The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 01, 1909, Image 6

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The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
jj. Epitome of the Most
C Important Events
'C Gathered From All
i Points of the Globe.
Emperor Nicholas hns gone to Stock
holm t( pay n visit to King Gustavo.
Friday was King Edward's birthday
nnil thi' tvoiit. was duly celebrated
In London.
Walter Wellmau expects to start for
llio north pole in an itlndilp or lml
Ic.'Hi iiliotit .Inly lHt from n point 717
miles from the polo.
Hoeuuso of the prevalence of clmlcri
In St. Petersburg the cabinet has dc
elded that the government will under
t.M:o the drainage of St. Petersburg, the reorganization of the water
mpply. Fifty million dollars will have
to lie raised by a loan for the work,
which, It Is estimnted, will bo com
pleted In llfteen years.
The Poking branch of the Interna
tional Hanking corporation, the llrst
American bank in the east to Join the
group of IJrltlsh, French, German and
.Japanese Institutions In exlstono
mere since 1002, was opened In
A dispatch received from Gunda
lnjara, state of Jalisco, .Mexico, states
that the Atemajae cotton mills, owned
by the Companla Industrlnle do Guad
alajara, was destroyed by lire. The
loss Is placed at $1,000,000, with $300
insurance. .More than 2.000 workmen
are thrown out of employment.
Five men were killed in n freight
train wreck near Kanloops, II. C. A
wheel of one car broke and the train ditched. Four of the men wore
trumps, and one n railroader.
A daughter was born to the king
ml queen of Spain on Monday.
Mrs. Howard Gould wns granted a
divorce and $30,000 yearly alimony
by a New York court.
It Is now thought that Leon Ling
Is on a steamer bound for San Fran
:Isco. Mrs. Albert Pulitzer, wife of the
well known Joumnllst, died In Xow
Vork Friday.
The two-cent faro law has been
ileclared unconstitutional in Penn
sylvania. The new Carnegie Bdenco building
at Donne college, Crete, Neb., is to
be dedicated Tuesday.
The AustroAmerlcan steamship
lino will re-establish n service from
New Orleans to Marseilles nnil other
Mediterranean points. Monthly sail
ings are to be' begun the latter part
uf July.
Governor Hoke Smith of Georgia
(suspended from olllce Chairman D.
G. McLendon of the state railroad
commission becauso of McLendon'o
recent decision refusing to order the
inuroauH to reduce rates between
savannah and Atlanta.
Charles Hell, n lineman of Newton,
Kns.. cut his wife's throat and tin u
slashed his own neck. The woman
will die, but Hell may recover. Mrs.
Hell hnd dchcrtcd her husband be
cause of cruelty.
With the reception at Now Orleans
Tuesday of pntlents by the negro
Haptlst sanitarium, one of the few hos
pitals in the United Stntes for the
treatment of negroes exclusively, and
supported entirely by the members of
the race, was opened. Mayor Hehr
man of New Orleans, delivered an
The Great Northern westbound ori
ental limited passenger train was de
railed near Ural, on the Kootenai
river. Thirty passengers were Injured,
but none killed. A landslide caused
the accident.
The railway firemen and the west
ern federation of miners proposo to
erect a monument In honor of John H.
Murphy, formerly counsel for the or
ganizations who died in Denver re
cently. W. II. Haskell, warden of the
Knnsas penitentiary, forwnrded his
resignation to Governor Stubbs. The
resignation takes effect July 1. No
reason Is given. Mr. Haskell's
fourth year as warden would have
expired September 1.
Charles It. Richardson, of Pittsburg.
& broker convicted of conspiracy In
connection with the nlleged attempts
of Charles S. Cameron, president of
the Tube City railroad, to bribe Coun
cilman W. A. Martin, was sentenced
to serve ono year and throe months
in the- western penitentiary
Two baby antelopes, sent by cx-pres-Ident
Roosevelt to his daughter. Mrs.
Nicholas Longworth were brought
on the steamer Vadrrland, nrrivJiw
from Antwerp and Dover.
William J. Iiryan, Jr., and Miss
Helen Virginia Borger were married
at Grand Lake. Colo.. Thursday.
