The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 01, 1909, Image 3

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    .. r
Removed by Lydia E. Pink"
Llndlcy, Ind. " Lydia E. Pink
barn's Vegetablo Compound removed
a cyst tumor of
four years' growth,
which three of tho
best physicians de
clared I had. They
said that only an
operation could
help mo. I am very
gladthatl followed
a friend's advico
and took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
tablo Compound,
for it lias made mo
n nlrnncr nw1 wnll
woman, and I shall recommend it as
long as I live." Hns. May Thy,
Lindley, lnd.
One of tho greatest triumphs of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Com
pound is tho conquering of woman's
dread enemy tumor. If you havo
mysterious pains, inilammation, ulcera
tion or displacement, don't wait for
timo to confirm your fears and go
through tho horrorsof a hospital opera
tion, but try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
tablo Compound at once.
For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetablo Compound, mado from roots
nndherbs.hasbeenthostamlard remedy
for fcmalo ills, and such unquestion
able testimony as tho above proves tho
value- of this famous remedy, and
should give- conlldcnco and hopo to
every sick woman.
If you would lileo special ndvlco
nuout your ensotvrito a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Plnlclmni, nt
Lynn, Mass. Her advico is free,
and always helpful.
Tho Customer You don't appear to
havo a hat in the place to suit me.
Tho Hatter Try a soft green one,
Nothing in the Name.
Senator Carroll S. Pago of Vermont
is on good terms with the senate
pages, all because his name is Page.
Apropos of this, ho tells the story that
when ho was governor of Vermont ho
went to tho chamber of the senate of
tho state legislature one day and about
a dozen pages flocked around him Just
as a friend of his from the rural dis
tricts walked In.
"Governor," Inquired tho friend from
the country, "who nro all these Httlo
"They are little pages."
Sheer white goods, in fact, any fine
wash goods when new, owo much of
their attractiveness to tho way they
are laundered, this being dono in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would bo equal
ly satisfactory If proper attention was
given to stnrchlng, tho first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
tho goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will bo pleasantly surprised at tno
Improved appearance of your work.
Seek Prevention of Consumption.
The municipal authorities of Herlln
have decided to Introduce another
feature In their administration of tu
berculosis. Heretofore, municipal ef
fort has been confined to the mainten
ance of ono or two homes for curablo
consumptives, but it is recognized
that, useful as this Is, it alone can
not cope with tlilB disense. They have
resolved, therefore, to devoto more at
tention to preventive measures.
Important to Mothers.
Examlno carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for
intantB and children, and see tiiat It
Tlnnra Tin
Signature rt(&fff&cM
In Uso For Over ;JO Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
"My! tho paper is dull and uninter
esting this morning."
"Is that so! Can't you find tho di
vorce column?" Detroit Free Press.
Tell the Dealer ou want a Lewis' Single
Hinder cigar for Us nch, mellow quality.
The ancient watch dog is a member
of tho old guard.
T. Jenkins Hains Takes Up Sailor's Life
NEW YORK Thornton Jenkins
Hains, novelist, short-story writer,
seaman and defendnnt In the Hains
murder trials, has dlsnmip.irfd. ITn.
dor sonio other muno he is making his
living as a sailor onco more, but no
ono knows what ship he Is aboard or
whither ho Is bound. Tho last seen
of him was in Washington. He wns
then heading for some distant tiort to
get nboaid a Miip and leave his coun
try lorever.
Hains left his Httlo daughter Mol
Ho with his parents and signed n doc
ument giving to tho general, his fa
ther, a Hen on all tho rovnlltioH pom-
Ing from his books. Ho went to sea
Sinco the kllllnc of William K. An.
nis'nt tho llaysldo Yacht club, over
a year ago, Thornton Hnlns lias been
persona non grata with tho publishers.
Ono magazine, nt least, that accepted
his stories and paid for them in ad
vanco of publication, failed to print
them. Men who were onco eager to
get stories from him and be received
by him as his friend, avoided him
nfter his trial at Flushing.
