The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 13, 1909, Image 3

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Sunday School Lenon for May 16, 1909
Specially Arranesd (or Till J Paper
LESSON TEXT.-Acts 14:1-2S. Memory
verses 21, 22.
GOLDKN TnXT.-"All tho gods of tho
nations aro Idols; but tho Lord mndo tho
hcavena.' Psalm 9G:G.
TIME. Immediately after the last les
son. Perhnpa In tho autumn of A. 1). 47.
PL.ACU. l.ycuonlii, In southern Unla
tlu. Iconlum, lustra, Derbe. with a re
turn to Antloch ntul Persia, and thenca to
Antloch In Syria.
Suggestion and Practical Thought.
Tlio greater tho work n man en
deavors to do, tho greater tho obsta
clou that bo will meet, and tho inoro
numorouB they will bo. It Is a prlncl
plo of physics thnttcslstanco Increases
as tho squaro of tho velocity. Paul's
work, llko that of all truo Christians,
wns very groat, and thereforo It en
countered formldablo obstacles.
But theso hindrances wcro over
come, In Christ's Btrength; and tho
process of overcoming thorn strength
ened Paul, its It will strengthen us. "A
cortaln amount of opposition Is a great
help to a man. Kites rlso ajwlnst and
not with tho wind. Even a head wind
Is better than none." John Ncal.
"A great multltudu both of the Jews
and also of tho Greeks (Jewish prose
lytes) believed;" but thero were "unbe
lieving Jews" (It. V. "disobedient" to
tho truth), who prejudiced the Qenlilo
populace against the missionaries by
their calumnies. For this double rea
son ("therefore," v. 3) Paul and nam
abas remained nt Iconlum a "long
time," probably several months, slnco
(1) thero were bo many converts to bo
Instructed In their now faith, and (2)
thnt faith was evidently to bo tried by
Kovoro opposition and would) need to bo
strongly re enforced by Instruction.
FInnlly, however, tho hatred of tho
Jewish rulers and of tho Gentiles
whom they Influenced (not tho Gentile
rulers, ecc v. ft) beenmo so Inflamed
with Uioimlsslonarlcs bold speoch and
Increasing success that a plot was
formed to stono them as blasphemers. '
Getting knowledge of this, and mindful
of Christ's command (Matt. 10:23) to
flee from persecution, Paul and Huron
has escaped, going first to "Lystrn,"
18 miles south-southwest of Iconlum,
nnd Uien to the Derbe, 20 miles to tho
eouthenst of Lystra.
Storios of tho gods coming down to
mnn were common among tho Greeks
and other raccB. "Llko distorted and
obscure rcllectlons In muddy water,
tliey give a blurred Image of the great
truth." Maclaren. They show that
Christ's coming was In response to a
universal need. Ono of theso tales
was of tho visit of Jupiter and Mercury
to this very Lycaouln. Tho peoplo
thought tliem to bo poor vagrants, re
fused to entertain them, ridiculed and
maltreated them. At laBt they camo
to tho hut of tho poor peasants, Daucls
and Philemon, who received them hos
pitably and entortalued them with tho
best thoy had. In return, tho gods
transformed their hut Into a glorious
temple over which thoy were set as
tho chief ministers of worship, whllo
tho churlish neighbors wcro punished
by a terrible flood which overwhelmed
them. Tho statuo of Jupiter stood be
fore tho gate of Lystra, and Ewald
suggests that this story of Daucls and
Philemon may have been recited yenr
by year at tho great festival In this
They "persuaded tho people." "Prob
ably they Influenced tho multitudes to
rogard tho miracle, tho reality of
which they could not dispute, as tho
work not of benoflcont gods, but of
ovll demons." Expos. Grcok Testa
ment They raised a mob, which
"stoned Paul," whoso bold Bpeech had
centered hostility upon himself. What
memories of tho stoning of Stephen
ton or eleven years beforo must have
passed through Paul's mind! "Trans
formed into a howling mob, llko thoso
which oven In Christian America shoot
negroes, Chinamen and Italians, tho
quondam worshlpors left Paul ready,
as they supposed, for tho cremation
fires or tho vagrant dogs." William
Elliot Griffs, L. H. D. Porbaps, as tho
stoning of Utophcn must havo movod
Paul toward Christianity, tho atoning
of Paul was tho turning point in tho
Hfo of Timothy. Tho young man may
havo been among "tho disciples who
stood round about him," to givo what
aid they could, and caro for his body
If ho wcro really doad.
