4-IjL . IN t . y K v i,?) sachet etc tttc J LGGALETTES 5 J 0. Caldwell Is in Denver this week Dr. Mitchell Is home from Chicago., J. II. Halley wns in Trenton Tues dny. ' Miss tflsle Cuthcr is homo from Lin coln. liny l'ulmcr left Sunday for Akron, Colo. . ' 'Miss Tcnrl Hlncs is In Alma this weok. Clarence Stein was up from Superior Friday. Miss IMna Williams went to 1'orn Tuesday. I si.Il mover of McCool; was In town this Week. r.riiiu' your eggs and pet cash. .1. O. Caldwell. Master Howard Simpson Is home from Peru. , Mrs. Christie l'atmoro went to Kear ney Monday. Charles Liruley was down from Ilia don Sunday. (5eo. Liudsey went to Denver Wednes day evening. Miss Iva Crablll went to Alma Sun day evening. Miss Ella Habb was down from Ina valo Monday. Mrs. T. C. Hacker is visiting lu Lin coln this weak. Dr. Heck was up from Superior tho last of the wceic. Miss Ruth Johnson went to Peru tho first of the week. Judge Duffy was up from Guide Rock Wednesday. Mrs. Nellie Caster went to Alma Monday evening. Frank l'hares returned to Superior Saturday morning. Miss Holla Taylor went to Lincoln tho first of tho week. Miss Jessie Kellogg left Tuc-d;iy for her homo in Seattle. Dr. Damerell returned the first of tho week from Idaho. John I'rod Peterson Montana is in tho city. of MNsoula. Mrs. Nate Piatt and daughter went up to Cowles Wednesday. Soo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses Satisfaction guaranteed. Miss Anna Gilliam went to Alma Monday to attend Normal. Miss (ilndys Jones went to Alma Saturday to visit relatives. L. M. Crablll left Wednesday for Denver and Cripple Creek. Mrs. (!eo. Hutchison Is visiting rela tives in Hastings this weok. Tho W. C. T. L. will meet with Mr-. .If II. Han-en next Wednesday after noon at -:'.VK A NEW FIRM! Summer! ' iderwear Ever stand in a draught and feol the cool breee on your faco and hands, and feel smothered all ovor your body.' If you hadon"IoroSknlt" under wear instead i)t tightly knitted, air proof underwear, you would feel that samo tef resiling bivoe all over tho body Hint tho uhcoverod face catches. "Poroskllll" is naturally a ol underwear. It couldn't be other wise. It's an open work knit. It's light in weight, elastic enough to mean comfort, and made of finest coined yarn to glvo lastingnoss of wear Fifty cents tho garment." JOHNSON For Coughs Take This Do you know a remedy for coughs and colds nearly seventy years old? There is one Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Once in the family, it stays. It is not a doctor, does not take the place of a doctor. It is a doctor's aid. Made for the treatment-of all throat and lung troubles. Ask your own doctor his opinion of it. Follow his advice. No alcohol in this cough medicine. j.c.AyerCo.,LowcU,Mass. YoSuwnuWptly if your bowels arc constipated. Aycr a Wis arc Ken tly da atlvc; act directly on the liver. Sold for nearly sixty years. Ask your doctor all about them. The lied ( loud ball team will go to Norton tomorrow to play ball. Mrs. Will McCartney returned from Oxford Wednesday morning. Mrs. Church Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed. McAllister this week. Mrs. Fred Hortfelt returned to her home in Alma Friday evening, I'. A. Wullbrandt went to Yuma, Colo,. Tuesday evening on business. Mrs. .las. Mct?ulre left the last of the week to visit relatives in Kansas. The Cnlldren's Day exercises of the M. E. church will be held Sunday even ing. Gasoline II cents per gallon at the Hod Cloud lldw. .V Imp. Co.'s hardware store. .Mis Chas. Stoll'on left for Alliance this morning to visit her daughter, Mrs. Shellack. Mrs ICd. (lillaid and son. and Mi-s Mildred Hay returned to Naponee Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas wore down from Cowles Saturday visiting their son, Dr. E. A. Thomas. Miss Veva Atkinson of Blue Hill was visiting at tho home of J. E. llut ler tho tlrst of the week. Ring's Littlo Llvor Pills regulate the bowels and euro sick headache. Easy to take Sold by Henry Cook. The Chicago specialist will bo nt tho Royal hotel in Red Cloud, Thursday, Juno 10th. Consultation free. E. E.Gecr and family of Superior wore the guests of his brother, V. K. Gecr and family over Sunday. Miss Ruth Goth was visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed. Amack at tho hospital in Omaha the first of the week-. Markoy McConkoy has bought n farm south of Aballne, Kas., where ho expects to move next spring. Kov. J. M. Rates will hold the regu lar services next Sunday at draco