The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 27, 1909, Image 5

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    Pl-ilWc -
, fr
lhuniiioi'Us at Cutting's.
Sl Next Monday is Dcfoialiou Day.
Hd Glllard nunc down from Napoiiov
1'ather l'itzgetald was in Superior
Itluo grass mid white clover seed nt
Chus. Hunter wasdown from Inavale
doc Horburgor of Lincoln is in town
tliis wedc.
Ifi cars of stock wore shipped out oi
here Sunday.
Kianlt Ivuohn oanic down fiom Pios
sor, Nob., Tuesday.
Miss Helen Overman is homo from
the state university.
Hilly Hants is visiting Ids parents
in Juniata this week.
Sec Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mrs. IJert Moi hurt went to Tecum
sell tlio last of tno week.
Silver I.oiiRton went to Concordia.
"" v ICus. Wednesday morning.
Dr. Damercll went to Idaho Mimlny
evening to buy some eattlo.
Tho city council hae sold tlio elec
tric supplies to John Tomllson.
Mrs. Walter Cox is visiting relatives
in Lebanon, Kansas, this week.
Miss Vera Wilson went to Coorge
town, Colo., tho first of the week.
Kelt Morhart has started the erect
ion of a houso in the l'latt addition.
Mrs. Vox of Wymoro is here
visiting with W. S. Parkes and wife.
Mrs. Carrio McKeeby went to south
ern Kansas Tuesday to visit relatives.
Mrs. Cumtnings of Rivcrton visited
nt the home of C. D. Whittaker Satur
day. Mrs. Dr. E. A. Thomas and children
arc visiting relatives in Frauklin this
Mrs. P. W. Studobakor is home from
Iowa where she has been visiting rela
tives. ,
Miss Alice Whitney left Monday to
spend the summer in Georgetown,
The DamoreU block is being painted
this week which improves its appear
f unco very much.
Regular meeting of tho Fraternal
7 Aid Assn., Thursday evening. A eood
attendance is desired.
W. .1. Clupp and wito of Franklin
wero.'gucsts at the homo of his brother
Low Clapp this week.
Earnest Hines loft Wednesday even
ing for Cnldwell, Idaho, where he will
join Prof. Snapp's baud.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed McAllister are the
happy parents of a baby boy which
was born Friday morning.
1 AJT l
Summer devwefir
Ever stand in a draught and feel
the cool breeze on your faco and
hands, and fool smothered all
ovor your body?
If you hudon'ToroSknlt" under
wear instead of tightly knitted, air
proof underwear, you would feel
that samo refreshing breeze all
over tho body that tho uhcoverod
face catches.
"Porosknlt" is naturally a cool
underwear. It couldn't be other
wise. It's an open work knit. It's
light in weight, olastio enough to
mean comfort, and made of finest
comod yarn to givo lastingnoss of
Fifty cents tho garment.
One Dose
23? fc'c.j''"
Children cough at night? Give them Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. Often a single dose at bedtime will completely
control the cough. Good for any one with a cold or cough.
Good for easy cases, hard cases; good for acute cases,
chronic cases. Ask your doctor to tell you, honestly and
frankly, just what he thinks of this old standard remedy.
alCOhol in tlllS COUgll mCdlCllie. J.C.AyerCo.,LoWell.Maas.
A lazy liver makes a lazy boy. -An active brain demands an active liver. No better
laxative for boys and girls than Ayer's Pills. Ask your doctor about them. He knows.
Will West is in town today.
loan Hamilton or i.nuie novit uns
1 in town today. I
( Cyrus Clegg of Diiiton arrived in J
, tin- city Monday, lie will pilch ball
1 for bed Cloud this season. i
I. II. Uailoy. wife and daughter.
Mabel, left Saturdny for a slt in
Omalia with drum llailcy,
Mii9 Matie and ICntliryiin Umbo
arc now enjojing Ihcir vacation nt
, (heir home in Walnut, I own,
llany Vmighnu, editor of the Guide
Hock Signal, and wife anil child were
up from iluidc I lock satin day
The Chicago specialist will boat the
lloyal hotel in Kcd I loud. Thursday,
Juno HUh. Consultation free.
DeWitl's Little Ltirly Risers, the
famous little liver pills, small, gentle
and sure. Sold by all druggists.
Monday., Wednesdays Fridays and
Saturdays. Ico nays for Kcd Cloud.
