The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 03, 1909, Image 5

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f u
Bod Clouil Dull PiirU
Grand Island vs Red lcuil
Monday and Tin sdav
Gifebon, Neb., vs Red GUud
Wediusdav and Thursday
Mm 9fh and flOth.
Subscribe for tlic Chief.
. Loland Caldwell is homo from Hast
ings. Cliiis. Kant, spent Sunday in Hast
ings. Luc Bobbins was in Blue Hill Mon
Mrs. MoBrido spent Sunday in Guide
, I Jock.
Mrs. Ton; Clark went to McCoolc
Mrs. Marl: Paries wont to McCoolc
IM Bates was dowu from Cowlc
Mis.-, lvarl Smith went to Bird City
Inavalo had u niuo big five lnoli rain
Urine your eggs and gel casli. J. O.
Chas. Walters went to Deuvor Sun
day evening.
Tom Ncsbilt ciimo downfroin Hast
ings Mondaj'.
Will Taber went to Kansas City Sun
day morning.
Kay (Surd returned to Lincoln Sun
day morning.
Robt. Garner of Inavale was in Red
Cloud Monday.
Alfred Hadoll went to St. Joe Wed
nesday morning.
Miss Blanch Barker was down from
Inavale Monday.
Miss Bertha McCall was down from
Inavale Tuesday.
jr V. 1 Atnack returned from Omaha I
A.. Hr"st of t ho week.
" r , . .. --. .. IT nil..
.loan iH'osiior wuui 10 iuwi&un juy
Sunday with stock.
M.A.Colo and wifo wore tip from
Lebanon Tuesday.
Dr. Mitchell wont to Chicago tho
llrst of tho week.
Mrs. Ilal.ebush wont to Chicago
Sunday morning.
Miss Alice Popo went to Chicago
V Sunday morning.
--wx - r ..:.
Summer s deruwir
Evor stand in a draught and fool
the eool breeze on your faco and
hands, and fool smothered all
p-'sover your body.'
If you hadon'Toroskllit" under
wear instead of t iglitly knitted, air
proof underwear, you would feel
that samo refreslilng breeze all
over tho body that tho uhcovored
faco catches.
"Porosknlt" is nnturally a cool
undorwear. It couldn't be other
wise. It's an open work knit. It's
light in weight, elastic enough to
mean comfort, and made of finest
coined yarn to give lastingness of
Fifty cents the garment.
Does not dolor the Hair
Hair falling out? Troubled with dandruff?
tntrt-nAiontc Sulphur. Glycerin. Qulnln. Sodium Chlortd.
IngrCUlCntS. Co5scunl, subc Alcohol. Water. Perfume.
Wc believe doctors endorse this formula, or wc would not put it up.
Does not Color the Hair
I. 1 1. AILII tIUrBI. lilifHM -.11 nun.
llalleit Thotnus ictuiiud fioiu Mc-Pliei-oii
Chailes Korl lias been isltiinr hit
pH roll in this week.
riiHrlrv SiiiiiJy of Mcl'herton was in
lied Cloud Sunday.
Lt0 ('nropbril nnd wife wrro dotvft
from CmvU's Murtilny.
Will Wnlter and family were down
from Inavale Monday
Irvln Walker and fnmily were down
(rem ItiavHlc Monday.
Mls Miirlhn Abul cnuie in from Me
Conk Sunday morning.
See Dr. Stock mini for eye places
satisfaction gun runt cod.
Mrs. Br Thomasaiid children return
ed I'riday from Franklin.
Mrs Williams who was badly injur.
ed by a fall is improving.
Clayton Brown came down from Mc
Coolc Wednesday morning.
Earl Crablll and wife have returned
to their homo in Denver.
Mrs. ott I'ope and daughter lett
Sunday morning for Lincoln.
Miss Irene Mctluiro returned Tues
day morning from Biverton.
(Suy Bradbrook returned from Al
liance tho Hist of the week.
Bdgar Throne came homo Saturday
night froiu Mcl'herson, Kansas.
Miss Pinuil(i and Ilnrry Sludebaker
aro home from lYlcl'liortoii, Ivns
Silver Longtou returned from Con
cordia, Kansas Saturday evening.
Mrs. Li.j-ie lo returned to her
homo in Wymore Sunday morning.
MUs Alfa Loin-ton has been speud
ing tho week in Concordia, Kansas
Win. West and family of Alma have
boon visiting his mother this week.
Mrs. Win Woodier and daughter
were in Franklin tho last of the week.
Allen Moritz entertained a number
of his friends last Thursday afternoon.
