The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 24, 1909, Image 5

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    I 3E- m
Now Is The Tme
i T Pa nt.
m m
m t T D
jj I our nouse 01 oai n state Banki phone 3ii
There is no better. : :r
Paint in this Market than "Sewclls
Chemically Pure Paints." It will
Spread farther last longer and you
Can sec on each can just what
the paint is made of.
Let us figure with you.
Chas. L. Cotting,
The Druggist.
j 9 93 $ i ? f c'f f' tS -;
Subseiibe for thi? thief
(.'. P. (.'nther went to Hastings Mon
day. Will Fiiihm spent Sunday in IJlue
Will HUe of l-Mem wns in town
P.lootnhigton will luivo a big celebra
tion .Inly :snl.
Mr-,. Nellie Cutter was down trom
Alma, Sunday.
L. I). Well-, of Norton, Kas., was in
town this week
Fred (ieilacli was down from Hose
inout Wednesday.
(Jo to the Home (Jrocory for your
fresh vegetables.
Mix, P.cssic Duckcr returnod sun
day from Hastings.
Sec Dr Warrick, tlio Specialist
Tuesday, .lime ,"..
Mi-.s May Iladell euinolioiiio iatur
day from rt. Joe.
lludley Kent leturued to Slidton.
the tiist of tin week. '
J.i,. Merielluud was down from
P.loomiugton Monday
Tin' lied loud ClnutUuipia dntes
v t AujnM 7th to l.itli
See Dr. Stockman fur eye guisses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
MNs Kena Herrickstead Is here from
Denver. visiting friend.
W. N. Kichnnlson and wife ore visit
iu in this eity thU week.
Jim Mel moth shipped four ears of
eattlo to St. Joe Monday.
Remember the date of the Hot
Springs Puetors July iOth.
Dr. H A. Thomas and family visited
relatives in Cow lei, Sunday.
Karl Tcachworth and wile visited a
fow dii,s in Wilcox this week.
Swede Noureiherg eame down from
Franklin Wednesday morning.
Wan 1 1 n A load of eobs on sub
scription. Inquire ' the Chief.
Mis Polnrd ot Texas, it here vi-it
higher sister, Mrs. Clarence Stewart.
Mr. Harry Souter U herefrom Moul
der visiting her mother, Mrs. McUride
Mary Peterson of Hladen. has been
visiting her sister. Mrs. Chas. Sulmlt.
John P. Winters is erecting a barn
!0 . lo feet, on his farm north of town.
The Misses Dessie Throtio and Julia
Ktigols spent Sunday in Uurr Oak,
1 he W. ('. T U., will moot with Mrs.
K I Mclnue uext Wednosday after
liooli. (a oline 11 cent per gallon at the
IJol i hind Hilw. ii Imp. Co. 'h hardware
IM Mnnck loft last night forOmuliu
win if he goes to bring his wifo back
with him
Mrs. Mary Hanson of Wilco.s. an
aunt of Mrs. lid. McAllister Is htr
this week.
Miss tirace Kinsel lias accepted a
position as clerk in F. Nowhoitso's dry
gjdd store.
i, Llndsey, Alfred Hadell and
M. Albright roturned from Cripple
I reek Monday
Supt. Murgess has moved his olllte
down stairs with Al Slaby in the 1 A
M. bank building.
Mrs. Carrie McKeoby returned Satur
day from a visit with relatives in
Kansas and Mo.
, I). J. Myers, wifo and children of
Boulder, Colo., aro visiting friouds in
this eity this week.
There will bo Two Mig Uase Mall
games hero Monday July "tli. with
Hebron. Nebraska.
King's Little- Liver Pills regulato the
bowels and euro sick headache. Kasy
to take Sold by Henry Cook.
The Chicago specialist will bo at tlio
Itojal hotel hi Ked Cloud, Tuesday,
July oth. Consultation free,.
L P Albright and lid. Jurboi? re-
turned Friday, trom
the Sunday
School Convention at Karnoy
'Ihe ladle j of ttic congregational ' moves at onco the cause and tlio dls will hold their market at Willi-! ease immediately disappuais. The ills-
l,..ll tIln,f:i.n..i.i.vii...vtSntiiriliiv.
