The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 13, 1909, Image 4
lSBHI i I . s t.. IS 1 1 -tuiJXLauvtJ:i'J'vJ-"auu wuj.wJxii.wi;iLmtyiiujLMAiiiijLiiuiji,iiijuiiJUJ.xiiMiiiii im 15?e Rod Cloud - - Ncbrnshfv PUULISIIHD BVKRY ITKIDVY. Hnteral In tliu I'onlomce "t HI t'ltiiiil.hi-i. m fconinl ClrtM.Mnttpr C. It. TIALK l'uiii.i.mnut TUK ONLY DKMUUIIATIU I'Al'KIt IN WKIl.STI'.lt COUNTY mi i l" ' City Officers. Mii or.... lerk Treasurer . UoiircMini'ii, lBtKn! .. . Uotittcllmi-n 'Jinl w nnl . lilrctrlo Unlit A. wtUrr i 'oin Mnrtlml, cIh)' Mati-lml, night , ...C. II. Potter .. .). r. Tic! ... ..i o lmtiiT . Iloy Onliimn Kti PulMplicr 1. A MrUiliur .1. II. Ilnlley ,ii. V. Iluriiti . . .js. M. Hunt . J oti ti KliiK'l lud(lujr from the recent atmospheric dcnionslrutipin, Kanns and Honth Dnkotu havo jjHS'-rd a roo trado meas ure on wind. Tho Campbell Citizen Is ono of this blithest exchanges Unit roach this oillco. Ilrother lturr is doing all that a man can to assist the town of Camp boll in its attempts to grow bicker and bettor. In traveling over tho tiorlhoin por tion of this county, yo cdity was very much impressed by the prosperous condition of the people. Largo houses, lmrnsanrt outbuildings kept in per fect repair, vast numbers of hogs and cattle, cribs of corn and stacks of hay greeted our oyes on every hand. Truly they live in n land (lowing with milk nnd honey. Horn at CowIch May oth, IliO'J, "The Cowlos Courier " Tlio young sheet makes iLs bow to the world and pro mises to work for tlio upbuilding' of Cowles and tlio surrounding com munity. E. It. lleWolf is tho man be lilndthogun. IIo starts out with a liberal patronago in tho advertising line and wo wish him and the people of Cowlos th utmost success in the now undertaking. This Is tho best time of the year to clean up the streets and alleys. Many of tlio residents over tho city present a spic and span appearance, but much of the beauty is destroyed by the ac cumulated matter allowod to gather in the streets. Tho spring rains will soon come and wo four that they will Hud most of tile gutters clogged and useless. First impressions aro lasting and we desire that visitors should al ways ilnd us with the best foot for ward. Cloan up and keep clean. 1 ho postal authorities are insisting upon newspaperscomplying with their requirements in "regard to subscrip tions. Wo respectfully call our sub scribers attention to this and urgo those who aro in arrears to call and got thoir account in propor condition. Wo must Insist upon your making set tlcuieut without further delay or we will be compelled to discontinue send ing tho paper. We arc doing our ut most to give you n good live paper and wish to keep you on our subscription list. Come in and soe us. There is ono disappointing feature of our commencement exercises. Wo have in mind the non continuance of tho Alumni banquet. All tho schools in cities of our class aro holding alumni banquets and wo regret that tho mem bors hero have allowed this annual nJTnlr to fall by tho wayside. Nothing rounds off a commencement exorcise liko a rousing alumni banquet and tho Chief wishes to urgo tho members to got busy and do their duty to our schools. Wo appoint Mrs. Rachel Cowden, Kd. IMatt and Alex Itentley committeo on rearrangements. Is Red Cloud to have a Chautauqua this year'.' Wo sincerely trust that this excellent feast will not bo omitted this year. Tho Chautauqua enables us to got away from our cares and respon sibilities for a season and gives us an opportunity for en joymentand growth. Tho two that wore hold here gavo uni versal satisfaction and aside from tho puroly educational standpoint wore a great benefit to the city. No other form of attraction will draw such a largo attendance for so long