The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 13, 1909, Image 8
T uVfrt- rswr -m.. - 4 -, tor I VJ If TORE 'W ! Potter Block Red Cloud, Nebr. iKMWHMWitMfciUu.5HZSaBCa , MBMWWIMgaaMWHWMBWMUMMIMIlllliaMJI miJUWMIU L n I Lu ljunlii.ini.mi HnH ifiHg H HHhORH A A K Bk Bfv j&r&MBBb JBhES. BHH jKv HEIV. 15 , M 4 J t Two weeks ago when we started our Public Sale, it was our intention to reduce this slock to a certain amount and then sell the balance to a certain Party Owing to the bad weather, we have had the past two weeks. We did not succeed in reducing it enough. So we have decided to continue this Public Clearing Sale for two weeks more, or if this party should decide to buy the stock before then. This sale will then close. In the meantime we are going to continue the extraordinary Bargain selling on all the goods in this store. In addition to the many Bargains quoted on our other bflls we arc going to make still further Price induce ments on some lines of goods in this stock so as to make them go out quick. Tomorrow morning, Thursday May 13th. we commence this Two Week's Continuance Sale. It will pay you to take advantage of these Bar gains as they will go out with a rush. In the past week's selling we have accumulated a good many icmnarits and short lengths in nearly all the different lines These Remnants and short lengths we are now going to place special on sale at extraordinary Bargain Prices. All the Wool dress Remnants and short lengths placed on sale at exactly half Prices. All the remnants and short length of Wash dress Fabrics on sale at exactly half price. Remnants and short lengths Ginghams, Calicoes, Outings, rianndcttcs, Muslins, Table Linens, Shirtings.&c. At' nearly half nJuhr nricJ Remnants and short lengths, Embroideries and Laces at half Price. All the New White and Colored Waists on Sale at special Bargain Prices' aSc 6Sc' 7Sc. oSc. and up. The greatest Bargain values in the New Black and Colored Panama and Voile skirts ever shown any where at $ 08 ind up ' All the balance of our stock of Ladies' spring suits on sale at nearly half price regardless of cost, as they must all be sold now. Kin-s' Thread at ac. per spool. Coats' Thread 4c per spool, Kloster silk thread 4c. per spool, Pear! Burtons c per dozen rvxr wru wuvwr - ww""""WMMWWMMBBWBWiMBOBBMaMMMMMiMWMM,,Mllf ' J t. ! r-s' Mmmmirr , a ptj'r-y- -''" --w-.. KAU7 .-. .'V. ' i-v.-' Sold onlv in Moisture "Proof "Packages m&&. fflsfi Uneed lit n National -Bi nwn.wtJt.w, !. 'i' 1 T fc flm'WlBl VlWw 12 9 G fliKwiSt. FPJ' STMK'tttWSSlXV Vi ---- -j -i STEWtCWKi-SCTLTm. 1F 4 I .scuit - Goodrn ess - - - -f -i'9iicjp u .'r- n b'' vVi What makes them the best soda crackers ever baked? . What makes them the only choice of millions? What makes them famous as the National Biscuit? .Si; III L - IrOOfl TB fiSR I A 1M -' Ji IUTMM'J'a "H. U3k..' UiJiJ B 4 tot ! Ul NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY JM PAID ADVtRTISEIfENT This Space Is Paid for by Uic W-C.T. U. Mncu no legalized toinptatioii to iliJHlt liniioria bovorajro