I II I I IK HW ,! ih' s' New Divorce Smashes Prettiest of Romances NKW YORK Mrs Frank Jay fiould Ihih been grunted a decree of ill vorco from licr hiiHliatuI, the youngest mm or the Into .lay Could. Not only does thin mid the third chapter to the list of marital Infelicities written about the GouUl family In tho present gen oration, hut It smashes to ntouiH what liaH hoOii regarded as the prettiest ro mance of the iiiultl-mllllouniro sot. The old feud of the Montogues and Capnlot. which killed tho dream of Itomeo and Juliet, wan not more hit ter than tho modnni hatred which markei( tho connection of tho llrHt Gould Uiul the first Kolloy, ho to apeak the flit her of Prank Gould and tho grandfather of his wife. They fought each other on tho stock exchange, In the railroad world and In the cotirtH. their difficulties being til court most of;i i. i.i... - ' Prank Jny Gould 'and Helen Kelly did not pntyalco' of ' the (family rentfo ta. They' wero friends from their childhood sifeh c!oscIiuuih ami (torn- j panlonh thaWhllo thby wtro constant-i ly together none of their friends nor relatives over dreamed of n love af- Charitable Deed of ONE of tho least known and most touching of tho lato H. H. Rogeis' many charitable deeds was his care of Hellen Keller, the dear, dumb and blind girl, whose prodigies of learning have astonished tho world. Mr. Rogers had his attention called to Miss Keller when tho girl hail hard ly reached her toons. Her case, a pitiful ono, at onco touched his heart. Secretly and through agents he Inter ested hliriself in tho girl and piovldod funilH tap tho enrly attempts to bring tho light of knowledge to tho 'then darkened mind. Miss Keller tthowed such aptitude for leurnlng that Mr. Rogers contin ued his benefactions niuj haw that the most experienced and skillful teachers In tho land were provided, As sho ad vanced beyond the scopo of tho.avor- ago Instructors of those nllllcted as she was, Mr. Rogers sourched about ' Hifeh1 Feasting' for UNABLE to find tho namo or MnJ. A. J. C. Ilertle-McGreal In the lirltish army register, officers of the United States army stationed nt Governors Island believe thoy have heon feasting and otherwise paying high honors to nn umbrella salesman Several days ago a tall distin guished looking man with a monocle und the heavy English accent pre sented himself at the headquarters of the department of the east on Gov ernors Island and asked for tho offi cer of the day, Lieut. C. M. Jntiney of tho Twelfth Infantry. The stran ger's enrd, besides his name, carried the legend thnt ho wns commander of tho Sovonth Dragoons of the Hiltlsh arm, stationed in Canterbury He said the was stopping at tho Hotel Knickerbocker with his secretary and a chauffeur and had a high power car with him. Ho also said ho was nc companled by n commander, ' MnJ. Skyscraping Spite SPITE fences nro not unknown !u nuy part of tho country, but It haB remained for a Now Yorkor to erect the first skysci aping structure of this kind. This romarkablo fenro, 'built of steel, Is already 10 feet high nnd will, bo more than twice as tall boforo It 1b finished. Tho cnuso of the crectlgn of this fenco, suld to bo tho highest In tho world, may ho laid at tho door, or entrance, of tho Williamsburg bridge. When tho city bought whole blocks of tcnoment-hou,sea to mako. room for tho approaches o the bridge rind 811 bermuu was among' those forced to Vr' . tpi. TM J SP FENCE sfisij WlElRJJ JfQRK fair, hut passed their relations as those of a particularly congenial comrade ship, so that when, In 1901, announce ment was mailo of their marriage two days before that event occurred, there vas universal surprise. Miss Kelly was 17, u beauty ami a Catholic. She had changed her religion to wed. The groom was ulmoHt a boy, who had Just come Into a bit? fortune from tho paternal estate There was no lavish display of fashion and wealth at tho wedding. For a time Mils pair were Ideally happy They spent much time on tho huhhaiurs magnificent yacht, which ho had named for his bride. Then there