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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1909)
Si Wtfg-'isi?'rm'--: The Chief C. B. HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD, - NEBR SDH OF THE WEEK ITEMS OP GREATER OR LESSER IMPORTANCE OVER THE STATE. NEWS FRDM HOME AND ABROAD Doings of the Busy World Which May Bt Read In a Few Moments Na tional and World-Wide Events of Importance. Foreign. During tho month of April fifty-fivo now cases of bubonic plaguo wero reported at Guayqull. I'rlnco Ferdinand of Bulgaria, has responded cordially to tho follcltatlona of President Taft. Tho situation at Suadln, where a number of Armenians linvo boon massacred, has boon rcllovod. Ah a result of tho prohibition of tho Importation of opium Into Amor lea, "tho opium farmer," a Macao, China, firm, ban failed. Tho govern ment has seized tho factory and will conduct the monopoly Itsolf. King Edward, who 1b at present In Paris, Incognito, eluded tho report ers and attended a mimic hall per formance. Tho "turns" woro of tho usual Parisian variety. Tho Ormondo two-ycnr-old plato of 200 sovereigns, dlstnnco four fur longB,was won nt Chester, Egnlnnd, by Plpu of Port. II. P. Whitney's Oversight wns second. C'lprlano Castro, tho deposed presi dent of Venezuela, went to Sanlando, Spain, whero bo will moot his wife, who Is returning from tho West In dies. Tho situation nt Saudla and Dour tyul ngnln Is critical. Troublo is brew ing, and further anti-Christian out breaks aro feared. FIvo hundred Turk ish troops havo boon dispatched to thoso two points. Tho Neuo Gesselcs elmftlchc Corres pondenz, which haB oxcollont ofllclal sources of Informnllon, announces that Chancclor von Buelow Intends to resign beforo tho Whltsuntldo recoss, unless tho flnnnclnl reform plans of tho government nro adopted. A dispatch from Stuttgart says County Zeppelin will undertake to eomo from Frlodrlchshafon to Ber lin In lils new airship. Princess Hobort do Broglio, who was a .Miss Estello Aloxandcr of San Frnn cIbco, was granted n dlvorco from her husband on tho ground of desertion. She was given nlso tho custody of her child nnd alimony of $00 a month. A proclamation granting a constitu tion to Persia has been signed and Issued by tho shah. Tho document announces that constitutional rcglmo alono is enpablo of bringing about tho tho restoration of order nud promoting the welfare of tno people Mr. J. T. Magoon, dnughtor of tho lato Oencrnl Torrcnco of Chicago, wbh mnrrled to W. O. Blnklston In St. Andrew's church, Kensington. Domestic. A finely wrought sword, with a hilt of solid gold, alleged to havo boon brought to this country as a gift for President Taft, was ono of sovoral hundred oriental art objects solzed at Now York by apodal treasury agents. President Taft sent to tho sennte tho nomination of United States Dis trict Judgo William M. Lannlg of Trenton, N. J to bo United States circuit Judge for tho third Judicial circuit, vlco Georgo M. Dallas, of Philadelphia, retired. Tho Missouri senato committeo on prlvnto corporations reported adverse ly tho houso bill which would pro- molt foreign corporations from hold ing stock in domostic concerns. The action 1b taken to mean tho doath of the measure. Sporadic outbreaks of vlolenco marked tho progress of tho Brooklyn bakers strike. An attack on n Har lem bakery was participated In by women, four of whom woro arrested and later discharged with a warn ing. Tho lower branch of tho Missouri legislature passed a bill prohibiting treating In saloons or othor palces where Intoxicating liquors aro sold. Tho penalty for doing so Is a tlno from $5 to 25. Tho battleship Idaho passed In tho m-iawaro uroanwator from Kuantan ambo, Cuba. Hammond LaMont, tho editor of the Nation, died nt Itoosovelt hospital. New York. Two firemen woro probably fatally Injured, and a loss of $500,000 caused by a firo which dostroyed two build Inga of tho Wohrlo Stovo company nt Newark, O. Frank