. S , f T Pnn -.insiiiiirXi!,:;-f ' M'C Ata-t:. . - tAfimiKJ m- &:. "'."rs34 VOLUME XXXVI 1. "icasAvasJ iMaVuAYii1i&-ial4vA M ONUMENTS OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Are durable, attractive and mechanically correct. Ked L-loud. - i'AWiWW?;.?WAV'A7.,jsy.R.viv T" Eat What You want of the; food you need Kodol will digest it. You need a sufficient amount of good u holcsomo food and more than this you need to fully digest it. Else you can't gain strength, nor can you strengthen your stomach if Jt is weak. You must cat in order to live and maintain strength. You must not diet, because tho body requires that you eat a suffic ient amount of food regularly. Hut tills food must bo digested, and It must be digested thoroughly. When the stomach can't do it, you must tako something that will help tho stomach. Tho proper way to do is to eat what you want, and let Kodol di gest the food. Nothing else can do this. When the stomach is weak It needs help; jou must help it by giving It rebt, and Kodol will do that. GUIDE ROCK. Miss Uurtlia lSomt vus qiilu ill hist week Mis. H M Pinker has boon stitVoi iutf with si sovore sore tin oat. Mrs. P. Petun r-orvos "coffou" for tho .Methodist aid Thursday of this week. At lust the now cards me out for tho Guide Hock Telephone Co. Weaie all Klad. . Mrs. Colvin enjoyed a visit hist week from her sister Mrs. Ed Gaucho from Western Kansas. ulte a jieavy hail storm occurred hero at noon Saturday. Not much damage was done. The V. C. T. U. gave a social Wed nesday evening of last week to wel come new members. Mrs. IUohard Lambert cume up from Diller Friday to visit her father Fred Watt auditor sister Mrs. John Oglovie. She returned home Tuesday. "Mrs. C. Kvnnsaud Mrs. S.U. Mcllride of Red Cloud, sister and auut of Mrs. J. II. Hobinsou, who is so vory ill. wero here the forepart of the week. Mrs. C, h. Holes was taken to the Methodist Hospital at Omaha Satur day. Dr. Keed accompanied her. Sho underwent a successful oporatiou. Monday morning Mis. Ihvight Jones ro.'elved a message nnnouuoiug the do.Uh of hor father. Ho was eighty two years old and resided in Pennsylvania. State Historical Soviet,' i 'iw-mmmm&M.. . jar ,. : ' ' r oj" i -! -wjlvo rm: -irk u v ii l-'jan v? .. ,-? l "S i. H.fiv' Xi " ' .: Mrtl J" 1 Y J I I " ..kWlv, '.?. " lu tL rf" .ITV I -l I L. Ia '!. J It I ."rf-T " TkTin . I a V J HIT J - --- I I 1 " T . -V " ". & GRANITE sk - iNeorasKa. Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today, and purchase a dollar bottle, and if you can honestly say, that you did nob receive any benefits from it, after using tho entire bottle, tho drug gist will refund your money to you without question or delay. Wc will pay tlio druggist tho price of tho bottle purchased by you. This offer applies to tho largo bottle only and to but ouo in a family. Wo couULnotafford.tomakc such an offer, unless wo positively knew what Kodol will do for you. ' It would bankrupt us. Thodollar bottle contains 254 times as much as the llfty cent bottle. Kodol is made at the laboratories of E. C. DoWitt 66 Co., Chicago. Miss Malissa hautheit who was ill three weeks went to Diller Friday to close up hor year's hehool wotk. A young lady taught the last tlnee woeks for her. MKs Lamhort tot tim ed home Mundity evening The ftiueial of T. C. ISrnn. who died in Denver whet o lie hadgono for tioat nteiit.was held lit the Methodist church ut eleven o'clock Sunday morning The members oftho A. O. U. W. and 1. O. O. F. assembled at tho depot and ac companied thoremaius to the church llev. U. V Pool dolivorod tho sermon. The pall bearers wore Messrs. J. II. Crary. W. S. Lambert, Lew Watt, II. Brittou, Geo. Watt, Alva Miner all of whom arc Workmen attd nil but one are Odd Fellows. Mr. ltoan belonged to both orders and was tho Junior Past Mastor of Guido Uoek Lodgo No. 49 A. O. U. W. He loaves his wifo and a grown son and daughter. Ho was forty-nine yoars old. lturial was in tho Martin cemetery. I.NFI.AMJIATOItV Itlli:i7M.lTISM Cuillllt IN : Days. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind., says: "My wifo had ;. Inflammatory Rheumatism in every muscle and joint; her suit'orlng was terrible ami her4body and face were swollen almost boyond recognittonjhad becninbedfofbix weeks and had eight physicians, but received no benefit until she triedJDr. Dotchon'b Relief for Illioumatism. It gave her immediate rolief and she was able to walk about in three days. I am sure It saved her life.", Sold by Tho II. K. Orlco Drug Co , Red Cloud, Nebr. jjtff2t?. . -, y - , "-v c- !! J z-vtst ,-rc v1A..w' I r I " Jk' rf . Jf rf A Kusimiinr 1 lr.it fibes llic Nrs Fifty-two HED CLOUD, M515UAS1CA, Cemmlssiiucr's Pi ccccdln Ri it Ci.ot it, M.iiii . May Wth. 