were stories of unhnpp'lnoss, of tho young woman's Jealousy, of Impending separations and reconciliations, of In terference by tho bride's mother which llnally resultod In a roqucHt from Prank Gould that closed his doors to her, of a trip that he was to take around the world in his yacht while his wife decided what she would do. At ono time In 1900 papers were filed for a divorce by tho wife, but u Jecouclllntlon was affected by -Miss felon, f.11 Gutold. ''TJien,1 In '1908, 'tho! suit was notunlly'started. Tho Goulds have two children,- of whom both Jmrfnts ire vfery,, fjt)uV Mrs. Gould ls7pjlto wealthy In "her own' right, having rqceUedl approximate)? $),r06,0tA)- from (h ifcitujtcs of her grandfather, the late Eugene Kelly, ami her father, Edward Kelly. Late Millionaire and found mentors for the gltl whe have been able to make her, wltljout doubt, one of the brightest and most charming personalities in the world to nay, even when pitted against poisons whose faculties are In no way Im paired. For more than a quarter of n cen tury Mr. Rogers, as with all his deeds of charity," kept the secret of his In terest In Helen Kollor. Tho story did not come out until Mark Twain, long ono of Mr. Rogers' moKt tntlmnto friends, revealed It when the Virginia railway was open ed a short time ago. On that occa sion Mark Twain, In an nddrc33 at Norfolk, Va related the then un known story of Mr. Rogers' benefac tions to the girl, who, through an at tack of scarlet fovor, had been de prived of sight, Bpoech mid hearing, and who, had It not been for tho mill ionaire, would undoubtedly have boon forced to endure tho pitiful existence which Is tho lot of many not no griev ously atUicted. Mr1. Rogers, Mark Twain Raid, had by his Utnhoralded phllunthrophy pro vided tho girl with accomplishments which are 'comparable only with those of Joan of Arc. I " t Umbrella Salesman' Hanks of the Royal navy, who was Juspeo'ng the Hrooklyn navy yard.' "Maj -ricrtlo-McGrcal" was' warmly received by the -army officers and for svoral days Was extensively enter tained. MnJ. John S. Maltory or tho Twelfth, and Cupt. HaUteadUoroy, Hon. Wood's aide, gavo him a semi official dinner. "MnJ. vRertle-McGrear was at Gov ernors Island continually and among tho many officers ho took n special fancy to Lieut. Dewey. Tho lieuten ant kept him over night several times but the other morning when tho "major" appeared at tho headquar ters, after having had apparently a strenuous night, the lieutenant put him to bod again and called up tho Hotel Knickerbocker to request that the "major's" automobile nnd chauf feur bo sent down for him. Instead tho hotel sent Us house detective and demanded pay of a $52 board, bill. Whllo tho stranger Induced a young womnn friend to advance tho money for him a search or his ono piece of haggago at tho hotel revealed his con nection with nn umbrella houso at Niagara Falls. Ho had no secretnry, no nutojuoblle, no chauffeur, so far ns I mandor Maj Ranks was' not known. unity, eoum discover, and Com- Fence In Gotham sell. It happened that tho city didn't wnnt all his propeity and loft him a strip 100 foot deep, with a frontuge of only 18 Inches a bit of rent o9. 4for which Mr Sljbermnn could boo no usanna winch ho regarded asJa small white elephant He attempted" to sell tho half-ynrd-wldo property to the owner of tho tenement next door but railed. Next ho offered to buy' Uio tonomont nnd was rofusod again Then he began to get angry, and a a result a company has bein formed to ereel n fenco which will shut out nil tho light and most of tho air from tho windows of tho tonomont. The fenco will bo used for advertis ing display, yul ashlo from paying the taxes on the property will provo an attractive Investment. Meanwhile tho tenant of tho npnrtment-houso, who sea tbelr light and air ollmlnatod, nro talking of lo-aslngyBpaco on tho fence and catting holes' UiroiiguJt oppoalto their wlQJbwn, FIVE TIMES HIGHER THAN NIAGARA. Vl&VvA . il - - . ...'