The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 10, 1909, Image 1

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This bank is a home inslitution, all ils di
rectors being local men, of well-known
responsibility and integrity, who control it
and direct its affairs. Interest paid on
time deposits.
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Flojance.
jL Marble & granite
sui onuments
iIIade by
Are durable, attractive and
mechanically correct.
Red Cloud, - - Nebraska.
Base Ball
Red Cloud vs Seward
Thursday, Friday and I
Jine 17, 18 and 19th.
Seyerd is one of the fastest
Teams in Nebr.
Game Called at 3:30 Sharp.
A crowd drove to Bostwick Tuesday
Tlio M. 10. otllcial board will meet
with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Miner next
Monday nveninR, June It.
Mr. and Mrs. .T.M. Marsh of Hebron
wero'puests of J. S. Marsh and family.
They came Sunday evonlnj?
The Methodist society served loe
cream and cake Saturday afternoon
and ovonliitf und inado a neat sum.
A reception was teihlored Monday
afternoon at the homo of John Yune;
in honor of Mrs. Wallace, tho W. C. T.
IJ.. lecturer. She addressed large
audiences Monday and Tuosday even
ings at tho Baptist church.
Miss Coleman of Omaha, n trained
nurse, graduate of the Methodist
Kpiscopal hospital, is horo caring for
Mie. J. W. Robinson, wlio Is still very
low. Tho Degree of Honor sent for
Miss Coleman. Mrs. Robinson Is ono
of the charter members of tho lodge
orgnulzod horo 12 years old.
Sfnlo Historical S0,jctj
Another big rain hero especially
north of town Sunday night. Monday
evening the river at this place was
out of Its banks. Moro rain Tuesday
New Restaurant.
I have oponod a new rostaurant and
lunch room in tho old Nation otllce.
Everything new, neatand cloan. Meals
at oil hours. Wo are here to please.
Call on us Will Lindley.
I.SKI.AMMATOItV Iilli:i;.IATlSl Urjiui IN
a Days.
Morton h. Hill, of Lebanon. Intl.,
says: "My wlfo had Inflammatory
Uhoumatism in every muscle and joint;
her suffering was terrible and hor.body
and face wore swollen almost boyond
rccognltlonjhad beenlnbedforsix weeks
and had eight physicians, but received
no benefit until she triodJDr. Dotchon's
Relief tor lthoumatism. It gave her
immediate rollef and sho was able to
walk about In three days. I am sure It
saved her life." Sold by Tho II. E.
Orice Drug Co , Rod Cloud, Nebr.
ram--- ---" ar
4 nr.Mainr Tint Hives Tho News Flftv -
Condition of the Various Funds ami l.r.vlrs of Ktil Cloud city .fuiic 1st 1!)0!
Simula Changs since May r.lli t!)0!).
OoLMipatioii 1'iiiul Disbursements ? .'.' s
liulunee on IiuthI May .th V.) S 5 1 .7 L
Since collected 2010.00
ISahuiee on hand Juno 1st llDJ 0OO1.7l
Water Fund
Balance on hand May nth l9o9 $2i).'M7
Since collected 149.7-2
ltalanee on hand June 1 8143.19
Klcctrie Light Fund
Halance on hand May fth 190'J S815.S0
Since collected fiiiO.OO
Total receipts . . . . Sill t.CU
Disbursements IlTO.O.'l
l'.alanec on hand June 1st siOUl 911
(General Fund
llnliuiuc oil hand Mnv ii. 1909.. SJ10.M1
Sinceeolleetcd '.....( 1035.00
Total l:io:..:il
.1. H. Hail cu
lt. V. Oat man
J. A. McArlhui-
(J. II. I'.ittiM-.
RSillions of Gross Ties Pur
chased by Railroads in
Washington, Juno 10 During the
year 1008, the steam and electric rail
roads of the United States piirehnsod
more than U'J.OOO.OOO cross-ties costing
at the point of purohase, over $5,U0O,
000 an average of fifty cunts per tie, ac
cording to statistics just mado public
by the Itureau of the Census in co
operation with the United States forest
Service. Tilts was some 10,000,000 ties
less than the quantity purchased iti
19o7, when the total was approxmatoly
1011,700,000, the highest over recorded.
The decreased purchased in 1908 were,
of course, chiefly due to the business
depression which ollected every lino
of industry. This forced most of tho
roads to purchase only tho ties which
were absolutely essential for renewals,
and heavily cut down tho purchase foe
new track. In 100S only 7,4Hl,)00 cross
ties were reported as purchased for
new track as against 2:i,.r).'.7,000 in 1907.
Of the total number of ties purchased
for all purposes, tho steam roads took
approximately ninety-four per cent,
leaving about six per cent for the elec
tric roads.
It is very interesting to note the
wide range of woods used for cross
ties Tho preliminary report by the
Census Bureau lists separately tiftcen
classes or species. Of these tho oaks
are now and have always been by far
the most Important. Tho oak tics
ununited in moro. than 18,0(10,000. or
forty-three per cont of tho total quan
tity purchased. Next to these ranked
tho southern yellow pines, with 21, .100
000. or nineteen per cent of tho total.
It will bo seen that the oaks and. sontli
orn pines combined furnished nearly
three fourths of all the ties bought by
the rail-roads companies last year.