Whllo attempting to ford the Knw
creek, four miles north of Boyton,
Okln., Mro. Rentlo, a farmer's wife
and two children wero drowned.
Governor Hndley vetoed the bill ap
propriating $3,000 for refitting and fur
nishing tho chambers of thu court of
nppenU In St. Louis.
JoBoph IJortuccI, nllepcd black hand
slnycr, wnH sentenced to twenty
years in the penitentiary nt Chicago.
The transport Thomas nrrlved from
Manila, bringing tho Ninth cavalry,
arter two years' servlco in tho Philip
pines. Sixty-live miners wero caught In an
explosion In u coal mine nt Wehruni
Pa., and three wero killed, six fatally
Injured nnd twenty-tlvo seriously hurt.
Terminating In a disagreement of
tho Jury, with ten men determined on
acqulttnl, and two steadfastly re
solved iiimn conviction, the trial of
President Patrick Calhoun, of tho
United Railroads, ended at San Fran
cisco Saturday.
A bulletin made public by the bu
reau of rnllwny news and statistics
shows that the operation of the two
cent fare In Illinois cost tho railroads
of the state $15,(i09.900 during the Inst
fiscal year. On this point the bureau
takes Issue with tho report of the
Illnols state railway and warehouse
commission, which stntes that the
roads showed an Increase of nearly
$2,000,000. This showing In the re
port Is said to have been due to n
change in the method of accounting,
and not to Inaccuracy.
Harry K. Thaw will have to wait
In the Mnttewan asylum until July C
for a hearing to determine wether ho
Is now snne nnd In a condition to be
released from the nsylutn.
The Chicago & Great Western rail
way Is to be reorganized by a syndi
cate bended by J. P. Morgan & Co.
Witnesses for tho Ilrmen beforo the
Georgia railroad arbitration commis
sion testified thnt the Georgia railroad
company did not require its firemen
to carry either watches or time cards;
did not compel them to read orders
and did not compel! them to pass ex
aminations until they wero promoted
to be engineers.
Tho employes or the Pittsburg Hall
way company voted practically unani
mously to strike Sundny unless the
company adjusts differences nlleged
to be inimical to tho niotormen and
conductors. Over 2,000 men will bo
President Tuft's much heralded cor
I'oratlon tnx plan was presented to
the senato Friday by Mr. Aid rich,
chairman of the finance committee,
and was ordered printed as a com
mittee amendment to the tariff bill.
Conferees on the census bill wero
In session but did not come to a full
agreement of the differences on the
bill. The only question which re
mains to be settled Is In connection
with the gathering of statistics In tho
turpentine districts of the south.
The attorney general directed tho
dismissal of the government's suit
against tho New York, Xow Haven
& Hnrtford and the Boston & Mnlne
railways and others for violating the
anti-trust laws. The Massachusetts
legislature has expressly authorized
tho consideration of those roads.
Imprisonment for life Is the pen
alty which Representative Kennedy
of Ohio proposed shnll be indicted
on agents or the black hand, and kid
napers who use the mails of tho
United States ror their nefarious pur
poses. He Introduced In tho house
a bill providing such punishment.
The government receipts from in
ternal revenue continue to show a
gratifying increase. For May, 1903,
the collections amounted to $19,
HI 1.223 ns against $18,193,520 for the
corresponding month last year. Spirits
Increased $9i:t,9(i;t and tobacco $i:!0.
IHJ3. Beer and other fermented
liquors, however, decreased $03,102.
Major Charles J. darks, Twenty
sixth infantry, lias been dismissed
from the United States army, having
been found guilty by court-martial on
charges or misconduct In financial
affairs, involving violation of tho
sixty-first and sixty-second articles
of wnr.
The comptroller or currency Issued
a call on nil national banks for n
report or their condition on Juno 23.
The state department hns received
reports Indicating evidence of unrest
In Honduras, hut the dispatches lack
specific detail both as to locality of
the threatened trouble and as to what
niny be expected. The gunbont Padu
cab Is being kept in Honduras waters.
Tho president sent to tho senato
the nomination of Samuel G. Morti
mer to bo receiver of public moneys
at Hellefourche. S. I).