Note the sudden change In tho foot
ings of tho peoplo toward Paul, and
comparo It with tho revolution in tho
attltudo of tho peoplo of Jerusalem to
ward Christ, from "Hosannal" to
"Crucify him!" Compare also tho sud
den change in tho minds of the peoplo
of Malta, Acts 28:4-6. Tho lesson is
"not to rato very highly human praise;
not to bo greatly dopressed by human
censure Had Paul boon desperately
anxious to please Lystra, I fancy that
that stoning would havo killed htm."
How did tho missionaries close tho
first missionary Journey? Proporly and
wisely, with a report to (ho homo
church at Antloch In Syria, which had
sent them forth.
This roport was to tho wholo
church, for all had a part in tho work,
and needed tho stimulus of tho roport.
Every mombor of tho congregation
should bo in tho missionary mooting.
(2) It was a modest report, tolling what
"Gpd had dono with them," on tholr
side, as an ally, and not recounting tho
achievements us tholr own. (3) It
wns un encouraging report, a roport of
progress, telling of tho great forward
stop thnt had been taken, tho admis
sion of Gontlles into tho church
through "tho door of faith," and no
longer through the rlto of olrcum-clslon.
Old London Character Who Is Patron
ized by Peers of Parliament and
Other Notables.
London. Closo to tho houses of par
liament In London at tho entrance to
Westminster bridge, stands a man with
a telescope. His nnmo Is Georgo
Crocker, and ho might propoily bo
called tho "parliamentary astronomer
royal." Most of tho old members of
the house of commons nnd not n fow
moblo lords who attend tho upper
jlcglBlntlvo chamber havo peeped
f-hrough Crocker's stnr-gazor. For more
than ilftecn ycais ho tins held his post.
The pollco have, on ono or two occn
slons, tried to oust tho astronomer, but
Old London Street Corner Astronomer.
Crocker Is not a man who 1b movod
easily, and his "pull" with members of
parliament has been so Btrong that the
pollco havo had to let him alone.
Crocker is ono of tho fow Interesting
"types" of character left to London In
those days of modernity. Ho is a ruddy-faced,
Joiul looking man of CO,
whom communion with tho htars has
provided with a fund of philosophy all
Ids own.
"Yes, I havo seen a good many
changes In my time," ho said recently.
"I havo stood for many years at tho
entrance to this bridge, and you would
be surprised at the numbor of well
known folk who havo coma to my
telescope to havo a penny peep at tho
stars, or else, on cloudy nights, to
have a look at tho faco of 'Hlg Hon'
the laigcbt dork dial in tho world.
"I have mado a fair living from my
telescope blnce I btarted 1ft years ago.
In fact, this 1b iy second Instrument,
it cost me ?200 all saved up from
pennies collected hero on tho bridge.
I was encouraged to buy tho now In
strument by Sir Robert Hall, tho fa
mous astronomer royal. Ho camo to
the bridge one night and had a look
through, paying his penny jn tho usual
way. He had a good, long look, nnd I
thought of charging him extra. Then
ho began to move tho machine around
and find stars for himself. You know,
I don't usually allow customers to
work tho instrument. However, I
didn't say much, nnd, after awhile, he
began to tell me a lot About certain
stars. He spoke of 'distances' and
'diameters' in a way that Boon showed
me that ho know all there was to know
about astronomy.