a tituo as the Chautauqua and we respectfully call tho business men's attention to this.' Ity all means let us have tho "Chautauqua again. llrothcr Matthews tho gonial pen pushor of the Htvcrton Review was a pleasant caller Monday. Uro. Mat thows is a mighty line follow butsomo how wo got tho impression that ho was over dressod for an editor. It may bo that after he has engaged in tlienows paper business till his hair is white ho will also bo singing: Lives of poor men all remind us Honest men don't stand a chance, Thomoro wolivo thoro grows behind us Larger patches on our pants. On our pants onco lino and glossy Now aro stripes of dliroront huo All because subscribers linger And don't pay us what is due. Then lot us bo up and doing Hand in your mlto however small Or when tho winds of winter strike us We will have no pants at all. We iMi to enll attention to tin reward offered elsewhere in tlie-o columns in regard to defacing the monument to '.he unknown dead In our cemetery. The old soldleis ate con sldeiably incensed over the matter and they have a right to bo Any otic who will wantonly shoot or mar n monument erected in honor of tlio de fenders of our country should bo severely dealt with. I hisis vaudolism pure and simple and wo trust that the guilty parties will lecclvo tho maxi mum penalty of the law. We notice also that several of tho private monuments have been marked with paint and considerably disfigured. From all appearances this work has boon done by thoughtless boys but the- effect ptoduced on tho monuments Is just as bad as tho the act were inten tional. I his ought not to be allowed. Childieii should bo taught to hold tho silent city of the dead in reverence and respect. We would suggest to the ooiiR'tury aulhoiities that they main tain a rigid stirvcyanco and apprehend any pen-on who commits depredations in the cemetery, Upon tho urgent request of a large number of our readers wc have re turned to the old heading of the Chief Many havo Informed us lately that wo lacked the familiar heading of tho old paper and so in the deslro to plea-c our subscribers in every wav possible wc have once moro given place to tho old Indian and the wagon. 1 his cut is typical of western civil ization and shows at a glatieo the vlcissitdy or the early pioneer life. Thirty years ago this country pre sented a different nnnearaneo from what It does today. How suggestive the sllen 1 1 ndiau, the Immigrant wagon and the railroad. Tho people of tho eastern states yet believe that tho Indian is to bo still found roaming these fertile prairies murdering tho settlers and committing depredations without number but thirty years have produced as marvelous changes in this country as wore over conjectured in tho mind or the author of the Arabian nights. After the iiumergratit wagon made Us appearance tho railroad fol lowed quickly, schools woro established and almost in a night the Indian dis appeared to bo seen no more. Hero's hoping that the old friends or tho Chjef will rcjoico to see tho once familiar heading and that tho new friends will llnd tho change agreeable. Commencement Week. Sunday May 10th. 8 p. m. Rev. Stif ller will deliver the class sermon at the Methodist church to tho class of l'.IOi). May 17th and 18th. Final examina tion in all grades. May IDth, 2 p. m., Minei Hlook, High School room. Promotional exer cise and school exhibition, represent ation school work In free hand, decor ation and geometrical drawing, water coloring, charcoal work, busy wot I: from Kindergarten and first primaries. Illustrated composition, geographical journeys and tuaps,arithnictical analy sis, etc. will constitute a part of tlio exhibit which parents and patrons of tlio school aro invited to visit. Tho following program