President Taft decided to grant n
hearing to the various Interests In the
pure food controversy as to "what is
whisky." The president set June 28
as the time when the attronoys for
tho various distillers shall present
their argument In opposition to tho
recent ruling of Solicitor General
Beforo tho senate takes up Prosl
dent Tuffs program for the taxation
of not earnings of corporations, tho
leaders will know how every member
Intends to vote on tho subject. The
most careful poll that can be made
win uo in tho hands of Senator Aid
rich soon
A new counterfeit $10 nafinal bank
nolo on the Germnnla National bank
of San Francisco has been discovered
according to Chief Wllklo ,of tho se
cret service.
The senate turned down the amend
ment for freo lumber by tho decisive
vote of 21 to 41.
What Is Going on Hero and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Ne
braska. Ilcntrlce, Neb. Judge L. M. Pom
bcrton, Tuesday morning, gnvo his
decision In tho Wymoro saloon In
junction case, finding for tho plaintiff
and refusing to dissolve tho 'tempor
ary injunction Issued somo weeks ago
by County Judge II. Safford restrain
ing Mayor Haw! Ings and the Wymoro
council from grnntlntr nnnllcatloiiH
filed with the city clerk by n number
of petitioners. At tho hearing of the
caso severul days ago, tho attorneys
for tho mayor and council attacked
tho resolution passed by tho council
Bubmlttlug tho question of llcenso or
no llcenso to a voto of tho people of
Wymoro, upon tho ground that as
the referendum had never been adopt
ed In a legal manner, the council was
not bound by such voto and had the
right to issuo licenses should they
chooso to do so. The plaintiff, on the
other hand, contended thnt as the
council had pnssed and published n
resolution submitting the question to
ft vote, this action repealed the city
ordlnanco providing for tho granting
ui licenses, tiio court took this view
of tho caso in giving tho decision.
Judgo Pemberton stated that the court
could not compel tho councllmen to
enrry out the pledges niudo prior to
oloctlon no inoro than men could be
forced to bo honest by law, but he hold
that tho passing of the resolution was
cqulvnlont to tho passing of nn ordi
nance taking awny from tho council
tho power to grant" licenses and that
until the resolution Is repealed licenses
could not bo granted. Tho ense now
conies up for hearing on its merits,
but It Is not probable thnt nny fur
ther action will be taken or further at
tempts made to grant licenses at Wv
uioro this year.
Little Girl Found Dead.
Superior, Nob. Word reached hero
Tuesday evening about 7 o'clock that
llttlo Eva Coulter, aged two years, had
strayed from her homo nnd could not
bo found. Tho child had boon miss
ing Blnco 3 o'clock In tho nrternoon.
Searching parties wero organlzod and
in a short time two hundred men
wero searching tho Coulter farm. The
night whb intensely dark nnd a heavy
storm rising. These, coupled with the
muddy condition of tho fields made
tho search dlfllcult. About 11 o'clock
tho child wob found about half a mile
from tho house, lying faco downwnrd
In tho bottom of the creek In a pool
of water about six inches In depth.
LIfo wus oxtinct when she was found.
Lightning Strikes a Boy.
Nollgh, Nob. During tho storm
Monday a Bon of Conrad Goks was
instantly killed by lightning, while
fishing on tho banks of tho Clear
Water. His two brothers who were
with him were Beverly stunned.
The boys wore seated in a row when
tho storm approached. Tho bolt of
lightning Btruck tho boy in tie con
tor. He was seventeen years old.
Tho storm passed to tho north of No
llgh and totally wrecked tho buildings
on M. O. Dixon's farm on the Willow.
Considerable damage, was done to
outbuildings along tho path of tho
Btorm. No serious dumngo to crops
haB boen roported.
Children Are Injured.
Lyons, Nob. In tho Inst few days
tho following accidents have hap
pened to children here. A G. Gustof
son's six-year-old daughter, Grace,
loll from a stilt and broko her log;
Androw Myer's son, Henry, wounded
himself in tho hand whllo fooling with
ft gun; Virgil Redding, whllo trim
mtng trees cut his hand badly with
tho pruning knifo; tho ono-ycar-old
child of A. W. Hobson fell with a
cup In her hand and cut a bad gash
In tho forehead above tho noso by
Btrlklng the edgo of tho cup as she
Pastors Aid Each Other.