Cedar and chestnut supplied more than
8,000,000,000 ties each, and Douglas (li
nearly as much. About 1,000,000 tam
arack ties wore purchased, nearly
:i,r,00,0o0 cypress ties, and, In round
numbers, 11,000,000 each of western
pine nnd hemlock. Redwood, white
pine, lodgepolo pino, gum, beech,
spruce, and several other woods were
used In smaller quantities
While tho oaks, and particularly tho
white oaks, have always been tho pre
ferred woods for cross-tlos and still
form a large proportion of the total,
tho Increasing prices which the roads
have had to pay for satisfactory oak
ties are forcing them to look moro and
more for substitutes. This accounts
in part for tho groat variety of wood
reported. White oak untreated, makes
a tie which gives oxcollont scrvico for
many years, but it has been found
possible to take woods which naturally
are not durable, give them a treat
ment with oltheroreosoto or zlnoohlo
rulo, which vs ill pro vent decay, and
thus get much longer service from
them can bo scoured from untreated
oak tics. Amoiig the woods which
Z5.- -
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.-- 1W
- . .--jt.
lwo Wvks Each Yar Vtr Ono Dollar.
Hst-o on hand .lune 1st S nl2.t:i
Outstanding warrants loSIU'lJ
Wutor Levy
Daliinco on liaud May 5 1D09.. $ KHI.8
slnCl I'olloctcd ir.O.Oo
Total $ (UU.S7
Disbursements 188.1 1
,, , ... !
Balance on hand . J tine 1st.... S l2.-i.4U
Outstanding warrants glOlS.M
, , i ., ,
Judgment I-und
Nahweo on hand May oth llio'.l Slo.Vtio
Since collected ..... 1170 00
Balance on hand Juno 1st 1900 S 77ri.(lrt '
I loctric Liht Levy
u"'""- '" '"""' "" ,l" '"" '".'"
Since collected 7...0
1..l I......1 M.... Ml. lOi.O"f
ltalanee on hand Juno 1st... Slls.'p.H.'t
Mntuirc t'oinmitlee.
have been most largely treated far
are the yellow pines, paraieularly lob
lolly pine, Douglas fir. western pine,
and ludgepole pine.
This year's statistics adds to the list
two kinds of cross-ties which previously
had not been reported in sutlieient
quantity to justify listing them sepa
rately. These are gum and beech.
Tho purchases of gum ties in 190H ex
ceeded 2(!().()0o. while but slightly more
than iri.oOO of them were roported in
the previous year. Of beech ties, tho
purchases in 190S amounted to nearly
l9:i,0()0, against but little more than
51,000 in 1907. These are woods which
are distinctly not suitable for utoss
ties unless thoy tiro given preservative
treatment. Their increased use, there
fore, is ono of tho many results of tho
progress of wood preservation in the
Unted stutes. For many years beech
lias been ono of tho principal eros
tlo woods in Ktiropo, where Its value
when given chemical treatment was
long ago It is not un
common for European roads to socuro
from twenty to thirty years service
from beech i toss-ties, t'ntrcated they
would not last long enough to warrant
their us-e at all.
Corn (iroHcrs Have Chance
Any farmer will have a chance to
win prizes since tho winners of t hit
1907 and I9JS sweepstakes have been
eliminated from entering tho regular
classes at tint next corn show
In addition to this the exposition
will give no cash prize of ?u.uiiO to the
winner of tho grand champion sweep
stakes the grand premier trophy be
ing considered sullleiunt reward to
gether with tho honor of winning Hie
Instead of the $1,090 cash prize for
the champion sweepstakes, three
sweepstakes prize shave boon arranged,
giving ono to each of tho best ton ears
of yellow, white and other than yellow
or white, which Includes flint, red and
calico varieties.
Tlieso changes woro decided on at a
mooting of the exocutivo committee of
tho oxposition and vice presidents of
the National Corn Association, held
in Omaha last week.
Tho management has also decided
that all exhibits must be in Omaha at
tho oflice of a transportation company
or on tho oxposition grounds by No
vember 27, ton days before tho exposi
tion opens. Tho 1909 exposition,
which is to bo jield in Omaha Decem
ber (l to 18, Is to bo an exposition that
is "ready."
Notice to Parents.
Parents desiring free high school
tuition for their children for the com
ing school year should apply at onto
for blanks. Application for frco high
school tuition must bo made on or be
fore Juno 14th.
Applications for transfer to nearer
school must bo made on or boforo tho
date of tho school meeting, Juno i.'S,
1901). West Casteii,
County Superintendent.
1. 11)0!).
Albright Bros.
Furniture, Carpets Sewing Ma
chines Lace Curtains Pianos,
Organs Pictures
We are always thankful for any share of
your patronage and good will. ::::::
Licensed Embalmets and Undertakers.
9ES2EE2S Sffi32SS3S)
The Miner Bros. Co. (Inc)
On Ladies' Tailored-made Suits!
The balance of oir Ladies9
Tailormade Suits go act
flJOur stock of suits has been by far the best
ever shown in Red Cloud, and these now in
slock are Some of the Choicest. Come, take
advantage of these special bargains for it will
"T TT T 1 I
mean a great saving to you. we are selling
General Merchants
H. A. LETSON. Mgr.
The New Resturant
CJInvites you to eat the BEST MEAL in
The City For 20 Cents
Home-made Ice Cream
The only home-made cream in the city
Also a Fine Line of Candies, Cigars, Tobacoes and Soft Drinks.
' . r' 'Ti'-.Sf&5
r r rjf Aisr'W f
and Sheet Music, i
""rVWW '
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