The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 06, 1909, Image 8

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, and Indigestion
It wasn't the name that made the fame of
T you Suffer from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gne on
tiic Stomach, Belching, Sour Stomach, Hcart-burii,
etc., a little Kodol will Relieve you almost Instantly
Kodcl Mipplics Hie win" dlgcllvo
Juices that are found In a healthy
iflnintu'h. Helng a liquid, It starts
di(!.Uun at once.
Kodol not. nnlyrilprsN your food,
Irut lirlutnt enjoy etery iiioulhrui
j) on caL
You upotl a KiifllefciiL amount of
jthkI, w hoiewwic food to maintain
ilnnjH li and health.
Hut, thta TiM.d must lw digested
thoroughly, ol he in 1m the pniiiK of
ludlgistiui and djupepsJu aro tho
When your stomach cannot, do Us
tvork properly, take .something to
help otir Momnoh. Kodol 1h tho
wily filing that will give thobtoin
jch complete reU
Why? lloraiiHj Kodol docs tho
sninoworl. si-a m totijf tJlnucll, and
tlooa It In a n. -ij.
The Alilileli substitute for the Payne
j.uilf hill litis finally I'i'iMi completed,
r practically mi, at 1 tnitdi Mililli:
t'lio Democratic members nf tlio Fi
nance committee uoie flvon no oppor
tunity oven to rend tliu hill before it
mis report od to tin1 Senate, tin1 major
ity solely hy virtue of superior nuin
t.ri, voting down the motion of Sena
tor llailey to postpone- a leport tiitlll
!iui slioi i Id lie afforded tlio Democrats
examine tliu measure mill at least
present their views to the eonimitlee.
Tins eoiirsi) was typical of the hih
handed methods which flic majority
has puisued throughout (he consider
ation of tho incisure. Tho De nioorutie .
aii'inhet s of I ho commit tee were gH en I
ao opportunity to esatulne witnesses!
or iivon in uuiir iiutir lesuumiiy aim,
as .Senutwr Aldrich pill it, Tlio major
ity expects to assume the full respon
dbilitv for the hill."
As was to have hcen oNpected, the
Aldrich hill is not tin I IV lovisinn in
anj sense of the word. In fact, tho
ill. lilies fioin the Dlngley law aie -o
ni'tiateriul tlmt in thu opininii of
many experts' it has Iipoii simply a
travesty on revision and a wholly uso
less disturhiiuce of husiiiess to attempt
t al. lo nlse the tariff. "Tat i IV ic
ilsioii liy Us friends" has puiviii a
tvt il falluie. Tlieie aie, It is true, a
few spuctneulnr chances in I ho Aid
rich lt II. A duty of Il.l per cent has
.lieen placed on foreign luiilt yatelis
ami the duty on champagne and wines
lias been increased somewhat, hut on
Mie oilier haiiil the duty on woolens
has boon increased, lumber is still
Ueil lit. y I a thousand feel, the tax on
gloves and hosiery is left, the same as
the Dlngley law ami, in a word, there
nrc no material lediiutiotis I'lum the
Dlngley law on any of this real neces
sities of life.
The Democrat in Senators hold a
o.uielis today to consider what steps
they should take in I ho interest of tho
uoiisuuieis to t-ccuie some reductions
on thoso things which the plain people
lue compelled to buy day after day
noil on which they now pay high tri
bute to the trusts. The Democrats
will niitlc an honest lllit for led net
ions all along the line except in I lioco
things which the South produces, such
as lumber, sugar, etc. An elVort will
bo made by the Soiithcn Senators lo
restore the duty on lumber to SJ a
thousand, which is the Diugley rate,
nd the Texas and other Senators will
doubtless seek to linvo thu duty on
hides increased.
