3talo llt-jin-;. 4 TV r B!r" VJ PICTURES cr 7 I B ,r CQPVR IQMT I9QT - TM teotM-fttmLL CO. SYNOPSIS. "Mad" Dnn Mnltlnml. on roalilnjf Ills Now Yoik bachelor cluti, nnt un attrac tive young woman ut the iloor .Imiltor O'Hngnn tomurud liltu no one linil been within tliat ilny. Dim rilRcowred n, wom an's linger prints In ilust on his ileuls, nlonK witli u letter from Ills utlornoy. Maitland dined with Ilitnncrumu, Ills nt torney. Dun sot out for Grecntlelds, to got his family Jewels. DuiiiiK his wall; to tho coimtty sent, lie met tin young woman In gray, whom ho hml noon louv lnj; his bachelors' club, Hit auto had broken down. He fixed It. Hy a ruso sho "lost" hlni Maitland, on reaching home, surprised lady In gray, cracking the safo containing his Kerns. She, apparently, took him for a well-known crook, Panloi Antsty. Half-hypnotized, Maitland oponed his safo, took therefrom the Jewels, and gave thorn to her, first forming n part nership In crime. Tho ,renl Han Anlsty, BOURllt by police of thd world, appeared on the sumo mission. Multlaml oven-iuno him. Q met the girl outsldo the hotisu and they, sped on to Now Yoik In her au to. Ho had the Jewels and she promised to met him that day, Maitland received a "Mr. Stialth." CHAPTER V. Continued. ' Maitland accepted tho card unil ele vated hla brows. "Oh!" ho said, put ting It down, Lis manner becoming per ceptibly loss cordial. "I say, O'Hagan." "Yessor?" "I phall bo busy for Will half an hour satisfy you, Mr. Snalth?" "You aro most kind," tho stranger bowed. "In half an hour, O'Hagan, you may return." "Very good, sor." And tho hall door closed. "So," said Maitland, turning to face tho man squarely, "you are from police headquarters?" "As you bco." Mr. Snalth motioned delicately toward his business card as he called It. "Well?" after a moment's pause. "I am a detective, you understand." "Perfectly," Maitland assented, un moved. Ills caller secmod partly nmusod, partly but very slightly embar rassed. "I have been assigned to covor tho affair of last night," ho continued blandly. "I presumo you have no objection to giving mo what Information you may possess." "Crodentlnls?" Tho man's amusement was mado visible In a fugitive smile, half-bidden by his small and neatly trimmed mus tache. Mutely eloquent, ho turned ,lck tho lapol of his coat, exposing a small shield: at which Mttftland ' glanced casually. "Very well," he consentod, bored but resigned. "Fire ahead, but make It as brief as you can; I've an engagement In" glancing at tho clock "an hour, and must dress." "I'll detain you noMongor than is es sential. . . ; Of courso you under stand hoWkoon we aro after this man Anlsty." "What puzzles me," Multland Inter rupted, "Is how you got wind, of tho atfalr so.soon.'' " "Then you have ;iot hoard?" Mr. 'Snalth exhibited polite surprise. ' "i-nnrjusfbutdTbGd'." "Anlsty escaped -ahortly. nftor you left Maitland Manor." ""n: "Ah! " ' ,7f-- Mr. Snalth knitted .bte bnftvs, evi dently ht a loss whether to ascribe Maltland's exclamation as duo tojstlr .prise, regret, or relict Which pjdasdd Maitland,' "who Jiad Jcon at yalns 'to make his tone noncommittal. In point of fact ho was nolther Burprjsed nor regretful. ' . , "Thunder!" he continued, slowly. "I forgot to 'phono Hlgglns." "That Is why I, called. Your butler did not know whero you could bo found. You had loft In great haste, promising to send constables; you failed to do so; Hlgglns got no word. In the courso of an hour or so his charge began to choke or pretended to. Hlgglns became alarmed and re moved tho gag. Anlsty lay quiet until his face resumed its normal color and then began to abuse Hlgglns' for a