The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 27, 1909, Image 7

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E f3
Mr. White It's no use, my dear, I
shall have to havo my whiskers off;
baby Is pulling 'em out by the roots.
Mrs. White How unfading of you.
It's the only thing that keeps baby
quiet. Now you threaten to tuke tho
dear's enjoyment nwny!
Laundry work nt home would bo
much more satisfactory If the right
Starch were used. In-order to get tho
dcBlred stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys tho
appearanco, but also affects the wear
ing quality of tho goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Dellanco Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of Its groat
or strength than other makes.
Family Medicine Chest.
Every mother of sons ought to keep
an "accident box" containing a spool
of adhesive- plaster, a package of car
bolatcd cotton, a bottle of boruclc acid
and some soft old linen. A fresh cut
should bo carefully bathed Immediate
ly dud bandaged to keep out tho dirt,
which so often contains germs of lock
Jaw. If there Is much blooding, first
closo tho wound with tho plastor, then
cover it with tho cotton. An applica
tion of alcohol will easily rcinovo the
Had Her Doubts.
"Mamma, does God watch over and
take care of mo when I am asleep?"
suddenly asked little Marjory ono
ovenlng after she had said her prayers
and was ready to be tucked luto hor
"Why, yes, dear; of course He does,"
replied her mother.
"Well," said Marjory doubtfully,
"Ho didn't keep very good watch last
night. I woko up twice and found tho
blankets all off."
O iS
.""' .rcopyflioHTipoT the 60-wiv-cc
"Mini" Dnn Mnltlaml, on reurhliu; Ids
New York buehelor club, mot mi attrac
tive youiiR wotunn nt tln door, .tiiiillor
O'HiiKan iisflurctl lilin tin one liiul boon
within that day. Dan dlHcnvorod a wom
an's IHiRcr prints In dust on Ids desk,
ftlonir with u letter from IiIh attorney.
Maltland dined with llannorninn, bin at
tornoy. Dun not nut for Oroonilotds. to
But his family Jcwcla. During his walk
to tho country sent, ho mot the young
woman In ray, whom ho bail neon leav
ing his bachelors' club. Hor auto had
broken down. Ho fixed It.
Starch, llko everything else, is be
ing constantly improved, tho patent
Starches put on tho market 25 years
ngo are very different and inferior to
those of tho present day. In the lat
est discovery Defiance Starch all
Injurious chemicals are omitted, whllo
the addition of another ingredient, in
vented by us, gives to the Starch a
'strength and smoothness never ap
proached by other brands.
Brought Down to Data.
"Man wants but little here below,
nor wants that little long," is what
they sang somo years ago but it's
now another song. The words we uso
are different quite, though fully as
Bubllmo, "Man wants everything in
sight, and wants it all tho time."
CHAPTER II. Continued.
"Don't!" she insisted as much as
to say that ho was fabricating and she
knew Itl "We must hurry, you know,
because . . . There, I've dropped
my hnndkerchlef! By tho tree, there.
Do you mind?"
"Of course not." He set off swiftly
toward tho point indicated, but on
reaching It cast ubout vainly for any
thing In tho nature of a handkerchief.
In the midst of which futile quest a
change of tempo in tho motor's Im
patient drumming surprised him.
Startled, ho looked up. Too late;
tho girl was In the seat, tho car In
motion already somo yards from the
point at which ho had left it. Dis
mayed, he strode forward, raising his
voice In perturbed expostulation.
"But I say 1"
Over tho rear of the snat a gray
gauntlet was waved at him, ns tanta
lizing as the mocking laugh that came
to his ears.
Ho paused, thunderstruck, appalled
by this monstrosity of Ingratitude.
Tho machine gathered Impetus,
drawing swiftly away. Yet In the still
ness tho farowell of tho gray girl camo
to him very clearly.
"Good-by!" with a laugh. "Thank
you and good-by Handsome Dan!"
length, with an exclamation, ho pausod
at tho first opening in tho living bar
rier; a wide ontrunco from which n
blue-stone carriage drive wound away
to the house, invlslblo In tho waning
light, situate in tho shelter of tho
grove of trees that studded the lawn.