'Oil. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. ' Membois pusent V. K. Anderson, Chairman, T J. Chaplin. J. G. Over iifitt, G. W. Ilummell andG.Olimstede. Now comes C. R Hessoiinil coiiiplalns that valuation on block l'J, Kaley and Jackson's addition to Red Cloud for tho year 11)07, is excosslvo and ask that same be reduced to correspond with schodulo as It was plaluly an error. Now comes H. S. Fitz complains that he should be assessed in school district No. II, he was assessed in Dis't. No. 2, and asks that he be reimbursed for the difference between tho levy of 11 and No. 'J. Now comes .1. R. dm boo and com plains that lie should be assessed in Dist. No. It. instead of Dist. No. 'J, and asks that lie bo reiuibui-ed tor theilif feienee between amount of. tnv on sumo alimtion in No. ll. and that of ta levied in No. 'J. Now conies .1. II. Elllngor nnd,iisks tho Hum (1 of County Commissioners in and for Webster County, to change the public Highway hetweon sections U'Jimd'JS in Township .'. Range 10 (same being a lid It load) to u to loot roiiil, also the Millie between :.!) and ;iO in same section, signed J. II. Kllin ger. Now comes Win. Itoiikel and com plains Unit Villnge of Inavale was er roneously assessed and asks tho matter bo adjusted at the net meeting ol the Hoard of Kqualiatiou. On motion Hondof Adolph Ilaitinim Road () vol. seer or Dist. No. 7, and Hond or E. E. Hurr. Justice of tho peace of Guide Rock precinct was approved. On motion duly seconded and cm t led, It was ordered that; In the matter of the ta.es paid under protest, it should be takeu up at the next meeting of tho Hoard of Equalization. In tho matter of the application of J. II. Rllingcr to alter the public high way by making it a 40 foot road in stead of 0(5 foot betweou sections ','8 and U9 and 21) and 30 Township S, Range 10, find that by examination of tho road laws that to nltor a rood re quires a petition, and to proceed in the samo manner a opening up a new road. Not being a legal proccedure the sumo Is rejected on motion duly second and carried. Road case John Sutton ct. ah, Wal nut Creek precinct, came on for hear ing, Bernard MoNeny appearing for II. A Aultman, after discussion the matter to some lenght, the chairman decided it was best to have a committee to in vestigate tho matter, and appointed as such coiiimittco T. J. Chaplin, G. W. lluniiuell and G Ohnistcdc, who ate to report at tho nest regular meeting. I, 1). I). I'rom of Hidden, Nebiaska, hereby certify that on the first day of April HKiVi, I w as assessed under arti cle No I, all notes owned by me Sirjuo on peisoual schedule, and I further corlify that, on the 1st day of Match I'.IJS, I had no notes on hand. The building which I bought in Hladeti, Nebiaska. I w.is assessed April 1st 11)08, and 1 further certify that I had no money on hand in banks or else where on April 1st 1003. Signed I). B. from. Subseiibed and sworn to bo fore me this 2lst day of May A. D. 11)09. ll W. Ross County Clerk. On motion Couuty Troasurer was ordered to refund tax of D. E, Crom on actual valuation of SI 200 samo being notes which ho did not own, and which was erroneously assessed to him for the year 3 1)03. In tho matter of application of K. S. Fitz for refund of taxes paid in school Dist No. 2, it was movod and seconded ami uiiiy carried mat matter do pos poncd and referred to county attorney. In the matter of the application of J. E. Jarboe for the refund of taxes paid in No. 2, it was moved and seconded that application bo rejected as there was no grounds for complaint carried On motion valuation ot block 12, ICaloy A Jiicksons addition to Red Cloud for year ll07 on which taxes were levied, was roduced to 15 to cor respond with schedule for the year as same was in error. Hoard adjourned sine-die. K. W. Ross County Clerk. .---" - .Ti1!. -'.... irve fe?" .r.