Gotch, defeated Fred Bcoll In straight falls in n wrestling match at Denver. A tornado struck Kentucky town, Tex. Thr Baptist church and school houso wore dostroyed and other proporty damaged. No casualties havo boon re ported. In a quarrel over a dog Alfred P. JohnBon wa8 killed by Honry Price at Venice, 111. The Tuscarawas rlvor claim four victims Sunday afternoon. Two others, almost dead from exhaustion, wcro rescued ns they wero Mnklng for tho third time. Six men, comprising a ploaauro pnrty, which set out In a mo tor boat for a trip on tho river, by sonio accident capsized tho boat and the four victims went down. Count Johann Holnrlch von Borns torff, the German nmbassador, re ceived u cordial wclcomo by tho Gorman-Americans of Milwaukee upon his arrival. A default Judgment In tho sum of $650,000 was entered against tho Har ney Pcaw Tin Mining company In favor of tho Fnrmors' Loan nnd Trust company. Tho battleship Mississippi arrived nt Now Orleans. A reduction of C cents a barrel was announced by tho Standard Oil com pany In tho prlco of nil grades of crudu oil, except Ilagland, which Is unchanged, Tho Carncglo hero fund commission at Its regular quarterly meeting mado awards to twenty-throe porsonB for dcods of heroism considered slnco tho Inst mooting. Tho awards consist of slxtcon bronzo nnd 'seven Bllvor medals, $14,000 in cash and nnnultlos amounting to $125 n month. No awards to western pooplo woro mado. Tho second annual stato couforenco of associated charities and corrections began nt Shawneo. Okla. Tho annual celebration of foundor's day, in honor of Androw Carnoglo, wan brilliantly observed nt Carnoglo institute. Tho nnnual spring golf tournament of tho Country club of Atlantic Cltj opened. Tho members of tho marlno cookB and stewards' union havo votod almost unanimously In favor of cnlllng a strike against tho boats belonging to tho Lako Carriers' association. Catherine T. Dodgo, widow of Capt Charles Dodge, U. S. A., has been do dared sane by tho probato court, her estate amounting to $20,000, bos been restored to her care and her guardian linn been discharged. For two yeara sho was regarded ns an lnsano person. Tho Wyoming state ptiro food com mission has endorsed tho recent gov ernment ruling relating to artificially ngod or whitened Hour, and dealers will be given until September to dls poso of their stocks. Nearly all tho Hour sold In thb stato Is Imported. San Antonio's annual spring carni val, In eolebrntlon of tho heroic do fnnso of tho Alamo, opened with a mngnlllcont floral pageant. Tho auto races scheduled for Mont gomery, Ala., havo boon postponed for a week on account of raluy wcathor. John Woolford, a chauffour. em ployed by tho son of President Mc Crctt of the Pennsylvania railroad, was sentenced to thirty days In Jail for violating tho speed laws. Sixteen persons wcro Injured, ono perhaps fatally. In 11 tornado which destroyed n largo part of tho town of Contrahoma, Okla. As a result of an oxploslon In tho film room of (ho Crosccnt niclcodcon nt Pcorln, 111., resulting In plunging tho cntlro front of tho theater Into flames, William P. Robinson, city edi tor of tho Peoria Star, and manager of tho playhouse, Is dead. Washington. Aldred Itustem Bye, formerly at tached to tho Turkish embnny at Washington, has been appointed coun cillor of thnt embassy. Flvo thousand dollars wero sent by tho Red CrosB socloty to Amorlcan Ambassador Lelshman at Constanti nople to bo used by him at hta dis cretion for tho rellof of tho sufferers In Turkey. Representative Campbell of Kansas, who has Just returned from n trip to tho Istlimus of Panama, called on Prosldent Taft and told him ho be lieved ships will bo passing through tho canal In five yoars. Tho marriage of Miss Blanche Willis Emory, daughter of Roar Admiral Wil liam II. Emory, United Stntes navy, retired, nnd Mrs. Emory, to Esmond Ovoy, M. V. O., of Henley on Thames, England, third secretary of tho British embassy, took