Weeping Water, Nob. A rather
unique arrangement will bo entered
Into by tho pastors of tho Congrega
tional nnd Methodist churches horo
for July nnd August. During July
tho Methodist pastor will tako his va
cation and tho Congregatlonnl pastor
will act for both churches. During
August tho Congregational pastor wfll
take his vacation nnd tho Methodist
pastor will euro for both churches.
Tho services will nlternato between
the churches.
Bolt Hits Farmer's Team.
Alma, Neb. Whllo driving homo
Trom town during a heavy electric
Btorm, Bert Whitney, a farmer south
of town, hnd both of his horses in.
stnntly killed by n bolt of lightning.
JnmoB Osborne, nt his farm, saw tho
accident nnd gavo assistance. Tho
wagon was enveloped In a cloud of
smoke, but Mr. Whitney was ablo to
return to his homo nnd does not fool
any bad effects from his experience.
Angry Mob After Stranger.
Oakland, Nob. Nearly sovonty-flve
men turned out nbout 8 o'clock Wed
nesday evening in an ofTort to cap
ture a strangor who had been loitering
around horo ror a day or two. Tho
man hod with him a ton-year-old bov
whom ho compelled to bog for money.
The lad's work was not sufllclontly
fruitful of results nnd We'dnesdny
evening the man beat tho boy In a
shameful manner, badly injuring him.
An enraged populnco sought to cap
ture tho brute, but ho escaped. Tho
boy Is bolikg hold by tho marslmll and
will bo sento his home in Iowa.
State News and Notes In Condensed
Hebron Is in tho midst of a high
carnival this week, ns a Btrcot fair
Is In progress. Thero are about o
dozen attractions.
Hlds will bo opened Juno 28 for
the construction of a new Catholic
church In Kearney. Architectural
plnns Illustrate an elnborato edifice.
Andrew Holt was elected second
lieutenant of company G at Geneva
Thursday evening to fill tho vncancy
made by tho resignation of Professot
A gnln of $1,083,000 over last year
Ib shown by tho returned list of the
assessment of Adams county. Tho
ontlro nmount this year is shown to
bo slightly over $28,000,000.
Syracuse will celebrato tho Fourth
July 3. Judge J. L. Hoot of Lincoln
will be tho speaker of the day. A
baseball game, races and other sports
will be features of the celebration.
The Hastings Woman's club is of
fering prizes for the best flower beds,
porch boxes and back vnr1s. Tin.
wards of a score or citizens have en
tered for one or more of tho prizes.
Charles D. Densinoro, formerly of
Wymoro, died Sunday at his homo in
Okcto, Kan. Mr. Densmore was ono
of tho oldest residents of Wymoro.
Ho was at one time employed as o
fireman on the Burlington.
Tho Bentrlco fire department has
closed n contract with the Lachman
company hippodrome shows to hold a.
carnival in Beatrice tho week of July
iiio proceeds will bo applied to
the building fund of the department,
Josef Musll, a young Bohomlnn
farmer living south of Ravonnn, took
carbolic acid, presumably with suicidal
Intont. He died oarlv Frlilnv mum.
Ing. He hnd been ill for several
weeks and had grown despondent
The Catholic church of Kenesaw
wns dedicated last Sunday with im
pressive services. Bishop Bonacum
was present nnd preached the sermon.
A dinner wns served by tho members
of the parish. A large crowd attend,
od tho services.
Two men named Thacker nnd Noah
got into nn altercation at the packing
houso in Nebraska City and both hav
ing knives in their hands began slash
ing at each other. Noah nearly had
his right arm sevore'd by a slash
of his opponent's knife.
Mrs. William Carrol, or Nehawka,
seventy-four years old, who died at
her home Saturday, was buried Mon
day. Slio lived In Cass county for
about forty years. She is survived
by her husband and ten grown chil
dren, five sons nnd five dnughters.
The farmers In tho vicinity of Paul
mot and formed n company and will
orect nn elevntor of their own. Sim
ilar meetings are to bo called at other
places in tho county and companies
formed by farmers who will handle
nil their own grain.