"When ho left ho gave mo Borne
cards to a lecture which 'Sir Itobort
Ball' was to deliver at tho Royal Insti
tute. I did not know at tho time that
ho himself was Sir Robert, but when I
got to tho Royal Institute I saw that
tho famous bdcntlst and my customer
wcro ono and the samo porson. Ho
laughed at the Joke, and then bo talked
to me about my telescope. Ho said It
wasn't up to much and advised mo to
get a new ono. I attended a lot of his
.lectures and I beenmo so interested
that I took up tho study of astronomy
seriously. As soon as I got well Into it
I saw that my old instrument was in
deed a poor one, and I began to savo
up to buy a now ono. I managed In tho
course of a few years to get together
tho necessary cash. Sir Robert told
po whero to buy my new instrument
and the best kind to buy for tho mon
ey. Thus I set up tho present one.
"I have had a lot of peoplo besides
astronomers to look through my ma
chine. Tho Rt. Hon. John Burns often
stops and has a peep through on his
way homo from parliament at nights.
Though a cabinet minister, ho often
walks home across Westminster brldgo
nt night all tho way to Battorioa a
good hour's walk. Ho likes to havo a
peep at the stars and a chat,
i "Then again, I havo had Sir Benja
min Stono, Lord Roaebory, Balfour
and lots of others to look through.
They nlways havo a word or two with
mo and pay tholr pennies llko tho rest
of folks sometimes a little moro."
TowboatB on Western Rivers.
Somo of tho Inland towboats reach
huge proportions. The largest ever
built to ply tho western rivers tows
coal on tho Ohio and Mississippi riv
ers. It is mado almost exclusively of
steel and is twlco as powerful as tho
next largest boat. Tho coal towing
capacity of this peculiarly construct
ed steamor when In barges holding
12,000 busbols each would cover an
area equal to a city block.
Tho fact that tho river boats aro
still built on tho samo lines as thoso
of CO years ago is not due to lack of
invention on tho part of tho bulldorc,
but they aro retained on acount of tho
peculiarities of tho streams on which
they are used. Exhaustive testa have
proved that the old original typo or
construction with the stern whool is
far hotter than any of tho other types.
Touched All Right.
"Isn't it pathetic after all, tho story
of tho poor farmer, robbed of his lit
tlo all by tho green goods pirate?"
"I must admit thoro 1b Bomethlng
touching about It."
Thero is a very Blraplo and interest,
ing chomicnl test by which to detect
Impurity in paint materials. Thou
sands nnd thousands of people, nil over
tho country, nro making this test. It
Ib a 6uro way to safeguard against
tho many adulterated whlto leads
which nro on tho market Any ono
can mako tho tost all that Is needed
is a slmplo little instrument which
may bo had froo by writing National
Load Company, 1902 Trinity Building,
New York, nnd asking for Houso
owncr'a Painting Outfit No. 49.
Tho cutflt Includes nlso n set of color
schemes for oxterlor or interior paint
ing, or both, If you wish, and a book
of specifications. No housoownor
should mnko any arrnngoments for
painting till ho gots this outfit.
Ono can't expect n satisfactory paint
ing Job without puro whito lend. Thero
Is a way to mako euro you're getting a
puro whlto lend without testing it. Seo
that tho kog bears National Lead Com
pany's famous Dutch Boy Painter trade
mark, which Is a positive guarantee of
purity. Your dealer probably has
this whlto lend. If not let National
Load Company know.
Sho But if you havo completely
cured Mrs. Tootor, you havo dono
away with ono of your most lucrative
sources of Income
Tho Doctor Ah, but I'll present hor
with my bill, and thon 111 havo to
trent her for norvouB prostration.
To Help Him Save.
H. H. Rogers plunged Into tho poll
tics of Falrhavon last month In order
to securo prohibition for tho beauti
ful Massachusetts town that Is his
"Mr. Rogers is against drinking,"
said a Falrhavon man. "Ho thinks,
for ono thing, that drinking brings on
extravagance and thrlftlcssness.