thick-headed Idiot." Mr. Snalth interrupted himself to chucklo lightly. -, "You noticoda resemblance?" he re BLined. Maitland, too, was smiling. "Some thing of tho sort.' "It is really remarkable, If you will permit me to say so." Snalth was studying his host's faco intently, "Hlg glns, poor fellow, had his faith shaken to the foundations. This Anlsty must bo a clevor actor as well as a mnstor burglar. Having cursod Hlgglns root and branch, ho got Jils second wind and oxplalnod that ho was Mr. Malt land! Conceive Hlgglns' position. What could"he-'lo?i ' - "What ho did, I gather." "Precisely," "And Anlsty?" "Once loosed, ho knocked Hlgglns over with tho butt of a revolver, jumped out of tho window and van ished. By tho time tho butler got his senses back, Anlsty, presumably, . was miles away. . . . Mr. Malt land!" said Snalth, sharply. "Yes?" respondod Maitland, elevat ing his brows, refusing to bo startled. "Why," crisply, "didn't you send tho constables from Groenflolds, nc- , cording to your promlso?" J Maitland Inughod unoaslly and looked ' down, visibly embarrassed, acting with consummate address, pluylng tho gamo for all ho was worth; and enjoy- ins it hugely. OWD . ZOUIftJOJiPHMNCZl "Why . . I . . . Really, Mr. Snalth, I must confess " "A confession would aid us materi ally," dryly. "Tho case Is perplexing. You round up a burglnr Fought by the police of two continents, and listlessly permit his escape Why?" "I would rather not bo pressed," paid Maitland, with evident candor; "but, since you say it is imperative, that you must know " Snalth in clined his head alllrmatlvely. "Why . . to tell tho truth, I wus a bit under tho weather last night;. out with a party of friends, you know. Daro say Wo nil had a bit more than wo could carry. The capture was purely accidental; wo had other plans for the night and well," laughing shortly, "I didn't glvo the matter too much thought, beyond believing that Hlgglns would hold tho man tight." "1 see. It Is unfortunate, but . . . you motored bark to town." It was not a question, but Maitland so considered it. "Wo did," ho admitted. "And came here directly?" "I did." "Mr. Maitland, why not be frank with mo? My solo object Is to capture a notorious burglar. I have no desire m m r i fm r, ' I 1 ii-svToirKr StJ?. m! ; ySHrf V I ' Ji r-s ...icWTfl m if i ir-M y i "So," Said Maitland, Turning to Race the Man Squarely, "You Are from Police Headquarters?" to meddle with your prlvato affairs, but . . . You may trust In my dis cretion. Who was tho young lady?" "To conceal her Identity," said Malt land, undisturbed, "is precisely why 1 havo been lying to you." "You refuso us thut Information?" "Absolutely. I havo no choice in tho matter. You must seo that." Snalth shook his head, baffled, In finitely perturbed, to Mainland's hid den delight. ... ' " I - "Of courso," said he;,''tt,o jiolicerhni ni tho ferry recognized nio?" "You aro well known to him," ad mitted Snnlth. "Hut that Is'aTgJdd 13 suo. What puzzles mo is why you let1 Anlsty escape. It Is inconceivable" "From a police point ot view." , "From any point , of viow , said" Snnlth, obstinately. t'Tho man breaks Into your house, steals your jewels " ) "This is getting tiresome," Maitland interrupted, curtly. "Is It posslblo that you suspect mo of conniving ut the theft of my own property?" Snnlth's oyes woro keen upon him. "Strangor things havo boon known. And yet tho motive is lacking. You aro not financially embarrassed so fur as wo can determine, at least." Maitland politely Interposed his fin gers botweon his yawn and tho de fective's Intent regard. "You havo ten minutes more, I'm sorry to say," ho said, glancing