Burlington railroad ofllclals aro
planning either to enlarge or rebuild
tho depot at Seward. The business
hnen circulated a petition asking that
n now and commodious structure bo
built at Seward In keeping with the
spirit of Improvement that prevails
In tho city.
Tho Hall countll authorities have
decided to roleaso from custody
Claudo Perkins, "Doc" Hess and Bert
Axtell, so far as tho suspicion against
them being implicated In tho Cairo
bank robbery is concerned. No evi
dence hns been obtained and it is
now believed that they wero not
implicated in the affair.
For more than four weeks Mrs.
ThomnB McCoy of Tecumseh bus been
Buffering from tho effects of a squir
rel bito on each of her hands, but it
Is not thought rabies will result ns
tho tlmo has long since gone by for
such n. termination of the Injuries.
Tho wounds have cnused Mrs. McCoy
much suffering and worry.
George A. Murphy, well known in
Nebraska and a former resident of Be
atrice, but now of MiiBcogeo, Old., is
boing prominently mentioned as avail
able timber of tho republican nomina
tion of governor of Oklnhoma. Mr.
Murphy located in Oklahoma about
seven yours ugo. Ho hns taken nn nc
tlvo interest in republlcnn politics In
tho now state. Ho was at ono tlmo tho
republican nomlnoo for lieutenant gov
ernor of Nebraska.
Sarpy county Is moving to get that
$35,000 or so which will accrue In tho
Inheritance taxes from tho Guy C.
uarton estate. County Judgo J. T.
Begley has appointed nn appraiser
for the property, naming II. Z. Wedge
wood. His action is tnken on tho ad
vlco of County Attorney 13. R. Rlngo.
Tho Catholics of Saunders county
nro planning to establish a school at
Wahoo. Father Bor has charge of
tho subscription fund nnd Is active
ly ongnged in obtaining money with
which to commence tho building. Fif
teen thousand dollars nro to bo raised.
Tho llrst flvo names on the subscrip
tion list have pledged $300 each, nnd
It Is snld it will not bo long until tho
whole fund will bo raised.
An nutomobllo owned by Stephen
Schultz nnd driven by Edward Tal
bort and Jud Tooloy wns destroyed
by flro about two miles frojn Hast
ings Friday night. Within loss than
live minutes the enr wns reduced to
ruins. It Is bolioved tho ilro resulted
rrom tho exhaust pipo becoming over
heated, of rrom a leak. Tho motor
car was of tho rour-cyllndor nlr-coolcd
typo and had boen used about two
Loulsvlllo Is to havo a bona fide
grain oxchango operated under the
supervision or M. L. Williams.
Doings of the State Officials and
Other Happenings That Are
of Statewide Im
portance. State Deposits Reduced.
Bocauso state bank deposits de
ceased $511,40G.8C for the past quar
ter, from February 23, tho date of
tho provlous roport, to May 22, the
dato of the report Just compiled by
Secretary Royse of the state banking
board, somo may want to Jay the
blame on the now guaranty of deposit
law which is to go Into effect July 2.
It is admitted by bankers that deposits
usually Increase for this quarter, but
tho quarterly report last year did not
show nn increase. While the low per
iod of deposits Ib usunly In the full
the spring report Inst year showed n
decreaso of $2,000,000. Yet It will bo
claimed that tho decrease this spring
is caused indirectly by the guaranty
law becauso it caused two big state
banks to drop out of tho list of stato
banks nnd become national banks
since the previous report of February.
tiio two banks thnt did this had
combined deposits uniounting to $910,
483.10. The banks were converted
into nntionnl banks so it is alleged
rather thnn submit to n tax under
tho new guaranty deposit law. Tho
banks in question are the Grand Is
land Banking company with deposits
of $C54,502.0S, and the Mindcn Ex
chango bank with deposits of $255.
891.02. Although there is a decreaso in de
posits of over $311,000 since the pre
vious report, thero Ib nn Increase of
$9.G47,742 since tho report of ono
yenr ago.
Ono year ago the number of banks
reporting was 023; in February of this
year thero wero C35 banks reporting
and for May 047. Tho average re
servo is now 32 1-S per cent. The
depositors number 231,130.