placo at noon Wednes day. President Taft has aproved tho sen tence of dismissal Imposed by court martial In tho caso of Lioutenant Thomas A. Jouob, coast artillery corps, stationed nt Fort Baker, Cal., on conviction of chargos Involving fraudulent conduct In hla oflldal ca pacity. Lleutonunt Jonos Is from Ne braska, and was promoted from tho ranks. A statuo of Aloxandcr R. Shepherd, second governor of tho territorial government of tho District of Colum bla, wnB unveiled Monday nfternoon In front of tho district building. Senator Brown Introduced a resolu tion looking to atumni'iiilmniif t, constitution to provldo that congress may havo tho power to levy lncomo and Inheritance taxes. It provides In duo form for tho submission of the matter to tho legislatures of tho states. Alvin Keysor, professor of soils at tho State University of Nebraska, has roquosted Senator Brown to assist In keeping potash senln nn n, r... . ! Tills salo is imperatively needed as n-.iiiiwjr m sonio soils nnd a duty would work a hardship on ninny No braskana. Samuel T. Stevenson, convlctod of embezzling funds of tho New Orleans typographical union, was sentenced to lour years In ho state penitentiary Tho safe of the nanK or Luc,' Okla., wns robbed and $1,000 In cur! f?0 sSn",CS l Ul nmUnt ol OFFICE AWAITS HIM CALL OF THE WILD GOES OUT TO COLONEL ROOSEVELT. CAN BE MAYOR OF NEW YORK Position Second In Importance Only to the Presidency Not Aware of Boom That Friends Have Launched. Tho nomination of Thcodoro Roose velt for mayor of Now York City Is proposed by Gonoral Stewart L. Woodford, tho diplomatist nnd for mor minister to Spain, In n state ment Issued In Now York Saturday. It Is admitted that tho "boom thus launched has neither tho knowledgo or tho consent of Mr. Roosevelt," but it Is declnrcd that "an Insistent nnd nnr.r.lmous demand on tho part of tho people or tho city would compel him to accept. " General Woodford's statement Is in part, as follows: "If I had tho power to nomlnato nnd elect tho next mayor of Now York City, I should without n mo ment's hesitation havo Thcodoro Roosevolttho mayor. In dignity and Importance the olllce ranks next to tho presidency. Tho problem in city government Is tho greatest problem In tho community, and I am inclined to think that 11 great and good mayor of Now York could do more good to tho entire country today than oven tho president can. "Mr. Roosevelt was born hero and knows tho city. By his peculiarly direct and effective executive ability ho scorns to bo the best man for this groat civic trust and duty." Patten Back at Chicago. James A. Patten, tho central flguro of tho recent wheat excitement, ar rived In Chicago Sunday after taking a short rest on n ranch near Trin idad, Colo. Mr. Patten, who appeared to bo in excellent condition, went directly to his homo In- Evanston, a suburb. Ho said ho had nothing of Interest to add to whnt he had given out In an Intervlow nt Kansas City Saturday night. Mr. Patten ndtled ho would bo at his desk Monday morning ns usual. Rbbl at New York Opposes Inter . t marriage With Christians. Dr. Leon Harrison of Temple Is rael, St. LouIb, stoutly opposed the Intermarriage of Jows and Christians in n sermon Sunday at tho free synagogue in Now York. Fusion, ho said, would only result In confusion, while lntormnrrlago would simply mean, not that tho majority would bo drawn to Israel, but that wo of Israel would bo overwhelmingly merged nnd lost In Christendom. Failed at a Revolution. Pnssengers on tho steamer Guade loupe, who havo Just nrrlvcd at Bor deaux from Venezuela, stato that friends of Castro attempted to start a revolution there, but met with fail ure. Tho situation In Venezuela ap peared to be satisfactory at tho tlmo they left. Although In their opinion tho army favorB Castro, tho re-election of Gomez ns president appears to bo certain. Weston Reaches Topeka After reaching tho western out skirts of Topeka, Kans., and being delayed by the sickness of ono of tho men accompanying him, with heavy roads threatening, Edward Payson Weston, tho pedestrian, Sat urday turned back and is now stay ing nt a local hotel. He started again Sunday night Just after raid night on his westward Journey. 