P s, cn .. rw :v 1 r i y i Slnto Historical Society .- s. a .. .rfut&i-w ''..-. -. . ;-- v - fijtim WsYt - . J' VOLUME xxxvn. iiyiP This bank is controlled by local capital, and its Board of Directors is composed en tirely of substantial citizens of this com munity. Interest paid on lime deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizcr, President, ' S. R. Flot'ancc, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizcr, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Win, H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. &"teS.Y.-i7toAteYA.aViV:;VAiVA-V lil iM ADE BY ta OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Are durable, attractive and mechanically correct. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. mJUtm CT3jEE5raulMMUIlMMMM Base Ball 3 BIG GAMES Red Gloud vs Friend Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Jme 28, 29 (& 30th. Game Called at 3 p. m. Sharp GUIDE ROCK. Miss Laurn'Muson visited in Suiier or u few day recently. MissSlRhtb spent Suniliiy with hor riotlior, Mrs. L. Kisult north of town. Oscar Kvntis has boon whlto-coatinB , the walls of V. S. Lambert's residence j this week Hiss Mainio Tompkins is expected home this week from an extended visit at Kearney. (!eo. Miner and wife, John Miner and wife, and Mrs-. Kutio Minor visited In the country last Friday. The district superintendent Kev. X. A. M.irtln held ijuaitorly conference at the M. I), church last Thursday. Archie Lambert and Hay Miner do parted Sunday for Suporior whore they work with contractor Wheatland. The class ol KM) had a picnic in honor of the 17th birthday ot one of their members Miss Gertrudo Lambert) Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Kinery an eldeily lady came down from Hastings lust Thursday nud visited Mrs Fishburn and then went over to North Hranch. Mrs. Maggie Robinson died at the family homo hero Monday cvoning at 5,1 ? K 'JTtf! 10:UO o'nlock. The fiuioial wus con ducted by Kev. J. M. SteoUy at the liuptist church at a p. in., Wednesday. Particulars in next week's issue. Mrs. K. S. SehobourR returned Thurs- duy from the distriet Dorioo of Honor convention hold at HnstitiL'H Juno 11. lr,( m, ghe reports n vory intorehtinj,' meeting. Her mother who resides in Holdrego accompanied hor home for u visit. Statement. Report of ltaso Hall Assn. '-'rom May lr.th to .luno'Jlst. in f niiTs. Fiom .Subscriptions , c-Tli.l.Oo ' Norton (.initios .. .t'2S.7r (Jrand island, Ciuines SJOo.OO " Seward (James W5..10 ei.r.ni.'j:, i)isiiriii.Mi:.Ms mi hah . For Supplies 8151.10 ' (irounds , ! 1.00 ' Hoard and Transoitation S!V.)."i " I'rintlng , Advertising :i:,.7o " Visiting Teams .. ,'llij.at '' Salaries loll.no 11 Hostage cto. . r, 17 " Halaiieoon Hand l.'il.OO 81.rMJ.S5 O C. Tj:i:i,, Secy, and T reus. m ! Newspaper That Gives The News Flft-txo RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Gominq To Red Gloud. J Chief of Staff of Mot Springs Doctors on Annual Tour. At Koyal Hotel July 10th. He Will Make No Charge For Consultation or for Kxnininniiun. The Chief or stnU'of the Hot Springs Doelnis is mnkiiig his annual tour of Hi.. Usi In. isilini' lln lOMls(lllll olt'lO li-alling mi tlu-ii patients in each com- ' iiitinity. mid consulting with new iu- tients who me desirous the gi eat ti eat- incut that euies all chrnnie and nor- mis diseases of men and women. The 1 phenomena success of the HolSpiings, t teat meiil is due to the fact that it re 1 moves from the patient's system the eanse of disease; usually itoetois tiout the syuitoms of the ease, instead of making a complete diagnosis and then removing the cause as do these spee ialisls. The human body has been U'V We study of these noted specialists, then1 skill in the matter of medical diagnosift puts them in the front ranks of Ameri can Specialists After they make a painstaking examination they are in a position to state positively whether or not a cure is possible; if not they tell the patient so and refuse to under take a euro. If they do "undertake a cire the patient is cured. They do this at 6xtremcl reasonable cost, they ask no foe at ull until the patient is completely Crrred. Ouly n moderate charge is inhde' t&r the medicine in each