Miss Clara Burgess has been spend
ing tho wetk in Franklin nndBiver
ton. Misses Shopard and Vaughn of
Guide Hock visited in Bed Cloud Sun
day. Lloyd Bradbrook of Woodruff, Kan
sas has been visiting his mother this
Mrs. Fred (lund and children were
down from Blue Hill tho first of the
Al. Anils left Sunday morning for
Lewistown. Ponn., where ho goes on
u visit
Mr. C L. Lewis and wifo loft Tues
day night for California for an extend
ed stay.
Ford Wilson of Denver was tho
guest of ('. D. Bobluson and family
Will Harris and family of Ciltner
wore here visiting relatives the llrst of
tho weelc.
Wc have added a right
new Line of Groceries to
Our Women and Men
Furnishing goods. : : :
Trading Place
where you can gel every
thing to cal and wear.
This week for Men we
arc showing.
The Poras-knilt un
derwear in Balbriggans
Colors, ect.
Call in and see
Yours for
Square dealing
Want more hair? An elegant dressing?
Mioses Laura and Phoebe Osborn
leave Friday for Alma to attend the
of Orleans is
Mrs. NiHo Gardiner
hero visiting her patent's Mr. and Mrs.
!l" nliol.Z.J.can,lMU,K.i'1,-
beth Kii-Irtin were married by .Iu1k
BiNon .liino 1st.
Lefoy Fenrn and wife were tip from
UKiam- the ttrni or tin weeR vltltlng '
relatives ami filcndn. I
Mrs. Miunio Taylor of Biverton was '
the guest of her parentc. tjeo. StueUor,
and wife this week.
W. B. Sandy and wifo mid son of
Mol'hcison. Run, are tho guests of .1.
B. Jiirboo tlds week.
"liauk ' Maurer left .Monday morn
lug for South Bend. Indiana, where he
will visit his (dd home.
Mrs. Chas Jlilligun and daughter.
(Set trade of McCoolc ate visiting tela
the in thiselty this week.
Dr. Claud Dodge and wire of Basin,
Wyoming, are visiting with I.. I'.
Albright and wife this week.
The Chicago specialist will be at tho
Boyal hotel in Bod Cloud. Thursday,
dune 10th. Consultation free.
Bing's Little Liver Pills regulate t lie
bowels ami euro sick headache. Busy
to take. Sold by Henry Cook.
Tublcr wells, wind mills, pipe lltling
and repairing. Call on T.,
Campbell, Nobr. Write or phono.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and
Saturdays. Too days for Hod Cloud.
Watch for the Lindsoy loo Wagon.
C. A. llerrlek and wifo of North
Branch. Kits., spent Sunday at the
homo of Mr. and Mr. N. B. Simpson.
I'inesalve, cnrboll.od, thoroughly
healiug add oleansing, antiseptic,
.soothes and stops pain. Sold hy Henry
Clyde Wliittaker leaves Saturday for
Santa Anna, Calif., where he goes to
make his home with his father and
Mr. and Mrs. Mose Wilson of Blue
Hill were tho guests of their daughter,
Mrs. C. D Bobinson and family this
C. W. Kit ley arrived homo Friday
evening from a live month's tour in
Buropo and the eastern part of
United States
Mr. Whipkey of Denver, who has
been visiting his daughter Mrs. .lake
I'llinger returned to his home Satur
day morning.
Mr. "Big" l.eggett. wife and daugh
ter left Wednesday for Mindeii for a
week or ten day. visit with dan-jiitcr.
Mrs. Bert Can.
Joseph Toplinm and wifo. Mrs. 1). L.
(Sroat and .lts. Copley and son arrived
in Liverpool, ISnglaud, on the l'.Uli, all
well and having a good time
Austin P.agwell who was held to the
next term of district court in Novem
ber on account of tho jury disagreeing
in his last trial gave bonds last week
and is now out on bail.
Dr. Wintcrson physieki'i and sur
geon. Oftico in front rooms over Dr.
Cook's drug store. Beinoved from Dr.
Baiuo's olllce, Potter 'Bock. Both
phonos Bell Bed 18. Indopend. 151.
SPECIAL-TIBS in Stock Foods such
as heaves reducer, distemper euro, gall
cure, conditioners, Wlilto liniment,
dips, lice killers, oil.sund greases, coal
oil and gases. A. C. Bradshaw the
Feed Store Man.
O. C. Teel has received a lot tor from
Mr. S. M. Ilalladay stating that the
date for the Bed Cloud Chautauqua is
August Tth to 1.1th, and that he will be
hero in a few days to complete lla ar
rangements of the same.
I'ineiiles new Kidney remedy are
for all diseases of the kidneys and
bladder. They net promptly in all
cases of lame 'back, rheumatic pains,
inllammatioiiof the bladder, urinary
disorders and weak kidneys. Sold by
Henry Cook.