June tltllh. All aro requested to call.
! Successor to Dr. J, S. I; Wttf
Al nit; wiu aimiu wyci uic
Mr. A L'ltnpiuau of Host moid, was
in the eity V tdncday. and while heie
gave this olllce a pi a .ant call.
Mrs I) C Tiel went to Inibano'a.
Nebiaska. Wednesday morning lor a
two weeks visit with lelatives.
Ti.bli-i vvelN. wind mills, pipe titling
and ri-pairlngs. Call on T. licv turn.
Campbell. Nebr, Write or phnlie.
Master tlnrelKC l.itting rotnrru'd
i lie last of the week to Miperior, ttftel
visiting hi sst-'r. .V. l'littl Pope.
Mo'ida.vs. Wednesdays, rVnlaj and
Satuid iv-t. loo ilii. v for Ued Cloud
Watch for the Litnlspy leu Wngotl
Koginiiig Jiuii- 2stli. Hall liames will
lie eollel at :i Mil. Hlmrp to aecoiiu, tlie famiers wlmelijo.v Ihe game.
Pinesltt. earboli.ed, thoroughly
healing add eleiuising, antUeptlc.
soothes u lid stop" pain. Sold by llelir.v
Miller Sherwood arrived botne from
Notre Daiw. Indlann. Friday ovenlng
wlieie he had heeii attending eolUge
the past year.
Mr. and Mrs. Kverett Mean arrived
home from Kansas City Tuesday mm n
ing where they had been with a ship
ment of cuttle.
Kavand I, vie Hale of Denver, Colo.,
arrived in the city the histof the week.
They aie visiting at the home of ('. U.
Hale and wife this week.
Dr Warrick, the specialist will meet
eye, ear. nose and tluont patients and
those needing glasses, at Dr. Darner
ell's olllce Tueday. June U'llh. Hours
1 1 to .
.Will sell or trade for stock one 10 h.
p Mussel engine, one :i'2-"i Case soper
ator with Uandoiph blower, all in good
running shape KiHpilre of V. M 13.u
i.ovv am son.
Take your Lawn Mower to Wallhi V
Hansen, and have It sharpened on the
best machine nuide. And ifi a power
machine. The.v will put it in good
condition. They know ho.
Dr. Wititersou phy-debi i uu 1 stir
geoii. otllco in front rooini over Dr.
Cook's drug store. Removed from Dr.
Maine's (itllce, i'otter Mloek. lloth
phones Kelt Ued is. Indepetld. 1.11.
SPKCIALTIKS in Stock Foods sueii
us heaves reducer, distemper cuie. gull
euro, conditioners, White liniment.
jdipn, lice killers. oiUund greases, eoul
oil and gust-s. A. C. ltrudshavv the
i'eod Store Man.
Mr. and Mrs W. M. Stephens who
were married Wednesday, evening at
,1.:!0at the home of her father .Mi
Andrew Jensen, have been spending
their honeymoon with her cousin at
Wymore. They returned home Satur
day evening.
Summer coughs ami colds are ob
stinate and ditllcull to cine. The
most piompt method is to take some
thing pleasant which will gently move
the bowels; n good Inatlve eoutjn
svrup. Mces Laxative t'ough Syrup
w'illsiuely and promptly eiuo your
cold. Sold by Henry Cook.
Patrons pf niral routes will please
take notice that theio will be no ser
vice from this oillco on .Monday, July
:.t'i Thoso ilcsiiiug their tr.ail will
please cali at post olllce botwotn the
bonis of 11 ami 12 o'clock where tiny
will lind the carriers on duty to serve
them. T. C. HveKri:, 1. M.
The tirst application ot Manian. the
great Pile rcuiedj . will almost iustaut
ly give relief. Continued use of Mun
aii for a fow dujs will ell'eet a euro.
The tutie In which it is put up has a
small nole uttaehed so that there is
no inconvenience whatever. MauZan
is for the cure of any kind of Piles. It
is sold here by Henry Cook.
