The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 01, 1909, Image 5

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    1 HI
Now Is The Time I
A Is Paint, '
lYour House or Barn
There is no be tier. : :
Paint in this Market than "Scwtlls
Chemically Pure Paints." It will
read farther last longer and you I
Can see on each can just what j
the paint is made of. !
Let us figure with you. I
Chas. L. Cotting,
The Druggist.
ileu. Uueck uf Hasting
ni in
1'ather Fligor.ild asin Hluo Hill
Ml-- Clurn Dargeus was lu Franklin
Al UultlNhn was In town the last of
tlie week.
Dr. 1-2. A. Thatnns was In Altwi
Alfred llmloll was In St. Joo Monday
on bifstne-s.
.Mlvs Myra Uriu'cth wont to Clay
Center .Monday.
Miss Uertha rotter Is visiting in
.Chicago this week.
Chas. Utile ami .lohn Gilbert were In
lUadcn Saturday.
Mrs. Waller and children weto down
from Cowles Sunday.
The lied Cloud Chautauqua dates
are August 7th to loth.
See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Ik-member the date of the Hot
Springs Doctors .July lOtli.
Mrs. l'atterxon returned to her home
in Campbell Wednesday noon.
Wvnii.h A load of cobs on sub
seiiptioii. Imiitiiv of the Chief.
Hoy Uobinvui returned from Cald
well. Idaho, Tuesday morning.
i ail l.iudgreu and wife of Catherton
precinct wore in town Saturday.
It. l Itorum and Mis.s Veltna Me
Kimmey spi'iit Saturday in liladen.
A largo crowd went from here today
to attend tho ball game at Hastings.
Mrs. (.Sittings and son of Superior
aro visiting at the home of Paul Tope.
Mrs. .lulia Wells of Cowlos was the
guest of .1. E. liutler and family Tues
day. Mrs. I.ulla Miller of Lincoln is the
guest of J. G. Potter and wife this
Miss Uuby lioble has been entertain
ing a little cousin from Denver this
Leslie Clianey and wife of Superior
were the guests of his parents this
Mrs. L. M Crabill left this morning
for a visit in Denver and Cripple
(iusolino 11 cents per gallon at the
Hcd Cloud Hdw. A: Imp. Co.S hardware
Sheriir Hedge took Mrs. Ford of
Uladen an insano person to Hastings
Mr. Miller of Dresden, Kas., was
the guest of J. E. Hutler and family
this week.
Mrs. P. II. Honor aud daughter ar
rived homo from Kirwin, Kas., Sun
day morning.
Rings Little Liver Pills small,
pleasant aud easy to take. Sold by
Henry Cook.
Will Walters and wife spent Sunday
with tholr son, Will Walters and fami
ly near Inavale.
Siuctvsrr t Dr .. .v VHUI
At the old stand o or (he
State Kank Phone fl3i.
S Day i in Him- Hill th.s week.
Mis. twin AilikU of liul.h' Unci; is
tin- gm-st of her mother, Mrs. Gus
llolingrtiin this week.
Dr. ICuhu, wife itud child of l.owisr
ton. Idaho, aie the guoMn of Harold this week.
A. T. Walkci and family went to
oberlin, Kas.. Friday u their auto.
returning Tuesday.
There will bo Two lilg Bnsc Hnll
games hero Monday duly otll. with
Hebron. Nebraska.
f'has. (Irout and Ed. Hanson went
t Ayr Wednesday to attend a M. W.
A., lodge c!ms , adoption.
Mrs. I'ow use ud and daughter of Los
Angles. Calif., are tho guest of J. 0
Potter ami wife thin week.
Miss McC'aity, who has been trim
ming for Turnuro llros , left the tlrnt
oftthn week for Huntings. .
The Chicago speeialiat Will bo nt tho
Royal hotel in I Set I Cloud, Tuesday,
.July t'dli. Cotisultaliou free.
Mr. Wind, who has been clerking
for C L. Cotting has resignod his posi
tion ami leaves for AJba today.
Misses Norma ami Marguerito Rich-ard-on
are cperled the llrst of tho
week to visit their pat cits here.
Tabler wells, wind mills, pipe lilting
and repalriugs. Call on T. Ul i:aui.i:.
Campbell, Nebr. Write or pliotie.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and
Saturdays. Ice days for Red Cloud.
