The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 24, 1909, Image 8

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    Hi t( t.oi n. Imiip 1st. i ww
Tlif fnliiittluic N tlic minimi I'Mtliiiutcnr the
proliiililr iiiu'iuiil f iiiiHii j lice i inr) to p:i,
nil ixpiii'it lniurii'd ti tin iit ( c - l
i liniil Nilii'txM ilnrliiu tin i iimuIiik nini
M n r.
I in i itlii i i- -iilni ii lino
" Htit ( I- mill Mli t p.n
Mtlvailiiii ..
' . nil , D
never any falling
off in the grand
flavor of
itfkbv -,'An
H When You go for an OuS ?ng
L. i
Away trom mcmai mi" ijr . ..... -.
Your" Eyes Work On
The New HenllliKny aUnt nro opceially recommended for
outdoor iport and recrenlion.
No trying 1'K'it ntinoy.iucc for the wearers of tin- IIi-m.tii
Kav. became they gle llic eye Quality .ighl-Ughl In tlu'il pro
portions as Nature Intended.
Hut leu ier cent, of iiaturnt licallh IIrIU tenches the eye
throtifth the present cyc-gl.ns lenses you wear.
All the lienltli-KivltiK part Is abwrbed ty the 1bm nnd few of
nny but tin- hint rays reach tin delicate retina of the eye.
Ill Atrii-KAY I.i.nsi i rct and protect, Rive health nnd vifjor
Irniifinltlhc I'lnseti licalth r.iyi, nnd through thl avenue create
rich rid btood for the entire ! stem.
Hcalth-Kays Give Eusy, Comfortable Vision
No M' Item: ,.r st rl mg t ve us others see no drend of the bright
uu iu I'nalk luwn-
If ynu went tin iicniiine, look
llie above Irndr mark on cncli
Jewelers and
A NiGe New
W Of Groceries just received al ihe Home vi
( Grocery. We now have a complete to
i line of fancy and staple groceries. : : $
m Come and See j!v
fl fJAlso a large assortment of clojge ft
(0 queensware at the lowest prices possible. j;
W Hi
P. A. Wullbrandt
Fulton Grocer Company.
A New Buflftv Or Farm Machinery
We have them all. Remember, our stock of Har
ness, Hardware, Buggies and l'arm Machinery is
Complete at all times. :::::: : :
W'i: pay Sri:ii attention to .Supplying Itiiildcr's Hardware tit the
Lowest Prices. Hi:sT goods. Vh arc also in position t,, , Plumbing
woVk. and all Kinds of Pipe Cutting and Fitting ::::::";
We will Imvfi in a Line of AUTOMOMLES Soon.
( Hed Cloud HPduiare
Many n man lias paid n tivvyrr 8
nid $10 for pooir tuivici than liis
wife would willingly liavt given liitn
fr nothing.
Trade Marks
CopvqtGHTs &.c.
Anyone lemllnc n .ItPtrh anj description ihht
.ItilcklT nsrertnlii nur opinion froo "IicIIiit mi
lltvcnllcin la priirmuly imtpniiihln. (iinnunlr.
lloiKHirlrtlycoiiilitaiitliU. HANDDOOK onl'mcuta
ent tri'e. irtit iiKency for m-iniruiK pututitH.
ratontit tnki'M tliroiipli Miuin .V Ci' reculre
prrliil iiotlcr, irltliout ctuiruo, In ttio
Scientific Jlmericaii.
A tiRiidaninplf llhtttrntect weoVly l.nrcpst elr
culMtloii nf liny cMemltlii Jmiriml. 'Utiiih, la a
yoiirt lour lufliitlm, tl. Hol4 byull iianmlPHloM.
ilranch umco. (25 T tit.. Witaliluiiton, I). V,
Fop Headache. Biliousnoss
DoWltl'fi Llttlo
& Implement Go.
IIIVMOMt 111! AMI ltt..H. for t VQ
car rcRnrded ni IleM,Hm't, Always Kcllable.
ii h ! maK tip
fmy Rcncli'i How will It tlo to liond
thTTBtory "A Growing ScnmlnlV" City
Kdilor Cut out the "growing." That's
redundant. A senmlnl nlwnys grown.
Chicago Trlhuno.
A Stowaway.
