The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 10, 1909, Image 4

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    itJ-Ui.ouLaaArT,T.'ti-T!'-',-i,'jir-gTr'.ii ..iiii ri..-,-ltl.illlMIW)l,l1)x
Bntcrod In Hie I'oBtolllro nt Itccl Cloud, Ncl
n Socoml CIhm Mutter
C. 11. hali:
wr.nsTr.n county
City Officers.
Tri-RMiriT.. ....
CoiiiTllincii, M until
I'omu'llini'M 2ml wnnl .. .
KltCtlll' lldlt A UMtlTl'olll
Mnrliul, iluv . . .
MurMinl, nli;lit .
itl;-iljo for tlic Chic'
.('. II. I'nltur
... .O.C. T 1 1
I () UtilkT
lloj Out mini
i:l I'mMiiIiit
I. A. Mp.Xriliiir
.1. II. It.illcv
f l. W . Itlll-WI'HM
.!:. M. mini
Julltl Klll'l'l
. . 10 A.M.
. II A.M.
. . V M.
Church Srnlcs.
nOfltS(iisi:itYici: atm. i:
s wuiirir srnvnTM.
Finality School
I'rcaeliliiK . ...
CIlUA IIUl'tlllK
i: i nimi
Kpuortli league
Vrnj or nit hIIiik WcilncMlny v tiling 8 1'. M.
I.nillisAlil l'rldny 21'. M.
Yotir iiri'M'iicu In riiii(Ntt(t ntnl n conllnl
tnvltntlon In oxttmUil to nil.
M. T. Hnni.i:ii I'nstor.
7 I'
H 1',
jioriis or sKitvu'i: at conoimioa-
Saiiii tii Himvirr.s.
I'rrnclilUK - 10:15 a. in.
lllblc school 12 in.
rrtacliliiKhiTXlcos Kji.tii.
Prayer and Conlerenco mcotlMt; Wwliiwt
day nt 8 p. tit.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to all.
ltKV. A.A. Ckksim x l'aslor.
(iUAri: (Ci'isroi'Ai.) eiium-n
llt'V. J. Ml Hates, 1'aMor.
Sen Ice tho' ilrst two .Stttnlays In each
Holy Conitntinloti at iiiornlim nirvlccs on
tlii' Ilrst Sunday.
Sunday M'liool at UiVi'locU ecry Sunday.
Mre. K. 11. smith, supcrlnti tidint.
I ho tv by tiunouuco myself n eaudi
(into fur tho tiotniiitition of Shorill' of
Webster county siibjoot to the will of
tho Doinooral and Peoples Independent
doctors nt tho Primary oloction Aug.
17th., 1!K)0. nml most respectfully
.solicit your support. 12 W. Con. is
Wlmt ilo you think of western Ne
braska'.' An enterprising merchant in
ltidiiiiiolii is advertising a Hood stile.
Tho (1 reams of tho early settlors have
boon fully realized.
Tho (.'haiitauipia is now an assured
fact for this year. Manager Holiday
was in tlio uity Kriday and completed
Ids nrtuiigeiiients for it ('hautaiuiuti
begluiug Aug. and ending Aug. M.
Ho has an unusually strong program
and anticipates a huge attendance.
The people of this city and ieinity
will bo pleased to learn that thoehau
tainiua will bo conducted again this
year. This is an uttiactiou from
which eveiy one derives benefit.
Your intention is called to the
change in tho time of the primary
election. Tho third Tuesdav iu August
which falls on tho 17th. this year is
the date of tho primary this year.
This is considerably earlier than be
fore .
Candidates for oillce must make
their Ming 110 days before that time
which means that tho 17th day of July
is tho last day for Hllng. Parties soil;
iug piefermeut at tho polls this fall
should begin to get busy.