"Mr. Rogers stopped and Bhook
hands with mo on tho street tho oth
er morning.
" 'Glad to seo you out again,' iio
said. 'Hope you'll voto tho right tick
et You've been sick, haven't you?'
"'Yes,' said I. 'Stomach trouble I
guess I won't got to tho Easter blow
out Tho doctor has ordered mo to
givo up champagne.'
" 'You haven't paid his bill, yet, eh?'
said Mr. Rogers, and ho walked off
An Error.
He had dined exceedingly well nnd
was standing in tho hotol lobby, lint
less, and looking exactly as if ho wero
qulto at homo there. It was no won
der that tho hotel guest walked up to
him and inquired imperiously:
"Where's tho nows stand?"
Tho guest glared.
"I'll report you for Insolenco," ho
"Huh?" inquired ho who had dined
well. "R'port m'?"
"Say, what aro yon? A bellboy or
a dotectlvc or what?"
"I'm a haberdasher," answered tho
other, with a pleasant smllo.
Tho othor snorted and withdrew.
Work of Fish Hatcheries.
As the result of special efforts In
the hatchery work during tho yenr
tho output of fish and eggs in 1908 was
greater than ever beforo in the history
of tho national bureau, reaching a to
tal of 2,871,456,280. Of this number
2,413,809,225 woro young fish distrib
uted for the stocking and restocking
of public and prlvato waters, and the
remaining 457,647,055 were eggs de
livered to stato and foreign hatcheries.
Tho output of young fish exceeds tho
greatest previous record fcr any one
year by 376,000,000.
Food Did It
After using laxativo and cathartic
medicines from childhood a case of
chronic and apparently incurablo con
stipation yielded to tho Bciontiflc food,
Grnpo-Nuts, In a few days.
"From early childhood I suffered
with such torrlblo constipation that I
had to use laxatives continuously go
ing from one drug to nnother and suf
fering moro or IeBB all tho time.
"A prominent physician whom I con
sulted told mo tho muscles nf tho At.
gestive organs woro partially par-
Hiyzen ana could not perform their
work without help of Bomo kind, so I
havo tried at different times about
every laxativo and cathartic known,
but found no help that was at all per
manent. I hnd finally becomo discour
aged and had given my case up as
hopeless when I began to uso tho pro
digested food, Grapo-Nuts.
"Although I had not expected this
food to help my trouble, to my groat
Burprlse Grnno-Nuts dlcesteii immn.
dlately from tho first and In a fow
anya I was convinced thnt this was
just what my system needed.
"The bowels performed their func
tions regularly and 1 nm now com
pletely nnd permanently cured of this
awful trouble.
"Truly the power of scientific food
must bo unlimited." "Thoro's a
Rear "Tho Road to Wellvlllo," in pkgn.
Hi or rend the nhorr letter? A new
one uppenr from time to lime, Tliry
urc ncnuinr, irur, anu lull of uuuiau
tjjn 15&
Hewitt I'vo been pinched for mon
ey lately.
Jowitt Well, women hnvo different,
wnys of getting It. My wlfo kisses
mo when sho wants any.
THo Treatment Is to Accomplish
What Science Has Been Strug.
gllng to Attain for Centuries.
The intemo interest thnt hns been innnl
festcd throughout the country by tlio won
tlct ful cure Hint are being nccomplislii'il
daily by cpilepticulu still continue, it is
iwlly surmising Hie nst number of peo
ple who lmvc nlrendy been cured of tits
nnd nervousness. In order thnt even body
mny hnvo n elinncc to tent tlio medicine,
hi-Rc trinl bottles, valuable literatim. His
tory of Epilepsy nnd testimonials, will bo
fent by until nboIufely free to nil who
write to tho Dr. Mny Laboratory, 648
Pearl Street, New York City.
Mrs. Howo'a Opinion.