Site (on the Atlantic )lner)-Diil you
observe the great appetite of that stout
mnn nt dinner? He Yes. He must
bo what they cull a stowaway. Lod
don Telegi-opb.
r.nipe i "" - -A'
IHAMOND 1IKANI) 1'II.I.S Iu Kl'n nn.l.
Goii) mrtallle ti..xe-t, seated with IUnc(O)
Kltibnn. 1'AKR nu OTUUB. Ilur or your VO'
. iir ni i.ii v
: I. iln i n . j.. I
. ' i . f :.. i I'I,,U1 f . , , .
1 i i I- i p irl nf l lij l it . ii ru i .1
Id. i II I '.Illicit.
"'ii i 'i .1 n nci'iiniiiiii liind .. a-.!.:
" titer fund Hi.m
Kltt'trlc llitlit liiml . . "
' Wntir liy fiiiul kih.iu
" Kli'ctrlcllKlilIcvy livuu
" " JtlllglllClll (lltlll IIIKI.IKI
" " I'lrciiiam (mill :imm
" " (leiicrnl hind 'JliiD.oo
'I'ltttll fc I7,slll.l)0
AiiioM'il .tune '.'nil. I'.iiji).
'. II. I'o licit, Major
AtlesU n. (.'. Ti:i:i flty Clerk.
Knrnli .1. Yiumhn.
rinrn A. Iti riilli Id. t nl.x
To YIiiwiii llli hnrd Ynimlill.Ned N'mictili,
lieiirRC .1. YiiukIiii. Nellie C. YlMluhn. Orvlll
YiiiikIiii. Niifl Ii. Vniiylin ntul Ultsr .liihtl
Mill iinll-rrlilriit iti'lendmitH:
Ynu mid each nt you will take notice Hint
mi the tilth, day t( .1 uue l!ni. Sarah .1. Yaimlin.
plnliitlll herein. Iltitt lur jictltlnn in the
I Hst t let court n( W'clwii r Ciiiinly, NelinisUn
n mil list mi PI ill (cud!) nts theohjiet and un.
enir which ate toiilltc the title In plalutltl.
is attalust Hum' dclendaulH el al. tn tin
Miiilh east ii:ii'ttr n( tin miilh west iiuaittr
and tin Miiith el iiiarterut the miiiIIi east
liiaiti r and the smith west ii:tt'tcr nl tin
mihHi cnsi iiai'ter ni HicMHitli east iiuirtir
all lu -t it Imi ii. tnwii t. inline tl. Wt'lttr
I mints .Ni liraska. nlsnil part nl the -mith
i itt 'luarti r nt the smith west iiiarler nl sec
limit luw n t. rniitfc'.i. lu elwti r Cminl. Ni
in-.f-Kn. nnd fur a ciitiKtructlnu tilth will nl
iii-uii 1 1. miuliu. di ceased, and that plain
till In i rri ill In lie tin- alitiilute uunir nt
tin ,i!hm ill scrllii d premise, hut In case tin
i mil i tl inl thai ii udi r tin- u 111 nl s:i lil VIiimih
I'. :n mli 1 1 tin ili fi inln nis tin m an lull rest lu
salil mIhix i id M'HIii d pn mlKCH tin u Hint Milil
piimlsis mm In parttlliiueil accurdlm: tu
in tin ii-.iiili i lijhtt nf i he partli lieri'tn
iinlitilii '.iinii can lint lie i iiiltulil. diviileil
till II til It Villi pit llllM-. mil)' llCMllll, Slllljl'l't
t'ltln li.niit Mi a.l ikht ol plalutltl. ami tin
pi mi cil In mi Mild sale i lilt i ln;i m en tin
pmtics In n tu ami lur i'iiiltalile ulli f.
N mi :it i 1 1 1 ill i id tu answer said ptitlmi un
nr In fun t lit- -Jiilli. da uf .luly and If ynu
fall to answer said pclltluu the allcuatlmis
therein ciiiitaluid will lie taken as tl lie Mini
Juditi'iiienl remlilid as therein pia.w-d.
Hated this lllth. day nl .lime P.iO'i.
artili I. Yauuhn,.
lly llernard MeNcny.
Her Attornev.
Lcftal Notice.
