i t r j, l VV. M. i-.-4 V t X- ' 9 Stato Uislorical Society ! .1 Nsiafcr 'Iltat ii:: Tin: News Plft-ma Heck-, Kar.li Vnir Tor One Uollnr. VOLUME XXXVII. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CAPITAL $25,000 DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer C. J. Pope Wm. M. Crabill Win. H. Thomas S. R. Florance. Goming To Red Gloud. Chief of Slaff of Hot Springs Doctors on Annual Tour. At Royal Hotel July 10th, He Will Make No Charge For Consultation or for Examination. Tin' Cliit-r or Staff or I he Mot Springs Doctors is making his annual tour of the state, visiting the towiisnud cities calling on their patients in each com munity, and consulting with new pa tients who are desirous thereat treat ment that cures all chronic and ner vous diseases of men and women. The phenomenal success of the Hot Springs treatment is due to tho fact that it re moves from the patient's system the cause of disease; usually doctors treat tho symtoms of the case, instead of making n complete diagnosis and then removing the cause as do these spec ialists. The human body lias been the life study of these noted specialists, their skill in the mutterof medical diagnosis puts them in the front ranks of Ameri can Specialists After they make a painstaking examination they are in a position to stato positively whether or not a cure is possible; if not they tell the patient so and refuse to under take a cure. If they do uudertako a euro the patient is cured. They do tills at oxtreinol y.reasonuble cost, they ask no feo at all until the patient is completely cured. Only a moderate charge is made for the medicine in each case. Tho highest standard of quality to the only standard in the medicines used by the Hot Springs Doctors. These expensive medicines nre espec ially prepared for each case, they are from the World's best laboratory, guar anteed by the pure food laws, eliminat ing all possibility of anyone taking into their system any poisonous drugs A cure is sure and pormanent as a re sult of taking the world famous Hot Springs home treatment. Chronic and nervous diseases like rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, goit er, diseases of the heart, blood and lung diseases, catarrh, gall stones, opi lepsy, kidney, stomach and bladder troubles, and female diseases must yield to the treatment as glvon by these noted Specialists. In their Lin coln olllces are thousands of letters from people who have been restored to health, in many insiunces these peo ple could not have boon cured were it not for the Hot Springs treatment. For example take tho case of Mrs. "White who lives at I'niverslty Place, Neb. These Specialists made a care ful examination of her case and found that shr wns suffering from rheuma tism, kidney, and stomach trouble. After tak'ng treatment, here is what ,lho says In here own words: University Place. Neb., April IS. "Do. Word almost fail me to tell how thuiikliil I niu for renewed health and strength after suffering with stomach trouble which eventually reached a stage where I could scarcely retain food, and sulVered great pain. To add to my trouble I was also ulllictcd with rheumatism which swelled my foot and hands so that I was helploss. 1 tried several local doctors but their treatment failed to g'vo me imv relief. 