8tewart Owned Little Property. Tho will of Formor United States Senator William M. Stewart of Ne vada, who died recently, wns filed for probato Thursday. It disclosed the fact that ho owned no real estate and his porsonnl proporty did not ox cced $1,500 In value. This amount Is devised to hla widow, Mrs. May Agnes Stowart. Mr. Stewart's dobts nro said to nggregato $25,000. Nne Persons Drown In River at Wllkesbarre, Pa. Six men, a woman and two child dren wero drowned Sunday afternoon in tho Susquehanna river near Wllkes barre, Pa., by tho carslzlng or a row boat In which they had started for an outing. Death of Mrs. Augusta Evans. Mrs, Augusta Evans, tho well known southorn nuthoress, died early Sunday morning from an attack of heart failure. Estab'lsh Chinese School at Chicago. Wu Ting Fang, Chinese minister plenipotentiary to tho United States, has accepted tho presidency of tho Chinese school of Chlcogo, according to an announcement mado Sunday. Tho school Is ono of a series started under tho auspices of tho Imporlal Chinese government. Courses In Chinese literature, domestic scienco, Chlnoso nnd International law and in tho custom and hnblts of tho Chlnoso In tholr own country will bo glvon. There nro thirty-two students, rang lng In age from six to thirty, already enrolled. OF ITEMS OF GREATER OR LESSER IMPORTANCE OVER THE 8TATE. PRESS, PLATFORM AND PULPIT What Is Going on Here and There That it of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Ne braska. Home for W. C. T. U. Ladles. Tho W. C. T. U. ladles of Palrbury havo Just cloned a deal for tho pur chase of a lot near tho square for $1,800 upon watch thoy will erect a building to cost $15,000 to bo usod as headquarters. This building will also bo Bhared by a Y. W. C. A. to bo organized a llttlo later and rooms will bo fitted up for boarders among tho glrlB who havo como to Palrbury to work or attend school and have no relatives or friends with whom to mako their homos. A largo' dining room nnd kitchen will bo supplied on tho first floor nnd in addition parlors for tho meeting of tho W. C. T. U. will bo on this floor. The building Is to bo Btrlctly modern nnd will bo giv en over exclusively to tho entertain ment of tho femnlo sox. Movement for Big Ditch. Merrick county citizens aro agltat- lng n ditch project which If carried out will result in great benefit to that section. Tho plan proposed It put In to practice will result in the drain ago of a territory thirty-six miles long and seven miles wide, making nn ng gregato of seventy miles of ditch. Tho question will be submitted to a vote ot tho pcoplo owning tho land sup posed to bo benefited. Tho Commer cial club Is pushing tho matter and tho mombcrs believe there 1b reason able hopo tor success. W. J. McEarth on, supervising drainage engineer, has been dotallcd to complete a survey and nn actlvo campaign of education will begin at once. High School Spelling Contest. Tho nnnuall spelling nnd reading contest or Hitchcock county was hold In Strntton. The contest consists ot 100 written words nnd reading. Threo schools woro represented, each by five spellers from tho high schools and the eighth grndo nnd four readers tak en from tho fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Tho contest was for n silver cup. Tho words wero furnished by President A. O. Thomas of tho Kcarnoy stato normal. Mall Carrier Injured. Aaron Hanson, n rural mall carrier of Wahoo, was seriously Injured while serving his routo. Mr. Hanson drives his routo In an open cart and whllo driving down a stoop hill tho horse stumbled, pitching Mr. Hanson for ward In such n manner that ho fell beneath tho horse. As a result of tho accident ho has a broken leg