Normal Training In High Schools.
Superintendent Bishop has certified
to tho auditor of public accounts the
amount of money duo Arty-seven, or
tho high school districts of Nebras
ka that aro organized for normal train
ing work nnd havo met the require
ments of tho law Tor the year 190S-9.
Tho statutes require the secretary of
tho board of education or each school
district meeting requirements for nor
mnl training to report under oath to
tho stato superintendent on or be
foro tho last Monday in Juno or each
year. Reports rrom a number or high
schools havo not yet been received
at tho ofllco or the stato superintend
ent, but under tho law the secretaries
or boards or education hnvo until Mon
day, Juno 28, in which to tile such a
roport. Tho auditor hns been author
ized to draw a wnrrant for $350 in
ravor or tho following high school dis
tricts: Albion, Alliance, Alma, Ash
land, Auburn. Aurora, Beaver Cltv,
Beaver Crossing, Blnlr, Blue Hill, Blue
Springs, Cambridge, Central City,
Chndron, Columbus, Croighton, Crete,
David City, Fnirbury, Fairfield. Fair
mont, Falls City, Franklin, Friend,
Genovn, Genoa, Gothenburg, Harvard,
Lexington, Madison, Noligh, Nelson.
Norfolk, North Bend, North PIntte,
O'Neill, Ord, Osceoln, Pawnoo City,
Plainvlcw, Randolph, Ravenna, St.
Paul, Schuyler, Scottsbluff, Shelton,
Sidney, South Omaha, Stanton,
Stronisburg, Superior, Syracuse, Table
Table Rock, Weeping Water, Wisner.
McCook Guard Assigned.
Adjutant General Hartlgan has re
voked an order giving H. F. Kennedy
permission to reorganize compnny M,
First regiment, Nebraska nntlonal
guard nt Broken Bow, nnd hns ns
signed First separate company at Mc
Cook. Captain Alvln R. Scott, com
manding, to fill the vncancy in tho
First regiment caused by tho muster
ing out of compnny M, April 2S. This
company nt Broken Bow was mustered
out iiecauso it did not como up to
tho standard. H. F. Kennedy mus
tered a fow men and proposed to re
organize tho company, but ho will now
havo to stop aside in favor of tho sop
arato company that was mustered at
McCook, May 12. Thero aro now no
unattached compnnles in tho Nebras
ka national guard, and it is under
stood tho adjutant genernl does not
"vant nny.
Governor Reduces Life Sentence.
Raymond Nelson, serving a lire son
tonco in tho penitentiary for complici
ty In tho hold-up and murder or an
Omaha saloonkeeper, Lars Lawsten,
hns rocolvcd n commutation or sen
tence from Governor Shnllenberger.
His sentenco wns reduced to ten
years. Ho was received at tho penl
tentlnry July 24, 1900.
On recommendation or W. W. Sin
baugh who prosecuted tho murderers
and In view of tho fact thnt NelsoSi
has been a good prisoner nnd Is evi
iently pcnltenent and is still a young
nan with a chanco to reform, the gov
irnor commuted his sontence.
Test of Banking Law.
Stnto Treasurer Brian hns received
olllclal notice that tho firty-two banks
who aro plaintiffs in the Injunction
suit to prevent tho enforcement or
tho gunranty or deposits law will, on
Juno 28, at 11 a. m mako application
before tho United States circuit court
nt the redornl court houso in Lincoln,
for nn injunction to restrain Governor
Shnllenberger. Auditor Barton, Treas
urer Brian, Attorney General Thomp
son, Ed Royse, nnd Sam Pntterson
trom acting as a banking board In en
forcing tho banking law passed by tho
last legislature.
Washington State the Largest Pro.
ducer, With Louisiana and
Mississippi Following
In Their Order.
Washington. During tho year 190S,
31,231 sawmills in tho United States
manufactured 33,2S9,3C9,000 feet of
lumber, according to a preliminary re
port Just issued by tho bureau of the
census. These mills nlso cut 12,100,
483,000 shingles nnd 2,980,024,000 lath.
