The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 20, 1909, Image 1
ti- i. ,i-Kfc,,iw.'i-w.-&w.-.JB.tisaKystt-. s - - AffeV-- js. : wtn " PW" JfMiTtn HHIHI4nW State U.-w-1 Society ('aIMNVMA A V .,, s " - WA&iaiirv - t3 &W .rift Us - itisSSr r 3m ttw j - -. H"M!5W US x'f'W .iafcJ H.1 "ft A - AM' ;$ "KW f, fC urn .- o vn"-m s. - iij .s.ijr vk" uw h?A JbJK' jirji'M ritx - hf "twm - r.gxfc. - rr -jmj iww. '- jJr ' m1! "-- - "-W '- Bi - - - ,5 v - '.. ": -. z s9m. . . "'- . - - r5usr?,,...4isrr95anB. VOLUME XXXV II. Cenimencement todses ? CSass5 Coiiinu-ncoinontoxt'iclM's in our city sire alwnys tho ouiiUt of nttnu'tioii at this time of the year. This year moio tliiin lwuul interest lias been tiuinifosU (! in the proKram'owlnjj to ihe fact j that former students were to again , appear Wforo tho niulioiice lit place ol nn imported lectme. Tho cNoreiscs began with tho IS.ieca laurnte address hunday cveningat the M. V,. eiunvli delivered by l'ev. M. T. Stiiiler. The speaker chose for his text "Keep thyself 1'iue." This was a mastetly addtessaiul was delivered in Mr. Stlfller's happy nuin- nor. Tlie audienee room was filled to its full eapaeityyet not one showed any signsof ie-itlessnessor fatigue thru out the entire dlseoui-e. The speaker's principal theme was that greatness was to bo sought for but wo oouM not all be gi oat. we could all do better however, thun that. It is possible for us ah to bo good and that is better than gieatnos-s. On Wednesday night the graduat ing chiis pu".eutcd the play dramati. od horn from Onl(la".s noyal ' Under Two Flag-." Kvery member of the class did except ionally well in tills play and tho act ing wms strong in nil its pHits. The presentation showed bonis of drill and preparation and the cls of '0'.) coveted themselves with gloiy Miner greatly pleased the audience with her porfectly natuial manner of espiession and her winsome niauner. The play was ioal to her and she handled her part like an o.por ience 1 notress. To Hev. C're.ssmaii belongs no little credit for his painstaking training. Wo might have selected n diiVoront drum i for a public school to play but their acting was nil any one could ask for. Tho special features of the evening were the piano solos by Gertrude Blnckledgo nud Marie lturke, the vocal solo by Grctn Turnure and the duet by Mrs. Albright nncl Edna Holmes. Commencement night proper found the oporn liouso agnlu crowded to its full capacity. Tho class, dressed In their caps and gowns, marohod upon tho stage promp ly at 8:lr and u llttlo tlmo wus given the audience to feast their eyes upon the graduates who wore about to stop upon the threshhold of life's active duties. In the hit tod notion it was explained that the Alumni took charge of tho ex-ercises of tho evoulng in response to popular demand. We were much pleased to see tho old timeis again be fore a Wed Cloud audience and hope that this will boa regular feature of our commencements. Miss Bornico Totter began tho pro gram with a piano solo which was much appreciated by all music lovois present. Miss Uernice has been pur suing a musical course in Chicago and showed by her playing that she had well improved the time spent during the past year. Tho Invocation was then ottered by Rev. Crcssinan who is always the right Juan in tho right place. Tho next wns a solo by Mrs. Beatrix Florence entitled "Nymphs and Fauns .... Uemberg." She has often charmed the people of this city with her sing ing but she did exceptionally well hist night. Her voice appenrs more mature and full than it did tho last tlmo she snug hero. Fred Mnuror was then called upon for a History of the Rod Cloud School. We believe that every ono will bo in terested In this history by Mr. Mauror ,in d honoo give his address in full here. Nebraska for n numbor of years on joyed the reputation of having alowor per cent of illlteiacy among hor citi. ens thun auyothorstntoln tho Union. ThlH canto about because her pioneer sottlers understood tho valuo of and the necessity for ediicntlon and oducn ttonnl institutions. Wc Hud that ttie early settlers of lied Cloud weio uo Itiggatils in this matter of education. As early as the spring of HTJ we llnd a school being taught heie'by Miss rannie Harbor, now Mrs. Fannie Mo dulo, we discover ninny unique and intoiesting eireunistntues oluslciiiig about this, (ho first term of school