The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 13, 1909, Image 5

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- -Si5.j ? . Ffrc-?
(rant Tut nor hit- stinted a now
dray line.
Hcriutrd MoXetiy ntitrnoil Friday
frcin Kdgur.
Mr. HurKOhs was down fioin A ma
V. ill Tuber was In lllooniington
15 y Itittchh-on returned from Hast-Itig-
Sa in tiny.
A. ". O. n. Tool icuirtied from Lin
colli Tuesday.
Mis l!oy Oat man Is visiting in Clay
Col i ior lids week.
' Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Will k or Woie 111
Hastings 1'iiday.
I'latincc IJiiigoss was (1,on from
Inavnlo Monday.
Nato lllingsuoiUi and wife nio In
the oity tins week.
Hud McCuuu litis boon visiting Ids
pin outs bore Ibis week.
Wilbur lltunllton and family visited
In Guide Kook Sunday
Mrs. ,T.T. Uotnford returned from
Wllbor Tuesday evening.
Loo Campbell and wifo wore down
from Cowles Wednesday.
Sco Dr. Stockman for oyo glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
.lobn McCttno of Kearney was In Uio
city tbo Hrst of tbc week.
Miss Adcl'ina Marcotlo of Superior
visited in town Wednesday.
Will Tabcr lias sold tbc Tcpeo pool
ball building to Will Koon.
Mrs. McFarland icturnrd Saturday
from a sbort visit in Lincoln.
Mrs. C. 1'. Drown wont to Iuavalo
Monday to visit bor daughter.
Troy Mills was down from Cowles
Wednesday morning in bis auto7
"Fd.McAllister wontTto Blue Hill
Wednesday where bo sot up a monu
ment. George Overlng went to Campbell
Wednesday wbcro bo erected a monu
ment. Tbc W. C. T. U. will meet witb Mrs.
C.'.T. Pope next Wednesday after noon
D. W. Turnurewas called to Lincoln
Tuesday as- a witness in tbo federal
Mrs. Cluis. Palmer wont to Inavalo
Sunday and will leavo theto for Wray,
Colo., this week.
Mrs. Mary Wilson leaves Thursday
for her old homo in Virginia to visit
several months.
Will Tabcr bought a new Overland
automobile from .las. Peterson tbc
llrst of the week.
Si Norrls has moved back to this city
and has accepted a position witb Al
bright brothers.
Mrs. Ed. Oillard of Napoiieo is in
the city visiting her mother Mrs. Anna
Tulleys this week.
The ltcd Cloud ball season opens
Juno 1st. Rod Cloud vs. Norton, Kas.,
June 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
Mrs.JOmar Doling and children left
for Lincoln Wednesday whore they
will make their homo.
There will bo no trespassing or tree
Cutting allowed on section !?, Garfield
township H. D. Sunken.
Mr. nnd Mrs.Olic Ircrson worodown
Bladon Sunday visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cramer.
Summer? ' cferwear
Evor stand in a druught and feol
the cool breeze on your faco and
hands, and feol binotlicred all
ovor your body?
If you had on"PorSKnlt" under
woar instead of tightly knitted, air
proof underwear, you would feel
that sumo refreshing breeze all
over tbo body that tbo uncovered
face catches.
"PorOSknlt" is naturally a COOl
underwent'. It couldn't be other
wise. It's an open work knit. It's
light in weight, olaslic enough to
mean comfort, and mado of llncst
eomod yarn to give lastingnoss of
Fifty cents the garment.
StiliM'iil.o fur tbo Chief
The ( biciu'o specialist will beat tbo
Kn.uil holt I in lied (.'loud. Hater, ay
May Ifitb. Consultation ftoo
De ill's Halo Kiuly lll-ors, tbo
fanions little liror pills, muuII, gentle
and sure. Sold by all druggists.
An (Ni'ollettt prttgiani has been pro
pin od lor etiininoiieeiiient this year
and it leeeives our hearty approval.
We have been looking for the an
nouncement front the (5. A. 15. in re
gard to the ptogriini for Dcooiatlon
Henry Itllham. Shot III' Hedge nnd
Flunk llulVor went to Lincoln Monday
to attotul tbo (irand Lodge of the
A 0. U W.
WAMi'.n-nOO subscribe! s to oonio in
and tenovsnl their subscription as we
need the money. Look at the date on
your paper.
II. Ci NSavyer and wife and Mr.
Knight and wifo of Inavalo hfl for
New Mexico Tiic-day for an outiur
via the automobile.
"Motbet's Day" will be observed at
the Congtegatlonal chinch next .Sun
day mot uing with nppiopriate services.
All coidiilly invited.
Iloiner Sherwood is making a visit
with relatives and friends in this city
this week Ho has been very success
fttl In his business in Salt Lake City.