Watch for the Liudsey Ice Wagon.
Mr. E. C McCullough and wife of
Salt Lake City, t'tah were the guests
of J. C. Potter aud wife tho llrst of the
(i. A. Arnold, who has announced
himself as a candidate for county
treasiiier was down from Uliie Hill
Will Tabor, Frank Cowden, Paul
Pope and lien McFarland went to
Friend, Friday in Tuber's auto to see
the ball game.
Word has beon received that Mrs.
Van Camp and son t.eorgo and Mr.
and .Mrs. Hughs arrived safely in
S-attle. Wash.
Next Sunday oecurlng on the Na
tional holiday a sermon appropriate to
the occasion will bo delivered at the
Christian Church Cordial invitation
to all.
Pinesalve, carbolized, is good for
burns. It penetrates the pores, draws
out iullammatiou, and is healing. It
is also good for outs, sores and bruises.
Sold by Henry Cool;.
Dr. Winterson pbysiciaii aud sur
geon. Otllce in front rooms over Dr.
Cook's drug store. Removed from Dr.
Raine's ollice, Potter Hlock. Both
phones Hell Red 18. Independ. 151.
Will sell or trade for stock one 10 h,
p RuspcI engine, ono ItS-fi I Case seper
tttor with Randolph blower, all in good
running shape. - Enquire, of P.M. D.m
l.ow and Sox.
Take your Lawn Mower to Wallln .V
Hansen, aud have It sharpened on tho
best machine made. And it's a power
machine. They will put it in good
condition. They know how.
The best pills made are DeWitt'.s
Little Early Riser, the iamous little
liver pills. They are sin.ill. gentle,
pleasant, easy to take and act prompt
ly. They aro sold by all druggists.
"Jim" Butler, one or the safe break
ers in Art Bradshaw's feed btore was
taken to Bloomlngton Friday where
he plead guilty before Judge Dungan
and was sentenced to ID months in the
Pineules for nil kidney, liver, blad
der, rhcumutia and urinary complaint.
They assist in separating salt and
water with thoir poisons from the
blood. They act promptly. Sold by
Henry Cook.
BEDFER1N Whalebone
Dlrcclolrc Motile 3!) is moderately short and full
above the waist, hut hits tho ery long sldrt, fully
encasingthe hips, suppressing their fullness and
producing tlie straight hip line. Designed for
rather short, full forms. An .nlditiou to this
model that adds to its i-miifoil and tlting beauty
Is found in the
SECURITY Rubber Button tec
rust proof of course i Inch me accurately placed
by the designer of these nu-dcN m fi out and sides.
Mt(!cl3!) lVhltc Batiste Hlillc Cculllln
PRICE $100 to $5,00
Same Pattern In delicate White FKurtt! Broclic.
PRIM 51 00 to $500
Red Cloud Chautauqua
August 7t. to f 5th.
l tin ln,i'u' uf Fred Ki-iius mid
litun.y ne-ir RoeU "Midday oe
curied the family leuulon of Mr. a tul
Mrs. utis. Ilolnigrain. About forty
relatives were ptcseul. Everybody
present enjoyed a go .id lime.
The Management have again con
tracted with Llherati's New York City
toiiceit Hand ami t. rami Uperu singers ;
to play at the state Fair Sept. till, to'
lOIti, which will be appreciated by all
Nebraska lovers of good music j ,.,,.,, t0 ,ll0 , flH,. ,,, ,,.
The people of the Brcthern ehuri'h eratlc mliioril . To tlie Democrats in
gave a hou'e warming for l!ev. Smith both houses this situation is the in
and wife Tuesday evening, bringing easion or snim disappointment,
well lllled baskets with them. Mr. W it'n a sullleunt number of progress
'and Mrs. , Smith have just moved into Ivc liopulilicaiis espousing llio Demo,
their new homo in Hie Piatt addition, eratic proposition of nn Income Ins. to
liet DeWltfsCarbolleii Witch llai 1 ,
Salve when vou ask for it. There are.
a great many Imitations-, but there H.saw ieiory .uiiiost witulli their gntsp
jus on. original, lids salve H good
for ipylhing where a salve s needed
tit be used, but it is especially good
for Piles Sold by all druggists.