Why not have a busiuoss collego in
lied Cloud gsooO think of it! This is
what .10 students would leave In the
town, limiting their espouse to SI per
week for 10 mouths. Wouldn't this
help.' livery voting man and woman
who would be interested hi a business
colloge in Ked Cloud please send your
name and address to Mo .lis lied
Cloud. Nebr
Miss Muble Hcckwith is home trom
Chicago for a short visit. She has
been taking training for professional
nurse at the Mercy Hospital. She was
detailed to cine for Alice Pope who
underwent a dangerous operation in
that hospital. Miss Ueckwith reports
that Alice is recovering and hor many
friends here will bo pleased to learn
that she will enjoy better health in
the future
To The Cream Producers
I have made Arrangements with my
Company to pay Cash for Cream to any
one that wants cash. I will receive
cream and pay for It as I lmvo hero
tofoie. (!i: Thine. Local Agent.
Km. I VIAI1SM Cl III . D.vv.
Dr. Detcflthon's Kelief for ltheuiuutlsm
and Neuralgia radically fined fit I to
'3 days. It action upon the system is
i.i,mfi.l.-o lile imil in v-h.tfi.imici If ....
ul'.M.' K,tl"'.' "K"v"r '. " l. 111SI
1" Cirice Drug Co.,
KcdJIuud, Nebr
Real Estate Transfers.
1 ransfcrs reported by tlic ! tt t Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed. .
ni'silny. June SI. W0'..
W. C. I riihm Co Tieas.. to Kd
wurd.llllton. lot is. Mlk. S. j
tiitisels snbdlv to Kohrers t
add to Blue Hill, tax deed.. ' ft. 1.1
W. C Frahni Co Trea-.. to K 1- I
wind Hilton, lot 11, lllk. s, '
('iiisiis sub dlv to Kohreis j
add to Mine Hill, titxdeed.. I. Hi,
W. C. FiahniCo. Trras., to lid- i
ward. Hilton, lots i. i. Ulk. .
Mine IliP. t,i deed .M.s'J
W. C i'raliui Co. Tunis . to lid
vvaid Hilton lot II. Mlk. s'.
tirusilt sub dlv to Kohrers
add to lllne Hill. ta 1 -. ed 1.8:1
Pauline Kiieliner et. al. to
Fii'deiick W. Kliehner. n j
sc 10 .1 '.. w ' i sw so 1 1 :i ti. iCd jtnXMn)
Fred rick W. Kiiehlierto Puul-
ilie Kmi hneiM isw I l-lJ.n'd.tXHI.lH)
pHiilin. Kirchiit r of al to John '
M. Un, idler, h ! C 10 1 'J.qcd WOO.Otl
J.ii ii i.oll to W. A. Unreus. pt
lot '.'8, lot VI!). Illli. II, Uluv
Hill, vvd 1o0t.00
'. K. (iiitul to Dtnu W. and Ad
die M. I'uy. lot 2,Hlk. 8, lilue
Hill, ii'd .nt)
Win. lions to Mlio li. Powell.
mi vi -2-1 .', vvil -l.'nu.uO
Surah 1'." Kinunel to Jatnes
Zitolt. lots .1 to T. Mlk. V.
Spence's add to Hladen. vvd VIOO.oO
Nellie II. New house to Kichanl
t. Kuuchey, lots li to 8. lllk.
7. Ked Cloud, vvd 11.10.00
Thomas J. Kurge to Arthur
Mtirge. lots 7. 8. lllk. '21, Mine
Kill, vvd 1000.00
W. A. Itaicus to Thomas J.
II urge, pt lottlS, lot -'!, lllk.
II, Klue Hill, vvd 1000.00
A. M. Lucas to Louis 13. Will
iams, lot i, Mlk. 1. Swecys
add to Mine Hill, vvd lTil.OO
Charles J Piatt to Lydia L.
Corbet t. lot :. to 8, Mlk. I,
Piatt's 1st add to Ked Cloud.
u d
George F. Kuige to t hristine
Stephani. vv , sw (1-2-li!. qcil
I rue I A. Hanks to Justus It.
Banks, o ill-ll, wd
. 12UUD.00
Mortgages 1 1 led, $ J 100.1 l.V
Mol tgllges released P.UIUIUH).