Red Cloud - Nobrnshtv
i secretary .Minus s in loHiirse of
Charge of Bift Car Fare
Executive Has Spent Far Less Money
for Transportation Than His
Lincoln, Neb, Juno .'I. Ptivate
Secretary Fiiiho has written the fol
lowing letter to a critic of Governor
Replying to your communication of
June 1 in which you cncloso a clipping
from the IloldicgoClliun, which char
ges I hat Governor shnllenborgcr has
spent SOTOof siafo money for rallioad
m Kongo since ho has been in oflleo, and
In compliance with your request. I beg
to make this statement:
It fieinniitly occurs that the gover
nor is unexpectedly called out of the
city on matters iu connection with
statu institutions ami it would be im
possible to uo through the routine
necessary to proem o a ticketoaeh time
or trips of this nature. Tho late legis
lature provided 81,000 for tho travel
ing expenses of tho governor for tho
bbenniutn, as against an appropriation
for tho nso of liovernor Sheldon of
Sl.MiO, by the former legislature. In
order to purchase a ticket or mileage
from this appropriation, it is necessary
for tho governor to make out n vouch
or against the "traveling expense
fund," have the same audited by tho
stato auditor, approved by the secre
tary of state, and a warrant drawn
and delivered to tho railroad company,
which in the ordinary course of busi
ness requires from two to threo days'
time. To avoid this inconvenience
every time tho governor is required to
leave the capital, vouchors have been
issued by Coventor Shallonberger
against the 'traveling expense fund."
since he has been in oillce to the
amount of Stint). This mileage is over
tho several railroads of the state, and
contains a provision that the railroad
companies will redeem any unused
Money Will Cour Term
June 1st theiv was 2.120 miles. orSI
of this SUtiO purchase it-eil, and the
total amount paid out by Oovornor
Shnllenbcrgcr during his term of oillce
for traveling expenses is $00.r.O. I'pon
this basis of tlio amount expended as
an estimate, the governor has .sttilleiont
mileage on hand at this time to cover
his term of oillce. 1!- way of compaii
son with tho expendttutes tor travel
ing espouses ot the former administra
tion, tlte i coords of this department
show that during tin administration
of Governor Sheldon, the amount ex-,
ponded each month of his term of of
lice was i.71. while the monthly
amount paid out for traveling expenses
by liovernor Sliallonborgor, during
the Ilrst live mouths of his term of
ollleo is SIS 'is-.
Tho statement that has appeared In
the press, that liovernor Shnllenbcrgcr
has spent 1100 for traveling expenses
during the five months ho has been in
oillce. would be equivalent to milking
tho charge that Drown, who during
the month of October purchased his
winter supply of coal, has spent as
much money for fuel during tho one
month as Jones had expended during
his occupancy ol tho sumo building for
tho entire previous winter. World
down to defeat hut Hsidc fr,,,,, show
ing that they weie a little S(1ft the
team showed up to excellent advant
age. I The line up was as follows:
Catch, Carioll.
'Pitch, I'ligate.
1st Ruse, Clark.
2nd Duse, Grant.
Short Stop, Rradbrook.
Urd Daso. "Ruck "
K. Field, Musters.
I'. Held, Cook.
L. Field, Hyde.
Just before taking tho out field Cap
tain "Duck" huddled his men iu a little
circle .md explained tho signals for
the game. Anon looker might have
Imagined them to be a lot of school
boys ready for a pnink.
l-'ngntn proved to bo too much lor
tlio isitors and had them at his mercy
all tin n the game.
Tlio contest, however, was closo
enough to be interesting, the losult
beluga victory for tho homo team to
tho tune of .-, to 1.
One lamentable feature of the game
was the uncalled for soreness of Cap
tain Wliot of tho Norton team when
ho refused to go on with tlio game bo
cause tho umpire called a strike on n
ball that he, the captain took a full
swing at and missed.
Tho rest of tho Norton players wero
men grown and conducted themselves
as gentlemen.
Dattorlos, Ked Cloud Carroll and
l-'ugato, Norton 1'oort and Morohead.
Hits off Kugato 2, olV Morehead 0.
Fugato struck out 1 1, Morohead S.
Krrors Norton C, Red Cloud J.
12 3 I 5 0 7 8 tt
Red Cloud 0 2 u 0 n 3 0 0 x .1
Norton 001000000 1
Time- 1:53.
The second game on Friday after
noon was a regular merry-go-round.
The visitors were out classed in evry
particular. Uur boys, piirtioularlly
"Draddy" batting at will. Score Nor
ton I, Ked Cloud 21.
Rattories. Red Cloud Carroll and
l legg. Norton L'oort and Rlliol.
This was a quite a disappointment
The team this year is composed of a
clean set of young men and they will
undoubtedly play clean ball all thru
the season We wish them success
ami assure them that Hod Cloud is
with them and will be witli them to
the last.
