r '"s ' r I r-- J S n h tkES'-1" ' llV "" - Si "" I if "" W MBFiTT --- .'; (94 ' - JCto.. M -. ag j r- .- ; ; K "U1 Zg ..-. V-- g ; . f. .v j.: ;- T V;'V''; ' : . , ,. -- 4....c, -r, !'s-3 VOLUME XXXArII. A bank conirolled by farmers and business men of Red Cloud, and whose officers and directors are all directly interested with you in the welfare of the community. Interest paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. ase 2 BIG GAMES MONDAY JULY 5th. Red Cloud vs Hebron Morning Game at 10 Afternoon Game at 3 Spend your 4th. of July Holiday at Red Cloud, and see some good Ball Games. Basket dinner in Court House grove at noon. Adm- 25C- N charge for Grand Stand. Coming To Red Cloud. Chief of Staff of Hot Springs Doctors on Annual Tour. At RoyaT Hotel July 10th. He Will Make No Charge For Consultation or for Examination. The Chief of Staff of the Hot Springs Doctors is making bis annual tour of the state, visiting the townsand cities calling on their patients In eacb com munity, and consulting with new pa tients who arc desirous the great treat ment that cures all chronic and ner vous diseases of men and women. The phenomenal success of the Hot Springs treatment Is duo to the fact that It re moves from the patient's system the aus' of disease; usually doctors treat the symtoms of tho ease, instead of making a complete diagnosis and then removing tho cause as do those spec ialists. The human body has boon the life study of those noted specialists, their skill in the matter of medical diagnosis puts them in the front ranks of Ameri can Specialists After they make n painstaking examination they are in a position to stato positively whether or not a cure is possible; if not they tell the patient so and refuse to under take a cure. If they do undcrtako a euro the patient is cured. They do this at oxtremelyjroasoriublecost. they ask no fee at all until the patient Is completely eurod. Only a moderato lim-ir.. Is made for the medicine In each ease. , Tho highest standard of quality to the only standard in tho medicines used by the Hot Springs Doctors. These expensive medicines are espec ially prepared for each case, they are from the World's best laboratory, guar s'' "World Slrle(J J?f W-S'- A Ball anteed by the pure food laws, eliminat ing all possibility ,pf anyone .taking into their system any poisonous drugs A cure Is sure aud permanent as a re sult of taking the world famous Hot Springs home treatment. Chronic and nervous diseases like rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, goit er, diseases of the heart, blood and lung diseases, catarrh, gall stones, epi lepsy, kidney, stomach aud bladder troubles, aud female diseases must yield to the treatment as given by these notod Specialists. In their Lin coln olliee.s are thousands of letters from peoplo who have been restored to health, in many Instances these peo ple could not have been cured were It not for the Hot Springs Jtraatmant. For example take tho case of Mrs. White who lives at t'niverslty Place, Nob. These Specialists made a caro ful examination of her case and found that she was suffering from rheuma tism, kidney, and stomach trouble. After tak'.ng treatment, here Is what alio says in hore own words: University Place, Nob., April 18. 'On. Words almost fail mo to tell how thankful I am for renewed health and strength after suffering with stomach troublo which eventually reached a stage where I could scarcely retain food, and suffered great pain. To add to my troublo I was also anlioted with rheumatism which swelled my faot and hands so that I was helpless. I tried several local doctors but their treatment failed to give me any relief. I began to take the Hot Springs Doc tors treatment and commencod to im prove at once, and now at the end of twelve months I am entirely recovered aud feel as well as at any time of my life. I am glad to recommend tho Hot Springs treatment for what It has done for me, to any who may boalllict oil In the way T have beon MUS. II. It. WIIITK. Here is a testimonial letter from Smith Center. Kansas, that Is Inter esting: Smith Center, Kans. April 1 1, W, Mrs. Amis is getting along Just line; has not had any of her old dropsylcal I troublo at all this year. It has been rlC i B$r x Lii ... , . Newspaper That filvcs The Nr.ws Fifty-two RED CLOUD, SEHKASKA, 'just iilunit oiu. rear siiu-o Kind l'rov' (U'liff sent ,oit to Smith CunU'f it"'' j vu nit-t'iM-tit.iily tliaiiKful lor lliolirlp 'yon have rciiilctvil us. Wishing yon uiiliunixleil slltl('-. t' art- i.s t-vcr, i Ml!, i.n.l MKS.S. I.. AMKS. ! Tlic tiiMitini'iit that has fiiifil these jieoi.lf