nt the clock. "And thoro Is another point, moro significant yet." "Ah?" "Yes." Snnlth bent forward, olbows on knees, lint and cano swinging, eyes Iniplticablo, hard, relentless. "Anlsty," he said, slowly, "left a tolerably com plete) burglar's kit In your library." "Well he's a burglar, Isn't he?" "NH thnt kind." Snnlth shook his head. "Hut hla departure was somewhat hurried. I can concqlvo thnt ho might abandon his kit" ' . "Hut It was not his." - "Not Anlsty's?" "Anlsty does not depend on such atitlquntod method, Mr. Maitland; save that In extreme Instances, with n particularly stubborn safe, ho em ploys n high explosive thnt, so far as wo can llntl out, Is practically noise less. Its untitle Is a mystery . . . Hut such old-fa&hlnuod strongboxes nj yours ut (Ireenllolds he opens by ear, so to speak listens to the combi nation. Ho was onco nn expert, repu tably employed by a prominent (inn of safo manufacturers, In whoso ser vlco he gained tho skill thnt has made him whnt ho is." "Hut," Maitland cast about at ran dom, feeling himself cornered "mny h: not have hnd accomplices?" "He's no such fool. Unless ho hns gono mad, ho worked alone. I prosume you dlscovored no accomplice?" "I? The devil, no!" Snalth smiled mysteriously, then fell thoughtful, pondering. "You are an enigma," ho said, at length. "I can not understand why yotr refuse us all Information, when I consider that the Jewels were yours" "Are mine," Maitland corrected. "No longer." "I beg your pardon; I have them." Snalth shook his head, smiling in credulously. Maitland Hushed with nnnoyanco and resentment, then on Impulso rose and strode Into tho nil Joining bedroom, returning with a small canvns bag. "You shall see for yourself," he said, depositing tho bag on tho desk nnd fumbling with drawstring. "If you will bo kind enough to step over bete " Mr. Snalth, still unconvinced, hesi tated, then assented, halting a brief distance from Mnltland nnd toying ab stractedly with his cano while tho young man plucked at tho drawstring. "Deuced tight knot, this," com mented Maltlaud, annoyed. "No'ninttr. Don5t troiible' ploa,s). I'm quite satisfied, bollovo me." "Oh, you aro!" Maitland turned; and in tho act of turning, tho loaded head of tho cano landed with crushing force upon his Wple. - - 'A0 1 For an instant shoHteod swaying, oyos closed, fuco. robbed of every ves tige, QLcolor clean lines of agony ,Rruyon. JnJilHf excellent! and about his mount; men leu nuo a nreioss tiling, limn i till tnvorfftbrntn .,...4. ..,.- ....... ...... ,.. . Tho soi-dlBcint Mil. Snalth cnught' him and let him gently mid without? sound to the, floor, "Poor fool!" fio commented, kneel ing to mnko a hasty examination. "Hope I haven't done for him. . . . It would bo tho first fimo. . . . Hud precedent! . . . So! He's all right conscious within an hour. . . . Too soon!" ho added, standing and looking down. "Well, turn about's fair play." Ho swung on his heol nnd entered tho hnllway, pausing at tho door long enough to shoot tho bolt; thon passed hastily through tho other chnmbors, searching, to Judge by his manner. In tho end a closed door attracted him; ho Jerked it open, with an ex clamntlon of relief. It gnvo upon n largo bare room, used by Mnltlnml as a trunk closet. Here were stout leath er straps and cords In amplo measure. "Mr. Snalth" selected one from them quickly but with caro, choosing tho strongest. In two moro minutes, Maltlnnd, Trussed, gagged, still unoonsolous, nnd breathing heavily, occupied a divan In his smoking-room, while his assail ant, in the bedroom, ears keen to catch tho least sound from without, was rapidly and cheerfully arraying himself