. . . v. iArip ' x . t . Tip jfliftftifctfS- VrtfcjtC IsdzS'Jl' "J?, P " mmtMKiMiTy- rl3 7VAi By? Af - ; , , - -i ! . M j Wat t .?'! Jjy$s,t : 1g$& f t :t 1 m L ' -SAsrs . r. . . uyv jt b w i.i The above Is a photograph of the Kaleteur fall on the Potaro river. Es sequlbo, British Guiana. The peipendlcular height of the fall is 741 feet, or nearly five times that of Niagara. The width varies from 350 feet In the dry season to 400 feet in the rainy season, and (he depth of water passing over similarly ranges from a few feet to 20 feet. Even in very dry seasons, the river has a depth of 3b feet about a quarter of a mile above the fall. The face of the fall is of sandstone with a capping of harder conglomerate, it is suggested that the falls may be used to provide power, and it is pointed out that the chief fall alone would supply 2,125,000 horsepower. WANTS MEN FREED Aged Minnesota Ex-Judge Would Ease His Conscience. After T Irty-Four Years He Seeks the Release of Two Negroes Whom He Prosecuted and Had Convicted. St, Paul, Minn. Uowed and bent and only a memory of his formor bril liant self, Judge James Egau has lift ed a weight which has lain upon his conscience for 34 years by appearing before tho state board of pardons and pleading for the release of two ue groes, Boning life sentences for mur der. They wero Incarcerated when Judge Egnn wan only a young prose cuting attorney. Dotween tho day of their Judgment and now lies n life time, nnd now the prosecutor con fesses that they were unjustly Impris oned and asks their freedom. IJohlnd an act which casts a shadow on an exceptionally brilliant career lies a dramatic story. Tho two negroes, R. L. Underbill and George Washington, wero ar rested and tried principally upon cir cumstantial evidence. A houso upon Summit avenuo had been robbed nnd the burglars, escaping In the darkness of a storm and overcast night, shot nt a policeman who attempted to Inter cept them. He died without bolug able to mako n coherent statement Later, after two vngrant negroes had boon jailed by tho police, n woman living In tho house where tho robbery had occurred, identified them ns tho burglars. Sho admitted thnt she had caught but a glimpse of the men at work, nnd that In tho dark. As Prosecuting Attorney Egan vigor ously pressed the case against tho two men, nnd with the city deeply stirred by the crlmo convlctod them and sent them up with life sentences. Years passed and tho prosecuting attorney became a Judge, noted for his keen wit, his marked ability nnd a clear far-soelng Judicial mind. After many years Judge Egan retired, and for nearly a decade had not been it flguro in public llfo. Before the par don, board a bent nnd enfeebled old man, his mind clouded on many sub jocts, but entirely clenr on this, beggod that the governor and the mombers of tho pardon board freo hts soul from the weight of tho knowledge that tho two men wore frightened Into making false confessions and un justly committed to a llfo of harsh confinement. The hoard wus astound ed by tho confession nnd has taken tho caso under advisement, to thor oughly Investigate It. GIRL TO FLY IN AN AIRSHIP. Berkeley (Cal.) Young Woman Is En thusiastic Promoter of "Heavier-"Than-AIr" Machine. nerkeloy, Cal. Miss Rernlco Cun ningham, tho 19-year-old daughter of James R. Cunningham of this city, is an enthusiastic promoter of a uow fly- yt A . . . sTiJi tfPKy5rKi?? tWTTT'7 wj r i&t.j.mivw.'.mp w irjarn i.'' v. - Ing machine now being constructed in a suburb and bus announced her inten tion of making a (light alono in the nlr ciaft. Miss Cunningham is enthused over the Hying machine nnd haunts tho shops at Suther Htation, Frultvale, whoro the machine 1b being construct ed. She has made herself familiar with overy part of the craft and be lieves sho will expei ience no difficulty in managing the machine In tho nlr. The machine, the Invention of Peter English of Alameda, Is a combination of n helicopter, or self-lifting machine, und an aeroplane, and differs radically from any Hying machine yet invented. It Is provided wl$h two immense propellers, which