Tn Matlle M. Wehlirander. ... Weld
erauder, her liuslmnd unit llinjli W.jtJulllford
Ynu will take due notice that on the 4th.
day of November l!K)7, S. A Hni'her purchaii
oil from W. C. 1'ralini, county treasurer of
Webster County. Nebraska, according to law
At a tax mile the fiillowlni; di'Hcrlbed prop,
rty, to-wlt: Lots Eighteen, Nliit'teen.Twenty
Keven and Twenty-elht In lllook Four Hall
road nddltlou to the town, now city of lied
Cloud, Nebraska. That inld property wnn
purchased for the delinquent taxcti thereon
for the yearH 1KW to luotl, InrliiNlve. That the
lei;nl title tosalil property rentit In the name
of Mnttle M. Weldcramler nnd that said proi
erty Is tiNHCsKcd lu the name uf Mattlu M.
Waldernnder. That the Hiild S. A. l-'lncher
will on or after November Tith. l'.KXI apply to
the county Treasurer of Wclmter County,
Nebraska, for a Treiuureri Heed to said
nlsivedcscrlbid property, S, A. I'lNCIiKit.
Legal Natice.
'In Hal II. Davenport and lien. N. I.iuui,
nr their lcal hells.
nu w III take notice that on the Itli. day of
Nom'iiiIii r I'.hiT, . . I'luchcr pun hast d truin
V. C. I'lalim, Cnunt Treasurer nf Webster
( mini). Ni liiasKii, at tn Mile aicordlm; to
law tin fiilliiwluu ilescilbed prupirty. towlt:
Luis uue mnl I'wu In Itlnek Phi and Lnts
Iwint) Mm ami I hlil.v tu lllm k lour nil In
Itallriiad ilillll"ii tu Hie tnwti City nf
Hid cimid, Nibraska. That said proper!)
was purchastil fur the dclluiiiicut tas
thereon for tin years lssi tu I'mi,. Inclusive.
I'litlt the leual title to said pruperty tests lu
the name of Hal II. Davenport and (Jen. N.
Liiiiii and that said property Is assessed In
the name of Hal. II. Davenport. That on or
after November Mli. P.khi thesahl s. A. l-Tuch-er
will apply to the County Treasurer, of
Webster Count)'. Nebraska fur a Treasurers
Dctd to said property. s, . 1'imiikii.
Legal Notice.
I'o I'crry McVey, or his leual heirs.
Ynu will take due notice that on the Itli.
day nf Noveiuber I'.KlT S. A. I'lncher pur-eha-Hil
from W'.c. Kraliiu. County Treasurer,
olWihster County. Neliraska. at tax sale,
accordltm to law, the follow lim described
prnptrt). towlt: Lots Twelxe and Thlrleeii,
Itlnek I'uur. Hallioad Addition In the town,
iinw i It) uf Iteil cioiiil. Nebraska. That said
prupi rlk was fur the delluiiieiit
la is. then mi for the) cars Iks. to limit, lnclu
sle. Ilmt the leual title tu said tuts rests In
the nam nl I'irry Mi'Vc) and that said lots
an asMsMil lu tliu name uf I'eiry MeYey.
Unit mi ur after No ember Mb. pkisi the said
. . I'tuiliir will apply for aTnasuitrsdeed
lu said iiIhim ilcscrliii'd prnpert).
. . l'iM'iii:ii.
To . I'., lackson. and his leual lulls.
Nun will lake due notli e that mi Hi Itli.
day uf Nniciiibtr nu7. ,s. . rinciiorpuichas.
cd from c. . I'rahin. I uunty i rcasurcr ol
Webder County, Ni hnisku. at a tux sale tie
cnrilluu t law, the follow Inu di scribed prop
erly towlt: Lots Twenty-two and Twenty
tliiaeln llluck I'our. Ilnllroad ddlllon to
the Town, now city ol lied Cloiul. Neliraska,
that said proprrlty wis purilun-eil for the
ildlliiiucut tacs tlicreou for llu years I8XS
ttillWil, liicliisle. Thai the leual title to said
property nstsln the name nl . I.. .lackson
and that said property Is aMisMd In the
inline o! W. i:. Jackson. That mi or after
the ''itli. tlay of Novetuliir l!!i the Mild .s, A.