In the Maitland gray-striped llannels and accessories aen to tho gray socks which hud been specified. "Tho less chances one takes, tho better," soliloquized "Mr. Snalth." Ho stood erect, in another man's shoes, squaring back his shoulders, discarding the disguising stoop, and confronted tits Imago In a pier-glass. "flood enough Maitland," ho com mented, with u little satisfied nod to his counterfeit presentment. "Hut wo'll mnko It bettor still." A single quick Jerk denuded his up per lip; he stowed the niHstncho care fully awny In his brenst pocket. Tho moistened coiner of n towel mnko quick work of tho crow's feet nbout his eyes, and, simultaneously, robbed hint of a dozen apparent years. A pair of yellow chamois gloves, plnced conven iently on u dressing table, covered hands thut no art could make resemble Maltland's. And It was Daniel Mait land who studied himself In tho plor glutw. Contemted, tho criminal returned to tho umoklng-rtioni. A single glance nssured him that his victim was still dead to the world, lie sat down at tho desk, drew off the gloves, and opened tho bag; a peep within which wna enough. With a deep and slow Intake of breath he knotted tho drawstring nnd dropped the bag Into his pocket. A Jeweled cigarette case of unique de sign shared the same fato. Quick eyos loanilng tho desk ob served the telegram form upon which Maitland had written Crossy's nairo and address Momentarily perplexed, tho thief pondered this; then, with a laughing oath, seized tho pen anil scribbled, with no attempt to Imltato tho other's handwriting, a message: "Regret unavoidable detention, hot ter of explanation follows." To this Maltland's name was signed. "That ought to e-lear him neatly, if I understand the emergency." Tho thief rose, folding the telegraph blank, and leturncd to tho bedroom, taking up his hat nnd the murderous cano as he went. Hero ho gathered to gether all the articles of clothing that ho had discarded, conveying tho mass to tho trunkroom, whero nn empty and unlocked kit-bag received it nil. "That, I think, Is nbout all." Ho was very methodical, this crim inal, this Anlsty. Nothing essential escaped him. Ho rejoiced in tho ml nut Ino of detail that went to cover up his tracks so thoroughly that his cam paigns woro as rouiarkable for tho clues ho did leave with malicious de sign, as for thnso that ho didn't. One final thing hold his attention: A bowl of hammered brass, Inverted beneath a ponderous book, upon tho desk. Why'.' In a twinkling ho had removed both and was studying tho Impression of a woman's hand In tho dust, and nodding over It. "That girl," deduced Anlsty. "Nov ice, poor little fool ! or sho wouldn't have wasted llmo searching hero for tho Jewels. Good looker, 'though from what little ho" with a glance at Maitland "gnvo mo a chance to seo of her. Scents to have snnrcd him, nil r'ght, if she did miss the haul. . . , I Little Idiot) What right has a woman in this business, anyway? .won,, hero's ones thing thut will never land me In the pen." As, with nlco care, ho replaced both bowl and book, a door slammed b6!ow Ktalnt took him to the hall In nn in stant. Maltland's Panama was hang- lng on the hntrack, Maltland's collec tion of walking sticks bristled in a stand beneath it. Anlsty appropriated the former and chose ono of tho latter. "Fair exchango,1' ho considered, with n harsh laugh. "After nil, he loses nothing . . . but tho jewels." Ho was out aue .ati tho foot of tho stairs Just as O'Hagan reached tho ground floor from the basement. "Ah, O'Hagan!" Tho assumption of Maltland's Ironic drawl was Impec cable. O'Hagan no moro questioned It than ho epiestloned his own