Mr. J. F. Strnbhen and wife of Bus
kin, Xebr., spent Saturday and Sunday
with Mr. nml Mrs. IN". It Simpson and
on Sunday ovoning Mr. Simpson took
them homo via unto making the run in
x hr.s. 0,i miles via Hardy and Super
ior. Excursion date June 1st, 'O'.i. Plenty
of rain in the Panhandle. Abundant
crop prospects In tho Panhandle 2.100
carloads of immigrant outfits went in
to the Panhandle last year. Tho place
to invest your money is in tho Pan
handle Scilars ,v Holmes soils it.
Licenses wore granted to tho follow
ing parties by Judgo Edson this week:
Carl L. Liudgren and Miss Bertha C.
Erleson both of Campbell wore mar
ried by ltev. Berg tho 27th. Floyd V.
Hadsell of Wymoro nnd Miss Clara A.
Iloagland of Bladen were married by
Ilev. II. (). King tho 28th.
The first application of MunZiiii, tho
creat l'llo remedy, will almost Instant
lyglve rolief. Continued use of Man-
zau for a tow nays win eueot a cure.
Ttio tuuo in which it, la put, up tins a
small nozzle attached so that there Is
no inconvonienco whatovor. ManZan
is for tho cure of nny kind of Piles. It
is sold iiero by Henry Cook,
' The Epworth League will have a
Juno box luncheon in the M. E.
church parlors next Tuesday evening,
June 8th. Everyone invited to como
and tho ladies aro requested to bring
lunch for two. Ice cream will bo '
served with ovcry lunch. Come and
have a good time. Coinmitteo.
Successor t Dr. .1. s. I.WUIU
t C ?W StftllU OVCf-1C
OlfltC K'fllM, PIlGHtf t&U
- . -......... ,.,...-.
-r " ' '' - -.'
N. II. Klei lift l'..r l.liii-nlii Wednes
day morning for :t week's visit.
Tho ladles ti til MH'ioty of tlio Christ-
: Ian eburoh wi!i hold their monthly
I .. ....!.. . I In I. .. . I ... . '
iii,ih"i i in iiiinn n t imiiej n More
Saturday. Lot- of good things.
IM Amuck informs Us that his wifo
underwent two operations successfully
in Omaha and is now mi the rami to lo
co very mid It is Inst a question of time
till she will leturii homo
Johnson A (irotit have purchased
tho E. T. Merrlinan grocery stock and
will move their stock from tho Fair
store bulldiiiir to the building occu
pied bv Mr. Morriinun. They had to
do this in order to get more room to
lake care of their largo increase or
Bowon llios have trailed their burn
and yaids to Snuuder. Bros., . for
Saundois Bins' lots cornering on
West "th Avenue and North Cedar
street, and will build a big barn and
feed stable. Tho acquisition made by
Saunders lhv-. will lip of great advan
tage to tno I i iber firm as it will give
bettor yard liieilitios
Hummer u.dis nnd colds aro ob
stinate and ilillliMilt to cure. Tho
most prom, t lnr'.hoil Is to tako some
thing plesis.un which will gently move
I lie bowels; ,i j-ood laxative enugli
syrup. Bee- Laxative Cough Syrup
will surely and promptly cure your
cold. Sold by Henry Cook.
Why not have a business college in
Bod Cloud S-imiO think of it: 'litis is
what t"0 students would leave in the
town, limiting their expense to SI per
week for 10 months. Wouldn't this
help? Every voting man and woman
who would be interested in a business
college in Bod Cloud please solid your
name and address to Hox o.'S Bod
Cloud, Nebr.
A mother's meeting will be conduct
ed by Mrs. Lena Ilartscll Wallace at
the Christian church Saturday after
noon Juno ."ith. at :t o'clock. She will
also preach at the M. B. church Sun
day morning, at tho Brethren church
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and at
the Congregational church Sunday
.Mrs. all ii c e noes lu-jiiiy rcrom-'
ineudi'd tuiil it is do-, rod that a huge
attendance will gieet her cspeoially
tho mothers of the eit.
IFour big base ball games
next week, June 7, 8, 9, 30.
A prL.o banimr will ho awarded the
county that has the greatest number
of miles traveled by registered dele
gates lit attendance at the State Sun
day School Convention that meets in
Kearney, June 1.VKM7. All counties
have an equal chance at this banner.
Why can't our county win it? This
banner will beheld by the county win
ning it during tho voar and contested
for again tho next year.
J. B. Butler and Win. Lynch Fletch
er broke Into Art Brndshaw's feed
store Thursday night and opened the
safe. As there was not anything of
any value in tho safe they did not got
any tiling One of tho men proposod to
Brndshaw's delivery I oy that he help
them do the job and he told Hedge
and us tho men came out jf tho build
ing that night Sheriff Hedge arrested
them. They had their prolimtiary
tilal Friday afternoon and were bound
over to the noxt term of district court
in November. They wore unablo to
glvo bonds and are now the guests of
Oliver Hedge.
The printer's "devil" was making up
his first form. Tho paper was into
ami the boy f;ot the galleys mixed.