Heforo his dlsnppearanco Thornton
went to Sing Sing to bid farewell to
Congestion on Island of Manhattan
TWENTY years from now tho ground
area or lower New York will not
afford even standing room for its oc
cupants. Tho congestion of popula
tion in that part of this city known as
Manhattan, covering the site of the
original settlement and extending from
tho battery northward to tho Harlem
rlvor, already has become so dense
that, woro all In it to die nt once, tho
territory in which theso peoplo live
and work would not nfford sufficient
space for their burial.
Tho population per acre of Manhat
tan Is now 157, which Is moro than five
times that of any other city In tho
country. Were this population housed
In one-story buildings, tho aveinge
amount of ground per person would
bo a plot 10 feet square.
Hut as tho average height of build
ings in this territory Is practically
eight stories, tho average slzo of tho
ground spneo per inhabitant Is tho
Society Box Holders in New Theater
( r) I
THERE hns been a great amount of
speculatioa as to where tho mem
bors of tho fnshlonnblo set of New
York would bo found when tho new
theater, tho $2,000,000 institution, en
dowed by a coterie of wealthy men of
Now York, is opened next November.
Thero nro only 23 boxes, n much
smaller number than in tho Motropl
itan Opera House, with which tho
now thoater is closely allied, and with
so few places and so many engor to
occupy thorn, It was a serious matter
to sottlo tho seating question.
As now planned, two opera comiquo
performances will bo given each week
ono at night, tho other at a matlneo.
At other subscription performances
playB are to bo given by a company
Gotham Property Is
THAT Now York Is tho homo of tho
greatest property holdings which
tho world hns ever known, and that
tho whole 320 square miles of its area
with a valuation which makes tho na
tional dobt seom trifling in compari
son, Is held by less than two per cent,
of the population, are only a fow of
tho astonishing facts made known by
official figures Just compiled. Accord
Ing to theso figures tho nsscsed valu
ation of tho taxablo property in New
York is now almost $7,000,000,000, $0,
600,000,000 being tho exact figure
Tho nctual snlo valuo, however, Is
probably moro than twlco this amount
or about one-tonth of tho estimated
wealth of tho whole United States. As
an Indication of tho great valuo placed
- r m al m j
his brother Pot or. Ho found Peter n
ghastly wreck of a man. His silky
black benrd had been shaved off and
his fnco showed cadaverously above
his prison stripes. The brothers were
nllowod one hour together. Thorn
ton showed mingled rage and grief at
tho plight of his brother, of whose
acquittal of the charge of murder ho
had felt sure. Ills volco was husky
when he told Peter good-by.
"And so I must say good-by," he
said. "I must leave you, as tho hour
that I can see you draws to a close.
Good-by, Pete; you know what I think
and wliat 1 feel words will not ex
press it. Tho long days in prison
will never be forgotten. 1 will never
forget you, poor boy.
"Never for a moment drenm that
you are a criminal never think of it,
Pete, for in tho heart of every truo
man, every human who is fit to bo
classed as such, there beats a throb
of sympathy for you.
"I know, and every mnn knows,
that if there had been a law to protect
your home, and a law to protect your
honor as n soldier, you would not
havo been driven to such extremity.
Of tho men who caused your ruin, ono
is dead, the other at large, and thero
seems to bo no law written that will
bring the scoundrel to Justice."
E. N. L. Young, attorney for Capt.
Hains, has served papers on tho dis
trict attorney of Queen's county call
ing for a new trial. Mr. Young's con
tention is thnt tho verdict wns con
trary to the evidence.
incredibly small area of 112 square feet
a plot four feet by eight. In spite
of this congestion, however, grentcr
New York, as distinguished from Man
hattan, Is not the most densely pop
ulated city lu tho country. That title
belongs to Haltlmore, with 29 per
acre, while greater New York with 20
per acre.comes after Milwaukee, with 23
How rapidly the congestion in Man
hattan may be expected to increase
is Indicated by the values of
its real estate. In this respect two
now records were set Inst week. Tho
first established a new high record for
Fifth avenue property, a lot having
been sold nt a prlco amounting to $34,
000 a front foot, or $270 n square foot,
a valuo considerably larger than that
represented by an equal area covered
with $50 bills.