Mrs. Julia Ward Howo'b sense or
tho ridiculous linn always been a sa
ving grace, loading her to avoid grand
iloquence. On ono occnslon n lady
nt Newport, trying to got a flno senti
ment out of her, said, ono moonlit
evening on n vino-hung veranda:
"Mrs. Howo, do siy something lovely
about my piazza!" Whereupon every
one listened for tho reply. In hor
dcllcntely cultivated voice Mrs. Howo
responded: "I think It Is a bully
plaz." New York Herald.
Eyes Aro Relieved By Murlno
when Irritated by Chalk Uust and Hyo
HtriUn, Incident to tht nvrniKo Hcliool
Kooni. A recent Coiisiih of New York
City rovculH tliu fuel tlmt In that City
nlouo 17, WS School Children needed l!yo
Care. Why not try Murlno Uyo lleimdy
for lied, wuiik, Weiiry, Wniury Iycs,
Granulation, Pink i:e nnd 1-yo Strain;
Murlno Doesn't Smart: Soothes I'ye Pain.
1h Compounded by Kvperlenced PliyRl
elanm Contahm no Injuilouu or Prohibit
ed DruKB. Try Murlno for Your Uyo
Troubles: You Will I.lko Murine. Try It
In Hnl)'a Dyes for Heuly HyclUlM. DniK
Klnts Sell Murlno nt DOc Tim Mm Inn Kvo
Remedy Co.. CIiIcuko, Will Send You In
teresting Eye. UookH l"rco.
The Great Necessity.
Sho laid down her Ruskin wearily.
"It Bays horo," sho mused, "thnt
'mnn should resemblo n river.' I won
der what that means. Do you know,
Dear looked up from a batch of
"Sure I do," ho growled. "It means
that you don't amount to shucks theso
days unless you own a couple of
State or Onto cm or Toledo. I ..
LUCAS Cuuntt. f B-
Frank J. curvcr make oath that bo Is sen lot
partner ot tlio arm ot K. J. Cheney A Co. Ioln
business In the city ot Toledo, County and stata
atorrsild. nnd tint silil firm will pay the turn ot
ONi: UUNDItlil) DOI.I.AIta lor each and evrry
ease ot Cataiirii that cannot bo cured by tho uh ol
Hall's CATAnim cure.
Strom to beforo mo and fub-rlbed In my presence,
this Ctri day o( December. A. D.. ISSJ.
Hall's Catarrh Curo is tikrn Internally and acta
directly upon tho blood and mucous surlacoa ot tho
system. Bend tor testimonials, free.
I. J. CIIUNUY A CO.. Toledo. O
Bold by all Druggists. 75c.
Tako Hall a Family fills tor constipation.
Gardens with Schools.
Tho school-garden Idea has been ro
mnrknbly developed In San Antonio,
Tex., which is said to havo moro
gardens attached to its Bchools than
any othor plnco of its slzo in tho
world. There aro 040 of theso culti
vated plots attached to tho 20 schools,
tho gardens varying from one-tenth to
one-quarter of an acre.
Many a Day It Spoiled
Ry a -cough which crtnnot bo broken by
ordinnry remedies. But why not try a
medicine that will cure any cough that
nnv medicino can cure? Thnt is Kemp's
Bnlsnm. It is recommended by doctors
and nurses, and it costs onlv 25 cents nt
any druggists' or dealers'. Keep a bottle
nlways in the Iioufo and you will nlwnys
ho prepared to treat a cold or cough be
fore it causes any Buffering at all.
The Burnt Cnlld.
Stern Pnrent Bobby, I thought I
told you to order that trunk sent
around right away, all ready to uso.
Tho trunk has come, but thero la no
"Woll, pa, I told tho man ho needn't
mind sending the strap."
Use Allen's Foot-Eat.
, It Is tho only relief for Swollen Smart
In?, Tired, Aclilnf,', ilot, Sweating Fool,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Pool
Ease, a powder to bo sunken Into the
ehocs. Cures whllo you wnlk. At all Unitf
Cists and Shoo Stores, 25c. Don't accept
any substitute S.tmplo sent FHKE. Ad
dress, Allen B. Olmsted, Lelloy, N. Y.