1 began to take the lint Springs Doc tors treatment and commenced to im prove at once, and now at the end of twelve months I am entirely recovered anil feel as well as at any time of mv life. I am glad to recommend the Hot Springs iieatment lor what it has done for me, toany who nny be alllict ed in the" way I have been MISS. II. R. win ri:. Here is a testimonial letter from Smith Center. Kansas, that is Inter esting. Smith Center, K.ins. April It, "0D. Mrs. Amis is getting along just line; has not had any oT her old dropsyieal trouble at all this year. It has been just about one year since Kind Provi dence sent you to Smith Center and we are certainly thankful for tho help yon have rendered us. Wishing yon unbounded success, we are as ever, MR. and MltS.S. b. AMKS. The treatment that has cured thasu poople and restored thousands of others to health is available to the people in this section for it is this won derful system of treatment that tho Chief of Stalf of the Hot Sprigs Doc tors brings to us on .Inly 10, at the Hovai. Horn. As the Specialists will bo here only one day, it is respectfully requested that people do not call out of idle curiosity. He will be busy with pa tients who ically need his services and it would bo an Imposition to tako up his time idly. It is also important to announce that married women who wish to consult with the Chief of Staff must be accompaincd by their hus bands, and all minors by their parents. If you are suffering with any chronic or nervous disease and desire to be re stored to health, vigor and happiness, don't fall to call at the Royal Hotel, July 10, lOOo. The permanent olllces of tho Hot Springs Doctors are located at llth and O street, Lincoln, Nebraska Rill. IMA UsM Cllll.l) i. . D.v. Dr. Dctcoihons Relief for Rheumatism ami Neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3 days. It action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at onco the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The dis close greatly beuotlts Too and SI. first Sold oy The II E. (J rice Drug Co., Red Cloud. Nobr. If you have pains in the back, weak back, or any other indication of a weakened or disordered condition of tho kidneys or bladder you should got DoWitt's Kidney and Bladder Tills ritfht away when you oxporionco the least sign of kidney or bladder com- j plaints, but be sure that you get He- Witt's Kidney and Uladder Pills. Wo know whatthy will do tor you, and it you will send your name to K. C. Do Witt A Co . Chicago, you will receive a free trial bo of thosokldncyund blad der pills They are sold here by all druggists. KM: I) CLOIM), GUIDE ROCK. A number ol our people weiv nt Red Cloud Monday. Mrs. .1, S. Marsh who has been ill the past week is now silting up. Mrs. Iilella Watt spent several days with her brother Lew smith and fami ly. (iiiido Rock beat the State Line base ball team Tuesday. The score was I to 10. Mr-. Ashpole spent last week with her daughters Mrs. Pohleuiiis and .Mrs. Ran.. Mrs. Ivan A mack returned Tuesday from visiting her mother Mrs. Holm grain at Red Cloud. Mr-. Jennie U-terblad bus been in from the country vi-iting her mother Mrs Deadlier mid other lelativcs. Miss Mall-sa l.aiubeit expects the three young ladits who were her asso ciate teachers at Diller la-t year to ar rive here July llth for a visit Miss Geneva Robinson received a letter this week from her aunt, Mrs. Wallaae Robinson of Colorado in which she said their house had been struck by lightning and burned with its con tents. Several (iuide Rock people aiv .so journing in Colorado. Among them are I'rof. and Mrs. ('. A. Pcrrigo, the Misses Anna and Irene Ferguson, Miss Meulah Doudna, Mrs. I. W. Crary and sun Clarauce. J. J. Cns-ell and wife are going soon Six Trophies tor Graltjs Three ne.v trophies will be offered this year by states and organizations, to the growers producing the best grains. The trophies have a money value of from SHOO to S.'.OOO, but their value to a grower is far more than tho mere money. No grower has won a trophy at grain ex posl lions "who could not get mere than double price for his grains, especially corn, from those who are constantly socking better seed. Tho National Corn Exposition of fered three trophies last year: the Iudianu trophy foi corn; tlio Dotnln guos trophy for corn judging; and the Western Grain Growers trophy for County Treasurer's Semi-Annual Statement. Recapitulation, showing the amount on hand .limy. 1. HMiil. the collections since made, disbursements, and iimiuut remaining on haul at tho close of the :tOth day of June lOO'.l, in each and all of the several Funds stated. i, , "" ------- - - c S i .