Red Cloud ami Grand Island played
ball hero Wednesday. Score, I J rami
Island .1, Red Cloud r,. Butteries, Red
Cloud Carroll and Masters, lirand Is
land Simm and Uraudt. Struck out,
.Masters 11, Hrandt .V Ilaso on balls,
oil' Masters t!. off Rrandt J. Masteis
pitched a good game, this being Ins
Ilrst game he has pitched this -.eusui.
The (iraud Island team is coiiiuo-m d
of a clean and gentlemanly -et of
young men. They have an excellent
fast ball team. Tho gaitio was full of
ginger all the way thru.
W.C.T. U. Mectlnft
Another mothers meeting was held
under the auspices of the. W. C. T. U .
last Saturday afternoon at the Con
gtcgatlonal church and was hugely
attended by the mothers of this city.
State woi Iter Mis. Lena llaitzell Wal
lace conducted the meeting which
proved to bo r much benefit to all in
attendance. 1 his orgauiution is tak
ing up ehlldien's problem in a practic
al way and Is doing a world of good iu
giving mothers iufoimtition and in
Htruotluu in regard to rearing children
Mrs. Wallace delivered two address
es Sunday on tho temperance ques
tion, ller position was unasallablo
and her logic clear. One statonieut
she made was to the effect that the
reaton saloons weio tolerated is be
cause men who profess to believe that
absolute piohlbltion is the best for
mankind do not vote that way because
it might alteet their pocket books.
This policy wns worse than criminal.
She indulged in no vituperation what
ever and her entire discourse was free
from any abuse Neither did she
show any disposition to rant but on
the contrary she showed herself to bo
a cultured refined1 lady desiring the
best for all people. Her manner of
delivery was piittieuhuiy pleasing.
Wo are of the opinion that Red
Cloud would glvo Mrs. Wallace a gen
erous reception should sho again make
a visit to this city.
The W C. T l'., secured several
now members and much cuthuinsm ns
n result of tho meeting.
I'ineules-now Kidney remedy uro
for nil diseases of the kidneys and
bladder. They act promptly iu all
cases of lame back, rheumatic pains,
iiillammatlou of tho bladder, urinary
disorders and weak kiducjs. Sold by
Hoary Cook.
Opening Bail Game of the
Last Thursday the base ball sonson
formally opened here with much spirit
and eiithuiasm.
The real bogining of the opening
commenced at live o'clock in tho morn
ing when ''rank Cowdcn ollleially
phoned to the weather man at Lincoln
to soo what ho could do. The answer
must hiio been favorable for despite
the dense fog ol the early morning
Frank was optomistic and cheerful.
We think that lto offeiod the weather
man froo admission to tho gnmo in ex
change for a little sunshine.
I'.y tcti o'clock the skies had cleared
and out of town visitors began to ar
rive. Superior. Dluo Hill, liuldo Rock,
Cowles, luavale, Rlveitoii anil lUaden
sending automobilo delegations galore.
Dy noon the city streets and alleys
wore filled with iiutos. buggies and
At -ii'M the big automobilo parade
started thru the stroots preeeeded by
tho Citicu's Conceit band.
Forty seven automobiles, represent
intr S7.'i,ooo and carrying untold mil
lions drove proudly thru tho streets to
the delight of all observers.
After the parade tho automobiles
and thirteen hundred peoplo went to
tlio base ball park to witness the first
gatno of the season which was to be
played with Norton.
The two teams wore drawn up form
ing a double Hue on the diamond.
Mayor Potter not being on tho ground
Sir William S. Dense accurately
twirled the little sphere three times
across homo plate and the game was
This being tlio ilrst timo that our
boys have played togothor everyone
was suie that Red Cloud would go
School Board Meets.
Ru Ci.ot ii, Ni'.iir.. June 7, 'on.
Hoard of Fdueation met in regular
session. Members present E. J. Over
ing President, L. L Doren, F. W.
Studelmker, Henry Newhouso titid V.
D. Fulton.
On motion duly seconded and carried
it was resolved that all non resident
pupils be leqnired to deposit fee of S2
necessary to cover amount of damage
returned at the end of school year, less
amount of damage that may havobeou
caused by rough usage or failure to re
turn books.
On motion secretary was authorized
to communicate with parents of pupils
who havo failed to turn in books on
leaving school.
On motion Tress Harwood wits up
pointed Janitor tor Washington school
for ensuing year at usual salary.