Only 40 years ago this same prop
erty sold for one-twentieth of this price,
Tho second record came as the result
of tho leasing of a piece of uptown
property for 149 years. From theso
two factors it is evident thnt tho de
sire to snap up property for long
terms, together with Its rapidly in
creasing valuo, will soon reduce the
averago amount of ground per Inhab
itant to less than tho space necessary
for standing room.
now being engaged. As yet it Is incom
plete, less than hnlf a dozen actors
having signed contracts.
Thero nro 35 founders of the new
theater, and it was agreed by them to
apportion tho boxes by lot. After this
was dono tho other applicants nego
tiated with tho founders for a place
In tho boxes for certain performances.
There are 232 single seats directly
above tho boxes, and these were as
eagerly sought as tho boxes them
selves. In them on subscription
nights will bo found those socially
prominent who wero unablo to find
room In tho boxes, which will rnnk
In Importanco to those In the pnrterro
row at tho Metropolitan.
Mr. James Hazen Hydo, ono of the
founders, who has been living abroad
for threo years, is tho owner of box
No. 23, which is located In tho very
contor of the arch, and which, relative
ly, is tho Bamo as box No. 35 at tho
Metropolitan, which Ih owned by Mr.
J. Piorpont Morgan. Mr. Morgan, nlso
founder of the new theater, received
box No. 7 in tho allotment.
Held by the Few
on renl estate hero, the figures show
that two-thirds of the taxablo property
in this city consists of land. LesB than
100,000 persons, or one-fiftieth of tho
city's population, own not only every
partlclo of this land, but nil tho other
taxablo property Included in tho re
port as well.
Taking tho nctual valuo of tho land
as $10,000,000,000 this means that tho
property owners In this city hold on
tho avorage $100,000 worth of real es
tate each. On this basis tho nvorago
valuo of tho ground alono throughout
tho entire city Is $31,000,000 a squnro
mile, or $72,000 an acre, This, of
coure, is only an average, slnco In
sonio parts of tho city an aero of
ground amounts to many millions. Tho
average valuo of property, not inclu
ding tho land itself, is $50,000 an acre,
so that each member of tho select
100,000 constituting two per cent, of
tho whole number who own all Now
York has on nn averngo $150,000
worth of property. Tho other 3,400,000
of tho city's population aro merely
The Sunshine Ginger Wafer
These are called Yum Yums they are made at the
"Sunshine Bakeries" too with the other "Sunshines."
Baked in white tile top floor ovens amid pure air and
sunshine. They are the best ginger snaps you ever tasted.
Sunshine Yum Yums
Dainty wnfers with just enough
spice to be appetizing.
We employ infinite skill nntl
costly material to create them.
You miss the best in ginger
Strangely Enough, English Firm Failed
to Understand Letter from Its
Japanese Agent.
An English firm, whose shipment
of goods was delayed In reaching .la
pan, received the following communi
cation from their newly-nppolntcd
Japanese ngent: "With regard to tho
matter of escaping the penalty for
non-delivery of this there Is only one
way to creep round same by diplo
mat. Wo must make a Btlr or strike
occurring In our factory. Of course
big untrue. I place my presence on
Inclosed form of letter and believe
this will avoid the trouble or penalty
of same. As Mr. Is most re
ligious nnd competent man, also
heavy upright and godly, It fears me
that useless to apply for his sig
nature. Please therefore attach same
nt Yokohnmn ofllce, making forge.
Hut no cause for fear of prison hap
penings, as this often happens by
merchants of high Integrity. Hut If
this Involves that your honor look
mean and excessive awkward for
business purpose, I think more bet
ter n little serpentina' wisdom of po
lite mnnhood and thus found good
business edifice." The firm knows as
much now about tho delay as it did
Tearful Eczema All Over Baby's Face
Professional Treatment Failed.
A Perfect Cure by Cutlcura.