church. All are cordially invited. Tubler well-, wind mills, pipe tltting and repairings. Call on T. Ciievami.i:, Campbell, Nebr. Write or phono. Lo-T a lace collar in tho vicinity of Wolster stieot and the school house. Finder pleaso leave it at this otllce. Monday-, Wednesday-, Fridays and Saturdays. Ico days for lied Cloud. Watch for the Lindsoy Ico Wagon. Pinesalve, carbolied, thoroughly healing add cleansing, antiseptic, soothes and stops pain. Sold by Henry Cook. S. 1J. Kier returned Tuesday even ing from Lincoln, where he has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Eillic Diok orson. Mrs. Emory DeWolfeand sister Miss Rates of Cowles were visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs Francis tho llrst of the week. The annual estimate of expenses and report of ieenues received by the city of Red ( loud will he found on tho back page in this i-sue. We have added a right new Line of Groceries to Our Women and Men Furnishing goods. : : : Make This Your Trading Place where you can get every tiling lo eat and wear. This week for Men we are showing. The Poras-knitt un derwear in Balbriggans Colors, eel. Call in and see US Yours for Square dealing GROUT wrorirmtw uw u Sub-ciibe for the Chief Will sell or trade for stock one 10 li. p Russel engine. nuo.'l'J-ftl Case seper ator with Randolph blower, all in good running shape. Enquire of F. M Bai low an ii Sos. Take your Lawn Mower to Wallin & Hansen, and hnvo it sharpened on tho best niachlno made. And it's n power machine. Thoy will put it in good condition. They know how. Dr. Wlnterson physician and sur geon. Olllco in front rooms ovor Dr . Cook's drug store. Removed from Dr. Ralno's otllce, Potter Rloek. Doth phones Hell Red IS. Independ. lol. While IKIng hisfonco Monday after noon Win Wcesnor fell in Crooked Creek and Would have dtownod if his son John who was working near had not come to his re-cue and pulled him out. The following shipped slock Wednes day (ins limits I curs of cattle to Kan--as City, Ed. Scaton 1 ear of cattle to St. Joe. Jim Doyle 1 car of cattle to St. Joe, Win. Weesiier 1 car of hogs to Kan sas City. SPECIALTIES in Stock Foods such as heaves reducer, distemper cure, gall cure, conditioners, White liniment, dips, lice killers, oils and greases, coal oil and gases. A. C. ltradshaw the Feed Store Man. Sunday night a two and a half inch rain foil which will help the crops wonderfully. Crooked Creek wns out of It banks Monday and was the high est in years, it just lacked two inches of running into the power house Excursion date June 1st, "Oil. Plenty of rain in the Panhandle. Abundant crop prospects in tho Panhnndle 2C0O carloads of immigrant outfits went in to the PanhamliQ last year. The place to Invest your money is in tho Pan-handlo.-Sellars & Holmes soils it. Hear W. II. Rockorfoller, the best Sunday School superintendent in Kan sas, tells of "The Rule of Throe" in Sunday school management, and Char les Fordyce. Dean of Teacher's college, State I'niversity, on "How to Manage the Hoy" at tho State Sunday School Convention, Kearney. Juno Kith. A big men's parade at the State Min- ilny school convention at Kearney on Wednesday evening, June 10, at 7:1.", led by the Kearnoy Military Rand. Every mail in a bible class within .10 miles of Kearney -hould be in this parade and stay and hear Rev. Wol shiiner talk on "Men" and Dean For dyce on "Roys" the banio evening. Hummer coughs and colds are ob stinate and difficult to cure. Tho most prompt method is to take some thing pleasant which will gently move the bowels; n good laxative cough -vrup. Decs Laxative Cough Syrup will solely and promptly euro your cold. Sold by Henry Cook. Childieii's l)ayceivlses at Hie Con gregational church next Sunday. Ser mon in the morning, subject. The Lesson from the Ro-e.v Special music by the choir Program in tho even ing by tho children. Rev. Cressman's text tor his evening sermon will be "Open Doors." An ofl'eilng for the! Sunday school work will bo taken The first application of Manan, tho great Pilo remedy, will almost instant ly give relief. Continued use of Man .an for it fow days will effect a cure". Tho tube in which it is put up has a small nozzle attached so that there is no inconvenience wliatovor. ManZan is for the cure of any kind of Piles. It is sold here by Henry Cook. Why not have a business college in Red Cloud SSO0O think of it! This is what 50 students would leave in tho town, limiting their expense tu Si per week for 10 months. Wouldn't this