would uxKt ii niii- city, but ior tho co-opoiiitlon of Unity fret-liolduis, u liuvo taken tho niUivuf iimny iui-,ons nnd (vo to tin- ptinllo thu-,0 imiiii's lound on tho oUyclei-U's n-coid us Imvnifr hw,ft.d the petitions of our kiIoou keepeis for license to take money -for that whieh i -j not bread and which vitislleth not." loinpeninuo people who wish to la ojiil to (hoi,. pri,K.ipl,.s ujh kllovv liettei o wlioni tg Kiv0 their patron "e U thought wo wored.)inrtheso signers u kindness to ask them to icir n.inies oil" thu petition but Unci liey could not do so without applica tion to tho council It is ihniJiilt to undo a u roiif? act. C. T. U. Coin tnittee. Petition of V. Upright upright w huts la aniunc PAT B Jus. Uurdeu W. G. Ilnmlltoii J. V. Moianvillo H. C Erret .Tno. H Stnnsei' O. II. Hollister Henry Cook Ciiarles Steffen i:. Kobbius C. 1). Robinbou Geo. V. ilutehison .1. S. EmiKh A. Fountain J. W. Kinsel ruuies MetJiiiro .1. IJ. Carr Petition of Doylo & Itushee V. IJoliiiKraiu T. Harwood J. M. Chilian John 1'olnicky J. O. Butler Kobt. Damercll A. A. Keukel V II. Tuber II W. Gullifoid Frank Petur-on A. P.. Myers . E. Uargiuau A.N. Eddy hyl ester Day J. X. Havel James Hut don Frank Peterson lames .MoCuiio A. Fountain h uy Jno U. ytanser .1. P. Moianvillo C. I) Uobln-jon HjIH. Damercll II. Btirmau lioniy Cook G. H. Hollister A. It. .Myers I'M Kobbius A. A. Itonkcl J W. Khisel .7. S. Emigh A. V. IIoltiiKrain W. II. Tuber .I.X. Haol T. CJ. Harwood A. N. Eddy II. C. Enet J. U. Curr Geo. V. Hiiteliison .1. M. ChatHii .1. V.. Moianville V. t!. Hamilton Charles SteiVeus J. O. IJutler ilolin l'olnlokv Poi.XICK t LON'GII.Y. VVu would like to prove to evoiysuf Terer of Kidney discuses that Filicides will hi-liiR prompt relief, ltaekaehe ilieiimiitihin, liinibuKO, fatlRiio and lm pure blood are inertly Hymptoms of Kidney disoiders. Tho 81 siz con talus 52'J tlmos iih much as the 50c size SSokl by Henry Cook. , u y",". .xP,L't ,0 't th original Car bolizcd Witoli Hazel Salve, you must bo Hiiro it is DcWltt'sCarbonlcdWlteh Hazel Salve. It is good for cuts, burns aP. br,'isesi '! la espoclally ijood for piles. Refuse substitutes. Sold by all druggists. I am now located In the Winfrey breeding barn in Red Cloim and have two Hue Mlssouil, and ono Hue E.xcol lent Kentucky Jacks, and one fine Per-chcrou-Normau Stallion for service for the season of 1009. Call and sec them. H. A Johnson, proprietor. MnnZau Pilo Remedy is put up In a tube with attached convenient for use. May be applied directly to thoalfected parts reducing and reliev-ing-thc pain and Inllauimatiou. For all kinds of Piles. Guaranteed. Pricu 50c. Sold by llonry Cook. rims. II. Kaley (ieo. C'lausan D. Suliiiuu V H Miuulcrilllc W h Koon V. U. Saunders T. J. Ward f Jake Sal.mau Mrs. E. A. Oatman Frank Clauson W. K. Gecr L. R. Clapp P. A, Hansen . V. Fcnttcss U. U. llessc D. E. Sauudeis W. F. Foster Joo l'oglo W. Huhrcr Abel Jerubcrir J. P. Hansen Jacob Jensen It. Ii, Kumuicr t. S. Crabill Tommy Ryan A. Cook . C. Stevens It. U. M.ooie J. J (a rk ley Herbert