Tint first pait of tho obituary notice
of a peeiinioits citizen had been dumped
in the form and the next handful of
typo came oil' tho galley describing a
recent tiro. It read like this: 'The
pall-bearers loweivd tho body into tho
gravo-ind It was cousigned to the
flames. There were fow if any regrets,
for the old wreck had been nu eyesore
to the town for years. Of courso thoro
was individual loss, but that was fully
covered by insurance." The widow
thinks tho editor wrote tho obituary
that way because the lamented part
ner of her joys owod him flvo years'
subscription. Exchange.
Independent Telephone Meeting.
The stock holdors of the Farmers
Independent Telophone company will
hold their annual meeting nt tho court
house, Bod Cloud, Nebr., at a o'clock
p. in., Monday Juno 1 tth., 100'J.
En. Hanson, J. S. Buioi.e,
Secretary. President.
Summary for May.
Teinporature, liighestOC on tho 5th,
lowest 20 on tho 1st. Greatest rango
50 on the nth. Precipitation total 2. 15
inches. Greatest in ii hours .1)3 on
Hiu25tli. Iiainy days G, clear 11), cloudy
7, partly cloudy 5. Last killing frost
10th. Thunderstorms 25th and IlOth.
Hail lltli. Prevailing wind NW.-Chas'
S. Ludlow.
S. J,
K'RK showing some new
Spring Trousers in very
choice variety.
The cut is perfect
the Tailoring excellent and
the Trouserings are new.
Take it all in all, they are
in every way, the properest
Trousers thai can be found.
$3,00, 3,50, 4.00
ill) to $4.50 or $6.00
Nothing startling about our
prices they sound like the
Trouser prices of other stores
but just call and see how
very different ihe Trousers
Thai's whrtt counlsl
Always Reliable
Amtrt 8
Loaders in Furniture and Undertaking
JYou will find us
Fiirnifure, mmt$ m& Under-
faking of the quality kind
And Our Prices Speak for Themselves. We extend a
Cordial Invitation to all to visit our store. : : : : :
Swift's Premium
Ham or
i-. . j c , . . r All iy I
rresh and'ball Meats of All Kinds,
Red Cloud,
Taxis Grailne
nu ideal hair tonic Taxis Sapogen, a
porfeet shampoo and Taxis Bay Bum
a combination, which if faithfully
used, will produce a clean, healthy
condition of tho hair and scalp.
Thin, dry, brittlo or falling hair
means thoro is some cause for such au
unhealthy condition and that it should
bo attended to at once. The reason
for scanty hair is beeauso all tho root
shaft aro not doing their duty and tho
reason for falling hair is because the
scalp is in an unhealthy condition.
To correct those ovils Is a very sltn
plo mattor. To inako all the root
shafts do their duty tiso Cranlne. To
get tho scalp in a healthy condition,
shampoo tho head with Sapogen, a per
fumed grocu oil soap. Bay Bum Is an
ideal hair dressing after the shampoo.
l'or further particulars, call or
phono Mrn. Nancy A. Halo
l u o. ifrri
dmfrdm '
Glothing Go. I
First Door Norlh of Poslofficc
in ihc
Opened up Again.
The Bou Ton rcsturant has under its
now management again opened up for
meals. Commencing Saturday, May
3'Jud. I will servo llrst class meals at
20 cents. Hubert None rlmrg, Prop.
Wo do not know of any other pill
that is as good as DcWitt's Llttlu
Karly Biseri. the famous littlo liver
pill. - small, gentle, pleasant and suro
pill, witn a reputation. Sold by all
1 Trn-'.!00 Pastors to hoar Ilov
'I' II. Wi'Khimer at tho stato convGn
J turn ol Sunday School workers at
Ixcaiinv .lime 11-17. All nastors aro
i ill-legates to this convention.
'I Inn aii' miinv imitations of Do
WitlM arlioliud Witch Hal Salvo
Hi Witfs is the original. Be suro you
M t Di-WiU'sl'arhnHed Witch Hazel
Sal vi- when you ask for it. It is good
fur cut-., burns and bruises, and is oi
'ci-iiiuy uuu ioi- iiucs. mini uy ail
i Druggists.
Elvs C&eam Balm
Suro to Clvo Satisfaction.
It cleanses, sooBiob, lioih and protects tho
disousi'cl ineiiihraiiuii mltlug from Catnrrh
and drives away a (told In the Head iniicklv.
Bestores tho Sciimm of Taste and rlmoll.
Iuisy to tiKc. Coiituiui no injurious drugs
Applied into tho nostrils ami absorbed.
Laio Hli-t), fiO,' et-nta at Druggists or by
mall. Liquid Cream Bulm for uso in
atoinlzors, 75 coats.
ELY BROTHERS, 50 Warren St.. New York.