Ilavo you coon those Motchandiso
Cortillcato at .Johnson A OroutV.' If
you havon'l ask thoin about it and see
the valuable pieniitiins that they give
you absolutely free.
Dr. Winleon physician and sui
geon.t. Ofllco in front rooiiis oir Dr.
Cook's drug stoic. Uemovoil fiotn Dr.
Itaino's oilice, J Potter Illock. Doth
phones Dell 17. Indopend. 27.
.Tho niPinbers of the class'00 arc
making tlno progress with their play
"Under two Hagi." The class is in
charge of Nov. A. A. Crcssmati, who wo
leaiu is an old school teacher and had
eonsidotahlo experience in tins kind of
Dr." II. A. Thomas leaves Monday to
attend the State Dental Association
bold in Lincoln. Tbo program will
consist of addresses and clinics con
ducted tit the' district mooting. An
intoiesting progiani is thetefoio as
sured. Kcv. Jai boo delivered an excellent
address'at the Diethern church .Sun
day. This was bis maiden effort but
ho provedhin)selfvelFequipped"with
blbical knowledge and will undoubted
ly make bis mark in the world. Wo
weto especially pleased with bis ilitcuay
and ease of manner.
A guaranteed Cough remedy is Dees
Laxative Loiie,li syrup, lor coughs,
colds, croup, whooping-cough, hoarse
ness and all bronchial affections. Dost
for children because it is quick to ro
licvo and tastes good. Gently laxativo
and drives the cold from your the sys
tem. Sold by Henry Cook.
The Kansas City Comtnorulal club
will reach this city tonight and they
request that all business men i cumin
in their places of business until eight
o'clock.,' After which time tbo Kansas
City club will entertain tbo business
men at the Masonic Temple with gleo
club and refreshments.
The following arc the names of the
class which graduate from the high
school next wook: Clara Durges3,
Mny Dlokerson, Katio (Jilhnni, Lidu
Gilliam, Stolla HeiVelbower. Carrie
Shute, Hazel Stifller. Vornon Storey,
Carl .lernberg, Claude Pierce, Henry
Phares, Hoy Tool. Glenn Walker, Clyde
We have added a right
new Line of Groceries to
Our Women and Men
Furnishing goods. : : :
Trading .Place
where you can get every
thing to eat and wear.
This week for Men we
are showing.
The Poras-knitt un
derwear in Balbriggans
Colors, ect.
' Call in and see
Yours for
Square dealing
Oi-tiiot coin t convenes Monday. ,
M.,.i,.t. ...- .i... t....i.... ui.u.
- iti v lllll III!' IMII1UM II llTfc
boys londeied a reception aud Imnqurl
to the Junior Whist girls in the Mason
ic Temple pailor. The young inon
iervt d a elaborate four course banquet.
The I'cd ("limit orchestra furnished the
music for the occasion. The enter
tainment was one of social successes
of the season.
Donald Pope of Waupaca, Wl., was
In the city last, week called hero by
the death of bis In oilier, (). W. Pope.
"Mao" as be used to be culled here has
persuod a course of study far ill excess
of any other product of our schools.
Ills tbirstjfor learning lias boon wNo
and we are pleased to learn of tbo. suc
cess which he is attaining.
September nib to lOtli are the dates
for this years Nebraska State I 'air at
Lincoln, and the entries for Stake
Kaoes must, lie made on or before Amy
13th with Sectetaiy W. K. Mellor
mi i. purses arc offered in the 5::i.".
H:21 and ',':iri HoK and the S:.".0, 2:2'.'
and 2:1 1 paces, and $.")(( in tbo Ibtee-
vear-old pace ami three-year-old trot
Fntry ;i per cent, of which 1 per cent
to accompany entry.
Another chinigc oecuried this week
in our business men when Hubert
N'ewerburg purelne-ed tbo Don Ton
restrauraiit of W. S. Dense. Mr. Dense
retires from business with greatcredtt
to himself as ho has certainly mado a
success ofbis bakery and cafe. Wo
have every confidence in Mr. Newer
berg as bo is a man of experience, is a
hustler and knows how to got business.
Wo understand that, bo will take pos
session next week. Wo wish him un
limited success in bis new undertak
ing. Wednesday evening the V. P.S. ('. K.
of the Christian church wero enter
tained at tbo homo of Mr. and Mrs. F.
L. Smith north of this city, (iiiossing
contests were tbo order of the evening.
Miss Delta McDowell won the prizu a
lantern in ouo contest and Miss (iladys
Jones won a doll in tbo other contest.
A Japanese course of rico and tea wore
served nnd then catno ice cream and
cake. All present enjoyed n good
tune and report Mr. and Mrs. Smith
royal entertainers.
George W, Dates, tbo newly selected
assistant city engineer under tbo
regime of Adna Dobsott. has already
begun bis duties under City Engineer
lirunt. William Trail bus left for a
positionHie has secured in the govern
ment reclainniation servico and Mr.