-c S 9- v - r I . I A C -" ..--5 KIND OF FUNDS. g , -f ,,, J ,,., TOTAL ransWrl to P TOTAL tt V- " I 3 5 v "7 S - a : s " s "j . 3 : ' t School mid University band.... 1 1(177 1',' Slf.OOl '- S 5 $ 11M1VS .'111 8 IS'.7 1.1 S SUHIil L'.'l S 1DI17S 30 State Consolidated !. 7W: III l14Ht!r 57 47 ,' :M7:Mi III 77rtS',' 1 311 II I L'lTLM 13 County Oeneral 3 (i 38 U07U Sll '-'.'.(I 74 Various fund's 117t7(i lO.'.ll 71 771W 12 S7li! '-"J 1051171 County Bridge- t i Til 7010 10 " " 15 00 71)70 HI 0107 80 180.111 71)70 01 County Railroad bond 5 l'.'08 1133 53 1258 .'! 100 00 858 21 1258 21 County Insane ,' .."...I......"..''. .. .'. County Poor County Soldiers' Relief 0 ' 15l"'7! 22o"58 .'.."...!."..!.". '.'.'.'.."'. ."'..' 378 37 " 150 (M .!..!..!... ' 228 31 378 37 County Road ., District Road 7 0237 10 8I5S07 I'lOOIl' 13 I810' 15 Comm'r District.. 3300 0!' 0180 00 11000 13 Commissioner District 8 0824 21 Oi's't." Road 3300 08 1022122 2072 18 7218 74 1022122 District Schools .'. 0 21005 10 30353 80 ,. ' St. appt . ... '.. ' 3300 08 55710 21 3312101 22585 03 55710 21 State Apportionment 10..' '... State Treasurer 320118 . F i n cs ,v licenses 1511 HO; 3300 0S District Schools .. 3300 08 3300 08 Fines and Licenses Various I'm ties 150 8(1 150 H0i . ... State Apport'in't.. 150 80. 15030 School lloml 12 1133 07 2501 OS 0035 05 012 1(1 0203 55 0035 05 Red Cloud City ;i 31 10 1157 17 HSs33' 1140 32 30 01 11S8;.VJ Red Cloud Water bond ill 1208 80 350 02 1018 88! 20 50 1010 3s 1018 88 Red Cloud Klectrle bight bond Ifli 50832 31150 01288 00700 211 SO' lUU'.SS Red Cloud Hlectric bight Works 10 0 52 0S5 30 "" 001 HI I 083 71 1121)1 0!U 01 Red Cloud Water Works 7i 15 00 150 38 175 37 150 10 10 18, 175 37 Red Cloud Water Works Special 18 3 75 .... 3 75' 3 75 375 Red Cloud .lodgment 10 12 70 0s3 02 005 78 083 110 ."........ 12 12, 005.78 Red Cloud Sidewalk 20 2 73 2 73 2 73 2 173 blue Hill m 810 II 502 00 ' ll' II V il'oii'd"' "' 10150 1513 87! 1513 87 :. 1513;s7 blue Hill Water lloml 22 1055 02 113 00 2000 52 1710 27 10150 22100 2000 52 blue Hill Special 23 103 10 103 10. 103 101 103 10 (iuide Rock 21 1000 58' 30177 137135 1200 00 105 20 137135 I'laden ,-, HIS 70 280 81 ' 758 51 020 02 128 02 758 51 Interest 20 30S 21 308 21 Various funds 308 21 308 21 Advertising ; 108 10 ' ' ' 108 10; County Oeneral. 108 10 108 40 Redemption 28 liiio'ol s50 18 ."..'. ! 1108 52 800 15 278 37 110$ 32 Miscellaneous 20 Various parties 111130 IIU.101 Various funds . .. 111130 , 111130 ' ! j ..,.... S58371M0 50537778 SwTT '' S12708 30S1007.73 15 78310 111 5 8511 23S70012 28 S 100773 15 , ' , , , 1 J ,,.., .... ,!., , 1 1 n Fees and Commissions received from .lanuary 1st, HH)0, to July 1st, lOO'.i IS07. 12 Railroad bonds outstanding 20,000.00 I, W. C. Fruhin, County Treasurer, certify that the above is a true and correct statement of the outstanding indebtc moneys recolved and disbursed by me to the best of my knowledge and belief, Siib.eribed and sworn to before m:ai .) t'LY out- Wlin the Dn-itioii open- m iMnihti December ;. Kunsi- will oiler' a ti.iphy for wheat; Colorado olloi one for oats and Wisconsin a huiicv ' tmphy All tire rcuiaihahlc pIcccN of the silversmith's arl I lie-ides these the Robinson trophy i is offered for Nebraska counties and several enterprising cereal inantifact urersare contemplating offering tro phies for the cereals which they use in their factories. I Finishing Corn Cultivation. Just a closing word on laying by the corn. Most of the Held- are now being cultivated for the last time, and Ne braska corn is indeed