sanity. "Hero, send this wire nt onco, pleaso; and," pressing a coin Into tho ready palm, "keep tho change. I was hur ried and didn't bother to call you. And, I say, O'Hagan!" from tho outer door: "Ylssor." "If that fellow Snnlth evor calls again, I'm not at homo." "Very good, sor." Anlsty permitted himself tho slight est of Biniles, pausing on tho stoop to draw on tho chamois glovos. As ho did so IiIb eyo' flickered disinterested ly over the personality of a man stand ing on tho opposl(6 walk, uiul staring at tho apartment house. Ho was a short man, of stoutlsh habit, sloppily dressed, with a derby pulled clown over ope eye, cigar butt protruding nr togantly fiom beneath a heavy black mustache, booty cheeks, and thick soled boots dully polished, (TO BK CONTINUED.) Costly Necklaces. Tho most costly necklace In tho world belongs to tho Countess Henckol, a lady well known In London and Paris society, tho valuo of which Is said to bo $250,000. It Ib really com posed of throo necklaces, each of his toric interest. Ono was tho property of tho ox-quoon of Naples, sister of tho Into Austrian empress; tho second, onco the property of a Spanish gran deo, whllo tho third wns formerly owned by tho Kmpress Kugonlo, Not long ago n necklace composed of 412 pearls, In eight rows, tho property of tho lato duchess of Montrose, wns sold for $00,000. Tho Kinpross Frodorlck of Germany is snid to havo possessed a necklace of 35 pearls, worth at least $200,000, while Lady Uchestor's nock laco of black pearls is valued at about $125,000. TEMPERANCE LESSON Snndnjr School Lenon for Jont 27, 1D09 Specially AtranaeJ for Thl Paper 1.KHSON TKXT Humans 13 S-H. Mem ol Nrine, 10 CiCM.IU'.N TPXT -rut ye on the Lord Ji"mim e'luiMt ttnmaim hi II T1MF. rinimhl) wilttcn rally In tho m ar of A i ' IMAcM': The epistle was written nt Cm lull). duiliiK Paul's second Unit thero Suggestion and Practical Thought. Subject: Temperance Involved In the Law of l.ove." Introduction. Who wrote the Kpls tie to the Romans? It Is ono of the undoubted letters of Haul, "the most 'Pauline' of all the writings which bear Haul's name, fundamental among our materials for a 1'aullno theology." Hunting's Hlble Dictionary. The All-Incluslvo Debt of l,ove Vs. 8-10. How does Paul rank the duty of loving? Ho places It before all other duties. Ho hns been urging (Rom, HI: 7) the Bcrupulous payment of all debts, and repeats the command: "Owe no man any thing." Of courso this does not forbid borrowing, but re quires the payment of all debts when they are duo. There Is, however, ono debt so vast that It never can be pnld In full: "to love one another." l.ovo sums up the whole law and perfect love would make a perfect num. It Is obvious thnt if wo love our neighbor, wo shall not kill him, or steal from him, or benr false witness against him, or covet his good things, or work III to our neighbor In nnV other way. The Temperance Application.- It would be bard to name nn "111 to a neighbor" that Is not fostered b' In temperance. "We suffer moro year by year from Intemperance than from war, pestilence and famine combined Jboso three great scourges of tho hu man family." Gladstone. A Warning from Approaching Death. Vb. 11, 11!. With what argument did Paul urgo tho law of love? That tho end ot the world was at hand, the close of tho present order of things, "And thnt" thero is good, reuson for you to do, namely, keep the law of love, bo cause you know the critical "time" In which you llvo. This Is a referenco to the Parousln, or socond coming of ChrlBt, which Pnul and the other apos tles seem to havo hello veil to bo close at hand. What conclusion did Pnul draw from tho