will bo given by re presentatives of the various grades. May Polo Drill by Kindergarten Song 1st grado South Ward Quartet 1st grade South Ward Rec -1st grado N. W., Mildred Loland nuot 1st grado X. W., Lucllo S and Clayton II. Doll and Uee. Drill 2nd grado Rec ,'lrd grado Hobart ltlaekledgo Rec. flrd grade Lucllo Stroup Rec rtnl grade Eugene Strayor R-c. -tth grade Kenneth Johnston Double Quartet lib grade !!er. lth grade Clara Amuck Rec. Mh grade .leunio Miner Double Quartet rth giad.t Rec (it li grade I. aura Pierce Duet Rlh grado Alison C. and Matirino C. Rec Tth grade (Henri Foe Solo Tth grade Marie Ross CLASS NIGHT Opera House. May HMh Tickets for class night and com mencement night may be secured at I) o'clock May l.'th at the Fair store The class of lOOI) will present for their class play Onida's novel "Under Two Flags" dramatized in four acts. I'ltoriilAM Muie- Piano Solo... (iortrude Black- ledgo Act I. Ihigland -the great race the forged nolo tho steeple chaso for life Music Vocal Solo ... .Clrcta Turnure Act II. Algiera- twelvo years later a military camp captain of thoArab's chief's wife dispatches from Algiert. M usic Piano Solo Mario Burke Act III. At thu nest of the Silver Pheasant tho little Leopardess of Franco tho blow. Music -Vocal Tluot Mrs. Albright and Edna Williams Act IV. Camp In the desert an hour before sunrise lady Venetia's appeal to Black Hawk the meeting the ex ecution Cigarotto's arrival her death. Commencement night May 20th Iiiatruinpiitnt S'oln Seleetnl Ilernlce Potter Inuie-.uloii . . .. .Itev. A. A. ("ri't-siiinn Solo Ileutrlj; riiirencu lllatory ol Itetl Ctmiil School I 'red Mnurur oiilTlinerrnpluwy.... .Dnn'l M. earlier Inxtrmncntul Sold Silicli-il...lary Daincrell Clmlk Talk (imnr liutler Yewtf-riluy mid Toiluy tiounlil 1. Pope Solo Itrntrlx Florence butter from Wlllu t'ntliur DorMKnley Naval Life Limit. If. II. Pope l.ooklim llackwnnl Alex Huntley Presentation ot OlplmimH anil Awarding Seliolarslilp i:. .1. overling .lr. President ol the Hoard IliMitslU-tlon Itov. M. T. Stllller wttiwiuiwjiuiBi'ljaLjjuj.i'jLi.iiiiijiiiji)uui rnvr. KTTS3 IHsirKSrk nrYHLi . 1 1 'TT Bees Laxative Cough Syrup is in stant relief for coughs, eolds. croup, whooping cough. It is gently laxative and drives tho cold from the system clearing tho head and throat. Pleas ant to take. (Jood for lioarconess and all bronchial trouble, (luaranteed be cause we know what it will do. '."ie, fife and 1. Sold by Henry Cook. The Chief $1.00 Hot Fop ffly hooks BUT FOR YOURS! Grimsley, The pain ter, Paper hanger and Decorator will do your work reasonable, and my work is Right. See me before looking Elsewhere. Yours For Biz. F. Q. Qrimsley Oflleo with Henderson, Tho Second Hand man Old Dow, Building. ww I I Made from cream of tartar, derived solely from grapes. All the ingredients of Dr Price's Baking Powder are printed on the label. They are pure, healthful and proper. When baking powders are peddled or demonstrated, examine their labels. You will find they are not made from cream of tartar. You don't want them I H , I I v Dr. iJP r Jriees Greaxn. llaJiimcr W01? XMf&WWBTA K HOT B u CONFORr.l? TO NATIONAL PUR&" TOO". UO DRUGS LAW. An Improvement over many Couch, I.i ' irtd tlromhlal rUrruriici. Ucau it rids tho system of a cold by nctlniJ as a cr.thnr- . -:i the Imw.'li. No eit. (-narantccd to tflvc satisfaction or money refunded. I'rcr - by I'lNLUI.b M'UlClNr ... CHICAGO. U.S.A. FOB SAfiB AT Cu HC'S DKL'O S'L'OKK. ' f IXJ Bay yoaF llndemare at f. tlemhoase's Dont think because our underwear is low in price that the quality ispoor. We have lakencare in selecting this under wear and have bought the quality that money would buy to sell at the following prices, look our line over and see if you don't find what you want. ' i Childrcns' Gauze Underwear. Children's loug sleeved vests at 20c Children's gauze pants 1." and 20c Children's sleeveless vests al 10c Children's gauzo union suita mado with a nazrath waist making i5 garments in ono piece at fine a garment. Children's gauze union suits at 'J."i to oOo Ladies' Gauze Underwear. Ladies' ong sleeved muzcvcsts at 2."c Ladies' long slot cd guuz3 corset covers nfc. . . . 