LnnilMii'mnirs Assccl.Ulons tto-oncratc
Willi Purest .Scnlcj: In Fin: iMtrol-
P ntland, Oickoii. June 2.. -Plans
are Item, formulated for a eoopeni
tiie sv stem of II ie patrol hctvvciu the
Fort st Service and the Lumber men's
Piotictive Associations in northern
Idaho. The associations represented
arc tho l'otliich Timber Association,
deli water Fire Protective Association.
CVieur d'Aleuo Ti'mlier Protective As
sociation, and the I'end Oreille Tim
ber Protective Association. The pro
posed agi cement between the several
associations and the Forest Service for
pati oiling the territory that comes
within the boundaries I" the National
I'oiests in Idaho, and the holdings of
the Several private associations was
unanimously adopted at a joint meet
ingof the utlicers, directors, and mem
bers ul the several associations inter
ested, and is substantially as follows:
1. The Secretary of each associa
tion is authuri.ed to act with tho Dis
tiict Forester or his lepresentative In
establishing co-opctative Hie districts
which include National and
Association lands up loany'reasonable
or necessary limit outside ol the Nat
rioiial Forest, determining the acreage
of the holdings of each party in each
district, and establishing upon the
busis of such acreage u pro rata share
which each party shall pay of all ex
penditures, in addition to and not in
cluding the salaries mid traveling ex
penses of Hie men engaged on actual
patrol work, which may be incurred in
extinguishing forest tiles in that dis
trict 'J. The agreeinont is to apply only
to National Forest laud and to lands
owned by the associations which are
Included hi the cooperative lire dis
tricts to be established in tho manner
above pi escribed.
l. The Forest sei vice is to fiiinlsh
btieh patiolmcu on these areas as aro
available under its appropriation; and
the association will furnish not loss
than an equal number for its lauds, on
tlio basis of aeieage per man. Tho
Supervisor of each National Forest
shall make such arrangements as are
practicable with the local tire wardens
of the association to divide areas for
patrol and any other an angoments ad
visablo to avoid duplication of work
and to make the patrol by both parties
most economical and eHoctlve.
1. Kvery member of both patrol
forces in the co-oponitivo fire district
is to keep a vigilant lookout for forest
tires and exert every effort to ex
tinguish llieiu. w bother on lands bo
loi.ging to the association or to the
(loverumeut The association and tho
Forest Service shall furnish the ser
vices of all their available employees
to tight Hies which cannot bo extin
guished by the regular patrol b.rces
of tho district. Tho imtrolm.n on
.i.:,i. ici.i-..iui..ii,,. ami io purcniise idois
and supplies, hire tuinporarv men and
pay other expenses necessary to e
tlngulshany lire.s in the distilct.
o, I'ncli co-oporative dihtrlct will bo
I1....1... 1 4 !..,. .14.... .
Church Services.
IKllllSOP.SI lt Itl AIM. i:. i lllltcil.
S Villi Mil S t( i-s.
Sinulny I'luioi . in A.M.
rreacliliu: . . II A. M.
1'Ihk iiiiUliiK . . . i: M.
, . I.VI.M.MI
h'pwortli liiiKtiu . 7 I'. VI.
rre'iicliliis' II'. M.
I'rn.vcr nucttim utinilii.v cvi nlitus l'. M.
LaiIUs AUI l'ililii.v .. ... iV. M.
Your ihmiiw1 riqiK still anil a eonllnl
luvltiitloti U it mini to all.
l. I. sin i i i a Pimtor.
iiopms up Hinn i: ,r uiMiiinit
IIHN I,i lit urn.
S Villi V I II S l, l t,
Preneliliii! . . in r. n. mi
Itlbli' M'liiml 12 in
I'iemiltllK hi Mi is . s . in
I'iiiyrr au.t i iif mice nut tin VVulius-i
Jny tits p. in
V con! I n I ln it'iM ii Ik cvii mli it to nil.
Id v v.. . i'iirsvt vi riimm
(HIAl I I !'si M- i i litlln II
Hi'V. J. VI! I. it,. I'.utiir.