ami resttuvil thmi'-ands (if otlu'tts to lifiilth is available to the liooplo'ui thlssct'tioii for it U Oii" won ilerful Kjstuni of trunt tuotit that tho ( hlef of .Stall of the Hot SprlRs oc tor.s brings to ns on ilnl.v 1", at the I'ovai, Uoii:i. As t ho SppclnlUts will lio here only one day, It ih respect fully retinOHtml that neonlc do not enll out of idle' cilliuftlty, lie will be busy with pa tients who ii'lilly need bis services and it would be an imposition to tuko up his time idlv. It is also important to anmmnco that uinrried women who wish to eonsult with the Chief of at a IV must be ai'coiiipaini'il b- their bun- I bands, and all minors by their parents. If you aie suiVcrinp with any ehronio or nervous disease and desire to be re stored to health. vipr and bappinesM, don't fail l. cull at Ibe Koyal Iloltl, July in. t'.H'ii. The permanent olliee.s of the Hot Springs Doctors are located at llth and O street, Lincoln, NebrasUa GUIDE ROCK. .Mrs. I'M. duly is on tho sick list. . A. J. Haves Was homo over Sunday. Mrs. James Voting sprained her ankle one day last week. tiiiide Kockdoes not celebrate this year. Many will go from here to Superior. Fred Watt has moved into liLs new meat market and the old one is being torn down. Mrs. Emerton was over visiting one day last week with her old neighbors, Mrs. J. Harris and Mrs. 1). H. Crow. Our genial central i operator, Mlts Austle Stafford will leav about the first of August for her home in Indi ana. . The It. & M. agent, J. J. Cassell and wife -leave fora'trip through Colorado for a couple of weeks as soon as the relief agent arrives. Little Lucile Wirt celebrated her 8th birthday last Friday. Hor mother entertained twenty five children In the afternoon, serving nice refreshments. Her father gave her a handsome rock ing chair. Miss Lucy Mussingor gave a party one evening last week in honor of .Mhs Alice Unity and Mls Rose Ode or Leavenworth, Kansas. The young ladies departed Saturday morning for thoir homes. George M. Simpson jr. and wife ar rived Friday from their home at Osh Kosh, Duell Co., Nebraska, to visit G M. -Simpson sr. and family, James Simpson and wife and other relatives. Tho sister from Wauneta, Mrs. . E. Murphy will arrive this weok. Mrs J. W Itobluson, whoso maiden name was Maggie Kiser, was born in Tippecanoo county, Indiana, July 15, 1859 and died at her homo in Guide Hock June til, lOo!) at lO.tlu p. in. after an illness of several weeks. Her father James K.Kisor, an officer in the 10th regular Indiana volunteers, died in tho service in 1802 and the mother followed in 18ii8 leaving two little daughters. Those children Mag. gle aged cloven and Arlmlnta uged nine were brought to Webster County in 18i0 by their grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Mick. Maggie Kiser was married to Dr. J. W. Uoblnson Deo. lis, 18TI). To tliem wore born four daughters, Maude tho olddst died at about eight years of ago. Tho others aro Uertha (Mrs. Wm. Me Plierson) Ariininta Mao (Mrs. Lee Simpson) and (ioneva Hoblnson. Mrs. Itobluson wiih for several years a member of the M. K. church and when the Christian's organized here in 161)7 she transferred her membership to that, as it was tho church of her choice. She was a member of several societies and was one of the Vico Presl dents of tho C . 'J'. L She was a charter member of Guide Koclc lodge, No. 15S Degree of Honor organized t - - , "fcif "MMt itiiATh yff3fcfcA-4JJfi w& jb "s pjn an n u ! M Wr.cks Each Year For One Dollar. ,11'LV heie Mnivh :H. ISnT, and curried u tiineiieiaiy of .l()(Hi. She was i-leeted Linly ol Honor at the lime of organ i.it ion, then Chief and bei'iime a Past Chu I. then she served thne years as ( Financier, then again passed tin tt the chairs being the P. ('. t f 11 . at time of her death. She was always at her pO"t aud neversliirked a duty, but al ways did more than her share oT work. The funeral was cundiieled at the Baptist church lit '.' o'clock Wednesday nftevnoou by Rev J M. Steeley The casket, was carried from the house to Uiv church between JinVs of Degree f Honor and W. C. T. I'., ini'iubeis. Thk' pall bearers were members of the A.O. I'. W., lodge. Messers; W. S. Lambert, C W. Corwln. Alva Miner. .1. ll.t'rary, (.'