"Gasoline! llrrr!" said Maltland,
shuddering nnd shivering with tho
combination of a nauseous odor and
the night's coolness tho latter by now
making itself ns unpleasantly promi
nent as tho former.
Though ho hated the smell with all
his heart, manfully Inconsistent ho
raised his head, sniffing tho air for
further evldonco; and got his rownrd
in n sickening gust.
"Tank leaked," he commented with
brevity. "Quart of the stuff must have
trickled out right here. Ugh! If It
goes on at this rate, there'll bo another
breakdown before she gets homo."
And, "Serve her right, too!" ho
growled, vindictive.
But for all his indignation he ac
knowledged a sneaking wish that ho
might bo ntluuul ngnln, In such event,
a second tlmo to give gratuitous serv
ice to his gray lady.
Analyzing this frame of mind (not
without surprise and some disdain of
Those oponod from celling to floor
and should by tight have prosonted to
his vision u blank expanse of dark
glass. But, oddly enough, oven while
thinking of his lawyer's warning, ho
had fancied. . . . "Ah!" said
Maltland. softly.
A disk of white light, perhaps a foot
or IS Inches In diameter, had llltted
swiftly across tho glass and vanished,
"Ah. ah! The devil, tho devil!"
murmured the joints man. uncon
sciously. The light appeared again, dancing
athwart the Inner wall of the room,
and was lost as abruptly as befote. On
impulse Maltland buttoned his top
coat across his chest, turning up the
collar to hide his linen, darted stealthily
a yard or two to one side, and with
one noiseless hound reached the Moor
of the veranda A breath later ho
stood by the front door, whero, at
first glance, he discovered the menus
of entrance used by the midnight ma
rauder; tho doors stood ajar, a black
Interval Hhowlug between them.
So that, then, was the way! Cau
tiously Maltland put u hand upon tho
knob nnd pushed
A sharp, penetrating squeak brought
him to an abrupt standstill, henrt ham
mering shamefully again. Gathering
himself to spring. If need be, he crept
back toward tho library windows, and
rcconnolterlng cautiously determined
tho fnct that the holts had Just been
withdrawn on the Inside of ono win
dow frame, which was swinging wide.
"It's a wise crook that provides his
own quick exit," considered Maltland.
Tho sagacious one was not, appar
ently, leaving at that moment. On the
contrary, having made all things ready
for a hurried flight upon tho first
aland, tho Intruder turned back, as
was clearly Indicated by tho motion of
the light within Tho clink of steel
touching stool became audible; and
Maltland nodded. Uannornian was In-
X Pari
Modern Solomon.
Two women who nppeared before a
Paris magistrate both claimed pos
session of n llatiron. The magistrate
cd tho difficulty by giving the Iron
to ono of them, a laundress, and pre
senting the other with a theater
Nebraska Directory
fjjjFfsfjsfrfrrr&&'r'f ii
Cream Separators Dnnj
InnlHt on having them. Ask your local dealer or
JOHN DEERE, Omaha-Soo Falls
Lightning Rods'
-Copper Cable
and lightning ar
resters for tele
phones. Protects foreTer. The best.
W. C. 8HINN, - - Lincoln, Nebraska
drain, ProvUlom, Stocks, Cotton
Main Office, 204-205 Frtornitr Bld.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Hell Phone 513 Auto Phone 2059
Largest IIoubo In State.
Improved and unimproved farms In eastern
South Dakota for vale on
Will erect buildings on any farm on Bamoenttjr
terms. Price 120 to (40 per ncre. For lists,
maps, cto.,nMress ALEX. H. RAIT, Farmer 4
Merchant' Bide 1 5th and O St., Lincoln, Neb.
Beatrice Creamery Go.
Pays the highest price for
We carry n large Htook
of lino nntslied monu
ments to select from.
Write for booklet.