case. Th highest statUlaVa' of qu'ality to the only standard in' tTto medicines used by the Hot Springs DoeloTft These expensive medicines ard ds'ed ially prepared for each case, tlidy are from the World's best laboratory, guhr-" anteed by the puro food laws, ellmluat ing all possibility of anyone takiiife into their system any poisonous drugs A cure is sure and permanent as a to suit of taking the world famous Hot Springs home treatment. Chronic and nervous diseases like rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, goit er, diseases of the heart, blood and lung diseases, e.itarrh, gall stones, epi lepsy luiliiej. stomach and bladder troubles, and female diseases must yield to the tieatmeiit as given by these noted specialists. In their Lin coln otllces are thousands of letters from people who have been restored to health, in many instances these poo pie could not have been cured were it not for the Hot Springs treatment. For example take the easu of Mrs. White who lives at I'niversity Place, Neb. These Specialists made a caro fill examination of iter case and found that she was suffering from rheuma tism, kidney, and stomach trouble. After taking treatment, here is what sho says in here own words: University I'laco, Nob., April 18. 'O'.i. Words almost fail 1110 to tell how thankful I am for renewed health and strength after .suffering with stomach trouble which eventually touched a stage where 1 could scarcely retain food, and suffered gieat pain. To add to my (niiiblo 1 was also alllicted with rheumatism which .swelled my fot and hands so that 1 was helploss. 1 tiled several local doetois but their treatment failed to give mo any relief. I bogan to take the Hot Springs Doe tors treatment and commenced to im prove at once, and now at the end of twelve months I am cntiioly recovered and fool as well as at any time of mv life. I am glad to recommend the Hot Spilngs tieatnient lor what it has done for me, to any who may boalllict eil In the way 1 have boon. MRS. H. R. WlllTH. Here is a testimonial letter fiom Smith Center, Kansas, that is Inter esting: Smith Center, Kans. April 11, "OP, r1..." C"V , g3fJTA'rg'g?gJ"pWM...J'' fl , s. At... SIRS I&v & '1 kv ia r h a ' Weeks Eacli Year For One Dollar. -irNK ha;, turn'. c at nil tins Amis is getting along juM lino: her ii'il flniis icul Oil!'. It lllis liccll Hist iilniiit no jear siiii-i' Kind l'u'Vi ili'nn M-nt ou lo Smith I'i'iil'i iiinl wo nil i oi'lniiilj llmtiUfti1 ior llu lirlp yo(iiiiM I'l'iuli'fi'il us. islnii,' 'ti uul' iiinlt'il siici'cs, wt mi i s t mm MJ iiml Mlts.s. I.. AMl- j imtim-Iit Unit lias ,-iuril tln-si j ami K'stuiril tliuiisiimN if . 'li..- 1 1 ea poni. , and lestuied thousand ntluistii health is mailable to the people in this sort ion fr it is this won dei fill sj st 0111 of treatment that the ( hiel or stall" of the Hot spiigs Doe tor brings to us oil July In, at the Uo Hon 1 As Ihe Specialists will bo here only 01I0 ihiN.lt is lespeetfully ieiiuste 1 that people do not call mil of Idle eiliiosity. lie will be busy with p.i Ileitis whoioally need his ser ices and it would be an imposition to tal.e up his time Idlv. it is also impoitant to I announce that married women who wish o consult with the luef of Stall must he aceoinpaiiied b, their bus bands, and all minors by their patents If ymi are suffering wiih any chrome or lift miiis disease and dcsiic to le h stoictl to health, vigor and happiness, don't lail to call at the Royal llottl Jul. lo, l'.iO'i. The permanent otllces of the Springs Doetois are located at nipl O Mieot, Lincoln, Nebraska WASHINGTON LETTER. InUii'i'at lit the rates of duty im posed by tliu t'Hyric Aldrich tariff bill lias given place, ddriug (lie past week to consideration of the spocial form of taxation which is to bo impossed by the bill, in addition to tho customs to raise r.evouue. Indications at this tlmo all poiut to the dofeat of tho in come tax proposition advocated by Senators Uulley and Cummins and a following composed of practically all the Democrats and a considerable number of Republicans. This has been accomplished through the Influ ence of the President. Mr. Taft, when Informed by tho Senate leaders tit their inability to array