&VHHBBflva -iIW . Winks 1-nr.li ur For 0:tc Hollar. .Jl'N 10 Corn Ctilthiitlon. The use of a luiriow pet mils a large amniiut of surface to bo covered in a shoit time, young spmutiug weedsaio killed ami other v eed seed eultixated so it will sprout, and the more spiout iug of weed seeds early, tlioeloaner the urouud after corn is laid by. Harrow- iug also prevents tho formation of a crust and is one of tho gtoatest factors in retaining moisture for future, growth of tho plant. The amount of rainfall must be considered in tho use of tho lianow. During wet, cloudy periods the harrow cultivates grass and weeds in the Hold rather than lttlln thoin, sunshine is a great factor for good i esults in harrowing The very first thing bofoio the coin comes up, some good Hit mers advocate tho culti vation of each row with a double shovel plow, followed with hanowing ciosswie. which selves the double pur pose of leveling the Held and killing the weeds. ' Opinions diller as to tho ndv isnhilitj of liai lowing corn after tiie plant shows through tlio ground Some ulaiin that it i Just, the piopcr IIiiiik to haiiow until the corn is si nidus tail, while others claim that a huge puin'iitauo ol the plants in some cases as high as "J.") per cent is coveled up or broken oil" by Inn towing, and that it is the liotlei way to wait until it uuu tie cultivated, Alvvajsgive the Hold tlueu cultivations and if possible five it tour or hotter still, lhe. Al ways cultivate as soon attor a lain as P'VMblo so as to conserve moisture. A field well cared lor usually gives double the yield gutheied fiom olio that leceives but ono or two cultiva tions. It the Held is level we would advise the use of a riding cultivator, but it hilly, it is almost necessary to use a walking cultivator. Attor cultivating corn all day a man is much more ambi tious to do the choics when having had the beuellt of riding, Never keep your team in the Held more than five hours at a stretch, and not to totul more than ten houis in any one day. A team woiklng ten hours per day will walk fuither during the season than tho team that works longer. Regular ity in, work is what couuts In auimuls us well as men. Whon you take the horses to tlio bam ut night, gtvo them a good currying and rubblug down; never spunk to them above au ordluary tone of voice; do not strike or abuse them, and do not keep a hired man who docs In a very short time horses will learn to ti cut you as you tieat them. As you would have men and animals treat you, so treat them. Some have aslied us to lecomiiicnd some certain cultivator. We do not eaic to do Unit, but advise each and every reader to attend tho next State l'air at Lincoln. Sept. lilh to 10th; wheioc.iu bo seen all the various kiudsol iaiuiing implements shown by exports, and vvliou you have detoi mined the paiticular kind best adapted to your needs, have your homo dealer order it lor you. new KeMuuHuTt. I have opened a new restaurant and lunch room in tho old Nation olllco. Everything new, neat and clean. Mcnln at all hours. We are here to please. Call on us Will Llndloy. Free to eur Subscribers- We will he glad to have overy reader of our papor tako udvantago of thofol lowing offer: If you will send your name and address to the I'inuulo Medi cine Co., !W!) La Salle Aye., Chicago, 111,, they will promptly mall you post paid a full week's trial of their most oxcollont preparation, "Pliieules." The preparation is put up in little golatiu globules, easy and pleasant to take and are truly remark able in their quick effects on all back ache, lame buck, rheumatism and all kidney and bladder affections. In wilting them it will bo necessary to mention this paper. Please do so. We hopo any of our rcadet'6, who are suffering fiom any such complaints win tune advantage of this oiler at once, as wo know the preparation Is most highly recommended. , tn !in X -ttj J TCr 11)0!). Carload Of tJIJust received and our Little Store crowded to its utmost. Price and quality the best we have ever; been able to offer our customers. :::::::: Seeing is lit Albng Licensed Embalmcrs and Undertakers. Is WWV"'V A-'V Make your bank account of profit to -you, paying you interest if your funds are laying idle, and the largest measure of service and accommodation if your account is an active one. Interest paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, CAPITAL $25,000 DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. Wm. H. Thomas, Wm. M. Crabill, C. J. Pope . The Miner Bros. Co. (Iiic) Hr t''," .wIJKls Special On kadies' Tailored-made SoitsI The balance of crur Ladies' Tailor-made 1-2 COur stock of suits has been by far the best ever shown in Red Cloud, and these now in stock are Some of the Choicest. Come, take advantage of these special bargains for it will mean a great saving to you. We are selling them at LESS THAN COST. THE JUICER BROS., GO. (ItfG.) General Merchants H. A. LETSON. Mgr, 5- 5U- 7' U -.'initio - mA 4-WL-jTti " -i a. - Cria "-u--z a'- NUMIilDI? :5 Furniture! Believing Brothers, EXTRA Suits go d PRICE . 1 M l' M V ' I l