Watch for the Lindsey lee Wagon.
Mis Christie l'atmore retui nod fiom
Guide Kock the llrstof the week wheio
she has been teaching school the past
Jllg ball game at lied Cloud. Thurs
day and Friday. June .'Inl and 1th, Red
Cloud vs', Norton. Kas. Come out and
see the games.
Frank Cowdeli. Del 'lurnuio and
Walter Sherwood were in Franklin
last Friday. They were judges at tho
Academy Field day.
ilolton Let-ion left Tuesday evening
for Seattle, where he will join his
brother, Will Letson, and there they
will take pa-sago for Alaska.
.7. II. Ruehenau and vif. who havo
been visiting at tho liome of Postmaster
Hacker and wife have returned to
their home at Arapaho, okla.
Ovcring Rros. A Co., shipped a car
load of finished monuments to Wray,
Colo., this week. The peoplo of Wray
know where to get good monuments.
Have you seen those Merchandise
Certificate at Johnson & Grout's? If
you haven't ask them about it and see
the valuable premiums that they give
you absolutely free.
Dr. Wintorson physician and sur
Koon. Ofllco in front rooms over Dr.
Cook's drug store. Romovedifrom Dr.
Raino's oflice, Potter Klock. Both
phonos Boll Red 18. Independ. 151.
The Christian church has made ar
rangements with Judge Ldson where
by he will preacli for thorn every Sun
day morning. The Judgo is an ablo
and interesting speaker and will no
doubt draw many to the morning ser
vices. Excursion date Junelst. "OH. Plenty
of rain in the Panhandle. Abundant
crop prospects in tlio Panhandle 2500
carloads of immigrant outfits went in
in the Panhandle last year. Tho nhice
to invest your money is in tlio Pan
handle. Scilars & Holmes sells it.
Wc have added a right
new Line of Groceries to
Our Women and Men
Furnishing goods. : : :
Tra din g Place.
where you can gel every
tiling lo cat and wear.
This week for Men wc
are showing.
The Poras-knitt un
derwear in Balbriggans
Colors, ect.
Call in and see
Yours for
Square dealing
for Coughs
June, Third And Fcmrtfh
Big Automobile Parade at 2:30
Band Concert Before The Game
r.U'i' body I'omo and s our New
kinship of Nebraska and Kaua.
Admission 25 Cents.
The baio ball season is almost upon'
Us. Already the pitchers and catchers,
basemen and Holders can bo seen oil-
ing up their joints, rubbing down
.!...! I I !.!.... 11...!...
uiuii imiscics, nun i-.M'iciMHK iiiuii i
vocal cords in preparation for tlio time i
when they will be tho center of at
traction. I
Next Sunday being Whit Sunday,
tho anniversary of tlio "Decent of tho
Holy Ghost," thero will be services at I
Grace church, witli colobration of the
Holy Communion at the morning ser
vice. On the Sunday following,
Trinity Sunday, Hishop Graves will
preach both morning and evening
"What two animals does almost
every woman wear in her headgear?"
asks an Iowa newspaper. A Nebraska
paper commenting says: "We guess a
rat' and a "hare." This reminds me:
What makes most women well ilxed?
A roll in her hair, of course In the
hair of an editor's w ife you can almost
always find a pull".
Hees Laxative Couiih Syrup is in
stant relief for coughs, colds, croup,
whooping cough. It is gently laxative
and drives tho cold from the system
clearing tho head and throat. Pleas
ant to take. (5ood for hoarsonoss and
all bronchial trouble. Guaranteed be
cause we know what St will do. 2."ic,
r0o and 81. (Sold by Henry Cook.
Why not havo a business college in
Red Cloud SSOOO think of it! This is
what CO studonts would Ichvo in tho
town, limiting thoir expense to SI per
week for 10 months. Wouldn't this
help'.' livery young man and woman
who would be interested in a business
college in lied Cloud please send your
name and address to Ilox Ked
Cloud, Nebr.
After holding court from Thursday
morning to Saturday of last week
Judge HarryS. Dungaii made arrange
ments with . lodge Hind, of Harvard,
to complete the present term of dis
trict court in this county. Judgo
Dungan's recent illness made it neces
sary to postpone tho spring term at
lied Cloud from April Jtl to May IT
but the unexpected length of tho Alma
term owing to the murder trial thero,
again interfered with the date assign
ed to Webster County. Tho Judge lias
yel several weeks of court this spring,
begining with tlio Pert Taylor trial at
Mlndeii this week.