The House leaders having, as they
apposed, carefully concealed a little
'-jokoi" in the Payne, hill which would
have enabled tho Standard Oil Com
pany to Import the petroleum from its
Mexican mines free of duty and would
have afforded protection of from 5:0
per cent upwards on all products of
petroleum, woio detected In their little
fame itiui were compelled to adopt a
resolution rect Uiug tlie hill and add
nig the products of petroleum lo the
free list, to thtigreatrhiigriii of Spuak
vr Cannon Mini hlscohorts In the House
irgaiii.ntton. The House, under a
provision of tho Constitution, will have
to incut twice a week while thu senate
is cousidciing the tariff hill hut these
meetings will tie pro forma, practically
no business will ho transacted; in ftuit,
it is doubtful if thorn will bu u quorum
present at any time as most ol tho
members have gone to their liomea. so
that the prospects aio that thorn will
he nothing doing iu Hie Hoiiso for the
next three or four weeks,
Then) will ho gmiuial satisfaction
over the decision of the-Siipreino Court
of the United States atllauiing the dc
tlslou of the Taxas courts imposing u
tuio of Sl,000,0li0ou the Waters-Pierce
Oil Co., which is merely a hrauch of
tho Standard Oil Co., and ousting it
Irom Hie btate.
So. don't neglect your stomach.
Don L Uromo a chronic dyspeptic
Keep your Motnaeli healthy and
Wrong by taking a lit tic Kodol.
You don't havo to tako Kodol all
tho limo. You only tako lb when
you need It.
Kodol Is perfectly harmless.
Our Guarantee
(lotnyourilruKltfot today and prt a dol
lar Ixiltfc. Tin. ii after you hnvcum-d tha
entire contents of tho bottle If yuu ctll
lioiiutilly Mty 1 lint it lias not done you any
KooO, return tho bottle to tliu (IruKKtatiiiid
ho will lefiinilyuiir money tvtiLiniiiiiuuH
lloiiordehty. Wo will then p.iv tlioilriiK
Klst. Don't licslttito, till dniBKlhtt knot'
tlmtiuiritimrniitcels ecu, This eirer ap
plies to tlm hirae bottloonly nnd tolmtona
In :i family. Tho Iiiruo Iwit'o roiitalnsS&a
times us miii'li ustliu fifty cent bottle.
Kodol Is prepared ntt ho laborntor
"lou of K. C. Do Witt & Co., Chicago.
There Is serious ipifstioti as lo
whether the Ahltich hill will pioduce
suillelent lovctiiio to cuiiy on the
government and Sniitnr ISaUey will
Introduce an amendment proviiliu
for an income ta' which is in accord
with the views of President Taft. nl
though there is not the slightest lildi
tiood that the Seiia'c will permit any
such ameiiduieut to ha added to I lie
hill. llovvavcr, tho. llepuhlic'ins are
themselves Duusidcruhly worried for
fear the President will send a message
to Congress nigiug that some form of
income tn he aooptcd.
Hour lo mil (ionliri.s in Alfalfa Tickis. complaints having hem
sent to tin; State Itonril of Agriculture
relative to the destruction of Alfalin
Ileitis by gophers, and from reports or
vaiious experiments wo are pleased to
submit the foil iwlng method for tin
oMoi lit i ii tit ion of gopher c ilonlc.
Select potatoes about the si.e of
Ihiglisli walnuts: insert an open ended
piill about two-thirds of the wn;
through the potato, half till the cavi
ty in tho potato (iiindo by tho quill)
with strychnine; plug the balance ol
I he hole with potato, place the medi
ruled potatoes in basket or pail allow
ing lui-m four or live hours in sntu i'
hcfoie ii-uig. Tako a sharp end wagon
roil mill spade and these potatoes out
to tho Held to ho treated I'.y probing,
with the end-gate lod, into tho groutio
hetueeu the gopher hills, tho inn
waysiireeiisily located. When located
caiefully uncover the iiinway. dtopiu
a couple of the potatoes, cover with
litter and soil mi that the dirt does not
Hll the original runway and that no
light penetrates. Tieat each colony
in the same manner and thtliold will
he ellcctuall.v cleared of the pests.