help? Every young man and woman who would be interested in a business college in Red Cloud please send your name and address to llox 5 '.'8 Red Cloud. Nebr. On Juno Isth a mass mooting of farmers will be hold at Hastings. Nob. Tho purpose will bo to discuss tho American Society of Kquity'a plan of controlled mnrketiugof winter wheat and tho establishment of eo-opoiutivo packing plants as a means of controll ing tho marketing of livo stock and live stock pioducts. It is expected that funnels from all parts of Nebras ka and Kansas will bo presout. Hon. C. O. Drayton" President of the Nation al Union of the American Society of i:iiity. Mr. Thos (i. Nelson. President of tho National drain Growers' Asso ciation and Mr. J. C. Davis, National I.ecturei of the Society of Kqulty will be presont and tako part lu tho pro gram. It Is also likely that Governor Shallenberger and Kx-Congrossnian Pollard will ho present and deliver ad dresses. On June 19th delegates representing tho membership of tho Society who havo already pledged tholr grain this year will meet in oxecutivo session for tho purpose of determining how, when, whoro, for what price, otc, tho grain in tho pool shall be sold, Only thoso who havo pledged grain will havo a voice lu or bo admitted to tills meet- i"!,'. This Is one of a soriesof one hundred mass meetings called under thoauspie s of the American Society of Kqulty lu tho agricultural states of the union mi niw piuiiii iuijuai-, nun iii ii, . 1 . i f -. , doubt be of considerable importance I vltL tetott. ft to tho farmers of Nebraska and Kan-l co jm,rai i8 the paper for you. lor the samo purpose, and will no sas, S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. .. S. I:IIQII At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone 131. Co to tho Homo Grocery fresh vegetables. for your Independent Telephone Mcctlnft. The stock holdeis of the Fanners Independent Telephone company will hold their annual meeting at the court house, lied Cloud. Nebr.. at - o'clock p. m Monday Juno 1 lilt.. luO'i En. Ilw-nv J. S. Ri Kii i:. . i-ielary. President. lo Whom It Mny Concern. In nidi i to correct the impression, which -i'"in- to be prevelent, that I was one of the signers of any petition for saloon licen-e in this city 1 wish to say emphatically that I was not. 1 do not sign -aloon petitions. signed Pi:ti it L. II vsskn. l)Cl,lt SHOOTS A LAWYER. Intoxication Believed to be Responsible for an Oklahoma Iraftcdy- Hi no out. June .1th. Attornoy H. R. Kin-el of Antlers was shot and fatally wounded at that place this aftornoou by Dr. II. C. Johnson. Two shots wcic fired from the doctor's ro volver, both taking effect in tho stom ach, near tho heart. Doctor Johnson had been Intoxicated for heveral days and tho minister was trying to per buadc him to quit drinking. Thoy met in a stairway leading to tho doc tor's olllce, tho minister coming down. The men had boon good friends for years. Johnson was placed in jail. Star. Homer IS. Kinsel was the son of John Klnsel and wifo of this city. Ho spent the greater part of his boyhood here removing to Oklahoma City seveivl years ago whore h built up a very succes-ful law practice. Tho news of the fatality was quite a shock tohis paronts and sisters heio. The deceased was :u years old at tho time of his untimely denth and leaves a wife, a son :'; years old and a baby daughter. Tho Chief extends condu lance in thoirsad hourof bereavement Real Estate. Transfers. Transfers reported by the, Port Ab stract Co for the week ending Wed nesday, June'.), lttO'.i. William A. Iinhof to AnuaC. Im- hof. part lots!!, I, Huberts add to (Jiiide Hock, wd H.ra SI. I.otner to Susan V linker, lots I, "J, Dllc l' Hin doo, wd Angoline Hoffman to Henry L. Uoyd, pt ne ne IS 1-1 1, wd ... . L. if Rust to L. H. Tail, lots 0. 7, S, '.), Itlk :t. lied Cleud, wd Vaughn S. Hall to Wheaton W. llogate, lotW. !!lk. I, 1st add to Hindoo, wd. ...... iOO 1.100 1000 '.".()() L H. Lult to L. II. Kust, lots 17. 18, Blk. li, lied Cloud, wd 1S00 Charles K. Hicks to Mrs. George Verger etui, lots J, 12, Itlk. ii, 1st. add to Hidden, wd 50() Luclan K. Warner to Leroy K. Spenco etal, part no so 7-1 11, wd Charles W. Kaloy to Isaac II. Thomas, n1 mv 21-3-11, wd... Charles W. Kaloy to Klias Lock hart, s,'a nw2l-.'Ml, wd V. SI. Risk to John It. Croior, lots 11, 1!.', 1.1. 