Xeuciberg W. A. Sherwood 1). Ij. Oroat 11. W. K'oont. W, S. Ilenso Miles Doylo (. R. Uoycu Melvin McCord J. K. Wall E. Wclsch John Koenlg do lives after The evil that men thorn" "Tho good is oft Interred with thoir bones." Shakespeare. Signed. W. C. T. l. Bright bay Shire stallion, 0 yeais old, 1 ii hands high, weight 100(1, well built, splendid action, and a good foul getter. Tkiims: $8. This hoisc will stand for the season of HlOJi nt Ashor's barn, Red Cloud. He is in first clas condition. Disposing of mares or ic moving without permission forfeits in surance nionay and same boeomos due at once, due taken to provent ac cidents but will not be responsible 'should any occur. W. S. Pajikkh. Nttlcc (o Crcdltrs. Mntcof Nelinihka l inii1Bi.1., WulMtcrCiiimty f " ll,el oul,,J ' "urt Ixtlio niiiltcr of tho istate of Amies I:. M Call, Dcccastil. .Notice tHlieraby kImmi to all persons lm. Iiicl'IiiIiiim ami ik'iiiaiiilsiiKiilnst Amies liJlc. Call, Into of Wolwtor county, ilcceahtd, tlial tliutlmalUeil fur illliiu cIiiIuih nijaliiht sahl cstat Is hl inoiiihs fi(,in tho iluth lnv nl Mil) UK Hi. All mu h pii miis nie reipilreil to priiun their ilalms. win, the Noudurh, to thu Count) .JiiiIkv of h.ita county, at Ills olllco tin rein. m or lieforu thesoth ilny of No uiutic r lilDI; unit nil elnlmsholllcil will bohennl In foio UiOHiilitJiiilKa on tha 'JJnit ihi) of Noeiu herlTOi, at ono o'clock p. m.; nml that the adiulnlstialor Is allow uloiiu jtar fiuiu the 'Jilthilaj of Apill IWll.Jn wldih to pay the debts allow el against hiild c-.t.Us and s. ttlo the sains. W' " 1 1. W. Kiwo.x I'oiuity Judge. The Standard Bred Trolling Stallion Oscar Wagner, No. 30507 wlllnuiLi. the, wason of mot), , 1)r AMier'K bain, Hid Cloud. 'IIiho of his Kt ilVl. Miow-n ability t K a aoaiuiouetould lml -M hut ) tin and i iratythtw cmii go In -.Mu orln-ttir. MUhrtixliimUHtioagin trottlni: I in from weak spots on Uu. Kbits to mil) nut nl. ho has ninio .lrB0 Cl)lu than any other Ironing hoisu that eer stood In the county. Ohenr Wacner, 1WM7 was Hlud b .Noral ( hlef No. tblW.record' l.: he by an iy KUetloncor i by llan.bloionlan 10. ..sear WaKner 1st. dam by Madrid ins. Bud .Mm bj onwaid Mil, 3d dm.. M-otts TJionuu l)iu. tth dam by Planet. Oscar Wanner .'50.7)7 man stpaitriml aniestors aio tu follows: Noral Chit f record -J lu i.. h,,. of sK from 2:11 to2JW. Nonnl rteor.l 2:11 . Mteof luif, froni'.MM.l-t to 2.SU; ouwanl mi' MicoflMf.oin'.'Ui.ito2.-U)i.i:iictloni.rsliu IUI. Houi2.07y. t3H0, Otorgo llkis .No.Clll sire of wiro.n 2.11 1-2 to a, llamblutonian 10, wire of 10 from 2.171-1 to 2.W. Oscar WaB. ner'H paternal anctston, havoMrtd, w.i.sslrcd and diiUKhtersproduiid marly ono-thlrd of iilllhu'.'dOiiirforiutrs to date. Oscar Wair ntr is a scat brown, i& po ,,,, , , , iclEh. nlwut II.VJ In full iicsh. fall nt barn nnd o horse. John Gilbert. IBMitiaMK''JW'irjMsOTw- '.iMKwarmj.K'nY ivri.v-;TWt'rtiirjM-vJ'Ki-i' wnifc-TTyaT ra -stmwrr.e wimii'j mrrl VWW 4 JVjll4tg!?tlll'.'wWWi'aMXff y'lOT"nn,rvi7gl.TVy --. J -'fniK'lxnmrnvvtsMfMtatM && i3j .6TT f