Into tho most likely corners
for finding a wounded Hon lying am
bushed, and his solo weapon was his
revolver for ho was a farrier. Such
Is Tommy Atkins;' whether It Is tho
outcome of sheer pluck, or of ignor
mice, or of both combined, tho fact
remains that ho will sail gayly in
where danger lies, and ns often as not
sail gayly out again unharmed.
However, to continue; at bust wo
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were on tho spot, but no Hon was
there an occasional splash of blood,
and hero and there, where sand lay
between the rocks, tho impress of n
mighty paw showed that he had moved
away nfter being bit. Hut soon all
traces ceased, and though wo searched
for long wo could find no other sign
of htm.
Outwitted by the Jungle King
Wo hnlted on tho river-hank during
tho Intenso bent of tho day, aud be
fore resuming our march In tho even
ing we sallied out once moro to search
tho river-bed and nn Islet grown with
bushes, whero wo hoped ho might bo.
And whllo wo senrched tho hussar,
who had been nsslgned to mo to hold
my horso, and who was tho ninii who,
In the morning, hnd been posted to
watch tho river-bed, nsked: "How
many lions nro thcro supposed to bo
here?" I told him "Only tho ono wo
fired nt this morning."
Whereupon ho grimly said, "Oh, I
saw him go away up tho river when
you went down it. Ho was a dragging
Ills hludipiarters after him."
It nppenrcd that tho man thought
ho hud been postod to gunrd against
surprise by an enemy, nnd did not
reallzo that wo, being down nmong
the rocks, could not see.tho lion which
was so visible from his lookout plnce.
Anil so wo lost that Hon.
Hut I had bettor luck another ttmo.
It Btands thus recorded In my dlnry:
"10th October. (To bo marked with
a rod mark when I can got n red pen
cil.) Jackson and n native 'boy' ac
companied mo scouting this morning;
wo threo stnrted off nt 3 a. in. In
moving round tho hill thnt ovorlooks
our camp wo saw a match struck high
up near tho top of tho mountain.
This ono little spnrk told us a good
iloal. It showed that tho enemy wero
there; thnt they woro awako ami nlert
(I say 'thoy,' becauso ono nigger
would not dnro to bo up thoro by
himself In tho dark); nnd they wero
nwnro of our forco being at Posselt's
V ' ' K'-"- m!L
(as otherwise thoy would not bo oc
cupying this hill).
"However, they could not see any
thing of us, ns It was then miito dark.
And wo wont farther on among tho
mountains. In tho early morning
light wo crossed tho deep river-bed
of tho Umchlngwo Itlver, nnd, In do
ing so, noticed tho fresh spoor of a
lion In tho sand. Wo wont on and hnd
a good look at the enemy's stronghold;
and on our wny back, as we ap
proached this river-bed, agrood to go
quietly, In case tho lion should bo
moving about In It. On looking down
over tho bank, my heart Jumped Into
my mouth when I saw a grand old
brute just walking In behind u bush.
Jackson did not see him, but wns off
his horso us quickly ns I wns, and
ready with his gun: too ready, Indeed,
for the moment that tho lion appeared,
walking majestically out from behind
tho bush that had hidden him, Jack
son fired hurriedly, striking tho ground
under his foot, ami, as wo afterwards
discovered, knocking off one of his
"The lion tossed up his shaggy head
ami looked at us In dlgulllcd surprise.
Then I flrod and hit him with a leaden
bullet from tho hee-Mutford. Ho
reeled, sprang round, and staggered
a few paces, when Jackson, who wns
using a Martini-Henry, let him have
ono In tho shoulder. This knocked
him over iddownys, and ho turned
about, growling savagely.
"I could scarcely believe that we
had got a lion at last, but resolved
to make sure of It; so, tolling Jackson
not to flro unless It was necessary
(for fear of spoiling tho skin with tho
larger bullet of the Martini), I went
down closer to the boast and fired a
shot at the back of his neck ns ho
turned his head momentarily nway
from mo. Tho bullet went through
his spine and camo out through the
lower Jaw, killing him.
"Wo woro pretty delighted at our
BUCC03S, but our nigger was mnd with
happiness, for a dead Hon provided
ho Is not a man-eater has many In
valuablo gifts for a Kalllr, In tho shniio
of love-phlltres, charms against dis
ease or Injury, and medicines that
produco bravery. It wa3 quite do
llghtfti 1 to shako hands with tho
mighty paws of tho dead lion, to pull
at his magnificent tawny ninue, nnd
to look into his great deep, yellow
eyes. Then wo set to work to skin
him; two of us skinning while the
other kept watch In case of tho enemy
sneaking up to cntch us while wo woro
thus occupied. We found that ho was
fat, and also that ho had been much
wounded by porcupines, portions of
whoso quills had pierced the skin, and
lodged In his tlesh in several places.