151k H, (Snide Itoclc, wd IJyron II. tSihnorc to A. T. Walk or, n,'j sw n'j se 20-1-10, wd.. Slarjorlo Shepard etal, to J. SI. and Deborah C. ltolnnd, lots I, r, 0, Hlk I, Vance's add to lono 1)00 1)00 0o 8000 (iuldo Hock, wd 1700 fcJUKi Slortgages filed, iiriO."0.00. .Mortgages released Si 1200.00 While The Stato Journal has been one of tlio loading papers of the stato for noarlv forty years, yet its most rapid growtli lias been recently, dur ing which time it has coinotobe recog nized by many as Nebraska's greatot papor, making most of thoso things that interest Nebraskans most, in this way creating a place for itsolf in the daily life of thousands of Nebraska homes. Tho country press gonerally could be quoted as saying that the editorial page of The Journal is except ionally strong and fearlessly independ ent. It is also unusually bright, Hixby himself being a gem. No writer in Nebraska over had tho warm admira tion of so many people as Uixby. His column in Tho Journal is alono worth tho price of the paper. His wholo somo philosophy will put sunshine and cheer into the most chronic grouch. Tho state university, tho stato hotiso and all the othor public institutions at Lincoln make The Jour nal peculiarly a paper for state people. It Is olean, excluding all liquor and impure medical advertising. Its sport ing department is clover and there with tho goods. Sloro money is spent for stato telegraphic news than by other state dallies. If you want to Why not glvo it this trial subscription'.' USSKSr-RSKZUS w H'RH showing some new Spring Trousers in very choice variety. The cut is perfect the Tailoring excellent and the Trouserings are new. Take it all in all, they are in every way, the properest Trousers that can he found. c $3,00, 3.50, 4.00 MO to $4.50 or $6.00 Nothing startling about our prices they sound like the Trouser prices of other stores but just call and see how very different the Trousers arc. That's what counts! Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co S Always Reliable AniacK 8 Chancy Leaders in Furniture and Undertaking MOON BLOCK ALL. TH E PHON ES CSlTCnL'JE2S'I2i'aaSSGI CJYou will' find us in the BIG room Moon Block Furniture, Carpets and Under taking of the duality kind And Our Prices Speak for Themselves. We extend a Cordial Invitation to all to visit our store. : : : : : Swift's Premium Ham or Bacons. Fresh' and Salt Meats of All Kinds. ' Wm.Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. Taxis Granlnc an ideal hair tonic Taxis Sapogon, a perfect shampoo and Taxis Hay Hum a combination, which if faithfully used, will produce a clean, healthy condition of the hair and scalp. Thin, dry, brittle or falling hair melius there is somo causo for sich an unhealthy condition and that it should ho attonded to at once. Tho reason for scanty hair is becauso all tho root shaft are not doing their duty and the reason for falling hair is becauso the scalp Is in an unhealthy condition To correct those ovlls is a very sim plo matter. To niako all tho root shafts do their duty uso Cranlne. To got tho scalp in a healthy condition, shampoo tho head with .Sapogen, a per fiiinod green oil soap. Hay Kuin Is an Ideal hair diessing after the shampoo. For further particulars, call or phono Mrs. Nancy A. Halo vlB Mmirnm lit s s s First Door Norlh of Postofficc Opened ufi Again. The Hon Ton resturant has under Its now management again opened up for meals. Commencing Saturday, May '.'2nd. I will servo llrst class meals at 'JO cents. Huhert Xeuerburg, Prop. Wo do not know of any other pill that Is as good as DeWItfs Uttl0 Harly Klscr.s, the famous littlo liver pills -small, gentle, pleasant and sure Dills with a rcnutation. Sold liv nil Di-.ggists. I If lids Is revision downward, what . iiii Id revision upward he'.1 '1 lu re aie inanv imitations of I)e i u ntv cn,.i,nii,i u'ii,.i, ii, ,,.,1 e:, 1.... 1 . M Hi t wiv,. II lull Illlf.VJl .Jtlll U" rf ' Di Wilts is the original. He suro ou !. H.W'ittsi arholied Witch Hazel VU ' sul v. when you ask for it. It is good y t-if cuts, burns and bruises, and is os- iH'c.aiiy gomi lol piles oll Oy all Urtiggists iCATARRH Ely's CfeEAM Balm Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. GIVES RCLIEr AT ONCE. It clonuses, soothes, hwdn and protects tlio dNeast'd Jaeiiibiiino usultln ; from Catarrh and driven away a Cold hi the Head miieklv. Jtewtores tho Konos of Tusto and Kincll. Iiisy to use. Contains no injurious drugs Applied into tlio nohtrils and absorbed. Largo Kfeo, fiO cental at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Halm for uso In utoinizors, 75 cents. ELY BROTHERS. CG Warren St.. New York.' HIY-EEVER 3gy . 'J M A I K rt, li3tftgB