2,"c Ladies' gauzed drawcis i.i either lace trimmings or tight-luioe at 2-"3c, r.Oc Ladies' low neck either with wing'sleevo or with out sleeve at 10c to r.Oc Ladles' union suits with long sleeve, tight kueo or ankle length at 00c Ladies' union suits, low neck and lace dimmed knee at 2."ic to $t Laces aneKEmbroiilery- CJEvcry woman should look over our Lace and Embroidery stock over before buying as know wc can save you money. ' Embroidery 2; inches wide at ."ic I Embroidery Flouncing 31 inches wido lit flOo Bells. All the newest things in olastlo bells in all sizes from tlio .smallest to tlio extra largo from 2.1c to .10o Valenciennes laces from 2c to 23c. a yard Oriental laces from l"o to "i0c a yard A large lino of cream and whitu'laccs at 50( Barrclls Are to he worn moro than ever this season. The Favorite Barrett, in plain and open worl The Dons Uarrott, stono sot at Hack combs to match the above Barretts I nl25e .' sOo Hie May Butterick Patterns are 10c and 5cnone higher i SBSflSsHiHMiBKSX TliSDHP'-fWBBb rWVBiHDHBHflBCk WB ABKyMkmcSk iCrn7rMnbab& nair-KK vHHHHIHK? UKSCHV SaBMSBHBw HKp WtmmHOKam CmHMHHIP CBHRflNIB r'vu-- v-'irkr ', : , ..,ji.,.j.,i. .,.,. , -vc i i. 'a'j n wear we like OU like to vou; ana Hart Schaffner & Marx make the kind of c othes you ought to wear, and we sell them. They're all-wool in fabrics; in style, tailoring and fit they're all right. It's iust as important to us to see that you get the clothes you ougl as it is to you. Wc cant aft any mistakes in your overcoat want you satisfied. We know clothes will do it. Suits in all styles $18 to $40 Overcoats in many models $ 1 5 to This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes clothes that are becoming to to see that you get such clothes. .1 ltJ.JM J JHfc. (fl.J i J - ara ' . , .o i,avc,as Mmmm::'m r oid to mate wm.. i re".,- mmr g or suit; wc fmsL hvyft .. i .''rf'IBwIwM I $50 - "5- B&5SSi& wB wW Copyright 1909 by Hart Schiifner tc Marx PKUL STOR6Y THE CLOTHIER maaamimmtmmmmmmmmamaMtmmmmmmBmmanmmmmmamammmammmamimmmmmam-. SAY, niSTER! vkWvfcfcaxkii'iVaavilivivViikVaVT1U.vViiUAttkidviLarfti 9 9 a a 9 Do you know that it will pay YOU, as jj wuii ua ua, iu uuy jimi' uuiuiiug 111 a a lortai anuuoaiaiouryarus? XNotoiuy ? that one nriefis AvrnAOE lnwnr. nr nt , . t T. " ..--,.,. least as low, as those of our competit ors, but because wo tako ospooial care of and protoot all can bo classed as REGULAR CUSTO M E R S . Farm Loans There are reasons why I should malto you a farm loan. I know that I havo tho best; rate, tonus and option on the markot. I examine tho laud myself at no expense to you. I understand mill ran -n,-i-,.,,t .. , .S1"1""1' Monoy ready tho vorv dav !, i.i is Kootl I.-.I. H. ll.vir.KV. Ked Cloud, Nebraska. ' Hiu:iJiAiisi Crm:ii iv a Day. PL ATT & FREES CO. Coal Lumber. j- 3VlT1TT1Tl1Ti,l'l1VT1111iiii(inTTTlTVa(a(fcii. ' (!oso K'rcatly benotlls. ' P.!1 vca,,l,on. 1oliof f01, Itlioiimntlsm t , and iScuralgla radically cure in : :3 days. It aetiou upon the sU ... arimblo and mysterious. U rZ es at onto the cause and the dhL disappears. The -' irreatly benoilts. ?. .....i V. .,us. rDiiiiu-knl.lo m.i .....' "."'"t "Jaiem 13 moves n(. .iM.-A !...'.:-"""', .u yo ease A A IftSs- "u' "y 1 no ji, Hod Cloud, Nebr. WalUOnX'ft' " w'i SXjr'rt. SrirSeift'iWwrwprrTiww-!, V-.rtir f l"WjrmaH.jfilt f