"When my Httlo girl was six months
old I noticed small red spots on her
right cheok. They grow so largo that
1 sent for tho doctor but, instead of
helping tho eruption, hlB ointment
seemed to mnko it worso. Then I
went to a second doctor who said It
was eczema. Ho also gave me an oint
ment which did not help either. Tho
disease spread all over tho faco and
tho oyes began to swell. Tho Itching
grew lntolcrablo nnd it wns a terrible
sight to boo. I consulted doctors for
montliB, but they wero unable to cure
tho baby. I paid out from $20 to $30
without relief. Ono evening I began
to uso tho Cutlcura Remedies. Tho
next morning tho baby's faco was all
whlto Instead of red. I continued until
tho eczoma entirely disappeared. Mrs.
P. E. Qumbln, Sheldon, la., July 13,'OS."
tfottcr Drug & Cboni. Corp., Solo I'rops., Uoiton.
A Broad Discrimination.
Thero Is an elder of a certain
church up-Btntu who thinks thnt things
nro only half dono or not well started
In which ho has no voice. At a
prayer meeting he offered thanks for
tho safe return from their vacation
of the minister nnd his wife. With
proper dignity nnd in a loud volco ho
said: "O Lord, wo thank theo for
bringing our pastor safo home, nnd
his dear wife, too, O Lord, for thou
presorvest man and beast." Success.
Starch, Hko everything else, Is be
ing constantly improved, the patent
Starches put on tho market 25 yerrs
ago aro very different and inforior to
those of tho present dny. In tho lnt
est discovery Defiance Starch all
injurious chemicals aro omitted, whllo
tho nddltlon of another imiredlont. In
vented by us, gives to tho Starch a I
strength and smoothness never np- !
proacned by other brands.
That Wheezy Sound.
"Say," Inquired tho boy next door
or tho Httlo girl whoso father suffered
from nsthmn, "want makes your fa
ther wheezo so?"
"I guest! It's ono of his lnsldo or
gans playing!" Puck.
The Reason.
"What's tho reason wo shouldn't
have a Httlo outing this Saturday?"
asked Mrs. Grampus.
"I nm," snarled Grampus. Huffalo
Just 2,000,000 tons of butter and
chec-st wero eaten all over the world.
gingery ginger snap"
snaps until you taste the "Sun
shine" kind.
. Sunshine Yum Yums aro
packed in thrice sealed cartons
amply protected from dust
and moisture.
They nrc at your grocer's in
Sc packages.
Try n package judge nil
"Sunshines" by them.
The Professor I've been a vege
tarian all my life; from now on I'll eat
nothing but beef!
It Is a Warning That the Kidneys Are
Sick and Need Help.
A bad back makes every day a dull
round of pain nud misery. It's a sign
tho kidneys nro sick
and cannot Keep up
tholr nover-endlng
task of filtering tho
blood. Lumo back,
b a c k a c h o , dizzy
spells and urinary
disorders nro warn
ings that must not
bo overlooked. A.
G. Smith, -I0H E.
Mills St., Liberty,
IMo., says: "1 was
racked with pain,
stiff and lame, had
dizzy spollB and n terrlblo condition of
the kidney secretions. I got so mis
erable I went to bed, but tho doctor
did not do nuythlng for mo and no
one expected mo to recover. Doan's
Kidney Pills first relieved, then cured
me, nnd I havo had no kidney trouble
for seven yenrs since."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
What Did He Mean?
Mr. Drown and his family wero
standing In front of tho lion's cago.
"John," said Mrs. Drown, "If theso
animals wero to escape, whom would
you save first, mo or the children?"
"Me," answered John, without hesi
tation. Everybody's Magazine.
With a smooth Iron nnd Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at homo ns the
Btcnm lnundry can; It will have the
proper stiffness nnd finish, thero will
bo less wear and tear of the goods,
nnd it will be a positive pleasure to
uso a Starch that does not stick to tho
"Opportunities aro dancing on every
man's desk!" shouted the high-brow
"Yob; but they ain't half as llablo
to bite yo as the spring fover or fish
in' germ," echoed the chronic grouch.
Atk Your Drueglit for Allen's Foot.Cme.
"I tried ALLKN'S TOOT-HASH rci'cnt
ly, nnd linvo Jtmt bought another Hupply.