Grant invited Mr. Dates to eoiuploto
his term. Mr. Dates was deputy state
engineer under Mr. Dobson and comes
to his new duties highly leceonimend
cd. Tuesday's State Journal.
The above Is ti son of Uov. Dates of
this city and wo aro pleased to hear of
his success.
While spending a little timo Sunday
afternoon in the cemetery we wore
very much impressed with tbo monu
ment on the Cotting lot. This monu
ment is ouo of the handsomest in the
cemetery and would be an adornment
to any cemetery. It is mado of Darre,
V., granite and is u saicophagus in
design. Its low ntasslvo structure but
slmplo outliuo is very pleasing to tbo
cyo while its general appoaranco sug
gests beauty and duribiljy. Mr. Cot
ting informs us that tbo design was
tho result of tbo ideas of his own and
ids son Kdgtir in which they were as
bistod by Ovoring Dros. & Co., of
whom ho purchased the monument.
It certainly is n haudsomo memorial.
Little Roland Wirt lias been on tho
sick list.
Clarenco Jones and family drovo to
Ited Cloud Tuesday.
TheJDaptist Sowing society moots at
tho church next Thursday afternoon.
Wm. Sawyer and his men aro raising
tho residence of Win. Crary and putt
ing in a foundation.
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion
If you Suffer from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas on
the Stomach, Belching, Sour Stomach, Heart-burn,
etc., a little Kodol will Relieve you almost Instantly
Kodol supplies the Pamo digest Ivo
Juices that aro found in a healthy
stomach. Ueing a liquid, it .starts
digestion utoncu.
Kodol not only digests your food,
but helps jouonjoyovory mouthful
you oat.
You need a sulllclciib amount of
good, w holosonio f ood to maintain
strength and health.
Hut, this food must bo digested
thoroughly, othorwlsu tho pains of
indigestion aud dyspepsia arc tho
When your stomach cannot do Its
work properly, tako something to
help your stomach. Kodol is the
only thing that will gjvo tho stom
ach complete, rest.
Why? Dccaiiso Kodol docs tho
pamo work as a st rong stomach', and
does it in u uatutal way.
Swift's Premium
Ham or
Ftvsh and Salt Meats of All Kinds.
Red Gioud, Nebr.
Mrs. Floyd Simpson Is expected
home this week from a visit with her
mother nl l)es Moines. Iowa.
Win. Sawyer went to llurrOtik, Kas.,
Monday to see about some house mov
ing. Charles Guy went with him.
The Methodist Aid society mot with
Mrs. J D. Chrlsinan Thursday. The
society give an ico cream social Friday
of tills week.
Mrs. 10. K Sehonborg has been ap
pointed captain of tho Drill Tea in of
Ihii Degree of Honor lodge, (iertrude
Lambert is tho organist.
Mrs, J. W. Robinson is very sick.
Dor . augbtor Mrs. Win. McPhorson
has been up from Dostwick several
days assisting in her care.
Kcv. (. W. Pool delivers tho bacca
lauroato sermon Sunday morning at II
o'clock. The graduating osoroisos oc
cur Wednesday evening May l!)lh. at
the opera bouse.
Miss Malissa Lambert, who to.iohes
at Diller was taken ill Sunday. Mon
day ho.' mother went down and brought
her homo on the evening train. She
hopes to bo enough hotter in a few
days to continue-her work. She got
a mibsituto for this week.
I'ciil Eslnlo Transfers.
Transfers reported by the. Fort
.struct Co. for the week ending Wed
ncsday, May 12,1000.
Floyd I) Crow to Samuel .Rich
ardson, part sw U-l-Jl, wd
Albert T. Walkor to Alice S.
Ilosinor, lots 8, !), JO. Dlk. 10,
Smith & Mooros add to Red
Cloud, wd
Dona Rosoto William Ilecdt, lots
1 toll, Dlk. 1, Tylers subdivis
ion to Ditto Dill, wd
James A. Loci; hurt to Artie It.
Larick et-al, s'j sw, w,'j so 12-.'1-12,
William M. Wcgmaiiu to Win.
Kundbcrg, part sw 8-1-11, wd. .
William M. Wcgnian to John Mc
Laughlin, part sw 8-1-11, wd..
Harm Rose to Valentine Iluns
borger, all block 1, Ruschow's
add to Dine Hill, wd 1CO0
Class Roso toTho (ionium Pres
byterian church, part nv .'JIM
0, wd i
John Thomson to Charles Roddou
part lots 10, 12, all lot 11, Dlk.
.'1, Rohror's add to RlueHill.wd 7oO
William Tuber to William L.
Koon, lot 20, part lot l'J, Dlk.