The Standard Bred Trotting
Oscar Wagner, No. 30507
will iiinko tlienniMinof I'JOU. tit Dr. Asher'n
Iwrn. licit Cloinl. Three of liU net have
Nlimvn iililllty to ko In 'AIM ami one could brut
i-A) hint year mnt scverai;otlicrn can ro iu "2:10
or iKitter. Ills hrcedlin; IkkIiohb In trotthiR
lines from cud weak Hunts on tiui
hldcKtohllpout at. lie tins more law coIIh
uian aiii oimrirotiim-iiorM-that ever stood
hi the county. llMiir Winnicr. iwiT wiis
tdreil hy Noivtil Thief No. ISIWI.rc'ord'Jitl) l-l;
ne n. Mirviii Km. Ii electioneer UTi, hy
llaiilhletouliiu III. (iMiii Wiiisiier tut, diiiii h
Madild lsli, Jiiildain hyuuvvnid llll.IM dam
Si'iitUTIiiiiimktilii, iihiluinli) I'lnncl. Omui
Mtintr .kwi.iieartt.l paternal imcitorN arc
iimIhIIumh: Norval Chief iccord 'J.iU l-l, nIic
of nix fioni -J:lf, to WW, Notval record 3:11 LI.
xlreot IDS. friiiiiUiDll-l to i-M; (liivvaid 1111.
Hire of ll from i.Ofi l-l to J: .:i, cllonci r
mi. from im j, ti.a-.Hu; (icorKc WIIUch
hire of HO, from aasi-'J to 3:S0; llamhlitoiilan
IU. hire of to from 17 M i 2.d. iil-nr w tr.
ner's pHleiiiHl nticwion huehed. Miimi-lrcd
lUlddKimhturHiirodtli'lHl nenrle (inikiMi-.l ill
all thetio prrfornmis In date. (li-ar Wim
Imr U a cl ixown, l.'i . hiiudH hlKh. ,wclnht
Kimiii nw in inn aikii. mil ut Imrn and hee
John Gilbert.
Mibseiihe for Hie Chic'.
fim ..... .
mmr f y ,, ,,..4.,,, . ' : ,
. l'- 10 4prtHtlttMtJi,ii4 w,v k
HVH ,. 11 t iinie.ivi.Mii n.r,-,,.! ,...' ...... .V'.
- 'j'l
lu ,JPi H thii jwaf utj .A ..... t w
4J llffrltlllpa-nai.
i u
3001 G0J3 U 3JJVW
-, ( f.1 W ff WWW ""HI tf
fill, ' g I' A
' ' In
A A SStK fir A
M ,W if
1 1 ' ' ' ' "' " sVoa only m
I ' Moisture Proof 'Packages
7 . L. . mFm '"VWMUW. 4. iTIilTll im mt n iiimwi I . a. --- - -. E f W
JwfLr 1 1 oeiWwW.,..w., .. .co
'. -4hm' - "-
Kight Now!
Is the time to buy that monument that you want
for Decoration Day.
We have a fine assortment of finished monuments
on hands. Come in and make selection. Give us
time to make your monument just right.
You will find our PRICES right, you know the
QUALITY of our monuments.
s Red Cloud,
to go without insurance. The risk
assumed Is too gre:t for the small
premium yon keep In your pocket,
t'igurii out how many years you
would huva to ho free from any fire '
iu ordur t save the, value of your j
hoiseaud contents. Then consider
tMSSS """"" -k.".r-,
i ir ii
that you may have a lire this very
night. Tho cost f van a little
blaze will be mote than th pre
mium of
Hettor havo me Issue you a policy
to-day. It's a whole lot better to
he sure than sorry, as many an urn
insured man has been.
Rod Cloud, Nebr.
It was the goodness of the crackers
that made the fame of the name
. .. - .r ""
" MFmNW4r --
Nebraska, e
.Many a man has paid awyer 8,p.
and ?10 for poorer advice than his
wife would wllllnglyhavo glvun him
for nothing.
Ilrlght bay .Shire stallion. ! ycais
vld. Ill hii'ids liU-li, weight lid'. we'l
built, splendid ueljon, and a good foal
getter. TKlivts; $1. This horse will
stand for the season of WOPat Ashi-r's
barn, Tied Cloud, lie is in first ohus
condition. Disposing of marcs or ic
moving without permission forfeits In
surance iiioiuy and same hociuuos due
at otico. Care taksu to prevent ac
cidents hut will not be responsible
should any occur. W. S. I'aukuh.
mi m ii im -iimwNWi' K&mTimmHmmM. mimmmmMfV "fhg i n i mil iMiIt tCA l'ilo Hemedy is put up iu a
tube witli no.zle attached convenient
for use. May In: applied directly to
tlio affected parts reducing and reliev
ing the pain and inflammation. For j
all kinds of Piles, tiinuauieed. l'rico i
:.0e. Sold by Henry Cook. !