Mirvll'C the r-l tttn HtiliiliiVN III imiIi
llill.V t'nuiiiiii .ii.H in. mil s, r I. i s uu
tllullmt Sllti'ln
Suiulil self i '-'i.clniU i m rv Sitii.trtv .
Mr? I-.M. HiiuP. -n i Huh n.tnit.
placed for p n p .si s of tire light big ill
charge of an ull'.eer to be Hgiccil upon
by the Fine t supervisor tind the
Secretary oi Ihe ussociatioii. This
olllcer will ii.miiiip charge, when pies
cut, of nil tites within bis district.
Tile llfst paiiolinan who reaches a lire,
the olllcer in charge of the district not
being present, shall assume charge of
the lire until such district olllcer ar
rives. ii. Tho association agiees to give
the Forest service the privilege of
constructing roads or trails across
their holdings, not to exceed four feet
in width, for lire protective purposes.
During the latter pint of May Dis
trict Forester (iieeley met the secre
taries of each association, and ti ii til
maps, outlining co-operative districts,
anil dellnitely determining the pro
rata share lor eaeli district were coin
pleted. This will iiisltro tho co-opera
tlve aure incut being put into full
force and cll'.ct dm ing the coming the
The oiim in uis destrticlion cans, d
by lire s iliinng the past season h.i
made it imperatively necessary Hun
some priu tieul and systomatie plan to
protect tli. vulunl'lo timberlaiids in
Northern Malm be adopted. Follow
ing the iM-siigp of the Fallen File
Law, this cooperative agreement
marks u strong progressive umvo on
the part of the liiiiibonnoiiiiinl iis-urc--
good effcttivc results in n badly Ihe-
infested territory.
Lincoln liall Wnli-De .Sheet.
June nth, t'.NO
'1 he Lincoln base bull i!ub will have
several games at home before going
west. These dates ainl tenuis aro as
follows. .Itine 11th. I.Uh. loth, IKs
Moines: June 1 Till . 1Mb, litth, Omaha.
As lies Moines and (Imiiba have not
yet been in Lincoln, thf-e games will
give people a line on the ability of
these organizations this mmisou.
Pitcher Nugle, whom the Lincoln
Club bought from the Toledo Ameii
caii Association team, pitched for Lin
coln against Sioux City last Friday
after a lay-otV of a few days with a
bad arm Ho held the Siioux City
team to four hits and handily bent
them by u sc mu of lo I. This per
formance stamps Nagle as one of the
best piteheis in this league.
Thomas and Unldtoii. of the Lin
coln base ball club, still continue their
hard hitting for tho wick. Moth me
over the ,'SOO murk and still clouting
the ball. These men ure also ploying
a good Holding game and it is n safe
bet that the Lincoln management
would not exchange I hem for tiny other
pair in the lcaguo
In pltchor Jones. Johnson and Nugle,
the Lincoln team has one of the lies!
trios ot box in lists in tho league,
liver, one of these men Ih working in
top notch form and pitching lino ball
day after (lay. McCall'eity has yit to
gain first class coiitiol, but when he
gets It no olio hi the Western league
will have anything on him.
Jude, Uie. little Indian outllelder of
tliu Lincoln tenm is doing the same
line wo lie this season that distin
guished him hist year. Ho is covering
a lot of territory in tho outer garden
ami hitting the ball hard. Jude be
longs to the i hippawa ti ihe of Indians.
Mltlgatino Circumstances.
A Philadelphia man has Just been
arrested for flirting with his own wife.
It Is only fair to tho dofendant to ex
plain that the lady was heavily veiled
add ho doubtless supposed filio was
Bomebody cIso'h wife. Now Orleans
A Death Each Second.
Tho number of deaths In tho world
annually la 33,333,333, or 91,951 per
day, 3,730 per hour, CO per minute, or
ono per second. It is estimated that
tho population of tho earth at tho
present time is being Increased at tho
rato of about 1G.D00.00Q annually.
Made His Diagnosis,
'What diagnosis did tho doctor
mako of jour wifo'a illness?" "Said
" " " " -" "
Bho is Buffering from overwork." "la
that so?" "Yes, ho looked at her
tongue and reached his decision Im
I )on't fret away
yotifiMKTcry in Cloth
es, that keep you
tacky' with prespir
ation. We are showing
Suits of .Summer fa.