Lumber manufacturing, like every
other Industry, felt the effects of the
business depression which began In
October, 1907. Consequently the pro
duction In 1908 was below thnt for
the previous year. In 1907 tho cut of
2S.S50 sawmills was 40,250,154,000
feet, the highest production ever re
corded. Notwithstanding therefore
that In 190S, reports were received
from 8 per cent more mills than In
1907, tho decreaso in lumber cut re
ported, by them was slightly over 17
per cent.
Washington, as for several years
past, still ranks first among the states
In Jumber production, its cut In 190S
being 2.915.92S.O0O feet a decrease of
22.8 per cent over the output in
1907. Nearly all tho lumber manu
factured in Washington Is Douglas
fir, tho market for which was seriouslv
affected by tho apnlc. Louisiana
ranks second, with 2,722,421,000 feet,
a decrease of 250,000,000 feet or S.l
per cent over the cut in 1907. Louisi
ana is first in tho production of both
yellow pine nnd cypress. Cypress is
a particularly useful and valuable
wood and apparently, tho manufac
turers of it did not suffer as severely
from dull times as did tho manufac
turers of yellow pine and Douglas fir.
Lines Well Tied Up.
Pittsburg, Pa. Greater Pittsburg
walked admlst Intermittent thunder
showers and a torrid sun. Since 5
o'clock Sunday morning only one
street car it carried tho United
States mall has moved in the city or
suburbs. Persons living in outer Al
legheny county used the hnstlly pro
vided shuttle trnlns or the Ponnsyl
vanla railroad and the Baltimore &.
Ohio. On these trains travel was ex
traordinarily light, so much so that
at noon- the railways took off tho five
minute schedule nnd substituted hour
ly servlco. Downtown Pittsburg was
deserted for the entire day, except at
the headquarters of the amalgamated
association of street and electric rail
way employes, and tho olllces of the
Pittsburg Railways company. At the
union headquarters the strikers con
gregated early. The men unitedly de
clared for a long and hard fought
Senator Brown Wins Victory.
Washington. Senator Norrls Brown,
Junior senator rrom Nebraska, Satur
day won a brilliant victory In the
senate. He fought the Tree paper and
pulp battle and won out in opposition
to tho Aldrich clique.
Senator Norrls Brown was on his
foot ready to resume battle with the
finance committee on tho paper and
wood pulp schedule when tho commit
too waived the white flag nnd nsked
for n truce. The result or It nil is
that Senator Aldrich got up and said
the committee was willing to accept
tho two amendments which Brown had
put in n fow days ago to put to sleep
the Joker which the New England
senators had slipped into the bill.
His amendments being approved by
Aldrich, went through with a hurrah,
republican senators railing over them,
selves to voto for iree wood pulp.
Wiping Out Lawless Band.
Mnnila, P. I. Successful operations
against Jikirl's band of Moro bandits
hnvo been conducted during tho last
fow days by Captain Bvratta. Rnhfios
and Anderson, commanding detach
ments of the Sixth cavalry that are
co-operating with tho mosquito fleet
under Cnptaln Slgnor. Captain Ander
son struck the band on Pata islnnd,
and in tho running engagement that
followed live bandits were killed, a
number wero wounded, and several
others were captured by friendly
Moros. Thirty-one or tho band have
boon killed or captured during tho
last thirty days, but Jlkiri himself al
ways manages to eludo capture.
Shows a Larger Total.
Washington. Importations of hides
and skins Into the United Stntes will
show a larger total In quantity In the
flEcnl year which ends this week than
In nny previous year In tho history
or tho Import trade. The value will
amount to nbout $85,000,000, or slightly
less than In 1907, becauso of. tho much
lower prices which now prevail, but
the quantity will doubtless exceed that
or any earlier year. Hides nnd skins ,
are a very important feature or tho
Import trade or the United Stntes.
Fatality in a Bull Ring.
Mexico City Airredo Sanchez, a
well-known bull-fighter wns killed at
the local bull ring Sumlny nrternoon.
Tho bull knocked Sanchez down and
hooked one horn through tho body,
penetrating a lung. Tho man was
taken to the hospital Insldo tho bull
ring, where ho died within a fow mln.
"El Tltl.;' another bull lighter In the
same performance was badly Injured
when a bull Jumped tho fence In pur
suit of him and gored him in tho