The Odd Fellows at Superior hold an
unnevorsary colobration Tuesday night
and the following members of this
lodge attended the festivities: Dan 'I
Garber, John Wecsnei, Wilbor Hamil
ton, Geo. Smith, Henry Nowhouse, Krt.
Hanson, Will Patten. Thero were
about 200 Odd Fellows in attendance.
The Superior brothers took excellent
care of our members and did every
thing possible to seo that thoy had an
enjoyable time. Superior knows how
to entertain and uovor leaves anything
undone that may be of tho slightest
comfort to her visitors. Tho boys
went down in Tabor's auto and owing
to tho chilluess thoy shivered all even
ing and did not thaw out till they
reached Red Cloud again.
North Western Inventtrs,
The following patents wore issued
tliis week to North Western inventors;
reported by 1). Swift & Co., patent
lawyers, Washington, D. C.
Nebraska. V. Landholm, West
Point, loader; H. and .1. Olilson, Loup
City, brioK-glazlng compound.
North Dakota. 1 T. McNally, Man
dan, mechanical movement; C. M.
Porter, C'arringtou, metal gralii'tank;
J. Sanfason, Hertford, hub construct
ion for grindstone.
Copies of any of tho above patonts
will bo sent to our leader upon re
ceipt of ten cents, by 1) Swift & Co.,
Washington, I). C
Tonus is the only state big enough
to have hailstones thesl.e of beer barrels
Team in iK
ir si irt for the ( liauip
No charge for grand stand.
Oliver i ilit has sold his interest
ill tho ' If,- A Wright baleksmlth
shop to (Jem-go A mack. Wo wish tho
new firm success.
May III. moi), being Memorial Day
and n legal holiday 1 reipiest that all
business be suspended between tho
hours of 1 and I p. in., and that tho
stores may close up in ordor that all
who desiro may participate in tho
memorial exorcises C. 11. Potter,
Alma Junior Normal.
Tlio Alma Junior Normal will open
Juno 7th and continue eight weeks.
Tho school is under the managomont
of the Stato Hoard of lMucatlon, and
is conducted especially for teachers
and prospective teachers. All subjects
required for first, second, and third
grade county certificates and profes
sional ceitilicates will bo given. The
tuition is free. Tor information,
wiito tho Principal, C. W. McMichael,
lloldrcgo, or P. P lJcntlcy. Alma
Ileal Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by tho, Port Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, May M, woo.
Hubert Noworborgto WS Hense,
lots II, Vi, I.'l, Ulk. 11), Knll
Uoad add to lied Cloud, wd...
William II Martin to Allison
Clark, so 18-2-1), wd
State of Nebraska to Mary Guild
n w 10-4-0, deed
John P. Kropp to Charles A.
Ilawley, part lot 8, Ulk. 2,
First add to Marten, wd
Mary Kiopp to Charles A Ilaw
ley, lot !i, Illlc 2, First Add to
Itladen, wd UJOO
Sarah F. K'immel to Vaughn S.
Hall, lot I), Ulk. 11. Itlndon, wd
Asa F. Ilullsbaugh to Charles F.
father, lots 1, 2, !J. lilk. !!. Yeis
eis add to Kcd (loud, qcd
Lincoln Land Co. to T II, Ouig
lo, lot 10, Ulk. in, lot n, Ulk.
H, Koseniont, wd
Anna M. lloentjo to Hubert
Kraiise. part lot l,.Ulk. 5. Gru
sols sub div to llohrers add to
illuo Hill, wd
Glenn L. Irwin to Josoph II
Hogato, lot -1, 111k. .'I, Kohror's
add to Itluo Hill, wd
Louis Wedman to Christian
Waechter, u w W-1-1 1, wd
Jacob Schunk to Julius 13. Koe
peke, lots It, I. Ulk !, Hoover's
add to Blue Hill, wd luO
Mortgages llled, $12350.00.
Mortgages released gl'200.