No Injuries.
"Bro'r Jones dono fall off do watah
"WaB ho hu't?"
"No, Buh. Ho was a hardened sin
nab." Send postcard request to-day for sam
ple package of Gat Held Ten, Nature's herb
remedy lor constipation, liver nnd kidney
diseases. Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. V.
German Proverb.
Though you drlvo Nature out with
a pitchfork, she always comes back.
SORE KY12S, weak, inllamed, red, watery
and swollen eyes, use PETT1T,8 HYE
SALVE, 25c. All druggists or Howard
Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
That It is necessary for a man to
drink liquor is a theory that will not
hold water.
Lewis' Singlo Binder costs mora than
other 5c cigars. Smokers know why.
Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, l'colia, 111.
It's bettor to fight and run away
thun it is to stick it out nnd pay a flno.
Airs. Wlnolovr's Koothinir Hytrin.
For hlldreu ti etlilnir, softens tbs guns, reduces In
flsjiuuaUou,alUyspaln,arswliulcoUu. SScaboltlo
Thero is nothing llko a good busi
ness plant for raising money.
w--sSSftafett-r-.-if iT.ih. .
lltTTfl IrrfiTm
AYctJdable Preparation for As
similating llicFoodMMincgula
ling Ihc Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful
ncssandHcsl Contains neither
Opium.Morphtnc nor Mineral
Not Nakc otic
Kimplin Sit J'
Jhih SitU
iTi Cftitu ntt SntA
hirm JtiJ
Cforiiti Suf
Ywhrfrtt ffdttn
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms, Convulsions .Feverish
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of'
Tire CKNTAim Company;,
(ll.nt-miti-i-il iitulft- llm Ponil.-ind
- -...,.... .. .. ...v, . Vf.."-
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Corn Planting 1
nmy iiutn xomn 01 uicin
li,i DlMli'Uijxr.
o(s ra tidi
Ih your trim ttiifcetuinl-ii euro n will nn ptcvrntlru Mo and f 1.00
bottlp S."iU0 ntul JlUUOiloirii.ilrllvorrtl. t.urgu Ih more tlitin twice tin
nmullvralzn. Don't iutltolT, del It. UrucclHtrt orn'iiiltotnunufucturcrs.
Spolin Mudlcul Co.. Chemists and Dacterlolcelats, Ooslicn, lad., U.S.A.
Rather Mixed.
Adolo hnR Bitch
a molillo
"Yen, I havo noticed at times Itn
automatic expression."-
The way Hnmlins Wizard Oil soollios
and all.)) nil lichen, pain, m) re 11 oh, Knell
ing nnd inllnnimition in 11 miqiriso mid
delight to tho nfllictcd. It is simply great
to relieve all kinds of pain.
801110 men aro content not to do
mean nctionu, I want to become In
capablo ot a mean thought or fooling.
ou always get full value In Lewis'
fiinplo Hinder s'rniRht fie eiRar. Your
dealer or Lewis' Factory, l'eoria, 111.
To mnlco tho moat of tho flRiiro G
turn It bottom upward.
The Surest Prevent
ative The quickest acting and most
reliable remedy for all disorders of
the Stomach and Bowels, Bladder
and Kidney troubles, Gout, Jaun
dice, Headache, Biliousness is
They are the hlnhest standard of
excellence for all these ailments. Used
as a laxative, purgative or cathartic
they are most soothing and effective.
Sold by all dmigUli in two
tlie boxes, 25c and 10c.
Positively cured by
theso Littlo Pills.
tasjsjjsj 'iney niso relieve ms-
slHlTnriE tress from Dyspepsia, In-
gl m dlKettttoiinmlTooJIearty
MM I V rK Entlng. A perfect rem-
DH rill 1 A ctly for DlizluebH, Knu-
MM r ILISj sea, Drowsiness, Hud
JBiJI Taste In ilia Mouth, Coat
HHHHI cd Too cue, Pain In the
m Hliln. TAIJIlin IllHfll
They refrulate the Uowels. Purely Vcgctublc.