It was moved and duly seconded Hint
sealed bids be received on June 21, 'q'.)
for installing heating plant in Wash
ington school and secretary instructed
to iuhortiso accordingly.
m motion board decided to build
the nocossary addition to Washington
school nnd advised that a foreman bo
seemed and nuthoriod to employ
woikmou necessary to complete build
ing and grounds iu timo for opening
of fall term of school. Motion catried.
on motion the following bills were
allowed nml warrants ordered drawn
for sauio.
.Miner llros., supplies e ip.o
Com Ad,, printing i.oO
F. L. Hlnes, drayago ;-. ),"
Argus, printing n.uo
L. P. Albright "t.uO
On motion it was resolved that no
bills be honored from merchants fur
nishing supplies for schools unless
having an ordor signed by superin
tendent or chairman of committee on
supplies attached. Carried.
On motion board adjourned to Juno
Mrs. Hodevig Marrul Christine Nel
son, wife of Chris Nelson died at her
homo northwest of this city Juno is,
1000. A sudden attack of heart failure
was the cause of death. The deceased
was bom n. Denmark Nov. 17, 18U0.
Desides her husband she leaves B sons
and 1 daughters to mourn her loss.
Tito death of Mrs. Nolson came as a
groat surprlso to all her friends ami
aeqiialntences as she had been to
church twice on the day she died. Sho
was much bolovod bv all who kuew
H P N ' Pi iC3
An Improvement over mnny Coutfh, Lura and Bronchial Remedies, because It rids tfee
system of n cold by acting as a cnthartlc mt the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to tflv
satisfaction or money refunded. Prconrcd by IMNEULE MI-D1C1NE CO.. CHICAGO. U. S. A.
If BB2E3ifflS3
c.-,- w
Kalamazoo Coriet Co., Makers
& A '
nJ Jr WOMAN is consious of her superior appearance
-rScr when she is wearing an
She knows she looks well then, that she is charmingly
attractive and that her beauty is greatly enhanced
because she is wearing a corset that produces such
magnificent results.
A corset that is designed for that purpose and
the creation of painstaking skill in every step of its
The woman who wears these dainty corsets,
"gets the habit" and will wear no other.
To be a good dresser, start right, that is at
the foundation, the cofset.
Have all styles from the tape girdle to the ex
treme long hip and, from 50c. to $5.00.
OU like to wear clothes that are becoming to
you; and we like to see that you get such clothes.
V .J"Vf
, i. i r- -. .
... .. i .
-: v ' j
AV Utfr Rr IVLvv mm
- . V-m'
make the kind of cothes
you ought to wear, and we
sell them. They're all-wool
in fabrics; in style, tailoring
and fit they're all right;
It's just as important to us
vnn ao the clothes vou ouaht to have, as &
J :r ' . . i'
as it is to you. We cant altord to make
any mistakes in your overcoat or suit; we
want you1 satisfied. We know these
clothes will do it.
Suits in all styles $18 to $40
!! Overcoals in many models $15 to $50
This store is the home of
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
i j
i ..:i-.. .r
.'it-r. ..
mf .
" .--J . HW!
i -- .tfinSffJ
ji r
m-p m
Copvncht i. ,j t v
IUribLli4trnrr A Man AtSfcS-
IV1WU ..o IUTT, a liUUOD Ul UU1 UUUilJUtIL f
ors, but deoacse wo tnko especial care f
' nf RTlfl nrntAf nil .ton t.n ilaocnrl nn
Do you know that it will nay YOU, as
well as US, to buy your Building Ma
terial and Coal at our yardsT Not only
that our prices average lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but deoacse wo tako especial care
of and protect all can be classed as
Farm loans
There are reasons why 1 should niulto
you a farm loan. 1 know that I havo
tho best. rate, tonus and option on tho
market. I examine tho land myself
at no expense to yon. I understand
and can correct tiny error iu yTmr titlo.
Money rdy tho very day that title
is good.-.!. II. Haii.kv, Red Cloud,
x Coal. Lumber.
Rlini'MAUSM Cllll.ll ix A 11a V.
Dr. Detcailion'H Kollof for IMioumatlsm
and ISuuralffln radically cured iu l to
J days. It action upon the system Is
remnrkable and mysterious. It ro
moves at oneo tho causo and the dis
eaheliiiniediiitely disappears. The dls
dose greatly benutlts T3c and Si. Ilrst