239-41 North 11th Street,
Lincoln, Neb.
ntM"T Wear Other Overalls
UUil I When You Oan Buy
Mado with tho Greatest Caro
Mado of Best Materials
Made in Omaha by
Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Go,
"Handsome Dan."
Standing In tho middle of the road,
watching tho dust cloud that trailed
tho fast disappearing motor car, Mr.
Maltland cut a. figure sufllclently for
lorn nnd disconsolate to have distilled
pity from the least sympathetic heart.
His hands were thrust stiffly at full
arm's length Into his trousers pockets;
a rumpled silk hat was set awry on
the back of his head; his shirt bosom
was sadly crumpled; above the knees,
to a casual glance, he presented the
appearance of a man carefully attired
in ovenlng dress; below, his legs were
sodden and muddled, his shoes of
patent leather, twin wrecks. Alua for
jauutiness and elegance, alack for ease
and aplomb!
"Tricked," observed 'Maltland, cas
ually, and protruded his lower lip,
thus ndding to the length of n counten
ance naturally long. "Outwitted by n
chit of a girl! Dammit!"
Hut this was crude melodrama. Real
izing which, he strove to smile; a sor
ry failure.
"'Handsome Dan,'" quoted he; and
cocking his head to ono side eyed
the road inquiringly. "Whore in thun
der d'you suppose sho got hold of that
Bestowed upon him in callow col
lego days, it had stuck burr-like for
many a weary year. Of lato, howover,
its use had lapsed among his acquain
tances; he had begun to congratulate
himself upon, having lived it down.
And now it was resurrected, flung at
him in slncerest mockery by a woman
whom, to his knowledge, ho had never
before laid eyes upon. Odious appella
tion, hateful invention of an ingenious
enemy !
'"Handsome Dan!' She must have
known me all tho time all tho time I
was making an exhibition of myself.
. . . 'Wentworth?' I know no one of
that name. Who tho dickens can
8ho bo?"
If it had not been contrary to his
code of ethics, ho would gladly havo
raved, gnashed his teeth, footed tho
dance of rago with his shadow. In
deed, his restraint was admirable, tho
circumstances considered. Ho did
nothing whntovor but stand still for a
matter of five minutes, vainly racking
his memory for n clue to the Identity
of "Miss Wentworth."
At length he gave it up in despair
and abstractedly felt for his watch fob.
Which wasn't there. Neither, Investi
gation developed, was tho watch. At
which crowning stroko of misfortune
tho timepiece must havo slipped
from IiIb pocket into tho water whllo
he vas tinkering with that infamous
carhureter Maltland turned eloquent
ly red in tho face.
"Tho price," ho meditated aloud,
with an effort to resume his pose, "Ib
a high ono to pay for a wavo of a gray
glove and tho echo of a pretty laugh."
With which ilnal fling at Fortune ho
Bet off again for Maltland Manor,
trudging heavily but at a round paco
through tho dust that soon sottled
upon tho damp cloth of his trousers
legs and completed their ruination.
Uut Maltland was beyond being dis
turbed by such trllles. A wounded
vanity engaged his solicitude to tho
exclusion of all other Interests,
At tho end of -15 minutes ho had
covered tho remaining distanco bo
tween Orcenfiold station and Mnltlaml
Manor. For flvo minutes moro ho
strode wearily over tho sldo path !y
the box hedge which set aside his ances
tral acres from tin public highway, At
vJ v u i II . i
17 8MB 1 1
I i r
I 't4 fc -
At That Very Moment the Safe Was Being Attacked.
him who weakly entertained it) he
crossed the drive and struck in over
tho lawn, shaping his course direct for
tho front entranco of the house.
By dead reckoning the hour was
two, or something Inter; nnd a chill
was stealing In upon tho land, wafted
gently southward from Long Island
sound. All tho world boside himself
seemed to slumber, breathless, in
sensate. Wralth-ltke, gray shreds of
mist drifted between tho serried boles
of trees, or, rising, veiled the moon's
wan and pallid face, that now was low
upon the horizon. In silent rivalry
long and velvet-black shadows skulked
across the ample breadths of dew
drenched grass. Somowhoro a bird
stirred on its unseen perch, chirping
sleepily; and In tho rapt silence tho
inconsiderable interruption broko with
startling stress.