Gcnuino Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signaturo
Ciubmi sod UinUrlts ths hslr.
l'roinou. a laiuntnt gronth.
Novor Falls to He. tor Oray
JUIr to Its Youthful ColorT
Curt. .c)p dim K hslr iUUdo
Mc.sudSUOst Dnmrlm
If affllttcl Willi
I Thompson's Eyo Water
WmuuuWWTti- H
iMuasM n ii s mmmKwzmmLwmmwmmm&rmimimmmmamm
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
TttieurrsuneoaMRr, HiwTonBorrr.
ImIiiti Distemper ainoni ths
ittrBi'M muy uc iienr nint
imroH nro Jo.illnc I) Meiniwr
corn ilautlni( nmy bo luln It jour homes
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 20-1909.
Western Canada tho Pennant Winner
"The Last Best West"
The government of
Cnnada now gives
to every actual set
tler HiO acres of
land frco nnd an
additional 160 acres
at $3.00 an acre. The 300,000 contented
American settlers mnUng their homes In
Western Cuutidu is the best evidence of
the superiority of that country. They ure
becoming rich, growing from 25 to 50
bushels wheat to the acre; 60 to 110 bush
els oats and 45 to 60 bushels barley, be
sides having splendid herds of cattle ruiscd
on the prairie grass. Dairying Is an Im
portant industry.
The crop of 15C8 still keeps Western Canada
In the lend. The world will soon look to It as
Its food-producer.
1 'Tho thtnir which most Imprciwxl us wns th
mnynltmln ot tlio ruuiiirj tlut lb urulluulo for
nurlcnltiinit iurKM.s." AuMoiuil J.'iJKuriu)
UvrrcijiuiKirncc, 1'jvh.
tow railway rate, Rood schools and churches,
markets convenient, prices the hlcheit, cllmatr
Lurid s nro fur fall) hr Hallway an1 Lund Com
panlim. lj!hcrltlvouiiiiililelsun4 iiuipssuiit freo.
hor mllnuy nilrs niiit nilinr Information np(ljr to
HniHTlnlcnilPiilnt Immigration, OlUinu, C'nnudu.or
tlio uuMiorlxea Canadian tioYornuiool Agent:
89! New Tors Lite Bulldlog, Oaubs. rUbrsiiX
This Trade-mark
Eliminates All
in the purchase of
paint materials.
It is an absolute)
guarantee of pur
ity and quality.
For your own
protection, nee
it is on the side of
every keg of w hlte lead
you buy.
1102 Trinity Ballc. Tsrfc
Do it Now
Tomorrow A. M. too late. Tako
a CASCARET at bed time; get
up in the morning feeling fine and
dandy. No need for sickness
from over-eating and drink
ing. They surely work wlule you
tlecp and help nature help you.
Millions take them and keep well.
CASCAHRTS oc n box for n week's
treatment, nil druggists. Iliggcst seller
in the world. Million bovcau tnoutb.
I)r. arcl?'!! colulirnttxi
Natural Uicrino Supporter
(tlToeJiumcOUte rellff. Hold by all uf
ulMl Instrument lenient ami IuhIIiiii
(InisBl.U In United Mates and Canada,
Calallir. priro list auil iiartlouUra mailed
An nnfilllMtlnll.
rannufartiirnni nt trubes nnil
sil nmkeri of tlio (iennlno
stampHl MolnUiih." Supportor.
Commission Company
iiiinini ST lu3 mo.
Ul M 1 W 1 1 Lnrecst rccelvern ot con
If If If I signed Wool vest of 'Jie
V m Mississippi Hlver. Order
Wool b.t(,'s and ship us your Wool.
Writo for Trices. Established 1678.
Shavo in 5 Minutes
1 r-tssm
V 3ljtsJIaB
1 1
I t