Those who appreciate tho veiy best,
instrumental and vocal musk- will be
pleaded to hear that the Llberati New
YorV city Concert Hand and liraud
Opera Singers havo been seemed to
give several concerts each day at the
Nebraska State Pair. .Sept. th to lOlh.
The surest aud easiest way to cure a
cough or coll is by gently and freely
moving the bowels. Bees Laxative
Cough Syrup is pleasant, stops tho
coughing and quickly relieves tlie cold
by allaying congestion and by pleas
antly and promptly moving thcbowels.
Sold by Henry Cook
Patrons of rural routes will please
lake notice that theie will be no ser
vice from this ollice on Monday, July
.Mil. Those desiring their mall will
please call at post ollice between -the
hours or Hand Vl o'clock where they
will llnd the carriers on duty to serve
them. T., P.M.
Why not havo a business collego In
Red Cloud S-ooO think of it! This is
what ,r)0 students would leave in the
town, limiting their expense to SI per
week for 10 months. Wouldn't this
help? Every voting man and woman
who would be interested in a business
college in Red Cloud please send your
name and address to Box .VIS Hed
Cloud. Nebr. Nora McCall of Red Cloud.
Nebr., arrived in Lebanon Tuesday
morning for a Usit with her sister.
Mrs. Will McKim and family north
west of town. Miss McCall has been
at Vera. Oklahoma, visiting relatives
and stopped olV on her way home.
She was accompanied by her cousin.
Miss Alice Prosser oT Bartlesville,
oklu. Lebanon Times.
Those who were permitted to hear
Liberates New York City Concert
Hand and Grand Opera Singers last
year will be delighted to hear that this
organization has been secured by the
management for tho State Fair Sept.
rttli to 10th, their two months' engage
ment terminating at Seattle just in
time to permit them to stop on" on
thoir return trip home.
Mrs. J. A. Heed, wife of tho late J.
A. Reed, died at her home on Locust
street Sunday morning. She had been
ailing for tho past two or three years
and Saturday she took a chango for
the worse and died Sunday morning.
She was an old settler of this com
munity. She leaves two daughters to
mourn' her death. Airs. Dollio Walsh
of Seattle and Miss Delia Read of this
city. Tlie funeral will be held at the
home Friday afternoon at 2:M.
Patriotic services at the Congrega
tional church next Sunday, July 1, ')'.).
Subjects of sermons; morning, "hide
pendencc Day and its Lessons," even
ing, "Our Country-Its Greatness, Dang
ers and Strongholds." Inspiring
music. The church will be appro
priately decorated. Thefo servlaesnre
held in the intorest of good citizenship
and to provale if possible a greater
love for "God, Home and Native Land.'
All cordially invited. A special wel
come awaits all old soldiers.
To the Cream Producers.
I have made Arrangements with my
Company to pay Cash for Cream to any
one that wants cash. I will receive
cream and pay for it as I havo hero
to fore. I! Kit Thine. Local Agent.
ManXan Is good for any kind of
Piles. It stops Inllauiiuation, creates
a normal circulation, thus reducing
tlie Piles, and heals 'he parts affected.
ManCan may be conveniently and
easily applied, as the tubo in wliiih it
is put up has a small, patent nozzlo at
tached. Sold by Henry Cook.
The Rivers "Still There "
Henry J. Mauror of Red Cloud, Neb.,
is in tho city visiting his brothel'
Oeoigo Maurcr. and uncle, Henry Din
dermaii. It has been forty-one years
since he left this part of tho country
and he had not bcon back since. Ho
does not find much to remind him of
the vlllago of Elkhart except the
rivers. Theyfceoni to bo wlicie they
wore when he went away, he say.
Ho if now a prosperous stock man,
owning bcveral hundred acres of land.
Elkhart, Ind , Daily Review.
t i . ii ifciu u.ily teiiued
the most ,tii"ituiit ,-uiii'i,-iu-i- ,if the
T.lfl ndiiiilli-dr.ittoli nil the R.-pnh-lle-iu
leaders in c.tiigre-s gathered in'
the library of the White House, form
ally approved the draft of thueoi-pi.t-a-tlou
lux amen linent prepared by t-'
torncy (lenernl Wickernhatn to carry,
out the provisions of the Tuft proposi
tion. Oitro moie Republican dkcl-
pline lias triumphed. Individual opitt-
,mw ,..,.. ,. ,,.,...,.,., ... ,,,..