supply tho lifting and propelling power, and has a greuter aeroplane Mirfuco thun tho Wright brotheis' machine. It bus a tested lifting power of 1,700 pounds. English asserts his mnchlne will fly Just as well nt u height of three feet from the ground as ut a greater alti tude. Find Old Fort Became Barn. Greoly, Col. Fort Lnthnin, built near hero In tho early 'CO's for de fense against the Indians, wns not de stroyed years ago, as has been sup posed, but is still In exlstenco and Is used as a barn. A few days ago the Jort was found on the ranch of O. A. (Jordan. It Is built of sod. Many a poet tlnds his convictions determined by the exigencies of rhymo. ' .... t " - WIFE OF WISCONSIN SENATOR. - .v T s , v -". .I'-WV; &$'::' 'Aif & Jr ' ff- T Ai JF ".i v ''iff s3felk-L X. t x A' wmw -- -& I ) .- t , , w JUvS? S (ft 'V '' r$$ ft ' ""4 , ' . xu v s ' v I i .4 v t- , , IHHMIHIHaNNHHqaaHNiHHHaHaHWHHNaanNMHUnUMMMHHHMHaa fliitlof rih copjrrlnUt bjr Cllaudlmt, WMtilnRtoa, U. O. 1 The above Is from a recent photograph of Mrs. Isaac Stephenson, wife of United States 8enator Stephenson of Wisconsin, Senator Stephenson is enc of the wealthiest senators in the upper house of congress and during the Washington social season she entertains lavishly. BGNG Star and Garter Auction Fails to Bring Out Bidder. House Once Was Resort of Dandles and Many Royal Persons Have Been Entertained In the London Hostelry. London. For the second time with In two years the Star and Garden Hotel, Richmond, wns offered for sale by auction tho other day at tho Mart, following the sale of the furniture of the hotel three months ago. There was no bidding and consequently no sule. ' Albert Chancellor, the auctioneer, tniulo an eloquent speech, referring to tho hotel as "a fur-fmucd hostelry, a palace of pleasure crowning tho hill of delight." "The view from this spot Is," he paid, "the finest in Englnnd, perhaps In the world. You can motor down from Loudon In a few minutes. "Yes," Interposed one of the com pany, "and get locked up." The hotel had cost $700,000 nnd could be used equally well ns hotel, hydro or skating rink. As a pro visional bid the auctioneer miggosted the "trifling sum1' or $150,000, und then $l'Jo.000, but there wero no offers and the Item was declared not sold. It Is just 100 years slnco the Star nnd Garter was-openpd, after being for live years luft to decay. Perhaps somo clover hotel-keeper may find a good augury In that circumstance. In 180!) Christopher Crenm. ' who' had been tho duke of York's 'cook! 'bebnnio proprietor of the hotel, even then 70 years old, and he succeeded ln,mak Ing It a favorite resort of tho period the period of bucks nnd dandles, of heavy gambling nnd quick' quarrels, of four-hour dlnnerh and wonderful feats In the consumption of port. ' The popularity of the hotel contin ued thioughout the century. Queen Victoria and the prince consort, Louis Philippe, Napoleon III. and Emperor MiiMnllllan were among its many royal patrons. In the '(iOs and '70s the Stnr and Garter attained the zenith or Its fame. Thackeray mentioned It more than once in his novels; Meredith made Richard Feverol talk to Rellona there, and W. E. Norrls makes it the scene of some of his cleverest chapters. Hut the real revealer of the charms of the Star and Garter was "Oulda." Who can forget that page In "Un der Two Flags" In which the water party at Richmond, who pay seven guineas apiece for their dinner, are pelted with brandy cherries by 55u 'Aw, have their best cigars "thrown away half smoked by pretty pillagers" niul listen to Lniiru Lolas singing a barcarolle? And who does not re member that even more dramatic scene at the Star nnd Garter In which beauty meets Lady Guenevore? G0ULD-FISK THEATER SOLD. Famous Grand Opera House, Which Shielded Magnates' from Mob Brings $1,000,000. New York. The ramous old Grand opera house nt Twenty-third street nnd Eighth avenue has been sold to a company by the executors of the Jny Gould estate for $1,000,000. Many memories of Jay Gould and 'Mini" FisK and