In time not long tho house lifted
into viow; n squat, rambling block of
home-grown architecture with little to
recommend it savo its keen associa
tions and Its comfort. At the edgo of
tho woods tho lord and master paused
Indefinitely, with little purpose, sur
veying idly tho pale, columned facado,
ana wondering whether or not his en
tranco nt that ungodly hour would
rouse the staff of houso servants. If
It did not ho contemplated with mild
amusement tho prospect of tholr sur
prise when, morning come, they should
find the owner In occupation.
"Bannermnrr was right," ho con
ceded; "any "
The syllables died upon his lips; his
gazo becamo fixed; his heart thumped
wildly for an Instunt, then rested still;
tiwtl lnsthictlvoly ho held his breath,
tip-toeing to the edge of tho voranda
(he hotter to command n view of tho
library witidows.
deed justified; at that very moment
tho safe was boing attacked.
Maitland returned noiselessly to tho
door. His mouth had settled into a
hard, unyielding, thin line; nnd a dan
gerous light lllckerod in his eyes.
Temporarily tho idler had stepped
aside, giving place to tho real man
that was Maitland tho man ready to
fight for his own, naked hands against
firearms, if it need be. Truo, he had
hut to step into the gunroom to find
weapons in plenty; but theso must bo
then loaded to be of service, and
precious moments wasted in tho pro
cess moments in which tho burglar
might guln access to and make off
with his booty.
Maltland had no notion whatever of
permitting anything of tho sort to
occur. He counted upon taking his
enemy unawares, difficult as ho bo
lleved such a feat would bo, in tho
case of a professional cracksman.
Down tho hallway ho groped his way
to tho library door, his fingers at
length encountering Its panels; It was
closed, doubtless secured upon tho in
side; tho slightest movement of the
handle was calculated to alarm the
housebreaker. Maltland paused, delib
erating another nnd bettor plnn, hav
ing In mind a short passagoway con
necting library and smoking room. In
tho library Itself a heavy tapestry cur
tained its opening, while an equally
heavy port lore took tho place of a door
at tho other end. In the natural order
of things a burglar would overlook
Inch by inch the .voting man edged
luto tho smoking room, th door to
which providentially stod unclosed.
Onco wlthla, It was but a nioif.ent'H
work to fool his way to tho velvet
folds and draw them aside, foittinately
without rattling the brass ringG from
which the curtain depended. And then
Maltland was In tho passage, acutoly
on tho alert, recognizing from tho con
tinued click of metal that Ills nntngon-Isl-toho
was still nt his difficult task.
Inch by inch -there was tho tapestryl
Very gently I ho householder pushed It
An Insidious aroma of scorching var
nish (tho dark lantoin) penetrated tho
passage whllo ho slood on Its thresh
old, fooling for Iho electric light
switch. Unhappily ho mlssod this nt
tho Mrst cast, and hoard from within
a quick, doop hiss of broath. Some
thing had put Iho burglar on guard.
Another Instant wasted, and It
would bo too la to. Tho young man
had to chanco II. And he did, without
further hesitation stopping boldly Into
tho danger zone, at tho same tlmo
making ono final, desperate pass at tho
spot where tho switch should havo
been and missing It. On tho Instant
there camo a click of a different cali
ber from those that had preceded it.
A revolver had boon cocked, some
where thoro In tho blank dnrkness.
Maltland knew enough not to move.
In another respect the warning camo
too lato; his llngoiH had found tho
switch at last, and automatically had
turned It.
Tho glare was blinding, momentari
ly; but tho Hash and report for which
Maltland waited did not come. When
his eyes had adjusted themselves to
the suddenly altered conditions, ho
saw, directly before him nnd some six
foot, distnnt. a woman's slight figure,
dark cloaked, rosolulo upon Its two
foot, head framed In veiling, features
olTectually disguised in a motor mask
whose round, stnrlng goggles shono
blankly In tho warm white light.