p,lt.ty 1(.I1lt.r, ,,,, , ,,, Il,IHl.s ()f
coiiirrov, ii milin.1 nw ltt I... '
make, with th.-
Deinocratie Senators.
a majority of the upper house.
only to have it snatched away by oin
more remarkable demonstration of
Rnpublit-uti discipline. Some or the
Democratic -.Litesim-n declare that the
moral of the sit nation will not be lost
on them, this obvious demonstra
tion of the iiiiniii-r In which ietory
may be gtiiiu-d even in tin- eleventh
liollt' by n w .lliiigiiest to subordinate
Individual iews and preferences to
the party w.u! will be converted into
a salutary lesson for all the members
of tho mltiot Ity.
Bitter as isj the disappointment of
those Deuio. rats who. with heart and
soul, have striven to securo the enact
ment of an income tax. it is a safe pre
diction that when lime shall have mel
lowed their disappointment they will
realize that e en in defeat thev have
gained no small part of the victory.
The income ti which they proposed
contained all that, is embodied in the
corporation tax amendment fathered
by President Tuft and In addition
thereto provision for a similar tux on
the incomes of individuals when they
exceed SiVKK i a year. It has been esti
mated by the federal actuaries that
the proposed income tax would raise a
revenue of 7o,0o0,oo0 a year. The tax
on corporations will probably bring
in to tholcdcral treasury $:iO,OUi),OOo a
year. It is, therefore, no exaggeration
to say that the Democrats havo won
three-sevenths of a victory, especially
as it is by their method that tho :0.-
UOO.oCo of revenue is to bo collected.
Another point which is clearer to tin
man in the Press (Jul lory than to the
Demoeiatic Seiiatois on the Hour is
that the Republican orgauiatieii in
tho Senate lias been forced into an at
tituilo wholly repugnant, to its inate
ideas, has. through Democratic skill
and the conduct of a few progressive
Republicans, sutl'civd actual defeat
and has been compelled to espouse tho
cause of a President whose views in
many respects are far more Democra
tic Mian they arc Republican. The
spei taclo of Nelson W Aldiich, senior
Senator from Rhode Island, and Joseph
O. Cannon, Speaker of the House,
warmly applauding President Taft us
he explained at the White House con
ference the beauties of the corporation
tax scheme because It would enable
the federal authorities to investigate
the conduct and internal affairs of all
corporations, wut. one which would
havo aiVorded intense delight to the
Democrats in the Senate, ami in Tact
all over tho couutrv, could they have
witnessed it.
So many and such inaccurate reports
cnncerniiiK the provisions of the cor
poration tax amendment have found
their way into tlie public print that a
brief statement of what it actually
contains may lie out of place here. It
imposes a tax of two per cent on tlie
net earnings of all corporations in
eluding state and national banks, but
with certain exemptions. The llr&t
5,000 of the not earnings of all cor
porations shall be exempt. Corpor
ations having a bonded indebtedness
may deduct from their net earnings
tho amount required to pay tho Inter
est on bonds to tho amount of tholr
capital stock, that Is to say, a corpora
tion with a capital stock of 8100,000,
and outstanding bonds to tho amount
$150,000 may deduct the amount
needed to pay the interest on $100,000
worth of bonds, but not the amount
necessary to pay tho intorest on tho
S.10,000 worth of bonds in excess of
their capital stock. In the case of
national banks the amount of the taxes
they pay on their circulation will be
deducted from the amount of income
tax they arc required to pay. All cor
porations large and small, must submit
each year to the collector of internal
revenue a sworn statement of their
gross receipts, operating expenses, any
interest they may be required to pay
on bonds, or other 'Indebtedixiss. and
not oarnlugs. aud in any iustuuee
vvhero the Secretary of the Treasury
suspects an attempt to evade the law,
he t-hull designate, federal inspectors
to make a complcto investigation of
the books of such corporation. The
knowledge of tho internal alfalr.s of
corpoiations which this law will afford
to the federal government, aud thru it
to the public, is obvious
Fop Headache. Biliousness
OoWltt'a Llttlo
wwmraa -
ixv n'x'n v
Don't fret away
? ymirtMicruy inClolh-
1 cs, that keep you
tacky with prospir-
tj atioti.