I't'ics that are very
refreshing to look at,
and mure sti to wear.
Si'itfisiu Mine (inly
IllOlVlls Olives. p',titl
and Liucy fitbrirti. I Ian
neN an I Ibilliespiiiis in ,(
variety of paMelliH.
Tw i ..i 'I In-, ,. p,( , ,. Styles,
w 'n V i i ..ii pi , vr,
J5V.50, IQM,
$82.00 lo $25.00
Cool Hats, Cool Shirts, Cool Underwear,
Cool 1 losiery and Cool Toery of all Sorts
in styles that are different.
Everything that's new and smart, and all
at cooling prices.
d Alway-i K liable
Leaders in Furniture and Undertaking
You will find us in ihe J3IG room
Moon Block
FuriiEti&r-e, Carpels and Under
( tMm of the na!ify hind
L And Our Prices S)eak for
? --.i:i i... .:.: .. ... ll ... ..
vuruiui liivuutiuu iu an iu
Swift's Premium
Ham or
t JH
Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
laxls (iranlnc
an ideal ban tonic -Taxis Mipoon, a
1 pei feet shiunpon and Tasls liay Hum
,a combination, which if faithfully
used, will pioduce a clean, healthy
condition of the hair and scalp.
Thin, dry, brittle or falling hair
means there Is. some cause for such an
' unhealthy condition aiidthat it hhould
I bo attended to at once. The reason
' for scanty hair Is because all the root
'shaft tin not doing tlndr duty and the
reason lor falling hnh is because the
seuln is tu an liuhciilthv oi'.llt'oii
To correct these evils Is a it O Mm
plo matter. To make all the root
shafts do their duty une Cruiiliu . To
get the scalp in h healthy e. ndition.
shampoo tho head wlthSHpogen, a per
finned green oil soup iti I. inn s an
Ideal hail diessing nftc. tin d.. mjn o.
Tor pin tu u 'alls, call or
phot e Mrs Nancy . Halo
V r N. . lKf1!
'(7 - AT W
iNf r(fob
s-4T '
Mr ft
Glothing Go. 1
First Door North of Poslofficc d
Themselves. ' We exlend a
:. ...... ..
visu uiu biuic. : ; : : :
Oiicitod tii Aialn.
The Hun Ton lest in ant has under its
now nianageinent again opened up for
hiuiIh. L'oinnicncing batui.lay, Jlay I will servo Ilrst class muils fit
"i" cents. Hiili.rt Ncuerbiirg, Prop.
We lo not know of any othor pill
''Ii- as good us DcVltt' Llttlo
I. ul-, the funmis llttlo Uvor
i .mill, gmtle, pleusaiil nud Miro
t ' i n a roputatiiHi. Sold by a 11
I Is'
i i . revision downward, what'
. isiou upward bo'.'
. .ie imiiiy itnlttitioiiH of Do-
in nolied Witch Hn.el Salvo
i s is the oiieina! IJe sura you
W im s i iirliidi. .1 Witcli Hazel
l, i ', on .isU ti.i it It ii good
.' 'in lis ,it. lii iiiscs rind is OS-
' i I . i im pili . sold by all
III II'.' I Is
Vi "vEirflfTI
mji u-' fy
. rouw
Ely's Ceam Balm
Suro to Clvo Sntlcfactlon.
It elnmiM's, n.. ,; ( .tectstho
discus, d Jin ' .I i iiie i' .' ir.'ia Oatnrrli
iinddrivi'rt iw.iv i( llin h He id ipilckly.
Iti'Htom the Sinsis ot T.i.'i. and rimoll.
liwy to tihc. Coiitaiiii no iiiJiuioiH drugs
Applied into tho iiiwtrils imil iibsorbod.
Im Hi.-, f.0 cents at Driiggidts or by
jn.iil. I.iipild Cream Halm for uso iu
atotiiizors, 7o cents.
ELY BROTHERS. 5G Warren St.. New York.
Mi ra
' i