On her part, sho sooinod to recog
nize him Instantaneously. On his. . .
It may as well bo admitted that
Maltlaud's wits wore gone wool-gathering,
temporarily at least: a state of
mind not unpardonable when it is
taken into consideration that ho was
called upon to grapple with and simul
taneously to assimilate three momen
tous facts. For Iho first tlmo in his llfo
ho found himself nose to nose with a
revolver, nnd Hint one of nblobodled
and respect-compelling proportions.
For tho first tlmo In Ills llfo, again, ho
was under necessity of dealing with u
housebreaker. Hut moat slupofylng
of nil he found the fact that this houso
bronkcr, this armed midnight innraud
or, was n woman! And so It wns not
altogether fearlessness that mado him
to all Intents and purposes ignoro tho
weapon; it is nothing to his credit for
courngo if his eyes struck past Iho
black and deadly mouth of tho revolver
and looked only into tho blank nnd ex
pressionless eyes of tho wind mask; It
was not lack of respect for his skin's
Integrity, but the sheer, tremendous
wonder of It nil, that rendered him
oblivious to the eternity that lay tho
other side of a slender, trembling fin
ger tip.
And so he stared, agape, until pres
ently the weapon wavered and was
lowered anil tho woman's voice,
touched with irony, brought him to his
"Oh," she remarked, coolly, "It's
only you."
Thunderstruck, ho was able no moro
than to parrot tho pronoun: "You
"Were you expecting to meet any
one else, here, tonight?" sho inquired
In sun vest mockery.
Ho Icftcd his shoulders helplessly,
and tried to school his tongue to co
herence. "I confess. . . . Well,
certainly I didn't count on finding you
hero, Miss Wentworth. And the black
cloak, you know "
"Reversible, of course; gray lnsldo,
as you see Handsome Dan!" The
girl laughed quietly, drawing aside an
edgo of the garment to reveal its In
ner fnce of silken gray aud the fluted
mines of the gray skirt underneath.
Ho nodded appreciation of the de
vice, his mind now busy with specula
tions as to what he should do with the
girl, now that ho had caught hor. At
tho samo tlmo ho was vaguely vexed
by Iter persistent repetition of tho ob
solescent nickname.
"Hnndsomo Dan," ho iterated all but
mechanically. "Why do you call mo
that, pleaso? Havo wo met before? I
could swear, never before this night!"
"Rut you are altogether too modest,"
sho laughed. "Not that it's a bad trait
in the character of a professional.
. . . Rut really! it seems a bit In
credible that any one so widely ad
vertised as Handsomo Dan Anlsty
should feel surplso at being recog
nized. Why, your portrait and biog
raphy havo commanded spaco in ovory
yellow journal In America recently!"
And, dropping tho revolver Into a
pocket In her cloak, "I wns afraid you
might bo u servant or even Malt
land," she diverted tho subject, with
a nod.
"Rut but If you recognized mo as
Anlsty, back there by tho ford, didn't
you suspect I'd drop In on you "
"Why, of course! Didn't you all but
tell mo thnt you were coming hero?"
"I thought perhaps I might get
through boforo you came, Mr. Anlsty;
but 1 know all tho tlmo thnt, even if
you did manage to surprise mc or
on the job, you wouldn't cnli tho po
lice." Bhe laughed confidently, and
oddly enough at tho samo tlmo
nervously. "You aro certainly a very
bold man, and as surely a very caro
Iobs one, to run around tho way you
do without so much ns troubling to
grow a beard or a mustache, after
your picture has been published broad
cast." (TO UK CONTINt'lin.)
Memorial to Brave Explorer.
A memorial has just been erected
in Kensington cemetery, London, to
tho memory of Admiral Sir Francis
Leopold McCllntock, the Arctic ex
plorer and discoverer of tho lost
Franklin expedition. It takes tho
form of an old stylo wheel cross
standing on a massive molded base,
reaching to a height of ten feet aud
erected In rough sllver-giny Cornish
How's This?