a majority 61 the Senate against tho incomo tax, deWm'iiTurt that the psychological ltibniout' hn'd arrived for the accom plishment of it' reform tlrst proposed by President Roosevelt and heartilv espoused by Mr. Taft when he was a member of the Roosevelt cabinet This is tho inspection by the federal authorities of the books and tiausaet ions of coiporittluus, with a view lo eliminating those corporate abie-cs which have been tho bane of the man agomont of the great corporations in this oountiy and theeposiiie ol which has so shaken public coulhlciicc in their secutities. Mr. Tall eoncehed the idea that by imposing u tax ou the net earnings of corporations the gov ernment could compel them to submit their books to tho inspection of feder al oHicials; that such corporations, owing us they do thoir bolng to tho stato, could thus bo required to contri bute their share to tho expenses of tho state; that the dotlclt In the feder al revenues could be wiped out; and that the nation could bo relievod from almost solo depondeiico on the mis toms' duties as a source of revenue. Tho President did not undertake to force his ideas 011 Congress until tho Senate loaders appoaled to him for as sistance to head oil" tho income ta, but whou they askod his help ho gave it in such form that they now find theinsolves compelled to pruvidoa sys tem of eciso which to tho majority of them is only In degrco less lepugnant than the income taw This situation constitutes a material victory for tho President and a sovere blow to that autoeiaey which Senator Aldrich and a few chosen colleagues have long ex ercised in tho Senate. In the estima tion of all thoughtful observers tho denouncement of tho situation 111 the Souato augurs well for the future of all those progressive policies for which Judge Taft stands and to which in tho natural order of things the otienieIy eonsorvntho element, in the Souato must have proven an insurmountable obstacle. (Continued ou lust page) c ro kS ,-? LR v. . v a v s - ' . . LM. !!()!. C lvlN t OMI'LI I I I.IM'. t'l v 1' Furniture, Carpets Sewing Ma chines Lace Curtains Pianos, Organs Pictures and Sheet Music. CJWe are always thankful for any share of your patronage and good will. :::::: Licensed Embaltners and Undertakers, (r WW'VWVr'U 5tprtlnt, Hot llth I Sale LJ:J 1 ''tfvRE'; 4tif and a display of illustrations of mechanical de' vices requisite in the art of fine lace making. 9F This sale offers an exceptional opportunity for economy purchases of durable fine laces of ex quisite beauty. It will prove very interesting even to those not intending to purchase. f Ziqn Laces, manufactured in the most modern lace factory in the world, are the best of their kind made the best wash laces ever placed be fore the American women- -and sold without a customs duty of 60 added to the cost, as are all imported laces. F All machines of Zion Lace Industries are and have been operating 18 hours daily, except Sunday, for over a year, with the product of each machine sold ahead several weeks. New machines are continually being installed. Women wanting laces for present or' future use will experience a marked saving by visiting our lace counters. The Miner Bros- Co. (Inc) General Merchants H. A. LETSON. Mgr, The Chief $ 1 a year Palllnf. Hair Ayer' Hair VIor promptly destroys the germs that cause falling hair. II nourishes the hair hulbs, restores Hum to licilth The hair slops lalllnit out, crows more rapidly. Does not Color the Hair Wc wisli you to positively and distinctly understand that Aycr's Hair Vigor docs not affect the color of the hair, even to the slightest degree. 1'ersons with the whitest or the lightest and most delicate blond hair may use it freely without ha Ing the hair made a shade darker. Il1PI'Plipnl; Sulphur. Glycerin. Qulnln. Sodium Chlorld. h Cipskum. 5aEc. Alcohol. Wutcr. I'erfume. Show tnls formula to your doctor. Ask him what he thinks of it. J 0 AYfB COMI-ANY. Lnwoll MM ' . - -HI ' NTJM15EIJ 2i io-dati-: clipping ind scalloping the web of lace. I Dandruff Acrs Hair Vidor Just as promptly destroys the L'lmn tli.it cause dandruff. It removes every trace of dandruff Itself, and keeps the scalp clean and In a healthy condition. I. h r