which was taught in Webster count.i. The school was taught during the months of .luue, July and August and Miss Barber, the pietty school ma'am iceoivod for hor services tho magna nimous sum of Sl.l per month out of which slio boanlod hoi self, lived in high style at tho Ked Cloud stockade and accumulated a nice sum of money during tho thiee months term. The money which dofiayod the expense of this term of school was laisod by sub scription as no tax for school purposes had yet been leied in Webster county. The torm of school was taught in a sod dug-out located in the bank slight ly south oast of the losidcnco now oc cupied by Wadu Koont Thcio weio no windows or door except in the oast end of (ho building, thoio was a dirt floor, which was kept sptinkled with water (luting the hot summer das, by tho sixteen year old sclmol ma'am, to lowoi tho temporal uio and settle the dust, and tliu desks, i father wo should say benches occupied by the pupils weio made from Cottonwood slabs. Thus in this humble edifice sur rounded by all tho hardships anddifll citlties incident to frontier life was begun the school woik. which lias gtadually grown and expanded until todax. wo find our present splendid suhool system. Lot us pause a mom ent nud wonder what the oppressed and down trodden school iiumin of to day, drawing her S 10 or S.'O per month would think were she suddenly placed in u position similar to that occupied bvMiss Hatberln 1871. We hoard u wot Id of complaint about tho bndly lighted and unsanitary condition of our High school iu the Dainorell build ing during the year 10()7 let us wonder how they they would have relished the idea of attending school in the building over which Miss Barber pre sided iu 1871, lighted and vontllatcd only from the eastern! of the structure. During tho summer of 1871 n more pre tentious sod school house was erected nonr the present tesidence of Henry Diodrich mid iu this building school wns taught for sevornl tonus. The llrst oflicial lecord wo find of u school meeting in Rod Hond Sliool District was liel April Oth. 1871, tho following is the record of the meeting. Tho Annual meeting of School Dis tiict No. '. County of Webster and State of Nebraska was hold at the school hoife in said district on Mon day the (hit. day of April 1871 at 7 o'clock I. M. Modulator iu tho chair. Meeting called to order. David LuU was elected Moderator for the ensuing throe years. On motion it wns voted that u school bo taught iu this district nine months during tho coming year, it summer torm commencing the :trd day of May 1871, a fall torm commenc ing tho S.'Jrd day or August 1871, and a winter torm commencing the 15th day of December 1871, On motion it was ordored that tho amount of tax levied on tho taxable property of the owners for scnool purposes for the on suing your bo ns follows, for building fund 0 mills on the Dollar, for pny of teachers wages 2 mills on tho Dollar, for incldentnl 2 mills ou tho Dollar. Tho following miscellaneous business was transacted. On'motion it wns de cide to plnco the boll on tho top of the school house. On motion it wns decldcdtliat if it became nocessnry on account of tho inorensc of the number of pupils thosohool board may divide the sohool nnd employ nn assistant teaohcr. On motion it wiw. voted to purchnse twelve cords of.wood for the use of tho school house, the wood to bo dollvered by tho first day of Juno 1871. On motion it was decided that tho uoara nave two rows of troos planted on the border of the school liouso block, tho trees to bo ton foot apart lit tho row and tho tows ten feet apart. On motion it Wus decidod to -irftz-. "r' , Dfc ijitfTLU A Nensii;ijrr That Ghcs llic News 5:lfty red cw)Ui), 2nbi:aska. have the ard iu (tout of the school house graded up so as to cause tho water to inn ftom the house. On motion the mooting adjourned.- I. W. l'ulloys, Director. As early as iS7ii we llnd some of the members of the school district inter esting themselves iu musical mutters enough so that a special meeting of the voters of the -ehool district was called mi the petition of live oteis of the district October IlOlh. 