W oftfr On llwiilrnl HollnM IUkiiM (or wf
ruae ot ('Atnrth r.ininit lio enrol liy Mail I
CnUrrli l lite.
I" t I'lllAI V. V '().. toIMn, .
We. the umli'nlntutl. lime knimn V, J. .hn
for tho last II jmm, unit brlli-ve liltn ixTfi-otly lion
orabln In nil Imnlinw traniwrlliim nnd OimncUllr
able to entry out nny ulilltriitloim nmilo ! Mi nrui
Waiui.mi, Kin nan a Maihiv. '
Whnlmnle DniKicht. Toledo O,
Hulls CnUrrli Curo In tnken Intrrnnlly, nrtlim
dlrvctly utxni tlir lilootl nnd luurnm mirdtrm or I hi
jiWm. TrMlmtmlnli writ frr Trlco J5 rntn t
liottlr. Pnld hy nil imitalt.
Tnkn lUII'n 1'niiilly I'llli tor ronMlpntlon,
President Interected In Movement.
President Taft and Dr William Os
ier addressed a large public meeting
held recently In Washington, under
tho auspices of tho National Associa
tion for the Study and Prevention of
Ohake Into Your Ohoei
Allen's Fnnt-KiiHt1, u powder for your tirt,
It euri'it painful, iwollun, Hiniirtlag, sweat
IliK foot. MalirH nnw h1ioih rnny. Hold by
all DniRKlHtM nnd Hlioo Stores. Don't nc
oopt any Hlllifltltule. Hatupli KIU2K. Ad
dress A. 8. Olmsttcd. l.oUoy, N. Y.
If, as reported, (J. Washington novor
wroto a lovo letter, his reputation for
voracity Is accounted for.
Lowla' Single Hinder tUniilit 5o einnrh
good nullity nil t lie turn;. Soar di'.ilrr or
Lewis Factory, Peoriit, 111.
Rather bo thou the tall among lloua
than the head among foxes.
Wlt Vj Food 1
Try ?his Flavoring
Do yo.i evor iuo pineapple Julco for
flavoring? It Is one of tho best substi
tutes for those who do not curo to uso
wlno. Added to fruit salads of all klndd
It is excellent.
Whole Family
You will never be disap
pointed if you use Llbby's
PIoMob and O on di
nt ants on your table,
Libby's have the right taste,
which i9 always uniform,
and you can depend upon
Libby's as being- absolutely
pure. Try these:
Mlxod PlokloB
Fancy Ollvom
Salmd DnoBsng
Sirmwborry Proaorvom
Ourrnnt Jolly
Evaporated Milk
Libby's foods arc the best
because they arc made from
the best fruits and vegeta
bles, by the best methods in
Libby's Ormmt
Enameled Wh It m
Insist on Libby's, and you
can depend upon it that
you will get food prod-
kucti which are the
, most satisfactory
k from the stand
point of taste
and purity.
A Friend In Need
There is absolutely nothing
that gives such speedy relief in
Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera
Morbus, Cholera-Infantuni, Colic
and Cramps as
It Is friend In need, and you
should always keep It in your house.
Its valuable curative properties have
made it a necessity tor both adults
and children.
Sold by all Jruggliti at
25c per bottle
Positively cured by
theso Little Tills.
Tliey nlno relievo Dl
trexH from Dyftpcpsln, lu
illKeHttonaudTooII?arljr Kntlnir. A; perfect rem
edy for Dizziness, Nuu
sen, Drowsiness, II ml
Taste In the Mouth, Coat
ed Tontine, Pnln In tlia
They rcgulato the UoweU. X'urely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similo Signature
i7iS"J!WwiW'."y. ,
-.' -JHMa'll m.r. iw .'
WWf A l'3't M
- . Ar ji4-1,
Iti L 'Ji aj-i lfct n 1 .