HI , Red Cloud, wd .. :i:,00
Lena Peterson to Carrio Paulson
sw2'.)-:i-ll, qcd 1
S 17777
Mortgages Hied, 2a"ril.I.,5.
Mortgages released ?lll2li.
What Is fiuno? Tlioy have found a
man in Los Angeles who nover hcird
of Roosevelt.
So. don't neglect your stomacli.
Don't become u chronic dyspeptic.
Koop your stomach healthy and
strong by taking a little Kodol.
You don't havo to tako Kodol all
tho time. You only tako It wlicn
you need it.
Kodol Is perfectly harmless.
Our Guarantee
OotoyourdrtttfBlst lodny ntiil potndol
lftr Ixjttle, TtiL'ii after you liiivo usud tho
entlro coutcnta of tho bottle if you can
lioiuslly Miy Unit It liua uot dona you uny
u'oocl, return tliu Ixittlu to tlio druRKlhturut
lie will refund your mouuy wUIjuutnues
tlon or duliiy. Wo will then pay tliti uruK
Klbt. Don't licsltatn, all dmeRlbiH know
Unit our cuiirnnteols Rood. 'i'lilaotTcruti
piles to Uio luruo twttloonly nnd to but ono
(n a family, Tho Inren Imtlo contains
tlineu u3 much us tlio (Jfty ccntj bottle.
Kodol Is prepared at tho laborator
ies of Ji O. Do Witt & Co,, Chicago.
i &J
I . Ml ' J f 1 lVf
i -- . j.n c
cz -wa1 .
1 ' ' p ii n fin iiriiwfti
1 A Spring
I and
Thu Winter Overcoat has
completed its service and now
is the time for the Spring
Top Coat to receive its due
Have you a spring Top
Coat, Sir a Coat just as
you would have it?
Perhaps, you haven't.
Then, in Unit ease, wo would have
you investigate our handsoino now
All tho smartest and best in Top
Coats you will llud hero of all
styles and fabrics, sillc or Set go Lined.
Our Price Scone
$10. to $22,50
When looking for Hood Clothes,
como horo-by our Clothes, you shall
know us.
Protector Collars Cravenette.
Always Reliabl
Amack 8 Chaney
Leaders in Furniture and Undertaking
You will find us
Furniture, Caroets and Under
taking of the quality kind
And Our Prices Speak for Themselves. t We extend j a
Cordial Invitation to all to visit our store. : : : : :
A New Buftfty Or Farm Machinery
We have them all. Remember, our stock of Har
ness, Hardware, Buggies and Farm Machinery is
Complete at all times. :::::::::;:'
Wi: pay Kpkciai. attention to Supplying llttihler's Ilardwaro at tho
Lowest Prices, Bi:st goods. Wk aro also in position to do Plumbing
work, and all Kinds of Pipo Cutting and Fitting,, :::::::
Wc wilt have In a Line of AUTOMOBILES Soon.
i led Cloud pVdoiat'e & Implement Go.
i mi rrvjisz jl,,
Does not Color the Hair
Stops falling tinlr
Destroys Dandruff
Ingredients :
A Imlr nrpnnr.TlIon m.idc frnni tfiltfni,miil:i
h y , , ..,,..,..
niinirionu, aiiairtonic, aiiiiiruri i ;. i-on:.uity(iurooctorai)oiittncseBairproDiems.
i J I Ail ". I fiMl'tvr
Woods Livor Medicine Is a liver re
gulator which acts directly on this
organ, invigorates aud produces natur
al action. ISrlngsotiiok rcllof to sick
hcadaolio, constipation, biliousness
and other syintoins of liver disorders
Particularly tccoininondcd for jaun
dice, chills, fever aud malaria. Tlio 81
si,o contains 2j times as much nb the
50o size. Sold by Henry Cook.
Top Coat
rvnv,;,i,i i ono
Til- Huinenf Ku int,cimft
Glothing . I
1'irsl Uoor iNorlh ol rosloflico
. .. . . .
in the BIG room
Block t
An Elegant Dressing
Makes Hair Grow
Glytrrin. Qiimln. Sodium Chlortcf.
S.iuc Alcohol. W.itcr. Perfume,
lclinrnif. - ac. vr-f nnccixcnc nnctMinmll A I
,,,- '. . ,,w.,., .,,.., t.i.ii. ii
Ijiw. II. Sf.iu,
I This is tho most dangerous timo ofi
the year to oatoh cold, and it is tho
hardest timo to euro it. If you shoul it
take a cold, a fow doses of IConncdy's
Laxativo Cough Syrup will act very
promptly, Its laxativo prhieiplo cttroH
tho cold by driving it from tho system
by a gontla but natural notion or tho
bowels. Children ospocially liko Ken
nedy's Laxativo Cough Syrup, aw it
tastes so good, nearly liko maplo sugar.
It is sold by all Druggists.
J" I
1 A
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