Our nigger cut out the eyes, gall-bladder,
and various bits of tho lion's
anatomy, as f .h medicine. I filled
my carblne-huc v't with somo of tho
fat, as I knew my two 'boys,' Diamond
and M'tlnl, would vory greatly value
It. Tiieu, alter liming mo iiead in a
neighboring bush where wo could find
It again, wo packed tho skin on to
ono of tho ponies and returned to
jump mightily pleased with our
selves." By permission of Inni;inans, Groen &
Co., Ntw Yuik.
(Copyright, 1W9, by llonj. H. Hampton )
The Hat So Named, of Course, Is
Meant, and the Tnle Is a Dis
mal One, Indeed.
Thero's a weeping bride in Horougli
Park and nn angry bridegroom, too,
nnd n frenzied hatter, which does not
mnttor as much as tho bride's "boo
boo!" writes tho poet reporter of tho
Now York Tribune.
Vphcn subway trains and rushing
crowds of men from overy nation had
Jammed tho stairs and platforms of
the Twenty-third street stntlon tho
ticket soller, Charllo Hott, whoso tem
per Boomed errntlc, hold up a ticket
buyer with a question most emphatic.
Tho buyer, Israel Cohen, a milliner's
errnnd boy, with a hat as big as over
seen, hnd caused tho clerk'a annoy.
The hat wns Just a linear yard across
from brim to brim, whllo half that dis
tance up nnd down mndo other hats
look Bllm. For the lint n brldo was
waiting nnd tho hour was getting late,
but tho subway, Hott Insisted, wns not
built to enrry freight.
So Hott emerged from out his box
nnd mndo a pass nt Cohen, whllo Is
rael seemed Inclined to think 'twas
tlmo thnt ho was go!n nut ero tho
luckless messenger was able to es
cape tho "Merry Widow" outfit had
assumed a woeful shape. No longer
high and lofty, but mashed so badly
that It looked moro llko a panonko
than a "Merry Widow" lint.
nut whllo tho fight was at Its height
n copper camo around, arrested Hott
(heaven help his lot) before- he'd
fought ono round. To tho nearest
statlo of pollco, In Twentieth street,
thoy tell, ho took poor Hott, chnrged
with assault, and locked him In n
Never Be Afraid to Doubt.
Nevor bo afraid to doubt, If only
you lmvo tho disposition to bollovo;
and doubt In order that you may end
In bellovtug tlio truth. Loighton.
By Baron Hc'mrich Albert
Huron Ihinriih Albert, tho Aus-lriiin-iriss
adventurer, Itus hunted
gaiw in vry part of the world. He
hut an csl'ilr which jirnvidcj him
with an imomc of $,uuv per year,
and for the fktst JS years, thai is
since his majority, he has traveled
over the globe fating dangerous ani
mals and litying them low. II is not
often that a man is found who has
hunted puma, gri::ly, moose, lion,
tiger, elephant, wolf, rhinoceros,
hippopotamus, leopard, oceolot, etc.
In these especially written papers he
lias narrated for litis series some of
his most stirring encounters in the
territory through which JC.v-l'rc.i-dent
lloosevelt will htint.
IT WOL'LI) be absurd after nego
tiating the dangers of a passage
of the Upper N'llo out of season
nnd nfter traversing several hundreds
of miles of country In the hands
of rebellious tribesmen, to como
to a mortal end undor tho paws
of a Nubian Hon. It would bo
tho Irony of fate, but that Is what
nearly happened to mo somo years
ago. With perils Innumerable behind
us tho two whlto men of tlio party,
ono a gold-seeker tho other a puro
adventurer of tho typo of Tamor,
nearly camo to an end.
Wo frequently loft tho river nnd
nnvlgablo tributaries which we wero
working out slowly, to oxploro tho ra
vines for high bars, nover taking with
us moro than four bearers, though at
times wo woro absent from tho main
party outfit for a fortnight, knowing
it was entirely safe in tho caro of a
thin cross-oyeil Arabian ex-chasseur
who was a born voyugour with a tingo
of Nnpoleon nnd tho Dovll and Undo
Tom In him. Ho wns truo as salt
Arabian and tlio blood brothor Senegal
negro aro two types of dark skinned
men with whom I would as soon faco
danger and difficulty ns with any
whlto men that llvo.