187"i for the purpose of determining whether or not the district should nut chase it inslitunent The icsiilt of this meeting was diseoiitaglng to the music loveis of the district as tho voteis piesent at the special meeting decidod by a majoiity of II against purchasing a musical instrument. Wo find among the eaily teachers who took part In moulding the destines of the lfcd Cloud schools. John II. Wil cox, concerning whom it is said that some of the scholais always had to slop at his house on their way to school to toitse hiiuout of his morn lug slumbers. Prof. Tullexs, Prof. Springe! until in lS?.i wo liud James (ilham in ch.tige of the schools. This was the (list year that two teachers wete regulaily employed and tho school divided into twoseporatebuil'l- lugs Tho pi luiary school was taught iu a stono structure ultorwurds known us the Hooker property nnd the build ing over which Pi of. Gilhutn picsidod was a framo structure situated on tho south sitlo of thopiesout school liouso grounds. I his building was used as a school hoir-o, chinch, com I house opotu house nnd all other public gath erings. Whenever eouit convened "ehool had to bo dismissed until court was adjourned. During the yeaiH which followed two other frame build ings were eiectod and used for school purposes, all located in u row along tho south side of the present high school grounds, until at last tho pros- out high school building was erected and tho old frame buildings weie ro moved from tho school grounds and no longer used for school purposes. We find in 1888 tho llrst oHlciul re cord of n graduating class, iu this year thoro woro four graduates, Estolln Dttcker, Kate Spanoglo, Will Dttcker and Randolph MoNitt Au investigntion outside tho records brings to light the fact that nt the close of the school year of 188(1 Kiln Ronisbtirg nnd Bell Spanoglo com pleted tho school course and weiu en titled to diplomas nnd credit rating at the State University. At this time the course of study taught at the High Sohool ended with tho branches neces sary for obtaining a first guide teach ers certificate It might bo intei esting at this juno tuto to toad a list of tho giaduates of the Bod Cloud High School us shown by the Alumni recoid book, the fol lowing is tin list and tho year in which each class graduated. As befoi o stated in the year W8 there woro lour graduates Estolln Backer, ICute Spanoglo, Will Ducker and Randolph MoNitt. In 188tf Will hetsou was tho only member iu the graduating class. In I8!)fi there wot o three graduates Alex Bontloy, John Tuileys and Willii Cuther. In 1801 there wns no graduating class bntMury Miner and Goorgo Mor- hurt completed the course and were entitled to diplomas, which woroglvon them by order of tho school board the year 1003. In 1802 there weie throe graduates Harry Holcnbeck, Donald Pope and Nellie West. In 1803 thoro were ton graduates, Mabel Day, Mutido Groonloo, Dorn Henderson, Nollte ICnloy, Ilnchnel Lot son, Trix Mizor, Lulu Potter, Daniel Gnrbor, Bruce Payne nnd Fred Mnuror. In 1801 there woro nlno graduates, Rotta Ablo, Bortha Brown, Edgar Cot ting, Corn Harbor, Caroline Johnson, Susio Konndy, Edwin Overing, Ralph Popo and Alice Reinsburg, In 189." theie woro II graduates, Roscoo Cuther, Emma Cook, Graco Gurber, Will Hotfolbowor, Margaret Miner. Iloniy Nowhouse, Ooorgo Over ing, Daisy Plumb, Mayo Popo, Lois Pope nnd John Potter. uVviiffifiPvfii'' IT "J- - -- - "' . - " - two ttr.c.Kt. lrur Tor Onn Dollar. MAV . in l'Mi there weie 7 graduates, Jen-' ni.. n. ,n i.. .,..,, 1 1.. mil.... i t I ...v mi uiivnr imr(. i.ui' i.uilll'-, Mnt I '.ames, Pearl Ludlow. Helen1 Uoby and Mamie Wideiinan. lu 1S1I7 thcio were 1 graduates, Vnt-J tie Able. I.uey Oat her, Mabel Howard. .los'ie Kellogg, ssi,. I i r l . Lillian Smith. da Skjelver, May Sanborn,' Htksie Carpenter, Dennis SchnlfuU, Jatnes Yelser and Itobei t Mitchell J In l'.is theie were 1. 1 graduates, Dais.x l'risby, Jessie I inciter, Vance Foe, Dora Oioat, Maude Miller, liene Minei. Hadie Ovet lug. May Trunkev. Viola Ward, IMwaid Cook, Hurbeil Cook. Paul Dickson and Paul Pony. lu IH'Hi thcio weie 1', giaduates, Clara Abel, .losslo Cut her, Ella Cook, OcrtiudoCiion, Ij'lorenee Cutting, Jen nie KmKee, Sopha Latham, (Sraoo Me Clollan. Ducile.McCoid.Ciilielmu Heed, stnoe.s Morhtiitnnd Paul Pope. In 1 .100 Iheio weie HI giaduates, Sherwood Albright. Boy Phelps, Luw lonce Pieieo, Ed Piatt, Agnes Brown, Nollie, Fott, Jessio llendoisoii. Mia Gillllth, Ida Kinsol. ('moo Skjohei, Ethel llosuier, Loromt Nii-lein ami Mabel Wells. Iu HUM thine weie in graduate-. Mabel