Hot For Itty Looks
Qrimsley, The pain
ter, Paper hanger and
Decorator will do your
work reasonable, and
my work is Right.
See me before looking
Yours For Biz.
F. Q. Qrimsley
Oflleo with Henderson, Tho Second
Hand man Old Dow, Building.
We would like to prove to every suf
ferer of Kidney diseases that Piiioulcs
will bring prompt rolief. Uackaehe
rheumatism, lumliago, fatigue and liu
pure lilood aro merely symptoms; of
Kidney disorders. The 1 sizo con
tains ti' j tlmos as much as the doe j?ize
Sold by Henry Cook.
,hk&Mii DO YEAKS'
' Tpade Mark:
cut frcn. (Mil"-t iiifHiicy fur i 1 urni,'
I'nti-iila tuti'ii tliroimll M111111 A: I
lixcliil luitlct, fvlllKiutiliiiruo, la tlio
A Imiiitsoinelr llliirtrnlnl tTPeUlr. I.nrcost dr.
riiliitluii nf nny ni luiulllo luiiriiiil. 'IVrniH, f.l n
jimrt tour ninntlii, tl. Sful'l lifull nownlmilirs.
llrnncl (llllco. (S V Ht-Wiisliluulun, 1). C
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
' 1
1'iueules aro for haekache. and bring
piick iclief to liiinhago rheuumtlsin,
tatlgue and nil other syuitoms of Kid
ney disciises. They iu e a tonic to tho
entire system nnd build up strength
and health. Price and gi. Sold
by Henry Cook.
Pinosalvo Carbolized, acts like a
poultice mid draws out iiillaminatioa.
Kor chapped skin. For outs, burns,
sores, bruises, skin disean.-s. Should
be kept iu every home. Price S5c.
Sold hy Iloniv Cook.
Sick headaulie, constipation arid
biliousness are relieved hy Kings Littfo
Liver Pills-. They clcansu tho svqlnm.
Do not rip.
Henry Cnok.
Trice 25c. Sold by
Notice to Creditors.
Slate of Nehrimkn 1 1.. ,1. ,.,,..,,. ,,,,,,.,
Wehster County 1 '" u"'( "nit.v Court.
l.v tho matter of tht estate of Amies K.
McCall, Deceascil.
NotleoN hereby given to all iier.ons hav
liii;olnliiiHiinil(loiiiaiulsiiKnlnstAKiiiMK.Mc. Cull, Into of Wohster county, dcee.imd, that
thu tliuu fixed forlllliiK clnliiiH netilnst Mild
estate Is six months from tho 20th itay of
May lf!.
All Biiiih porsoiiK nru reqiilreil to present
their claims, with the vouchers, to tho
County .Itidso of said county, at his otllco
therein, on or before theSOtli day of November
IDOilj and nil claims ro Hied will lie heard be
fore tliunatd JiiiIko on tho 22nd duy of Novem
ber 1U09, nt 0110 o'clock p. in.; nnd Unit tho
tidiiilnliitrntor In allowed one yonr from tho
mtli day ol April 11)09, In which to pny tho
debts ullowed' injalnst snldcstnto nnd settle
(si:ai.1 I.W. Edson
(.'oimty JiiiIrc.
The Attorney liiuieral has inado pub
lic a lettor uddiessed f0 Swift ,t Co.,
the Chicago puckers, in which he tells
them that they have been accepting
rebates hut that they will not bo prose
cuted if tliey will promise to ho good
iu tho future. Under tho last admin
istratlon tho packers would havo been
prosecuted for Such violation of tlio
law. despite tho fact tlmt it was a
customer of long practice and tin
the paekorhcom to hnve boon ignor
ant of tlio fact that thev were violat
ing the luv. It must bo admitted
h iwevcr, that It is doubtful if such a
p-osecution would have resulted in 11
onivlctlon, so it is perhaps to the
best Interest of the public that they
s'louhl ho Jet off with a warning this
time and tlio government thus saved
the expense of a useful prosecution.
The Chief $1.00
..-..vuwattu MMMuwuMAMru&mrrtmmiwuiisua2ivttm V-y