I'lnclur will apply to the county Tn usurer
of Webster County. Nebraska, for a Treas
urers Head tosald property, s. A,
(Contiiiueil finiu first page i
Of coin so tlte defeat nf the iiiintno
tax proposition is a serious disappoint
ment to its Denioeratie aiixue.ites
Novertheless even they obtain some
mi'sisitre of victory iu the trittmpli i.f
I'residciil Tuft, for it litis been agreed
that but Ii houses of Congress will pass,
by the necessary two-thirds vole, n
joint resolution providing for an
uiiieiiilinent of tin- constitution speei
(Ically authorizing Congress to impost
I la.s on ineiuues. That stieli an
lUUMidinetit is iiei'esv.ity is doubted
by sonio nf the ablest lawyers in the
Sontite, including .Mr liailey of
On the other baud IVesidt'tit Tuft nnd
other jurists of a standing which en
titles their opinions to respect belieu
that it would be decidedly unsafe for
tlto federal government to enact an in
come tux and depend upon it for reve
nues because of the possibility that
tlio Supreme Court might again pro
nounce such e.xeiso unconstitutional.
The accomplishment of a two thirds,
vote in both houses of Congress for
the proposed constitutional amend
ment is no small achievement. That
accomplished it will remain only for
th'o states themselves to approve it
mat whan three-fourths of them have
done so nil possibility of judicial de
feat for an income tax will have been
The contract for the construction of
tho new drydoek of Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii, has been awarded to the San
Francisco Hridge Company, the eon
tract botng 81,7(JO,000. Announcement
to this effect was made this week by
tho Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
The drydoek is to be the largest one
that has been yet built by the United
States and it will bo capable of hold
ing the largest vessels in the navy.
Its length will be li?0 feet, nnd its
width 1 10 feet.
New Restaurant.
I have opened a new restaurant mid
lunch rooiiriu th old Nation oillce.
Everything new, neat and clean .Meals
at all hours. We are here to please.
Call on us -Will Lindley.
The Chief $1.00
Better Not Get
If you can help it Kodol prevents Dyspepsia, by
effectually helping Nature to Relieve Indigestion.
But don't trifle with Indigestion.
A great many peoplo who liavo
trilled with indigestion, liavo been
sorry for It when nervous or
chronic dyspepsia resulted, and
thty liavo not been nolo to euro it.
Use Kodol and prevent having
Dyspepsia. N
Everyone- is subject to Indiges
tion. Stomach derangement follows
Btomnch nuuso, just ns naturally
nnd just as surely ns a sound and
healthy stomach results upon tho
taking of Kodol.
When you exporionco sourness
of stomach, belching of gas and
nauseating Hiild, bloated sensation,
flawing pain iu tho pit of tho
stomach, heart bum (so-called),
diarrhoea, headaches, dullness or
chronic tired feeling you need Ko
dol. And then tho quicker you tako
Todol tho hotter. Eat what you
want, let Kodol digest it.
Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tab
lets," physics, etc., aro not likely
to ho of much benefit to you, in
tllgcstlvo aliments. Pepsin is only
Ginger Snaps
The nicest, spiciest,
gmger snaps
ever made.
'I lie Standard Bred Trolling
Oscar Wagner, No, 30507
will make the miii ii of I. kill, at Dr. Aslnr's
barn. Hid i Intnl. 'I Inn- uf bis uet Ii:im
shuw ii ablllt) to yn iu -J::!n and one eiuilil lit at
'.'.-.M last )tai ami secial nt hers can vd In -J:1U
nrbitttr. Ills liiieillnu Isstrnnu In trutllnu
Huts finiu eiiil tucud, no weak spots nu the
sides to slip nut at, he has more luruc colts
than ail) nthertruttlnu burse that cw rslntid
n the rninity. Oscar W turner, :iU-7)7 was
sired by Noruil Chief .No. IHl.Vl.rccnrdJ:l!l l-l:
lit by Nnrval W.H. by Klcctlnneer lij, by
llnmbletuiilaii 10, liscar Wauiier 1st, dam by
Madrid IKR. 'Jml ilam by ( inward Mil, :M ilam
Scntts Thnmas lllil, (Hi ,1am by I'lanet. I Near
Wauncr :ttl.VJ7 nearest paternal ancestors ari
as follows: Norval Chief record 2:111 l-l, sire
of six from 2:ir to asm, Norval record 'J:ll l-l
sire of IUH, from 'J.-wi 1-4 to J:.W; Onwaril III),
slro of IM8 from as l-l tic2i!0;.KIectloneer sire
Ifil, from -IXil IM UfiW, (U-orue AVIIkes No. Ola
sire of HO, f rom 'J:i:i 1-2 to ;); llambletonlaii
10, sire of 40 from 2:17 1-4 to 2::. Oscar W'ai;
ner'H paternal nncestors haveslnsl, sons sired
and dauyhterH protluceil iharly one-third of
all the 2-10 performers to date. Oscar Wan
ner Is a seal brown, ir 1-2 hands hlth, hvelKht
about MM in full tlesh. Call nt barn and see
John Gilbert.