nnd Is bruised badly, making It necessary for him to lay off for a few months. Newspaper Changes Hands. The Brndshaw Republican, founded In 189G by John B. Doy has been sold to L. D. Bcltzor of Osceola, who took editorial charge Saturday morn ing. Mr. Beltzer will no doubt give Bradshaw n first class newspaper. Tho name ot tho paper will bo changed to Monitor and will bo non-partisan In politics. Colonel Dey will retire from tho newspaper field and dovoto bis attention to other pursuits. Farmer Bitten By Mad Dog. James White, a farmer residing north of Palmyra, was bitten by a dog which acted strangely. He cap tured tho dog, and taking Its head ho went to Chicago, where It was decided that he was Infected with tho rabies and would have to remain in a Pas teur institute for treatment. The dog bit a number of animals and it has caused considerable uncaslnosB in that part of tho county. Italian Hetd Without Ball. The preliminary hearing of Florlno Bortuca, charged with tho murder of John Price, the 11-year-old stepson of Prank WIsnor of Wymoro, was held in county court Saturday at tho con clusion of which the dofendant was bound over to tho prcsont term ot tho district court without ball. Tho wltnessos wcro subpoenaed, but only four wero called to testify. Mills at Reynolds Burned, Tho Reynolds flouring mills at Rey nolds, owned by Jacob Mackcy, woro totally dostroyed by Are Friday night, together with one thousand bushels of wheat, two hundred bushols of corn and a ton ot flour. Tho fire was dis covered nbout 10 o'clock, when flames wero Issuing from the second story. It Ib thought the firo started from a dcfectlvo lluo. Merrick County Not Dry. Merrick county Is now without a slngla saloon, tho last ono in tho county, that at Sliver Creok, bnving closed Saturday. It Is extremely doubt ful if any llceuses will bo issued for tno present municipal year; tho only licenses being Issued being at Chap man and Silver Creek. At Chapman thero aro two fully organized town boards at present, and when tho courts havo settled the questions growing out of-tho rocont town olectlon there, thon it will bo known whether an applica tion for a llconso will bo made or uot mtme - W NEBRASKA NEBRASKA HAPPENING3. State News and Nates In Condensed Form. Tho two dally papers of Nebraska City aro preparing to issuo a now city directory of tho town. A Bllvor medal contest was hold at Dorchester Friday night at tho M. E. church under tho auspices of the W. C. T. U. Tho Marsh farm of 1C0 acres, five miles northeast of Clay Center, was sold for $9,600. A Mr. Urbauer was tho purchaser. At a recent meeting of tho commit too on accredited schools Trenton was placed on tho accredited list as a threo year high school. The twenty-flrst annual convention of the Soward County Sunday School association convened In Soward Fri day for a two days session. Charles E. Evans, a former residont of the Adams vicinity, waB killed Thursday of last week by tho caving in of a Elnc mlno nt Ducnwcg, Mo. Parties at Auburn havo filed remon strances against tho granting of saloon llconso at Johnson. They have also hired an attorney nnd a fight will bo made. W. E. Lahman, a farmer residing south of Nebraska City, got his left hand in a corn shcllor and will lose at least two fingers lr not tho entlro hand. II. P. Rathe has purchased tho P. L. Bartllng farm of 320 acres north cast of Adams, paying $125 per acre or $40,000 for tho place. The farm is well Improved. Bert Smith, who has been cashier or the Bank or Paul, slnco Its orga nization, has resigned, nnd will study niodlclne. John Oolko has been eloot ed to take his placo. A tornado1 Btruck Brule at 5 p. m. Friday, completely destroying threo new buildings under construction, un rooted bams and did general havoc, but no one was hurt. The largo two-story houso belonging to Charles Jordon ot Valentino burned to tho ground Saturday morning about 10 o'colck. All tho contents wero saved nnd the houso