Home striking olfects of tho tariff on
tho necessities whloh tho poor man is
compelled to buy aro brought to light
through a controversy between two
eastern newspapers which appear to
have obtained some confidential figures
prepared for tho use of tho Presidont
by Treasury experts. It is shown that
on tho suit of clothes which retails for
Sis the duty Is S4.70, so that without
tho tariff the snme suit could be bought
for 510.21. A man's ovorcoat now re
tailing for $15 could bo bought for if there wero no tariff. A
woman's cotton dress which now sells
for 810 could bo bought for 88.75 wero
it not for the tribute which the con
sumer is made to pay to tho manufact
urers. A tapestry rug which now sells
forSlo is worth just S0.0I, the extra
S5.:i() boing tlio sum tho consumer is
compelled to pay to tho American
manufacturer for the same rug which
without a tariff, he could buy for loss
than 8lo. 1'raetically everything is
taxed, even salt which costs a cent a
pound moro because of the titfiff and
sugar which costs ? cents moro a
pound because of the protective policy.
1 A Spring
TIhj Winter Overcoat has
completed its service and now
is the time for the Spring
Top Coat to receive its due
Have you a spring Top
Coat, Sir a Coat just as
you would havo it?
Perhaps, you haven't.
Then, in that case, wo would have
you investigate our handsome new
All the smartest and best in Top
foals you will Hud hero of nil
styles and fabrics, Silk orSnj,. i.ined.
Our Price Scone
$10. to $22,50
When looking for i.ood Clothe-,
ooine here I y our Clothe-, you shall
know us.
Protector Collars Cravenette.
Always Reliable
Amack 8 Chaney
Loaders in Furniture and Undertaking
fflYou will find us in the BIG room
Moon Block
Furniture, Carpets and Under
taking of the quality kind
And Our Prices Speak for Themselves. Wc extend a
Cordial Invitation to all lo visit our store. : : : : :
Swift's Premium
Hnm or
M . ry
Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds.
Wm. Koon
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Taxis Granlne
an ideal hair tonic Taxis Sapogen, a
perfect shampoo and Taxis Hay Rum
a combination, which if faithfully
used, will produce a clean, healthy
condition of tho hair and scalp.
Thin, dry, brittle or falling hair
means there is some causo for such na
unhealthy condition and that it should
bo attonded to at once, The reason
for .scanty hair Is becauso all tho root
shall are not doing their duty and the
reason for falling hair is because the
scalp is in an unhealthy condition
To correct these evils Is a very sim
ple matter. To umbo all tho root
hhafts do their duty use Cranine. To
get the scalp in a healthy condition.
. shampoo tlio head with Sapogen, a per
fumed green oil soap. Hay Hum is an
ideal hair dressing after tho shampoo.
1 l'or further particulars, call or
phone Mrs. Nancy A. Halo
135 V0 I
lfl i SwA
i :i:i7r. . Os; s- -Wmlm! i
- .. .JTtow
-. stxwmir
IS 14 lt WT
Top Coat
Tlir I louw '! Kii'icnl.rimn (
Clucnifo p
Clothing Go.
First Door North of Postoffice
Chicago, May 'JO A light eartlwjiuiKO
shook lasting only a few seconds, was
folt in tho states of Indiana, Illinois,
Wiseoiisin, Miehigau and Iowa at 8:30
oVloelc tliis morning. -Statu Journal.
Opened up Auin.
Tho lion Tun lestitrunt lias under 1U
neu lnaniigonitfiit again opened up for
iiimiIs. Commencing Saturday, May
.".hid. I will servo (list class meals at
'jo i-itits - Hubert Xeueiburg, Prop.
Wo would like (o provo to overy suf
ferer of Kiduev diseases that Piueitlcs
will biing prompt relief. Ilachachc,
Rtimatisui, lumbago, fatigue and im
pure blood are moraly symptoms of
Kidney disorders. The SI 6iz con
tains 1! i timos as much as tho COcsize.
Sold by Henry Cook.
jiK m VZ
Elvs CfcEAivB Balm
Suro to Civo Sntlafactlon.
It cloture , fno'hi , 1 ' i ( rd protects tho
dNoiiM'd r ltf from Catarrh
and drives aw .i a (,Min i'i lloiul miloklv.
Iteston i tho Hnii-c of T.isto mid Hiaoll.
Ijisy to um C'ont.dni no injurious drugs
Applied into tho uoitiilu and absorbed.
Lm ko KU , fil) cents ot Druggists or by
mull. Liquid Cream llnhu for uso iu
atomizera, 7fi coats.
ELY BROTHERS. 5G Warren St.. New York.
' K
' (
i J
.. .my WNHKV'.