Notice to Parents.
Parents desiring free high school
tuition for their children for the com
ing school year should apply at once
for blanks. Application for freo high
school tuition must bo made on or be
fore June 1 1th.
Applications for transfer to utartr
school must be made on or befote the
date of the school meeting, .Mine '.'S.
l'.0!i. Nkm.ii: West Castkii.
C unity Superintendent
a partial digester and physics aro
not digesters at all.
Kodol Is a perfect digester. If
you could sco Kodol dlgestlngovery
nnrtieln nf fniwl nt" nil bl.,,ij i,. i,
I . . ." .7i""' ...' "":'.""' " J"u
sumo ieai-iiinen in our lauoratoiios,
you would know thin Just as well
as wo do.
Nature) nnd Kodol will alwaya
euro a sick stomach hut In order
to bo cured, tho stomach must rest.
That is what Kodol docs rests tho
stomach, whilo tho stomach geta
well. Just as simple as A, D, C.
Our Guarantee
in?ii?tf;.onVi.V.BBf. ,o,,ny,nn'i R-t a dot.
mr- iHjttlo. Thun after you have uscU tho
entire contents of tho bottlo If you Jim
huiieatly wiy, that It has not tlo io you any
l;'nr.0t",r" l l0 ,K),tlu 1o ire la. a
o will refund your money without niiral
Ion or delay. Wo will then pay tl e dYiur-
Klst for the bottle. Bou't hesitate, uh
This wtUT nppllea to tho luriro bottlo only
and to but one in a family. The hiruo l"'t.
ccbuSimIS." UWCa u" mueU the JUty
Kodol Is prepared at tho labora
tories of E. C. DoWi 1 1 & Co., Chicago.
m . axv.v.
il . S ifv 'l5r, S
i Tc tt v fx JV-
I am mm lueated in the Winfrey
breelitiy barn iu Wed Clouu and have
i w.i iiiic .MisM.iiii, and one Hue lixcel
let t U. nt inky .lacks, and one line Per
fbcr,i'iiNoimati Stallion lor servW
It Hi.- season of Jnop, Call und Tf
I ni- . A .Iiiiinsiin, proprietor.
llriglit bay Shirt stallion, )' years
old, lti hands high, -weight lf.OO, well
built, splendid action, and a good foal
getter. Tkiims: $8. Tliis horse will
stand for the season if 100!' at .Ashert
barn, Wed Cloud. Ht is in first chtfk
onditioa. Disposing of maMi or re
moving without permission forfeits in
surance monty and same becomes due
at once. Cure takes to prevent ac
cidents but will not be responsible
should any occur. W. S. Pakbkb. ggd
to ge without insurance. The risk
assumed is too great for the -.mull
premium you keep iu your pocket.
Figure eut how many years you
would have to be free from any fire
in order te stive the value of your
house and centents. Then consider
that yen may have a tire this very f
night. The cost ef even a little
blaze will bo moro than tho pre
mium of
Uottor have me Issue you a policy
to-day. It's a wliolo lot better to
be sure than sorry, as many aa un
insured man has boen.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
The trusts can trust tho Senate.
Somebody must of duplicated the
order for rain
The bast thing about an engage
ment to go to u picnic is that may-be
it will rain iu timo to prevent it-
Sometimes you mav lie tnl.i ti,i
there, are other things just as good as
HeWitts Kidney ami llladder Pills.
1 .! .. l ? joining nituli! is as good
lis HeWitts Kidney and Hladder I'llls
ior any ailments or tho kidnoy or bind
dor. which always rosult in weak back,
backache, rheumatic pains, rheuma-
, sV,'.!,.y,'1 Vi,ll,m,y (liso','"'f- A trial of
HeWltt's Kidney and llladder Pills is
Milllulent to convince you how good
U"viMrc- 'SeI", 'Vour imnit' to H. C.
IJeW itt & Co , Chicago, for a freo trial
box. They are sold here by all Drug
gists b
! I