was Insured. Fire resulting from tho explosion of a gasoline stovo completely de stroyed the residenco of Frank Whit ney at the edge of East Ashland. Tho loss amounts to about $1,000 with In surance ot $G00. Mrs. Mnmlo MncAvoy or Omaha rollowed her 10-ycar-old son to Fre mont and round him nt the Fremont police station. The boy had been ar rested by tho Fremont police. Ho left homo Saturday. Glon or Aurora won tho wrestling match over Chlngoway of Walthlll, getting threo straight falls, tho first la four minutes, tho second In ten min utes and tho third In seven minutes. Thero was a purse of $100. Rev. Carl Predoehl, a German Lutheran minister who was born and brought up near West Point, has left, his chargo at Hampton, nnd has ac cepted a call from tho church at Landostrew, Saskatchewan, Canada. Over ono hundred and twenty homos in Fullerton havo been decorated by tho marshal with largo measles cards. Every care is being taken to prevent tho further spread ot this contagious disease. Mrs. I. B. Brldcnthnl has pur chased tho Robert Fenton farm con sisting of 640 acres, west of Bluo Springs. Tho consideration was $75 per acre, or $48,000. Mr. Ponton has resided on ,thls farm for the past 30 years. Conrad Schneider, tho mayor of Snyder for twenty years, is going to celcbrato tho anniversary by a trip to his old homo in Germany. Whllo in Germany it is said Mr. Schneider will devote most of his time to a study of town affairs. Advices rrom Elmcreok Btato that some unknown party entered the de partment store of Chris Madsen and stole a quantity of men's clothing. The cash register waB demolished and the thleycs wero rewarded only with a few pennies. Alice Miller, a pretty Fremont girl, want all tho way to Pocatollo, Idaho, to wed Arthur McDonald, a formor Fremont boy. Tho young miss mado tho long trip alone. Sho arrived in Pocatello Saturday and the marriage was to tako placo Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. After lying dormant since January 1, at which timo tho plant wont into tho hands of a receiver, tho Fair bury Iron Works and Windmill com pany resumes operation this meek. A distinct enrthquako shock was felt in various partB of Brown county bo twoen 4 nnd 5 o'clock Sunday after noon. Tho First Baptist church of Hast ings bold its thlrty-Blxth anniversary Friday night. The weather kept many away, but nevertheless a good slzod company was present. Romlnlscont nddresses woro mado by H. II. Starr and Jacob Woostor. Tho pastor, Rev. W. J. Coulston spoke of tho early members of tho church. Tho principal addross was made by Rov. P. H. Mc Dowell, ot Emanuel Baptist church, Omaha. John W. Sperry, ot Wcoplng Wa tor, Is now at homo attor a, long torm ot service In tho United States army. In Juno, 1898, ho enlisted In company L, Third Nozraska Volunteers, and later ho Joined tho Eighteenth U. S. Infantry and saw servlco In the Philip pines. After his discharge ho en listed In the Twenty-first U. S. Infan try. At tho Mondny night meeting ot tho board ot education It was brought out that there will be six vaoandes in tho Fremont teaching forco for next The board granted a ralso in tvh ers' salary a tow months ago. CAPITAL CITY NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST AROUND THE 8TATE HOU8E. NEWS OF THE STATE CAPITAL Doings of the State Officials and Other Happenings That Are of State-Wide fmt portance. Governor Names Delegates. Governor Shallcnborgor has ap pointed Dr. Roscoo Pound of Chicago and Dr. Samuel Avery, chancellor of tho stato university, delogates to tho second national poaco congress which will bo held in Chicago, Monday, May 8 to 5. Tho governor has appointed dele gates to represent Nebraska nt tho third international conforenco on Btato and local taxation to bo hold In Louisville, Ky., September 21 to 24; the eoventh national arrigatlon con gress to bo held at Spokane, Wash.. August 9 to 14, and tho national con- forenco of charities nnd correction which