Ono night woSvoro nbout to mako
camp whan wo encountered a party of
women nnd girls boartng wnter Jars
and thoy told us of a village a mllo
further on. Uoforo wo reached the
village wo wero mot by the chief nnd
his ludunmis who begged us to mnko
a stay with thoni as thoy wero seri
ously troublod with lions. Two of tho
chlof's horses aud two of his wives
hud been killed among the losses
-- SjflB"wiCBiwi!i 1 1 1 1 I H Jill I J la
which tho vllln0 hnd suffered nnd
the three muskets In his army woro of
no avail especially as nono of tho of
ficers In command ctnild bo induced
to got near enough to tho bold beasts
to risk a shot.
About the second hour of darkness
tho cattle In tho village became very
restless. Tho wind was from tho
south and ns tho half full moon wns so
bright thnt any skulking nnlmul near
tho vllluga would have been noticed,
Drayton and I agreed that tho Hon was
In n little coppo of rocks about a half
mile up tho wind. Wo had not hnd
time before dnrk to examine any of
tho old spoor and knowing merely
that there was at least a lioness with
cubs nmong the lot, wo set out In
stead of waiting ""til they approached
tho stream. Drayton carried u special
CO.r.O Winchester nnd I a Parker ton
gauge, which I hnd loaded with Bpeclal
shells of dense powder and buckshot
set In wnx.
When within 50 yards of tho koppe
n splendid animal form rose out of
the rocks nnd stood facing us his foro
paws on n lingo boulder. Wo wero
hidden by the clumps of brush through
which we had boon working nnd ho
did not see us. Slowly nnd tnnjestlc
ally he surveyed the little plain then,
thrusting out his ponderous Jaw ut
tered a roar that went thundering
down the roaches of moonlit silence.
It wns with difficulty that could re
strain Drayton from risking u shot
from where wo stood. The Hon held
his pose and ducking under cover of
tho brush ami treading softly on tho
sand we hurried forward to tlio first
ridge of rocks. To pass these, wo
must attract his notlco to n certainty,
so Drayton dropped on ono kiiei whllo
with every nerve tingling and my eyes
nnd ears astrain to catch any sign of
his mate, who might be Just beyond
the ridge for all wo know, I waited for
I) raj ton's shot. Ho chose the chest
and tho crash of tho Winchester went
echoing nmong tho rocks. The mag
nificent beast leaped ten feet In the
nlr, then camo rolling, tumbling, claw
ing down our side of the koppe di
rectly toward us. Ills wounded roar
was answered from other directions.
There were two other lions on tho
other sldo of the koppe and one In
the rocks and brush not 20 yards from
us to the rlghf. Hut we had not tlmo
to think of them. Tho wounded lion
got to his feet with Incredible energy
and quickness. As ho leaped, with
another roar I poured both barrels of
my Parker Into his body. That was
enough. He landed in convulsions
and It was fortunate that lie had
enough. There was a crash In tho
brush to tho right nnd bounding Into
tho moonlight giving torrlblo voice,
camo his mate. Sho stopped ns she
caught sight of us. Nover havo I
broken ami loaded a gun moio quickly.
Drayton had pumped In another slioll
ami without pausing to moro than
swing on his knee nnd cover, ho let
drlvo nnd missed, bnroly raking her
shoulder. Sho bit hastily nt tho wound
and then camo for us llko n thunder
bolt. I meant to pull both barrols,
but gave her tho right. Sho wavered
a trlflo, but was on us beforo I could
flro ngaln. Sho knocked Drayton flat
and his head, striking a rock, ho lay
sonsoless, whllo her outstretched
talons toro his rlllo from his bauds
and tumbled It clattorlng among tho
bushes. Her momentum carried her
over him nnd her body merely
brushed mo. I leaped ono pace to tho
right nnd swinging my piece without
even bringing it to shoulder drove tho
bucks Into her throat. Sho wns in
tho net of whirling to rush upon Drnf
ton, but now dropped In tier finnl
agony rolling over nnd over on him,
ono blind blow from hor paws tearing
half tho clothes from tils body but
leaving him unhurt. I did not know
then bnt that sho had crushed his
skull ns Hho leaped, but i ragging lilm
aside I unw that ho was merely
stunned nnd was now coming rnround.
Hy permission ef Ioiij;mnus, Oreon &
Co,, Now York.
(Copyrlcht. 1JO, by Dcnj. c. Hampton.)