Wc arc showing
7 Suits of Summer fa.
lrics that arc very
? refreshing to look at,
ami more so to wear.
nen-es in w -tii-ays
Browns-Olives. In nlntu
ami fancy fabrics, l-'lnu.
notsnud Homespuns ft
variety of patterns.
I'm. tor Three Piece stylos,
Midi hcrr ,ni prefer.
i $7,50, $10.00,
5 $32.00 (o $25.00
Cf ( tit )l I III f c ( Vwil l-lli
uwwum wwiarfnwvMwwuw
Cool I losiery and Cool Toggery of all sorts
in styles that are different.
Everything that's new and smart, and all
at cooling prices.
Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Always Reliable First Door North of Postofficc d
AstogSc 8 CSiasiey
J Lea dors in Furniture and Uu dertaking
QYou will find us in the BIG room
Moon Block
Furniture, Carpets and Under
taking of the quality kind
And Our Prices Speak for Themselves. We extend a
Cordial Invitation to all to visit our store. : : : : :
.1 1)AH.
Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, lud.,
sayv "My wife had Iiillaminatory
Khumatism in every muscle and joint;
hrr sutl'ring was tcrriblttind her.uody
and face were swollen almost beyond
Bccoguitlou;hud beetiinbcdforsix weeks
nnd had tight physicians, but received
no bentlt until she trle.ljDr. IJetchon's
Belief for It gave her
immediate relief aud she was able to
walk about In three days. 1 um sure it
buved hr life." Sold by Tho 11. E.
(Irlce Drug Co., lied Cloud, Nebr.
Better Not Get
If you can help it Kodol prevents Dyspepsia, by
effectually helping Nature to Relieve Indigestion
But don't trifle with Indigestion.
A great many peoplo who havo
trilled with Indigestion, havo been
sorry for it when nervous or
chronic dyspepsia- resulted, nnd
they havo not been able to euro It.
Uso Kodol and provont lvavlng
Evoryono Is Hiibjcct to Indiges
tion. Stomnrh derangement follows
stomach nbmse. Just ns naturally
nnd Just as surely ns a sound and
healthy stomach results upon tho
taking of Kodol.
When you experience sourncBS
of Btomaeh. belching of pas and
nauseating fluid, bloated sensation,
gnawing pain in tho pit ' '"
stomach, heart I
diarrhoea, ' '
...... .(.en tho quicifCT you take
Kodol tho better. Ent what you
want, let Kodol digest It.
Oidlnary popsln "dyspepsia tab
lets," physics, otc, nro not Hkoly
to ho of much benefit to you, in
digestive ailmculu. Pepsin ig only
v 'afeSiL
f fflffii Wv
I ' w
(A'fnunt e , u ;i v t,
lki NblvM J-K L
llf (rr !fwlIIMtMM I
Opened u Aftaln.
The Bon Ton rcsturant has under its
now management again opened up fo
meals. Commencing Saturday, May
i'lnil. I will servo llrst class meals tit,
20 cents. Hubert Ncucrhurg, Prop.
New Restaurant.
I have opened a new restaurant and
lunch room in th old Nation ollice.
Everything new, neat aud clean. Meals
at all hours. Wc arc here to please.
Call on us. Will LIudley.
a partial digester and physics aro
not digesters nt all.
Kodol Is a perfect digester. IC
you could sco Kodol dlgcstlngovery,
particle of food, of all kinds, in tha
glas3 tcst-tuhes In our laboratories,
you would know this just as well
as wo do.
Nature and Kodol will always
euro a sick stomach hut In ordor
to bo cured, tho stomach must rest.
That Ib what Kodol does rosts tho
stomach, whllo tho stomach gota
well. Just as spnnle aa A, II, O.
' i' 'i a-i a tin
' 1 ' I l ( 'U t U... ..1 chu
. . "i it It Ii iMimt d uo ). i iiiy
. i .u ii.tiU-tothodmpKlst uuit
in- ..ill iiu.uU wur money without nuov
tioiiuritaluy. We will then imy tho Uruif
Klbt fur thu bottle. Don't hesitate, alt
driifntistti know that our guaranti-u in good.
lhiHutrer uiIIch to thu lurpo bottlo only
nnd to but ono in a faintly. Tho larRo iMit
iloeotitiilijHUii times ua much ay tho titty
Kodol Is prepared at tho labora
tories of E. C. Do Witt & Co., Chicago.