It ImH cured my roriiH, nnd tlio hot, liurn
ln and Itching xfiiHtitlon In my feut which
wih ulmoat unbearable, nnd I would not
bo without It now. Mrs. W. J. Wulkcr,
Cuniden, N. J." Sold by ull Druggists, Mc.
He Is a man of power who, when all j
bin fellows aro swayed by soino am
bition or passion, remnlns cnlm and '
unmoved. Creston.
Little children nro MiiTrring every day
in the year with hprniu. bruUen, cut. '
buinpn nnd burns. Hnmlin Wizard Oil
i'h bnnii-liing tlietc nehes nnd pains every
day in the year, tho world over.
The wile of a dyspeptic man may
not agree with him any more than
her cooking does.
Mr. Wlntlow'H Kootlilntr Myruii,
For rlilhlrrn tet-tblnu, noftt-im llio itum, reilurr In
flutimiiuiuu, all) pain, curt, wla.l collu. 20c u Uutllu.
You cannot build a frame house un
less you havo tho rocks.
SmoKeiH like I.owin' Single Hinder cigar
for its rich, mellow cjui'.lit.
Married llfo does udt amount to
much until It reaches pa.
The next man In n barber shop is
always rough and ready.
r T&
r- t i'm
' " r- '
! Don't Buy Just 'Shinnies'
i mi viuii hi iju iiiuo iw iiuy ono
lot of .shingles this week and to
go back next week nnd buy homo
moro and havo tho quality ex
actly tho Mime. Ijooic for this
mink, it stands for tho best in
Washington, It K 1) C K 1) A K
HIllNdLKS. Always tho same
... .441 II A
it v
, li-m. "ti1Wff.ii'
m JimwASKxwmiit deauermuum W
Tnilt lirlt. Olil-tlino Liiml ("IrnlilM-r, known
I'orniTM. Write. hvw Htiiinp,
H. C. CR0FF0RD Newcastle, Wyoming
Accounted For.
She Do you know, dear, I had my
heart set on lco cream to-night.
He 1 thought you seemed rather
Must Work Both Ways.
He I could waltz on to heaven with
She Can you roverso? Yale Rec
ord. It's easier for sonio people to Ho
for nn acquaintance than It Is for
them to stand up for a friend.
Humtm rniiupUInt, linwrl irniililu.vrumimliaTPno
tcrrnmln thulioiiM-liuliI wlicrutliUitciH'iiuiibluiuud-Icluulski-plun
li.inil. SScSJOBiulUlu biiMli b.
Don't offer odds to the elevator boy
or ho'll take you up.
A Friend In Need
There is absolutely nothing
that gives such speedy relief in
Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera
Morbus, Cholera-Infantum, Colic
and Cramps as
It is a friend in need, and you
should always keep It in your house.
Its valuable curative properties have
made it a necessity for both adults
and children.
Sold Ay all Jrugglsli at
25c pet bottle
W. N. U.f LINCOLN, NO. 27-1909.
Positively cured by
the&e Little Pills.
Wcmm Tliey ftlno relieve DI-
HD IT"! IF trctmfrom I)ynpepnla,Iu-
Efl llfrn (IlKt-HtlonuiiilTiHilIt-artr
H I Vr K KiititJK A x:rfect rem-
B Dl A y fo DIzilnvhH, Nnu-
BJJB TiibtelntlioMoutli.Coat-
HHiil C'l Tongue, In the
They regulato tlie Uonclu. Turt-ly Vegetable.
Genuine Must Dear
Fac-Simile Signature
"Before L began using Cascarets I had
a bad complexion, pimples on my face,
and my food was not digested ns it should
have been. Now I am entirely well, and
the pimples nave all disappeared from my
face. I can truthfully say that Cascarets
are just as advertised; I have taken only
two boxes of them."
Clarence R. Griffin, Sheridan, Ind.
Pleasant, Pnlntablo, Potent, Tosto Hood.
Do liooa. Never Slclu-n, Weaken or Gripe.
lOo, ?5c. 50c. Nover Bold In bulk. Tlioceuu
Inc tablet stampod CCC. UuaruuteeJ lo
euro or your uoauy back. 927