nearness of Christ's coming? Thnt it was "high time to nwnku out of sleep: for their salvation was nearer than when they bellovo" (aorist tense, came to believe, became Christians.) "Tho words aro as an alarm, or morning watchboll, awakening a Christian to his day's work." Arch bishop, 1-olghton. What tiro the temperance) npplicn tlons 6f this thoughti? Intemperance dulls tho physical sense, blears tho eyes, rentiers The touch less sensitive, tho hearing Ions ncute, the brain less active, It dujlji tho moral jifttjuro. Drinking monjspoh JoB'othoJ'ulco 4ifsV of right and -"Wrong. ' ConBerionool !J comcB Blugglsb. Tho will becomes dubbyf "Wako up! Wake up!" lot everyChristian cry to tho inteinper uto. ., A Pjiro Life nnd How-to Mvo U.-y Vu. 13, 14. How does' Paul-mini up thoso' 'rules of life? "Let tw walk (that Js live) honestly as In tho day, when moi jan se. us. .""Tfte Jt'tergncoj? is to tho 'exteriors oMIfff, InirPfiuI wna.tkcJaat num. to-forgQUthaU&uUof-J Uio heart nro tho Issues of life." Ho Is Htlll'sfK'aklnK ln"pVb1?yui)fl- totrfCS end 'of tho cbnpter he uses outor rai ment ns a symbol oC innorTalrarnriter;. Iilv order to llvopcdciuilnglyjulhut must, wo nvold? "RioUug,(RV::rov. elllnj;") and drunkeuuQSS, chnpiuorJng (unlawful intercourse) and wanton i noBiBtrlfe aud envying (R. V. "Jenl pusy"). That Is nogatlvo; positively, in or der to llvo becomingly, what must wo do? "Put on (ns a garment, continu ing the metaphor) the Lord Jesus ChrlBt, and mnko not provision for the flesh, to fulfil tho lusts thereof." "Flesh In tho moral sense: tho doprnvod nn turo." Prof. M. R. Vincent. Wo nre to plan for physical needs, but not for sensual gratifications. What are tho modern tompornnce applications of thlsj-ulo of life? There would bo no saloons If men "put on jthoLoril-, 3VsuB . ChrlBt." - Whb can can 'lmaglno him as. ontorlng those ig HAnlP,nbominuble)'paBslo'n denA of Iniquity, unless to rescuo his, broUiers from the ' snnri?' "Every saloon is a "provision for tholleshr Inclfnibnohlh-htWintnableJ'lmBHWn's- quarreling,- profanity, -brutalltrr mF dors, Indecent speech, plots, licentious ness. .,,,,. GcyV.1 IfanlV pf Indiana writing In Tho 'Christian Rndea.vor World of De comber 20, 10p7, says: 'vrint alcohol Ism shortens life, nnd that ubstalnont havo a distinctly greater longevity than non-abstainers Is convincingly demonstrated by 'actuarial experience. The testimony of certain Kuglish life Insurance companies, based upon many years of experience, establishes tho fact that the longevity of abstain ers is nt least 25 per cent, greater than that of non-nbstnluers.. "Six per cent, of nil accidents, 25 per cent, of all suicides, 70 per cont. of nil crimes Involving physical vio lence, ami CO per cent, ot nil thoso In which lust Is tho dominant factor can bo traced to tho oxcesslvo uso of in toxicants, Tho lord'ohiof Justice of Knglnnd recently declared that 'Ifs sifted, nino-tonths of tho crime of Kng land and Wales could bo traced to drink. "Alcohol Is essentially a poison to 'tho brain and nerves. Its continued uso meniiB Individual inoiliciency, drink-cursed progeny, national deterioration- nid rnctul decadence." i j ' i f. I ! . ' t 'I ' 4 ' WHY HE LIKED TIGHT SHOES Little Remark That Threw Great Light on the Home Condition! of Amos Dore. "Wo always wondored a little how Amos Horo nnd his wlfo got nlouR really," "Aunt Km" Macomber said, frankly. "Homo in the neighborhood said they'd never overheard a slnglo loud or cross word on either side, but LIJo Daniels always stuck to It that Amos was as uils'ablo nt homo nn a mnn could be " Ho never spoko right out till Amos died and Mis' Doro went back