promising. The question which concernsn good farmer i- 'How can I improve the yield of my corn Held?" When we carefully ligure up the lime we have already -pent in luing iiig tin- soil to a proper tilth mid the corn to its prevent condition- will it pay us to add just a little moic labor if we can further inciease the yield'.' Wo think it will, and thcrefoic wish tomge that the llld be gone over with a single horse, live-tooth culti vator, winch will destroy tlie young weeds, level the ground and conserve the moisture for the corn itselt. This should be done twice at least, the llrst lime commencing about July 1'ith and the second time during tho llrst week in August. Should a heavy rain occur near tho times stated, follow with cul tivation as quickly us you eui get oi the ground , uoiiniiess you win say tins i too much work when we are busy in grain and hay Held-, but it will easily pay an expenditure of i'. per day. This is not theory but is gathered Ironi actual experience, fur it was the plan followed by the boy at Gretna who raised lot! bushels on a single acre last year while his father's Held adjoining, cul tlvated in the usual old-fashioned milliner went only .'1.1 bushels to the acre. Two years ago in competition for the prize offered in the acre corn con test by tho Stato Hoard of Agriculture, Ilurrv Olderog, of (iretna, raised MS bushels and .'(0 pounds from a single acre ami finished up his cultivation in as County Treasurer of Webster County, as per statement submitted. uie this 7th day of .Inly, 1000. ' '. u. 121 SUA SKA, N. 1M!I Albright Bros. CARRY A COM PLETE LINE OF UP-TO-DATE Furniture, Carpets Sewing Ma chines Lace Curtains Pianos, Organs Pictures and Sheet Music. tJWc are always thankful for any share of, your patronage and good will. :::::: Licensed Embalmers and Undertakers this manner. With such facts con fronting you, can you afford to miss your opportunity. The lime is now here when in order to advertise to the world the wonder fill icsourccs of Nebraska, uu must git her specimens ol grains ami grass, cs foi exhibit imi at the J-lntu Fair. September Oth to 0h. In gathering these specimens go into your Held and Select the very best giaill before it lias fully ripened, pull it up by the roots wrap loosely in burlap sacking so that itVjvill cure as nearly perfect to color as possible, and hang it up head down in the barn or the attic. One heavy piece of twine near the butt will be sulllcieut to hold it together and hang it up by. Do this for the benefits de rived from advertising your county and when your county society holocts the mail to bavo charge of the exhibit, notify him that you have such sample of grain or grass and see that you de liver it to him at the proper time. Stand up for Nebraska. Nebraska, from tho 1st day of .lunuary, W. C. I W. ROSS, County Clerk. NU Mil Eli 128 "WV WW 7 00 YEAKS' EXPERIENCE iaoc Marks OESIfiNS COPYTQMTS &C. Anffiiio Piiilliiij n sketch nml iti"crlitloii niny fliilfiily nriTiiilii our opinion fns lntliir mi iiivimilnii n probably m(nitilil. .niitiiiinlnn. tiiiiio.'rlctlvroiillilorilliil. HANDBOOK 'Jiil'ntcuU pent frn. olclot iiui'iiry lor ri'nirin U'ltmiin. I'iiIi-iiIm tiiki'ii tliroiicli Mmmii ti C receive Iprruilii'itlcr, without chnritu. Initio Scientific Jiinciican A liiiiulxitiiPly llliiKlrnlcit wppkly. cnlitt Ion of nny ((li'iinlln Jmiriml, rc'Hr: fotirliiiiiitliB.il. Sohlbviil I.nrvott rlr. TiTiim, II b MUNN&Co.3C,B'MdNewYor!( llrancli ortlco. eta V St- Wnntilimtoii. . C. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM C1rn mil twtuttnei tha hair. lroTitoti laiuriint growth. NTr Fil to Itcitore Or lllr to It Youthful ColorT Curti Klp dlfuri bib (tiling. t0o.DdUJUt llnifirliu dncss of the county and of all the 1st day of .July, 1000, 1000, to 'RA1I.M, County Treasurer. "ftHfHM Ti HKFfl c MJgj?M?tfi'1- " - '