Incidents of tho late 'fiOVand early '70's mo linked with the famous theater, it was here that Gould and 'Flsk took refuge from the mobs on "Fllack Friday" in 187a. In the building Is a vault of licnvy, masonry extending from tho basement to the roof, the floors of which are reached by n narrow circular stairway In the stones, risk said that he and Mr. Gould concealed themselves In this ault when the infuriated crowd attacked thoir offices In Wall street district. Que of the boxes In the theater Is known ns the Gould box and Is kept locked It seats L'O to Ii0 poisons, but has never been occupied except by members of the Gould family. 1 'Ms mj , a .m People Talk About Good Things. Kniu lecti e.irrf ngo few people knew of mi cli jirrpir.ition as n Powder for the l'Vl't. 'I oihy after the genuine ineriU of Allen's Foot-Ease have been told year after ye.ir by grateful peron, it ia indiiens able to millions. It iri cleanly, wliola coinc. he.ilitifz nnd nntiicptic and gives lent and comfort to tiled iiching feet. It ernes while you walk. Over IM.OOO tcitimoni.il. linitiitiotif pay the dealer n liraer prolit otheiwio jou would never be olTercil n hulntituto for AllenV Foot Kie, the ormin.il foot powder. Auk Tor Allen's Foot-lunu, nnd Bee that you get it. Smoother Then. 7hc second-year debutante, as sho nssnged her left cheok with a rotary movement, Bald: "Of course I love him, though ho's rather rough, I confoss." "Hcfore I throw him over," said tho third-year debutante, looking up from the face-steaming machine, "he shaved every day." Important to Mothors. Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants and childicn, and see tlm it nenrs the 'W5ir Signature of( In Use For Over JJO Years. The Kind You Have Always nought. A Lucky Mischance. "At the last moment Fakom lost his nerve." "Then pray kind fate that nobody else will ever And It." Uril, Weak, Weary, Wntery tSyciP) jUelleveil by Murlnu Kyo Remedy. Cotn jpoiuulcil by Kxperlenet'ii Physicians. Mu jrlne Doqsii't Smart; Soothes Kyo Pain. Writ Murlnu Kvo Hotnody Co., OhlenRO for lllualralcd lOyo lioolt. At Druggists. Ix' l 'Not Exclusive. I f "Was It nn exclusive party?" "Not at all. Sonie dfhor relatives wero there." ' . i ' u. Ov'er fifty1" v6an of' public confidence nnd popularity. That ih the record of Hamlin Wizard Oil, the world's stand Jird rcmedV'fqr. at-liiM and pains. There's O tt.iwii nnd only one MERIT. T . Uncle Josh 8ays: ' 'Tnln't all cigarette smoko in Turk ish circles, b' Jinks, Is It? For Any Disease or Injury to the cio. iio PiriTIT'S EYE SALVE, nh-f-olntelv limnlest, acts iiueKI. JKe. All duigHtrt or Uow.inl lho., llullalo, X. Y. Marriage Is not a lottery; it's a raffle. Ono man gets the prize whllo the other gets the shako. There me imitation1), don't he fooled. Thete i no Kiilwtitute' Tell the dealer you want LcwiV biiij!c Binder cigtr. Some marriages meUn war and some mean an armed truce. Food 1 Products Never Vmry in Quality or Taste because the utmost car6 is taken by Ub only the choicest mater ials, ana put these up in the same careful manner every time. 'You are -thus assured of uniform goodness, and this isr the reason that the use' of Libby's gives such general satisfaction to every housewife. Try these Ubtty ftoocMi Dried Beef Mexlomn Tsunalo Ham Loaf OMU Con Carnm Vienna Sausage Evaporated Milk For luncheon, spreads or every day meals, they are just the thing. Keep a sup m the house. ftu iou never can tell when they will come in han dy. Ask for Llbhy'a and be sure you gel Ubby, McNoIU AUbby & There's Danger Ahead if you've been neglecting a cold. Don'texperiment with your health. Get a remedy that you know will cure that remedy is DR.D.JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT It's safe, In the severest cases of coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup, in flammation of chest and lungs it is the most effective remedy known, It does its work quickly, removes the caute o the disease Sold everywhtra In three tlxc boillti. $1.00, 50c, 25c' wt IrUWJ ILVWJ ,VW - tM-