Beck with. Sus'in Bugles, Anna Halloik. Alice Popo. Winnie Sherni.iu, Samuel Foster, Joseph Cnibei, Hugh Hood, Cluit'iice (iross and Leigh Pope. In rJn'.' there wete'i giaduato. Aneil Crubill, Geo. HefVelbowor, Parley Plumb, Dean Smith, Bonulo Emicli, (trace Kellogg. Clara Martindale.Maiy Petoison, Boithn Potter. In IDii'l thcio weio 10 graduates, Omii" Butler, Earl Crubill, WillEd-on, Will Overman, Nettie Fort, Vina Hutchinson, Blanch MiCuitney, Peail Pope, Mary Sheldon and Nellie War ren. In 11101 theie weio Hi graduates, Brunt Bailev, Will Hiiiley, Lucius Prlshlc. Adttir Culushu, Bolton Lot son, Chus. Pharos, Dwight Wilson, Mini Cook, Jennie Cutting, Margaret Evans, Blanch Foster, llolen Ovormnn nnd Mary Templo. Iu HK).r there wore 1 (graduates, Will Brooks, Lloyd Brudbrook, Harry Cratnor, Eric Potorson, Vera Crubill, Mnry Damorell, Hazel Llppencott, Blanche Popo, Etta Uoihnr and Edna Williams. In HUM there were HI graduates, James Cuther, Sherldnn Pharos, Edna Austin, Cora Chutson, Ethel Garber, Annie Gilliam, Carrie Roble, Ethel IConudy, Josophino Mior, Frances Nesbct, Frances Ward, Corn Wcesner, Lorn Wcesner. Iu HK)7 thoio were II graduates breaking nil former iccords, Sticknoy Coombs, Frank Dickerson, James Fer guson, Lloyd Hall, Paul Johnson, Julia Bugles, Orace Fiisble, Corn Lock liait. Edith Mohler. Mabel Pope, Florence Potior, Zellu Taylor, Grace Shiite nnd Muey Spiacher. In 1003 thoro were lL graduates, Minor Shoiwuod, Hitico Hoblnsou, Bruce Boekwlth, Esty Smclser, J. II. Kcllogg.Chas. Kellogg, Ruth Johnston, Delia Lambrecht, Elsie Cathor, Mar gurito Richardson, Mario Shuto and Desslo Taylor. Thoro are II iu the graduating class this evening making a total of 205 students who have finished our High School course, of this number not in cluding this years class thoro have beon 00 boys and 12." girls. Up until tho year 1811,1 there had been 14 grad uates, 0 boys and 5 girls but in the year'rf which hnvo followed tho per centage of girls has incroascd until now tho girls outnumber tllo boys nearly two to one. In 1800 thcro woro 7 graduates all of whom were girls. Thoro have been 10 Popes who have graduated, out of tills numbor 7 have been of tho family of Goorgo Popo, certainly a record of which any family might well bo proud. There hnvo been two colored graduates, Sam and Blanch Foster We take particular plcasuro lu call ing attention to those Alumni who have gone out into tho world and on their inorlt won for themselves nation al icputat Ions, Mrs. Boatilx Florence nud Miss Helen Ovetniuu iu the music al world, Miss Wllla Cuther in tho literary world and Ralph Popo in tho military world, It Is also u source of (Continued on fourth page) jjlr , " "'-"r -- -fa to. !!))!). Carload Of IJust received and crowded to its utmost. Price and quality I the best we have ever been able to offer our customers. :::::::: Seeing is Licensed Embalmcrs Albright Brothers. is Yur Money Working? ' If not, you should open an account immediately, so that it may begin earning interest. We pay interest on time deposits. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Red Cloud CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. INZER, Pres. S. R. FLORANGE, Cashier. The Miner Bros. Co. (Inc) H, A. Letson. Mgr. General Merchants We have the Largest and Best Stock of New Merchandise shown in South ern Nebraska. : Nations Dry Goods Furnishings . , Women's Suits Rugs Garnets Groceries Shoes Our Special Sale of Women's Fine Tailor Made Suits will Continue through next week in which time we expect to have sold every suit. There are rare bargains in store for you. THE WER BROS., GO. (IflG.) H. A. LETSON, Mgr, Some Alcohol Questions Is alcohol a tonic? No! Docs it make the blood pure? No! Does it strengthen the nerves? No! Is Ayer's Sarsapariiia a tonic? Yes! Does it make the blood pure? jYes! Uoes it strengthen the nerves Yes! Is it the only I Sarsapariiia entirely free from alcohol? Yes! Ask your doctor about this non-alcoholic medicine. If he approves, yot't" Jfonfidence will be complete. C77Co Lowell, Mass. Dull boys! Dull tflrlsl Dull men 1 IJull very often due lo constipation! Yet the NUMUISR Ul fVVAA1(rfJA Furniture! our Little Slore Believing and Undertakers. : : : women! Heavy-headed! Downhearted I All cure Is so casv. Aycr'a Pills. Ask your doctor. f m iUJln,.M,,..,.IIUJt.,.,l,WrfcWMlW,).