will convene in Buffalo, Juno 9 to 16. The delegates aro as follows: Tax ation conference, C. C. Carrlg or Kearney, W. S. Schrlvor of Omaha, II. A. Edwards of Grand Islasd; alter nates, Shell Clack or Columbus, E. O. Bornoecker or Soward, W. O. Downing or York. National irrigation congress, W. S. Morcland or McCook, Grant L. Shum way of Scott Bluffs, A. M. Morrlssey or Valentine, Chnrlcs Coffco or Chnd ron, D. Clem Denver or Omaha, Jnraes B. McDonald or North Platte, Adna Dobson or Llnocln, Henry T. Clarke or Omaha, C. A. Edwards or Kear ney, E. A. Cudahy or Omaha, H. O. Smith of Lexington, P. T. Francis of Crawford, M. B. Smith or Brldgoport, W. A. Sharpnack of Alma, J. C. Boe ler or North Platte. Charities and correction, Miss Grace Abbott or Grand Island, Miss Lena Ward of Mllford, A. W. Clark. Mrs. W. R. Adams or Omaha, Mrs. Harriet Heller or Omaha, Miss Idn V. Jonts ot Omaha, Mogy Bernstein or Omaha, Dr. C. E. Provoy or Lin coln, Mrs. A. J. Hornberger or Lin coln, John Davis or Lincoln, B. D. Hayward or Lincoln, L. Eavcr or Lin coln. GCOrCO E. Howard nf T.lnnnln Mrs. Anna Dovlo nf T.lnnnln Jnnl a' Piper or Lincoln. Mrs. Mnrv Tl. Mftrl gan or Alma, C. B. Manuel or Kcar-v' noy, .miss L,yua McMahon or Geneva, Miss Lucllc Evans or Lincoln, P. H, Matters ot Omaha, Arthur D. Brandies or Omaha. V Judge Dean Wins Court Decision. Tho supremo court Friday after- noon handed down an opinion uphold- l lng tho valadity ot tho appointment J or Judgo Doan to tho supremo bench I by ox-Governor Sheldon nnd, by 1 analogy, tho appointment ot Judges ' i-awceu, uoeo and Root. Tho do- jr clslon was handed down In tho case of Sheldon ncalnst Dnnn. Tiwi om. ham of Kearney was appointed by Governor Shallcnborgor to tho su prerao bench on tho assumption that only tho legislature had tho right to canvass the returns on constitutional amendments and that tho Sheldon appointments, made on tho returns of tho stato canvasslnu board, worn nt legal. In order to provldo a court of unquestioned standing of sufficient size to work Governor Shnllonborger duplicated two of tho Sheldon nn. polntments, Judgo Root and Pawcetl juage j. j. Hulllvan ot Omaha wns the other democratic appolnteo. It Is presumed that Judgo SulllTan nnd Judge Oldham will bo candidates for eloctlon this fall. It is certain that JudgeB Fawcett and Doan, the latter a democrat, will run for re election. After tho power was taken from tho legislature it ran, by assumption to tho canvassing board. This was the contested point Tho democrats ac ceded at last to admission that the Sholdon appointments woro valid from Novomber to January, treating this period as a vncancy. fW" Judges Root and Ross wero ap pointed for tho long torm, theur terms expiring in 1811. Forest Reserve Fund. Stato Superintendent Bishop has apportioned tho forest roeorvo fund that was In tho stato treasury May 1 to tho counties of Nobraska that are entitled to tho money. The fund amounted to $2,349.77. It Is dorived from funds sot aside by tho govern ment for counties In which national rorest reserves aro situated. Tho to tal number or acres sharing In the apportionment Is 689,003.93, and the rato per acre Is a Traction less than 4 mills. Tho counties sharing, to gether with tho numbor or acres In oach and tho amount duo tho county, ?ooa8 '0,IoW8: Hlnlno. 6,273.10, 2R03: Cherry, 123,297.10 acres IqK' .rnnt' 149-608-8B ncrer., 28.76; Thomas, 77,021.09 acres Fees of Corporations. Bocrotary or Stato Junkln has re turned a $50 reo tendered by tho Me Kean Motor Car oempany of Now Jersey which recently fllod nrtlclca of Incorporation In this state nnd paid a filing rco on n capital stock ot 51,. 000,000. Tho $50 reo was paid under tho terms or S. F. 321, by Tlbbotts or Adams, which applies only to foreign corporations. This bill amends the law requiring foreign corporations tn appoint an ngent In this 'stato upon whom service can bo had in legal proceedings, sssjvur yimirygBgWM Hwvrr'l V kt t I