How Mrs. Kessler Was Rescued from
Almost Certain Death.
Few have lived through such trials
and suffering from kidney, disease as
were onuureu by
Mrs. Cnrollno Kess
ler of W. Main St.,
Paw Paw, Mich. Well
and strong ngaln,
her case is thought
a miracle by her
friends. What Mrs.
Kessler went
through makes a
long story back
ache, rheumatism, dizzy nnd fainting
Bpolls, urlnnry disorders, dreadful
bloating of dropsy nnd finally a com
plete prostration thnt defied medlcnl
skill and caused her to be given up.
Through tho uso of Doan's Kidney
Pills Mrs. Kessler Ib a well ,woman
nnd Ib willing to tell nbout her caso
to anyono who cares to Inquire.
Sold by nil dealers. CO cts. n box.
Foster-Mllburn Co.. Huffnlo, N. Y.
"nut, Minna, you shouldn't flirt with
nil tho men ns your aro doing! Re
member you're not married!"
Here's a Good One.
A friend of mlno told me of a curi
ous experience. Ho was carefully
stalking a big bull elephant in n large
herd, when they got tils wind, nnd a
big cow elephant charged him. Ho
jumped behind a large tree as tho
elephant renched him, nnd, being tin
nblo to stop herself In time, the ele
phant drove her tusks with such forco
Into the tree that they snapped off
close to her head. The elopliant wn3
stunned for a moment, but luckily
turned nnd galloped after the fast re
treating herd, leaving lilm tho posses
sor of somo SO pounds of Ivory, valued
at about .lO. Circle Magazine.
Lazy Men Power Generators.
Learned Justice Hetts of Kingston,
N. Y., says: "Lazy men havo a right
to live." Our lazy men ure our most
potent. History shows that ns a rule,
with a rule's exceptions, our greatest
men had either indolent or shiftless
fathers, ns fathers of Shakespeare,
Lincoln, Nnpoleon, Hlsmnrck nnd other
worthies Indicate. On tho other hnnd.
great men's children nro low nnd
far between. Power In a lazy man 13
accumulative, ns In a colled spring,
but tho great man has little or nothing
left for offspring. Now York Times.
A Youthful Idea.
"See, my son," said an cnthuslnstlc
parent, anxious to Impress tho beau
ties and resources of nature, "what
beautiful green dresses of leaves the
trees have now, when In winter they
are quite bare."
"I guess," said tho youngster,
thoughtfully, "that when winter comes
they pack those pretty green dresses
In their trunks, don't they?"
Bucolic Rebuke.
"Pa is scoldln the new gardener
"Tho mnn Is such a hayseed."
"I suppose that Is the reason pa is
giving him such a raking over."
Seeds of Disease in Children.
Dr. Shannon of Edinburgh recently
stated that out of tho 1,000 city chil
dren under three years of age exam
ined by him, 017 had tuberculosis In
some form.
Has Had Experiences.
A woman who has used Postum
Blnco it camo upon tho market knows
from experience tho wisdom of us
ing Postum In placo of coffee if ono
values health and a clear brain. Sho
"At tho time Postum wob first put
on the markot I was suffering from
nervous dyspepsia, nnd my physician
had repeatedly told mo not to uso
tea or coffco. Finally I decided to
tako his advlco and try Postum. I
got a packago and had it carefully
proparcd, finding It delicious to tho
taste. So I continued its uso and very
soon Its beneficial effects convinced
mo of ita value, for I got well of my
nervousness and dyspepsia.
"My husband had boon drinking cof
fco all his llfo until it had nffected
hi, nerves terribly, and I persuaded
him to shift to Postum. It was easy
to get him to mako tho change for
tho Postum is so delicious. It cer
tainly worked wonders for lilm.
"Wo soon learned that Postum does
not exhilarate nor depress and does
not stimulate, but steadily and honest
ly strengthens tho nerves and tho
"To mako n long story short, our en
tire family continued to uso Postum
with satisfying results, ns shown in
our fino condition of health and wo
havo noticed a rathor unexpected im
provement lu brain nnd nervo power."
Incrensed brain and nervo power
always follow tho uso of Postum in
placo of coffeo, sometimes in a very
marked manner. "There's a Reason."
Look in pkgs. for tho fnmouB llttlo
book, "Tho Rond to Wollvlllo."
Ever rend Hip nliove li-Uerf A new
one ninn-iii-M from tlmu to time. They,
nre mnuluc, true, aud full of Uuiuaa
V A-a Si
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