. S. .Touch, James Watt Lovely lloral pieces, cut (lowers, emblems, eet. .we iv sent by the various orders and Hoeictics of which she wan n melultl')', The singers were Mesdimies. Maiuli' Fall Held, Belle Sabiu, Mabel Kolatiil, Maggie Crarv. Messers John Yung, (Sonrue W. Ciowvainl Wusscll Vaughaii. The Degree of lionorgave its b auti f ill service at the cemetery. The burial team consisted of live iip'iiibers; P. ('.of II., F.lla Van Woert. C. of II.. hli'lla Watt. L. of II.. Vinnie Cassell. C of C . Clara Parker. K , Ida K Hayes. Mrs. Maggie Bobinson will be great ly missed. She always assistetl every one who was ill cr needed assistance, and sympathized with all in sorrow and distress Tho family have the sympathy of all in their great sorrow. Keal Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab stract Co. for the week ending Wed nesday, JunellO, 100'.). John B Stanser to Laura Sprang er, lot US, Blk. !.'. Smith & Moores add to Rod Cloud, wd 75 Fred Delehoy to Fred Sommer- field, lot 3, Blk 18, Blue Hill, wd Bernurd MeNony to .Benjamin H Eshelman, part'lottl lu 10-1-1 1, wd .....A' M. W. Hornberger to Robert A. Simpson, lot 0, pt lot 10, Blk.i! ItohrcreJMld toBlW Hill' wcl 1000 :ioo TV 1 "WOO Veronica Stoffregati to Casper Wegmunn, lot 3, Blk. 8, Blue Hill, wd , L'OO Sarah A. McCreu to Casper V eg maun, lots 4, ft, Blk. 8, Blue Hill, wd (550 3ti: Mortgages filed, t:i800.00. Mortgages released 8.1.V21.00. RllKL'MATIHM Cl'lUIll IN A D.W. Dr. DetcnihonV. Belief for Uheuinatisni and Neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3 days. It action .ipon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause and the dis ease Immediately disappears. The ills dose greatly beiiollts 7.1c and 81. tlrst Sold ty The II K. (Jrioe Drug Co., Red Cloud. Nobr. If you have pains lu the back, weak back, or any other indication of a weakened or disordered condition of the kidneys or bladder you should got Do Witt's Kidney Mind Bladder Pills right away when you experience the least sign of kidney or bladder com plaints, but be sure that you get De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. We know what they will do tor you, aud ir you will send your name to K. C. Do Witt .t Co , Chicago, you will received free trial box of these kidney and blad der pills. Th oy are sold here by all druggists. The Reason. "Men worry moro than women." "Yes; they not only have everything to worry about that women havo, but they also havo tho women to werry about, too." Smart Set. A Faulty Make. "Well, there's ono thing about Nu rltch, he's always ready to con fess his faults." "Xonsenso! Why, he's forovor bragging about being self made" "Of courBo; that's Just It." Sometimes Full of 'Em. Q. "Thoro Is only ono sparker In a motor car, Is thoro?" A. "Not neces sarily. Tho number frequently varies with tho nuinbor of coupl03 carrlod," Kansas City Times. H ear - - . 2 Kr-. -1 &g - " - 43Siii. - - .it'jSL'-J'-'rt . - - ry .ri" i : v&V $ "0 S -" ! ' ' 1. 100!). Albright Bros, i CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF UP-TO-DATE) CflFurniture, Carpets Sewing Ma chines Lace Curtains Pianos, Organs Pictures and Sheet Music CflWe are always thankful for any share of your patronage and good will. : : ! t : ! t LicensQd Embalmcrs and Undertakers Sale of Zion kLaces Sprtlnf, and a display of illustrations of mechanical de vices requisite in the art of fine 1a"ce "making. ; jjf Thjs sale offers an ceptionaJ;Oppprtunity.for ' economy "purchases of (durable fine laces of ex quisite beauty. It will prove very interesting even to those not intending to purchase. 4 Zion Laces, manufactured in the most modern lace factory in the world, are the best of their kind made the best wash laces ever placed be fore the American women and sold without a customs duty of 60$ added to the cost, as are all imported laces. F All machines of Zion Lace Industries are and have been operating 18 hours daily, except Sunday, for over a year, with the product of each machine sold ahead several weeks. New machines are continually being installed. F Women wanting laces for present or future use will experience a marked saving by visiting our lace counters. The Miner Bros. Co. (Inc) General Merchants H. A. LET&ON. Mgr. The Chief $1 a year Alcohol to Children Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. He will probably say, "Very, very rarely. Children do not need stimulating." Ask him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. He will profr ably answer, "Verv vc- about v.t' ,-cr . .. : rl vmim I Tlie first UruM ruu i . lu..', n ' Ibis is not so. Tl-cn a'-k hlrn Y jbout IfeaZ.? r-:rf Til I -jUH -TL. - t3& Zs - - J"- - .;v: . & utai V" V - ,. ' NUM15E1? 2' Prvvfv'W'Wf .-?. "rlraSRS 19E&K&. - 'fifWa ual w i BBsBLy 'P b B mHf t? lnKtLA clipping and tcallopio the webs of lace. X frequently." Then ask him r-iwiritln as a tonic for the '"J. fCnJor 1 lldHLi.' A-4. , ril Soltl for neatly sixty years. ill .. ki i ll Ayir's Fills, V 1 i II ll r,'"l m iivy it ' & f'l