up country to her folks. Then ho let out " "Whnt?" queried Aunt Kin's visitor. "Well, Anion worked logging along side of LIJo ovory winter, and mini morn they hayed together most al ways, nnd It seems," said Aunt Km, im pressively, "that Amos complained of his Bhoes hurting him nbout nil the time. Finally LIJo asked why ho woro tight shoes. '"Why don't you got a pair big enough?' says LIJo, ono tiny. "Well, I'll tell you,' Amos says. When I wear tight shtios I forget all my other troubles.' "Youth's Com panion. , NEVER DONE. ! Sllmklns I I hope you didn't mind my putting that little matter of $5 In tho bands of tho hill collector yesterdny? Podgor Not nt nil; I borrowed a dollar from him. Tuberculosis Afflict Japanuft. Consumption among Jupauese labor ers is Increasing to such a degree that tho figures aro becoming a sourco of anxiety to Japanese merchants and of llclalp. A largo percentage of labor orn who aro nont back to Japan, by tho Japanese charity associations aro consumptives. It Is claimed by tho Japnnoso newspapers comentlng on this mntter that through tho lack of hospital accommodations In tho Jap anese labor camps tuberculosis in creases at nn alarming rate. Thoy suggest that a now systom bo em ployed In denllng with tho sick In these camps, as tho Japanese aro , qulto Ignorant of ovon tho most aim- pie health safeguards. - n- Starch, llko everything oIbo, Is bo- ( ing constnntly Improved, tho patent Stnrcheii put on tho niarkot 25 years'"' ago aro very different and inferior to n thoso ot tho present day. J.n tho lat-. est dlscoVery Dellnnco Starch all Injurious chemicals aro omitted, whllo"' tho niiilllloh of nnollior"IngrcTin5ntrin vented by us, gives to tho Stnrch a, strength nnd Hp'voothness ,( never ap proached hy other, brands. i ' r . --t-A A Natural Mistake. "I thought you snld that you woro homo early last night and didn't drinlr a drop." ,. "SoIwiiB, ujycJefor.VI ' "Wolf, It doesn't JloAk llko It. Thls morning I found your dirty rubbers liy tho tireless cooker." j .'CreutJ6cQttl,I thought that was-tho nhoe box?' " -5 T.' S "3 - -y - ' "No.-NorNervousr "They say ho has degonoral ap'aiinntulirh'gUrfn'.'''V V has degenerated Into "That's Jruq Ho Is now bUt'i $orVT wrpeic.'O notkiagi operation; PREVENTED By LydiaEPinkham'sVegj stable Compound - . ' Chlcajjo. Ill) "I want to tell "yoai what Iydla 1$. PInklmm's Vegetablo. Compound dftl for mb. I was so sicK. tliat two of the bestdoctors in Chicago' BaiclTwduld'dle-if fcditl not have, an1 .operation. Ihad already had two operations, and thov wanted mo to go through a third ono. I suffered day ' and night from in flammation and a small tumor, aud never thought of seeing a well day ngain. A friend told'mohow'Lydia E.Pinkham'sVtiir- r ;jjs2pr4 IlllitSy'V'--1'' Tu otablo Compound had bulpenl her, and I tried it. and after tho third: bottlo. was curcd."r-airs'. AiA'KNA Si'KitLiNo;, II Langdon Street, Chicago) 111, If you aro ill do not drag along at homo or in your placo of employment until an operation is necessary, but build up the feminine system, and re move tho catiso of thoso distressing aches and pains by taking Lydia E-, l'iukham's Vegetable Compound, mado from roots and herbs. For thirty years it has been tho stan dard remedy for fepialo ills, and has positively restored tho health of thou saudsof women who have been troubled with displacements, inllnmmutlon, ul ceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities periodic pains, backacho. bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, dizzl miss, or nervous prostration. WbJ.. don't you try It? - :; " " ' .1 .' !;.' 'M tq! 8R3rflH""YJRAS r S ' V Vi '). : n